2001, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 573-583 The use of the ARDL approach in estimating virtual exchange rates in India
by Subrata Ghatak & Jalal Siddiki - 585-595 Data-based interval estimation of classification error rates
by W. J. Krzanowski - 597-602 A note on the optimal number of centre runs in a second phase design of response surface methods
by Yong Lim & B. S. So - 603-605 On sample size and precision in ordinary least squares
by Alvaro Montenegro - 607-621 Predicting distances using a linear model: The case of varietal distinctness
by G. Nuel & S. Robin & C. P. Baril - 623-632 Markov zero-inflated Poisson regression models for a time series of counts with excess zeros
by Peiming Wang - 633-634 Regression coefficient analysis for correlated binomial outcomes
by Seung-Ho Kang & Chul Ahn - 635-635 Authors' reply
by Leann Myers & Stephanie Broyles - 637-637 'Under-reporting of purchases of port wine': A correction
by Rainer Winkelmann
2001, Volume 28, Issue 3-4
- 269-283 Identification of factors influencing dispersion in split-plot experiments
by M. Arvidsson & P. Kammerlind & A. Hynen & B. Bergman - 285-299 Statistics for discovery
by George Box - 301-306 Why is Six Sigma so successful?
by Roland Caulcutt - 307-324 SPC—a team effort for process improvement across four Area Control Centres
by P. R. G. Chambers & J. L. Piggott & S. Y. Coleman - 325-334 SPC as a tool for creating a successful business measurement framework
by S. Y. Coleman & G. Arunakumar & F. Foldvary & R. Feltham - 335-341 Improving communication via quantitative management
by David Bruce & Shirley Coleman - 343-351 SPC—making it work for the gas transportation business
by S. Y. Coleman & A. Gordon & P. R. Chambers - 353-364 Towards the implementation of a universal control chart and estimation of its average run length using a spreadsheet: An artificial neural network is employed to model the parameters in a special case
by M. A. A. Cox - 365-378 Multidimensional scaling used in multivariate statistical process control
by Trevor Cox - 379-389 Observable trend-projecting state-space models
by E. J. Godolphin - 391-398 A pragmatic approach to experimental design in industry
by T. N. Goh - 399-407 EWMA and industrial applications to feedback adjustment and control
by G. Robin Henderson - 409-425 The statistical monitoring of a complex manufacturing process
by M. Weighell & E. B. Martin & A. J. Morris - 427-439 Opportunities and challenges for industrial statisticians
by Douglas Montgomery - 441-455 Applying designed experiments to optimize the performance of genetic algorithms used for scheduling complex products in the capital goods industry
by P. Pongcharoen & D. J. Stewardson & C. Hicks & P. M. Braiden - 457-468 Control charts based on linear combinations of order statistics
by Elsayed Elamir & Allan Seheult - 469-484 Using the Summed Rank Cusum for monitoring environmental data from industrial processes
by Dave Stewardson & Shirley Coleman - 485-495 The dangers posed by saddle points, and other problems, when using central composite designs
by Dave Stewardson & David Porter & Tony Kelly - 497-511 Building a statistical model to predict reactor temperatures
by Carl Scarrott & Granville Tunnicliffe Wilson - 513-514 Regression coefficient analysis for correlated binomial outcomes
by Seung-Ho Kang & Chul Ahn - 515-515 Response
by Leann Myers & Stephanie Broyles
2001, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 157-166 Using wavelets for data generation
by Mehmetcik Bayazit & Hafzullah Aksoy - 167-182 The asymptotically efficient version of the information matrix test in binary choice models. A study of size and power
by Teresa Aparicio & Inmaculada Villanua - 183-197 Predicting adverse infant health outcomes using routine screening variables: Modelling the impact of interdependent risk factors
by Peter Congdon - 199-213 Optimization of product performance of a paint formulation using a mixture experiment
by Abhijit Gupta - 215-222 A note on testing the nullity of the between group variance in the one-way random effects model under variance heterogeneity
by Dog-super-˜an Argac & Kepher Makambi & Joachim Hartung - 223-238 Bayesian analysis of a growth curve model with power transformation, random effects and AR(1) dependence
by Jack Lee & W. H. Lien - 239-246 Can we recover information from concordant pairs in binary matched pairs?
by Youngjo Lee - 247-258 Influence functions applied to the estimation of mean rain rate
by Donald Martin - 259-271 Bayesian analysis of time series Poisson data
by Man-Suk Oh & Yong Bin Lim - 273-279 An approximate maximum likelihood procedure for parameter estimation in multivariate discrete data regression models
by Andrew Roddam
2001, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 5-23 Prior distribution assessment for a multivariate normal distribution: An experimental study
by S. A. Al-Awadhi & P. H. Garthwaite - 25-36 Population size estimation for capture-recapture models with applications to epidemiological data
by P. K. Tsay & A. Chao - 37-51 Summary measurements and screening in clinical trials with replicate observations
by Camil Fuchs & Morton Brown - 53-62 Estimating the frequency of familial dilated cardiomyopathy in the presence of misclassification errors
by D. Gregori & C. Rocco & S. Miocic & L. Mestroni - 63-79 Robustness of designed experiments against missing data
by Krishan Lal & V. K. Gupta & Lalmohan Bhar - 81-89 Adapting sample size calculations to repeated measurements in clinical trials
by P. J. Lindsey - 91-105 Analysis of multivariate repeated measures data with a Kronecker product structured covariance matrix
by Dayanand Naik & Shantha Rao - 107-120 A new measure of nominal-ordinal association
by Raffaella Piccarreta - 121-128 Acceptance sampling based on life tests: Log-logistic model
by R. R. L. Kantam & K. Rosaiah & G. Srinivasa Rao - 129-143 On optimal tests for isotropy against the symmetric wrapped stable-circular uniform mixture family
by Ashis Sengupta & Chandranath Pal
2000, Volume 27, Issue 8
- 939-951 Economic-statistical design of X ¥ charts for non-normal data by considering quality loss
by Chao-Yu Chou & Chung-Ho Chen & Hui-Rong Liu - 953-964 A note on modelling underreported Poisson counts
by Peter Fader & Bruce Hardie - 965-973 Johnson's transformation two-sample trimmed t and its bootstrap method for heterogeneity and non-normality
by Wei-Ming Luh & Jiin-Huarng Guo - 975-990 Unequal probability sampling in fixed area plots of stem volume with and without prior inclusion probabilities
by Steen Magnussen - 991-1006 Exploring the characteristics of rotating electric machines with factor analysis
by Carlos Mate & Rafael Calderon - 1007-1011 Quasi-likelihood and pseudo-likelihood are not the same thing
by J. A. Nelder - 1013-1019 Application of PBIB designs in CDC Method IV
by M. K. Sharma - 1021-1031 A simple investigation of the Granger-causality test in integrated-cointegrated VAR systems
by Ghazi Shukur & Panagiotis Mantalos - 1033-1043 Statistical analysis of Weibull distributed lifetime data under Type II progressive censoring with binomial removals
by Siu Keung Tse & Chunyan Yang & Hak-Keung Yuen - 1045-1049 Choosing a lower specification limit for an exponential process with 'the larger the better' tolerance: A simple, exact solution
by Peter Wright - 1051-1063 Process monitoring of exponentially distributed characteristics through an optimal normalizing transformation
by Zhenlin Yang & Min Xie
2000, Volume 27, Issue 7
- 807-820 On the minimum expected quantity for the validity of the chi-squared test in 2 2 2 tables
by A. Martin Andres & I. Herranz Tejedor - 821-827 On the robustness of cointegration tests when series are fractionally intergrated
by Jesus Gonzalo & Tae-Hwy Lee - 829-841 Design of generalized CSP-C continuous sampling plan
by K. Govindaraju & C. Kandasamy - 843-857 Approximate transformation trimmed mean methods to the test of simple linear regression slope equality
by Wei-Ming Luh & Jiin-Huarng Guo - 859-870 Problems of inference for Azzalini's skewnormal distribution
by Arthur Pewsey - 871-880 On tests of linearity for dose response data: Asymptotic, exact conditional and exact unconditional tests
by Man-Lai Tang - 881-899 Side betting and playing the National Lottery: An exercise in policy design
by Stephen Salter & Neville Topham - 901-908 Design and evaluation of skip-lot sampling plans of type SkSP-3
by R. Vijayaraghavan - 909-921 Detecting excessive similarity in answers on multiple choice exams
by George Wesolowsky - 923-938 Gro¨bner basis strategies in regression
by Beatrice Giglio & Eva Riccomagno & Henry Wynn
2000, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 679-687 Testing for a treatment effect in a heterogeneous population: A modified sign-test statistic and a leapfrog statistic
by Jason Abrevaya - 689-695 Optimal unconditional critical regions for 2 2 2 multinomial trials
by J. M. Tapia Garcia & A. Martin Andres - 697-701 Design of a CSP-1 plan based on regret-balanced criterion
by Chung-Ho Chen & Chao-Yu Chou - 703-713 Using order statistics to assess the sampling variability of personnel selection utility estimates
by Wilfried De Corte - 715-723 Robust designs for diallel crosses against the missing of one block
by D. K. Ghosh & P. C. Biswas - 725-730 Combined continuous lot by lot acceptance sampling plan
by K. Govindaraju & M. Bebbington - 731-738 Testing methods for the one-way fixed effects ANOVA models of log-normal samples
by Jiin-Huarng Guo & Wei-Ming Luh - 739-756 Loss-based optimal control statistics for control charts
by Dov Ingman & Boris Lipnik - 757-770 Median rankit control chart by the quantile approach
by G. K. Kanji & Osama Hasan Arif - 771-778 Quick switching variables single sampling (QSVSS) system indexed by AQL and AOQL
by V. Soundararajan & M. Palanivel - 779-802 A general methodology for bootstrapping in non-parametric frontier models
by Leopold Simar & Paul Wilson
2000, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 527-540 Defining attributes for scorecard construction in credit scoring
by David Hand & Niall Adams - 541-553 Generalized staggered nested designs for variance components estimation
by Yoshikazu Ojima - 555-566 Patterns of NBA team performance from 1950 to 1998
by Mustafa Yilmaz & Sangit Chatterjee - 567-577 A composite quantile function estimator with applications in bootstrapping
by Alan Hutson - 579-587 An approximate Bayesian up-down method for estimating a percentage point on a dose-response curve
by Hui Li & Robert Malkin - 589-597 Statistical estimation of time-trends in two-course crop rotations
by Murari Singh & Michael Jones - 599-619 A class of robust stepwise alternatives to Hotelling's T 2 tests
by Govind Mudholkar & Deo Kumar Srivastava - 621-631 Two transformation models for estimating an ROC curve derived from continuous data
by Kelly Zou & W. J. Hall - 633-650 A test for multivariate structure
by Fred Huffer & Cheolyong Park - 651-670 A stepwise Bayesian estimator for the total number of distinct species in finite populations: Sampling by elements
by Sueli Mingoti
2000, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 397-409 Modified tightened two-level continuous sampling plans
by S. Balamurali & K. Govindaraju - 411-424 Logistic regression in meta-analysis using aggregate data
by Bei-Hung Chang & Stuart Lipsitz & Christine Waternaux - 425-438 Modelling the surface structure of newsprint
by Jan-Olof Johansson - 439-450 The two-stage i -corrected Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
by H. J. Khamis - 451-460 Outliers and influential observations in the structural errors-in-variables model
by Myung Geun Kim - 461-473 Study of a Markov model for a high-quality dependent process
by C. D. Lai & M. Xie & K. Govindaraju - 483-494 Sample size requirements to test the equality of raters' precision
by M. M. Shoukri & O. Demirkaya - 495-507 An algorithm for generalized monotonic smoothing
by Zheng Wang - 509-517 Bootstrapping: As easy as 1-2-3
by Jon Woodroof
2000, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 269-279 Data and projections of HIV and AIDS in Portugal
by J. A. Amaral & M. B. RosARio & M. T. Paixao - 281-291 Simultaneous pairwise multiple comparisons in a two-way analysis of covariance model
by Ying Wang Wong & Siu Hung Cheung - 293-301 Local influence assessment in canonical correlation analysis
by Kang-Mo Jung - 303-319 Using continuation-ratio logits to analyze the variation of the age composition of fish catches
by Trine Kvist & Henrik Gislason & Poul Thyregod - 321-336 Bayesian analysis of a general growth curve model with predictions using power transformations and AR(1) autoregressive dependence
by Jack Lee & Kuo-Ching Liu - 337-345 Using multivariate rank sum tests to evaluate effectiveness of computer applications in teaching business statistics
by Yeong-Tzay Su & Chyi-Lyi Kathleen Liang - 347-362 Criteria for estimating the variance function used in the asymptotic quasi-likelihood approach
by Sifa Mvoi & Yan-Xia Lin - 363-371 Optimum grouping and the boundary problem
by Milad Sawiris - 373-389 Zero-inflated proportion data models applied to a biological control assay
by A. M. C. Vieira & J. P. Hinde & C. G. B. Demetrio
2000, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 141-156 Distribution and interpolation using transformed data
by David Aadland - 157-169 Estimators of vital events in dual-record systems
by H. Oztas Ayhan - 171-175 Determination of variable-lot-size attribute sampling plan indexed by the acceptable quality level and average outgoing quality level for continuous production
by M. Kalyanasundaram & S. Balamurali - 177-183 Influence of the sampling interval, decision limit and autocorrelation on the average run length in Cusum charts
by Alberto Luceno George & E. P. Box - 185-195 Selecting a linearizing power transformation for time series
by Victor Guerrero - 197-203 Normalized Johnson's transformation one-sample trimmed t for non-normality
by Jiin-Huarng Guo & Wei-Ming Luh - 205-215 Transformation- and label-invariant neural network for the classification of landmark data
by R. Southworth & K. V. Mardia & C. C. Taylor - 217-234 Regression coefficient analysis for correlated binomial outcomes
by Leann Myers & Stephanie Broyles - 235-243 Analysis of growth curves under measurement errors
by Tapio Nummi - 245-256 Statistical modelling and saddle-point approximation of tail probabilities for accumulated splice loss in fibre-optic networks
by J. Tyrcha & R. Sundberg & P. Lindskog & B. Sundstrom
2000, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 5-21 Application of a new discrete distribution
by R. D. Baker - 23-38 Generalized tightened two-level continuous sampling plans
by S. Balamurali & M. Kalyanasundaram - 39-47 Robust Liu estimator for regression based on an M-estimator
by Olcay Arslan & Nedret Billor - 49-62 Search for suitable incomplete block designs for complete diallel cross systems
by Jyoti Divecha - 63-73 Interval estimation of the 90% effective dose: A comparison of bootstrap resampling methods with some large-sample approaches
by Yangxin Huang Simon & P. J. Kirby Peter & Harris John & C. Dearden - 75-101 Analysis of factorial experiments for survival data with long-tailed distributions
by Takafumi Isogai - 103-108 Fractional Brownian motion and clinical trials
by Dejian Lai & Barry Davis & Robert Hardy - 109-112 Functional marginality and response-surface fitting
by J. A. Nelder - 113-118 Modification of autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average models for the estimation of persistence
by Erhard Reschenhofer - 119-130 Estimates of the likelihood of extreme returns in international stock markets
by Jon Vilasuso & David Katz
1999, Volume 26, Issue 8
- 893-902 Determination of conditional double sampling scheme
by S. Balamurali & M. Kalyanasundaram - 903-908 Specification limit under a quality loss function
by Chung-Ho Chen - 909-921 Artificial neural networks versus multivariate statistics: An application from economics
by John Cooper - 923-932 Using wavelets for data smoothing: A simulation study
by Graham Horgan - 933-947 Graphical technique for comparing designs for random models
by Juneyoung Lee & Andre Khuri - 949-957 Directional statistics and shape analysis
by K. V. Mardia - 959-972 Distribution-free test for symmetry based on Bonferroni's measure
by Antonietta Mira - 973-983 Using an empirical Bayes model to estimate currency exchange rate
by Ray Okafor - 985-1004 Performance of seasonal unit root tests for monthly data
by Paulo Rodrigues & Denise Osborn - 1005-1015 Local generalized method of moments estimation based on kernel weights: An application to panel data
by Rosa Bernardini Papalia
1999, Volume 26, Issue 7
- 781-787 A bridge between statistics and literature: The graphs of Oscar Wilde's literary genres
by JosE Nilo Binongo & M. W. A. Smith - 789-805 A simple exact method for testing hypotheses about the shape parameter of a log-normal distribution
by Zhenmin Chen - 807-815 Forecasting power-transformed time series data
by Paul De Bruin & Philip Hans Franses - 817-823 Simple graphs and bounds for the elements of the hat matrix
by Yadolah Dodge & Ali Hadi - 825-830 Do two competing frequencies differ significantly?
by T. Lehtonen & J. -O. Malmberg - 831-846 Simulating competing cointegration tests in a bivariate system
by Ralf Ostermark & Rune Hoglund - 847-853 A cautionary note about assessing the fit of logistic regression models
by Joseph Pigeon & Joseph Heyse - 855-869 Markov Poisson regression models for discrete time series. Part 1: Methodology
by Peiming Wang & Martin Puterman - 871-882 Markov Poisson regression models for discrete time series. Part 2: Applications
by Peiming Wang & Martin Puterman
1999, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 669-679 Use of exponential power distributions for mixture models in the presence of covariates
by Jorge Alberto Achcar & Gilberto De AraUJo Pereira - 681-687 Assessing risk for rare events
by Yssa Dewoody & V. T. Gururaj & Clyde Martin - 689-699 Decision rules for small vaccine experiments with binary outcomes based on conditional and expected power and size of the Fisherexact test
by L. Duchateau & D. L. Berkvens & G. J. Rowlands - 701-714 Performance of control charts for autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic processes
by Yue Fang & John Zhang - 715-722 Interval estimation of the median effective dose for a logistic dose-response curve
by Peter Harris & Mark Hann & Simon Kirby & John Dearden - 723-733 Least circular distance regression for directional data
by Ulric Lund - 735-745 Assessing spinal shape
by K. V. Mardia & A. N. Walder & E. Berry & D. Sharples & P. A. Millner & R. A. Dickson - 747-753 Fitting a mixture distribution to complex censored survival data using generalized linear models
by A. J. Scallan - 755-766 Integrated application of time series multiple-interventions analysis and knowledge-based reasoning
by Yuehjen Shao & Yue-Fa Lin & Soe-Tsyr Yuan - 767-774 A comparison between two simple measures of skewness
by I. H. Tajuddin
1999, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 541-551 Adaptive Jonckheere-type tests for ordered alternatives
by Herbert BUNing - 553-562 An economic model for clinical quality control
by Jerry Dechert & Kenneth Case - 563-577 Robustness of a complete diallel crosses plan with an unequal number of crosses to the unavailability of one block
by D. K. Ghosh & Naimesh Desai - 579-590 Finding 'superclassifications' with an acceptable misclassification rate
by Paul Taylor & David Hand - 591-600 Preliminary estimators for robust non-linear regression estimation
by Habshah Midi - 601-611 A non-parametric regression approach to repeated measures analysis in cancer experiments
by M. Carme Ruiz De Villa & M. Salome & E. Cabral & Eduardo Escrich Escriche & Montse Solanas - 613-618 Regression modelling of interval-censored failure time data using the Weibull distribution
by A. J. Scallan - 619-641 An adaptive resampling scheme for cycle estimation
by Alexandra Mello Schmidt & Dani Gamerman & Ajax Moreira - 643-660 Modelling market shares by segments using volatility
by Sharifah Sakinah Aidid & Mick Silver
1999, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 413-422 A Markov chain model used in analyzing disease history applied to a stroke study
by Pai-Lien Chen & Estrada Bernard & Pranab Sen - 423-434 Change-point problems for the von Mises distribution
by Kaushik Ghosh & S. Rao Jammalamadaka & Mangalam Vasudaven - 435-446 Robustness of partial least-squares method for estimating latent variable quality structures
by Claes Cassel & Peter Hackl & Anders Westlund - 447-459 Exact confidence intervals generated by conditional parametric bootstrapping
by Magnar Lillegard & Steinar Engen - 461-468 The final set in a tennis match: Four years at Wimbledon
by Jan Magnus & Franc Klaassen - 469-483 Bayesian estimator for the total number of distinct species when quadrat sampling is used
by Sueli Mingoti - 485-494 Underreporting of purchases of port wine
by Francisco Fernando & Ribeiro Ramos - 495-508 Designing fractional two-level experiments with nested error structures
by Eric Schoen - 509-517 The uniform power distribution
by Stephen Walker - 519-528 Omnibus test of normality using the Q statistic
by Paul Zhang
1999, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 301-308 Sequential-type nonparametric test using Mann-Whitney statistics
by Uttam Bandyopadhyay & Atanu Biswas - 309-313 Designing a variable sampling plan based on Taguchi's loss function
by Reay-Chen Wang - 315-326 A queuing-theory-based approach to evaluate the efficiency of a network of automated stations and of a communication system
by G. Galliani & F. Filippini & F. Screpanti - 327-341 Statistical assumptions underlying the fitting of the Michaelis-Menten equation
by U. S. Pasaribu - 343-353 Calculating nonparametric confidence intervals for quantiles using fractional order statistics
by Alan Hutson - 355-371 Power transformation of the F distribution and a power normal family
by Takafumi Isogai - 373-381 Estimation of torsion
by K. V. Mardia - 383-392 Sources of heterogeneity in distributions with ordered categorical variables
by Wai-Yin Poon - 393-403 Multivariate AB-BA crossover trial
by Luis Rodriguez-Carvajal
1999, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 165-176 Predicting pickle harvests using a parametric feedforward neural network
by Joseph Brian Adams - 177-183 An application of the local influence approach to ridge regression
by Nedret Billor - 185-193 Stochastic varying coefficients gravity model: An application in trade analysis
by K. Kalirajan - 195-201 Partial diallel crosses based on three associate class association schemes
by L. S. Kaushik - 203-217 Nearly exact tests in factorial experiments using the aligned rank transform
by Scott Richter - 219-228 Accounting for censoring in duration data: An application to estimating the effect of legal reforms on the duration of medical malpractice disputes
by James Hughes & Elizabeth Savoca - 229-233 Procedure for the selection of CSP-M one level skip-lot sampling inspection plans that have a single-sampling plan with acceptance number zero as the reference plan
by R. Vijayaraghavan - 235-242 Simultaneous estimation of location and dispersion in two-level fractional factorial designs
by Sture Holm & Kerstin Wiklander - 243-256 Two non-parametric, analysis-of-means-type tests for homogeneity of variances
by Peter Wludyka - 257-272 Estimation of surgeon effects in the analysis of post-operative colorectal cancer patients data
by K. K. W. Yau - 273-292 Statistical process control and model monitoring
by P. J. Harrison