2008, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 967-977 Spatial correlation matrix selection using Bayesian model averaging to characterize inter-tree competition in loblolly pine trees
by Edward Boone & Bronson Bullock - 979-983 Results of exploratory data analysis in the broken stick model
by David Almorza & M. Hortensia Garcia - 985-995 Fitting three-dimensional Laguerre tessellations to foam structures
by Claudia Lautensack - 997-1009 Bayesian assessment of times to diagnosis in breast cancer screening
by Carmen Armero & Antonio Lopez-Quilez & Rut Lopez-Sanchez - 1011-1029 Diagnostics of prior-data agreement in applied Bayesian analysis
by Nicolas Bousquet - 1031-1051 Sovereign rescheduling probabilities in emerging markets: a comparison with credit rating agencies' ratings
by A. Georgievska & L. Georgievska & A. Stojanovic & N. Todorovic - 1053-1070 The analysis of age-specific fertility patterns via logistic models
by Cristina Rueda-Sabater & Pedro Alvarez-Esteban - 1071-1079 Frailty models and copulas: similarities and differences
by Klara Goethals & Paul Janssen & Luc Duchateau
2008, Volume 35, Issue 8
- 827-846 Varying-time random effects models for longitudinal data: unmixing and temporal interpolation of remote-sensing data
by Herve Cardot & Philippe Maisongrande & Robert Faivre - 847-851 Bayesian subset selection approach to ranking normal means
by Cody Hamilton & Tom Bratcher & James Stamey - 853-866 Adaptive bootstrap tests and its competitors in the c-sample scale problem
by Herbert Buning & Michael Rietz - 867-878 Statistical inference for start-up demonstration tests with rejection of units upon observing d failures
by P. S. Chan & H. K. T. Ng & N. Balakrishnan - 879-892 Detecting and identifying interventions with the Whittle spectral approach in a long memory panel data model
by Wen-Den Chen - 893-900 Efficient and easy-to-use sample size formulas in ratio-based non-inferiority tests
by Gemechis Djira & Volker Guiard & Frank Bretz - 901-908 Correspondence analysis of repair data: a case study for electric cable shovels
by Sermin Elevli & Nevin Uzgoren & Birol Elevli - 909-925 A sequential procedure for testing the existence of a random walk model in finite samples
by George Halkos & Ilias Kevork - 927-938 A fast wavelet approach for recovering damaged images
by Donghoh Kim & Youngjo Lee & Hee-Seok Oh - 939-940 Book Review
by Kepher Makambi - 941-942 Book Review
by Hassan Bakouch - 943-944 Book Review
by David Wooff
2008, Volume 35, Issue 7
- 717-737 On the efficiency of regression analysis with AR(p) errors
by Teresa Alpuim & Abdel El-Shaarawi - 739-749 D-optimal mixture component-amount designs for quadratic and cubic models
by Philip Prescott & Norman Draper - 751-762 New inference procedures for generalized Poisson distributions
by Simos Meintanis - 763-771 On the estimation of serial correlation in Markov-dependent production processes
by Sueli Mingoti & Julia De Carvalho & Joab De Oliveira Lima - 773-782 Test and prediction in factorial models with independent variance estimates
by Sigyn Mark & Sture Holm - 783-798 Performance comparison of some likelihood ratio-based statistical surveillance methods
by Mahmoud Mahmoud & William Woodall & Robert Davis - 799-808 Bayesian hierarchical regression models for detecting QTLs in plant experiments
by Edward Boone & Susan Simmons & Haikun Bao & Ann Stapleton - 809-822 Bivariate control charts with double sampling
by A. F. B. Costa & M. A. G. Machado - 823-824 Book Review
by Andrew Robinson
2008, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 601-615 Optimal lag-length choice in stable and unstable VAR models under situations of homoscedasticity and ARCH
by R. Scott Hacker & Abdulnasser Hatemi-J - 617-632 Marginally restricted D-optimal designs for correlated observations
by J. López-Fidalgo & R. Martín-Martín & M. Stehlík - 633-645 Fluid flow pattern analysis in a trough region: a nonparametric approach
by Rahul Mazumder - 647-658 Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for parameter estimation of the modified Weibull distribution
by H. Jiang & M. Xie & L.C. Tang - 659-670 Monotone fitting for developmental variables
by Valentin Rousson - 671-679 Reduction of control-chart signal variablity for high-quality processes
by C. Lai & K. Govindaraju - 681-691 Analysis of growth curve data by using cubic smoothing splines
by Tapio Nummi & Laura Koskela - 693-700 A Bayesian analysis of the change-point problem for directional data
by Ashis Sengupta & Arnab Kumar Laha - 701-715 Comparison of designs for the three-fold nested random model
by Byoung Cheol Jung & André Khuri & Juneyoung Lee
2008, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 481-492 X2 and its components as tests of normality for grouped data
by D. J. Best & J. C. W. Rayner & O. Thas - 493-514 Forecasting interest rates: a comparative assessment of some second-generation nonlinear models
by Dilip Nachane & Jose Clavel - 515-535 Statistical modeling of enamel rater value data
by Takafumi Isogai & Hiroaki Uchida & Susumu Miyama & Sadao Nishiyama - 537-546 Screening opportunity bias in case-control studies of cancer screening
by Stephen Duffy & Anne-Helene Olsen & Rhian Gabe & Laszlo Tabar & Jane Warwick & Hilary Fielder & Laufey Tryggvadottir & Olorunsola Agbaje - 547-557 The sensitivity of robust unit root tests
by Steven Cook - 559-566 On improvement in estimating the population mean in simple random sampling
by Sat Gupta & Javid Shabbir - 567-582 Bayesian non-parametric models for regional prevalence estimation
by Adam Branscum & Timothy Hanson & Ian Gardner - 583-600 Sample size selection in clinical trials when population means are subject to a partial order: one-sided ordered alternatives
by Bahadur Singh & Susan Halabi & Michael Schell
2008, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 357-367 Sample size determination for 2k-r experiments with a binomial response
by Enrique Gonzalez-Davila & Josep Ginebra & Roberto Dorta-Guerra - 369-382 A Bayesian model for multinomial sampling with misclassified data
by M. Ruiz & F. J. Giron & C. J. Perez & J. Martin & C. Rojano - 383-405 Quick counts from non-selected polling stations
by Jose Manuel Pavia-Miralles & Beatriz Larraz-Iribas - 407-419 On beta regression residuals
by Patricia Espinheira & Silvia Ferrari & Francisco Cribari-Neto - 421-429 Multivariate attribute control chart using Mahalanobis D2 statistic
by Arup Ranjan Mukhopadhyay - 431-443 Testing for climate warming in Sweden during 1850-1999, using wavelets analysis
by Abdullah Almasri & Håkan Locking & Ghazi Shukur - 445-464 Behavior of agreement measures in the presence of zero cells and biased marginal distributions
by Viswanathan Shankar & Shrikant Bangdiwala - 465-474 Ranking responses in multiple-choice questions
by Hsiuying Wang
2008, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 233-244 A comparison of classification models to identify the Fragile X Syndrome
by Rafael Pino-Mejias & Mercedes Carrasco-Mairena & Antonio Pascual-Acosta & Maria-Dolores Cubiles-De-La-Vega & Joaquin Munoz-Garcia - 245-261 Use of asymmetric loss functions in sequential estimation problems for multiple linear regression
by Raghu Nandan Sengupta - 263-276 Summer temperature effects on deaths and hospital admissions among the elderly population in two Italian cities
by Francesco Pauli & Laura Rizzi - 277-281 Detecting active effects in unreplicated designs
by P. Angelopoulos & C. Koukouvinos - 283-291 Simultaneous variable selection and outlier identification in linear regression using the mean-shift outlier model
by Sung-Soo Kim & Sung Park & W. J. Krzanowski - 293-306 Identification of local clusters for count data: a model-based Moran's I test
by Tonglin Zhang & Ge Lin - 307-320 Computation aspects of the parameter estimates of linear mixed effects model in multivariate repeated measures set-up
by Anuradha Roy - 321-333 Modelling spatial-temporal covariance structures in monocropping barley trials
by Murari Singh & Michael Jones - 335-350 On the bootstrap quantile-treatment-effect test
by Man-Lai Tang & Maozai Tian & Ping-Shing Chan
2008, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 131-147 Optimization of a catalyst system through the sequential application of experimental design techniques
by R. L. J. Coetzer & D. H. Morgan & H. Maumela - 149-160 A procedure for selection of a gamma-Poisson single sampling plan by attributes
by R. Vijayaraghavan & K. Rajagopal & A. Loganathan - 161-178 Modern-day perception of historic footwear and its links to preference
by Kim Pearce & Shirley Coleman - 179-192 Influence diagnostics in the capital asset pricing model under elliptical distributions
by Manuel Galea & Jose Diaz-Garcia & Filidor Vilca - 193-202 Contracts, livestock, and the Bernoulli process: an application of statistics to B. Traven's 'Cattle Drive'
by Emil Berendt - 203-211 Bayesian optimization analysis with ML-II ε-contaminated prior
by Pankaj Sinha & Ashok Bansal - 213-227 Aspects on the control of false alarms in statistical surveillance and the impact on the return of financial decision systems
by David Bock
2008, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 9-17 Post-hoc analyses in multiple regression based on prediction error
by Rand Wilcox - 19-30 Comparing a survey and a conjoint study: the future vision of water intermediaries
by Erik Mønness & Kim Pearce & Shirley Coleman - 31-47 Omnibus testing and gene filtration in microarray data analysis
by Hongying Dai & Richard Charnigo - 49-65 Bayesian validation assessment of multivariate computational models
by Xiaomo Jiang & Sankaran Mahadevan - 67-87 The effect of Phase I sample size on the run length performance of control charts for autocorrelated data
by Gulser Koksal & Burcu Kantar & Taylan Ali Ula & Murat Caner Testik - 89-100 Properties and performance of the c-chart for attributes data
by S. Chakraborti & S. W. Human - 101-113 The effect of fat-tailed error terms on the properties of systemwise RESET test
by Mahdi Alkhamisi & Ghadban Khalaf & Ghazi Shukur - 115-124 Evaluating the power of Minitab's data subsetting lack of fit test in multiple linear regression
by Daniel Wang & Michael Conerly
2007, Volume 34, Issue 10
- 1165-1183 Influential Observations in the Functional Measurement Error Model
by Ignacio Vidal & Pilar Iglesias & Manuel Galea - 1185-1205 Semi-parametric Bayesian Analysis of the Proportional Hazard Rate Model An Application to the Effect of Training Programs on Graduate Unemployment
by Pilar Olave & Manuel Salvador - 1207-1223 A Universal QQ-Plot for Continuous Non-homogeneous Populations
by Alberto Luceno - 1225-1239 A Multi-state Piecewise Exponential Model of Hospital Outcomes after Injury
by David Clark & Louise Ryan & F. L. Lucas - 1241-1250 Robust Detection of Multiple Outliers in Grouped Multivariate Data
by Chrys Caroni & Nedret Billor - 1251-1258 A Stylometric Analysis of King Alfred's Literary Works
by Paramjit Gill & Tim Swartz & Michael Treschow - 1259-1273 Connectivity Inference between Neural Structures via Partial Directed Coherence
by Daniel Yasumasa Takahashi & Luiz Antonio Baccal & Koichi Sameshima - 1275-1296 Analyzing Designed Experiments with Multiple Responses
by Øyvind Langsrud & Kjetil Jørgensen & Ragni Ofstad & Tormod Næs
2007, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 1019-1034 A Bayesian Adjustment for Covariate Misclassification with Correlated Binary Outcome Data
by Dianxu Ren & Roslyn Stone - 1035-1050 Explorative Data Analysis and CATANOVA for Ordinal Variables: An Integrated Approach
by Pasquale Sarnacchiaro & Antonello D'ambra - 1051-1064 Censored Kullback-Leibler Information and Goodness-of-Fit Test with Type II Censored Data
by Jonggun Lim & Sangun Park - 1065-1073 Hypotheses Tests of Strain-specific Vaccine Efficacy Adjusted for Covariate Effects
by Seunggeun Hyun & Yanqing Sun - 1075-1090 Holt-Winters Forecasting: An Alternative Formulation Applied to UK Air Passenger Data
by J. D. Bermudez & J. V. Segura & E. Vercher - 1091-1108 Testing for Equal Predictability of Stationary ARMA Processes
by Edoardo Otrano & Umberto Triacca - 1109-1123 A Bayesian Procedure for Assessing Process Performance Based on Expected Relative Loss with Asymmetric Tolerances
by Chien-Wei Wu & M. H. Shu - 1125-1134 Simulating Correlated Marked-point Processes
by C. Xu & P. A. Dowd & K. V. Mardia & R. J. Fowell & C. C. Taylor - 1135-1158 Poverty as a System: Human Contestability Approach to Poverty Measurement
by Gopal Kanji & Parvesh Chopra
2007, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 887-898 Risk of Error and the Kappa Coefficient of a Binary Diagnostic Test in the Presence of Partial Verification
by J. A. Roldan Nofuentes & J. D. Luna Del Castillo - 899-906 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Statistic and Critical Values for the Erlang-3 and Erlang-4 Distributions
by Neil Marks - 907-921 Case-deletion Influence Measures for the Data from Multivariate t Distributions
by Feng-Chang Xie & Bo-Cheng Wei & Jin-Guan Lin - 923-939 Estimation of the Force of Infection from Current Status Data Using Generalized Linear Mixed Models
by Harriet Namata & Ziv Shkedy & Christel Faes & Marc Aerts & Geert Molenberghs & Heide Theeten & Pierre Van Damme & Philippe Beutels - 941-962 Multivariate Capability Indices: Distributional and Inferential Properties
by W. L. Pearn & F. K. Wang & C. H. Yen - 963-972 A Note on Trend Decomposition: The 'Classical' Approach Revisited with an Application to Surface Temperature Trends
by Terence Mills - 973-984 SPC Study of a Brewing Process
by Edgardo Escalante-Vazquez - 985-991 Estimation of the Length Distribution of Marine Populations in the Gaussian-multinomial Setting using the Method of Moments
by Olena Babak & Birgir Hrafnkelsson & Olafur Palsson - 997-1009 Local Conditional Influence
by Wai-Yin Poon & Yat Sun Poon
2007, Volume 34, Issue 7
- 767-777 Alternative Penalty Functions for Penalized Likelihood Principal Components
by Trevor Park - 779-783 On the Screening of Large Numbers of Significance Tests
by Man Yu Wong & D.R. Cox - 785-798 Residual Responses to Change Patterns of Autocorrelated Processes
by Mohamed El Ghourabi & Mohamed Limam - 799-806 Minimum Size Double Sampling Plans for Large Isolated Lots
by R. Vijayaraghavan - 807-821 Spatial Modeling of Habitat Preferences of Biological Species using Markov Random Fields
by Carlos Diaz Avalos - 823-841 A Spatial-temporal Model for Temperature with Seasonal Variance
by Jurate saltyte Benth & Fred Espen Benth & Paulius Jalinskas - 843-855 An NP Control Chart Using Double Inspections
by Zhang Wu & Qinan Wang - 857-877 Modified Shewhart Charts for High Yield Processes
by Tee Chin Chang & Fah Fatt Gan
2007, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 645-662 Efficiency of Betting Markets and Rationality of Players: Evidence from the French 6/49 Lotto
by Patrick Roger & Marie-Helene Broihanne - 663-682 Bayesian Inference for Skew-normal Linear Mixed Models
by R.B. Arellano-Valle & H. Bolfarine & V.H. Lachos - 683-699 Identifying Dispersion Effects in Robust Design Experiments—Issues and Improvements
by Lourdes Pozueta & Xavier Tort-Martorell & Lluis Marco - 703-714 Estimation of a Parameter of Bivariate Pareto Distribution by Ranked Set Sampling
by Manoj Chacko & P. Yageen Thomas - 715-724 Empirical-distribution-function Tests for the Beta-Binomial Model
by Chien-Tai Lin & Cheng-Chieh Chou - 725-740 Inferences on the Number of Unseen Species and the Number of Abundant/Rare Species
by Hongmei Zhang - 741-747 The Impact of Ovarian Cancer on Life Expectancy in Japan
by Juan Sun & Lifu Bi & Yaojun Chi & Guowei Huang & Chun Fan & Kazuo Aoki & Akihiro Kono & Tian Hui & Junichi Misumi - 749-761 Classifying Speech Sonority Functional Data using a Projected Kolmogorov-Smirnov Approach
by Juan Antonio Cuesta-Albertos & Ricardo Fraiman & Antonio Galves & Jesus Garcia & Marcela Svarc
July 2007, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 639-643 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2007, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 511-527 Standardization of Process Norms in Baker's Yeast Fermentation through Statistical Models in Comparison with Neural Networks
by Prasun Das & Sasadhar Bera - 529-545 Evolution of Athletic Records: Statistical Effects versus Real Improvements
by Daniel Gembris & John G. Taylor & Dieter Suter - 547-561 Sample-based Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Autologistic Model
by S. Magnussen & R. Reeves - 563-575 Regression Diagnostic under Model Misspecification
by Li-Chu Chien & Tsung-Shan Tsou - 577-584 Optimal Circular Block Designs for Neighbouring Competition Effects
by Seema Jaggi & Cini Varghese & V.K. Gupta - 585-609 Describing the Dynamics of Attention to TV Commercials: A Hierarchical Bayes Analysis of the Time to Zap an Ad
by Paul Gustafson & S. Siddarth - 611-623 Order-restricted Dose-related Trend Phi-divergence Tests for Generalized Linear Models
by A. Felipe & M. L. Menendez & L. Pardo - 625-637 Expected Mean Squares for Hierarchical Factorial Layouts with Population Imbalance
by Shannon E. Allen & Burt Holland
2007, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 371-381 Power of the Neyman Smooth Test for Evaluating Multivariate Forecast Densities
by Jan G. De Gooijer - 383-397 Stochastic Modelling of Times to Temperature for Furnaces Supplying Titanium Blooms to a Rolling Mill at TIMET
by Mark Evans & Richard E. Johnston - 403-421 An Alternative Methodology for Combining Different Forecasting Models
by Haritini Tsangari - 423-441 Nonparametric Estimation of Duration Dependence in Militarized Interstate Disputes
by Larry W. Taylor - 443-458 On the Superiority of a Variable Sampling Interval Control Chart
by Shashibhushan B. Mahadik & Digambar T. Shirke - 459-469 Monitoring Variability and Analyzing Multivariate Autocorrelated Processes
by Jeffrey E. Jarrett & Xia Pan - 471-486 Robustness of Inference for One-sample Problem with Correlated Observations
by Perla Subbaiah & George Xia - 487-506 Computational Examples of a New Method for Distribution Selection in the Pearson System
by Andriy Andreev & Antti Kanto & Pekka Malo
2007, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 239-248 Application of Multivariate Analysis to Increase the Yield of Dry Cell Batteries
by Arup Kumar Das - 249-259 Towards Enhancement of the Economy of a Thermal Power Generating System through Prediction of Plant Efficiency
by Indranil Mukhopadhyay & Sudipta Chatterjee & Aditya Chatterjee - 261-301 Estimation Methods of the Long Memory Parameter: Monte Carlo Analysis and Application
by Mohamed Boutahar & Velayoudom Marimoutou & Leila Nouira - 303-319 Comparing Fits of Latent Trait and Latent Class Models Applied to Sparse Binary Data: An Illustration with Human Resource Management Data
by Lilian M. De Menezes & Ana Lasaosa - 321-329 Not the First Digit! Using Benford's Law to Detect Fraudulent Scientif ic Data
by Andreas Diekmann - 331-338 Least Trimmed Squares Estimator in the Errors-in-Variables Model
by Kang-Mo Jung - 339-352 Bivariate Longitudinal Model for Detecting Prescribing Change in Two Drugs Simultaneously with Correlated Errors
by Jabu S. Sithole & Peter W. Jones - 353-364 Robust ANCOVA: Some Small-sample Results when there are Multiple Groups and Multiple Covariates
by Rand R. Wilcox
2007, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 129-140 Statistical Inference Based on Pooled Data: A Moment-Based Estimating Equation Approach
by Howard D. Bondell & Aiyi Liu & Enrique F. Schisterman - 141-151 Robust Estimation and Hypothesis Testing of Linear Contrasts in Analysis of Covariance with Stochastic Covariates
by Birdal Senoğlu - 153-165 A BLUP Synthetic Versus an EBLUP Estimator: An Empirical Study of a Small Area Estimation Problem
by A. F. Militino & M. D. Ugarte & T. Goicoa - 167-175 A Comparison of Three-level Orthogonal Arrays in the Presence of a Possible Correlation in Observations
by E. Kolaiti & C. Koukouvinos - 177-184 A Remark on the Zhang Omnibus Test for Normality
by Yi-Ting Hwang & Peir-Feng Wei - 185-194 On the Linear Combination of Laplace and Logistic Random Variables
by Saralees Nadarajah & Samuel Kotz - 195-201 Tests for the Validity of the Assumption that the Underlying Distribution of Life is Pareto
by Zeinab H. Amin - 203-216 A Non-parametric Method for Defining a Global Preference Ranking of Industrial Products
by L. Corain & L. Salmaso - 217-230 Alignment and Sub-pixel Interpolation of Images using Fourier Methods
by C. A. Glasbey & G. W. A. M. Van Der Heijden
2007, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-9 A Bayesian False Discovery Rate for Multiple Testing
by Alice Whittemore - 11-21 Mixture Multi-state Markov Regression Model
by Amy Ming-Fang Yen & Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen - 23-45 Bias Reduction through First-order Mean Correction, Bootstrapping and Recursive Mean Adjustment
by K. D. Patterson - 47-60 Testing and Merging Information for Effect Size Estimation
by Noriah Al-Kandari & Sana Buhamra & S. E. Ahmed - 61-70 A-Optimal Block Designs with Additional Singly Replicated Treatments
by Agnes Herzberg & Richard Jarrett - 71-85 Double Sampling Ratio-product Estimator of a Finite Population Mean in Sample Surveys
by Housila Singh & Mariano Ruiz Espejo - 87-105 Jarque-Bera Test and its Competitors for Testing Normality - A Power Comparison
by Thorsten Thadewald & Herbert Buning - 107-119 Non-parametric Estimation for NHPP Software Reliability Models
by Zhiguo Wang & Jinde Wang & Xue Liang
2006, Volume 33, Issue 10
- 1037-1050 A Compromise Experimental Design Method for Parametric Polynomial Response Surface Approximations
by Pradeep George & Madara Ogot - 1051-1065 International Business Cycle Asymmetry and Time Irreversible Nonlinearities
by Steven Cook & Alan Speight - 1067-1074 A Parametric Model for the Interval Censored Survival Times of Acacia Mangium Plantation in a Spacing Trial
by Kamziah Abd Kudus & A. C. Kimber & J. Lapongan - 1075-1084 Applications of a General Stable Law Regression Model
by Ian McHale & Patrick Laycock - 1085-1104 An Interest-rate Model Analysis Based on Data Augmentation Bayesian Forecasting
by Eiji Minemura - 1105-1120 Measuring Process Performance Based on Expected Loss with Asymmetric Tolerances
by W. L. Pearn & Y. C. Chang & Chien-Wei Wu - 1121-1129 Do Flow Rates Respond Asymmetrically to Water Level? Evidence from the Edwards Aquifer
by Bradley Ewing & Teresa Kerr & Mark Thompson - 1131-1147 A Simple Diagnostic Plot Connecting Robust Estimation, Outlier Detection, and False Discovery Rates
by Kenneth Rice & David Spiegelhalter - 1149-1151 Book Review
by M. C. Jones
2006, Volume 33, Issue 9
- 891-907 Bootstrapping Malmquist Indices for Danish Seiners in the North Sea and Skagerrak
by Ayoe Hoff - 909-923 Bivariate Negative Binomial Generalized Linear Models for Environmental Count Data
by Masakazu Iwasaki & Hiroe Tsubaki - 925-941 Computational Forecasting of Wavelet-converted Monthly Sunspot Numbers
by Mak Kaboudan - 943-960 Wavelet Regression Technique for Streamflow Prediction
by Murat Kucuk & Necati Ağirali-super-˙oğlu - 961-973 On the Distribution of the Inverted Linear Compound of Dependent F-Variates and its Application to the Combination of Forecasts
by Kuo-Yuan Liang & Jack Lee & Kurt Shao - 975-988 Minimax Designs for the Stability of Slope Estimation on Second-order Response Surfaces
by Ho-Seog Kang & Kee-Hoon Kang & Sung Park - 989-1030 Origins of Linguistic Zonation in the Australian Alps. Part 2 - Snell's Law
by Christopher Illert - 1031-1032 Acknowledgement of Priority: the Generalized Normal Distribution
by Saralees Nadarajah
2006, Volume 33, Issue 8
- 759-772 Testing for spurious regression in a panel data model with the individual number and time length growing
by Wen-Den Chen - 773-786 Further exploratory analysis of split-plot experiments to study certain stratified effects
by Tony Cooper & Mary Leitnaker - 787-805 Bayesian and fiducial inference for the inverse gaussian distribution via Gibbs sampler
by Sanaa Ismail & Hesham Auda - 807-817 Symmetric quantiles and their applications
by Yuang-Chin Chiang & Lin-An Chen & Hsien-Chueh Peter Yang - 819-836 Estimation of non-parametric regression for dasometric measures
by E. Ayuga Tellez & A.J. Martin Fernandez & C. Gonzalez Garcia & E. Martinez Falero - 837-852 Optimal parametric design with applications to pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic trials
by Jixian Wang - 853-865 Decision tree approaches for zero-inflated count data
by Seong-Keon Lee & Seohoon Jin - 867-883 A bivariate model of claim frequencies and severities
by Drgabriel Escarela & Jacques Carriere
2006, Volume 33, Issue 7
- 647-661 CUSUM method in predicting regime shifts and its performance in different stock markets allowing for transaction fees
by G. Yi & S. Coleman & Q. Ren - 663-678 Designing field experiments which are subject to representation bias
by Rob Deardon & Steven Gilmour & Neil Butler & Kath Phelps & Roy Kennedy - 679-690 Modifying the exact test for a binomial proportion and comparisons with other approaches
by Alan Hutson - 691-702 Transforming the exponential by minimizing the sum of the absolute differences
by Shih-Chou Kao & Chuan-Ching Ho & Ying-Chin Ho - 703-720 An evaluation of bootstrap methods for outlier detection in least squares regression
by Michael Martin & Steven Roberts - 721-727 A robust modification of the ordered-heterogeneity test
by Markus Neuhauser & Ludwig Hothorn - 729-741 Diversity of vocabulary and homogeneity of literary style
by Alex Riba & Josep Ginebra - 743-753 A latent variable regression model for asymmetric bivariate ordered categorical data
by Farid Zayeri & Anoshirvan Kazemnejad
2006, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 575-581 Two-way analysis of variance for data from a concentrated bipolar Watson distribution
by Adelaide Figueiredo - 583-594 Bayesian sample-size determination for one and two Poisson rate parameters with applications to quality control
by James Stamey & Dean Young & Tom Bratcher - 595-600 Acceptance sampling based on truncated life tests for generalized Rayleigh distribution
by Tzong-Ru Tsai & Shuo-Jye Wu