March 2020, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 174-200 Exploring the Effects of North–South and South–South Research Collaboration in Emerging Economies, the Colombian Case
by Gonzalo Ordóñez‐Matamoros & Michelle Vernot‐López & Ornella Moreno‐Mattar & Luis Antonio Orozco - 201-220 Determinants of Firm‐Level Lobbying and Government Responsiveness in Agricultural Biotechnology in China
by Haiyan Deng & Ruifa Hu & Carl Pray & Yanhong Jin & Zhonghua Li - 221-243 Integrating Concerns with Climate Change into Local Development Planning in Cambodia
by Va Dany & Louis Lebel - 244-259 Applying Stone in a Western Landscape: Ranchers, Conservationists, and Causal Stories in the “American Serengeti”
by J. Michael Angstadt - 260-279 The Context of Responsiveness: Resident Preferences, Water Scarcity, and Municipal Conservation Policy
by David Switzer
January 2020, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 6-38 Taxing Flaring and the Politics of State Methane Release Policy
by Barry Rabe & Claire Kaliban & Isabel Englehart - 39-63 Elections and Policy Responsiveness: Evidence from Environmental Voting in the U.S. Congress
by Richard J. McAlexander & Johannes Urpelainen - 64-91 Shaping the Scope of Conflict in Scotland’s Fracking Debate: Conflict Management and the Narrative Policy Framework
by Hannes R. Stephan - 92-114 Inside Lobbying on the Regulation of New Plant Breeding Techniques in the European Union: Determinants of Venue Choices
by Ulrich Hartung - 115-134 Governance Arrangements for Transboundary Issues: Lessons from the Food Waste Programs of Italian Regions
by Maria Stella Righettini & Renata Lizzi
November 2019, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 708-735 The Science–Policy Nexus in Collaborative Governance: Use of Science in Ecosystem Recovery Planning
by Tomas M. Koontz - 736-756 Framing Contests and Policy Conflicts over Gas Pipelines
by Jill Yordy & Jongeun You & Kyudong Park & Christopher M. Weible & Tanya Heikkila - 757-780 Second‐Order Devolution or Local Activism? Local Air Agencies Revisited
by Luke Fowler & Bryant Jones - 781-804 A Multiple Streams Analysis of Institutional Innovation in Forest Watershed Governance
by Heidi R. Huber‐Stearns & Courtney Schultz & Antony S. Cheng - 805-834 The Effects of Women Officeholders on Environmental Policy
by Amy L. Atchison & Ian Down - 835-865 Technological Distribution in Uganda: Information and Communications Technology and the State in an Eastern African Nation
by Warigia M. Bowman
September 2019, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 586-602 Political Institutions and Pollution: Evidence from Coal‐Fired Power Generation
by Richard Clark & Noah Zucker & Johannes Urpelainen - 603-634 Technology Innovation as a Response to Climate Change: The Case of the Climate Change Emissions Management Corporation of Alberta
by Laurie E. Adkin - 635-659 Smokescreen Politics? Ratcheting Up EU Emissions Trading in 2017
by Jørgen Wettestad & Torbjørg Jevnaker - 660-682 University–Industry Linkage Framework to Identify Opportunity Areas
by David Güemes‐Castorena & Idalia E. Ponce‐Jaramillo - 683-701 Venue Preference and Earthquake Mitigation Policy: Expanding the Micro‐Model of Policy Choice
by Junghwa Choi & Wesley Wehde
July 2019, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 420-447 How Do Sectoral Interests Shape Distributive Politics? Evidence from Gasoline and Diesel Subsidy Reforms
by Brian Blankenship & Johannes Urpelainen - 448-472 How to Achieve a More Resource‐Efficient and Climate‐Neutral Energy System by 2030? Views of Nordic Stakeholders
by Sarah Kilpeläinen & Pami Aalto & Pasi Toivanen & Pinja Lehtonen & Hannele Holttinen - 473-496 Polycentric Systems and Multiscale Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the Built Environment
by Yuhao Ba & Christopher Galik - 497-522 A Bridge in Flux: Narratives and the Policy Process in the Pacific Northwest
by Adam M. Brewer - 523-546 Policy Narratives across Two Languages: A Comparative Study using the Narrative Policy Framework
by Juhi Huda - 547-579 Regulating Autonomy: An Assessment of Policy Language for Highly Automated Vehicles
by Beth‐Anne Schuelke‐Leech & Sara R. Jordan & Betsy Barry
May 2019, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 296-317 How Values Shape Program Perceptions: The “Organic Ethos” and Producers’ Assessments of U.S. Organic Policy Impacts
by David P. Carter & Samatha L. Mosier & Ian T. Adams - 318-340 Biometric Elections in Poor Countries: Wasteful or a Worthwhile Investment?
by Alan Gelb & Anna Diofasi - 341-356 Censors Get Smart: Evidence from Psiphon in Iran
by Ronald Deibert & Joshua Oliver & Adam Senft - 357-377 Big Data and Dahl’s Challenge of Democratic Governance
by Alex Ingrams - 378-394 The States Come Marching In: Examining State Agency Influence on Federal Rules
by Jeffrey J. Cook - 395-413 Executive Actors and Environmental Enforcement: Examining the “Rick Scott Effect” in the U.S. State of Florida
by Michael J. Lynch & Joshua Ozymy & Melissa Jarrell
March 2019, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 146-167 Patterns of Local Policy Disruption: Regulatory Responses to Uber in Ten North American Cities
by Zachary Spicer & Gabriel Eidelman & Austin Zwick - 168-194 China’s Development of ETS as a GHG Mitigating Policy Tool: A Case of Policy Diffusion or Domestic Drivers?
by Gørild Heggelund & Iselin Stensdal & Maosheng Duan & Jørgen Wettestad - 195-216 Renewable Portfolio Standards and Policy Stringency: An Assessment of Implementation and Outcomes
by Nikolay Anguelov & William F. Dooley - 217-241 Multiple Streams in Hawaii: How the Aloha State Adopted a 100% Renewable Portfolio Standard
by Jennifer A. Kagan - 242-261 Conservation in Context: Toward a Systems Framing of Decentralized Governance and Public Participation in Wildlife Management
by Leeann Sullivan - 262-289 When Is Science Used in Science Policy? Examining the Importance of Scientific and Technical Information in National Research Council Reports
by Barry Bozeman & Jan Youtie & Eriko Fukumoto & Marla Parker
January 2019, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 28-49 Government Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from the EU Eco‐Management and Audit Scheme
by Andrew B. Whitford & Colin Provost - 50-74 Autonomous Local Climate Change Policy: An Analysis of the Effect of Intergovernmental Relations Among Subnational Governments
by Elizabeth Schwartz - 75-98 Governing Unconventional Oil and Gas Extraction: The Case of Pennsylvania
by Brian Alexander Chalfant & Caitlin C. Corrigan - 99-120 Politics, Science, and Termination: A Case Study of Water Fluoridation Policy in Calgary in 2011
by Brenda O'Neill & Taruneek Kapoor & Lindsay McLaren - 121-140 Rethinking the Porter Hypothesis: The Underappreciated Importance of Value Appropriation and Pollution Intensity
by Giorgio Petroni & Barbara Bigliardi & Francesco Galati
November 2018, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 776-791 Public Bureaucracy and Climate Change Adaptation
by Robbert Biesbroek & B. Guy Peters & Jale Tosun - 792-834 Foreign‐Funded Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa: Mirroring Administrative Traditions or Traditions of Administrative Blueprinting?
by Martinus Vink & Greetje Schouten - 835-858 State Bureaucracy and the Management of Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh
by Md Saifur Rahman & Jale Tosun - 859-880 Scientific Advice and Administrative Traditions: The Role of Chief Scientists in Climate Change Adaptation
by Nicole M. Schmidt & Na'ama Teschner & Maya Negev - 881-906 Do Administrative Traditions Matter for Climate Change Adaptation Policy? A Comparative Analysis of 32 High‐Income Countries
by Robbert Biesbroek & Alexandra Lesnikowski & James D. Ford & Lea Berrang‐Ford & Martinus Vink - 907-929 Introducing Adaptive Flood Risk Management in England, New Zealand, and the Netherlands: The Impact of Administrative Traditions
by Arwin van Buuren & Judy Lawrence & Karen Potter & Jeroen F. Warner - 930-952 The Influence of Administrative Traditions and Governance on Private Involvement in Urban Climate Change Adaptation
by Johannes Klein & Sirkku Juhola
September 2018, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 670-690 Responses to the Clean Power Plan: Factors Influencing State Decision‐Making
by Laurel Besco - 691-716 Holding Back the Storm: Target Populations and State Climate Adaptation Planning in America
by Chris Koski & Megan Keating - 717-732 Mutual and Self Perceptions of Opposing Advocacy Coalitions: Devil Shift and Angel Shift in a German Policy Subsystem
by Colette S. Vogeler & Nils C. Bandelow - 733-749 Impact of the Intellectual Property Tax Regime on FDI in R&D Activities at the City Level
by Martin Falk & Fei Peng - 750-772 Performance Ranking and Environmental Governance: An Empirical Study of the Mandatory Target System
by Xiao Tang & Zhengwen Liu & Hongtao Yi
July 2018, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 502-534 On‐Bill Financing Programs to Support Low‐Carbon Energy Technologies: An Agent‐Oriented Assessment
by Luis Mundaca & Sarah Kloke - 535-563 Factors Shaping Policy Learning: A Study of Policy Actors in Subnational Climate and Energy Issues
by Andrew Pattison - 564-589 Do Disasters Lead to Learning? Financial Policy Change in Local Government
by Deserai A. Crow & Elizabeth A. Albright & Todd Ely & Elizabeth Koebele & Lydia Lawhon - 590-616 Projecting the Arena of Inclusion: The Case of South Korea in Pursuing a Phased Inclusive Growth Process
by Chan‐Yuan Wong & Keun Lee - 617-641 The Formal Delegation of Regulatory Decisions in the Telecommunication Sector: An Explanation Using Classification Trees
by Camilo Ignacio González & Koen Verhoest - 642-666 The Role of Technology Centers as Intermediary Organizations Facilitating Links for Innovation: Four Cases of Federal Technology Centers in Mexico
by Federico Stezano
May 2018, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 352-371 Managing the Disruptive and Sustaining the Disrupted: The Case of Kodak and Fujifilm in the Face of Digital Disruption
by Jonathan C. Ho & Hongyi Chen - 372-397 The Ability to Influence: A Comparative Analysis of the Role of Advocacy Coalitions in Brazilian Climate Politics
by Solveig Aamodt - 398-421 Policy Diffusion and Directionality: Tracing Early Adoption of Offshore Wind Policy
by Michael J. Motta - 422-438 On the Front Lines of Implementing Environmental Regulation: The Perspective of the Regulated Community in Montana
by Sara Rinfret & Michelle C. Pautz - 439-465 Agenda†Setting at the Energy†Water Nexus: Constructing and Maintaining a Policy Monopoly in U.S. Hydraulic Fracturing Regulation
by Jennifer Baka & Kate J. Neville & Erika Weinthal & Karen Bakker - 466-490 Measuring the Relationship between State Environmental Justice Action and Air Pollution Inequality, 1990–2009
by Clair Bullock & Kerry Ard & Grace Saalman - 491-493 Reclaiming the Atmospheric Commons: The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and a New Model of Emissions Trading. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 256 pages. ISBN 9780262529303, $35.00 paperback. Leigh Raymond. 2016
by David Houle - 493-495 The Grid: Biography of an American Technology. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. 336 pages. ISBN 9780262037174, $37.00 hardcover. Julie A. Cohn. 2017
by Daniel Macfarlane - 495-497 Governing Complex Systems: Social Capital for the Anthropocene. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. xiii + 279 pages. ISBN 9780262035934, $90.00 hardcover. ISBN 9780262533843, $30.00 paperback. ISBN 9780262338882, $21.00 eBook. Oran R. Young. 2017
by Andrew M. Song
March 2018, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 192-212 Issue Proximity and Policy Response in Local Governments
by Sara Hughes & Daniel Miller Runfola & Benjamin Cormier - 213-237 Factors Driving the Promotion of Hydroelectricity: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis
by Lorenz Kammermann - 238-257 Determinants and Evaluation of Local Energy†Efficiency Initiatives from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
by Taekyoung Lim & William M. Bowen - 258-279 Measuring Environmental and Economic Opinions about Hydraulic Fracturing: A Survey of Landowners in Active or Planned Drilling Units
by Gwen Arnold & Benjamin Farrer & Robert Holahan - 280-301 The Space Between: Demonization of Opponents and Policy Divergence
by Juniper Katz - 302-325 Agriculture in Shifting Climates: The Configuration and Ripeness of Problem Understandings in Uganda and Senegal
by Eric D. Raile & Linda M. Young & Jackline Bonabana†Wabbi & Julian Kirinya & Samba Mbaye & Lena Wooldridge & Amber N. W. Raile & Lori Ann Post - 326-347 What Is Known about Punctuated Equilibrium Theory? And What Does That Tell Us about the Construction, Validation, and Replication of Knowledge in the Policy Sciences?
by Johanna Kuhlmann & Jeroen van der Heijden
January 2018, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 4-11 Over a Decade of Scholarship on the Politics and Policy of Science and Technology
by Graeme Auld - 12-30 The Role of Scientific Excellence in the Changing Meaning of Maize in Mexico
by Libertad Castro Colina & Éric Montpetit - 31-60 Research Funding and Performance of Academic Researchers in South Korea
by Soogwan Doh & Duckhee Jang & Gil†Mo Kang & Dong†Seong Han - 61-88 Institutions and Morality Policy in Western Democracies
by Donley T. Studlar & Alessandro Cagossi - 89-119 Competing Policy Windows in Biotechnology: The FDA, the 21st Century Cures Act, and Laboratory†Developed Tests
by Nathan Myers & Catherine E. Steding & Peter Mikolaj - 120-152 Power Sector Reforms and Technical Performance: Good News from an Instrumental Variable Analysis
by Johannes Urpelainen & Joonseok Yang & Di Liu - 153-169 Congressional Attention and Opportunity Structures: The Select Energy Independence and Global Warming Committee
by Jonathan Lewallen - 170-188 Identifying the Causes of Issue Attention and Policy Change: Evidence from U.S. Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Drilling Policy, 2008
by Tyler Hughes
November 2017, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 734-743 Boundary Concepts for Boundary Work Between Science and Technology Studies and International Relations: Special Issue Introduction
by Amandine Orsini & Sélim Louafi & Jean-Frédéric Morin - 744-766 Narrowing the Climate Field: The Symbolic Power of Authors in the IPCC's Assessment of Mitigation
by Hannah Rachel Hughes & Matthew Paterson - 767-789 Coping with Institutional Fragmentation? Competition and Convergence between Boundary Organizations in the Global Response to Polio
by Anna Holzscheiter - 790-811 Is a Melting Arctic Making the Arctic Council Too Cool? Exploring the Limits to the Effectiveness of a Boundary Organization
by Jennifer Spence - 812-826 Nondemarcated Spaces of Knowledge-Informed Policy Making: How Useful Is the Concept of Boundary Organization in IR?
by Daniel Compagnon & Steven Bernstein - 827-853 Three Cultural Boundaries of Science, Institutions, and Policy: A Cultural Theory of Coproduction, Boundary-Work, and Change
by Brendon Swedlow - 854-855 First World Petro-Politics: The Political Ecology and Governance of Alberta . Toronto, ON : University of Toronto Press . 696 p ages. ISBN 9781442612587, $49.95 CAD paperback. Laurie Adkin , ed. 2016
by Nathan Lemphers - 856-858 Struggling for Air: Power Plants and the “War on Coal.” New York : Oxford University Press . viii + 221 pages. ISBN 9780190233112, $31.95 hardcover. Richard L. Revesz and Jack Lienke . 2016
by Owen Temby
September 2017, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 588-616 Innovation and Alliances
by Jon Schmid & Matthew Brummer & Mark Zachary Taylor - 617-635 Why Have Policies Often Remained Symbolic? Understanding the Reasons for Decoupling between Policy and Practice
by Jusil Lee - 636-659 A Concurrent Analysis of Three Institutions that Transform Health Technology-Based Ventures: Economic Policy, Capital Investment, and Market Approval
by Pascale Lehoux & Geneviève Daudelin & Jean-Louis Denis & Fiona A. Miller - 660-681 Brokers and Entrepreneurs in Human Stem Cell Governance Networks in the United States
by Liza Ireni-Saban & Eldad Borohowitch - 682-699 Structure and Process: Examining the Interaction between Bureaucratic Organization and Analytical Requirements
by Stuart Shapiro - 700-724 Urban Pressures and Innovations: Sustainability Commitment in the Face of Fragmentation and Inequality
by Aaron Deslatte & Richard C. Feiock & Kathryn Wassel - 725-726 Water Policy Reform in Southern Alberta: An Advocacy Coalition Approach . Toronto, ON : University of Toronto Press . 272 pages. ISBN 9781487500535, $45.00 cloth. B. Timothy Heinmiller . 2016
by Tanya Heikkila - 727-729 Fighting King Coal: The Barriers to Grassroots Environmental Justice Movement Participation in Central Appalachia . Boston, MA : MIT Press . x + 326 pages. ISBN 9780262034340, $65.00 hardcover. ISBN 9780262528801, $32.00 paperback. ISBN 9780262333580, $23.00 eBook. Shannon Elizabeth Bell. 2016
by Pranietha Mudliar & Gwen Arnold
July 2017, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 456-484 The Polarization of American Environmental Policy: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis of Senate and House Votes, 1971–2013
by Sung Eun Kim & Johannes Urpelainen - 485-503 Emphasis Framing and the Role of Perceived Knowledge: A Survey Experiment
by Justin B. Bullock & Arnold Vedlitz - 504-536 Attitudes Toward “Fracking”: Perceived and Actual Geographic Proximity
by Jessica Alcorn & John Rupp & John D. Graham - 537-558 Policy Failure and Policy Learning: Examining the Conditions of Learning after Disaster
by Kristin O'Donovan - 559-577 Cultural Penetration and Punctuated Policy Change: Explaining the Evolution of U.S. Energy Policy
by Luke Fowler & Tonya T. Neaves & Jessica N. Terman & Arthur G. Cosby - 578-580 New Earth Politics: Essays from the Anthropocene . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . xiv + 442 pages. ISBN 9780262034364, $68.00, hardback. ISBN 9780262529198, $34.00 paperback. ISBN 9780262332118, $24.00 Ebook. Simon Nicholson and Sikina Jinnah, Eds. 2016
by Matthew Paterson - 580-582 Federal Ecosystem Management: Its Rise, Fall, and Afterlife . Lawrence, KS : University Press of Kansas . ix + 348 pages. ISBN 9780700621279, $45.00 cloth. James R. Skillen. 2015
by D. Alex Alder - 582-584 Fact and Fiction in Global Energy Policy: Fifteen Contentious Questions . Baltimore, MD : Johns Hopkins University Press . x + 370 pages. ISBN 9781421418971, $34.96 paperback, $34.95 cloth. Benjamin Sovacool, Marilyn Brown, and Scott Valentine. 2016
by Sharlissa Moore
June 2017, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 310-330 Mobilization in the European Public Sphere: The Struggle Over Genetically Modified Organisms
by Jale Tosun & Simon Schaub - 331-356 Different by Design? Analyzing How Governments Justify GMO Liberalization through the Lens of Strategic Communication
by Georg Wenzelburger & Pascal D. König - 357-377 Coalitions and Conservation: Conditional Impacts of Coalitions on Ballot Measures for Open Space
by William R. Lowry & W. Scott Krummenacher - 378-399 Climate Adaptation in Canada: Governing a Complex Policy Regime
by Daniel Henstra - 400-420 Developing Knowledge States: Technology and the Enhancement of National Statistical Capacity
by Derrick M. Anderson & Andrew B. Whitford - 421-446 Assessing Public Procurement of Innovation as a Cross-Domain Policy: A Framework and Application to the Chinese Context
by Yanchao Li - 447-449 Cleaner, Greener, Healthier: A Prescription for Stronger Canadian Environmental Laws and Policies . Vancouver, BC : University of British Columbia Press . xiv + 412 pages. ISBN: 9780774830478, $34.95 CAD paperback. ISBN 9780774830461, $95.00 CAD hardcover. David R. Boyd. 2015
by Andrea Olive - 449-451 Political Opportunities for Climate Policy: California, New York, and the Federal Government . New York : Cambridge University Press . xv + 364 pages. ISBN 9781107074392, $120.00 hardback. Roger Karapin. 2016
by Leigh Raymond
March 2017, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 144-167 Community Privilege and Environmental Justice: An Agent-Based Analysis
by Adam Eckerd & Yushim Kim & Heather E. Campbell - 168-185 Advocacy Coalitions in Ontario Land Use Policy Development
by B. Timothy Heinmiller & Kevin Pirak - 186-207 Has the Clean Air Interstate Rule Fulfilled Its Mission? An Assessment of Federal Rule-Making in Preventing Regional Spillover Pollution
by Derek Glasgow & Shuang Zhao - 208-232 Determinants of Pro-Fracking Measure Adoption by New York Southern Tier Municipalities
by Gwen Arnold & Kaubin Wosti Neupane - 233-254 Using Cultural Theory to Analyze the Metagovernance of the Nuclear Renaissance in Britain, France, and the United States
by Keith Baker - 255-269 Market Instruments for a Sustainable Economy: Environmental Fiscal Policy and Manifest Divergences
by Elena Villar-Rubio & María-Dolores Huete-Morales - 270-300 Legislative Behavior in the Seventh European Parliament and the Regulation of Shale Gas Development in the European Union
by Zachary A. Wendling - 301-303 Where the Rivers Meet: Pipelines, Participatory Resource Management and Aboriginal-State Relations in the Northwest Territories . Vancouver, BC : University of British Columbia Press . xxvii + 207 pages. ISBN 9780774828451, $99.00 hardcover. ISBN 9780774828468, $35.95 paperback. Carly A. Dokis . 2015
by Graham White - 303-305 Where the River Burned: Carl Stokes and the Struggle to Save Cleveland . Ithaca, NY : Cornell University Press . 264 pages. ISBN 0801453615, $29.95 hardback. David Stradling and Richard Stradling . 2015
by Swapna Pathak
January 2017, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 4-9 Introduction: The Politics of Environmental Accountability
by Teresa Kramarz & Susan Park - 10-30 More than a Question of Agency: Privatized Project Implementation, Accountabilities, and Global Environmental Governance
by Jonathan Rosenberg - 31-49 Judicialization of Environmental Policy and the Crisis of Democratic Accountability
by Teresa Kramarz & David Cosolo & Alejandro Rossi - 50-67 Holding Polluting Countries to Account for Climate Change: Is “Loss and Damage†Up to the Task?
by Craig A. Johnson - 68-87 Accountability Challenges in the Transnational Regime Complex for Climate Change
by Oscar Widerberg & Philipp Pattberg - 88-109 Institutional Accountability of Nonstate Actors in the UNFCCC: Exit, Voice, and Loyalty
by Jonathan Kuyper & Karin Bäckstrand & Heike Schroeder - 110-131 Mission Interference: How Competition Confounds Accountability for Environmental Nongovernmental Organizations
by Cristina M. Balboa - 132-133 The Political Economy of Climate Change Adaptation. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. xi + 226 pages. ISBN 9781137496720, $105.00 hardcover. Benjamin K. Sovocool and Björn†Ola Linnér. 2015
by Tor Håkon Jackson Inderberg - 134-136 A Fragmented Continent: Latin America and the Global Politics of Climate Change. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. vii + 274 pages. ISBN 9780262528115, $26.00 paperback. Guy Edwards and J. Timmons Roberts. 2015
by Marcela López†Vallejo - 136-138 Fukushima and Beyond: Nuclear Power in a Low†Carbon World. Farnham, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited. xi + 202 pages. ISBN 978†1†4094†5491†5, $109.95 hardcover. Christopher Hubbard. 2014
by David Sadoway - 138-140 Cultural Politics and the Transatlantic Divide over GMOs. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. x + 256 pages. ISBN 9780230284579, $105.00 hardcover. Hannes R. Stephan. 2015
by Brandiff R. Caron
November 2016, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 578-602 Mitigating Mistrust? Participation and Expertise in Hydraulic Fracturing Governance
by Kate J. Neville & Erika Weinthal - 603-622 The Power of Policy Regimes: Explaining Shale Gas Policy Divergence in Bulgaria and Poland
by Andreas Goldthau & Michael LaBelle - 623-645 After the Fukushima Disaster: Japan's Nuclear Policy Change from 2011 to 2012
by Rie Watanabe - 646-665 Advanced Metering Infrastructure Deployment in the United States: The Impact of Polycentric Governance and Contextual Changes
by Shan Zhou & Daniel C. Matisoff - 666-685 Defining Environmental Justice Communities for Regulatory Enforcement: Implications from a Block-Group-Level Analysis of New York State
by Jiaqi Liang - 686-688 The Politics of Innovation: Why Some Countries Are Better than Others at Science & Technology . New York : Oxford University Press . xiii + 431 pages. ISBN 9780190464134, $27.95 paperback. Mark Zachary Taylor, 2016
by David Kearn - 688-690 NAFTA and Sustainable Development: History, Experience, and Prospects for Reform . New York : Cambridge University Press . xiii + 414 pages. ISBN 9781107097223, $125 hardcover. Hoi L. Kong and L. Kinvin Wroth , eds. 2015
by Suzanne Simon - 690-692 Islands’ Spirit Rising: Reclaiming the Forests of Haida Gwaii . Vancouver : University of British Columbia Press . xv + 264 pages. ISBN 9780774827669, $35.95 paperback. ISBN 9780774827652, $99.00 hardcover. Louise Takeda. 2015
by Emma S. Norman
September 2016, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 472-491 Media in the Policy Process: Using Framing and Narratives to Understand Policy Influences
by Deserai A. Crow & Andrea Lawlor - 492-505 BLM, the Administrative Presidency, and Policy Shifts: Policy Tools Affecting Oil and Gas Operations
by Charles Davis - 506-525 Vested Interests, Venue Shopping, and Policy Stability: The Long Road to Improving Air Quality in Oregon's Willamette Valley
by Aaron J. Ley - 526-543 Open Data for Science, Policy, and the Public Good
by Creso Sá & Julieta Grieco - 544-565 The Spreading of Innovation: State Adoptions of Energy and Climate Change Policy
by Rebecca Bromley-Trujillo & J. S. Butler & John Poe & Whitney Davis - 566-569 Distinct Approaches to Harper's Environmental Policy Legacy in Canada
by Peter Andrée - 570-571 Environmental Justice and Activism in Indianapolis . Lanham, MD : Lexington Books . vii + 143 pages. ISBN 9780739188392, $75.00 cloth. Trevor K. Fuller. 2015
by Adam Eckerd - 571-573 Tracking the Great Bear: How Environmentalists Recreated British Columbia's Coastal Rainforest . Vancouver, BC : University of British Columbia Press . xxv + 126 pages. ISBN 9780774826723, $32.95 paperback. Justin Page. 2014
by Ethan Getz
July 2016, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 348-375 Trade and Industrial Policy as Levers for Sustainable Energy Technology Adoption? Experiences from Urban Latin America
by Alexandra Mallett - 376-392 Do We Understand What the Public Hears? Stakeholders’ Preferred Communication Choices for Discussing River Issues with the Public The work for this article was supported by the NSF Idaho EPSCoR Program and the National Science Foundation under award number IIA-1301792. Contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NSF
by Donna L. Lybecker & Mark K. McBeth & James W. Stoutenborough - 393-419 Subnational Responses to Fracking in Canada: Explaining Saskatchewan's “Wild West” Regulatory Approach Authors are listed alphabetically by convention; both contributed equally. Funding for this research was provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. The authors would like to thank Simon Enoch for his research on the corporate power of the energy industry in Saskatchewan, Leigh McDougall and Brittany McNena for research and revision assistance, John Peters for valuable feedback, Joseph Piwowar for converting ministry data into GIS files, Jessica Vanstone for creating the map of fracked horizontal wells in Saskatchewan, and anonymous reviewers for providing helpful comments
by Angela V. Carter & Emily M. Eaton - 420-441 Enhancing Precision and Clarity in the Study of Policy Narratives: An Analysis of Climate and Air Issues in Delhi, India
by Christopher M. Weible & Kristin L. Olofsson & Daniel P. Costie & Juniper M. Katz & Tanya Heikkila - 442-462 Network Structure and Perceived Legitimacy in Collaborative Wildlife Management
by Annica Sandström & Carina Lundmark - 463-465 Fracking the Neighborhood: Reluctant Activists and Natural Gas Drilling . Cambridge, MA : The MIT Press . xiv + 191 pages. ISBN 9780262029766, $29 hardback. Jessica Smartt Gullion , 2015
by Andrew Kear - 465-467 Governing Transboundary Waters: Canada, the United States, and Indigenous Communities . London : Routledge . xvi + 220 pages. ISBN 9780415838597, $145.00 hardback; ISBN 9780203781456, $54.95 e-book. Emma S. Norman , 2015
by Owen Temby
May 2016, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 232-250 Comparing the Politics of Hydraulic Fracturing in New York, Colorado, and Texas
by Christopher M. Weible & Tanya Heikkila - 251-269 Science Use in Regulatory Impact Analysis: The Effects of Political Attention and Controversy
by Mia Costa & Bruce A. Desmarais & John A. Hird - 270-290 Environmental Harm or Natural Hazard? Problem Identification and Adaptation in U.S. Municipal Climate Action Plans
by Chris Koski & Alma Siulagi - 291-315 Willingness to Pay for Solar Lanterns: Does the Trial Period Play a Role?
by Semee Yoon & Johannes Urpelainen & Milind Kandlikar - 316-337 Policy Stalemate and Policy Change in Israel's Water Sector 1970–2010: Advocacy Coalitions and Policy Narratives
by Gila Menahem & Shula Gilad - 338-340 Climate Change and European Security . New York : Routledge . 144 pages. ISBN 9781138797277, $145 hardback. ISBN 9781138797284, $52.95 paperback. Richard Youngs , 2015
by Mike Gunter Jr. - 340-341 Green-Lite: Complexity in 50 Years of Canadian Environmental Policy, Governance, and Democracy . Montreal and Kingston : McGill-Queens University Press . 422 pages. ISBN 9780773545823, $34.95 CAD paperback. ISBN 9780773545816, $110.00 CAD cloth. G. Bruce Doern, Graeme Auld, and Christopher Stoney, 2015
by Andrea Olive - 342-343 Earth System Governance: World Politics in the Anthropocene . Cambridge, MA : The MIT Press . xviii + 267 pages. ISBN 9780262526692, $27.00 paperback. ISBN 9780262028226, $54.00 hardcover. Frank Biermann, 2014
by Peter Stoett
March 2016, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 115-117 Issue Information
by Dr. Sanya Carley, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University - 119-123 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: What Have We Learned?
by Dr. Sanya Carley, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University & Sanya Carley - 124-139 Walking in the Shadow of Pressman and Wildavsky: Expanding Fiscal Federalism and Goal Congruence Theories to Single-Shot Games
by Dr. Sanya Carley, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University & Jessica N. Terman & Anthony Kassekert & Richard C. Feiock & Kaifeng Yang - 140-159 Impacts of Federal Stimulus Funding on Economic Development Policy Networks Among Local Governments
by Dr. Sanya Carley, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University & Chang-Gyu Kwak & Richard Feiock & Christopher Hawkins & Youngmi Lee - 160-177 Outsourcing Oversight and ARRA 2009: What Factors Explain State Agencies’ Decision to Pursue Collaborative Monitoring?
by Dr. Sanya Carley, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University & Lachezar G. Anguelov - 178-200 Assessment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Upon the Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program
by Dr. Sanya Carley, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University & Bruce Tonn & Beth Hawkins & Erin Rose - 201-223 Energy Programs of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
by Dr. Sanya Carley, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University & Sanya Carley - 224-226 European Union and Environmental Governance . London : Routledge (Global Institutions Series) . 166 pages. ISBN 9780415628822, $33.95, paperback. ISBN 9780415628815, $135.00 hardback. Henrik Selin and Stacy D. VanDeveer , 2015
by Dr. Sanya Carley, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University & Rolf Lidskog - 226-228 Rethinking Environmental Justice in Sustainable Cities: Insights from Agent-Based Modeling . New York : Routledge . 228 pages. ISBN 9780415657440, £90.00 hardback. Heather E. Campbell , Yushim Kim , and Adam Eckerd , eds., 2015
by Dr. Sanya Carley, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University & Stefan Verweij
January 2016, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 5-21 Institutional Change Through Policy Learning: The Case of the European Commission and Research Policy
by Merli Tamtik - 22-50 Does Power Sector Deregulation Promote or Discourage Renewable Energy Policy? Evidence from the States, 1991–2012
by Sung Eun Kim & Joonseok Yang & Johannes Urpelainen - 51-70 Policy Change, Policy Feedback, and Interest Mobilization: The Politics of Nuclear Waste Management
by Matthew C. Nowlin - 71-89 Why Do Regulatory Agencies Punish? The Impact of Political Principals, Agency Culture, and Transaction Costs in Predicting Environmental Criminal Prosecution Outcomes in the United States
by Joshua Ozymy & Melissa Jarrell - 90-109 Public Information and Regulatory Processes: What the Public Knows and Regulators Decide
by Deserai A. Crow & Elizabeth A. Albright & Elizabeth Koebele - 110-111 Water Without Borders? Canada, the United States, and Shared Waters . Toronto : University of Toronto Press . xiv + 275 pages. ISBN 9781442643932, $70.00 hardback. Edited by Emma S. Norman , Alice Cohen , and Karen Bakker , 2013
by Andrew Kirkpatrick - 111-113 Transforming Energy: Solving Climate Change with Technology Policy . New York : Cambridge University Press . 360 pages. ISBN 9781107614970, $29.99 paperback. Anthony Patt , 2015
by George A. Gonzalez - 113-114 Reconfiguring Global Climate Governance in North America: A Transregional Approach . Burlington, VT : Ashgate . 268 pages. ISBN 9781472410368, $119.95 hardback. Marcela López-Vallejo , 2014
by Abby Lindsay
November 2015, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 627-648 Nations or Sectors in the Age of Globalization: China's Policy Toward Foreign Direct Investment in Telecommunications
by Roselyn Hsueh - 649-674 Exploring Drivers of Innovative Technology Adoption Intention: The Case of Plug-In Vehicles
by Saba Siddiki & Jerome Dumortier & Cali Curley & John D. Graham & Sanya Carley & Rachel M. Krause - 675-698 Community-Based Organizations and Institutional Work in the Remote Rural West
by Jesse Abrams & Emily Jane Davis & Cassandra Moseley - 699-722 Diversifying Nature Protection: Evaluating the Changing Tools for Forest Protection in Canada and Norway
by Graeme Auld & Lars H. Gulbrandsen - 723-744 Contextual Factors Influencing Collaboration Levels and Outcomes in National Forest Stewardship Contracting
by Katherine M. Mattor & Antony S. Cheng - 745-746 Sustaining the Borderlands in the Age of NAFTA: Development, Politics, and Participation on the U.S.-Mexico Border . Nashville, TN : Vanderbilt University Press . xiv + 222 pages. ISBN 9780826519597, $55.00 cloth. Suzanne Simon , 2014
by Stephen Mumme - 747-748 Cheap and Clean: How Americans Think about Energy in the Age of Global Warming . Cambridge, MA : The MIT Press . 261 pages. ISBN 9780262027625, $27.95 hardcover. Stephen Ansolabehere and David M. Konisky , 2014
by James W. Stoutenborough
September 2015, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 517-537 Globalization, International Organizations, and Telecommunications
by Kirsten Rodine-Hardy - 538-555 Beyond (and Within) City Limits: Climate Policy in an Intergovernmental System
by Cindy Simon Rosenthal & James A. Rosenthal & Jonathan D. Moore & Jamie Smith - 556-575 Partisanship, Ministers, and Biotechnology Policy
by Hanna Bäck & Marc Debus & Jale Tosun - 576-599 Covenant of Mayors: Reasons for Being an Environmentally and Energy Friendly Municipality
by María del P. Pablo-Romero & Antonio Sánchez-Braza & José Manuel González-Limón - 600-621 Persistently Biased: The Devil Shift in Water Privatization in Jakarta
by Ching Leong