October 2018, Volume 58, Issue 5
- 743-769 Regulator Vulnerabilities to Political Pressures and Political Tie Intensity: The Moderating Effects of Regulatory and Political Distance
by George O. White & Jean J. Boddewyn & Tazeeb Rajwani & Thomas A. Hemphill - 771-811 Political Schemas and Corporate Political Activities During Foreign Market Entry: A Micro-process Perspective
by Ziad F. Elsahn & Maureen Benson-Rea - 813-844 The Effect of Corporate Political Activity on MNC Subsidiary Legitimacy: An Institutional Perspective
by Shantanu Banerjee & Sunil Venaik - 845-869 The Differential Effects of Minority State Ownership Types on the Internationalization of Emerging Market Multinationals from Democratic States
by Fernanda Arreola & Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello
August 2018, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 523-539 The New MNE: ‘Orchestration’ Theory as Envelope of ‘Internalisation’ Theory
by Christos N. Pitelis & David J. Teece - 541-570 A Meta-analysis of the International Experience–Ownership Strategy Relationship: A Dynamic Capabilities View
by Ryan W. Tang & Siegfried P. Gudergan - 571-604 The Impact of Managers’ Global Orientation on SME Export and Economic Performance
by Joan Freixanet & Gemma Renart & Alex Rialp-Criado - 605-631 Hybrid State-Owned Enterprises and Internationalization: Evidence from Emerging Market Multinationals
by Nan Zhou - 633-661 From Arbitrage to Global Innovation: Evolution of Multinational R&D in Emerging Markets
by Srivardhini K. Jha & Charles Dhanaraj & Rishikesha T. Krishnan
June 2018, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 363-387 The Theory of International Business: The Role of Economic Models
by Mark Casson - 389-411 Capital Structure of Foreign Direct Investments: A Transaction Cost Analysis
by Asmund Rygh & Gabriel R. G. Benito - 413-447 Global Mindset and Entry Mode Decisions: Moderating Roles of Managers’ Decision-Making Style and Managerial Experience
by Fuming Jiang & Subramaniam Ananthram & Jizhong Li - 449-464 Escape FDI and the Varieties of Capitalism: Why History Matters in International Business
by Christopher Kobrak & Michael-Jörg Oesterle & Björn Röber - 465-493 Inertia and Managerial Intentionality: Extending the Uppsala Model
by Douglas Dow & Peter Liesch & Lawrence Welch - 495-522 Drivers of Virtual Interfirm Integration and Its Impact on Performance in International Customer–Supplier Relationships
by Daekwan Kim & Ruey-Jer Bryan Jean & Rudolf R. Sinkovics
April 2018, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 195-224 Internalisation Theory and Outward Direct Investment by Emerging Market Multinationals
by Peter J. Buckley - 225-250 Dynamic Capabilities of Multinational Enterprises: The Dominant Logics Behind Sensing, Seizing, and Transforming Matter!
by Lars Matysiak & Alan M. Rugman & Andreas Bausch - 251-280 Interactions Among Factors Driving and Inhibiting the Early Internationalization of Small, Young Technology Enterprises
by Gongming Qian & Lee Li & Zhengming Qian - 281-312 The Embedding of Transnational Entrepreneurs in Diaspora Networks: Leveraging the Assets of Foreignness
by Stoyan Stoyanov & Richard Woodward & Veselina Stoyanova - 313-335 The Impact of Internationalization on Home Country Charitable Donation: Evidence from Chinese Firms
by Heng Liu & Jin-hui Luo & Victor Cui - 337-357 Economic Inequality, Cultural Orientation and Base-of-Pyramid Employee Performance at the MNC Subsidiary: A Multi-Case Investigation
by Tim G. Andrews & Khin Thi Htun - 359-359 Erratum to: 30 Years of Research on Entry Mode and Performance Relationship: A Meta-Analytical Review
by Hongxin Zhao & Jieqiong Ma & Jie Yang
February 2018, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-8 Chinese Outward FDI as a Stimulus to Research in International Business
by L. Jeremy Clegg & Hinrich Voss - 9-42 The Decision to Stay or Resign Following an Acquisition by a Chinese or Indian Company
by Terry Alkire & Pierre-Xavier Meschi - 43-84 Who Follows Whom? A Location Study of Chinese Private and State-Owned Companies in the European Union
by Filip De Beule & Dieter Somers & Haiyan Zhang - 85-119 How Do the Normativity of Headquarters and the Knowledge Autonomy of Subsidiaries Co-Evolve? Capability-Upgrading Processes of Chinese Subsidiaries in Belgium
by Manuel Hensmans & Guangyan Liu - 121-146 Chinese Multinational Enterprises in Europe and Africa: How do They Perceive Political Risk?
by Xia Han & Xiaohui Liu & Lan Gao & Pervez Ghauri - 147-170 Market Entry Strategies and Performance of Chinese Firms in Germany: The Moderating Effect of Home Government Support
by Dirk Holtbrügge & Sue Claire Berning - 171-193 Spatial Dependence of the FDI Entry Mode Decision: Empirical Evidence From Emerging Market Enterprises
by Zhi Shen & Francisco Puig
December 2017, Volume 57, Issue 6
- 793-814 Understanding When MNCs can Overcome Institutional Distance: A Research Agenda
by Johann Fortwengel - 815-854 Language in International Business: A Review and Agenda for Future Research
by Helene Tenzer & Siri Terjesen & Anne-Wil Harzing - 855-878 Beyond Simple Configurations: The Dual Involvement of Divisional and Corporate Headquarters in Subsidiary Innovation Activities in Multibusiness Firms
by Benoit Decreton & Henrik Dellestrand & Philip Kappen & Phillip C. Nell - 879-907 In or Out: How Insourcing Foreign Input Production Affects Domestic Production
by Spyros Arvanitis & Thomas Bolli & Tobias Stucki - 909-946 Co-evolutionary Perspective on Sourcing Portfolios: Examining Sourcing Choices for Clinical Trials of Bio-pharmaceutical Firms
by Pooja Thakur-Wernz & Olga Bruyaka
October 2017, Volume 57, Issue 5
- 653-682 30 Years of Research on Entry Mode and Performance Relationship: A Meta-Analytical Review
by Hongxin Zhao & Jieqiong Ma & Jie Yang - 683-715 Conformity or Nonconformity in Multinationality? Performance Implications for the Italian Ceramic Tile Manufacturers
by Claudio Giachetti & Ettore Spadafora - 717-748 Corporate Reputation Effects Across Nations: The Impact of Country Distances and Firm-Specific Resources
by Bernhard Swoboda & Cathrin Huber & Tassilo Schuster & Johannes Hirschmann - 749-774 Learning from Political Change and the Development of MNCs’ Political Capabilities: Evidence from the Global Mining Industry
by Naoki Yasuda & Hitoshi Mitsuhashi - 775-792 Corruption and Private Participation Projects in Central and Eastern Europe
by Alfredo Jiménez & Marcello Russo & Johannes Marcelus Kraak & Guoliang Frank Jiang
August 2017, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 501-528 Transnationality and Financial Performance in the Era of the Global Factory
by Peter J. Buckley & Xiaowen Tian - 529-544 Understanding ‘Misfits’: Aspirations and Systematic Deviations from Firm-Specific Optimal Multinationality
by K. Skylar Powell - 545-570 Relationship with Headquarters and Divestments of Foreign Subsidiaries: The Hysteresis Perspective
by Sangcheol Song & Jeoung Yul Lee - 571-602 The Value-Adding Role of the Corporate Headquarters in Innovation Transfer Processes: The Issue of Headquarters Knowledge Situation
by Christine Holmström Lind & Olivia H. Kang - 603-630 SMEs, Intellectual Capital, and Offshoring of Service Activities: An Empirical Investigation
by Martina Musteen & Mujtaba Ahsan & Taekyung Park - 631-652 Mapping the Intellectual Structure of Research on ‘Born Global’ Firms and INVs: A Citation/Co-citation Analysis
by Francisco García-Lillo & Enrique Claver-Cortés & Bartolomé Marco-Lajara & Mercedes Úbeda-García
June 2017, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 311-347 Multinationality and Performance Literature: A Critical Review and Future Research Agenda
by Quyen T. K. Nguyen - 349-378 Revisiting Ghoshal and Bartlett’s Theory of the Multinational Corporation as an Interorganizational Network
by Natalie Djodat & Dodo Knyphausen-Aufseß - 379-409 The Interplay of Mahalanobis Distance and Firm Capabilities on MNC Subsidiary Exits from Host Countries
by Jingoo Kang & Jeoung Yul Lee & Pervez N. Ghauri - 411-440 Match-Making in International Joint Ventures in Emerging Economies: Aligning Asymmetric Financial Strength and Equity Stake
by Pierre-Xavier Meschi & Anne Norheim-Hansen & Edson Luiz Riccio - 441-471 Developing International Business Relationships in a Russian Context
by Ron Berger & Ram Herstein & Avi Silbiger & Bradley R. Barnes - 473-500 Shared Consumer Needs Across India and China: A Path to Global Advertising of Services?
by Pradip H. Sadarangani & Anup Krishnamurthy & Richard P. Bagozzi
April 2017, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 153-177 Internationalization Speed and Firm Performance: A Study of the Market-Seeking Expansion of Retail MNEs
by Alexander Mohr & Georgios Batsakis - 179-207 Institutional Distance and Foreign Subsidiary Performance in Emerging Markets: Moderating Effects of Ownership Strategy and Host-Country Experience
by Vikrant Shirodkar & Palitha Konara - 209-241 Experience, Equity and Foreign Investment Risk: A PIC Perspective
by Barclay E. James & Paul M. Vaaler - 243-275 Polarizing Effects of Early Exporting on Exit
by Ziliang Deng & Ruey-Jer Bryan Jean & Rudolf R. Sinkovics - 277-305 Career Anchors and Cross-Cultural Adjustment Among Expatriates in a Non-Profit Organization
by Heidi Wechtler & Alexei Koveshnikov & Cécile Dejoux - 307-309 Erratum to: Environmental Orientation of Exporting SMEs from an Emerging Economy: Its Antecedents and Consequences
by Ricky Y. K. Chan & Katherine H. Y. Ma
February 2017, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 1-35 Multinationality and Performance: A Context-Specific Analysis for German Firms
by Marcus Dittfeld - 37-64 A Cost-Based Explanation of Gradual, Regional Internationalization of Multinationals on Social Networking Sites
by Nicolai Pogrebnyakov - 65-92 Does Board Co-Working Experience Influence Directors’ Decisions Toward Internationalization?
by Hsiang-Lan Chen & Chiao-Yi Chang & Wen-Tsung Hsu - 93-120 Ownership Increase in International Joint Ventures: The Within- and Across-Country Flexibility Perspective
by Sangcheol Song - 121-151 Antecedents and Outcomes of Supplier Innovativeness in International Customer–Supplier Relationships: The Role of Knowledge Distance
by Ruey-Jer Bryan Jean & Rudolf R. Sinkovics & Daekwan Kim
December 2016, Volume 56, Issue 6
- 783-804 The Internationalization Process Model Revisited: An Agenda for Future Research
by Catherine Welch & Niina Nummela & Peter Liesch - 805-825 TEMPUS FUGIT: A Hermeneutic Approach to the Internationalisation Process
by Leila Hurmerinta & Eriikka Paavilainen-Mäntymäki & Mélanie E. Hassett - 827-847 Acceleration and Deceleration in the Internationalization Process of the Firm
by Martin Johanson & Igor Kalinic - 849-878 Speed of Internationalization of New Business Units: The Impact of Direct and Indirect Learning
by Thomas Hutzschenreuter & Ingo Kleindienst & Christina Guenther & Martin Hammes - 879-900 Historical Research Approaches to the Analysis of Internationalisation
by Peter J. Buckley
October 2016, Volume 56, Issue 5
- 597-632 Environmental Orientation of Exporting SMEs from an Emerging Economy: Its Antecedents and Consequences
by Ricky Y. K. Chan & Katherine H. Y. Ma - 633-664 Learning from Others: the Impact of Vicarious Experience on the Psychic Distance and FDI Relationship
by Alfredo Jiménez & David Fuente - 665-698 Headquarters Resource Allocation for Inter-Subsidiary Innovation Transfer: The Effect of Within-Country and Cross-Country Cultural Differences
by Yuzhe Miao & Yuping Zeng & Jeoung Yul Lee - 759-779 How do MNC R&D Laboratory Roles Affect Employee International Assignments?
by Panagiota Sapouna & Dimitris Manolopoulos & Pavlos Dimitratos - 781-781 Erratum to: International Establishment Mode Choice: Past, Present and Future
by Desislava Dikova & Keith Brouthers
August 2016, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 455-487 Does Country Equate with Culture? Beyond Geography in the Search for Cultural Boundaries
by Vas Taras & Piers Steel & Bradley L. Kirkman - 531-563 Network and Institutional Effects on SMEs’ Entry Strategies
by Fang-Yi Lo & Yu-Ching Chiao & Chwo-Ming Joseph Yu
June 2016, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 303-324 Location Choice Research: Proposing New Agenda
by Naveen Kumar Jain & Tanvi Kothari & Vikas Kumar - 325-352 Competing in Emerging Markets: Performance Implications of Competitive Aggressiveness
by Claudio Giachetti - 353-384 Resource Deepening Vs. Resource Extension: Impact on Asset-Seeking Acquisition Performance
by Sathyajit R. Gubbi & B. Elango - 385-424 Offshoring of Services: A Review of the Literature and Organizing Framework
by Niccolò Pisani & Joan Enric Ricart - 425-454 The Value of International Assignees’ Knowledge of Interpersonal Networks: Knowledge of People, Networks and Politics and Knowledge Flows in Multinational Enterprises
by Brendan Boyle & Stephen Nicholas & Rebecca Mitchell
April 2016, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 149-169 Leveraging Values in Global Organizations: Premises, Paradoxes and Progress
by Lena Zander & Karsten Jonsen & Audra I. Mockaitis - 171-194 Interpretive Frames as the Organization’s “Mirror”: From Espoused Values to Social Integration in MNEs
by Birgitte Grøgaard & Helene Loe Colman - 195-226 Cultural Change Following International Acquisitions: Cohabiting the Tension Between Espoused and Practiced Cultures
by Satu Teerikangas & Olivier Irrmann - 227-254 Leveraging Values Diversity: The Emergence and Implications of a Global Managerial Culture in Global Organizations
by Alfred M. Jaeger & Sung Soo Kim & Arif N. Butt - 255-281 Collectivist Values, Exchange Ideology and Psychological Contract Preference
by David C. Thomas & Elizabeth C. Ravlin & Yuan Liao & Daniel L. Morrell & Kevin Au - 283-301 Language, Cultural Intelligence, and Inpatriate Turnover Intentions: Leveraging Values in Multinational Corporations through Inpatriates
by Fabian Jintae Froese & Kwanghyun Kim & Aileen Eng
February 2016, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 1-34 Do We Need to Distance Ourselves from the Distance Concept? Why Home and Host Country Context Might Matter More Than (Cultural) Distance
by Anne-Wil Harzing & Markus Pudelko - 35-65 Trends in International Strategic Management Research From 2000 to 2013: Text Mining and Bibliometric Analyses
by George O. White & Orhun Guldiken & Thomas A. Hemphill & Wu He & Mehdi Sharifi Khoobdeh - 123-148 Governance Structure and the Creation and Protection of Technological Competencies: International R&D Joint Ventures in China
by Jiatao Li & Zhenzhen Xie
December 2015, Volume 55, Issue 6
- 737-773 Do You Know What I Know? Intent to Share Knowledge in the US and Ukraine
by Wayne H. Stewart Jr. & Ruth C. May & Donna E. Ledgerwood - 775-800 Explaining Employees’ Reactions towards a Cross-Border Merger: The Role of English Language Fluency
by David P. Kroon & Joep P. Cornelissen & Eero Vaara - 801-825 Resource Tangibility and Foreign Firms’ Corporate Political Strategies in Emerging Economies: Evidence from India
by Vikrant Shirodkar & Alexander T. Mohr - 827-856 Earnings Management in Europe Post IFRS: Do Cultural Influences Persist?
by Sidney J. Gray & Tony Kang & Zhiwei Lin & Qingliang Tang - 857-883 The Effect of Global Orientation on the Performance of International New Ventures: Evidence from Italy
by Daniele Cerrato & Mariacristina Piva
October 2015, Volume 55, Issue 5
- 593-613 Influence of Managerial Ownership and Compensation Structure on Establishment Mode Choice: The Moderating Role of Host Country Political Risk
by Deepak K. Datta & Martina Musteen & Dynah A. Basuil - 615-646 The Role of Institutional Environments in Cross-Border Mergers: A Perspective from Bidders’ Earnings Management Behavior
by Bok Baik & Kwanghee Cho & Wooseok Choi & Jun-Koo Kang - 647-676 Effectuation and Networking of Internationalizing SMEs
by Tamara Galkina & Sylvie Chetty - 677-705 The Role of Outgroups in Constructing a Shared Identity: A Longitudinal Study of a Subsidiary Merger in Mexico
by Anna Łupina-Wegener & Susan C. Schneider & Rolf Dick - 707-736 Organizational Support and Citizenship Behaviors: A Comparative Cross-Cultural Meta-Analysis
by Dan S. Chiaburu & Subrata Chakrabarty & Jiexin Wang & Ning Li
August 2015, Volume 55, Issue 4
- 457-483 The Co-evolution of Learning and Internationalization Strategy in International New Ventures
by Juan M. Pellegrino & Rod B. McNaughton - 485-509 Learning from Risky Environments: Global Diversification Strategies of Spanish MNEs
by Alfredo Jiménez & Diana Benito-Osorio & Carmen Palmero-Cámara - 511-538 Are Social Ties Always Valuable to Knowledge Search? Contextualizing Knowledge Search by Foreign Subsidiary Executives in an Emerging Economy
by Hongxin Zhao - 539-561 Spillover Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: How do Region-Specific Institutions Matter?
by Jingtao Yi & Yan Chen & Chengqi Wang & Mario Kafouros - 563-587 What Motivates Financial Innovation Across Countries? The Influences of Performance Aspiration and Economic Freedom
by Yiyi Su & Steven Si - 589-592 Dowling, P. J., Festing, M., Engle Sr., A. D., International Human Resource Management (6th Edition), Cengage Learning EMEA, 2013
by Jennifer F. Wood
June 2015, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 303-322 The Place of International Human Resource Management in International Business
by Denice Welch & Ingmar Björkman - 323-353 International Cultural Diversification and Corporate Social Performance in Multinational Enterprises: The Role of Slack Financial Resources
by Javier Aguilera-Caracuel & Jaime Guerrero-Villegas & María Dolores Vidal-Salazar & Blanca L. Delgado-Márquez - 355-387 Leadership Experience Meets Ownership Structure: Returnee Managers and Internationalization of Emerging Economy Firms
by Lin Cui & Yi Li & Klaus E. Meyer & Zijie Li - 389-419 Market Seeking Orientation and Performance in China: The Impact of Institutional Environment, Subsidiary Ownership Structure and Experience
by Xinming He & Jianhong Zhang & Jinmeng Wang - 421-451 The Dual Effects of State Ownership on Export Activities of Emerging Market Firms: An Inducement–Constraint Perspective
by Jie Wu & Hongxin Zhao - 453-456 DeSimone, R. L., Werner, J. M., Human Resource Development (6th International Edition), South-Western, Cengage Learning, 2012
by Ihar Sahakiants
April 2015, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 159-179 Leveraging India: Global Interconnectedness and Locational Competitive Advantage
by Farok J. Contractor & Vikas Kumar & Charles Dhanaraj - 181-190 A Case for Contextual Intelligence
by Tarun Khanna - 191-205 The Viability of Sustained Growth by India’s MNEs: India’s Dual Economy and Constraints from Location Assets
by Rajneesh Narula - 207-234 Choose Your Friends Carefully: Home-Country Ties and New Venture Internationalization
by Shameen Prashantham & Julian Birkinshaw - 235-253 International Diversification of Emerging Market Firms: The Role of Ownership Structure and Group Affiliation
by Ajai Gaur & Andrew Delios - 255-275 What Drives Overseas Acquisitions by Indian Firms? A Behavioral Risk-Taking Perspective
by Raveendra Chittoor & Preet S. Aulakh & Sougata Ray - 277-301 Reverse Knowledge Transfer from Overseas Acquisitions: A Survey of Indian MNEs
by Smitha R. Nair & Mehmet Demirbag & Kamel Mellahi
February 2015, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 1-22 Inter-Country Exchange Rates and Intra-Firm Trade Flow Within Global Network of Multinational Corporations
by Sangcheol Song - 23-51 Cross-Border Learning, Technological Turbulence and Firm Performance
by Liliana Pérez-Nordtvedt & Debmalya Mukherjee & Ben L. Kedia - 53-76 How Product Attributes Influence Internationalization: A Framework of Domain- and Culture-Specificity
by Terence Ping-Ching Fan & Alex Tai Loong Tan - 77-118 Culture and Corporate Governance: The Influence of Language and Religion in Switzerland
by Christophe Volonté - 119-150 Determinants of MNC’s Knowledge Inflows to Subsidiaries: A Perspective on Internalization Advantages
by Cher-Hung Tseng - 151-156 Verbeke, A., International Business Strategy: Rethinking the Foundations of Global Corporate Success, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2013
by Thomas M. Fojcik
December 2014, Volume 54, Issue 6
- 781-800 Countries, Within-Country Regions, and Multiple-Country Regions in International Management: A Functional, Institutional, and Critical Event (FICE) Perspective
by Mark F. Peterson & Mikael Søndergaard - 801-824 Nations Versus Religions: Which Has a Stronger Effect on Societal Values?
by Michael Minkov & Geert Hofstede - 825-852 Regional Cultural Differences Within European Countries: Evidence from Multi-Country Surveys
by Anneli Kaasa & Maaja Vadi & Urmas Varblane - 853-877 Does Regional Integration Change the Effects of Country-Level Institutional Barriers on M&A? The Case of the European Union
by Caterina Moschieri & Roberto Ragozzino & Jose Manuel Campa - 879-906 Clusters and Regional Management Structures by Western MNCs in Asia: Overcoming the Distance Challenge
by Bruno Amann & Jacques Jaussaud & Johannes Schaaper
October 2014, Volume 54, Issue 5
- 581-613 Psychic Distance, Innovation, and Firm Performance
by Goudarz Azar & Rian Drogendijk - 615-651 Success Factors of Regional Strategies for Multinational Corporations: Exploring the Appropriate Degree of Regional Management Autonomy and Regional Product/Service Adaptation
by Dirk Ulrich Gilbert & Patrick Heinecke - 653-673 Internationalisation for Survival: The Case of New Ventures
by Francisco Puig & Miguel González-Loureiro & Pervez N. Ghauri - 675-705 Revisiting the Trustworthiness–Performance–Governance Nexus in International Joint Ventures
by Linda H. Y. Hsieh & Suzana B. Rodrigues - 707-734 Practice Standardization in Cross-Border Activities of Multinational Corporations: A Resource Dependence Perspective
by Xia Jun & Marshall S. Jiang & Sali Li & Preet S. Aulakh - 735-755 Contributing Institutions and Authors in International Business Research: A Quality-Based Assessment
by Nianhang Xu & Winnie P. H. Poon & Kam C. Chan - 757-778 Subsidiary Initiatives in the Institutional Environment
by Julia Hamprecht & Jan Schwarzkopf - 779-780 Erratum to: Subsidiary Initiatives in the Institutional Environment
by Jens Hamprecht & Julia Schwarzkopf
August 2014, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 421-444 Maturing, Technology-Based, Born-Global Companies: Surviving Through Mergers and Acquisitions
by Tamar Almor & Shlomo Y. Tarba & Avital Margalit - 445-471 International Entrepreneurial Culture and Growth of International New Ventures
by Mika Gabrielsson & Peter Gabrielsson & Pavlos Dimitratos - 473-496 Externalizing, Internalizing and Fostering Commitment: The Case of Born-Global Firms in Emerging Economies
by Alison J. Glaister & Yipeng Liu & Sunil Sahadev & Emanuel Gomes - 497-525 Born Global or Born to Run? The Long-Term Growth of Born Global Firms
by Birgit Hagen & Antonella Zucchella - 527-550 Strategic Decision-Making of a Born Global: A Comparative Study From Three Small Open Economies
by Niina Nummela & Sami Saarenketo & Päivi Jokela & Sharon Loane - 551-579 Measuring the Performance of Born-Global Firms Throughout Their Development Process: The Roles of Initial Market Selection and Internationalisation Speed
by Ryan Trudgen & Susan Freeman
June 2014, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 283-306 A Process-Based Explanation of the Psychic Distance Paradox: Evidence from Global Virtual Teams
by Peter Magnusson & Anja Schuster & Vas Taras - 307-324 A Linguistic and Philosophical Analysis of Emic and Etic and their Use in International Business Research
by Peter J. Buckley & Malcolm Chapman & Jeremy Clegg & Hanna Gajewska-De Mattos - 325-359 High-Performance Work Systems and Organizational Performance in Emerging Economies: Evidence from MNEs in Turkey
by Mehmet Demirbag & David G. Collings & Ekrem Tatoglu & Kamel Mellahi & Geoffrey Wood - 361-380 Human Resource Management in Multinational Enterprises: Evidence From a Late Industrializing Economy
by Anthony McDonnell & Jonathan Lavelle & Patrick Gunnigle - 381-415 Long-Term Orientation and Relationship Lending: A Cross-Cultural Study on the Effect of Time Preferences on the Choice of Corporate Debt
by Ron Christian Antonczyk & Wolfgang Breuer & Astrid Juliane Salzmann - 417-420 Wadhwa, V., Salkever, A., The Immigrant Exodus: Why America is Losing the Global Race to Capture Entrepreneurial Talent, Wharton Digital Press, 2012
by Yipeng Liu & Yijun Xing
April 2014, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 137-169 Renewing Dynamic Capabilities Globally: An Empirical Study of the World’s Largest MNCs
by Rakesh B. Sambharya & Jooh Lee - 171-193 Information Costs in International Business: Analyzing the Effects of Economies of Scale, Cultural Diversity and Decentralization
by Nicole Franziska Richter - 195-223 Simultaneous Impact of the Presence of Foreign MNEs on Indigenous Firms’ Exports and Domestic Sales
by Jue Wang & Yingqi Wei & Xiaming Liu & Chengang Wang & Hua Lin - 225-252 Headquarters’ Managerial Intentionality and Reverse Transfer of Practices
by Leanne Chung - 253-276 Bridging Knowledge Gaps: Returnees and Reverse Knowledge Spillovers from Chinese Local Firms to Foreign Firms
by Xiaohui Liu & Jiangyong Lu & Seong-jin Choi - 277-282 Govindarajan, V., Trimble, C., Reverse Innovation: Create Far from Home, Win Everywhere, Harvard Business Review Press, 2012
by Tassilo Schuster
February 2014, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-29 Psychic Distance, its Business Impact and Modes of Coping: A Study of British and Indian Partner SMEs
by Pushyarag N. Puthusserry & John Child & Suzana B. Rodrigues - 31-45 Profitability and Speed of Foreign Market Entry
by K. Skylar Powell - 47-70 Subsidiary Divestment: The Role of Multinational Flexibility
by Sangcheol Song - 71-106 Voluntary Disclosure of Press Releases and the Importance of Timing: A Comparative Study of the UK and Spain
by Encarna Guillamón-Saorín & Carlos M. P. Sousa - 107-128 Compensation Disparity between Locals and Expatriates in China: A Multilevel Analysis of the Influence of Norms
by Kwok Leung & Xiaowan Lin & Lin Lu - 129-134 Mayrhofer, U., Management of Multinational Companies: A French Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
by Barbara Agha-Alikhani & Sebastian Öttl
December 2013, Volume 53, Issue 6
- 763-794 Multinational Performance and the Geography of FDI
by Yong Yang & Pedro S. Martins & Nigel Driffield - 795-817 FDI Structure, Investment Specificity, and Multinationality Value under Host Market Uncertainty
by Sangcheol Song - 819-839 The Variation in Indian Inward FDI Patterns
by Ping Zheng - 841-868 How International Firms Conduct Societal Marketing in Emerging Markets
by Fue Zeng & Ji Li & Hong Zhu & Zhenyao Cai & Pengcheng Li - 869-897 Market Orientation, Embeddedness and the Autonomy and Performance of Multinational Subsidiaries in an Emerging Economy
by Xiaoying Li & Xiaming Liu & Howard Thomas - 899-916 National Culture and International Differences in the Cost of Equity Capital
by Sidney John Gray & Tony Kang & Yong Keun Yoo
October 2013, Volume 53, Issue 5
- 635-658 Venturing Early or Following Late?
by M. Ahlbrecht & S. Eckert - 659-686 The Impact of Psychic Distance on Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investments
by Katarina Blomkvist & Rian Drogendijk - 687-710 Isomorphic Pressures, Peripheral Product Attributes and Emerging Market Firm Export Performance
by Lance Eliot Brouthers & Edward O’Donnell & Dawn L. Keig - 711-739 International Marketing Standardization
by Qun Tan & Carlos M. P. Sousa - 741-762 Management Compensation Systems in MNCs and Domestic Firms
by Hang Le & Chris Brewster & Mehmet Demirbag & Geoffrey Wood
August 2013, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 513-534 In at the Deep End of Firm Internationalization
by Szymon Kaczmarek & Winfried Ruigrok - 535-554 Procedural Justice, Not Absorptive Capacity, Matters in Multinational Enterprise ICT Transfers
by Alain Verbeke & Vernon Bachor & Brenda Nguyen - 555-577 Dual-Option Subsidiaries and Exit Decisions During Times of Economic Crisis
by Chris Changwha Chung & Seung-Hyun Lee & Jeoung-Yul Lee - 579-605 Antecedents to Government Relationship Building and the Institutional Contingencies in a Transition Economy
by Reuben Mondejar & Hongxin Zhao - 607-632 The Role of Social Values, Accounting Values and Institutions in Determining Accounting Conservatism
by Stephen B. Salter & Tony Kang & Giorgio Gotti & Timothy S. Doupnik - 633-633 Erratum to: The Role of Social Values, Accounting Values and Institutions in Determining Accounting Conservatism
by Stephen B. Salter & Tony Kang & Giorgio Gotti & Timothy S. Doupnik
June 2013, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 325-360 Foreigness-induced Cognitive Disorientation
by Claude Obadia - 361-390 The Quality of Domestic Legal Institutions and Export Performance
by Jing Li & Ilan Vertinsky & Hua Zhang - 391-418 Effective Persuasion of International Business Sales Letters
by Yunxia Zhu & Herbert W. Hildebrandt - 419-448 Mao Meets the Market
by Song Yang & Bruce W. Stening - 449-475 Rigor and Relevance of IJV Exit Research
by Alexander Nemeth & Michael Nippa - 477-509 FDI Experience Location and Subsidiary Mortality
by Yuping P Zeng & Oded Shenkar & Sangcheol Song & Seung-Hyun Lee - 511-511 Erratum to: Focused Issue on Indigenous Management Research
by Dirk Holtbrügge
April 2013, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 169-187 Practicing what We Preach
by Anne-Wil Harzing & Isabel Metz - 189-213 Family Management and Internationalization: The Impact on Firm Performance and Innovation
by Shou-Min Tsao & Wei-Hao Lien - 215-250 Research on the Import Activities of Firms 1960–2010
by Bilge Aykol & Dayananda Palihawadana & Leonidas C. Leonidou - 251-267 The Industry-focused International Strategy
by Briance Mascarenhas - 269-289 Revisiting the Trust-performance Link in Strategic Alliances
by Alexander T Mohr & Jonas Puck - 291-318 Neither Ghettoed Nor Cosmopolitan
by Kate Hutchings & Snejina Michailova & Edelweiss C. Harrison - 319-323 Biblio Service
by Karin A. Schieban
February 2013, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-11 Indigenous Management Research
by Dirk Holtbrügge - 13-38 Reconstructing the Indigenous in African Management Research
by Terence Jackson - 39-59 Diverse Institutional Environments and Product Innovation of Emerging Market Firms
by Jie Wu - 61-82 Understanding Organizational Practice Adoption at the Thai Subsidiary Corporation
by Tim G. Andrews & Nartnalin Chompusri - 83-107 The Social Influence of Executive Hubris
by Jiatao Li & Yi Tang - 109-139 Clanism
by Dana B. Minbaeva & Maral Muratbekova-Touron - 141-166 Global Transfer and Indian Management
by Florian Becker-Ritterspach & Tico Raaijman