September 2015, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 622-624 Saving Global Fisheries: Reducing Fishing Capacity to Promote Sustainability . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . 288 pages. ISBN 9780262018647 , $29.00 hardcover. J. Samuel Barkin and Elizabeth R. DeSombre, 2013
by Tim M. Daw - 624-626 Rethinking Private Authority: Agents and Entrepreneurs in Global Environmental Governance . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press . 232 pages. ISBN 9780691157597 , $24.95 paperback. Jessica F. Green, 2013
by Graeme Auld
July 2015, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 389-412 Taxing Fracking: The Politics of State Severance Taxes in the Shale Era
by Barry G. Rabe & Rachel L. Hampton - 413-442 Political Competition, Agenda Power, and Incentives to Innovate: An Empirical Examination of Vested-Interest Theory
by Dina Balalaeva - 443-464 Focusing Events and Changes in Ecologies of Policy Games: Evidence from the Paraná River Delta
by Ramiro Berardo & Tomás Olivier & Anthony Lavers - 465-484 Cultural Policy and Governance: Reviewing Policies Related to Cultural and Creative Industries Implemented by the Central Government of Taiwan Between 2002 and 2012
by Chang Bin Lee - 485-512 Risk Analysis of Nanomaterials: Exposing Nanotechnology's Naked Emperor
by Georgia Miller & Fern Wickson - 513-514 Public-Private Partnerships: Infrastructure, Transportation and Local Services . London : Routledge . viii + 165 pages. ISBN 9781138827424 , $145.00 hardback. Edited by Germà Bel , Trevor Brown , Rui Cunha Marques , 2015
by Kai Chen
May 2015, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 273-296 State Renewable Energy Governance: Policy Instruments, Markets, or Citizens
by Sunjoo Park - 297-322 University Technology Transfer and Manufacturing Innovation: The Case of Italy
by Cardamone Paola & Pupo Valeria & Ricotta Fernanda - 323-344 The Unscientific Determinants of Voting on a Controversial Scientific Issue: An Evaluation of Biofuels Policy in the U.S. Congress
by Jonah J. Ralston - 345-364 First-Hand Experience and Second-Hand Information: Changing Trust across Three Levels of Government
by Gina Yannitell Reinhardt - 365-387 Governing the Economic Transition: How Taiwan Transformed its Industrial System to Attain Virtuous Cycle Development
by Chan-Yuan Wong & Mei-Chih Hu & Jyh-Wen Shiu
March 2015, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 175-199 Who's Afraid of WikiLeaks? Missed Opportunities in Political Science Research
by Gabriel J. Michael - 200-225 States of Environmental Justice: Redistributive Politics across the United States, 1993–2004
by Troy D. Abel & Debra J. Salazar & Patricia Robert - 226-245 Utilizing Hyperlink Network Analysis to Examine Climate Change Supporters and Opponents
by Dallas J. Elgin - 246-268 Adaptive Management for Oil and Gas Development on Public Lands: An Innovative Approach to Resource Protection, or Symbolic Placation of Public Interests?
by Zachary Wurtzebach - 269-271 Constructing Private Governance: The Rise and Evolution of Forest, Coffee, and Fisheries Certification . New Haven, CT : Yale University Press . 352 pages. ISBN: 9780300190533, $30.00 paperback. Graeme Auld . 2014
by Kristin Sippl
January 2015, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-18 Bilateral and Trilateral Natural Resource and Biodiversity Governance in North America: Organizations, Networks, and Inclusion
by Peter Stoett & Owen Temby - 19-39 The Evolution of Natural Resource Conservation Capacity on the U.S.–Mexico Border: Bilateral and Trilateral Environmental Agreements since La Paz
by Stephen P. Mumme - 40-59 The International Joint Commission, Water Levels, and Transboundary Governance in the Great Lakes
by Murray Clamen & Daniel Macfarlane - 60-78 Scale and Subnational Resource Management: Transnational Initiatives in the Salish Sea Region
by Christopher Brown - 79-99 Interagency Trust and Communication in the Transboundary Governance of Pacific Salmon Fisheries
by Owen Temby & Archi Rastogi & Jean Sandall & Ray Cooksey & Gordon M. Hickey - 100-123 Resistance and Reform: Transboundary Water Governance in the Colorado River Delta
by Andrea K. Gerlak - 124-145 Secretariat Influence on Overlap Management Politics in North America: NAFTA and the Commission for Environmental Cooperation
by Sikina Jinnah & Abby Lindsay - 146-162 Transnational Environmental Activism in North America: Wielding Soft Power through Knowledge Sharing?
by Raul Pacheco-Vega - 163-169 Assessing Intergovernmental Institutions and Transnational Policy Networks in North American Resource Management: Concluding Remarks
by Andrea Olive - 170-171 Environmental Policy in North America: Approaches, Capacity, and the Management of Transboundary Issues . North York, Ontario, Canada : University of Toronto Press . 216 pages. ISBN 9781442601796 , $34.95 paperback. by Robert G. Healy , Debora L. VanNijnatten , and Marcela Lopez-Vallejo , 2014
by Robert E. Forbis Jr. - 171-174 Climate Change Policy in North America: Designing Integration in a Regional System . Toronto : University of Toronto Press. 376 pages. ISBN 9781442614581 , $34.95 paperback. edited by Neil Craik , Isabel Studer , and Debora VanNijnatten , eds., 2013
by Stephen Bird
November 2014, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 481-502 The Challenges of Consulting the Public on Science Policy: Examining the Development of European Risk Assessment Policy for Genetically Modified Animals
by Sarah Hartley & Kate M. Millar - 503-528 EU Legislation to Reduce Carbon Emissions from Cars: Intergovernmental or Supranational Policy Making?
by Lars H. Gulbrandsen & Anne Raaum Christensen - 529-554 An Examination of Local Climate Change Policies in the Great Plains
by Robert S. Wood & Andy Hultquist & Rebecca J. Romsdahl - 555-583 Public Support for Climate Change Policy: Consistency in the Influence of Values and Attitudes Over Time and Across Specific Policy Alternatives
by James W. Stoutenborough & Rebecca Bromley-Trujillo & Arnold Vedlitz - 584-609 Does the Network Centrality of Government Actors Matter? Examining the Role of Government Organizations in Aquaculture Partnerships
by William Resh & Saba Siddiki & Will R. McConnell
September 2014, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 363-366 Introduction
by Darius Ornston - 367-389 Coordination-Mix: The Hidden Face of STI Policy
by Edurne Magro & Mikel Navarro & Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia - 390-407 The Role of Institutions and Capital in Intersectoral Collaboration: Infection and Immunity Research and Development Collaboration in Vancouver
by Bryn Lander - 408-429 The Confluence of Academia and Industry: A Case Study of the Taiwanese Biopharmaceutical Innovation System
by Shih-Hsin Chen - 430-453 Support for International Collaboration in Research: The Role of the Overseas Offices of Basic Science Funders
by Brian Sergi & Rachel Parker & Brian Zuckerman - 454-477 When the High Road Becomes the Low Road: The Limits of High-Technology Competition in Finland
by Darius Ornston - 478-480 Oil and Wilderness in Alaska: Natural Resources, Environmental Protection, and National Policy Dynamics . Washington, DC : Georgetown University Press . 184 pages. ISBN 9781589016620 , $29.95 paperback. by George J. Busenberg , 2013
by Jonathan Rosenberg
July 2014, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 257-280 Path Dependence and Paradigm Shift: How Cetacean Scientists Learned to Develop Management Procedures that Survived the Controversial Whaling Regime
by Atsushi Ishii & Ayako Okubo - 281-303 Assessing Policy Design and Interpretation: An Institutions-Based Analysis in the Context of Aquaculture in Florida and Virginia, United States
by Saba Siddiki - 304-310 The Big (Data) Bang: Policy, Prospects, and Challenges
by Connie L. McNeely & Jong-on Hahm - 311-318 From Big Data to Knowledge: An Ontological Approach to Big Data Analytics
by Erik W. Kuiler - 319-325 Government Information Policy in the Era of Big Data
by Anne L. Washington - 326-330 The Promise and Potential of Big Data: A Case for Discovery Informatics
by Vasant G. Honavar - 331-338 Trade-Offs, Limitations, and Promises of Big Data in Social Science Research
by Patricia White & R. Saylor Breckenridge - 339-342 Big Data and U.S. Public Policy
by Roger Stough & Dennis McBride - 343-348 Big Data for Policy Analysis: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
by Laurie A. Schintler & Rajendra Kulkarni - 349-357 Civic Hackathons: Innovation, Procurement, or Civic Engagement?
by Peter Johnson & Pamela Robinson - 358-360 Cities, Networks, and Global Environmental Governance: Spaces of Innovation, Places of Leadership . New York : Routledge . 240 pages. ISBN 9780415537513 , $130.00 hardcover. by Sofie Bouteligier , 2013
by David Gordon - 360-362 Transforming the Frontier: Peace Parks and the Politics of Neoliberal Conservation in Southern Africa . Durham, NC : Duke University Press . 312 pages. ISBN 9780822354208 , $24.95 paperback. by Bram Büscher , 2013
by Larry A. Swatuk
May 2014, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 153-172 The Determinants of Salience of Energy Issues
by William R. Lowry & Mark Joslyn - 173-198 The Global Climate Regime: Explaining Lagging Reform
by Alexander Ovodenko - 199-217 Abnormal Daily Temperature and Concern about Climate Change Across the United States
by Jeremy Brooks & Douglas Oxley & Arnold Vedlitz & Sammy Zahran & Charles Lindsey - 218-252 Multi-Sited Governance of Large-Scale Land Acquisitions: Mapping and Evaluating the Terrain
by Laura German - 253-255 The Power of Narrative in Environmental Networks . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . 240 pages. ISBN: 9780262519571 , $22.00 paperback. by Raul Lejano , Mrill Ingram , and Helen Ingram , 2013
by Nathan Young
March 2014, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 65-87 Understanding a Period of Policy Change: The Case of Hydraulic Fracturing Disclosure Policy in Colorado
by Tanya Heikkila & Jonathan J. Pierce & Samuel Gallaher & Jennifer Kagan & Deserai A. Crow & Christopher M. Weible - 88-104 Understanding State Rulemaking Processes: Developing Fracking Rules in Colorado, New York, and Ohio
by Sara Rinfret & Jeffrey J. Cook & Michelle C. Pautz - 105-124 Examining the Canadian Government's Resistance to Including Socioeconomic Concerns in Genetically Modified Seeds Regulation: A Policy Transfer and Multilevel Approach
by Jean-Michel Marcoux & Lyne Létourneau - 125-147 Science and Politics in the Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms in Brazil
by Maya Mitre & Bruno P. W. Reis - 148-150 Contested Water: The Struggle Against Water Privatization in the United States and Canada . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . 208 pages. ISBN 9780262518390 , $23.00 paperback. by Joanna L. Robinson , 2013
by Megan Mullin - 150-152 Green Innovation in China: China's Wind Power Industry and the Global Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy . New York : Columbia University Press . xx + 282 pages. ISBN 9780231153300 , $40.00 cloth. by Joanna I. Lewis , 2013
by Edward A. Cunningham
January 2014, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-16 Energy Abundance or Environmental Worries? Analyzing Public Support for Fracking in the United States
by Charles Davis & Jonathan M. Fisk - 17-37 Early Adopters of Solar Panels in Developing Countries: Evidence from Tanzania
by Michael G. Smith & Johannes Urpelainen - 38-59 Termination Theory and National Climate Change Mitigation Programs: The Case of New Zealand
by S. Jeff Birchall - 60-62 The Politics of Precaution: Regulating Health, Safety, and Environmental Risks in Europe and the United States . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press . 336 pages. ISBN 9780691124162 , $39.50 cloth. by David Vogel . 2012
by Kate O'Neill - 62-64 Power Over Peoples: Technology, Environments, and Western Imperialism, 1400 to the Present . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press . 412 pages. ISBN 9780691139333 , $35.00 cloth. by Daniel R. Headrick . 2010
by Geoffrey Herrera
November 2013, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 611-628 Pressure or Information? Lobbying for Binding Renewable Energy Targets in the European Union
by Anne Therese Gullberg - 629-656 Local Governance Versus Centralization: Connecticut Wetlands Governance as a Model
by Katharine Owens & Carl Zimmerman - 657-684 The Inclusion of Nonsafety Criteria within the Regulatory Framework of Agricultural Biotechnology: Exploring Factors that Are Likely to Influence Policy Transfer
by Jean-Michel Marcoux & Olga Carolina Cardenas Gomez & Lyne Létourneau - 685-689 Open for Business: Conservatives' Opposition to Environmental Regulation . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . 496 pages. ISBN 9780262018272 , $35.00 hardcover. by Judith A. Layzer , 2012 . Eco-Business: A Big-Brand Takeover of Sustainability . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . 208 pages. ISBN 9780262018760 , $24.95 hardcover. by Peter Dauvergne and Jane Lister , 2013
by Matto Mildenberger
September 2013, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 439-446 Introduction to the Special Issue: Nanotechnology and Political Science
by David H. Guston - 447-463 Agenda Setting in Emergent R&D Policy Subsystems: Examining Discourse Effects of the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act
by Derrick Anderson & Catherine P. Slade - 464-487 “The Train Has Left the Station”: The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies and the Shaping of Nanotechnology Policy in the United States
by Evan S. Michelson - 488-511 The Current Status and Future Direction of Nanotechnology Regulations: A View from Nano-scientists
by Elizabeth A. Corley & Youngjae Kim & Dietram A. Scheufele - 512-548 Hungry for Information: Public Attitudes Toward Food Nanotechnology and Labeling
by Jonathan Brown & Jennifer Kuzma - 549-565 Managing Nanotechnology Risks in Vulnerable Populations: A Case for Gender Diversity
by Vivien Savath & Suzanne Gage Brainard - 566-587 Improving Legitimacy in Nanotechnology Policy Development Through Stakeholder and Community Engagement: Forging New Pathways
by A. Wendy Russell - 588-604 Nano-Industry Operationalizations of “Responsibility”: Charting Diversity in the Enactment of Responsibility
by Clare Shelley-Egan & Sarah R. Davies - 605-607 The Roads from Rio: Lessons Learned from Twenty Years of Multilateral Environmental Negotiations . New York : RFF Press . 312 pages. ISBN 9780415809771, $42.95 paperback. edited by Pamela S. Chasek and Lynn M. Wagner (eds.), 2012
by Noelle E. Selin - 607-609 Global Environmental Governance Reconsidered . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . 320 pages. ISBN 9780262517706, $25.00 paperback. edited by Frank Biermann and Philipp Pattberg (eds.), 2012
by Leah Stokes
July 2013, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 345-365 The Right to Know? State Politics of Fracking Disclosure
by Jonathan M. Fisk - 366-380 Oil Spill Causation and the Deepwater Horizon Spill
by Rick S. Kurtz - 381-408 How Large-Scale Research Facilities Connect to Global Research
by Giancarlo Lauto & Finn Valentin - 409-431 The World Bank as Knowledge Bank: Analyzing the Limits of a Legitimate Global Knowledge Actor
by Teresa Kramarz & Bessma Momani - 432-437 Structuring an Energy Technology Revolution . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . 336 pages. ISBN 9780262517553, $15.00 paperback. by Charles Weiss and William B. Bonvillian , 2012 . Tomorrow's Energy: Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and the Prospects for a Cleaner Planet . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press. 360 pages. ISBN 9780262516952, $24.95 paperback. by Peter Hoffmann , 2012 . Unlocking Energy Innovation: How America Can Build a Low-Cost, Low-Carbon Energy System . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . 224 pages. ISBN 9780262016773, $24.95 hardcover. by Richard K. Lester and David M. Hart , 2012
by Corey Johnson
May 2013, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 263-280 The Environmental Protection Agency Regulates Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Is Anyone Paying Attention?
by Jeffrey J. Cook & Sara R. Rinfret - 281-301 Policy Alternatives in Adaptive Communities: Simulating the Environmental Justice Consequences of Hazardous Site Remediation Strategies
by Adam Eckerd - 302-320 “Conservation” as a Catalyst for Conflict: Considering Stakeholder Understanding in Policy Making
by Deserai Anderson Crow & Olga Baysha - 321-340 Conventional Politics for Unconventional Drilling? Lessons from Pennsylvania's Early Move into Fracking Policy Development
by Barry G. Rabe & Christopher Borick - 341-343 Pesticide Drift and the Pursuit of Environmental Justice . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . 296 pp. ISBN: 9780262516280, $23 paperback. by Jill Lindsey Harrison . 2011
by Sarah T. Phillips - 343-344 Food . Cambridge, UK : Polity Press . 200 pp. ISBN 9780745649368, $19.95 paperback. by Jennifer Clapp . 2011
by Timothy A. Wise
March 2013, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 139-159 Addressing Public Risks: Extreme Events and Critical Infrastructures
by Peter J. May & Chris Koski - 160-189 Funding Global Public Goods: The Dark Side of Multilateralism
by Patrick Bayer & Johannes Urpelainen - 190-210 Media Framing and Public Attitudes Toward Biofuels
by Ashlie Delshad & Leigh Raymond - 211-239 International Production Networks, Clusters, and Industrial Upgrading: Evidence from Automotive and Hard Disk Drive Industries in Thailand
by Archanun Kohpaiboon & Juthathip Jongwanich - 240-257 The Defining Elements of Advocacy Coalitions: Continuing the Search for Explanations for Coordination and Coalition Structures
by Simon Matti & Annica Sandström - 258-260 Climate Change and Migration: Security and Borders in a Warming World . Oxford : Oxford University Press . 192 pages. ISBN 9780199794836, $27.95 paperback. by Gregory White . 2011
by Jeannie Sowers - 260-262 Comparative Environmental Politics: Theory, Practice, and Prospects . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . 424 pages. ISBN 9780262693684, $28.00 paperback. edited by Paul F. Steinberg and Stacy D. VanDeveer (Eds.). 2012
by Jennifer Dabbs Sciubba
January 2013, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-18 Policy Capacity and the Ability to Adapt to Climate Change: C anadian and U . S . Case Studies
by Jonathan Craft & Michael Howlett - 19-41 Policy Capacity for Climate Change in C anada's Transportation Sector
by Joshua Newman & Anthony Perl & Adam Wellstead & Kathleen McNutt - 42-65 Assessing Policy Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation: Governance Arrangements, Resource Deployments, and Analytical Skills in C anadian Infrastructure Policy Making
by Jonathan Craft & Michael Howlett & Mark Crawford & Kathleen McNutt - 66-90 Dispersed Capacity and Weak Coordination: The Challenge of Climate Change Adaptation in C anada's Forest Policy Sector
by Jeremy Rayner & Kathleen McNutt & Adam Wellstead - 91-113 Climate Change Adaptation and Policy Capacity in the Canadian Finance Sector: A Meso Analysis
by Russell Alan Williams & Kathleen McNutt - 114-133 A Stakeholder Analysis of C olorado Climate and Energy Issues Using Policy Analytical Capacity and the Advocacy Coalition Framework
by Dallas J. Elgin & Christopher M. Weible - 134-135 The EU as International Environmental Negotiator . Burlington, VT : Ashgate . 260 pages. ISBN 9781409411826, $114.95 hardback. Tom Delreux . 2011
by Rüdiger Wurzel - 136-137 Not Here, Not There, Not Anywhere: Politics, Social Movements, and the Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste . London : Earthscan/RFF Press . 240 pages. ISBN 9781933115924, $39.95 paperback. by Daniel J. Sherman . 2011
by Barry G. Rabe
November 2012, Volume 29, Issue 6
- 669-671 Introduction to the Special Issue of the Review of Policy Research: Innovation, Innovation Policy, and Social Inclusion in Developing Countries
by Isabel Bortagaray & Gonzalo Ordóñez-Matamoros - 672-692 Fostering Quality of Life through Social Innovation: A Living Lab Methodology Study Case
by Mónica E. Edwards-Schachter & Cristian E. Matti & Enrique Alcántara - 693-712 Functions of the Intermediary Organizations for Agricultural Innovation in M exico: The C hiapas Produce Foundation
by Gabriela Dutrénit & Alma Rocha-Lackiz & Alexandre O. Vera-Cruz - 713-732 Bridging Access to Electricity Through BOP Markets: Between Economic Equations and Political Configurations
by Céline Cholez & Pascale Trompette & Dominique Vinck & Thomas Reverdy - 733-751 The Socio-Technical Alliance: Bringing New Tools to the Design of Policies Aimed to Promote Social Inclusion
by Santiago Garrido & Alberto Lalouf - 752-775 Engineering Small Worlds in a Big Society: Assessing the Early Impacts of Nanotechnology in C hina
by Evgeny A. Klochikhin & Philip Shapira - 776-796 Building Bridges: Social Inclusion Problems as Research and Innovation Issues
by Santiago Alzugaray & Leticia Mederos & Judith Sutz - 797-798 Plato's Revenge: Politics in the Age of Ecology . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . 208 pages. ISBN 9780262015905, $27.95 cloth. William Ophuls, 2011
by Paul Wapner - 799-800 Managing Institutional Complexity: Regime Interplay and Global Environmental Change . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . ix + 353 pp. ISBN 9780262516242, $27 paper. edited by Sebastian Oberthür and Olav Schram Stokke (Eds.), 2011
by Sikina Jinnah
September 2012, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 585-604 An Assessment of the Impact that Participation in Local Climate Networks Has on Cities’ Implementation of Climate, Energy, and Transportation Policies
by Rachel M. Krause - 605-624 Building Green: Local Political Leadership Addressing Climate Change
by Taedong Lee & Chris Koski - 625-644 Cognizance and Consultation of Randomized Controlled Trials among Ministerial Policy Analysts
by Pierre-Olivier Bédard & Mathieu Ouimet - 645-660 Nonpunctuated and Sweeping Policy Change: B hutan Tobacco Policy Making from 1991 to 2009
by Michael Givel - 661-662 Digital Apollo: Human and Machine in Spaceflight . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . xiii + 362 pages. ISBN 9780262134972 , $29.95 cloth. David Mindell . 2008
by David Bruggeman - 663-665 Beyond Consensus: Improving Collaborative Planning and Management . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . 368 pages. ISBN 9780262516211 , $27.00 paper. by Richard D. Margerum . 2011
by Lawrence Susskind - 665-667 Carbon Coalitions: Business, Climate Politics, and the Rise of Emissions Trading . Cambridge, MA : MIT Press . 240 pages. ISBN 9780262516334 , $22.00 paper. by Jonas Meckling . 2011
by Matthew Hoffmann
July 2012, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 449-466 The Role of Experts in the European Union's Research Policy
by Merli Tamtik & Creso M. Sá - 467-491 Biofuel Investments in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review of the Early Legal and Institutional Framework in Zambia
by Laura A. German & George Schoneveld - 492-522 The Role of Policy Brokers: The Case of Biotechnology in Kenya
by Ann N. Kingiri & Andy Hall - 523-543 Greening Constitutions with Environmental Rights: Testing the Isomorphism Thesis
by Joshua Gellers - 544-569 Measuring State Environmental Policy
by David M. Konisky & Neal D. Woods - 570-576 The Shale Gas Revolution: U.S. and EU Policy and Research Agendas
by Tim Boersma & Corey Johnson - 577-579 The Politics of Science Advice: Institutional Design for Quality Assurance – By Justus Lentsch and Peter Weingart
by Raffael Himmelsbach - 579-584 Climate Change and National Security: A Country-Level Analysis – Edited by Daniel Moran. Global Warring: How Environmental, Economic, and Political Crises Will Redraw the World Map – By Cleo Paskal. Security and the Environment: Securitization Theory and US Environmental Security Policy – By Rita Paskal
by Michael M. Gunter Jr.
May 2012, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 319-321 Editor's Notes
by Christopher Gore - 322-333 Comparative Climate Change Policy and Federalism: An Overview
by Douglas M. Brown - 334-357 Public Attitudes toward Climate Science and Climate Policy in Federal Systems: Canada and the United States Compared
by Erick Lachapelle & Christopher P. Borick & Barry Rabe - 358-382 Carbon Taxation and Policy Labeling: Experience from American States and Canadian Provinces
by Barry G. Rabe & Christopher P. Borick - 383-407 A Tale of Two Taxes: The Fate of Environmental Tax Reform in Canada
by Kathryn Harrison - 408-430 Mind the (Mobilization) Gap: Comparing Climate Activism in the United States and European Union
by Elizabeth Bomberg - 431-438 STAR METRICS and the Science of Science Policy
by Mark A. Largent & Julia I. Lane - 439-440 Bird on Fire: Lessons from the World's Least Sustainable City – By Andrew Ross
by Daniel B. Higgins - 440-442 Renewable Energy and the Public: From NIMBY to Participation – By Patrick Devine-Wright
by Sharlissa Moore - 442-444 Transnational Environmental Governance: The Emergence and Effects of the Certification of Forests and Fisheries – By Lars H. Gulbrandsen
by Magnus Boström - 444-446 Climate Governance at the Crossroads: Experimenting with a Global Response after Kyoto – By Matthew J. Hoffmann
by Harriet Bulkeley - 446-448 Food Justice – By Robert Gottlieb and Anupama Joshi
by Jennifer Clapp
March 2012, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 173-175 Editor's Notes
by Christopher Gore - 177-191 The Politics of “Fracking”: Regulating Natural Gas Drilling Practices in Colorado and Texas
by Charles Davis - 193-206 Policy Tool Interactions and the Adoption of State Renewable Portfolio Standards
by Hongtao Yi & Richard C. Feiock - 207-227 Preferences, Knowledge, and Citizen Probability Assessments of the Terrorism Risk of Nuclear Power
by Quan Li & Matthew Fuhrmann & Bryan R. Early & Arnold Vedlitz - 229-250 Benefits, Challenges, and Enabling Conditions of Collective Action to Promote Sustainable Production and Marketing of Products from Africa's Dry Forests
by Fiona Paumgarten & Habtemariam Kassa & Mathurin Zida & Moira Moeliono - 251-279 Changing the Tobacco Use Management System: Blending Systems Thinking with Actor–Network Theory
by David Young & Ron Borland & Ken Coghill - 281-299 Focal Points in Public Policy: Evidence from Voluntary Regulation
by Andrew B. Whitford & Justin A. Tucker - 301-307 A Clean Energy Standard: Experience from the States
by Sanya Carley - 309-311 Sparking a Worldwide Energy Revolution: Social Struggles in the Transition to a Post‐Petrol World – By Kolya Abramsky
by Elisabeth A. Graffy - 311-312 The Big Ditch: How America Took, Built, Ran, and Ultimately Gave Away the Panama Canal – By Noel Maurer and Carlos Yu
by Fabrice Lehoucq - 313-314 Timber – By Peter Dauvergne and Jane Lister
by Lars H. Gulbrandsen - 315-316 The Natural Resources Trap: Private Investment without Public Commitment – Edited by William Hogan and Federico Sturzenegger
by Virginia Haufler - 316-318 Planning Paradise: Politics and Visioning of Land Use in Oregon – By Peter A. Walker and Patrick T. Hurley
by Anne G. Short
January 2012, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editor's Notes
by Christopher Gore - 3-4 Introduction
by Nigel M. de S. Cameron - 5-20 No Identification Without Representation: Constraints on the Use of Biometric Identification Systems
by Emilio Mordini & Andrew P. Rebera - 21-36 From Identity Verification to Behavior Prediction: Ethical Implications of Second Generation Biometrics
by Margit Sutrop & Katrin Laas‐Mikko - 37-61 Advances in Biometric Encryption: Taking Privacy by Design from Academic Research to Deployment
by Ann Cavoukian & Michelle Chibba & Alex Stoianov - 63-89 Biometric Security and Privacy Using Smart Identity Management and Interoperability: Validation and Vulnerabilities of Various Techniques
by Harry Wechsler - 91-117 Cash at Your Fingertips: Biometric Technology for Transfers in Developing Countries
by Alan Gelb & Caroline Decker - 119-130 Privacy and the New Legal Paradigm: Tradition and Development in Taiwan
by Chi‐shing Chen - 131-139 Promoting Data Protection Standards through Contracts: The Case of the Data Security Council of India
by Kamlesh Bajaj - 141-159 Health‐Care Data Protection and Biometric Authentication Policies: Comparative Culture and Technology Acceptance in China and in the United States
by Cheryl L. Brown - 161-163 Networks and States: The Global Politics of Internet Governance – By Milton L. Mueller
by Hamoud Salhi - 163-165 Pandemics and Peace: Public Health Cooperation in Zones of Conflict – By William J. Long
by Eduardo Gomez - 165-167 Climate Policy Foundations: Science and Economics with Lessons from Monetary Regulation – By William C. Whitesell
by J. Samuel Barkin - 167-169 Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Legal Status of the Secretariats – By Bharat H. Desai
by Pamela Chasek - 169-170 Living in Denial: Climate Change, Emotions and Everyday Life – By Kari Marie Norgaard
by Ruth Greenspan Bell
November 2011, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 555-556 Editor's Notes
by Christopher Gore - 557-583 Demystifying Internet Neutrality in South Korea with Stakeholder Analysis
by Dong‐Hee Shin & Hyungseung Choo - 585-612 Special Interests, Regulatory Quality, and the Pesticides Overload
by Christopher Marcoux & Johannes Urpelainen - 613-630 The Role of Social Scientists in Accelerating Innovation in Regenerative Medicine
by Marie Lavoie - 631-634 Irreconcilable Differences: The International Whaling Commission and Cetacean Futures
by Peter Stoett - 635-638 Comparative Environmental Regulation in the United States and Russia: Institutions, Flexible Instruments, and Governance – By Lada V. Kochtcheeva; Environmental Justice and Sustainability in the Former Soviet Union – Edited by Julian Agyeman and Yelena Ogneva‐Himmelberger
by Erika Weinthal - 638-640 Greening Through IT: Information Technology for Environmental Sustainability – By Bill Tomlinson
by Rich Cleland - 640-642 Power Struggles: Scientific Authority and the Creation of Practical Electricity before Edison – By Michael Brian Schiffer
by Michael Janson - 642-644 Run of the Red Queen: Government, Innovation, Globalization and Economic Growth in China – By Dan Breznitz and Michael Murphree
by Joseph Wong
September 2011, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 397-399 Editor's Notes
by Christopher Gore - 401-422 The Policy Dynamics of the Trans‐Alaska Pipeline System
by George J. Busenberg - 423-450 International Technology Cooperation: The Problem of Commercial Rivalry
by Johannes Urpelainen - 451-457 Institutions for a Green Economy
by Adil Najam & Henrik Selin - 459-465 Development Governance and the Green Economy: A Matter of Life and Death?
by Tom Bigg - 467-472 Global Environmental Governance for a New Green Economy
by Elizabeth R. DeSombre - 473-477 Accountability in the Green Economy
by Mark Halle - 479-486 Governance of International Trade for the Green Economy-super-1
by Ricardo Meléndez‐Ortiz - 487-493 Private Sector Governance for a Sustainable Economy: A Strategic Approach
by David L. Levy - 495-500 Climate and Energy
by Saleemul Huq - 501-508 Transforming Global Forest Governance
by Hans Hoogeveen & Patrick Verkooijen - 509-515 Managing the Interlocking Resources Challenges in a Globalized World
by Bernice Lee - 517-524 Consuming Environments: Options and Choices for 21st Century Citizens
by Stacy D. VanDeveer - 525-530 Civil Society and the Emergent Green Economy
by Paul Wapner - 531-537 Blurred Boundaries: Probing the Ethics of Cyberspace Research
by Ronald Deibert & Masashi Crete‐Nishihata - 539-542 Governing Climate Change – By Harriet Bulkeley and Peter Newell; Making Climate Change Work for Us: European Perspectives on Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies – Edited by Mike Hulme and Henry Neufeldt
by Matthew Hoffmann