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First Name:Magali
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Last Name:Jaoul-Grammare
RePEc Short-ID:pja164
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Bureau d'Économie Théorique et Appliquée (BETA)

Nancy/Strasbourg, France
RePEc:edi:bestrfr (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

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Working papers

  1. David Desmarchelier & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Guillaume Morel & Thi Kim Cuong Pham, 2022. "Infectious disease and endogenous cycles: lockdown hits two birds with one stone," EconomiX Working Papers 2022-14, University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX.
  2. Marianna Epicoco & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Anne Plunket, 2022. "Radical technologies, recombinant novelty and productivity growth: a cliometric approach," Post-Print halshs-03765637, HAL.
  3. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2022. "Quoi de neuf dans l’accès aux classes préparatoires ? Une perspective historique centrée sur l’ouverture sociale et l’accès des filles aux formations élitistes françaises," Working Papers of BETA 2022-01, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  4. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2022. "Quoi de neuf dans l’accès aux classes préparatoires ? Une perspective historique centrée sur l’ouverture sociale et l’accès des filles aux formations élitistes françaises," Working Papers 01-22, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  5. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2022. "L'enseignement supérieur, condition de convergence des économies européennes depuis 1870 ?," Working Papers hal-00279318, HAL.
  6. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Faustine Perrin, 2022. "A Cliometric Reading of the Development of Primary Education in France in the Nineteenth Century," Working Papers 02-22, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  7. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Faustine Perrin, 2022. "Cliometrics of Primary Education in the Long Nineteenth Century France [Une lecture cliométrique du développement de l’instruction primaire en France au XIXe siècle]," Post-Print hal-03778302, HAL.
  8. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2021. "Professions genrées et prestige social : une analyse empirique des stéréotypes," Working Papers of BETA 2021-12, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  9. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Faustine Perrin, 2021. "Une lecture cliométrique du développement de l’instruction primaire en France au XIXe siècle," Working Papers of BETA 2021-46, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  10. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Faustine Perrin, 2021. "Une lecture cliométrique du développement de l’instruction primaire en France au XIXe siècle," Working Papers 10-21, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  11. Marianna Epicoco & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Anne Plunket, 2020. "Technological novelty and productivity growth: a cliometric approach," Working Papers 04-20, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  12. Jean Daniel Boyer & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Sylvie Rivot, 2020. "A rethinking of Labrousse’s analyses of wheat price movements in 18th century France: Labrousse versus Labrousse?," Working Papers 03-20, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  13. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Karine Pellier, 2020. "The evolution of regional differences in French university supply between 1980 and 2000: Specialisation or diversification? [L’évolution des écarts régionaux d’offre universitaire en France entre 1," Post-Print halshs-03345631, HAL.
  14. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Faustine Perrin, 2020. "Scolarisation de masse des garçons et des filles. Financement public de l’instruction primaire et croissance économique en France au XIXème siècle," Working Papers of BETA 2020-51, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  15. Jean Daniel Boyer & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Sylvie Rivot, 2020. "A rethinking of Labrousse’s analyses of wheat price movements in 18th century France: Labrousse versus Labrousse?," Working Papers of BETA 2020-30, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  16. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Anne Stenger, 2020. "Do we need to be educated to have Green concerns?," Working Papers of BETA 2020-13, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  17. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Charlotte Le Chapelain, 2019. "Human Capital Accumulation in France at the Dawn of the Nineteenth Century : Lessons from the Guizot Inquiry," Post-Print halshs-02611116, HAL.
  18. Olivier Guillot & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Isabelle Terraz, 2019. "Union Membership in France: An Empirical Study," Working Papers of BETA 2019-04, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  19. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2019. "The Cliometric Model of Glutting: An Experimental Analysis," Working Papers 01-19, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  20. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2019. "Why do young people make atypical gender-related study choices ? An analysis of french master's graduates," Post-Print hal-02182245, HAL.
  21. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2018. "Mesure du temps et temps de la mesure. Cliométrie des prix de gros en Allemagne avant la Première Guerre mondiale," Working Papers 08-18, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  22. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Charlotte Le Chapelain, 2017. "Human capital accumulation in France at the dawn of the XIXth century: Lessons from the Guizot Inquiry," Working Papers 01-17, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  23. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Faustine Perrin, 2017. "A Gendered Approach of Economic and Demographic Interactions : Evidence from France [Le rôle du genre dans les interactions entre économie et démographie : le cas de la France]," Post-Print hal-02167155, HAL.
  24. Jean-Daniel Boyer & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Sylvie Rivot, 2017. "Prix du blé, régulations et croissance économique : L’analyse cliométrique permet-elle de trancher le débat sur les bleds des années 1750 ?," Working Papers 11-17, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  25. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2017. "Policy Reform and Gender Inequality in French Higher Education: A Two-Generation Comparative Study," Working Papers 02-17, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  26. Valérie Canals & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2016. "Éducation, productivité et gain. Retour sur les approches critiques de l’enchaînement causal de la théorie du capital humain," Post-Print hal-01725484, HAL.
  27. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2016. "Did policy reforms really decrease inequalities of access to French higher education? A comparison between Generation 1998 and 2010," Working Papers of BETA 2016-02, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  28. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Simon Macaire, 2016. "Étudier le devenir professionnel des docteurs," Post-Print hal-02167113, HAL.
  29. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2016. "Cliométrie de l’enseignement supérieur : une analyse expérimentale de la théorie de l’engorgement," Working Papers 02-16, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  30. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Faustine Perrin, 2016. "Economic and Demographic Interactions in Post World War France: A Gendered Approach," Working Papers 10-16, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  31. Philippe Cordazzo & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2015. "How Master's Level Graduates Fare On The Labor Market: 'Objective' and 'Subjective' Measurement," Working Papers halshs-01101020, HAL.
  32. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Philippe Lemistre, 2015. "Déclassement et reclassement des diplômés : une confrontation des appréciations subjectives et objective," Working Papers of BETA 2015-14, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  33. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2014. "Prestige social des professions et substituabilité des filières universitaires," Working Papers of BETA 2014-01, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  34. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2014. "Econometric history of wages in France [Économétrie historique des salaires en France]," Post-Print halshs-03394949, HAL.
  35. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2014. "Prestige social des professions et substituabilité des filières universitaires en France au XXème siècle," Working Papers 03-14, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  36. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2014. "The payroll of the Germany: 1810-1989 [La masse salariale de l'Allemagne: 1810-1989]," Post-Print hal-01744546, HAL.
  37. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2014. "Social prestige of occupations and substitutability of university courses in France during the 20th century [Prestige social des professions et substituabilité des filières universitaires en France," Post-Print hal-01744651, HAL.
  38. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2013. "L’évolution des inégalités dans l’enseignement supérieur universitaire français au XXème siècle," Post-Print hal-01753405, HAL.
  39. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Isabelle Terraz, 2013. "A Causality Analysis of Economic Growth and Union Density in European Countries," Post-Print hal-01753171, HAL.
  40. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Brice Magdalou, 2013. "Opportunities in Higher Education: An Application to France," Post-Print hal-01935847, HAL.
  41. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2011. "L’évolution de la segmentation du marché du travail en France : 1973-2007," Working Papers of BETA 2011-08, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  42. Jean Luc De Meulemeester & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul, 2011. "The Growth of Aggregate Wage Earnings in Germany: 1810-1989," ULB Institutional Repository 2013/147667, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
  43. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2011. "L’évolution des inégalités dans l’enseignement supérieur universitaire français. L’influence des réformes institutionnelles et des ruptures économiques," Working Papers 11-06, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  44. Philippe Cordazzo & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2010. "Analyse multidimensionnelle de l’insertion professionnelle des étudiants de bac+5 : approche par les parcours de formation et le capital social," Working Papers of BETA 2010-20, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  45. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Isabelle Terraz, 2010. "Syndicalisation et croissance économique : y a-t-il une exception française ?," Working Papers of BETA 2010-25, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  46. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2009. "La substituabilité des filières universitaires dans les choix d’études : une analyse en termes de prestige social," Working Papers of BETA 2009-13, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  47. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Jean-Pascal Guironnet, 2009. "Does Over-education Influence French Economic Growth," Post-Print hal-00430047, HAL.
  48. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2009. "Les inégalités de succès dans l’enseignement supérieur. Quel est le profil des étudiants qui réussissent?," Working Papers of BETA 2009-33, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
  49. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2008. "Econométrie historique des salaires en France : une relecture des années charnières," Working Papers 08-08, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  50. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2007. "La masse salariale de l’Allemagne : 1810-1989. Nouvelle mesure et analyse cliométrique des chocs," Working Papers 07-02, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  51. Jean-Pascal Guironnet & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2007. "Educational Mismatches, Wages and Economic Growth: A Causal Analysis for the French Case since 1980," Working Papers 07-03, LAMETA, Universtiy of Montpellier, revised Apr 2007.
  52. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2007. "Enseignement supérieur et croissance économique. Analyse économétrique de l’hypothèse d’Aghion & Cohen," Working Papers 07-10, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  53. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2007. "Stratégie des étudiants et choix d’orientation: Une analyse expérimentale de l’engorgement," Working Papers 07-06, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  54. Nicolas Daures & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Gilles San Martino, 2007. "L'instruction primaire en France au 19ème siècle. Une étude cliométrique du mythe de Ferry," Post-Print hal-00279410, HAL.
  55. Jean Luc de Meulemeester & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2007. "Aggregate Wage Earnings in Germany: 1810-1989. New Measurement and Cliometric Analysis of Shocks," Working Papers 07-11, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  56. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Gilles San Martino, 2007. "Les Lois Ferry : amorce ou simple institutionnalisation de la scolarisation en France ?," Working Papers 07-05, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  57. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2006. "Cliométrie de l’engorgement en France. Evaluation théorique et empirique," Working Papers 06-07, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  58. Valérie Canals & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2006. "Cliometrics of Higher Education and Convergence in France : 1964-2000," Post-Print hal-00278724, HAL.
  59. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2006. "Convergence of Higher Education and Economic Growth during the European Construction. A Contribution to the Cliometrics of Growth (EU–15)," Post-Print hal-00278713, HAL.
  60. Valérie Canals & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul, 2005. "Higher Education and Convergence in France: 1964-2000," Working Papers 05-09, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  61. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul & Gilles San Martino, 2005. "The Myth of Ferry : A Cliometric Analysis," Working Papers 05-01, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
  62. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2005. "Pourquoi devenir médecin, juriste, etc... ? Les leçons de l'histoire," Post-Print hal-00279120, HAL.
  63. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Gilles San Martino, 2004. "Convergence of Primary Schooling in France before the Ferry Laws," Post-Print hal-00278628, HAL.
  64. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2004. "The Labour Market Segmentation. Empirical Analysis of Cain's Theory (1976)," Post-Print hal-00279230, HAL.
  65. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2004. "Military Expenditure, the Driving Force of Japanese Economic Growth ? [Les dépenses militaires, moteur de la croissance économique japonaise ?]," Post-Print hal-00279319, HAL.
  66. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2004. "Social Attributes, Equity and Higher Educative Path," Post-Print hal-00279225, HAL.
  67. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2004. "Is Education the Cause for Iberian Economic Growth ? A Study in Econometric History," Post-Print hal-00278627, HAL.


  1. Marianna Epicoco & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Anne Plunket, 2022. "Radical technologies, recombinant novelty and productivity growth: a cliometric approach," Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Springer, vol. 32(2), pages 673-711, April.
  2. Olivier Guillot & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Isabelle Terraz, 2020. "Tension au travail et adhésion syndicale : une étude empirique à partir de données françaises," Revue française d'économie, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(3), pages 77-123.
  3. Jean-Daniel Boyer & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Sylvie Rivot, 2019. "The debate over grain in the 1750s. A cliometric point of view," The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 26(4), pages 698-737, July.
  4. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2019. "An experimental analysis of the cliometric model of glutting," Education Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 27(5), pages 546-556, September.
  5. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Faustine Perrin, 2017. "A Gendered Approach of Economic and Demographic Interactions: Evidence from France," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 127(6), pages 1083-1108.
  6. Valérie CANALS & Claude DIEBOLT & Magali JAOUL-GRAMMARE & Charlotte LE CHAPELAIN, 2015. "Education, Defense Spending and Economic Growth in Japan: 1868-1940. Understanding the Time Series Dynamics," Economies et Sociétés (Serie 'Histoire Economique Quantitative'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), issue 50, pages 951-970, Juin.
  7. Magali JAOUL-GRAMMARE, 2014. "Prestige social des professions et substituabilité des filières universitaires en France au XXème siècle," Economies et Sociétés (Serie 'Histoire Economique Quantitative'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), issue 49, pages 1309-1333, Août.
  8. Claude DIEBOLT & Magali JAOUL-GRAMMARE, 2014. "La masse salariale de l'Allemagne: 1810-1989. Nouvelle mesure et analyse cliométrique des chocs," Economies et Sociétés (Serie 'Histoire Economique Quantitative'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), issue 49, pages 1269-1292, Août.
  9. Claude DIEBOLT & Magali JAOUL-GRAMMARE, 2014. "Économétrie historique des salaires en France: une relecture des années charnières," Economies et Sociétés (Serie 'Histoire Economique Quantitative'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), issue 49, pages 1293-1308, Août.
  10. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Brice Magdalou, 2013. "Opportunities in Higher Education: An Application to France," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 111-112, pages 295-325.
  11. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Isabelle Terraz, 2013. "A Causality Analysis of Economic Growth and Union Density in European Countries," LABOUR, CEIS, vol. 27(4), pages 421-442, December.
  12. M. Jaoul-Grammare, 2013. "L'évolution des inégalités dans l'enseignement supérieur universitaire français au XXème siècle. L'influence des réformes institutionnelles et des ruptures économiques," Economies et Sociétés (Serie 'Histoire Economique Quantitative'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), issue 46, pages 1105-1131, Juillet.
  13. Isabelle Terraz & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2012. "Diversité et évolution de la syndicalisation en Europe," Bulletin de l'Observatoire des politiques économiques en Europe, Observatoire des Politiques Économiques en Europe (OPEE), vol. 26(1), pages 37-41, June.
  14. Jean-Luc Demeulemeester & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2011. "The growth of aggregate wage earnings in Germany, 1810-1989," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 43(21), pages 2657-2669.
  15. Jaoul-Grammare, Magali, 2009. "Comment on "Spatial persistence of demographic shocks and economic growth"," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 31(1), pages 128-131, March.
  16. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Jean-Pascal Guironnet, 2009. "Does Over-education Influence French Economic Growth?," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 29(2), pages 1190-1200.
  17. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2007. "The labour market segmentation: empirical analysis of Cain's theory (1976)," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 14(5), pages 337-341.
  18. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2007. "Social attributes, equity and higher educative path. Microeconometric study of a discrete choice model with logistic regression," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 14(4), pages 287-291.
  19. Nicolas DAURES & Claude DIEBOLT & Magali JAOUL-GRAMMARE & Gilles SAN MARTINO, 2007. "L’instruction primaire en France au 19ème siècle. Une étude cliométrique du mythe de Ferry," Economies et Sociétés (Serie 'Histoire Economique Quantitative'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), issue 37, pages 1089-1363, July-Augu.
  20. Valérie Canals & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul, 2006. "Cliometrics of Higher Education and Convergence in France: 1964-2000," Historical Social Research (Section 'Cliometrics'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), vol. 31(4), pages 320-340.
  21. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul & Gilles San Martino, 2005. "Le mythe de Ferry une analyse cliométrique," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 115(4), pages 471-497.
  22. Magali Jaoul, 2004. "Enseignement supérieur et marchés du travail. Analyse économétrique de la théorie de l'engorgement," Economie & Prévision, La Documentation Française, vol. 166(5), pages 39-57.
  23. C.Diebolt & M.Jaoul, 2004. "L'enseignement supérieur, condition de convergence des économies européennes depuis 1870? Une application cliométrique à l'Europe des 15," Economies et Sociétés (Serie 'Histoire Economique Quantitative'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), issue 31, pages 995-1020, June.
  24. Valérie Canals & Magali Jaoul, 2004. "Choix d'orientation et rentabilité de l'enseignement supérieur: une application micro économique à partir du modèle de scolarité de Mincer," Brussels Economic Review, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles, vol. 47(3-4), pages 449-482.
  25. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul, 2004. "Les dépenses militaires, moteur de la croissance économique japonaise ?. Une analyse cliométrique : 1868-1940," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 55(3), pages 439-447.
  26. Valérie Canals & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul, 2003. "Convergence et disparités régionales du poids de l'enseignement supérieur en France : 1964-2000," Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Armand Colin, vol. 0(4), pages 649-669.


  1. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Charlotte Le Chapelain, 2019. "Human Capital Accumulation in France at the Dawn of the Nineteenth Century: Lessons from the Guizot Inquiry," Studies in Economic History, in: Claude Diebolt & Auke Rijpma & Sarah Carmichael & Selin Dilli & Charlotte Störmer (ed.), Cliometrics of the Family, chapter 0, pages 237-259, Springer.


Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.

Working papers

  1. Marianna Epicoco & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Anne Plunket, 2022. "Radical technologies, recombinant novelty and productivity growth: a cliometric approach," Post-Print halshs-03765637, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. J. Giorgi & A. Plunket & F. Starosta De Waldemar, 2024. "Inter-regional highly skilled worker mobility and technological novelty," Documents de Travail de l'Insee - INSEE Working Papers 2024-05, Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques.

  2. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Charlotte Le Chapelain, 2019. "Human Capital Accumulation in France at the Dawn of the Nineteenth Century : Lessons from the Guizot Inquiry," Post-Print halshs-02611116, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Montalbo, Adrien, 2021. "Schools without a law: Primary education in France from the Revolution to the Guizot Law," Explorations in Economic History, Elsevier, vol. 79(C).

  3. Olivier Guillot & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Isabelle Terraz, 2019. "Union Membership in France: An Empirical Study," Working Papers of BETA 2019-04, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.

    Cited by:

    1. Julia Cagé & Malka Guillot, 2023. "Is Charitable Giving Political? Evidence from Wealth and Income Tax Return," Working Papers halshs-04173178, HAL.

  4. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2019. "The Cliometric Model of Glutting: An Experimental Analysis," Working Papers 01-19, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

    Cited by:

    1. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2022. "Gendered professions, prestigious professions: when stereotypes condition career choices," Working Papers of BETA 2022-28, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.

  5. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2019. "Why do young people make atypical gender-related study choices ? An analysis of french master's graduates," Post-Print hal-02182245, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Armenia ANDRONICEANU, 2020. "Major Structural Changes In The Eu Policies Due To The Problems And Risks Caused By Covid-19," REVISTA ADMINISTRATIE SI MANAGEMENT PUBLIC, Faculty of Administration and Public Management, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, vol. 2020(34), pages 137-149, June.
    2. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2022. "Gendered professions, prestigious professions: when stereotypes condition career choices," Working Papers of BETA 2022-28, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.

  6. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Faustine Perrin, 2017. "A Gendered Approach of Economic and Demographic Interactions : Evidence from France [Le rôle du genre dans les interactions entre économie et démographie : le cas de la France]," Post-Print hal-02167155, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Gabriele Cappelli & Michelangelo Vesta, 2020. "A “Silent Revolution”: school reforms and Italy’s educational gender gap in the Liberal Age (1861-1921)," Working Papers 0176, European Historical Economics Society (EHES).
    2. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Faustine Perrin, 2022. "A Cliometric Reading of the Development of Primary Education in France in the Nineteenth Century," Working Papers 02-22, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

  7. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2016. "Did policy reforms really decrease inequalities of access to French higher education? A comparison between Generation 1998 and 2010," Working Papers of BETA 2016-02, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.

    Cited by:

    1. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2017. "Policy Reform and Gender Inequality in French Higher Education: A Two-Generation Comparative Study," Working Papers 02-17, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    2. Carr-Hill, Roy, 2020. "Inequalities in access to higher education in Africa: How large are they? Do they mirror the situation in the metropole 60 years ago?," International Journal of Educational Development, Elsevier, vol. 72(C).

  8. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2016. "Cliométrie de l’enseignement supérieur : une analyse expérimentale de la théorie de l’engorgement," Working Papers 02-16, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

    Cited by:

    1. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2018. "Why do young people make atypical gender-related study choices? An analysis of French master’s graduates," Working Papers of BETA 2018-39, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.

  9. Philippe Cordazzo & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2015. "How Master's Level Graduates Fare On The Labor Market: 'Objective' and 'Subjective' Measurement," Working Papers halshs-01101020, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Simionescu Mihaela & Naroș Maria-Simona, 2019. "The Unemployment of Highly Educated People in Romania. A Panel VAR Approach," Studia Universitatis „Vasile Goldis” Arad – Economics Series, Sciendo, vol. 29(3), pages 20-37, September.

  10. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2014. "Prestige social des professions et substituabilité des filières universitaires," Working Papers of BETA 2014-01, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.

    Cited by:

    1. Tapas MISHRA & Mamata PARHI & Claude DIEBOLT, 2014. "Evolutionary efficiency and distributive effects of inertia in cross-country life-satisfaction," Economies et Sociétés (Serie 'Histoire Economique Quantitative'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), issue 49, pages 1335-1356, Août.

  11. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2014. "Prestige social des professions et substituabilité des filières universitaires en France au XXème siècle," Working Papers 03-14, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

    Cited by:

    1. Claude DIEBOLT & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2024. "Gendered Study Choice and Prestige of Professions: France in the Long 20th Century," Working Papers of BETA 2024-37, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.

  12. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Isabelle Terraz, 2013. "A Causality Analysis of Economic Growth and Union Density in European Countries," Post-Print hal-01753171, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Bhattacharyya, Chandril & Gupta, Manash Ranjan, 2014. "Unionised Labour Market, Unemployment Allowances, Productive Public Expenditure and Endogenous Growth," MPRA Paper 56491, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    2. Olivier Guillot & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Isabelle Terraz, 2019. "Union Membership in France: An Empirical Study," Working Papers of BETA 2019-04, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
    3. Bhattacharyya, Chandril & Gupta, Manash Ranjan, 2014. "Unionised labour market, environment and endogenous growth," MPRA Paper 55416, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    4. Bhattacharyya, Chandril & Gupta, Manash Ranjan, 2020. "Union, Efficiency of Labour and Endogenous Growth," Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, Hitotsubashi University, vol. 61(2), pages 170-202, December.

  13. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Brice Magdalou, 2013. "Opportunities in Higher Education: An Application to France," Post-Print hal-01935847, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Flaviana Palmisano & Federico Biagi & Vito Peragine, 2022. "Inequality of Opportunity in Tertiary Education: Evidence from Europe," Research in Higher Education, Springer;Association for Institutional Research, vol. 63(3), pages 514-565, May.
    2. Flaviana Palmisano & Vito Peragine & Federico Biagi, 2019. "Inequality of opportunity in tertiary education in Europe," JRC Research Reports JRC118543, Joint Research Centre.

  14. Jean Luc De Meulemeester & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul, 2011. "The Growth of Aggregate Wage Earnings in Germany: 1810-1989," ULB Institutional Repository 2013/147667, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.

    Cited by:

    1. Bengtsson, Erik & Waldenström, Daniel, 2015. "Capital Shares and Income inequality: Evidence from the Long Run," IZA Discussion Papers 9581, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).

  15. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2011. "L’évolution des inégalités dans l’enseignement supérieur universitaire français. L’influence des réformes institutionnelles et des ruptures économiques," Working Papers 11-06, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

    Cited by:

    1. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2017. "Policy Reform and Gender Inequality in French Higher Education: A Two-Generation Comparative Study," Working Papers 02-17, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

  16. Philippe Cordazzo & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2010. "Analyse multidimensionnelle de l’insertion professionnelle des étudiants de bac+5 : approche par les parcours de formation et le capital social," Working Papers of BETA 2010-20, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.

    Cited by:

    1. Meixing Dai, 2012. "External Constraint and Financial Crises with Balance Sheet Effects," International Economic Journal, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 26(4), pages 567-585, March.

  17. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Jean-Pascal Guironnet, 2009. "Does Over-education Influence French Economic Growth," Post-Print hal-00430047, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Zainizam Zakariya & Kristinn Hermanssons & Kho Yin Yin & Noor Fazlin Mohamed Noor, 2019. "Regional Economic Growth in Malaysia: Does Aggregate Overqualification Matter?," Research in World Economy, Research in World Economy, Sciedu Press, vol. 10(5), pages 139-156, December.
    2. SAM, Vichet, 2018. "Overeducation among graduates in developing countries: What impact on economic growth?," MPRA Paper 87674, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    3. Mariya Neycheva, 2021. "Qualification (Mis)Match for Upper Secondary and Higher Education," Social Sciences, MDPI, vol. 10(9), pages 1-15, August.
    4. Mariya Neycheva & Ivan Neychev, 2020. "Overeducation and Economic Growth: Theoretical Background and Empirical Findings for the Region of Central and Eastern Europe," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 5, pages 124-142.
    5. Teixeira, Aurora A.C. & Queirós, Anabela S.S., 2016. "Economic growth, human capital and structural change: A dynamic panel data analysis," Research Policy, Elsevier, vol. 45(8), pages 1636-1648.
    6. Dorocki Sławomir & Borowiec Monika, 2012. "The process of transformation of academic centres as a factor upgrading the quality of human capital in the regions of France," Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, Sciendo, vol. 18(18), pages 15-27, November.
    7. García Ramos, Yboon & Flores-Bazán, Fabian & Nicolas Hadjisavvas, 2017. "About the sum of quasiconvex functions," Working Papers 17-07, Centro de Investigación, Universidad del Pacífico.

  18. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2007. "Stratégie des étudiants et choix d’orientation: Une analyse expérimentale de l’engorgement," Working Papers 07-06, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

    Cited by:

    1. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2016. "Cliométrie de l’enseignement supérieur : une analyse expérimentale de la théorie de l’engorgement," Working Papers 02-16, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

  19. Nicolas Daures & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Gilles San Martino, 2007. "L'instruction primaire en France au 19ème siècle. Une étude cliométrique du mythe de Ferry," Post-Print hal-00279410, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Claude Diebolt & Jamel Trabelsi, 2008. "Human Capital and French Macroeconomic Growth in the Long Run," Working Papers 08-11, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    2. COMBES, Pierre-Philippe & LAFOURCADE, Miren & THISSE, Jacques-François & TOUTAIN, Jean-Claude, 2011. "The rise and fall of spatial inequalities in France: A long-run perspective," LIDAM Reprints CORE 2306, Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE).
    3. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Gilles San Martino, 2007. "Les Lois Ferry : amorce ou simple institutionnalisation de la scolarisation en France ?," Working Papers 07-05, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

  20. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Gilles San Martino, 2007. "Les Lois Ferry : amorce ou simple institutionnalisation de la scolarisation en France ?," Working Papers 07-05, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

    Cited by:

    1. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2013. "L’évolution des inégalités dans l’enseignement supérieur universitaire français au XXème siècle," Post-Print hal-01753405, HAL.
    2. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Karine Pellier, 2020. "The evolution of regional differences in French university supply between 1980 and 2000: Specialisation or diversification? [L’évolution des écarts régionaux d’offre universitaire en France entre 1," Post-Print halshs-03345631, HAL.
    3. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2011. "L’évolution des inégalités dans l’enseignement supérieur universitaire français. L’influence des réformes institutionnelles et des ruptures économiques," Working Papers 11-06, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

  21. Valérie Canals & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2006. "Cliometrics of Higher Education and Convergence in France : 1964-2000," Post-Print hal-00278724, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Dorocki Sławomir & Borowiec Monika, 2012. "The process of transformation of academic centres as a factor upgrading the quality of human capital in the regions of France," Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, Sciendo, vol. 18(18), pages 15-27, November.

  22. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2006. "Convergence of Higher Education and Economic Growth during the European Construction. A Contribution to the Cliometrics of Growth (EU–15)," Post-Print hal-00278713, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Gabriele Cappelli & Michelangelo Vesta, 2020. "A “Silent Revolution”: school reforms and Italy’s educational gender gap in the Liberal Age (1861-1921)," Working Papers 0176, European Historical Economics Society (EHES).

  23. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul & Gilles San Martino, 2005. "The Myth of Ferry : A Cliometric Analysis," Working Papers 05-01, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

    Cited by:

    1. Valérie Canals & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul, 2005. "Higher Education and Convergence in France: 1964-2000," Working Papers 05-09, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

  24. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2004. "The Labour Market Segmentation. Empirical Analysis of Cain's Theory (1976)," Post-Print hal-00279230, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Blanco, Osvaldo & Aguilar, Omar & Ananías, Rubén & Mora, Claudia & Pérez, Pablo, 2016. "The intersection between class and gender and its impact on the quality of employment in Chile," Revista CEPAL, Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), December.
    2. Pasca Cornelia Serena, 2016. "Labour Market - Concepts, Functions, Features, Patterns," Management Strategies Journal, Constantin Brancoveanu University, vol. 34(4), pages 201-209.
    3. Michele Battisti, 2013. "Reassessing Segmentation In The Labour Market: An Application For Italy 1995–2004," Bulletin of Economic Research, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 65, pages 38-55, May.


  1. Marianna Epicoco & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Anne Plunket, 2022. "Radical technologies, recombinant novelty and productivity growth: a cliometric approach," Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Springer, vol. 32(2), pages 673-711, April.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  2. Jean-Daniel Boyer & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Sylvie Rivot, 2019. "The debate over grain in the 1750s. A cliometric point of view," The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 26(4), pages 698-737, July.

    Cited by:

    1. Guillaume Morel & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2023. "Do Pandemics Impact Macroeconomic Variables? A Cliometric Approach," Working Papers 01-23, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    2. Guillaume Morel & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2023. "Do Pandemics Impact Macroeconomic Variables? A Cliometric Approach," Working Papers of BETA 2023-01, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.

  3. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2019. "An experimental analysis of the cliometric model of glutting," Education Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 27(5), pages 546-556, September.

    Cited by:

    1. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2022. "Gendered professions, prestigious professions: when stereotypes condition career choices," Working Papers of BETA 2022-28, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.

  4. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Faustine Perrin, 2017. "A Gendered Approach of Economic and Demographic Interactions: Evidence from France," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 127(6), pages 1083-1108. See citations under working paper version above.
  5. Magali JAOUL-GRAMMARE, 2014. "Prestige social des professions et substituabilité des filières universitaires en France au XXème siècle," Economies et Sociétés (Serie 'Histoire Economique Quantitative'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), issue 49, pages 1309-1333, Août.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  6. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Brice Magdalou, 2013. "Opportunities in Higher Education: An Application to France," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 111-112, pages 295-325.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  7. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Isabelle Terraz, 2013. "A Causality Analysis of Economic Growth and Union Density in European Countries," LABOUR, CEIS, vol. 27(4), pages 421-442, December.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  8. M. Jaoul-Grammare, 2013. "L'évolution des inégalités dans l'enseignement supérieur universitaire français au XXème siècle. L'influence des réformes institutionnelles et des ruptures économiques," Economies et Sociétés (Serie 'Histoire Economique Quantitative'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), issue 46, pages 1105-1131, Juillet.

    Cited by:

    1. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2017. "Policy Reform and Gender Inequality in French Higher Education: A Two-Generation Comparative Study," Working Papers 02-17, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    2. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2016. "Did policy reforms really decrease inequalities of access to French higher education? A comparison between Generation 1998 and 2010," Working Papers of BETA 2016-02, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.

  9. Isabelle Terraz & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2012. "Diversité et évolution de la syndicalisation en Europe," Bulletin de l'Observatoire des politiques économiques en Europe, Observatoire des Politiques Économiques en Europe (OPEE), vol. 26(1), pages 37-41, June.

    Cited by:

    1. Francesco de Palma & Yann Thommen, 2020. "Employment Protection Reform in European Labor Markets : The Collective Bargaining Regime Matters," Post-Print hal-02981359, HAL.

  10. Jean-Luc Demeulemeester & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2011. "The growth of aggregate wage earnings in Germany, 1810-1989," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 43(21), pages 2657-2669.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  11. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Jean-Pascal Guironnet, 2009. "Does Over-education Influence French Economic Growth?," Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, vol. 29(2), pages 1190-1200.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  12. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2007. "The labour market segmentation: empirical analysis of Cain's theory (1976)," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 14(5), pages 337-341. See citations under working paper version above.
  13. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2007. "Social attributes, equity and higher educative path. Microeconometric study of a discrete choice model with logistic regression," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 14(4), pages 287-291.

    Cited by:

    1. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Brice Magdalou, 2013. "Opportunities in Higher Education: An Application to France," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 111-112, pages 295-325.
    2. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2016. "Cliométrie de l’enseignement supérieur : une analyse expérimentale de la théorie de l’engorgement," Working Papers 02-16, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    3. Mikolaj Herbst & Jakub Rok, 2011. "Equity of access to higher education in the transforming economy. Evidence from Poland," Investigaciones de Economía de la Educación volume 6, in: Antonio Caparrós Ruiz (ed.), Investigaciones de Economía de la Educación 6, edition 1, volume 6, chapter 29, pages 475-494, Asociación de Economía de la Educación.
    4. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2007. "Stratégie des étudiants et choix d’orientation: Une analyse expérimentale de l’engorgement," Working Papers 07-06, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    5. Bowden, Mark P. & Doughney, James, 2012. "The importance of cultural and economic influences behind the decision to attend higher education," Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), Elsevier, vol. 41(1), pages 95-103.

  14. Nicolas DAURES & Claude DIEBOLT & Magali JAOUL-GRAMMARE & Gilles SAN MARTINO, 2007. "L’instruction primaire en France au 19ème siècle. Une étude cliométrique du mythe de Ferry," Economies et Sociétés (Serie 'Histoire Economique Quantitative'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), issue 37, pages 1089-1363, July-Augu.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  15. Valérie Canals & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul, 2006. "Cliometrics of Higher Education and Convergence in France: 1964-2000," Historical Social Research (Section 'Cliometrics'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), vol. 31(4), pages 320-340.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  16. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul & Gilles San Martino, 2005. "Le mythe de Ferry une analyse cliométrique," Revue d'économie politique, Dalloz, vol. 115(4), pages 471-497.

    Cited by:

    1. COMBES, Pierre-Philippe & LAFOURCADE, Miren & THISSE, Jacques-François & TOUTAIN, Jean-Claude, 2011. "The rise and fall of spatial inequalities in France: A long-run perspective," LIDAM Reprints CORE 2306, Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE).
    2. Adrien Montalbo, 2019. "Education and economic development. The influence of primary schooling on municipalities in nineteenth-century France," PSE Working Papers halshs-02286126, HAL.
    3. Montalbo, Adrien, 2021. "Schools without a law: Primary education in France from the Revolution to the Guizot Law," Explorations in Economic History, Elsevier, vol. 79(C).
    4. Claude Diebolt & Charlotte Le Chapelain & Audrey-Rose Menard, 2017. "Industrialization as a Deskilling Process? Steam Engines and Human Capital in XIXth Century France," Working Papers 07-17, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    5. Claude Diebolt & Charlotte Le Chapelain & Audrey Rose Menard, 2019. "Neither the elite, nor the mass. The rise of intermediate human capital during the French industrialization process," Working Papers 04-19, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    6. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2022. "Quoi de neuf dans l’accès aux classes préparatoires ? Une perspective historique centrée sur l’ouverture sociale et l’accès des filles aux formations élitistes françaises," Working Papers 01-22, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    7. Claude Diebolt & Charlotte Le Chapelain & Audrey Rose Menard, 2018. "Learning outside the factory: the impact of technological change on the rise of adult education in nineteenth-century France," Working Papers of BETA 2018-13, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
    8. Raphael Franck & Oded Galor, 2015. "Is Industrialization Conducive to Long-Run Prosperity?," Working Papers 2015-2, Brown University, Department of Economics.
    9. Demeulemeester Jean-Luc & Diebolt Claude, 2009. "Education and Growth: What Links for Which Policy?," Working Papers 09-03, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    10. Jean Luc de Meulemeester & Claude Diebolt, 2007. "Education et croissance : quel lien, pour quelle politique ?," Working Papers 07-08, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    11. Franck, Raphaël & Galor, Oded, 2016. "Technology-Skill Complementarity in the Early Phase of Industrialization," IZA Discussion Papers 9758, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
    12. Adrien Montalbo, 2019. "Education and economic development. The influence of primary schooling on municipalities in nineteenth-century France," Working Papers halshs-02286126, HAL.
    13. Adrien Montalbo, 2020. "Education supply and economic growth in nineteenth-century France," Working Papers halshs-02482643, HAL.
    14. Adrien Montalbo, 2019. "Schools without a law: primary education in France from the Revolution to the Guizot Law," Working Papers halshs-02093546, HAL.
    15. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2022. "Quoi de neuf dans l’accès aux classes préparatoires ? Une perspective historique centrée sur l’ouverture sociale et l’accès des filles aux formations élitistes françaises," Working Papers of BETA 2022-01, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
    16. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Faustine Perrin, 2020. "Scolarisation de masse des garçons et des filles. Financement public de l’instruction primaire et croissance économique en France au XIXème siècle," Working Papers of BETA 2020-51, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
    17. Raphaël Franck & Oded Galor, 2015. "The Complementary between Technology and Human Capital in the Early Phase of Industrialization," CESifo Working Paper Series 5485, CESifo.
    18. Adrien Montalbo, 2020. "Education supply and economic growth in nineteenth-century France," PSE Working Papers halshs-02482643, HAL.
    19. Raphaël Franck & Oded Galor, 2017. "Flowers of Evil? Industrial Development and Long-Run Prosperity," NBER Working Papers 23701, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    20. Adrien Montalbo, 2019. "Schools without a law: primary education in France from the Revolution to the Guizot Law," PSE Working Papers halshs-02093546, HAL.
    21. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Gilles San Martino, 2007. "Les Lois Ferry : amorce ou simple institutionnalisation de la scolarisation en France ?," Working Papers 07-05, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

  17. Magali Jaoul, 2004. "Enseignement supérieur et marchés du travail. Analyse économétrique de la théorie de l'engorgement," Economie & Prévision, La Documentation Française, vol. 166(5), pages 39-57.

    Cited by:

    1. Claude Diebolt & Olivier Darné, 2005. "Cliometrics of Academic Careers and the Impact of Infrequent Large Shocks in Germany before 1945," Post-Print hal-00279246, HAL.
    2. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2016. "Cliométrie de l’enseignement supérieur : une analyse expérimentale de la théorie de l’engorgement," Working Papers 02-16, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    3. Magali JAOUL-GRAMMARE, 2014. "Prestige social des professions et substituabilité des filières universitaires en France au XXème siècle," Economies et Sociétés (Serie 'Histoire Economique Quantitative'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), issue 49, pages 1309-1333, Août.
    4. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2007. "Stratégie des étudiants et choix d’orientation: Une analyse expérimentale de l’engorgement," Working Papers 07-06, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    5. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2014. "Prestige social des professions et substituabilité des filières universitaires," Working Papers of BETA 2014-01, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
    6. Claude Diebolt & Bachir El Murr, 2005. "A Cobweb Model of Higher Education and Labour Market Dynamics," Working Papers 05-04, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    7. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2014. "Social prestige of occupations and substitutability of university courses in France during the 20th century [Prestige social des professions et substituabilité des filières universitaires en France," Post-Print hal-01744651, HAL.

  18. C.Diebolt & M.Jaoul, 2004. "L'enseignement supérieur, condition de convergence des économies européennes depuis 1870? Une application cliométrique à l'Europe des 15," Economies et Sociétés (Serie 'Histoire Economique Quantitative'), Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC), issue 31, pages 995-1020, June.

    Cited by:

    1. Magali Jaoul-Grammare, 2007. "Enseignement supérieur et croissance économique. Analyse économétrique de l’hypothèse d’Aghion & Cohen," Working Papers 07-10, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

  19. Valérie Canals & Magali Jaoul, 2004. "Choix d'orientation et rentabilité de l'enseignement supérieur: une application micro économique à partir du modèle de scolarité de Mincer," Brussels Economic Review, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles, vol. 47(3-4), pages 449-482.

    Cited by:

    1. Blaga Radu Lucian & Blaga Alexandru, 2016. "Price Determination for Educational Services Based on the Investments in Education," Studia Universitatis „Vasile Goldis” Arad – Economics Series, Sciendo, vol. 26(4), pages 78-93, November.
    2. Magali Jaoul, 2004. "Enseignement supérieur et marchés du travail. Analyse économétrique de la théorie de l’engorgement," Économie et Prévision, Programme National Persée, vol. 166(5), pages 39-57.

  20. Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul, 2004. "Les dépenses militaires, moteur de la croissance économique japonaise ?. Une analyse cliométrique : 1868-1940," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 55(3), pages 439-447.

    Cited by:

    1. Claude Diebolt & Cédric Doliger, 2005. "Becker vs. Easterlin. Education, Fertility and Growth in France after World War II," Working Papers 05-03, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).

  21. Valérie Canals & Claude Diebolt & Magali Jaoul, 2003. "Convergence et disparités régionales du poids de l'enseignement supérieur en France : 1964-2000," Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Armand Colin, vol. 0(4), pages 649-669.

    Cited by:

    1. Pierre Courtioux & Tristan-Pierre Maury & Johan Seux, 2022. "Ségrégation sociale à l’Université : des disparités académiques sur la période 2006-2016," Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, Armand Colin, vol. 0(3), pages 385-412.
    2. Pierre Courtioux & Tristan-Pierre Maury & Johan Seux, 2021. "Social segregation at French University: some geographical disparities during the 2006-2016 period [Ségrégation sociale à l'Université : des disparités académiques sur la période 2006-2016]," Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers) halshs-03167787, HAL.


  1. Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Charlotte Le Chapelain, 2019. "Human Capital Accumulation in France at the Dawn of the Nineteenth Century: Lessons from the Guizot Inquiry," Studies in Economic History, in: Claude Diebolt & Auke Rijpma & Sarah Carmichael & Selin Dilli & Charlotte Störmer (ed.), Cliometrics of the Family, chapter 0, pages 237-259, Springer.
    See citations under working paper version above.Sorry, no citations of chapters recorded.

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  1. NEP-HIS: Business, Economic and Financial History (20) 2016-10-30 2017-01-15 2017-01-15 2017-02-05 2017-10-29 2017-11-05 2018-11-05 2018-11-12 2019-01-28 2019-02-04 2020-08-17 2020-08-17 2020-08-17 2020-08-31 2020-12-21 2021-11-15 2021-11-29 2022-01-31 2022-05-09 2022-10-24. Author is listed
  2. NEP-GRO: Economic Growth (8) 2016-10-30 2017-01-15 2017-01-15 2017-02-05 2020-08-31 2022-01-31 2022-05-09 2022-10-17. Author is listed
  3. NEP-EDU: Education (7) 2007-11-10 2013-04-06 2016-01-29 2017-01-15 2017-02-05 2017-02-05 2020-04-20. Author is listed
  4. NEP-EUR: Microeconomic European Issues (5) 2016-01-29 2017-01-15 2017-02-05 2018-10-15 2019-02-11. Author is listed
  5. NEP-GEN: Gender (4) 2016-10-30 2017-01-15 2017-02-05 2018-10-15
  6. NEP-EFF: Efficiency and Productivity (3) 2020-08-17 2020-08-31 2022-10-17
  7. NEP-HME: Heterodox Microeconomics (3) 2011-10-15 2016-01-29 2021-04-26
  8. NEP-HPE: History and Philosophy of Economics (3) 2017-01-15 2018-11-05 2020-08-17
  9. NEP-LAB: Labour Economics (3) 2007-11-10 2016-10-30 2019-02-11
  10. NEP-AGR: Agricultural Economics (2) 2020-04-20 2020-08-17
  11. NEP-EXP: Experimental Economics (2) 2019-01-28 2019-02-04
  12. NEP-INO: Innovation (2) 2020-08-31 2022-10-17
  13. NEP-MAC: Macroeconomics (2) 2018-11-12 2021-06-28
  14. NEP-TID: Technology and Industrial Dynamics (2) 2020-08-31 2022-10-17
  15. NEP-UPT: Utility Models and Prospect Theory (2) 2021-06-28 2022-07-25
  16. NEP-EEC: European Economics (1) 2007-11-10
  17. NEP-ENV: Environmental Economics (1) 2020-04-20
  18. NEP-GEO: Economic Geography (1) 2022-05-16
  19. NEP-HAP: Economics of Happiness (1) 2015-06-05
  20. NEP-HEA: Health Economics (1) 2021-06-28
  21. NEP-HRM: Human Capital and Human Resource Management (1) 2007-11-10
  22. NEP-LMA: Labor Markets - Supply, Demand, and Wages (1) 2018-10-15
  23. NEP-ORE: Operations Research (1) 2022-05-09
  24. NEP-SOG: Sociology of Economics (1) 2014-02-15


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