Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- JRC141119 The impact of the global minimum tax on corporate tax revenues: evidence for EU Member States
by BRUN Lidia & PYCROFT Jonathan & SPEITMANN Raffael & STASIO Andrzej Leszek & STOEHLKER Daniel - JRC141107 Composite indices and preference-based measures of wellbeing
by DA COSTA Shaun Mark - JRC141068 Sustainable and inclusive wellbeing: achievements and challenges of the European approach to prosperity
by BENCZUR Peter & BOSKOVIC Ana & CARIBONI Jessica & GIOVANNINI Enrico & PAGANO Andrea & SANDOR Alina-Mihaela - JRC140887 Regional potential for ICT collaboration in the context of Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans
by FABBRI Emanuele & ZIVKOVIC Lazar & STRBAC Dijana & LJUMOVIC Isidora - JRC140617 Digital skills gaps - a closer look at the Digital Skills Index (DSI 2.0)
by BERTONI Eleonora & COSGROVE Judith & CACHIA Romina - JRC140456 Measuring sustainable and inclusive wellbeing: a multidimensional dashboard approach
by BENCZUR Peter & BOSKOVIC Ana & GIOVANNINI Enrico & PAGANO Andrea & SANDOR Alina-Mihaela - JRC140219 Assessment of the EU Ecolabel criteria for graphic paper and the EU Ecolabel criteria for tissue paper and tissue products
by DELRE Antonio & KOWALSKA Malgorzata Agata - JRC139986 Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2024
by KERAMIDAS Kimon & FOSSE Florian & AYCART LAZO Francisco Javier & DOWLING Paul & GARAFFA Rafael & ORDONEZ Jose & PETROVIC Stefan & RUSS Peter & SCHADE Burkhard & SCHMITZ Andreas & SORIA RAMIREZ Antonio & VAN DER VORST Camille & WEITZEL Matthias - JRC139823 Unravelling the territorial weave of trade: Assessing EU’s vulnerability to US trade policy shifts towards China
by RUEDA CANTUCHE Jose Manuel & LOPEZ ALVAREZ Jorge & PEDAUGA Luis & CATALAN PIERA Alba - JRC139725 Reparability Scoring System - Product relevance scoping study
by SPILIOTOPOULOS Christoforos & BERNAD BELTRAN David & ALFIERI Felice - JRC139404 The employment impact of the coal transition in EU regions
by RUEDA CANTUCHE Jose Manuel & LOPEZ ALVAREZ Jorge & PEDAUGA Luis & CATALAN PIERA Alba & MARQUES SANTOS Anabela - JRC138586 Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation - Case Study: Nord-Vest and Cluj-Napoca, Romania
by GNAMUS Ales & CHIONCEL Mariana - JRC138570 Circular Economy Strategies for the EU's Renewable Electricity Supply
by FOSTER Gillian & KASTANAKI Eleni & BEAUSON Justine & NEUWAHL Frederik & MARSCHINSKI Robert - JRC138532 The Impacts of African Continental Free Trade Area on COMESA
by SIMOLA Antti & FERRARI Emanuele & NECHIFOR Victor & BOYSEN Ole & KIBIRU Jane & ONYANGO Christopher Hugh - JRC136472 Re-open EU - A platform for rapid response to crises
by BAZZANI Elisa & COOPER Andrew & PALAZUELOS MARTINEZ Manuel & VELIKONJA Petra - JRC131016 Le programme de subvention des intrants agricoles au Sénégal [The agricultural input subsidy program in Senegal]
by RICOME Aymeric & COCKX Lara & BARREIRO HURLE Jesus & FALL Cheickh Sabibou & TILLIE Pascal
- JRC140588 Understanding Europe’s most vulnerable in six EU Member States: Socio-economic profiles of FEAD end beneficiaries
by DE QUINTO NOTARIO Alicia - JRC140513 Scientific Report - For an Innovative, Sustainable and Fair Economy in Europe
by SCHWAAG-SERGER Sylvia & SOETE Luc & STIERNA Johan - JRC140305 Towards a more comprehensive assessment of socio-economic impacts of Circular Economy policies
by FOSTER Gillian & MARSCHINSKI Robert & CALISTO FRIANT Martin & LEIPUTĖ Beatričė & KING Thomas & FISCHER Thomas B & GAUŠAS Simonas & ŠVEDKAUSKIENĖ Austėja & LANGHAM Ella - JRC140209 Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Smitheries and Foundries Industry (SF BREF)
by ARIES Eric & CHRONOPOULOS Georgios & SCHORCHT Frauke & ROUDIER Serge - JRC140129 The 2024 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard
by NINDL Elisabeth & NAPOLITANO Lorenzo & CONFRARIA Hugo & RENTOCCHINI Francesco & FAKO Peter & GAVIGAN James & TUEBKE Alexander - JRC139979 SMEs, skills shortages and third-country nationals
by DI PIETRO Giorgio - JRC139979 SMEs, skills shortages and third-country nationals
by Giorgio Di Pietro - JRC139922 European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency (ECAT): Issue 4, 2024
by SUNDORPH Emilie - JRC139898 Europe’s sustainable competitiveness future: justice, wellbeing, and innovation
by BENCZUR Peter & SUBTIL Juliana & OOMS Tahnee & DA COSTA Shaun Mark & KANIA Krzysztof & GANZLEBEN Catherine & FULVIMARI Alessia & SAMSON Ramona - JRC139836 Clean Energy Technology Observatory: POTEnCIA CETO 2024 Scenario
by NEUWAHL Frederik & WEGENER Moritz & SALVUCCI Raffaele & JAXA-ROZEN Marc & GEA BERMUDEZ Juan & SIKORA Przemyslaw & RÓZSAI Máté - JRC139825 The potential of generative AI for the public sector: current use, key questions and policy considerations
by TANGI Luca & COMBETTO Marco & HUPONT TORRES Isabelle & FARRELL Eimear & SCHADE Sven - JRC139798 Guidelines for Governing Interoperable Europe Act Actors
by VRECAR Simon & SCHADE Sven & MARTINEZ RODRIGUEZ Eva - JRC139723 GovTech: influencing factors, common requirements and recommendations - Supporting the development of cross-border, interoperable GovTech practices in the European landscape
by NIEHAVES Björn & KLASSEN Gerhard - JRC139680 ERDF and ESF funding for skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship 2014-2020
by WOOLFORD Jayne & BACHTROEGLER-UNGER Julia & BURTON Anna & LALANNE Marie & GULDA Krzysztof - JRC139632 Analysis of novel EV battery technologies, with a focus on tech transfer and commercialisation
by VILKMAN Marja - JRC139593 Supporting national strategies on teachers’ digital competence through the use of SELFIEforTEACHERS: the case of Albania and North Macedonia
by ECONOMOU Anastasia & KAPSALIS Georgios & BROLPITO Alessandro - JRC139561 Corporate Transition pathways from a Policy Mix Perspective
by GEORGHIOU Luke - JRC139560 Enhancing European Competitiveness with Fairness, Sustainability and Open Strategic Autonomy
by GOLEBIOWSKA-TATAJ Daria - JRC139559 New ideas for funding scientific research in areas of societal relevance – analyzing the co-evolution of research methods and financial tools
by FORAY Dominique - JRC139558 The (global) supply chain of Chips, Chips in the European supply chain
by GROS Daniel - JRC139556 Cohesion and the Competitiveness Challenge in the EU
by RODRÍGUEZ-POSE Andrés & DIJKSTRA Lewis - JRC139535 Can ‘local missions’ play a role in linking climate change mitigation and Cohesion policies?
by MCCANN Philip & JANSSEN Matthijs & STIERNA Johan - JRC139534 Perceived Fairness and the Green Transition
by LUNN Pete - JRC139533 Science for policy in a transformative policy context
by SCHWAAG SERGER Sylvia & RADOSEVIC Slavo - JRC139530 The RHOMOLO-EIB interim impact evaluation of InvestEU
by ASDRUBALI Pierfederico & CASAS ALJAMA Pablo & CHRISTOU Tryfonas & GARCIA RODRIGUEZ Abian & LAZAROU Nicholas & SALOTTI Simone & WEIERS Georg - JRC139511 The Wellbeing economy: Beyond GDP and beyond growth
by LAURENT Eloi & BOSKOVIC Ana & BENCZUR Peter - JRC139510 The Role of Tax-Benefit Systems in Reducing Income Instability in EU countries
by Luis Ayala - JRC139508 Requirements Engineering for a Web-based Research, Technology & Innovation Monitoring Tool
by MAZAK-HUEMER Alexandra - JRC139506 Combining place-based industrial transformation with centrally coordinated industrial policy in the EU
by RENDA Andrea - JRC139504 Pursuing sustainability transitions and open strategic autonomy. A policy mix perspective on synergies and trade offs
by ROGGE Karoline & KIVIMAA Paula - JRC139498 Modelling circular economy impacts in the context of a transition to a fair and sustainable economy. The need to combine bottom-up and top-down MFA, LCA and GE Models
by TUKKER Arnold & RUEDA CANTUCHE Jose Manuel - JRC139435 ERDF and RRF Funding for skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship 2021-2027
by WOOLFORD Jayne & LALANNE Marie - JRC139430 Harmonised Standards for the European AI Act
by SOLER GARRIDO Josep & DE NIGRIS Sarah & BASSANI Elias & SANCHEZ Ignacio & EVAS Tatjana & ANDRÉ Antoine-Alexandre & BOULANGÉ Thierry - JRC139415 Emerging Biotechnologies in Europe: Foresight for Policy
by R. LOWE Chistopher & MINSSEN Timo & SKENTELBERY Claire - JRC139405 A deeper regional look into EU automotive industry value chains
by RUEDA CANTUCHE Jose Manuel & LOPEZ ALVAREZ Jorge & PEDAUGA Luis & CATALAN PIERA Alba - JRC139401 European security in a changing geo-political context. From the European Research Area to the European Defence Research and Innovation Area and from Cohesion to European territorial security policy
by KATTEL Rainer & SOETE Luc - JRC139371 DGTES mapping of the SMR technoeconomic ecosystem
by DE PRATO Giuditta & FERNÁNDEZ CRUZADO Ana & SOGUERO ESCUER Jorge & CALZA Elisa & FABIANI Josefina & VAZQUEZ-PRADA BAILLET Miguel - JRC139361 Port efficiency and economic impact in Senegal
by SAHOO Amarendra & NECHIFOR Victor & FERRARI Emanuele & FERREIRA Valeria & AMANY Damit Serge Didier - JRC139303 EU-wide end-of-waste criteria for plastic waste
by PIERRI Erika & EGLE Lukas & MILIOS Leonidas & SAVEYN Hans - JRC139240 Addressing capability failure in demand-led industrial transitions
by PONTIKAKIS Dimitrios & PAPACHRISTOS George & JANSSEN Matthijs & MIEDZINSKI Michal & NORLEN Hedvig - JRC139228 European Universities, Knowledge Alliances and the EIT’s HEI Initiative within their territorial ecosystems
by WOOLFORD Jayne & ESPARZA MASANA Ricard - JRC139131 European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency (ECAT): Issue 3, 2024
by SUNDORPH Emilie - JRC139124 Technical recommendations for the targeted amendment of the European List of Waste entries relevant to batteries
by EGLE Lukas & PIERRI Erika & GARCIA JOHN Enrique & GARCIA-GUTIERREZ Pelayo & GAUDILLAT Pierre - JRC139120 SELFIE for work-based learning Guidelines
by HERRERO Cesar & WEIKERT GARCIA Lilian & HORGAN Michael & TASIOVASILIS Melina - JRC139092 Strategic Insights into the EU's Advanced Manufacturing Industry: Trends and Comparative Analysis
by FABIANI Josefina & SOGUERO ESCUER Jorge & CALZA Elisa & DUNKER Cesare & DE PRATO Giuditta - JRC139084 Credible company transition plans for climate change mitigation: a geographical dependency assessment
by PICKARD GARCIA Nicolas & GOURDON Thomas & SEIGNEUR Isabelle & MARTINY Alice & ARRANZ PADILLA Maria & BELTRAN MIRALLES Manuel & GUERREIRO MIGUEL Mecia - JRC139068 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING - DGTES applied to advanced manufacturing and its contributions to industrial ecosystems
by FABIANI Josefina & SOGUERO ESCUER Jorge & CALZA Elisa & DUNKER Cesare & DE PRATO Giuditta - JRC139065 DGTES mapping of the digital ecosystem - Economic insights for EU competitiveness and economic security
by DE PRATO Giuditta & CALZA Elisa & FABIANI Josefina & SOGUERO ESCUER Jorge & VAZQUEZ-PRADA BAILLET Miguel - JRC139050 Funding Synergies for Innovation, Industrial Transition and Entrepreneurship
by WOOLFORD Jayne & LALANNE Marie - JRC139028 Aligning historical international aviation and maritime transport data to the scope of EU climate policies
by JAXA-ROZEN Marc & RÓZSAI Máté & NEUWAHL Frederik - JRC139026 Unlocking Green Deal Data: Innovative Approaches for Data Governance and Sharing in Europe
by PONTI Marisa & PORTELA Manuel & PIERRI Paola & DALY Angela & MILAN Stefania & KAUKONEN LINDHOLM Riikka & MACCANI Giovanni & PETER DE SOUZA Siddharth & THABIT GONZALEZ Sara - JRC139006 Co-creation workshops on the monitoring of the Interoperable Europe Act
by HERNANDEZ Lorena & SMITH Robin S. & SCHADE Sven - JRC138968 Revitalizing rural areas through innovation and entrepreneurship: public and private initiatives to train, attract and retain human capital
by MARIOTTI Ilaria & SASSO Simone - JRC138921 A methodological toolbox to monitor the semiconductors’ supply-chain
by MOLNAR Jozsef & NARDO Michela & ZAURINO Elena - JRC138903 Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation: Study on new product priorities
by FARACA Giorgia & RANEA PALMA Angela & SPILIOTOPOULOS Christoforos & RODRIGUEZ MANOTAS Judit & SANYE MENGUAL Esther & AMADEI Andrea Martino & MAURY Thibaut & PASQUALINO Roberto & WIERZGALA Piotr & PEREZ CAMACHO M Nati & ALFIERI Felice & BERNAD BELTRAN David & LAG BROTONS Alfonso & DELRE Antonio & PEREZ ARRIBAS Zahara & ARCIPOWSKA Aleksandra & LA PLACA Maria Grazia & ARDENTE Fulvio & MATHIEUX Fabrice & WOLF Oliver - JRC138891 Background report for the revision of EU Green Public Procurement criteria for Buildings
by RANEA PALMA Angela & GONZALEZ TORRES Maria & PEREZ ARRIBAS Zahara & DONATELLO Shane - JRC138853 Extended progress report on the Valencia CityLab during 2023
by Clara Bosch Checa & Eloina Coll Aliaga & Mar Correcher Rigau & Pilar De la Torre Fornés & Nuria Guardiola Ibañez & Carlos Jiménez García & Victoria Lerma Arce & Edgar Lorenzo Saez & Raul Sancha Llamosí & Iraklis Stamos & Carolina Perpiña Castillo & María Joaquina Porres De La Haza - JRC138816 Adapting to skill shortages: what strategies to follow?
by DI PIETRO Giorgio - JRC138785 CAP Strategic Plans of the EU Member States – CSPs Master file and key data
by ISBASOIU Ancuta & FELLMANN Thomas - JRC138783 Personal Data Spaces: Workshop series
by LÄHTEENOJA Viivi & LEONARD Max & LANGFORD Joss - JRC138705 SELFIE Newsletter, Issue 2, 2024
by CACHIA Romina & BERTONI Eleonora & CENTENO Clara & COSGROVE Judith & ECONOMOU Anastasia & HERRERO Cesar & KAPSALIS Georgios & VILLAR ONRUBIA Daniel - JRC138702 Competences and governance practices for artificial intelligence in the public sector
by MEDAGLIA Rony & MIKALEF Patrick & TANGI Luca - JRC138684 What factors influence perceived artificial intelligence adoption by public managers?
by GRIMMELIKHUIJSEN Stephan & TANGI Luca - JRC138666 Handbook of Economic Complexity for Policy
by DIODATO Dario - JRC138661 Using self-reflection to support teacher professional learning and development of their digital competence: A multi-case study using SELFIEforTEACHERS
by ECONOMOU Anastasia & KYZA Eleni & GEORGIOU Yiannis & KAPSALIS Georgios & GALLAGHER Sean & GALVIN Conor & GONIDA Eleftheria & HERNANDEZ-LEO Davinia & ILOMÄKI Liisa & LAKKALA Minna & MOUSTAKAS Dimitris & PAPADOPOULOS Pantelis & RUIZ-GARCIA Aurelio - JRC138657 Data sovereignty for local governments. Considerations and enablers
by MICHELI Marina & THABIT GONZALEZ Sara & SIGNORELLI Serena & FARRELL Eimear & KOTSEV Alexander - JRC138618 STEM competencies, challenges, and measurements: a literature review
by POKROPEK Artur - JRC138603 Digital Transformation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) Workshop
by HERRERO Cesar & VILLAR ONRUBIA Daniel & COSGROVE Judith & KLUZER Stefano & CENTENO Clara & CASTAÑO MUÑOZ Jonatan & ROMERO RODRÍGUEZ Soledad & MORENO MORILLA Celia & WEIKERT GARCÍA Lilian & ARROYO SAGASTA Amaia & ZUBIZARRETA PAGALDAY Ane & WISNIEWSKI Daniel & FABE Nina - JRC138564 Practical guide for the use of the EU Ecolabel in the green public procurement of absorbent hygiene products
by KOWALSKA Malgorzata Agata & PEREZ CAMACHO Maria & FARACA Giorgia & WOLF Oliver - JRC138563 Background report to the guide for the use of the EU Ecolabel criteria in the green public procurement of absorbent hygiene products
by KOWALSKA Malgorzata Agata & PEREZ CAMACHO Maria & FARACA Giorgia & WOLF Oliver - JRC138561 Defining Functional Rural Areas
by DIJKSTRA Lewis & JACOBS-CRISIONI Chris - JRC138521 AI Generated Synthetic Data in Policy Applications
by HRADEC Jiri & DI LEO Margherita & KOTSEV Alexander - JRC138499 A RHOMOLO assessment of the impact of ESF+ 2021-27
by CHRISTOU Tryfonas & GARCIA RODRIGUEZ Abian & LAZAROU Nicholas & SALOTTI Simone & SCHOENWALD Eva - JRC138408 Investing in the Future: The Role of Child Cash Support in Mitigating Child Poverty
by AGUNDEZ GARCIA Ana & BORNUKOVA Kateryna & HERNANDEZ Adrian & PICOS Fidel - JRC138344 European Digital Skills Certificate (EDSC) Feasibility Study
by CENTENO Clara & COSGROVE Judith & CACHIA Romina & MORA Tatiana & DI LEGGE Angelo & VIVARELLI Serena & BULIAN Giacomo & MOYES PRELLEZO Nuria & PIÑA DE SANTISTEBAN Paula & SCHULZ Carola & HÜSING Tobias & CUARTAS-ACOSTA Alexander & TROIA Sandra - JRC138312 The impacts of the African Continental Free Trade Area on the Nigerian economy
by Oluwasola Omoju & Emily Ikhide & Augustine C. Osigwe & Rifkatu Nghargbu & Victor Nechifor & Andrea El Meligi & Valeria Soledad Ferreira Gregorio & Ole Boysen & Antti Simola & Emanuele Ferrari - JRC138304 Challenges and opportunities for territorial cohesion in Europe
by BATISTA E SILVA Filipe & DIJKSTRA Lewis & AUTERI Davide & CURTALE Riccardo & DORATI Chiara & HORMIGOS FELIU Clara & JACOBS-CRISIONI Chris & KOMPIL Mert & PERPIÑA CASTILLO Carolina & PIGAIANI Cristian & RIBEIRO BARRANCO Ricardo & SCHIAVONE Matteo & SULIS Patrizia - JRC138292 Methodology to aggregate Member States’ Digital Decade targets at European Union level
by TORRECILLAS JODAR Juan & PAPAZOGLOU Michail & SIGNORELLI Serena - JRC138243 Mapping EU level funding instruments 2021-2027 to Digital Decade targets
by SIGNORELLI Serena & TORRECILLAS JODAR Juan & PAPAZOGLOU Michail - JRC138229 HEI Innovation capacity and knowledge triangle integration: the role of the EIT’s HEI Initiative
by ESPARZA MASANA Ricard & WOOLFORD Jayne - JRC138225 Challenges and opportunities in data collection for sustainable farming: Lessons from EU certification schemes
by ANTONIOLI Federico & ISBASOIU Ancuta & CIAIAN Pavel & TUR CARDONA Juan & FELLMANN Thomas - JRC138215 Uneven progress in reducing emissions in the EU ETS
by WEITZEL Matthias & VAN DER VORST Camille - JRC138167 Are EU Member States suffering from skill shortages more than other countries?
by DI PIETRO Giorgio - JRC138139 Innovation dynamics in the automotive industry
by CONFRARIA Hugo & FAKO Peter & GAVIGAN James & COMPANO Ramon - JRC138135 Discovery-oriented innovation and industrial policies: insights from five regions about open discovery processes
by LARANJA Manuel & REIMERIS Ramojus - JRC138106 Gross Ecosystem Product in macroeconomic modelling
by ROKICKI Bartlomiej & M'BAREK Robert & GRAMMATIKOPOULOU Ioanna & LA NOTTE Alessandra & VAN ALPHEN Monica & VAN ZEIST Willem-Jan & BARTELINGS H. & POLMAN Nico - JRC138096 The macroeconomic impact of the 2023 EIB Group financing
by Tryfonas Christou & Abian Garcia Rodriguez & Nicholas Lazarou & Simone Salotti & Georg Weiers - JRC138095 Renewable energy in EU Rural Areas: production, potential and community engagement
by DORATI Chiara & HORMIGOS FELIU Clara & PERPIÑA CASTILLO Carolina & QUARANTA Emanuele & TAYLOR Nigel & KAKOULAKI Georgia & UIHLEIN Andreas & AUTERI Davide & DIJKSTRA Lewis - JRC138084 Not another SDG 4 booklet
by STAMOS Iraklis - JRC138026 EUROMOD Country Report - Belgium
by ASSAL Ella-Marie & JOHANNES Derboven & GAMAGE Sakura Panagamuwa & VANDERKELEN Jonas & VAN HOUTVEN Stijn - JRC138025 EUROMOD Country Report - Bulgaria
by TOSHEVA Ekaterina & TASSEVA Iva & DIMITROVA Desislava & DRAGANOV Dragomir & BOSHNAKOV Venelin & PESHEV Peter - JRC138024 EUROMOD Country Report - Cyprus
by MARKIDES Christopher & NEARCHOU Paris - JRC138023 EUROMOD Country Report - Czechia
by KALÍŠKOVÁ Klára & MUNICH Daniel & PAVEL Jan - JRC138022 EUROMOD Country Report - Germany
by LAY Max - JRC138021 EUROMOD Country Report - Denmark
by GREVE Bent & FIORIO Carlo & BAZZOLI Martina & MARZADRO Sonia - JRC138020 EUROMOD Country Report - Estonia
by TOIM Kelly & LAURIMÄE Merilen & VORK Andres - JRC138019 EUROMOD Country Report - Greece
by FLEVOTOMOU Maria & MATSAGANIS Manos - JRC138018 EUROMOD Country Report - Spain
by RECIO ALCAIDE Adela & FRUTOS IBOR Rocío & NAVAS ROMÁN María - JRC138017 EUROMOD Country Report - Finland
by RÄSÄNEN Tapio & SIMANAINEN Miska - JRC138016 EUROMOD Country Report - France
by BOUVARD Laurence - JRC138015 EUROMOD Country Report - Croatia
by URBAN Ivica & BEZEREDI Slavko - JRC138014 EUROMOD Country Report - Hungary
by HEGEDŰS Péter & SZIVÓS Péter & CSATHÓ Ábel & TOMKA Zsofia - JRC138013 EUROMOD Country Report - Ireland
by DOOLAN Michael & DOORLEY Karina & DUGGAN Luke & SIMON Agathe - JRC138012 EUROMOD Country Report - Italy
by CERIANI Lidia & FIGARI Francesco & FIORIO Carlo - JRC138011 EUROMOD Country Report - Lithuania
by CIZAUSKAITE Ausra & NAVICKĖ Jekaterina - JRC138010 EUROMOD Country Report - Luxembourg
by ISLAM Nizamul & GENEVOIS Anne-Sophie & EL MASLOHI Anasse - JRC138009 EUROMOD Country Report - Latvia
by PLUTA Anna - JRC138008 EUROMOD Country Report - Malta
by VELLA Stephanie & SAID Riana & MIFSUD Stephanie - JRC138007 EUROMOD Country Report - Netherlands
by CUELENAERE Boukje & LEENEN Joost & DE VOS Klaas - JRC138006 EUROMOD Country Report - Poland
by KRÓL Artur & MYCK Michał & TRZCIŃSKI Kajetan - JRC138005 EUROMOD Country Report - Portugal
by FARINHA RODRIGUES Carlos & ANDRADE VICENTE Joana & LEITE NEVES David & MOREIRA Amílcar - JRC138004 EUROMOD Country Report - Romania
by MILITARU Eva & POPESCU Madalina & VASILESCU Denisa & CRISTESCU Amalia - JRC138003 EUROMOD Country Report - Sweden
by STRÅLE Jonathan - JRC138002 EUROMOD Country Report - Slovenia
by KUMP Nataša & KALAR Barbara - JRC138001 EUROMOD Country Report - Slovak Republic
by MIKLOŠ Martin - JRC137918 Entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystems in rural areas: Startup Village examples
by TORRECILLAS CARO Cristina & MERIDA MARTIN Fernando & SASSO Simone - JRC137910 Sustainable and Inclusive Wellbeing, the road forward
by BENCZUR Peter & BOSKOVIC Ana & CARIBONI Jessica & CHEVALLIER Rachele & LE BLANC Julia & SANDOR Alina-Mihaela & ZEC Slavica - JRC137891 EU cities and heat extremes
by IODICE Silvia & ARBAU Luca & MAISTRALI Antigoni & MARANDO Federica & MELCHIORRI Michele & PROIETTI Paola & SULIS Patrizia & TAINGUY Ophélie & VANDECASTEELE Ine - JRC137888 European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency (ECAT): Issue 2, 2024
by SUNDORPH Emilie & VINAGRE Joao - JRC137809 JRC-IDEES-2021: the Integrated Database of the European Energy System – Data update and technical documentation
by RÓZSAI Máté & JAXA-ROZEN Marc & SALVUCCI Raffaele & SIKORA Przemyslaw & TATTINI Jacopo & NEUWAHL Frederik - JRC137806 Inclusive cities fit for crises and long-term challenges
by SULIS Patrizia & VAN HEERDEN Sjoerdje & AYDIN Nazli & GONCALVES Juliana & VERMA Trivik & VAN HAM Rosemarie & DAVIDS Luke - JRC137761 Advanced Manufacturing Study. Preliminary findings on EU's Advanced Manufacturing industry in the global landscape
by CALZA Elisa & SOGUERO ESCUER Jorge & FABIANI Josefina & DE PRATO Giuditta - JRC137712 SELFIE Newsletter, Issue 1, 2024
by CACHIA Romina & BERTONI Eleonora & CENTENO Clara & COSGROVE Judith & ECONOMOU Anastasia & HERRERO Cesar & KAPSALIS Georgios & VILLAR ONRUBIA Daniel & ROMERO Verónica - JRC137662 Potential impacts of the African Continental Free Trade Area on agri-food sectors and food security in Ghana
by Andrew AGYEI-HOLMES & Kwadwo Opoku & Richmond Atta Ankomah & Victor Nechifor & Emanuele Ferrari & Ole Boysen & Antti Simola - JRC137572 The landscape of consent management tools – a data altruism perspective
by LÄHTEENOJA Viivi & HIMANEN Joel & TURPEINEN Marko & SIGNORELLI Serena - JRC137550 Diversity in Artificial Intelligence Conferences
by GOMEZ Emilia & PORCARO Lorenzo & FRAU AMAR Pedro & VINAGRE Joao - JRC137525 Not another SDG 12 booklet
by BERTOZZI Cecilia - JRC137520 Carbon and environmental footprint inequality of household consumption in the EU
by CICCOLINI Giuseppe & JOOSSENS Elisabeth & LE BLANC Julia & MENYHERT Balint & PASQUALINO Roberto & SANYE MENGUAL Esther & WIERZGALA Piotr & ZEC Slavica - JRC137445 Artificial Intelligence at the JRC: Survey Results 2023
by KLINNERT Ana & BARBOSA Ana Luisa & AVGEROU Artemis & BERNINI Alba & CAIVANO Arnaldo & SGUEO Gianluca & UGOLOTTI Roberto - JRC137409 Methodology for the Public Sector Tech Watch Use Case Collection
by TANGI Luca & COMBETTO Marco & MARTIN BOSCH Jaume - JRC137323 Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation - Case Study: Mazovia - Stare Babice, Poland
by MURZYN Dorota - JRC137322 Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation - Case Study: Attica and North Aegean Regions, Greece
by CARAYANNIS Elias - JRC137321 Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation - Case Study: Norte, Portugal
by MORALES Diana - JRC137320 Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation - Case Study: Gorenjska, Slovenia
by HARDING Richard & NAUWELAERS Claire - JRC137319 Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation - Case Study: Emilia-Romagna, Italy
by MURZYN Dorota - JRC137318 Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation - Case Study: Blekinge and Värmland, Sweden
by MORALES Diana - JRC137316 Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation - Case Study: Espoo, Finland
by DIENHART Christina & KORNEEVA Ekaterina - JRC137315 Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation - Case Study: Turku, Southwest Finland
by HARDING Richard & NAUWELAERS Claire - JRC137314 Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation - Case Study: Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France
by HARDING Richard & NAUWELAERS Claire - JRC137313 Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation - Case Study: Leuven, Belgium
by KORNEEVA Ekaterina & DIENHART Christina - JRC137312 Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation - Case Study: Northern Netherlands
by HARDING Richard & NAUWELAERS Claire - JRC137300 Transformative Innovation for Climate Change Adaptation - A mapping-based framework for territories
by HARDING Richard & NAUWELAERS Claire & HAEGEMAN Karel - JRC137291 Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation - Case Study: Iceland
by HARDING Richard & NAUWELAERS Claire - JRC137266 Exploring the global landscape of biotech Innovation: preliminary insights from patent analysis
by GRASSANO Nicola & NAPOLITANO Lorenzo & M'BAREK Robert & RODRIGUEZ CEREZO Emilio & LASARTE LOPEZ Jesus - JRC137260 Not another SDG 5 booklet
by STAMOS Iraklis - JRC137249 Synthetic data in the Data Hub of the Digital Finance Platform
by DI GIROLAMO Francesca & HLEDIK Juraj & PAGANO Andrea - JRC137180 Closing the EU protein gap – drivers, synergies and trade-offs
by HRISTOV Jordan & TASSINARI Gianmaria & HIMICS Mihaly & BEBER Caetano & BARBOSA Ana Luisa & ISBASOIU Ancuta & KLINNERT Ana & KREMMYDAS Dimitrios & TILLIE Pascal & FELLMANN Thomas - JRC137127 The Effects of Price Comparison Websites: Evidence from Austrian Food Retail
by AMORES Antonio F & SPEITMANN Raffael & STOEHLKER Daniel - JRC137123 Shaping the Next Generation of Virtual Worlds
by CACHIA Romina & DUCH BROWN Nestor & HUPONT TORRES Isabelle & SCHADE Sven & SICILIANO Francesca & VESPE Michele & VILLAR ONRUBIA Daniel - JRC137114 Not another SDG 3 booklet
by STAMOS Iraklis - JRC137086 Methods to define indicators on research and innovation in the bioeconomy
by WYDRA Sven & KROLL Henning - JRC137083 Skills for Smart Specialisation
by WOOLFORD Jayne & BACHTRÖGLER-UNGER Julia & BURTON Anna & LALANNE Marie & GULDA Krzysztof - JRC137073 What drives workers’ participation in digital skills training?
by BERTONI Eleonora & COSGROVE Judith & POULIAKAS Konstantinos & SANTANGELO Giulia - JRC137063 Interoperability Assessments: Exploring expected benefits, efforts and challenges
by RODRIGUEZ MÜLLER Paula & SCHADE Sven - JRC137060 Mapping DigComp digital competences to the ESCO skills framework for analysis of digital skills in EU online job advertisements
by COSGROVE Judith & SOSTERO Matteo & BERTONI Eleonora - JRC136957 EUROMOD Country Report - Austria
by FUCHS Michael & GEYER Leonard & WOHLGEMUTH Felix - JRC136943 Economic Complexity Analysis of Export Prices
by PATELLI Aurelio & MAZZILLI Dario & SBARDELLA Angelica & TACCHELLA Andrea & PIETRONERO Luciano - JRC136939 EUROMOD Scientific Report 2023
by FIGARI Francesco & GREVE Bent & STEMITSIOTIS Loukas & SUTHERLAND Holly & TASSEVA Iva & VERBIST Gerlinde - JRC136925 Towards a framework to monitor finance for green investment
by BECKER Annette & FATICA Serena & LONDON Melina & PANZICA Roberto & PAPADOPOULOS Georgios - JRC136907 Foreign Investment Bulletin, October-December 2023
by MARTINEZ CILLERO Maria & BIANCARDI Daniele - JRC136906 Geopolitical instability, maritime transport costs and international trade
by FERRARI Emanuele & CHRISTIDIS Panayotis & BOLSI Paolo - JRC136898 Quality management systems for municipal waste data
by PIERRI Erika & EGLE Lukas & FOSTER Gillian & ANTONOPOULOS Ioannis & ALBIZZATI Paola Federica & TONINI Davide & CRISTOBAL GARCIA Jorge & MARSCHINSKI Robert & GAUDILLAT Pierre - JRC136876 Consumer demand in EU member states
by TEMURSHO Umed & WEITZEL Matthias - JRC136807 Strategic evaluation of the technology transfer and IPR protection systems of Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania and recommendations for their enhancement
by BOLE Domen & GALABOVA Lidia & HALEY Christopher & KOKOROTSIKOS Paris & MATANOVAC-VUČKOVIĆ Romana & RIZZUTO Carlo & TAYLOR Stephen & VLADUT Gabriel & ZAMBELLI Mauro - JRC136790 A RHOMOLO assessment of 2014-2027 cohesion policy
by Tryfonas Christou & Abian Garcia Rodriguez & Tillmann Heidelk & Nicholas Lazarou & Philippe Monfort & Simone Salotti - JRC136783 Technical recommendations on packaging categories to support the design for recycling assessment of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation Proposal
by PIERRI Erika & EGLE Lukas & GAUDILLAT Pierre & GALLO Federico & MANFREDI Simone & SAVEYN Hans - JRC136781 Research and Innovation Collaboration Networks across EU Regions over 2014-2020
by LALANNE Marie & MEYER Niels - JRC136780 In search for the best match. Complementarities between R&I funds across EU regions
by MOLICA Francesco & MARQUES SANTOS Anabela - JRC136779 Assessing economic divide across EU regions between 2000 and 2021
by MARQUES SANTOS Anabela & MOLICA Francesco & CONTE Andrea - JRC136777 Technical recommendations on possible elements and parameters of a methodology to assess recyclability of packaging in the framework of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation Proposal
by EGLE Lukas & PIERRI Erika & GAUDILLAT Pierre & GALLO Federico & MATHIEUX Fabrice & SAVEYN Hans - JRC136734 Teaching different key competences at once
by BACIGALUPO Margherita & BINASCO Andrea - JRC136657 Impacts of the collection and treatment of dry recyclables
by ALBIZZATI Paola Federica & TONINI Davide & GAUDILLAT Pierre - JRC136639 The effects of automation in the apparel and automotive sectors and their gender dimensions
by FANA Marta & BÁRCIA DE MATTOS Fernanda & ESQUIVEL Valeria & ANZOLIN Guendalina & KUCERA David & TEJANI Sheeba - JRC136637 The impact of the African Continental Free Trade Area on the Tanzanian economy
by MASKAEVA Asiya & MGENI Charles & MSAFIRI Mgeni & KINYONDO Godbertha & MSEMO Emanuel Mbazi & NECHIFOR Victor & EL MELIGI Andrea & FERREIRA Valeria & BOYSEN Ole & SIMOLA Antti - JRC136629 Measuring transition to a competitive and sustainable economy
by MARQUES SANTOS Anabela & BARBERO Javier & SALOTTI Simone - JRC136628 Implications of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for the Kenyan economy
by NECHIFOR Victor & FERRARI Emanuele & NDONG NTAH Marcellin & NANDELENGA Martin & YALEW Amsalu Woldie - JRC136622 "Scaffold", a deck of cards to design competence-oriented learning experiences
by BACIGALUPO Margherita & BEKH Olena & BINASCO Andrea & ISRAEL Hazel & WEIKERT GARCÍA Lilian - JRC136621 The Complementary Effect Of Exporting, Importing And R&D On Productivity Of Ukrainian Firms
by MASSINI Silvia & PISCITELLO Lucia & SHEVTSOVA Yevgeniya - JRC136606 Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans: potential for knowledge-based economic cooperation
by RADOVANOVIC Nikola & FABBRI Emanuele & MATUSIAK Monika & CONTE Andrea & SALOTTI Simone & DOSSO Mafini & HOLLANDERS Hugo & MERKELBACH Iris & TOLIAS Yannis & DURAN SILVA Nicolau & FUSTER MARTÍ Enric & MASSUCCI Francesco A. & PLAZAS Adrià - JRC136599 Skewed signals? Confronting biases in Online Job Ads data
by FERNANDEZ MACIAS Enrique & SOSTERO Matteo - JRC136588 Technical input for the Guidelines on removability and replaceability of portable and Light Means of Transport batteries
by SPILIOTOPOULOS Christoforos & MAGRINI Chiara - JRC136582 The economic implications of Smart Specialisation governance
by Carlo Gianelle & Fabrizio Guzzo & Javier Barbero & Simone Salotti - JRC136551 Digitalisation and employment in the EU 1995-2019
by Anabela Marques Santos & Javier Barbero & Simone Salotti & Andrea Conte