December 2007, Volume 47, Issue 6
- 925-929 Biblio service
by Tina Guenther
September 2007, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 631-638 Innovation, competition and change in international business: Emergent research trajectories
by Eleanor J. Morgan & Felicia M. Fai - 639-660 Using multi-hub structures for international R&D: Organisational inertia and the challenges of implementation
by Paola Criscuolo & Rajneesh Narula - 661-682 Knowledge-related competitiveness and the roles of multinationals’ R&D in a peripheral European economy: Survey analysis of Greece
by Dimitris Manolopoulos & Marina Papanastassiou & Robert Pearce - 683-706 The trade development path and export spillovers in China: A missing link?
by Trevor Buck & Xiaohui Liu & Yingqi Wei & Xiaming Liu - 707-724 The impact of foreign direct investment on the productivity of China’s automotive industry
by Peter J. Buckley & Jeremy Clegg & Ping Zheng & Pamela A. Siler & Gianluigi Giorgioni - 725-744 The United States and trade disputes in the World Trade Organization: Hegemony constrained or confirmed?
by Johan Lindeque & Steven McGuire - 745-766 Insiders and the law: The impact of regulatory change on insider trading
by Aaron Gilbert & Alireza Tourani-Rad & Tomasz Piotr Wisniewski - 767-785 Innovation, competition and regulatory change: Assessing interrelationships at the industry level
by Felicia M. Fai & Eleanor J. Morgan
October 2007, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 479-504 Corporate diversification, vertical integration, and internal capital markets: A cross-country study
by Joshua D. Shackman - 505-530 Determinants of ownership-based entry mode choice of MNEs: Evidence from Mongolia
by Erdener Kaynak & Mehmet Demirbag & Ekrem Tatoglu - 531-566 Private control and collective control in international joint ventures
by Yadong Luo - 567-593 Knowledge transfer in multinational corporations
by Dana B. Minbaeva - 595-620 Roles of subsidiary managers in multinational corporations: The effect of dual organizational identification
by Davina Vora & Tatiana Kostova & Kendall Roth - 621-624 Biblio service
by Thomas Kiehlborn
June 2007, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 307-317 40 years of research on internationalization and firm performance: More questions than answers?
by Martin Glaum & Michael-Jörg Oesterle - 319-347 The effect of context-related moderators on the internationalization-performance relationship: Evidence from meta-analysis
by Andreas Bausch & Mario Krist - 349-368 The internationalization-performance relationship at Swiss firms: A test of the S-shape and extreme degrees of internationalization
by Winfried Ruigrok & Wolfgang Amann & Hardy Wagner - 369-392 An exploration of the relationship between country of origin (COE) and the internationalization-performance paradigm
by Balasubramanian Elango & S. Prakash Sethi - 393-422 Stock market reaction to foreign direct investments: Interaction between entry mode and FDI attributes
by Cristina López-Duarte & Esteban García-Canal - 423-452 The theoretical rationale for a multinationality-performance relationship
by Jean-François Hennart - 453-475 Is international business good for companies? The evolutionary or multi-stage theory of internationalization vs. the transaction cost perspective
by Farok J. Contractor
March 2007, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 139-149 Edith Penrose and the future of the multinational enterprise: New research directions
by Christos Pitelis & Alain Verbeke - 151-173 Edith Penrose’s Theory of the Growth of the Firm and the strategic management of multinational enterprises
by Peter J. Buckley & Mark Casson - 175-192 Dynamic capabilities and multinational enterprise: Penrosean insights and omissions
by Mie Augier & David J. Teece - 193-206 A note on Penrosean growth, resource bundles and the Uppsala model of internationalisation
by John T. Steen & Peter W. Liesch - 207-219 Edith Penrose and a learning-based perspective on the MNE and OLI
by Christos Pitelis - 221-239 The Penrose effect: “Excess” expatriates in multinational enterprises
by Anthony Goerzen & Paul W. Beamish - 241-258 Entrepreneurship in multinational enterprises: A Penrosean perspective
by Alain Verbeke & Wenlong Yuan - 259-279 The dynamics of Japanese firm growth in U.S. Industries: The Penrose effect
by Danchi Tan & Joseph T. Mahoney - 281-302 Knowledge management and involvement in innovations in MNC subsidiaries
by Stewart Johnston & Angela Paladino
February 2007, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 5-27 Reconsidering the concentration of US MNE activity: Is it global, regional or national?
by Walid Hejazi - 29-50 Host country cultural influences on foreign direct investment
by Arjun Bhardwaj & Joerg Dietz & Paul W. Beamish - 51-77 Foreign direct investment and local linkages: An empirical investigation
by Joanna Scott-Kennel - 79-102 Foreign subsidiaries’ learning from local environments: An empirical test
by Shaohua “Carolyn” Mu & Devi R. Gnyawali & Donald E. Hatfield - 103-126 Do international management researchers need a code of ethics?
by Bruce W. Stening & Daniel W. Skubik - 127-131 Biblio service
by Dirk Schiefer & Oliver Schwindler
December 2006, Volume 46, Issue 6
- 631-646 Guest editors’ introduction to the focused issue: A new direction for global teams research
by Martha L. Maznevski & Nicholas A. Athanassiou - 647-678 Intercultural learning in global teams
by Anne Bartel-Radic - 679-696 The importance of language in global teams: A linguistic perspective
by Stephen Chen & Ronald Geluykens & Chong Ju Choi - 697-720 Building bridges, windows and cultures: Mediating mechanisms between team heterogeneity and performance in global teams
by Mary M. Maloney & Mary E. Zellmer-Bruhn - 721-748 Melting pot or tossed salad? Implications for designing effective multicultural workgroups
by Anne Susann Bachmann - 749-770 International experience heterogeneity effects on top management team advice networks: A hierarchical analysis
by Nicholas A. Athanassiou & Kendall Roth - 771-790 The impact of subsidiary top management team national diversity on subsidiary performance: Knowledge and legitimacy perspectives
by Yaping Gong
September 2006, Volume 46, Issue 5
- 507-528 The product cycle revisited: Knowledge intensity and firm internationalization
by Tamar Almor & Niron Hashai & Seev Hirsch - 529-555 Financial and product market integration: Responses of Japanese firms
by Toru Yoshikawa & Abdul A. Rasheed & Deepak K. Datta & Joseph Rosenstein - 557-572 Does relationship marketing exist in cyberspace?
by Ha Lau Ching & Paul Ellis - 573-596 An empirical examination of reward preferences within and across national settings
by Flora F. T. Chiang & Thomas A. Birtch - 597-618 Mode of international entry: The advantages of multilevel methods
by Jean-Luc Arregle & Louis Hébert & Paul W. Beamish - 619-624 Biblio service
by Christian Soffel
August 2006, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 391-396 Guest editors’ introduction to the focused issue: Qualitative research methods in international business
by Rebecca Piekkari & Catherine Welch - 397-416 Narrative interviewing and narrative analysis in a study of a cross-border merger
by Anne-Marie Søderberg - 417-437 Crossing language boundaries: Qualitative interviewing in international business
by Catherine Welch & Rebecca Piekkari - 439-459 Mixed methods in international business research: A value-added perspective
by Leila Hurmerinta-Peltomäki & Niina Nummela - 461-480 Reading as a method of inquiry: Representations of the born global
by Sara L. McGaughey - 481-501 Postcolonialism and the politics of qualitative research in international business
by Gavin Jack & Robert Westwood
June 2006, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 259-276 The effects of institutional ownership on corporate governance and performance: An empirical assessment in Hong Kong
by Ji Li & Kevin Lam & Gongming Qian & Yongqing Fang - 277-305 The dynamics of guanxi in Chinese hightech firms: Implications for knowledge management and decision making
by Ping Ping Fu & Anne S. Tsui & Gregory G. Dess - 307-326 Direct competition, number of partners and the longevity of stakes in joint ventures
by Ana Valdés-Llaneza & Esteban García-Canal - 327-348 The acquisition of tacit knowledge in China: An empirical analysis of the ‘supplier-side individual level’ and ‘recipient-side’ factors
by Eden Yin & Yongjian Bao - 349-378 Autonomy of foreign R&D units in an emerging market: An information processing perspective
by Yadong Luo - 379-387 Biblio Service
by Stefan Eckert
March 2006, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 139-142 Guest Editors’ Introduction to the Focused Issue: International Business in Central and Eastern Europe
by Modestas Gelbuda & Olav J. Sørensen & Klaus E. Meyer & Ulf Andersson - 143-164 Process perspectives in international business research in CEE
by Klaus E. Meyer & Modestas Gelbuda - 165-178 Commitment and opportunity development in the internationalization process: A note on the Uppsala internationalization process model
by Jan Johanson & Jan-Erik Vahlne - 179-205 Turbulence, discovery and foreign market entry: A longitudinal study of an entry into the Russian market
by Martin Johanson & Jan Johanson - 207-233 Emotions and foreign direct investment: A theoretical and empirical exploration
by Mindel Laar & Chris Neubourg - 235-255 MNEs’ strategies in Central and Eastern Europe: key elements of subsidiary behaviour
by Julia Manea & Robert Pearce
February 2006, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 7-37 The effect of keiretsu affiliation and resource dependencies on supplier firm performance in the Japanese automobile industry
by Rakesh B. Sambharya & Kunal Banerji - 39-55 Stage models re-visited: A measure of the stage of internationalisation of a firm
by Rumintha Wickramasekera & Edward Oczkowski - 57-83 Access to networks and commitment to internationalisation as precursors to marketing strategies in international markets
by Carl Arthur Solberg & François Durrieu - 85-107 One of these things is not like the others: What contributes to dissimilarity among MNE subsidiaries’ political strategy?
by William P. Wan & Amy J. Hillman - 109-130 What they learned from the crash: A comparison of Korean firms’ FDI before and after the 1997 financial crisis
by Young-Ryeol Park & Yong Suhk Pak & Jeoung Yul Lee - 131-134 Biblio service
by Ulrich Hommel