August 2022, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 1-16 Amor Fati: On ‘Crimes of Passion’ in Portuguese Law
by Ana Oliveira - 1-16 Effective Public Administration as a Tool for Building Smart Cities: The Experience of the Slovak Republic
by Mária Srebalová & Tomáš Peráček - 1-19 The Causes of Police Corruption and Working towards Prevention in Conflict-Stricken States
by Danny Singh - 1-23 UN MTC Article 26: Inequitable Exchange of Information Regime—Questionable Efficacy in Asymmetrical Bilateral Settings
by Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmed - 1-28 Statistical Issues in Serial Killer Nurse Cases
by Richard D. Gill & Norman Fenton & David Lagnado
October 2022, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 1-12 Legal Analogy in the Cases of Overcoming a Contract’s Verbal and Numerical Ambiguity
by Viktor A. Mikryukov - 1-13 A Regulatory Perspective on the Actual Challenges for the European Deposit Insurance Scheme
by Mihaela Tofan - 1-15 Implementation of Good Practices in Environmental Licensing Processes
by Emiliano Lobo de Godoi & Thiago Augusto Mendes & André C. S. Batalhão - 1-26 Comprehensive Approaches in the Global Compact for Migration and the EU Border Policies: A Critical Appraisal
by Daniela Vitiello - 1-33 The Internet Archive and the National Emergency Library: Copyright Law and COVID-19
by Matthew Rimmer
June 2022, Volume 11, Issue 4
July 2022, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 1-15 Indigenous Peoples and International Law in the Ecuadorian Amazon
by Linda Etchart - 1-17 Restorative Pedagogy in the University Criminology Classroom: Learning about Restorative Justice with Restorative Practices and Values
by Rowan Sweeney - 1-17 The Delivery of Restorative Justice in Youth Offending Teams in England and Wales: Examining Disparities and Highlighting Best Practice
by Rebecca Banwell-Moore - 1-19 Don’t Read the Comments: Examining Social Media Discourse on Trans Athletes
by Zein Murib - 1-20 Reforming the Law on Consent to Medical Treatment for Trans Youth: A Renewed Call for Legislative Intervention
by Steph Jowett & Georgina Dimopoulos & Fiona Kelly - 1-20 Direct Digital Services Taxes in Africa and the Canons of Taxation
by Favourate Y. Mpofu & Tankiso Moloi - 1-25 Electronic Surveillance in Court Proceedings and in the Execution of Criminal Penalties: Legislative and Logistical Steps Regarding Operationalising the Electronic Monitoring Information System (EMIS) in Romania
by Ionel Bostan - 1-25 Analysing Obstacles and Challenges in Fighting Corruption in Cases of Illegal Investments
by Belen Olmos Giupponi & Hong-Lin Yu
August 2022, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 1-18 Ending Exclusion from Refugee Protection and Advancing International Justice
by James C. Simeon & Joseph Rikhof - 1-18 Understanding the Illegal Wildlife Trade in Vietnam: A Systematic Literature Review
by Hai Thanh Luong - 1-20 Restorative Justice, Youth Violence, and Policing: A Review of the Evidence
by Jonathan Hobson & Anamika Twyman-Ghoshal & Rebecca Banwell-Moore & Daniel P Ash - 1-22 Governing Cross-Border Data Flows: International Trade Agreements and Their Limits
by Yik-Chan Chin & Jingwu Zhao
April 2022, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-12 Protecting Asylum Seekers and Migrants in the Context of the Rule of Law Crisis in EU Member States: The Recent Approach of the Court of Justice of the EU through the Lens of the Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration
by Alessandra Favi - 1-12 Border Procedures in the European Union: How the Pact Ignored the Compacts
by Galina Cornelisse & Marcelle Reneman - 1-20 Band-Aid on a Bullet Wound—Canada’s Open Work Permit for Vulnerable Workers Policy
by Eugénie Depatie-Pelletier & Hannah Deegan & Katherine Berze - 1-21 Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications: A Critical Look at Canadian Decision-Makers’ Assessment of Claims from “Vulnerable” Applicants
by Anthony Delisle & Delphine Nakache - 1-22 Directing the Legal Radar at Forced Labour—Under Special Consideration of Male Victims in Norway
by Carola Lingaas
May 2022, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-16 Delaware’s Climate Action Plan: Omission of Source Attribution from Land Conversion Emissions
by Elena A. Mikhailova & Lili Lin & Zhenbang Hao & Hamdi A. Zurqani & Christopher J. Post & Mark A. Schlautman & Gregory C. Post & George B. Shepherd - 1-17 The Conceptual Model of Role Stress and Job Burnout in Judges: The Moderating Role of Career Calling
by Sandra Patrícia Marques Pereira & Pedro Miguel Alves Ribeiro Correia & Patrícia Jardim Da Palma & Liliana Pitacho & Fabrício Castagna Lunardi - 1-17 Unsafe from Any Angle: Vulnerability-Generation on the US–Canada Border
by Edit Frenyo - 1-19 The Juridification of ‘Vulnerability’ through EU Asylum Law: The Quest for Bridging the Gap between the Law and Asylum Applicants’ Experiences
by Luc Leboeuf - 1-21 A Practicable Operationalisation of Meaningful Human Control
by Jonathan Kwik
June 2022, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-12 Populism and the Threat to International Law
by Kristian Humble - 1-13 The Follow-Up and Review Mechanisms of the Global Compacts: What Room Is There for Human Mobility in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change?
by Aylin Yildiz - 1-13 Peaceful Settlement of Interstate Online Disputes
by Joanna Kulesza - 1-15 Changing Climate; Changing Life—Climate Change and Indigenous Intangible Cultural Heritage
by Noelle Higgins - 1-18 Vermont Global Warming Solutions Act: The Costs of Inaction from Land Conversions
by Grayson L. Younts & Elena A. Mikhailova & Lili Lin & Zhenbang Hao & Hamdi A. Zurqani & Christopher J. Post & Mark A. Schlautman & George B. Shepherd - 1-19 Smart Justice in Italy: Cases of Apps Created by Lawyers for Lawyers and Beyond
by Giampiero Lupo & Davide Carnevali
March 2022, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-10 Stolen Wages, Corruption, and Selective Application of the Law: Is APUNCAC a Solution?
by Anna Notley & Bob Hodge - 1-11 Do Victim Impact Panels Have Sustained Effects on DUI Recidivism?
by Kevin Thompson & Sarah Joyce - 1-11 Employment-at-Will in the United States and the Challenges of Remote Work in the Time of COVID-19
by Katrin Varner & Klaus Schmidt - 1-13 Indigenous Customary Law and Norwegian Domestic Law: Scenes of a (Complementary or Mutually Exclusive) Marriage?
by Carola Lingaas - 1-13 Analogy in the Civil Law Assessment of Co-Working Agreements in Russia
by Viktor A. Mikryukov - 1-14 Legal Instruments to Support Short Food Supply Chains and Local Food Systems in France
by Anna Maria Kapała - 1-17 From Vulnerability to Empowerment: Critical Reflections on Canada’s Engagement with Refugee Policy
by Amanda Klassen - 1-19 Indigenous Interests in Outer Space: Addressing the Conflict of Increasing Satellite Numbers with Indigenous Astronomy Practices
by Ciara Finnegan - 1-19 Massachusetts Roadmap to Net Zero: Accounting for Ownership of Soil Carbon Regulating Ecosystem Services and Land Conversions
by Elena A. Mikhailova & Lili Lin & Zhenbang Hao & Hamdi A. Zurqani & Christopher J. Post & Mark A. Schlautman & Gregory C. Post - 1-22 Vulnerability and the Quest for Protection: A Review of Canadian Migration Case Law
by Anna Purkey - 1-22 Mapping Women’s and Men’s Pathways into Thailand’s Prisons for Homicide and Sex Offences: Utilising a Feminist Pathways Approach
by Samantha Jeffries & Tristan Russell & Yodsawadi Thipphayamongkoludom & Prarthana Rao & Chontit Chuenurah & Swe Zin Linn Phyu & Iraz Rana Zeren - 1-23 New OSCE Recommendations to Combat Corruption, Money Laundering, and the Financing of Terrorism
by Stuart S. Yeh - 1-25 Locating the Concept of Vulnerability in Canada’s Refugee Policies at Home and Abroad
by Melissa Mary Anderson & Dagmar Soennecken
February 2022, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-19 Legal Aspects of Social Infrastructure for Housing and Care for the Elderly—The Case of Slovenia
by Eneja Drobež & David Bogataj - 1-19 The Extreme Right as a Defender of Human Rights? Parliamentary Debates on COVID-19 Emergency Legislation in Slovakia
by Max Steuer
April 2022, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-8 The Form and Formation of Constitutionalism in India
by Paul T. Babie & Arvind P. Bhanu - 1-12 India and Refugee Law: Gauging India’s Position on Afghan Refugees
by Atul Alexander & Nakul Singh - 1-16 The Judicial Assessment of ‘Expert Evidence’ in the United Kingdom’s Immigration and Asylum Chamber
by John R. Campbell - 1-17 The Protection of Estuarine Margins under the Maritime–Terrestrial Public Domain, the Cases of Portugal, Angola, Brazil, and Mozambique
by Marco Antunes & Teresa Fidélis & Miguel Lucas Pires - 1-17 The UN Global Compacts and the Common European Asylum System: Coherence or Friction?
by Elspeth Guild & Kathryn Allinson & Nicolette Busuttil
February 2022, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-12 Can Restorative Justice Provide a Better Outcome for Participants and Society than the Courts?
by Liam J. Leonard - 1-13 The Application of the Environment Act 2021 Principles to Carbon Capture and Storage
by Angelica Rutherford - 1-16 Women’s Organisations’ Role in (Re)Constructing the Narratives in Femicide Cases: Şule Çet’s Case
by Demet Asli Caltekin - 1-26 Some Implications of the Development of E-Commerce on EU Tax Regulations
by Mihaela Tofan & Ionel Bostan
January 2022, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-3 Ambitions and Critiques of Restorative Justice Post COVID-19
by Theo Gavrielides - 1-3 Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Laws in 2021
by Laws Editorial Office - 1-13 Nudging and Other Behaviourally Based Policies as Enablers for Environmental Sustainability
by Marta Santos Silva - 1-18 The Unaccompanied Child’s Right to Legal Assistance and Representation in Asylum Procedures under EU Law
by Marina Vannelli - 1-20 New Financial Action Task Force Recommendations to Fight Corruption and Money Laundering
by Stuart S. Yeh - 1-21 ISIL in Iraq: A Critical Analysis of the UN Security Council’s Gendered Personification of (Non)States
by Faye Bird - 1-27 The Challenges of Political Corruption in Australia, the Proposed Commonwealth Integrity Commission Bill (2020) and the Application of the APUNCAC
by Marie J. dela Rama & Michael E. Lester & Warren Staples
December 2021, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-15 Genetic Discrimination in Access to Life Insurance: Does Ukrainian Legislation Offer Sufficient Protection against the Adverse Consequences of the Genetic Revolution to Insurance Applicants?
by Mykhailo Arych & Yann Joly - 1-15 Practitioner Perspectives on a Restorative Community: An Inductive Evaluative Study of Conceptual, Pedagogical, and Routine Practice
by Thomas Procter-Legg - 1-18 Medical Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Legal Aspects and Future Prospects)
by Vasiliy Andreevich Laptev & Inna Vladimirovna Ershova & Daria Rinatovna Feyzrakhmanova - 1-20 Queering Marriage: The Homoradical and Anti-Normativity
by Alexander Maine
September 2021, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-3 The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: The First Ten Years-New Challenges and Perspectives
by Vasileios G. Tzemos & Konstantinos Margaritis
December 2021, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-12 The Evolution of Student Free Speech: Tinker and Beyond
by John Dayton & Betul Tarhan - 1-16 Climate Change Planning: Soil Carbon Regulating Ecosystem Services and Land Cover Change Analysis to Inform Disclosures for the State of Rhode Island, USA
by Elena A. Mikhailova & Lili Lin & Zhenbang Hao & Hamdi A. Zurqani & Christopher J. Post & Mark A. Schlautman & Gregory C. Post & Peyton I. Mitchell - 1-17 Restorative Practice in the Criminal Justice System: Examining a Restorative Reasoning Programme in a Women’s Prison
by Ella Rees & Jonathan Hobson - 1-19 Digitalization of Institutions of Corporate Law: Current Trends and Future Prospects
by Vasiliy Andreevich Laptev & Daria Rinatovna Feyzrakhmanova
November 2021, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-9 Is Restorative Justice an Effective Approach in Responding to Children and Young People Who Sexually Harm?
by Lisa Mary Armstrong - 1-11 The Prospects for the Recognition of the International Legal Personality of Artificial Intelligence
by Valentina Petrovna Talimonchik - 1-13 Teacher Speech Inside and Outside of Classrooms in the United States: Understanding the First Amendment
by Suzanne Eckes & Charles J. Russo - 1-14 The Influence of Christian Nationalism on U.S. Public Educators’ Speech: Implications from Meriwether vs. Hartop
by David Hoa Khoa Nguyen & Jeremy F. Price & Duaa H. Alwan - 1-17 The Queer, the Cross and the Closet: Religious Exceptions in Equality Law as State-Sponsored Homophobia
by Stella Coyle - 1-17 Legal Mobilization and the Internationalization of Anticorruption Enforcement
by Mikkel Jarle Christensen - 1-18 Privacy, Porn, and Gay Sex Parties: The Carceral Governance of Homosexuality in Indonesia
by Hendri Yulius Wijaya - 1-19 Expanding the Protection of Children’s Rights towards a Dignified Life: The Emerging Jurisprudential Developments in the Americas
by Alejandro Fuentes & Marina Vannelli - 1-20 “Sexuality” through the Kaleidoscope: Sexual Orientation, Identity, and Behaviour in Asylum Claims in the United Kingdom
by Alex Powell
October 2021, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-7 The Regulation of Media and Communications in the Borderless Networked Society
by Pascale Chapdelaine & Vincent Manzerolle - 1-13 Social Media, Students, and the Law
by Martha McCarthy - 1-16 “When Paradigms Are Out of Place”: Embracing Eclecticism in Legal Scholarship by Academic Turns
by Shisong Jiang - 1-16 Beyond Speech: Students’ Civil Rights in Schools
by Janet R. Decker & Allison Fetter-Harrott & Jennifer Rippner - 1-23 Human Rights beyond Ideal Morality: The ECHR and Political Judgment
by Dimitrios Tsarapatsanis - 1-34 Prosecuting Crimes against Humanity and Genocide at the International Crimes Tribunal Bangladesh: An Approach to International Criminal Law Standards
by Maruf Billah
July 2021, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-9 Retouchée au Féminin: The Gendered Nature of the French Law Mandating Labeling of Digitally Modified Images
by Rachel F. Rodgers & Katherine Laveway - 1-13 Institutional Design, Prosecutorial Independence, and Accountability: Lessons from the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG)
by Verónica Michel - 1-16 Restorative Practices in Institutional Settings: The Challenges of Contractualised Support within the Managed Community of Supported Housing
by Jonathan Hobson & Brian Payne & Kenneth Lynch & Darren Hyde - 1-18 Sustaining Cultural Genocide—A Look at Indigenous Children in Non-Indigenous Placement and the Place of Judicial Decision Making—A Canadian Example
by Peter Choate & Roy Bear Chief & Desi Lindstrom & Brandy CrazyBull - 1-20 Cryptocurrencies and Fraudulent Transactions: Risks, Practices, and Legislation for Their Prevention in Europe and Spain
by David Sanz-Bas & Carlos del Rosal & Sergio Luis Náñez Alonso & Miguel Ángel Echarte Fernández - 1-21 Marrying Young: Limiting the Impact of a Crisis on the High Prevalence of Child Marriages in Niger
by Tameshnie Deane - 1-23 Justice for All in the Americas? A Quantitative Analysis of Admissibility Decisions in the Inter-American Human Rights System
by Simon Zschirnt - 1-29 Sports, Transgender Rights and the Bodily Politics of Cisgender Supremacy
by Elizabeth A. Sharrow
August 2021, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-14 Teleworking: A New Reality Conditioned by the Right to Privacy
by Carlos Arroyo-Abad - 1-17 Techno-Stress: Damage Caused by New Emerging Risks
by Rubén Rodríguez Elizalde - 1-18 We Cannot Return to “Normal”: A Post-COVID Call for a Systems Approach to Implementing Restorative Justice in Education (RJE)
by Martha A. Brown - 1-22 Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence Applied to Business: Legal Regulations, Economic Impact and Perspective
by Ricardo Francisco Reier Forradellas & Luis Miguel Garay Gallastegui - 1-28 Toward a Post-Apocalyptic Rule of Law
by Jeffrey Benjamin Meyers - 1-31 Contested Sovereignties: States, Media Platforms, Peoples, and the Regulation of Media Content and Big Data in the Networked Society
by Pascale Chapdelaine & Jaqueline McLeod Rogers - 1-35 The Legal Principles of Bethlehem & Operation Timber Sycamore: The “Islamist Winter” Pre-Emptively Targets “Arab Life” by Hiring “Arab Barbarians”
by Khaled Al-Kassimi
June 2021, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-5 Between Impunity and Imperialism: The Regulation of Transnational Bribery
by Mohamed A. ‘Arafa - 1-11 Impact of MiFID II on the Market Volatility—Analysis on Some Developed and Emerging European Stock Markets
by Marius Cristian Miloș - 1-12 Atlantic Shortfin Mako: Chronicle of a Death Foretold?
by Mercedes Rosello & Juan Vilata & Dyhia Belhabib - 1-16 Activities of the European Ombudsman under the Charter of Fundamental Rights: Promoting Good Administration through Human Rights Compliance
by Alexei Avtonomov - 1-26 The Sh(e)aring Economy. Debates on the Law on Takings
by Nofar Sheffi
September 2021, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-11 School-Based Restorative Justice: Lessons and Opportunities in a Post-Pandemic World
by Gabriel M. Velez - 1-19 “We’re Not Being Treated Like Mothers”: Listening to the Stories of First Nations Mothers in Prison
by Thalia Anthony & Gemma Sentance & Larissa Behrendt - 1-22 When Is an Increase in Criminal Legislation Necessary? Emphasis on Economic Criminality Discussions
by Edison Carrasco-Jiménez - 1-25 An American Notwithstanding Clause? Between Potestas and Potentia
by Boleslaw Z. Kabala & Rainey Johnson - 1-28 A Body Speaks: State, Media, and Public Responses to Femicide in Guatemala
by Erin Beck & Amir Mohamed
May 2021, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-11 Free Appropriate Public Education, the U.S. Supreme Court, and Developing and Implementing Individualized Education Programs
by Michael Rozalski & Mitchell L. Yell & Jacob Warner - 1-13 Mediated Visibility and Public Environmental Litigation: The Interplay between Inside and Outside Court during Environmental Conflict in Australia
by Cynthia Nixon & Claire Konkes & Libby Lester & Kathleen Williams - 1-13 Threats to Women/Women as Threats: Male Supremacy and the Anti-Statist Right
by Chelsea Ebin - 1-14 Just Mothering: Amy Coney Barrett and the Racial Politics of American Motherhood
by H. Howell Williams - 1-15 Sex Discrimination in Schools: The Law and Its Impact on School Policies
by Suzanne Eckes - 1-15 Saudi Procurement System and Regulations: Overview of Local and International Administrative Contracts
by Awad Ali Alanzi - 1-16 COVID-19 and Religious Freedom: Some Comparative Perspectives
by Javier Martínez-Torrón - 1-17 Economic and Legal Analysis of Cryptocurrency: Scientific Views from Russia and the Muslim World
by Shamil Shovkhalov & Hussein Idrisov - 1-19 Reconciling Remote Sensing Technologies with Personal Data and Privacy Protection in the European Union: Recent Developments in Greek Legislation and Application Perspectives in Environmental Law
by Maria Maniadaki & Athanasios Papathanasopoulos & Lilian Mitrou & Efpraxia-Aithra Maria - 1-19 The Impact of the Church–State Model for an Effective Guarantee of Religious Freedom: A Study of the Peruvian Experience during the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Susana Mosquera - 1-24 The Letters of Marshall McLuhan and Pierre Elliott Trudeau: Privacy/Private Matters
by Elaine Kahn
June 2021, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-3 Laws and Emerging Technologies
by Esther Salmerón-Manzano - 1-10 The Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Religious Exercise: Preliminary Remarks
by Adelaide Madera - 1-16 Building Information Modeling in Quebec’s Procurement for Public Infrastructure: A Case for Integrated Project Delivery
by Gabriel Jobidon & Pierre Lemieux & Robert Beauregard - 1-16 Making Sense of Indigenous ? Colonial Encounters: New Zealand’s Treaty of Waitangi in a Digital Age
by Andrew Brian Chrystall - 1-17 Bodies in Confinement: Negotiating Queer, Gender Nonconforming, and Transwomen’s Gender and Sexuality behind Bars
by Nicole A. Francisco - 1-17 An Unintended Legacy: The External Policy Responses of the USA and European Union to Conflict Minerals in Africa
by Michael Addaney & Emma Charlene Lubaale - 1-19 Media and Responsibility for Their Effects: Instrumental vs. Environmental Views
by Andrey Miroshnichenko - 1-24 The Limits of Arbitration Law in Addressing Cultural Diversity: The Example of Ismaili Arbitration in the United Kingdom
by Sandrine Brachotte
March 2021, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-12 Student Speech and Social Media: The Supreme Court Finally Enters the Fray
by Charles J. Russo - 1-13 Hidden Blemish in European Law: Judgements on Unconventional Monetary Programmes
by Bodo Herzog - 1-13 Innovations and Analogies in the Legal Regulation of Withdrawal from a Limited Liability Company under Current Russian Law
by Viktor A. Mikryukov - 1-13 Coping with Criticism and Embracing Change—Further Reflexions on the Debate on a Mental Health Care System without Coercion
by Sebastian von Peter & Martin Zinkler - 1-14 Zimitsani Moto : Understanding the Malawi COVID-19 Response
by James Tengatenga & Susan M. Tengatenga Duley & Cecil J. Tengatenga
April 2021, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-9 Legaltech and Lawtech: Global Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities
by Esther Salmerón-Manzano - 1-9 Special Solicitude: Religious Freedom at America’s Public Universities
by William E. Thro - 1-13 Improving the Water Quality Monitoring System in the Yangtze River Basin—Legal Suggestions to the Implementation of the Yangtze River Protection Law
by Qiu Qiu & Liping Dai & Helena F. M. W. Van Rijswick & Gang Tu - 1-13 Sexual Violence against Women, the Laws, the Punishment, and Negotiating the Duplicity
by Suvarna Cherukuri - 1-17 Anticorruption, Cultural Norms, and Implications for the APUNCAC
by Danny Singh - 1-18 The Promise of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (and Brexit) on the Implementation of Economic and Social Rights among EU Member States
by Nirmala Pillay - 1-22 Why We Need a National CROWN Act
by Saran Donahoo - 1-33 A “ New Middle East ” Following 9/11 and the “Arab Spring” of 2011?—(Neo)-Orientalist Imaginaries Rejuvenate the ( Temporal ) Inclusive Exclusion Character of Jus Gentium
by Khaled Al-Kassimi - 1-39 The Eritrean Military/National Service Programme: Slavery and the Notion of Persecution in Refugee Status Determination
by Sara Palacios-Arapiles
February 2021, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-9 The Right of Religious Freedom in Light of the Coronavirus Pandemic: The Greek Case
by George Androutsopoulos - 1-10 Freedom of Worship during a Public Health State of Emergency in France
by Anne Fornerod - 1-11 Immunizing the Flock: How the Pandemic Court Rewrote Religious Freedom
by Paul Baumgardner - 1-19 Migrants in the Attic: The Case of Migrants with Disabilities and Resettlement Services in Serbia
by Joel John Badali - 1-21 Behind the Wall of Indifference: Prisoner Voices about the Realities of Prison Health Care
by Barbara H. Zaitzow & Anthony K. Willis - 1-26 Adult Restorative Justice and Gendered Violence: Practitioner and Service Provider Viewpoints from Queensland, Australia
by Samantha Jeffries & William R. Wood & Tristan Russell
January 2021, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Laws in 2020
by Laws Editorial Office - 1-12 The Constitutionality of Providing Public Funds for U.S. Houses of Worship during the Coronavirus
by Mark Chopko - 1-15 Environmental Legislation in European and International Contexts: Legal Practices and Social Planning toward the Circular Economy
by Grigorios L. Kyriakopoulos - 1-15 Donald Trump, the Christian Right and COVID-19: The Politics of Religious Freedom
by Jeffrey Haynes - 1-18 Religious Freedom and Education in Australian Schools
by Paul Babie - 1-26 Rethinking the Relationship between Women, Crime and Economic Factors: The Case-Study of Women Sentenced to Death for Drug Trafficking in Malaysia
by Lucy Harry - 1-28 Are There Moral Duties toward Refugees? Considerations in Legal Ethics
by Paul Tiedemann
March 2021, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-21 RETRACTED: Protecting the Rights of Minorities under International Law and Implications of COVID-19: An Overview of the Indian Context
by Nehaluddin Ahmad - 1-26 Complementary Protection in Japan: To What Extent Does Japan Offer Effective International Protection for Those Who Fall Outside the 1951 Refugee Convention?
by Brian Aycock & Naoko Hashimoto
December 2020, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-16 Gender Bias in Indonesian Courts: Is Perma No. 3 of 2017 the Solution for Gender-Based Violence Cases?
by Rika Saraswati - 1-18 APUNCAC and the International Anti-Corruption Court (IACC)
by Stuart S. Yeh
November 2020, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-19 Coronavirus and the Curtailment of Religious Liberty
by Mark Hill QC - 1-19 “Our Laws Have Not Caught up with the Technology”: Understanding Challenges and Facilitators in Investigating and Prosecuting Child Sexual Abuse Materials in the United States
by Olivia Cullen & Keri Zug Ernst & Natalie Dawes & Warren Binford & Gina Dimitropoulos - 1-23 Interrogating the Role and Value of Cultural Expertise in Law
by John R. Campbell - 1-24 No Place Called Home. The Banishment of ‘Foreign Criminals’ in the Public Interest: A Wrong without Redress
by Helen O’Nions - 1-27 China’s Environmental Vertical Management Reform: An Effective and Sustainable Way Forward or Trouble in Itself?
by Di Zhou
October 2020, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-13 The Status Quo of the Criminal Accountability for Marine Illegal Fishing in China: From the Perspective of Judgment Analysis
by Li Feng & Peipei He & Chenghui Zheng & Pei Chen - 1-17 Sharing Property Sharing Labour: The Co-Production of Value in Platform Economies
by Sally Zhu - 1-21 A ‘Wellbeing’ Paradigm: A Concept-Based Study of Body Art and Regulatory Challenges
by Nicola Glover-Thomas - 1-40 Offshore Processing Arrangements: Effect on Treaty Ratifications of Receiving States
by Margarita Fourer & Natalie Dietrich Jones & Yusuf Ciftci
December 2020, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-12 Diplomatic and Consular Protection with Special Reference to Article 46 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
by Riaan Eksteen - 1-23 Challenges of Effective Communication in the Criminal Justice Process: Findings from Interviews with Victims of Sexual Offences in Australia
by Rhiannon Davies & Lorana Bartels - 1-30 Certainty and Uncertainty in Tax Law: Do Opposites Attract?
by Alexander V. Demin
September 2020, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-26 A Study of the Implications of the European Securitisation Regulation 2017/2402 on Malta
by Joseph Micallef & Simon Grima & Sharon Seychell & Ramona Rupeika-Apoga & Mark Lawrence Zammit
August 2020, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-8 The UK Government’s Covid-19 Response and Article 2 of the ECHR (Title I Dignity; Right to Life, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU)
by Miroslav Baros - 1-17 The Obligation of Diplomats to Respect the Laws and Regulations of the Hosting State: A Critical Overview of the International Practices
by Nehaluddin Ahmad
July 2020, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-4 Postscript: Feminist Legal Theory in the 21st Century
by Margaret Thornton - 1-13 No Passport Required: Crossing Interdisciplinary Borders in an Australian Legal Clinic
by Doris Bozin & Allison Ballard & Vicki de Prazer & Jenny Weekes
May 2020, Volume 9, Issue 2
April 2020, Volume 9, Issue 2
June 2020, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-19 Legislation, Regulations, and Reflections on Environmental Accounting as a Reflection of the Incorporation of Social Responsibility in Companies
by Maripaz Muñoz Prieto - 1-23 Digitalization of the Legal Field and the Future of Large Law Firms
by Salvatore Caserta - 1-38 Expectations and Experiences of Women Imprisoned for Drug Offending and Returning to Communities in Thailand: Understanding Women’s Pathways Into, Through, and Post-Imprisonment
by Samantha Jeffries & Chontit Chuenurah & Tristan Russell
March 2020, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-16 Subject (in) Trouble: Humans, Robots, and Legal Imagination
by Ana Oliveira
February 2020, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Laws in 2019
by Laws Editorial Office - 1-11 Third-Party Doctrine Principles and the Fourth Amendment: Challenges and Opportunities for First Responder Emergency Officials
by Klaus Schmidt & Katrin C. Varner & Agrey D. Chenga - 1-14 Backlash or Widening the Gap?: Women’s Reproductive Rights in the Twenty-First Century
by Dorota Anna Gozdecka - 1-23 Public Interest, Health Research and Data Protection Law: Establishing a Legitimate Trade-Off between Individual Control and Research Access to Health Data
by Mark J. Taylor & Tess Whitton - 1-26 Fashion between Inspiration and Appropriation
by Barbara Pozzo
March 2020, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-26 Fashion as Art: Rights and Remedies in the Age of Social Media
by Lucrezia Palandri