January 2020, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-9 Reply to George S. Ford’s ‘A Counterfactual Impact Analysis of Fair Use Policy on Copyright Related Industries in Singapore: A Critical Review’
by Roya Ghafele - 1-14 Photoshop & The (Virtual) Body of Models
by Susy Bello Knoll - 1-20 The Uyghur Minority in China: A Case Study of Cultural Genocide, Minority Rights and the Insufficiency of the International Legal Framework in Preventing State-Imposed Extinction
by Ciara Finnegan
October 2019, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 1-9 Slow Fashion in a Fast Fashion World: Promoting Sustainability and Responsibility
by Mark K. Brewer - 1-10 Ronald Reagan, the Modern Right, and…the Rise of the Fem-Crits
by Paul Baumgardner - 1-13 Circular Economy and Waste in the Fashion Industry
by Valentina Jacometti - 1-47 Protected Groups in Refugee Law and International Law
by Joseph Rikhof & Ashley Geerts
December 2019, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 1-14 Can Law Address Intersectional Sexual Harassment? The Case of Claimants with Personality Disorders
by Karen O’Connell - 1-18 Feminist Interventions in Law Reform: Criminalising Image-Based Sexual Abuse in New South Wales
by Kcasey McLoughlin & Alex O’Brien
September 2019, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 1-19 The Ethical Consumer and Codes of Ethics in the Fashion Industry
by Rossella Esther Cerchia & Katherine Piccolo
November 2019, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 1-4 Cultural Expertise: An Emergent Concept and Evolving Practices
by Livia Holden - 1-10 The Protection of Fashion Shows: An Uncharted Stage
by Elena Varese & Valentina Mazza - 1-16 ‘Endlessly Valuable’ Discursive Work—Intimate Partner Femicide, an English Case Study
by Adrian Howe - 1-17 Comparison of Water Resources Policies between Brazil and Italy
by Antônio Pasqualetto & Diego Lo Presti & Massimo Rovai & Aldo Muro - 1-18 International Law and European Migration Policy: Where Is the Terrorism Risk?
by Didier Bigo & Elspeth Guild - 1-23 Human Rights of Children in the Context of Migration Processes. Innovative Efforts for Integrating Regional Human Rights Standards in the Americas
by Alejandro Fuentes & Marina Vannelli
September 2019, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-13 Cultural Expertise in Sweden: A History of Its Use
by Annika Rabo - 1-14 Digital Market, Bloggers, and Trendsetters: The New World of Advertising Law
by Mariacristina Reale
August 2019, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-10 End Coercion in Mental Health Services—Toward a System Based on Support Only
by Martin Zinkler & Sebastian von Peter - 1-12 The Bondo Society as a Political Tool: Examining Cultural Expertise in Sierra Leone from 1961 to 2018
by Aisha Fofana Ibrahim - 1-13 Activities and Operations with Cryptocurrencies and Their Taxation Implications: The Spanish Case
by Sergio Luis Náñez Alonso - 1-15 The “Cultural Test” as Cultural Expertise: Evolution of a Legal–Anthropological Tool for Judges
by Ilenia Ruggiu - 1-22 The Rights of Refugee Children and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
by Jeanette A. Lawrence & Agnes E. Dodds & Ida Kaplan & Maria M. Tucci - 1-26 Questioning Segregation of People Living with Dementia in Australia: An International Human Rights Approach to Care Homes
by Linda Steele & Kate Swaffer & Lyn Phillipson & Richard Fleming
July 2019, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-19 ‘Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others’: The Hierarchy of Citizenship in Austria
by Suleman Lazarus
May 2019, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-15 Shifting the Balance of Power: The Strategic Use of the CRPD by Disabled People’s Organizations in Securing ‘a Seat at the Table’
by Laufey Löve & Rannveig Traustadóttir & James Rice
April 2019, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-22 State-Owned Entities as Key Actors in the Promotion and Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Examples of Good Practices
by Mihaela-Maria Barnes - 1-75 Comparison of Quebec’s Project Delivery Methods: Relational Contract Law and Differences in Contractual Language
by Gabriel Jobidon & Pierre Lemieux & Robert Beauregard
March 2019, Volume 8, Issue 2
June 2019, Volume 8, Issue 2
January 2019, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Laws in 2018
by Laws Editorial Office - 1-17 The Legal Profession in the Era of Digital Capitalism: Disruption or New Dawn?
by Salvatore Caserta & Mikael Rask Madsen
February 2019, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-17 Law’s Autonomy and Moral Reason
by Jack Clayton Thompson - 1-22 Judging Values and Participation in Mental Capacity Law
by Camillia Kong & John Coggon & Michael Dunn & Penny Cooper - 1-22 Legal Capacity and Supported Decision-Making: Lessons from Some Recent Legal Reforms
by Antonio Martinez-Pujalte - 1-24 Beyond the Paris Agreement: Intellectual Property, Innovation Policy, and Climate Justice
by Matthew Rimmer - 1-43 The Evolving Common Law Jurisprudence Combatting the Threat of Terrorism in the United Kingdom, United States, and Canada
by James C. Simeon
December 2018, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-17 Pressure on Judges: How the Budgeting System Can Impact on Judge’s Autonomy
by Federica Viapiana
November 2018, Volume 7, Issue 4
September 2018, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-15 Who’s Talking About Us Without Us? A Survivor Research Interjection into an Academic Psychiatry Debate on Compulsory Community Treatment Orders in Ireland
by Liz Brosnan - 1-16 Are Immigrant Women Visible in Australian Domestic Violence Reports that Potentially Influence Policy?
by Nafiseh Ghafournia & Patricia Easteal
October 2018, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-11 A Counterfactual Impact Analysis of Fair Use Policy on Copyright Related Industries in Singapore: A Critical Review
by George S. Ford - 1-12 Due Diligence Obligations and Transboundary Environmental Harm: Cybersecurity Applications
by Akiko Takano - 1-17 The Secret Silent Spaces of Workplace Violence: Focus on Bullying (and Harassment)
by Allison J Ballard & Patricia Easteal
August 2018, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-15 Tax Evasion and Incomplete Tax Transparency
by Noam Noked - 1-17 Here to Stay: The Evolution of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in International Human Rights Law
by Lucía Berro Pizzarossa - 1-19 Towards Changing Compulsory Community Mental Health Treatment in New Zealand: Shining Light on How Community Treatment Orders Are Produced
by Alison Schneller & Katey Thom & Peter Adams
July 2018, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-18 The Rights Network: 100 Years of the Hohfeldian Rights Analytic
by Jack Clayton Thompson - 1-21 Donald Trump and Institutional Change Strategies
by Jordan T. Cash & Dave Bridge
June 2018, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-15 Paradigm Shift or Paradigm Paralysis? National Mental Health and Capacity Law and Implementing the CRPD in Scotland
by Jill Stavert - 1-26 Copyright User Rights and Remedies: An Access to Justice Perspective
by Pascale Chapdelaine - 1-33 A Primer on Disability Discrimination in Higher Education
by Laura Rothstein
June 2018, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-23 A Right Not to Be Mapped? Augmented Reality, Real Property, and Zoning
by Elizabeth F. Judge & Tenille E. Brown
March 2018, Volume 7, Issue 2
May 2018, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-15 All Their Eggs in One Basket? Ideological Congruence in Congress and the Bicameral Origins of Concentrated Delegation to the Bureaucracy
by Jordan Carr Peterson - 1-16 Consumers’ Experiences of Mental Health Advance Statements
by Chris Maylea & Ann Jorgensen & Sarah Matta & Katherine Ogilvie & Paul Wallin - 1-21 Justiciability of the Right to Water in the SADC Region: A Critical Appraisal
by Greenwell Matchaya & O’brien Kaaba & Charles Nhemachena - 1-21 Judicialization and Its Effects: Experiments as a Way Forward
by Parker Hevron - 1-24 #MeToo? Legal Discourse and Everyday Responses to Sexual Violence
by Alison Gash & Ryan Harding
April 2018, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-8 Why Insurers Are Wrong about Adverse Selection
by R. Guy Thomas - 1-16 Concerns about Genetic Discrimination after Regulation: A Qualitative Study of the Situation Regarding BRCA and Huntington’s Disease in Belgium
by Annet Wauters & Ine Van Hoyweghen - 1-17 Assessing Judicial Empowerment
by Thomas M. Keck - 1-17 The Administrative Role of the Chief Justice: Law, Politics, and Procedure in the Roberts Court Era
by Sarah Staszak - 1-18 Off to the Courts? Or the Agency? Public Attitudes on Bureaucratic and Legal Approaches to Policy Enforcement
by Quinn Mulroy & Shana Gadarian
January 2018, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Laws in 2017
by Laws Editorial Office - 1-26 Freedom of Opinion and Expression: From the Perspective of Psychosocial Disability and Madness
by Fleur Beaupert - 1-26 China and BEPS
by Reuven Avi-Yonah & Haiyan Xu
February 2018, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-14 Living on the Global Peripheries of Law: Disability Human Rights Law in Principle and in Practice in the Global South
by Vera Chouinard - 1-15 Customizing Fair Use Transplants
by Peter K. Yu - 1-17 Reconsidering Sheltered Workshops in Light of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006)
by Charlotte May-Simera - 1-21 Indigenous Australians, Intellectual Disability and Incarceration: A Confluence of Rights Violations
by Claire E. Brolan & David Harley
March 2018, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-14 Expanding the Rights of Student Religious Groups on College and University Campuses: The Implications of Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer
by William Thro & Charles Russo - 1-21 Models of Disability and Human Rights: Informing the Improvement of Built Environment Accessibility for People with Disability at Neighborhood Scale?
by Mary Ann Jackson
December 2017, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-16 Reform of the Belgian Justice System: Changes to the Role of Jurisdiction Chief, the Empowerment of Local Managers
by Emilie Dupont & Frédéric Schoenaers - 1-17 Unveiling the Challenges in the Implementation of Article 24 CRPD on the Right to Inclusive Education. A Case-Study from Italy
by Delia Ferri
November 2017, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-9 Barriers to Physician Aid in Dying for People with Disabilities
by Alicia Ouellette - 1-13 Spouse Sponsorship Policies: Focus on Serial Sponsors
by Nafiseh Ghafournia & Patricia Easteal - 1-14 Rethinking the Americans with Disabilities Act’s Insurance Safe Harbor
by Valarie Blake - 1-15 Disability, Procreation, and Justice in the United States
by Kimberly Mutcherson - 1-20 “More Honoured in the Breach than in the Observance”—Self-Advocacy and Human Rights
by Gabor Petri & Julie Beadle-Brown & Jill Bradshaw - 1-22 Gender Still Matters: Effects of Workplace Discrimination on Employment Schedules of Young Professionals
by Gabriele Plickert & Joyce Sterling
October 2017, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-10 Sex, Sexuality, Sexual Offending and the Rights of Persons with Mental Disabilities
by Michael L. Perlin & Heather Ellis Cucolo & Alison J. Lynch - 1-11 Disparities in Private Health Insurance Coverage of Skilled Care
by Stacey A. Tovino - 1-12 Community Integration of People with Disabilities: Can Olmstead Protect Against Retrenchment?
by Mary Crossley - 1-13 Reading Alexander V. Choate Rightly: Now is the Time
by Leslie Francis & Anita Silvers - 1-14 Prioritising Supported Decision-Making: Running on Empty or a Basis for Glacial-To-Steady Progress?
by Terry Carney - 1-21 Multiple Competences of Judicial and Social Intervention: Portuguese Public Prosecutors in Action
by João Paulo Dias
September 2017, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-9 Tax Policy in Action: 2016 Tax Amnesty Experience of the Republic of Indonesia
by Emmiryzan Wasrinil Said
December 2017, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-16 The Inclusion of the Lived Experience of Disability in Policymaking
by Laufey Löve & Rannveig Traustadóttir & Gerard Quinn & James Rice - 1-17 The Relevance of Criminal Courts in the Global South
by Pablo Leandro Ciocchini - 1-17 From Disability Rights to the Rights of the Dying (and Back Again)
by Harold Braswell - 1-23 Vulnerability and the Right to Respect for Private Life as an Autonomous Source of Protection against Expulsion under Article 8 ECHR
by Sylvie Da Lomba - 1-24 A New Protection Orientation and Framework for Refugees and Other Forced Migrants
by James C. Simeon
August 2017, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-12 Protection for Privacy under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
by Mark C. Weber - 1-12 Human Trafficking and Study Abroad
by Taylor S. Parker - 1-23 Case Selection in the Russian Constitutional Court: The Role of Legal Assistants
by Aryna Dzmitryieva - 1-27 Some Parents Are More Equal than Others: Discrimination against People with Disabilities under Adoption Law
by Blake Connell - 1-36 Back to the Future: The Digital Millennium Copyright Act and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
by Matthew Rimmer - 1-44 IP Things as Boundary Objects: The Case of the Copyright Work
by Michael J. Madison
July 2017, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-19 Victims of Violence: The Forced Sterilisation of Women and Girls with Disabilities in Australia
by Laura Elliott - 1-23 Drawing the Line: Disability, Genetic Intervention and Bioethics
by Adam Conti
April 2017, Volume 6, Issue 2
June 2017, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-16 Human Rights and Social Justice
by Neil Hibbert
January 2017, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Laws in 2016
by Laws Editorial Office - 1-17 Collegiality, Therapy and Mediation—The Contribution of Experts in Swedish Mental Health Law
by Stefan Sjöström & Maritha Jacobsson & Anna Hollander
February 2017, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-26 Online Shaming and the Right to Privacy
by Emily B. Laidlaw
March 2017, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-18 Prospects for a Sports Ombudsman in Canada
by Frank Fowlie - 1-25 Enfranchised Minors: Women as People in the Middle East after the 2011 Arab Uprisings
by Rania Maktabi
October 2016, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-17 Precedents, Patterns and Puzzles: Feminist Reflections on the First Women Lawyers
by Mary Jane Mossman
November 2016, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-11 Assessing the UN High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines Report in Light of the Right to Health
by Lisa Forman & Ifrah Abdillahi & Jeannie Samuel - 1-12 Copyright, Culture, and Community in Virtual Worlds
by Dan Burk - 1-12 Liberal or Conservative? Genetic Rhetoric, Disability, and Human Species Modification
by Christopher F. Goodey - 1-23 What Has Limited the Impact of UK Disability Equality Law on Social Justice?
by Rupert Harwood
September 2016, Volume 5, Issue 4
July 2016, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-20 Using Risk to Assess the Legal Violence of Mandatory Detention
by Robert Koulish - 1-20 Subverting Justice: Socio-Legal Determinants of Impunity for Violence against Women in Guatemala
by Cecilia Menjívar & Shannon Drysdale Walsh
August 2016, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-9 Lux In Arcana : Decoding the Right to Be Forgotten in Digital Archives
by Patricia Sanchez Abril & Eugenio Pizarro Moreno - 1-12 Protection Orders for Battered Women in Israel
by Dalit Yassour-Borochowitz - 1-14 The Cosmopolitan Future: A Feminist Approach
by Sylvie Fogiel-Bijaoui - 1-23 Precision Medicine and Advancing Genetic Technologies—Disability and Human Rights Perspectives
by Aisling De Paor & Peter Blanck - 1-24 Disability in a Human Rights Context
by Theresia Degener
June 2016, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-12 Governance of the Internet of Things—From Infancy to First Attempts of Implementation?
by Rolf H. Weber - 1-14 Strengthening the Voice of Persons with Mental Health Problems in Legal Capacity Proceedings
by Marie Fallon-Kund & Jerome Bickenbach
September 2016, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-23 The Discussions around Precision Genetic Engineering: Role of and Impact on Disabled People
by Gregor Wolbring & Lucy Diep
June 2016, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-5 The Death Penalty and Human Dignity: An Existential Fallacy
by Susan Nagelsen & Charles Huckelbury - 1-6 Uneasy Bedfellows: Social Justice and Neo-Liberal Practice in the Housing Market
by Andrew Martel - 1-11 The Proportionality and Solidarity Principles and Their Impact on Privacy Laws in German Jurisprudence
by Klaus Schmidt & Alejandro Laje
May 2016, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-8 Sustainable Indigenous Reindeer Herding as a Human Right
by Stefan Kirchner & Vanessa M. Frese - 1-14 NGO-Ization and Human Rights Law: The CRPD’s Civil Society Mandate
by Stephen Meyers - 1-15 Legal Instruments for Marine Sanctuary in the High Arctic
by Kathleen Morris & Kamrul Hossain - 1-15 Are Cutbacks to Personal Assistance Violating Sweden’s Obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities?
by Ciara Brennan & Rannveig Traustadóttir & Peter Anderberg & James Rice - 1-18 A Word of Caution: Human Rights, Disability, and Implementation of the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals
by Claire E. Brolan
April 2016, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-13 Kids Sell: Celebrity Kids’ Right to Privacy
by Seong Choul Hong - 1-14 The Structure of Local Groundwater Law for Sustainable Groundwater Policy in Japan
by Sayaka K. Hori - 1-23 Can International Human Rights Law Help Restore Access to Justice for Disabled Workers?
by Rupert Harwood
March 2016, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-14 Institutional Perceptions of Internal Security on the Relationship between “Sensitive Urban Zones” and Immigrant Criminality
by Maria João Guia & João Pedroso
February 2016, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-9 Assumptions of Decision-Making Capacity: The Role Supporter Attitudes Play in the Realisation of Article 12 for People with Severe or Profound Intellectual Disability
by Joanne Watson - 1-10 Dissecting Marriage Fraud as a True Immigration Crime
by George S. Asllani - 1-15 CRISPR, a Crossroads in Genetic Intervention: Pitting the Right to Health against the Right to Disability
by Shawna Benston - 1-16 Future Persons and Legal Persons: The Problematic Representation of the Future Child in the Regulation of Reproduction
by Lisette Ten Haaf - 1-17 Explaining Patterns of Urban Violence in Medellin, Colombia
by Caroline Doyle - 1-18 Australia’s National Anti-Bullying Jurisdiction: Paper Tiger or Velvet Glove
by Allison Ballard & Patricia Easteal - 1-20 Marine World Heritage and the Quest for Sustainability
by Antonia Zervaki - 1-22 Access to Preventive Health Care for Undocumented Migrants: A Comparative Study of Germany, The Netherlands and Spain from a Human Rights Perspective
by Veronika Flegar & María Dalli & Brigit Toebes
January 2016, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Laws in 2015
by Laws Editorial Office
March 2016, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-6 Germany without Coercive Treatment in Psychiatry—A 15 Month Real World Experience
by Martin Zinkler - 1-13 Legal Capacity and Access to Justice: The Right to Participation in the CRPD
by Penelope Weller - 1-14 Can a Patriarchal World Be Corrected by a Criminal Law? Feminist Struggles, Penal Justice and Legal Reform in France (1970–1980)
by Jean Bérard - 1-17 In the Best Interests of the Abuser: Coercive Control, Child Custody Proceedings and the “Expert” Assessments That Guide Judicial Determinations
by Samantha Jeffries - 1-18 Feminist Jurisprudence, the Australian Legal System and Intimate Partner Sexual Violence: Fiction over Fact
by Jessica White & Patricia Easteal
December 2015, Volume 5, Issue 1
December 2015, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-16 Embryonic Human Life and Dignity: The French Connection
by Dimitrios Tsarapatsanis - 1-29 Fair and Equitable Benefit-Sharing at the Cross-Roads of the Human Right to Science and International Biodiversity Law
by Elisa Morgera - 1-32 Bioethics and Human Rights in the Constitutional Formation of Global Health
by Atina Krajewska
October 2015, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-1 Double Blind Peer-Review in Laws
by Frank Pasquale & Martyn Rittman - 1-17 Climate-Related Standards and Multilateral Finance for Development
by Charles E. Di Leva - 1-19 State Fragility and Structural Gender Inequality in Family Law: An Empirical Investigation
by Donna Lee Bowen & Valerie M. Hudson & Perpetua Lynne Nielsen
November 2015, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-18 Using Increases in Criminal Deportees from the US to Estimate the Effect of Crime on Economic Growth and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Garfield O. Blake - 1-20 The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Article 12: Prospective Feminist Lessons against the “Will and Preferences” Paradigm
by Camillia Kong - 1-26 Immigration Federalism as Ideology: Lessons from the States
by Lina Newton
September 2015, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-15 Psychosocial Predictors of Compliance with Speed Limits and Alcohol Limits by Spanish Drivers: Modeling Compliance of Traffic Rules
by Rebeca Bautista & Esther Sitges & Sonia Tirado - 1-16 Polluter-Pays-Principle: The Cardinal Instrument for Addressing Climate Change
by Mizan R. Khan - 1-21 Access to Minerals: WTO Export Restrictions and Climate Change Considerations
by Stephanie Switzer & Leonardus Gerber & Francesco Sindico - 1-23 The Absence of the Right to Culture of Minorities within Minorities in Israel: A Tale of a Cultural Dissent Case
by Meital Pinto
July 2015, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-17 Enforcement Issues in the Governance of Ships’ Carbon Emissions
by Michael Bloor & Susan Baker & Helen Sampson & Katrin Dahlgren - 1-25 Regulating Gamete Donation in the U.S.: Ethical, Legal and Social Implications
by Maya Sabatello - 1-36 Privacy, Personhood, and Property in the Age of Genomics
by Wendy Bonython & Bruce Baer Arnold
August 2015, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-18 Is There Room for Coherence in Climate Financial Assistance?
by Laurence Boisson De Chazournes - 1-20 Doing “Life”: A Glimpse into the Long-Term Incarceration Experience
by Anthony K. Willis & Barbara H. Zaitzow - 1-26 What Role for Law, Human Rights, and Bioethics in an Age of Big Data, Consortia Science, and Consortia Ethics? The Importance of Trustworthiness
by Edward S. Dove & Vural Özdemir - 1-43 Renewables, Preferential Trade Agreements and EU Energy Security
by Rafael Leal-Arcas & Valentina Caruso & Raphaela Leupuscek - 1-59 The Human Right to Water in Law and Implementation
by Norbert Brunner & Vijay Mishra & Ponnusamy Sakthivel & Markus Starkl & Christof Tschohl
June 2015, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-21 The Political Contingency of Sex Discrimination Legislation: The Case of Australia
by Margaret Thornton
April 2015, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-14 Decision-Making, Legal Capacity and Neuroscience: Implications for Mental Health Laws
by Bernadette McSherry - 1-25 Why Workers’ Rights Are Not Women’s Rights
by Heidi Gottfried
June 2015, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-16 Conceptual and Ethical Problems in the Mental Capacity Act 2005: An Interrogation of the Assessment Process
by David Gibson - 1-18 The Exercise of Legal Capacity, Supported Decision-Making and Scotland’s Mental Health and Incapacity Legislation: Working with CRPD Challenges
by Jill Stavert - 1-24 Solidarity and the Encapsulated and Divided Histories of Health and Human Rights
by Su-Ming Khoo - 1-27 Querying the Call to Introduce Mental Capacity Testing to Mental Health Law: Does the Doctrine of Necessity Provide an Alternative?
by Piers Gooding & Eilionóir Flynn
May 2015, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-9 Evaluating Decision Making Capacity in Older Individuals: Does the Law Give a Clue?
by Marshall B. Kapp - 1-13 House Demolitions
by Mordechai Kremnitzer & Lina Saba-Habesch - 1-15 Physician Charity Care in America: Almost Always an Illusion, Ever More Commercial
by Bruce D. White & Marleen Eijkholt - 1-28 Should Supported Decision-Making Replace Substituted Decision-Making? The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Coercive Treatment under Queensland’s Mental Health Act 2000
by Katrine Del Villar
March 2015, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-18 Examining the Conservative Shift from Harsh Justice
by Joycelyn Pollock & Steven Glassner & Andrea Krajewski
February 2015, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-9 The Uneasy Marriage between Law and Equality
by Pauline C. Westerman - 1-16 USP Marion: A Few Prisoners Summon the Courage to Speak
by Stephen C. Richards
January 2015, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Laws in 2014
by Laws Editorial Office - 1-19 Reframing Risqué/Risky: Queer Temporalities, Teenage Sexting, and Freedom of Expression
by Lara Karaian & Katherine Van Meyl - 1-22 The Electronic Monitoring Paradigm: A Proposal for Transforming Criminal Justice in the USA
by Stuart S. Yeh - 1-23 Supported Decision-Making for People with Cognitive Impairments: An Australian Perspective?
by Terry Carney
December 2014, Volume 4, Issue 1
December 2014, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-26 Post-Release Success among Paroled Lifers
by Marieke Liem & Jennifer Garcin
October 2014, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-13 Re-Imagining Punishment: An Exercise in “Intersectional Criminal Justice”
by Maya Pagni Barak - 1-15 Explaining Female Offending and Prosocial Behavior: The Role of Empathy and Cognitive Distortions
by Marita A. M. Van Langen & Geert Jan J. M. Stams & Eveline S. Van Vugt & Inge B. Wissink & Jessica J. Asscher - 1-15 Addressing Trauma and Psychosocial Development in Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth: A Synthesis of the Developmental Neuroscience, Juvenile Justice and Trauma Literature
by Michelle Evans-Chase - 1-18 A Comparison of Female Delinquents: The Impact of Child Maltreatment Histories on Risk and Need Characteristics among a Missouri Sample
by Anne Dannerbeck-Janku & Clark Peters & Jacob Perkins - 1-19 The Impact of Social Networks and Mobile Technologies on the Revolutions in the Arab World—A Study of Egypt and Tunisia
by Alana Maurushat & Mohamed Chawki & Hadeel Al-Alosi & Yassin El Shazly