2003, Volume 30, Issue 10
- 1231-1241 Multiple comparisons based on a modified one-step M-estimator
by Rand Wilcox
2003, Volume 30, Issue 9
- 957-965 Plaid designs for the evaluation of training for medical practitioners
by Vernon Farewell & Agnes Herzberg - 967-981 Evaluation of methods for interval estimation of model outputs, with application to survival models
by Richard Stevens - 983-1001 Monitoring the parameter changes in general ARIMA time series models
by Yuzhi Cai & Neville Davies - 1003-1008 Estimating avian dispersal distances from data on ringed birds
by David Thomson & Arie van Noordwijk & Ward Hagemeijer - 1009-1020 Alternative imputation techniques for complex metric variables
by Seppo Laaksonen - 1021-1031 Estimation of the degree of dependence in the temperatures in the northern hemisphere using semi-parametric techniques
by Luis Gil-Alana - 1033-1046 Bivariate Hofmann distributions
by J. F. Walhin - 1047-1054 Models of response error components in supervised interview-reinterview surveys
by H. Oztay Ayhan - 1055-1078 Statistical quality control based on ranked set sampling
by Hassen Muttlak & Walid Al-Sabah
2003, Volume 30, Issue 8
- 845-856 Extended-REML estimators
by Youngjo Lee & John Nelder - 857-865 Modelling repeated insurance claim frequency data using the generalized linear mixed model
by Kelvin Yau & Karen Yip & H. K. Yuen - 867-872 Minimal balanced repeated measurements designs
by V. K. Sharma & Seema Jaggi & Cini Varghese - 873-879 A note on the sample size required in sequential tests for the generalized binomial distribution
by Sueli Mingoti - 881-891 A Bayesian approach to assessing population bioequivalence in a 2 2 2 crossover design
by Hyun Sook Oh & Seoung-gon Ko & Man-Suk Oh - 893-907 Impact evaluation of job training programmes: Selection bias in multilevel models
by R. Bellio & E. Gori - 909-923 The use of finite mixture models to estimate the distribution of the health utilities index in the presence of a ceiling effect
by Peter Austin & Michael Escobar - 925-937 A non-parametric test for umbrella alternatives based on ranked-set sampling
by Rhonda Magel & Li Qin - 939-951 Optimal designs for beta-binomial logistic regression models
by Goran Arnoldsson
2003, Volume 30, Issue 7
- 727-741 Reconsidering LM unit root testing
by Dimitrios Vougas - 743-750 Non-parametric estimation of distance between groups
by W. J. Krzanowski - 751-770 Trend analysis with response incompatible formats and measurement error
by J. Kowalski & X. M. Tu - 771-781 Local influence analysis in the growth curve model with Rao's simple covariance structure
by Jian-Xin Pan & Peng Bai - 783-801 Exact prediction intervals for exponential distributions based on doubly Type-II censored samples
by Chien-Tai Lin & N. Balakrishnan - 803-811 Structurally consistent probabilities of selecting answers
by Nicolaus Tideman & Reza Kheirandish - 813-826 Risk factors of coronary heart disease: A Bayesian model averaging approach
by Duolao Wang & Panuwat Lertsithichai & Kiran Nanchahal & Mohammed Yousufuddin - 827-841 Residuals from deletion in added variable plots
by A. H. M. Rahmatullah Imon
2003, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 605-623 A wavelet approach to shape analysis for spinal curves
by R. G. Aykroyd & K. V. Mardia - 625-634 On some data oriented robust estimation procedures for means
by Ren-Fen Lee & Deng-Yuan Huang - 635-667 The impact of fat-tailed distributions on some leading unit roots tests
by K. D. Patterson & S. M. Heravi - 669-681 A procedure for the clustering of cell wall mutants in the model plant Arabidopsis based on Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy
by S. Robin & M. Lecomte & H. Hofte & G. Mouille - 683-696 Evaluation of three lack of fit tests in linear regression models
by Daniel Wang & Michael Conerly - 697-708 Complete diallel crosses plans through balanced incomplete block designs
by D. K. Ghosh & P. C. Biswas - 709-718 Reliability sampling plans for the Weibull distribution under Type II progressive censoring with binomial removals
by Siu-Keung Tse & Chunyan Yang
2003, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 461-475 Stepwise estimators for three-phase sampling of categorical variables
by Steen Magnussen - 477-483 False parsimony and its detection with GLMs
by Youngjo Lee & John Nelder - 485-505 Analysis of experiments using the asymptotic quasi-likelihood approach
by Sifa Mvoi & Yan-Xia Lin - 507-536 A multivariate exponentially weighted moving average control chart for monitoring process variability
by Arthur Yeh & Dennis Lin & Honghong Zhou & Chandramouliswaran Venkataramani - 537-553 Modelling and forecasting by wavelets, and the application to exchange rates
by H. Wong & Wai-Cheung Ip & Zhongjie Xie & Xueli Lui - 555-569 Economically optimal inspection policy with geometric adaptation
by Christopher Weigand - 571-584 An illustration of the causality relation between government spending and revenue using wavelet analysis on Finnish data
by Abdullah Almasri & Ghazi Shukur - 585-598 Optimal orthogonal-array-based latin hypercubes
by Stephen Leary & Atul Bhaskar & Andy Keane
2003, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 349-359 Assessing local cluster influence in generalized linear mixed models
by Liming Xiang & Andy Lee & Siu-Keung Tse - 361-372 A new sports ratings system: The tiddlywinks world ratings
by Patrick Barrie - 373-387 Detecting seasonal unit roots in a structural time series model
by Yoshinori Kawasaki & Philip Hans Franses - 389-395 Estimating the average slope
by Thaddeus Tarpey - 397-409 Economic statistical design of x ¥ control charts for systems with gamma ( 5 ,2) in-control times
by Hajaj Al-Oraini & M. A. Rahim - 411-423 The use of power transformations in small area estimation
by Getachew Asfaw Dagne - 425-439 Ordinal models and generalized estimating equations to evaluate disease severity
by JosE Eduardo Corrente & Maria Del Pilar DIAz - 441-454 Testing for autocorrelation in non-stationary dynamic systems of equations
by Shakir Hussain & Ghazi Shukur
2003, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 253-265 Improving the best linear unbiased estimator for the scale parameter of symmetric distributions by using the absolute value of ranked set samples
by Gang Zheng & Mohammad Al-Saleh - 267-272 The stylized approach to unit root testing: Neglected contributions and the cost of simplicity
by Steven Cook - 273-282 An economic inspection interval for control of defective items in a hot rolling mill
by Tirthankar Dasgupta - 283-291 Estimation under length-bias and right-censoring: An application to unemployment duration analysis for married women
by Jacobo De UNA-ALvarez & M. Soledad Otero-GirALdez & Gema ALvarez-Llorente - 293-310 An extension of the Dirichlet prior for the analysis of longitudinal multinomial data
by Paul Gustafson & Lawrence Walker - 311-317 Moments of some J-shaped distributions
by Saralees Nadarajah & Samuel Kotz - 319-333 Bayesian acceptance sampling plans following economic criteria: An application to paper pulp manufacturing
by Camino GonzALez & Gabriel Palomo - 335-341 A note on the Zhang omnibus test for normality based on the Q statistic
by Sueli Mingoti & Otaviano Neves
2003, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 113-143 Lexigenesis in ancestral south-east Australian Aboriginal language
by Christopher Illert - 145-161 Semiparametric Bayesian Techniques for Problems in Circular Data
by Kaushik Ghosh & Rao Jammalamadaka & Ram Tiwari - 163-172 Inference in the Pareto distribution based on progressive Type II censoring with random removals
by Shuo-Jye Wu & Chun-Tao Chang - 173-189 Unbiased estimation of the MSE matrices of improved estimators in linear regression
by Alan Wan & Anoop Chaturvedi & Guohuazou Zou - 191-204 Bayesian inference and model selection in latent class logit models with parameter constraints: An application to market segmentation
by Man-Suk Oh & Jung Whan Choi & Dai-Gyoung Kim - 205-223 A simple diagnostic method of outlier detection for stationary Gaussian time series
by Yuzhi Cai & Neville Davies - 225-234 Weighted inverse chi-square method for correlated significance tests
by Kepher Makambi - 235-247 Validation of a longitudinally measured surrogate marker for a time-to-event endpoint
by Didier Renard & Helena Geys & Geert Molenberghs & Tomasz Burzykowski & Marc Buyse & Tony Vangeneugden & Luc Bijnens
2003, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 3-12 Bayesian analysis of null intercept errors-in-variables regression for pretest/post-test data
by Reiko Aoki & Jorge Achcar & Heleno Bolfarine & Julio Singer - 13-20 Testing for heteroscedasticity in regression models
by Maria Carapeto & William Holt - 21-35 Robustness of complete diallel crossing plans against exchange of one cross
by D. K. Panda & Rajender Parsad & V. K. Sharma - 37-47 Choosing between Cox proportional hazards and logistic models for interval- censored data via bootstrap
by JosE Eduardo Corrente & Liciana Chalita & Jeanete Alves Moreira - 49-62 Spatial modelling of gene frequencies in the presence of undetectable alleles
by Penelope Vounatsou & Tom Smith & Alan Gelfand - 63-77 An EM algorithm for multivariate Poisson distribution and related models
by Dimitris Karlis - 79-85 Adjusting for bias in randomized cluster trials
by James Reed - 87-100 Bayesian modelling of spatial compositional data
by Håkon Tjelmeland & Kjetill Vassmo Lund
2002, Volume 29, Issue 8
- 1107-1119 Graphical evaluation of the adequacy of the method of unweighted means
by Andre Khuri - 1121-1133 A continuous sampling plan using CUSUMs
by Patrick Bourke - 1135-1145 Analysing change in clinical trials using quasi-likelihoods
by N. David Yanez & Richard Kronmal & Jennifer Nelson & Todd Alonzo - 1147-1151 Evaluation of a synthetic method of estimation for small areas
by S. P. Singh & A. K. Srivastava & B. V. S. Sisodia - 1153-1163 Predictive capability of stratified proportional hazards models
by Loki Natarajan & John O'Quigley - 1165-1179 A versatile bivariate distribution on a bounded domain: Another look at the product moment correlation
by Samuel Kotz & J. Renevan Dorp - 1181-1190 Accounting for plasma levels below detection limits in a one-compartment zero-order absorption pharmacokinetics model
by Alan Hutson & Lauren Fishbein & Patricia O'Brien & Peter Stacpoole - 1191-1204 Influence diagnostics for the structural errors-in-variables model under the Student-t distribution
by Manuel Galea & Heleno Bolfarine & Filidor Vilcalabra - 1205-1217 Estimating general variable acceptance sampling plans by bootstrap methods
by Herwig Friedl & Erwin Stampfer - 1219-1227 Studying improved performance in golf
by Sangit Chatterjee & Frederick Wiseman & Robert Perez - 1229-1240 Influence of missing data on compact designs for spacing experiments
by Avner Bar-Hen - 1241-1254 Feedforward as a supplement to feedback adjustment in allowing for feedstock changes
by George Box & Alberto Luceno
2002, Volume 29, Issue 7
- 955-965 Maximum likelihood estimation of Burr XII distribution parameters under random censoring
by M. E. Ghitany & S. Al-Awadhi - 967-971 Construction of a generalized robust Taguchi capability index
by S. Balamurali & M. Kalyanasundaram - 973-990 Monitoring cyclical processes. A non-parametric approach
by E. Andersson - 991-1001 Heterogeneous skewness in binary choice models: Predicting outcomes in the men's NCAA basketball tournament
by Steven Caudill & Norman Godwin - 1003-1009 Economic design of continuous sampling plan under linear inspection cost
by Chung-Ho Chen & Chao-Yu Chou - 1011-1021 A Monte Carlo EM algorithm for random-coefficient-based dropout models
by Claudio Verzilli & James Carpenter - 1023-1045 Smoothing for small samples with model misspecification: Nonparametric and semiparametric concerns
by James Mays & Jeffrey Birch - 1047-1070 Semiparametric estimation in single index Poisson regression: A practical approach
by Daniela Climov & Michel Delecroix & Leopold Simar - 1071-1081 Robustness of interval estimation of the 90% effective dose: Bootstrap resampling and some large-sample parametric methods
by Yangxin Huang - 1083-1099 Evaluating optimal fertilizer rates using plant measurements
by T. Antoniadou & D. Wallach
2002, Volume 29, Issue 6
- 803-816 Semiparametric and parametric transformation models for comparing diagnostic markers with paired design
by Kelly Zou & W. J. Hall - 817-824 Multivariate-based causality tests of twin deficits in the US
by Abdulnasser Hatemi-J & Ghazi Shukur - 825-840 Robust stepwise regression
by C. Agostinelli - 841-854 Rao distance as a measure of influence in the multivariate linear model
by M. D. Jimenez Gamero & J. M. Munoz Pichardo & J. Munoz Garcia & A. Pascual Acosta - 855-872 Autocorrelation in real-time continuous monitoring of microenvironments
by E. Andres Houseman & Louise Ryan & Jonathan Levy & John Spengler - 873-884 Adjusting for missing record linkage in outcome studies
by Jixian Wang & Peter Donnan - 885-893 Construction of central composite designs for balanced orthogonal blocks
by Sung Park & Kiho Kim - 895-906 Design optimization using ANOVA
by K. Hafeez & H. Rowlands & G. Kanji & S. Iqbal - 907-924 Robustness and power of modified Lepage, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramer-von Mises two-sample tests
by Herbert Buning - 925-934 Parametric estimation of the number of classes in a population
by Beverley Causey - 935-943 A bootstrap approach to Pluto's origin
by Vic Patrangenaru & Kanti Mardia
2002, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 675-683 Unit roots and double smooth transitions
by David Harvey & Terence Mills - 685-694 Generalized linear models to study spatial distribution of tree species in Argentinean arid Chaco
by M. P. Diaz & A. H. Barchuk & S. Luque & C. Oviedo - 695-702 Construction of Partial Triallel Crosses based on Trojan Square Design
by M. Dharmalingam - 703-710 Modified regression coefficient analysis for repeated binary measurements
by Chul Ahn & Sin-Ho Jung & Seung-Ho Kang - 711-720 Improving cross-correlation tests through re-sampling techniques
by Jorge Belaire-Franch & Dulce Contreras-Bayarri - 721-728 Visualization of multidimensional data using modifications of the Grand Tour
by Moon Yul Huh & Kiyeol Kim - 729-744 Minimum chi-squared estimation of stable distributions parameters: An application to the Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Zbigniew Kominek - 745-760 On estimating a transformation correlation coefficient
by Kelly Zou & W. J. Hall - 761-769 Observations on the effect of the prior distribution on the predictive distribution in Bayesian inferences
by James Kepner & Dennis Wackerly - 771-789 Bayesian model selection and parameter estimation for possibly asymmetric and non-stationary time series using a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo approach
by Man-Suk Oh & Dong Wan Shin
2002, Volume 29, Issue 1-4
- 5-18 Capture-recapture: Before and after EURING 2000
by George Seber & Carl Schwarz - 19-48 Occam's shadow: Levels of analysis in evolutionary ecology--where to next?
by Evan Cooch & Emmanuelle Cam & William Link - 49-52 Discussion comments on: 'Occam's shadow: Levels of analysis in evolutionary ecology-- where to next?' by Cooch, Cam and Link
by James Nichols - 53-56 Capture-recapture and evolutionary ecology: Further comments
by Jean Clobert - 57-64 Costs of reproduction in common eiders ( Somateria mollissima ): An assessment of relationships between reproductive effort and future survival and reproduction based on observational and experimental studies
by Nigel Yoccoz & Kjell Erikstad & Jan Bustnes & Sveinn Hanssen & Torkild Tveraa - 65-83 Test for age-specificity in survival of the common tern
by Ian Nisbet & Emmanuelle Cam - 85-102 The use of auxiliary variables in capture-recapture modelling: An overview
by Kenneth Pollock - 103-106 Discussion comments on: The use of auxiliary variables in capture-recapture modelling. An overview
by Gary White - 107-124 Survival of adult, territorial Longtailed Wagtails Motacilla clara : The effects of environmental factors and individual covariates
by S. E. Piper - 125-142 Analysis of individual- and time-specific covariate effects on survival of Serinus serinus in north-eastern Spain
by Michael Conroy & Juan Carlos Senar & Jordi Domenech - 143-162 Fledging size and survival in snow geese: Timing is everything (or is it?)
by Evan Cooch - 163-185 Influence of behavioural tactics on recruitment and reproductive trajectory in the kittiwake
by Emmanuelle Cam & Bernard Cadiou & James Hines & Jean Yves Monnat - 187-206 Bayesian methods for analysing ringing data
by S. P. Brooks & E. A. Catchpole & B. J. T. Morgan & M. P. Harris - 207-224 Model-based estimation of individual fitness
by William Link & Evan Cooch & Emmanuelle Cam - 225-237 Prior distributions for stratified capture-recapture models
by J. A. Dupuis - 239-240 Discussion comments on 'Prior distributions for stratified capture-recapture models'
by C. J. Schwarz - 241-244 Response to Carl Schwarz
by J. A. Dupuis - 245-264 Evaluation of some random effects methodology applicable to bird ringing data
by Kenneth Burnham & Gary White - 265-266 Discussion comments on 'Evaluation of some random effects methodology applicable to bird ringing data' by Burnham & White
by Douglas Johnson - 267-287 Estimation of long-term trends and variation in avian survival probabilities using random effects models
by Alan Franklin & David Anderson & Kenneth Burnham - 289-304 Disentangling the sources of variation in the survival of the European dipper
by Anne Loison & Bernt-Erik Sæther & Kurt Jerstad & Ole Wiggo Røstad - 305-313 Measuring density dependence in survival from mark-recapture data
by Richard Barker & David Fletcher & Paul Scofield - 315-327 Modelling heterogeneity of survival in band-recovery data using mixtures
by Shirley Pledger & Carl Schwarz - 329-351 Random effects and shrinkage estimation in capture-recapture models
by J. Andrew Royle & William Link - 353-369 Multistate recapture models: Modelling incomplete individual histories
by J. D. Lebreton & R. Pradel Cefe - 371-372 Discussion comments 'Multistate recapture models: Modelling incomplete individual histories'--why are we doing all this?
by Andrea. Dhondt - 373-384 Separation of survival and movement rates in multi-state tag-return and capture-recapture models
by Mijeom Joe & Kenneth H. Pollock Biomathematics - 385-405 Modelling postfledging survival and age-specific breeding probabilities in species with delayed maturity: A case study of Roseate Terns at Falkner Island, Connecticut
by Jeffrey Spendelow & James Nichols & James Hines & Jean-Dominique Lebreton & Roger Pradel - 407-423 Costs of reproduction: Assessing responses to brood size manipulation on life-history and behavioural traits using multi-state capture-recapture models
by Blandine Doligez & Jean Clobert & Richard Pettifor & Marcus Rowcliffe & Lars Gustafsson & Christopher Perrins & Robin McCleery - 425-441 Asymmetric exchange between populations differing in habitat quality: A metapopulation study on the citril finch
by Juan Carlos Senar & Michael Conroy & Antoni Borras - 443-457 Optimal allocation of sample sizes between regular banding and radio-tagging for estimating annual survival and emigration rates
by Marlina Nasution & Cavell Brownie & Kenneth Pollock - 459-473 Real and quasi-experiments in capture-recapture studies
by Carl James Schwarz - 475-477 Real and quasi-experiments in capture-recapture studies: Suggestions for advancing the state of the art
by Michael Conroy - 479-495 Re-analysis of a banding study to test the effects of an experimental increase in bag limits of mourning doves
by David Otis & Gary White - 497-508 Use of the Barker model in an experiment examining covariate effects on first-year survival in Ross's Geese ( Chen rossii ): A case study
by S. M. Slattery & R. T. Alisauskas - 509-520 Testing the effect of conspecific reproductive success on dispersal and recruitment decisions in a colonial bird: Design issues
by Thierry Boulinier & Nigel Yoccoz & Karen McCoy & Kjell Einar Erikstad & Torkild Tveraa - 521-537 Effects of neckbands on survival and fidelity of white-fronted and Canada geese captured as non-breeding adults
by R. T. Alisauskas & M. S. Lindberg - 539-568 Approaches for the direct estimation of u , and demographic contributions to u , using capture-recapture data
by James Nichols & James Hines - 569-572 Discussion comments on: 'Approaches for the direct estimation of u and demographic contributions to u using capture-recapture data'
by Richard Barker & Evan Cooch & Carl Schwarz - 573-587 Investigations of potential bias in the estimation of u using Pradel's (1996) model for capture-recapture data
by James Hines & James Nichols - 589-607 Estimating rates of population change for a neotropical parrot with ratio, mark-recapture and matrix methods
by Brett Sandercock & Steven Beissinger - 609-623 The use of resighting data to estimate the rate of population growth of the snail kite in Florida
by Victoria Dreitz & James Nichols & James Hines & Robert Bennetts & Wiley Kitchens & Donald Deangelis - 625-636 Solving problems in parameter redundancy using computer algebra
by E. A. Catchpole & B. J. T. Morgan & A. Viallefont - 637-647 Estimating age-specific survival rates of tawny owls--recaptures versus recoveries
by Charles Francis & Pertti Saurola - 649-668 POPAN-6: Exploring convergence and estimate properties with SIMULATE
by A. Neil Arnason & Carl Schwarz - 669-669 Book Review
by M. Dolores Ugarte
2001, Volume 28, Issue 8
- 929-941 Estimators for a Poisson parameter using ranked set sampling
by Vic Barnett & Maria Cecilia Mendes Barreto - 943-949 Switching-one-column follow-up experiments for Plackett-Burman designs
by Soren Bisgaard & Murat Kulahci - 951-972 The geometric CUSUM chart with sampling inspection for monitoring fraction defective
by Patrick Bourke - 973-989 Experimental designs when there are one or more factor constraints
by George Box & Ian Hau - 991-1001 A multiple test for comparing two treatments with control: Interval hypotheses approach
by V. R. Prayag & S. A. Chiplonkar - 1003-1017 Regression estimators in extreme and median ranked set samples
by Hassen Muttlak - 1019-1028 A study on the effect of power transformation in the ARMA(p,q) model
by Key-Il Shin & Hee-Jeong Kang - 1029-1049 Data recycling: A response to the changing technology from the statistical perspective with application to psychiatric sleep research
by X. M. Tu & J. Kowalski & A. Begley & P. Houck & S. Mazumdar & J. Miewald & D. J. Buysse & D. J. Kupfer - 1051-1065 A multivariate Gompertz-type distribution
by Samia Adham & Stephen Walker - 1067-1074 Degrees of freedom and the likelihood ratio test for the generalized Behrens-Fisher problem
by Man-Yu Wong & Shuanglin Zhang
2001, Volume 28, Issue 7
- 793-799 Minimum average fraction inspected for TCSP-1 plan
by Chung-Ho Chen & Te-Shiang Cheng & Chao-Yu Chou - 801-819 Promotions and the pattern of grocery shopping time
by Jeongwen Chiang & Ching-Fan Chung & Emily Cremers - 821-833 A class of BIB designs with repeated blocks
by D. K. Ghosh & S. B. Shrivastava - 835-842 Finite-sample properties of the bootstrap estimator in a Markov-switching model
by Tsung-Wu Ho - 843-853 Using PCA scores to classify species communities: An example for pelagic seabird distribution
by F. Huettmann & A. W. Diamond - 855-874 Small-sample comparisons for powerdivergence goodness-of-fit statistics for symmetric and skewed simple null hypotheses
by Miguel Garcia-Perez & Vicente Nunez-Anton - 875-885 Economic design of X charts with variable parameters: The Markov chain approach
by Antonio Costa & M. A. Rahim - 887-896 Measures and tests of heaping in discrete quantitative distributions
by John Roberts & Devon Brewer - 897-909 Application of generalized additive models to butterfly transect count data
by Peter Rothery & David Roy - 911-922 Generalized ridge regression and a generalization of the CP statistic
by Stephen Walker & Christopher Page
2001, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 649-658 Efficiency balanced designs through reinforcement
by S. C. Bagui & D. K. Ghosh - 659-671 Modeling the presence of immunes by using the exponentiated-Weibull model
by Vicente Cancho & Heleno Bolfarine - 673-689 Dynamic paired comparison models with stochastic variances
by Mark Glickman - 691-702 Sensitivity of the portmanteau statistic in time series modeling
by Andy Lee & John Yick & Yer Van Hui - 703-711 The effect of reparametrization on accelerated lifetime tests
by Francisco Louzada-Neto & Juan Carlos Pardo-Fernandez - 713-724 Business cycle asymmetry and duration dependence: An international perspective
by Terence Mills - 725-736 The Signed Mantel test to cope with autocorrelation in comparative analyses
by Reik Oberrath & Katrin Bohning-Gaese - 737-742 Influence measure in maximum likelihood estimate for models of lifetime data
by Wai-Yin Poon & Man-Lai Tang - 743-757 Missing values in replicated Latin squares
by Ralph Mansson & Philip Prescott - 759-773 Hits-and-misses for the evaluation and combination of forecasts
by Thomas Wenzel - 775-778 Remarks on a 'critique' of the Bayesian Method of Moments
by Arnold Zellner
2001, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 521-536 New generalized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern distributions and concomitants of order statistics
by I. Bairamov & S. Kotz & M. Bekci - 537-546 A- and D-optimal designs for a log contrast model for experiments with mixtures
by Ling-Yau Chan & Ying-Nan Guan - 547-560 Penalized likelihood inference in extreme value analyses
by Francesco Pauli & Stuart Coles - 561-571 Bootstrap goodness-of-fit test for the beta-binomial model
by Steven Garren & Richard Smith & Walter Piegorsch