December 2012, Volume 52, Issue 6
- 761-789 Markets and Networks in International Trade: On the Role of Distances in Globalization
by Lars Håkanson & Douglas Dow - 791-815 The Effects of Legal, Normative, and Cultural-Cognitive Institutions on Innovation in Technology Alliances
by Elizabeth A. Alexander - 817-845 Progressive Focusing and Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research
by Rudolf R. Sinkovics & Eva A. Alfoldi - 847-877 Political Institutional Change, Obsolescing Legitimacy, and Multinational Corporations
by Marcelo Bucheli & Min-Young Kim - 879-900 International Diversification
by Antonio Majocchi & Roger Strange - 901-904 Biblio Service
by Barbara Stöttinger
October 2012, Volume 52, Issue 5
- 619-642 The Diorama
by Fiona Moore - 643-670 Foreign Direct Investment vs. Foreign Portfolio Investment
by Jun Wu & Shaomin Li & David D. Selover - 671-689 Stopford and Wells were Right! MNC Matrix Structuresdo fit a “High-High” Strategy
by Jane XJ Qiu & Lex Donaldson - 691-725 International Activities of Emerging Market Firms
by Irina Jormanainen & Alexei Koveshnikov - 727-756 Does Centralising Global Account Management Activities in Response to International Retailers Pay Off?
by Bernhard Swoboda & Andrea Schlüter & Edith Olejnik & Dirk Morschett - 757-760 Vance, C.M., Paik, Y., Managing a Global Workforce
by Maike Andresen & Franziska Bergdolt
August 2012, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 493-518 Home Region Focus and Technical Efficiency of Multinational Enterprise
by Elitsa R. Banalieva & Michael D. Santoro & Joy Ruihua Jiang - 519-539 Rethinking the Institutional Contexts of Emerging Markets Through Metaphor Analysis
by Farzad H. Alvi - 541-564 Climate and Work Values
by Jong-Wook Kwon & Chuanxuan Shan - 565-595 Cross-National Differences in Managers’ Creativity Promoting Values
by Martin Hoegl & K. Praveen Parboteeah & Miriam Muethel - 597-617 What Do HR Managers Really Do?
by Catherine L. Welch & Denice E. Welch
June 2012, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 317-340 Ranking International Business Institutions and Faculty Members Using Research Publication as the Measure
by Somnath Lahiri & Vikas Kumar - 341-363 Response Style Differences in Cross-National Research
by Anne-Wil Harzing & Michelle Brown & Kathrin Köster & Shuming Zhao - 365-394 The Impact of National Economic Culture and Country-Level Institutional Environment on Corporate Governance Practices
by Shirley J. Daniel & Joshua K. Cieslewicz & Hamid Pourjalali - 395-423 Does National Context Affect Target Firm Employees’ Trust in Acquisitions?
by Günter K. Stahl & Chei Hwee Chua & Amy L. Pablo - 425-460 Born-Globals and Culturally Proximate Markets
by Susan Freeman & Kate Hutchings & Sylvie Chetty - 461-488 Mediating Effects in Reverse Knowledge Transfer Processes
by Zhaleh Najafi-Tavani & Axèle Giroud & Rudolf R. Sinkovics - 489-492 Biblio Service
by Yipeng Liu & Yijun Xing
April 2012, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 145-154 Multinationals and the Changing Rules of Competition
by Pervez N. Ghauri & Grazia D. Santangelo - 155-173 EMNEs and Knowledge-seeking FDI
by Ben Kedia & Nolan Gaffney & Jack Clampit - 175-192 Product Diversification and International Expansion of Business Groups
by Vikas Kumar & Ajai S. Gaur & Chinmay Pattnaik - 193-212 Acquisitions by EMNCs in Developed Markets
by Larissa Rabbiosi & Stefano Elia & Fabio Bertoni - 213-231 Cross-Regional Patenting
by Kuo-Feng Huang & Chwo-Ming Joseph Yu - 233-250 Firm Specific Advantage in Developed Markets Dynamic Capability Perspective
by Saba Khalid & Jorma Larimo - 251-273 Do Overseas R&D Laboratories in Emerging Markets Contribute to Home Knowledge Creation?
by Lorena M. D’Agostino & Grazia D. Santangelo - 275-291 Knowledge Mobility in Cross-Border Buyer-Supplier Relationships
by Chia-Ling (Eunice) Liu - 293-315 The Impact of Turbulent Events on Knowledge Acquisition
by Pervez N. Ghauri & Byung Il Park
February 2012, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 3-21 Organizing the Modern Firm in the Worldwide Market for Market Transactions
by Peter W. Liesch & Peter J. Buckley & Bernard L. Simonin & Gary Knight - 23-47 Multinationality-Performance Relationship
by Yong Yang & Nigel Driffield - 49-79 Forgiving Features for Failed Entrepreneurs vs. Cost of Financing inBankruptcies
by Seung-Hyun Lee & Yasuhiro Yamakawa - 81-105 Adoption of Practices by Subsidiaries and Institutional Interaction within Internationalised Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises
by Hsiang-Lin Cheng & C.-M. J. Yu - 107-136 Why Do Firms Engage in National Sustainability Programs and Transparent Sustainability Reporting?
by Luis A. Perez-Batres & Van V. Miller & Michael J. Pisani & Irene Henriques & Jose A. Renau-Sepulveda - 137-143 Biblio Service
by Michaela Haase
December 2011, Volume 51, Issue 6
- 735-754 50 Years of Management International Review and IB/IM Research
by Michael-Jörg Oesterle & Joachim Wolf - 755-786 Fifty Years of International Business Theory and Beyond
by Alan M. Rugman & Alain Verbeke & Quyen T. K. Nguyen - 787-802 Advancing New Theory Development in the Field of International Management
by Joseph L. C. Cheng & Wenxin Guo & Bradley Skousen - 803-820 Mode Combinations and International Operations
by Gabriel R. G. Benito & Bent Petersen & Lawrence S. Welch - 821-850 Knowledge and Strategy Creation in Multinational Companies
by Patrick Regnér & Udo Zander - 851-873 Risk and Uncertainty in Internationalisation and International Entrepreneurship Studies
by Peter W. Liesch & Lawrence S. Welch & Peter J. Buckley - 875-896 The Impact of Cultural Distance on Bilateral Arm’s Length Exports
by Arjen H. L. Slangen & Sjoerd Beugelsdijk & Jean-Francois Hennart - 897-919 Global Mobility in the 21st Century
by Yvonne McNulty & Helen Cieri
October 2011, Volume 51, Issue 5
- 567-592 Different Forms of Agency and Institutional Influences within Multinational Enterprises
by Ayse Saka-Helmhout & Mike Geppert - 593-634 A Contingency Theory of Internationalization
by Elitsa R. Banalieva & Ravi Sarathy - 635-663 Dealing with Market Dynamism
by Fang Wu & Linda H. Shi - 665-696 Harmonization in CSR Reporting
by Fabienne Fortanier & Ans Kolk & Jonatan Pinkse - 697-728 Predictors of Individual Knowledge Acquisition Commitment in a Post-Soviet Setting
by Ruth C. May & Wayne H. Stewart & Sheila M. Puffer & Daniel J. McCarthy & Donna E. Ledgerwood - 729-733 Biblio Service
by Sibylle Böttner
August 2011, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 433-459 Venturing Abroad by Emerging Market Enterprises
by Yadong Luo & Hongxin Zhao & Yagang Wang & Youmin Xi - 461-481 Learning Before Making the Big Leap
by B. Elango & Chinmay Pattnaik - 483-509 Brownfield Acquisitions
by Saul Estrin & Klaus E. Meyer - 511-532 How German, Japanese, and U.S. Executives View Markets and Planning as Alternative Coordinating Mechanisms
by William G. Egelhoff & Erich Frese - 533-559 An Organizational Politics Perspective on Intra-firm Competition in Multinational Corporations
by Florian Becker-Ritterspach & Christoph Dörrenbächer - 561-565 Biblio Service
by Johanna Jobst
June 2011, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 295-320 FDI, Export, and Capital Structure
by Chiung-Jung Chen & Chwo-Ming Joseph Yu - 321-355 Disentangling the Roles of International Experience and Distance in Establishment Mode Choice
by Douglas Dow & Jorma Larimo - 357-380 Impacts of Risk and Service Type on Nearshore and Offshore Investment Location Decisions
by Eugene D. Hahn & Kraiwinee Bunyaratavej & Jonathan P. Doh - 381-406 The Stability of Offshore Outsourcing Relationships
by Stephan Manning & Arie Y. Lewin & Marc Schuerch - 407-428 R&D Investments of Multinational Corporations
by Rajaram Veliyath & Rakesh B. Sambharya - 429-432 Biblio Service
by Dirk Ulrich Gilbert & Christian Graf
April 2011, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 121-127 International Integration and Coordination in MNEs
by Rudolf R. Sinkovics & Anthony S. Roath & S. Tamer Cavusgil - 129-155 Exploring the Effects of Vertical and Lateral Mechanisms in International Knowledge Transfer Projects
by Francesco Ciabuschi & Henrik Dellestrand & Philip Kappen - 157-177 The Performance Effects of Headquarters’ Involvement in Lateral Innovation Transfers in Multinational Corporations
by Mo Yamin & Hsin-Ju ‘Stephie’ Tsai & Ulf Holm - 179-192 Effective Global Strategy Implementation
by Attila Yaprak & Shichun Xu & Erin Cavusgil - 193-212 Does IT Integration Really Enhance Supplier Responsiveness in Global Supply Chains?
by Rudolf R. Sinkovics & Ruey-Jer Bryan Jean & Anthony S. Roath & S. Tamer Cavusgil - 213-239 Achieving Subsidiary Integration in International Innovation by Managerial “Tools”
by Marcus Matthias Keupp & Maximilian Palmié & Oliver Gassmann - 241-267 Organizational Responses to Regional Integration Among MNEs in Latin America
by José R. Torre & José Paulo Esperança & Jon I. Martínez - 269-283 International Integration and Coordination in the Global Factory
by Peter J. Buckley - 285-293 A Commentary on Peter Buckley’s Writings on the Global Factory
by Mohammad Yamin
February 2011, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 3-21 A Comparative Study of International and Domestic New Ventures
by Martine Spence & Barbara Orser & Allan Riding - 23-39 Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets
by Paul Tracey & Nelson Phillips - 41-63 The Impact of Regional Integration on Insider and Outsider FDI
by Dorothee J. Feils & Manzur Rahman - 65-92 Time to Success in Offshoring Business Processes
by Thomas Hutzschenreuter & Arie Y. Lewin & Stephan Dresel - 93-115 Subsidiary Interdependencies and International Human Resource Management Practices in German MNCs
by Dirk Holtbrügge & Alex T. Mohr - 117-119 Biblio Service
by Egbert Kahle
December 2010, Volume 50, Issue 6
- 659-681 Technological Knowledge Intensity and Entry Mode Diversity
by Niron Hashai & Christian G. Asmussen & Gabriel R. G. Benito & Bent Petersen - 683-708 Investor Response to Environmental Risk in Foreign Direct Investment
by Anthony Goerzen & Stephen Sapp & Andrew Delios - 709-745 Institutional and Transaction Cost Influences on Partnership Structure of Foreign Affiliates
by Mehmet Demirbag & Ekrem Tatoglu & Keith W. Glaister - 747-773 Captive Offshoring of New Product Development in Brazil
by Dirk M. Boehe - 775-796 Why Do Firms Bribe?
by Seung-Hyun Lee & Kyeungrae Oh & Lorraine Eden - 797-826 The Impact of Regional Trade Agreements on the Global Orientation of Emerging Market Multinationals
by Elitsa R. Banalieva & Gary Gregg & Ravi Sarathy - 827-832 Biblio Service
by Sabine Frerichs
October 2010, Volume 50, Issue 5
- 533-557 Geographic Orientation and Performance
by Elena Beleska-Spasova & Keith W. Glaister - 559-583 Cultural Accommodation and Language Priming
by Dirk Akkermans & Anne-Wil Harzing & Arjen Witteloostuijn - 585-611 The Determinants of Local Suppliers’ Trust Towards Foreign Buyers
by En Xie & Yuan Li & Zhongfeng Su & Hock-Hai Teo - 613-634 Multinational Companies and the Diffusion of Employment Practices from Outside the Country of Origin
by Tony Edwards & Paul Edwards & Anthony Ferner & Paul Marginson & Olga Tregaskis - 635-654 Corporate Social Responsibility in Emerging Markets
by Shaomin Li & Marc Fetscherin & Ilan Alon & Christoph Lattemann & Kuang Yeh - 655-658 Biblio Service
by Stefan Schmid
August 2010, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 403-412 How Do MNC Headquarters Add Value?
by Björn Ambos & Volker Mahnke - 413-431 How the Parent Headquarters Adds Value to an MNC
by William G. Egelhoff - 433-448 Keeping the Global in Mind
by Stephen Tallman & Mitchell P. Koza - 449-469 Headquarters’ Attention and Its Effect on Subsidiary Performance
by Tina C. Ambos & Julian Birkinshaw - 471-491 Headquarters’ Influence on Knowledge Transfer Performance
by Francesco Ciabuschi & Oscar Martín Martín & Benjamin Ståhl - 493-511 The Effect of Quantity, Quality and Timing of Headquarters-initiated Knowledge Flows on Subsidiary Performance
by Yen Tran & Volker Mahnke & Björn Ambos - 513-532 Regional Management as a System
by Rebecca Piekkari & Phillip C. Nell & Pervez N. Ghauri
June 2010, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 267-296 Dynamics of Experience, Environment and MNE Ownership Strategy
by Jae C. Jung & Paul W. Beamish & Anthony Goerzen - 297-323 Who Makes You Central?
by Andreas Al-Laham & Terry L. Amburgey - 325-345 Is Market Orientation Affected by the Size and Diversity of Customer Networks?
by Paul D. Ellis - 347-378 Political Survival, Energy Policies, and Multinational Corporations
by Marcelo Bucheli & Ruth V. Aguilera - 379-398 Attitudes toward Corporate Responsibilities in Western Europe and in Central and East Europe
by Olivier Furrer & Carolyn P. Egri & David A. Ralston & Wade M. Danis & Emmanuelle Reynaud & Irina Naoumova & Mario Molteni & Arunas Starkus & Fidel León Darder & Marina Dabic & Amandine Furrer-Perrinjaquet - 399-401 Biblio Service
by Philippe Gugler
April 2010, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 137-154 Managing the Internalisation Process
by Bent Petersen & Lawrence S. Welch & Gabriel R. G. Benito - 155-183 Resource Dependence and Cross-border Constraint-absorption
by Jun Xia - 185-206 Top Management Team Internationalization and Firm Performance
by Sabina Nielsen - 207-240 Perceptions of Institutional Environment and Entry Mode
by Mehmet Demirbag & Martina McGuinness & Hüseyin Altay - 241-262 Responses of Advanced Country MNEs to Low-cost Country Imports in Their Home Markets
by Lutz Kaufmann & Peter Körte - 263-266 Biblio Service
by Naomi A. Gardberg
February 2010, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Michael-Jörg Oesterle & Joachim Wolf - 5-33 Toward a Theory of Regional Organization
by Guey-Huey Li & Chwo-Ming Yu & Dah-Hsian Seetoo - 35-56 Corporate Diversification, TMT Experience, and Performance
by Deeksha A. Singh & Ajai S. Gaur & Florian P. Schmid - 57-80 High Commitment HR Practices and Top Performers
by Kiwook Kwon & Johngseok Bae & John J. Lawler - 81-108 Expatriate Adaptation
by Yoshitaka Yamazaki - 109-130 Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights in Weak Appropriability Regimes
by Marcus M. Keupp & Angela Beckenbauer & Oliver Gassmann - 131-136 Biblio Service
by Iris Fischlmayr
December 2009, Volume 49, Issue 6
- 691-707 Influence of MNC Network Configuration Patterns on the Volatility of Firm Performance
by Alfredo J. Mauri - 709-732 How Firm Performance Affects Internationalization
by Jae C. Jung & Pratima Bansal - 733-758 International Strategy Configurations of the World’s Top Family Firms
by Chris Carr & Suzanne Bateman - 759-779 Brand Positioning and Anti-counterfeiting Effectiveness
by Deli Yang & Gerald E. Fryxell - 781-799 Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility and Value Creation
by Bryan W. Husted & David B. Allen - 801-804 Biblio Service
by Tina C. Ambos
October 2009, Volume 49, Issue 5
- 537-563 Understanding Decisions to Internationalize by Small and Medium-sized Firms Located in an Emerging Market
by Frances Fabian & Henry Molina & Giuseppe Labianca - 565-583 An Institutional Perspective on Foreign Direct Investment
by John Francis & CongCong Zheng & Ananda Mukherji - 585-605 Foreign Direct Investment and Capability Development
by Chia-Wen Hsu & Homin Chen - 607-640 Meta-analyses of International Joint Venture Performance Determinants
by Taco H. Reus & Daniel Rottig - 641-669 Past Interactions and New Foreign Direct Investment Location Decisions
by Elizabeth L. Rose & Kiyohiko Ito - 671-684 Fifteen Good Years
by Dafnis Coudounaris & Olga Kvasova & Leonidas C. Leonidou & Leyland F. Pitt & Deon Nel - 685-689 Biblio Service
by Klaus Macharzina
September 2009, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 395-407 Corporate Governance and International Business
by Roger Strange & Igor Filatotchev & Trevor Buck & Mike Wright - 409-431 Technological Competence and International Diversification
by Laszlo Tihanyi & Robert E. Hoskisson & Richard A. Johnson & William P. Wan - 433-454 Insider Control and the FDI Location Decision
by Roger Strange & Igor Filatotchev & Yung-chih Lien & Jenifer Piesse - 455-478 The Effects of Corporate Governance and Institutional Environments on Export Behaviour in Emerging Economies
by Jiangyong Lu & Bin Xu & Xiaohui Liu - 479-507 Structural Reform and Firm Exports
by Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra & Luis Alfonso Dau - 509-535 The Effects of Geographic Distance on the Foreign Acquisition Activity of U.S. Firms
by Roberto Ragozzino
June 2009, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 269-290 Strategic Orientation and the Choice of Foreign Market Entry Mode
by Deepak K. Datta & Xin Liang & Martina Musteen - 291-312 Institutional Environment and Subsidiary Survival
by Charles Dhanaraj & Paul W. Beamish - 313-335 The Emergence of Portfolio Restructuring in Japan
by Zhonghua Wu & Andrew Delios - 337-357 Understanding Environmental Risk for IJVs in China
by Willem Burgers & Dan Padgett - 359-387 Managerial Willingness to Assume Traveling, Short-term and Long-term Global Assignments
by Robert Konopaske & Chet Robie & John M. Ivancevich
April 2009, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 149-161 Toward More Effective Research on the Multinationality-Performance Relationship
by Alain Verbeke & Lei Li & Anthony Goerzen - 163-178 A Theoretical Perspective on the Location of Banking FDI
by Mohamed Azzim Gulamhussen - 179-198 Country-of-Origin Effects of Foreign Direct Investment
by Chengqi Wang & Jeremy Clegg & Mario Kafouros - 199-224 Psychic Distance, its Impact and Coping Modes
by John Child & Suzana B. Rodrigues & J. George Frynas - 225-248 Managing Business Relationships in New Zealand and China
by Yunxia Zhu - 249-265 Trends and Indications in International Business
by Michael R. Czinkota & Ilkka A. Ronkainen
February 2009, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 5-10 Foreign Direct Investment and Small Countries
by Marina Papanastassiou - 11-26 Financial Foreign Direct Investment: The Role of Private Equity Investments in the Globalization of Firms from Emerging Markets
by Tamir Agmon & Avi Messica - 27-42 Subsidiary Role and Skilled Labour Effects in Small Developed Countries
by Jens Gammelgaard & Frank McDonald & Heinz Tüselmann & Christoph Dörrenbächer & Andreas Stephan - 43-60 Technology Sourcing and Performance of Foreign Subsidiaries in Greece: The Impact of MNE and Local Environmental Contexts
by Dimitris Manolopoulos & Pavlos Dimitratos & Stephen Young & Spyros Lioukas - 61-80 Internationalization from a Small Domestic Base: An Empirical Analysis of Foreign Direct Investments of Icelandic Firms
by Ásta Dís Óladóttir - 81-94 Multinationals’ Strategies and the Economic Development of Small Economies: A Tale of Two Transitions
by Robert Pearce - 95-120 The Sustainable Competitive Advantage and Catching-up of Nations: FDI, Clusters and the Liability (Asset) of Smallness
by Christos N. Pitelis - 121-144 How well do Traditional Theories Explain the Internationalisation of Service MNEs from Small and Open Economies? – Case: National Telecommunication Companies
by Riku Laanti & Fred McDougall & Georges Baume
December 2008, Volume 48, Issue 6
- 645-666 Knee Deep in the Big Muddy: The Survival of Emerging Market Firms in Developed Markets
by Stewart R. Miller & Douglas E. Thomas & Lorraine Eden & Michael Hitt - 667-688 Market Size, Legal Institutions, and International Diversification Strategies: Implications for the Performance of Multinational Firms
by Jiatao Li & Deborah R. Yue - 689-714 Enhancing the Trustworthiness of Qualitative Research in International Business
by Rudolf R. Sinkovics & Elfriede Penz & Pervez N. Ghauri - 715-748 Historic and Emergent Trends in Chinese Outward Direct Investment
by Peter J. Buckley & Adam R. Cross & Hui Tan & Liu Xin & Hinrich Voss - 749-768 Performance of Multinational Firms’ Subsidiaries: Influences of Cumulative Experience
by Gerald Yong Gao & Yigang Pan & Jiangyong Lu & Zhigang Tao - 769-792 Globalizing Domestic Absorptive Capacities
by W. Sofka - 793-798 Biblio Service
by Bernhard S. Swoboda
November 2008, Volume 48, Issue 5
- 491-524 FDI Ownership Strategy: A Japanese-US MNE Comparison
by Jae C. Jung & Paul W. Beamish & Anthony Goerzen - 525-550 Entry Modes for Manufacturers’ International After-Sales Service: Analysis of Transaction-specific, Firm-specific and Country-specific Determinants
by Dirk Morschett & Hanna Schramm-Klein & Bernhard Swoboda - 551-576 Institutional Explanations of Cross-border Alliance Modes: The Case of Emerging Economies Firms
by Snejina Michailova & Siah Hwee Ang - 577-602 Home Country Image, Country Brand Equity and Consumers’ Product Preferences: An Empirical Study
by Katharina Petra Zeugner Roth & Adamantios Diamantopoulos & Mª Ángeles Montesinos - 603-638 Erroneous Learning from the West? A Narrative Analysis of Chinese MBA Cases Published in 1992, 1999 and 2003
by Neng Liang & Shu Lin
April 2008, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 371-377 Service multinationals: Their past, present, and future
by Sumit K. Kundu & Hemant Merchant - 379-396 Opening the ‘Non-Manufacturing’ envelope: The next big enterprise for international business research
by Hemant Merchant & Ajai Gaur - 397-411 A new perspective on the regional and global strategies of multinational services firms
by Alan M. Rugman & Alain Verbeke - 413-431 Rethinking the paradigm of service internationalisation: Less resource-intensive market entry modes for information-intensive soft services
by David A. Ball & Valerie J. Lindsay & Elizabeth L. Rose - 433-445 The influence of human capital investment on the exports of services and goods: An analysis of the top 25 services outsourcing countries
by Farok J. Contractor & Susan M. Mudambi - 447-461 Offshoring propensity in information technology services: A firm and country level analysis
by Naveen Kumar Jain & Sumit K. Kundu & Fred A. Niederman - 463-485 Internationalization of retail banks: A micro-level study of the multinationality-performance relationship
by Markus Venzin & Vikas Kumar & Jens Kleine
May 2008, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 263-278 How much distance do we need? Revisiting the “National cultural distance paradox”
by Huanglin Wang & Jean-Louis Schaan - 279-296 Multinational networks during times of economic crisis versus stability
by Chris Changwha Chung & Jane W. Lu & Paul W. Beamish - 297-318 The financial and operating performance of Chinese family-owned listed firms
by Ding Yuan & Zhang Hua & Zhang Junxi - 319-338 The development and sharing of knowledge by Centres of Excellence and transnational teams: A conceptual framework
by Maria Adenfelt & Katarina Lagerström - 339-360 The importance of language in international knowledge transfer
by Denice E. Welch & Lawrence S. Welch - 361-365 Macrory, P. F. J./Appleton, A. E./Plummer, M. G. (eds.): The World Trade Organization: Legal, Economic and Political Analysis
by Thomas Gehring
April 2008, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 147-163 Regional economic integration and foreign direct investment: The case of NAFTA
by Dorothee J. Feils & Manzur Rahman - 165-188 The impact of entry mode choice on foreign affiliate performance: The case of foreign MNEs in South Korea
by Youngok Kim & Sidney J. Gray - 189-206 Innovation in multinational firms: Does cultural fit enhance performance?
by Björn Ambos & Bodo B. Schlegelmilch - 207-226 Learning through international acquisitions: The process of knowledge acquisition in China
by Huan Zou & Pervez N. Ghauri - 227-253 Performance implications of capability exploitation and upgrading in international joint ventures
by Wu Zhan & Yadong Luo
February 2008, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 5-38 Factors affecting perceptions of the choice between acquisition and greenfield entry: The case of Western FDI in an emerging market
by Mehmet Demirbag & Ekrem Tatoglu & Keith W. Glaister - 39-64 Multinationality and technical efficiency: A neglected perspective
by Lei Li - 65-94 An evolutionary stage model of outsourcing and competence destruction: A Triad comparison of the consumer electronics industry
by Masaaki Kotabe & Michael J. Mol & Sonia Ketkar - 95-114 The impact of governance mechanisms on transaction-specific investments in supplier-manufacturer relationships: A comparison of local and foreign manufacturers
by Chwo-Ming Joseph Yu & Tsai-Ju Liao - 115-136 The drunkard’s search: Looking for ‘HRM’ in all the wrong places
by Steve McKenna & Parbudyal Singh & Jules Richardson - 137-141 Rugman, A. M.: The Regional Multinationals, MNEs and “Global” Strategic Management
by Wolfgang Burr & Britta Fischmann
December 2007, Volume 47, Issue 6
- 791-813 How do we capture “Global Specialization” when measuring firms’ degree of globalization?
by Christian Geisler Asmussen & Torben Pedersen & Bent Petersen - 815-844 Social ties and foreign market entry: An empirical inquiry
by Hongxin Zhao & Chin-Chun Hsu - 845-867 Experience of emerging market firms: The role of cognitive bias in developed market entry and survival
by Douglas E. Thomas & Lorraine Eden & Michael A. Hitt & Stewart R. Miller - 869-893 The nature and determinants of exclusivity rights in international technology licensing
by Marshall S. Jiang & Preet S. Aulakh & Yigang Pan - 895-924 An organizing framework for MNC subsidiary typologies
by Michael J. Enright & Venkat Subramanian