- 2024-24 Reorganizing global supply-chains: Who, What, How and Where
by G. Barate & L. Fontagne & R. Lafrogne-Joussier - 2024-23 The consumption response to unemployment : Evidence from French bank account data
by O. Bonnet & F. Le Grand & T. Olivia & X. Ragot & L.Wilner - 2024-21 Urban Heat Islands and Inequalities: Evidence from French Cities
by C. Grislain-Letremy & J. Sixou & A. Sotura - 2024-20 Les determinants de la dynamique des salaires en France : approches macro et sectorielles par la courbe de Phillips
by A. Moutaabbid - 2024-19 Follow the money ? Workers’ mobility, wages and amenities
by D. Babet & M.Chabaud - 2024-18 How age at school entry affects future educational and socioemotional outcomes : evidence from PISA
by P. Givord - 2024-16 Utilisation de modèles de regression à coefficients variant dans le temps pour la prevision conjoncturelle
by A. Quartier-La-Tente - 2024-12 Density forecasts of inflation : a quantile regression forest approach
by M. Lenza & I. Moutachaker & I. Moutachaker - 2024-11 En chemin vers la neutralite carbone. Mais quel chemin ?
by R. Abbas & N. Carnot & M. Lequien & A. Quartier-La-Tente & S.Roux - 2024-10 Air Pollution and Children’s Health Inequalities
by M. Suarez Castillo & D. Benatia & C. Le Thi & V. Costemalle - 2024-08 Cross-border shopping for fuel at the France-Germany border
by M. ADAM & O.BONNET & e.FIZE & M. RAULT & T. LOISEL & L. WILNER - 2024-07 Construction d’intervalles de confiance et relecture du passe avec le modèle Mesange
by A. Bourgeois & B. Favetto - 2024-06 Une evaluation des achats transfrontaliers de tabac et des pertes fiscales associees en France
by M. Hillion - 2024-05 Inter-regional highly skilled worker mobility and technological novelty
by J. Giorgi & A. Plunket & F. Starosta De Waldemar - 2024-04 Exporting Ideas: Knowledge Flows from Expanding Trade in Goods
by P. Aghion & A. Bergeaud & T. Gigout & M. Lequien & M. Melitz - m2024-04 Vers une désaisonnalisation des séries temporelles infra-mensuelles avec JDemetra+
by A. Smyk & K. Webel - m2024-03 Discuter l'existence d'un effet de selection dans un cadre multimode grace a une analyse de sensibilite : application aux enquetes annuelles de recensement
by L. Court & S. Quantin - m2024-02 La disponibilite des coordonnees de contact dans Fideli-Nautile : Quels enseignements pour les protocoles de collecte
by G. Charrance - 2024-01 Challenges in measuring the distribution of carbon footprints: the role of product and price heterogeneity
by M. Andre & A. Bourgeois & M. Lequien & E. Combet & A. Pottier - m2024-01 Estimation en temps reel de la tendance-cycle : apport de l’utilisation des filtres asymetriques dans la detection des points de retournement
by A. Quartier-La-Tente
- 2023-20 In the Land of AKM: Explaining the Dynamics of Wage Inequality in France
by D.Babet & O.Godechot & M.G. Palladino - 2023-19 Income mobility in France between 2003 and 2020
by T. Loisiel & M. Sicsic - 2023-18 Estimate of hidden activity for the 2020 benchmark revision of national accounts
by C. Welter-Medee & S.Quantin - 2023-17 How does fuel demand respond to price changes? Quasi-experimental evidence based on high-frequency data
by M. Adam & O. Bonnet & E. Fize & T. Loisel & M. Rault & L. Wilner - 2023-14 Forces et fragilites des tableaux internationaux entrees-sorties pour le calcul de l'empreinte carbone
by A. Bourgeois & F. Gervois & R. Lafrogne-Joussier - 2023-13 Cost Pass-Through and the Rise of Inflation
by R. Lafrogne-Joussier & J. Martin & I. Mejean - 2023-12 Modern Manufacturing Capital, Labor Demand and Product Market Dynamics: Evidence from France
by P. Aghion & C. Antonin & S. Bunel & X. Jaravel - 2023-09 Teachers' desired mobility to disadvantaged schools: Do financial incentives matter?
by J. Silhol & L. Wilner - 2023-08 Supply Shocks in Supply Chains: Evidence from the Early Lockdown in China
by R. Lafrogne-Joussier & J. Martin & I. Mejean - 2023-07 Do I get my money back? : A Broader Approach to Inequality and Redistribution in France With a Monetary Valuation of Public Services
by M. Andr & J.-M. Germain & M. Sicsic - 2023-06 L'effet du "jour de carence" sur les absences pour maladie ordinaire, la sante percue et le recours aux soins a court-terme
by M. Hillion & E. Maugendre - m2023-04 Victimations declarees et effets de mode : enseignements de l’experimentation panel multimode de l’enquete Cadre de Vie et Securite
by L. Castell & M. Clerc & D. Croze & S. Legleye & A. Nougaret - 2023-04 Private Wealth over the Life-Cycle: A Meeting between Microsimulation and Structural Approaches
by L. Galiana & L. Wilner - m2023-03 Appariements de donnees individuelles : concepts, methodes, conseils
by L. Malherbe - 2023-03 Opposing firm-level responses to the China shock : Output competition versus input supply
by P. Aghion & A. Bergeaud & M. Lequien & M. Melitz & T. Zuber - m2023-02 Redressements de la premiere vague de l’enquete EpiCov : un exemple de correction des effets de selection dans les enquetes multimodes
by L. Castell & C. Favre-Martinoz & N. Paliod & P. Sillard - 2023-02 Who will work on Sunday ? The winners and losers of Sunday laws relaxation
by D. Goux & E. Maurin - m2023-01 Les reseaux de neurones appliques a la statistique publique : methodes et cas d’usages
by D. Babet & Q. Deltour & T. Faria & S. Himpens
- 2022-15 Un portrait de la rétention de main-d’oeuvre dans l’industrie française : analyse à partir des enquêtes mensuelles de conjoncture
by H. Genin & S. Scott - 2022-14 Inégalités de rendements et de patrimoine en France en 2017
by L. Bloch & B. Favetto & A. Lagouge & F. Sã‰Dillot - 2022-11 Estimation des montants manquants de versements de TVA: exploitation des données du contrôle fiscal
by S. Quantin & C. Welter-Mã‰Dã‰E - 2022-06 Projections de la population active à l’horizon 2080
by N.Bechichi & M. Fabre & T. Olivia - 2022-05 The value of leisure synchronization
by S. Georges-Kot & D. Goux & E. Maurin - m2022-02 Le zonage en unites urbaines 2020
by V. Costemalle & S. Oujia & C. Guillo & A. Chauvet - m2022-01 Introduction à la géomatique pour le statisticien : quelques concepts et outils innovants de gestion, traitement et diffusion de l’information spatiale
by F. Semecurbe & E. Coudin
- g2021-04 Disentangling the effects of air pollutants with many instruments
by A. Godzinski & M. Suarez Castillo - 2021-04 Et pour quelques appartements de plus: Étude de la propriété immobilière des ménages et du profil redistributif de la taxe foncière
by M. André & O. Meslin - g2021-03 L’impact de la crise sanitaire sur la situation financière des entreprises en 2020 : une analyse sur données individuelles
by B. Bureau & A. Duquerroy & M. Lé & F. Vinas & J. Giorgi & S. Scott - 2021-03 Ségrégation à l’entrée des études supérieures en France et en région parisienne : quels effets du passage à Parcoursup ?
by N. Bechichi & J. Grenet & G. Thebault - m2021-03 Conception de questionnaires auto-administr s
by H. Koumarianos & A. Schreiber - g2021-02 Une année de crise COVID: impact sur la dynamique de l’activité des entreprises en France Une évaluation sur données individuelles
by B. Bureau & A. Duquerroy & M. Lé & F. Vinas & J. Giorgi & S. Scott - 2021-02 Differences in positions along a hierarchy : Counterfactuals based on an assignment model
by L. Gobillon & D. Meurs & S. Roux - m2021-02 Le traitement du biais de selection endogene dans les enquetes aupres des menages par modele de Heckman
by L. Castell & P. Sillard - g2021-01 Students’ Preferences, Capacity Constraints and PostSecondary Achievements in a NonSelective System
by N. Bechichi & G. Thebault - 2021-01 Évaluation du dispositif Jeune entreprise innovante (JEI) Un exemple d'application du modèle d'analyse de sensibilité de Rosenbaum
by S. Quantin & S. Bunel & C. Lenoir - m2021-01 R Tools for Jdemetra+ - Seasonal adjustment made easier
by A. Smyk & A. Tchang
- g2020-15 Hausse des prix immobiliers et mesure du niveau de vie
by V. Lin & O. Meslin - g2020-14 Information Technology and Returns to Scale
by D. Lashkari & A. Bauer & J. Boussard - g2020-13 Market Power and Labor Share
by A. Bauer & J. Boussard - g2020-12 Residential segregation, daytime segregation and spatial frictions : an analysis from mobile phone data
by L. Galiana & B. Sakarovitch & F. Sémécurbe & Z. Smoreda - g2020-11 The Heterogeneous Impact of Market Size on Innovation:Evidence from French Firm-Level Exports
by P. Aghion & A. Bergeaud & M. Lequien & M.J. Melitz - g2020-10 Tax avoidance in French Firms: Evidence from the Introduction of a Tax Notch
by A. Bauer & M. Rotemberg - g2020-09 Comptabilité économique de la soutenabilité climatique
by J.-M. Germain & T. Lellouch - g2020-08 The persistence of subjective wellbeing: permanent happiness, transitory misery?
by L. Wilner - g2020-07 How do citizens perceive centralization reforms? Evidence from the merger of French regions
by L. Wilner - g2020-06 Product switching, market power and distance to core competency
by R. Monin & M. Suarez Castillo - g2020-05 Keep Working and Spend Less? Collective Childcare and Parental Earnings in France
by P. Pora - g2020-04 Competition, Profit Share and Concentration
by J. Boussard & R. Lee - g2020-03 A Welfare Based Estimate of “Real Feel GDP” for Europe and the USA
by J.-M. Germain - g2020-02 The Take-Up of Unemployment Benefit Extensions
by B. Boutchenik & R. Lardeux - m2020-01 L'econometrie en grande dimension
by J. L’Hour - g2020-01 Les zones d’intervention prioritaire reflètent-elles des écarts de pratiques des médecins généralistes ?
by J. Silhol & B. Ventelou - g2009-01 The distribution of value-added in France, 1949-2007
by P.-A. Pionnier
- g2019-15 Labor Share in Some Advanced Countries
by G. Cette & L. Koehl & T. Philippon - g2019-14 Excellence for all? Heterogeneity in high-schools’ value-added
by P. Givord & M. Suarez Castillo - g2019-13 Gendered economic determinants of couple formation over 50 in France
by C. Bonnet & F. Godet & A. Solaz - g2019-12 Évaluation du crédit d’impôt innovation
by S. Bunel & B. Hadjibeyli - g2019-11 L’empreinte matières de l’économie française : une analyse par matière et catégorie de produits
by K. Mohkam & O. Simon - g2019-10 Imposition des couples et des familles : effets budgétaires et redistributifs de l’impôt sur le revenu
by M. André & A. Sireyjol - g2019-09 Do Minimum Wages Make Wages more Rigid? Evidence from French Micro Data
by E.Gautier & S. Roux & M. Suarez Castillo - g2019-08 Child Penalties and Financial Incentives: Exploiting Variation along the Wage Distribution
by P. Pora & L. Wilner - g2019-07 Competition on Unobserved Attributes: The Case of the Hospital Industry
by P. Choné & L. Wilner - g2019-06 The Differences between EU Countries for Sustainable Development Indicators: It is (mainly) the Economy!
by J.-P. Cling & S. Eghbal-Teherani & M. Orzoni & C. Plateau - g2019-05 Dans quelle mesure les incitations tarifaires et la procédure de mise sous accord préalable ont-elles contribué au développement de la chirurgie ambulatoire ?
by A. Cazenave-Lacroutz & E. Yilmaz - g2019-04 L’économie numérique fausse-t-elle le partage volume-prix du PIB ?
by L. Aeberhardt & F. Hatier & M. Leclair & B. Pentinat & J.-D. Zafar - g2019-03 Short-term health effects of public transport disruptions: air pollution and viral spread channels
by A. Godzinski & M. Suarez Castillo - g2019-02 Le modèle Avionic: la modélisation input/output des comptes nationaux
by A. Bourgeois & A. Briand - m2019-01 Les methodes de decomposition appliquees a l’analyse des inegalites
by B. Boutchenik & E. Coudin & S. Maillard - f1901-g2019-01 Effets de moyen terme d’une hausse de TVA sur le niveau de vie et les inégalités : une approche par microsimulation
by M. André & A.-L. Biotteau
- g2018-12 The introduction of a social gradient in mortality in the Destinie 2 model
by A. Cazenave-Lacroutz & F. Godet & V. Lin - g2018-11 Replication and reconciling of the CICE evaluations on employment (2013-2014)
by R. Monin & M. Suarez Castillo - g2018-10 Analysis of two public-private collaborative R & D support schemes
by Ch. BELLÉGO & V. DORTET-BERNADET & M. TÉPAUT - g2018-09 The French 2016 SMEs hiring subsidy, an evaluation based on pre-hiring declarations
by P. Beaumont & A. Luciani - g2018-08 Financial Constraints and Self-Employment in France, 1945-2014
by A. Bauer & B. Garbinti & S. Georges-Kot - g2018-07 Consumption inequality in France between 1995 and 2011
by Ch.-M. CHEVALIER - g2018-06 Pro-competitive effects of globalisation on prices, productivity and markups: Evidence in the Euro Area
by R. S.-H. Lee & M. Pak - g2018-05 Financial constraints of innovative firms and sectoral growth
by Ch.-M. CHEVALIER - g2018-04 Who Understands The French Income Tax? Bunching Where Tax Liabilities Start
by R. Lardeux - g2018-03 The CICE impact on prices: a twofold analysis on individual and sectoral data
by R. Monin & M. Suarez Castillo - m2018-02 Modèles semi-paramétriques de survie en temps continu sous R Abstract : Ce document se veut une introduction pratique à la mise en oeuvre sous R des modèles de survie en temps continu dans la cadre semi-paramétrique, souvent appelé modèle de Cox. Après avoir explicité la spécificité des modèles de survie, nous présentons comment mettre en oeuvre le modèle à hasards proportionnels (et notamment comment questionner sa validité). Enfin, un chapitre est aussi consacré à la prise en compte de l’hétérogénéité individuelle inobservée
by S. Quantin - g2018-02 Computerization, labor productivity and employment: impacts across industries vary with technological level
by Ch-M. CHEVALIER & A. LUCIANI - m2018-01 Estimation avec le score de propension sous R Abstract : Ce document présente les principales méthodes économétriques utilisant le score de propension pour comparer deux groupes en ajustant des effets de compositions observables. Plus précisément, il se veut un complément pratique au document méthodologique de Givord (2010) sur les méthodes d’appariement, de stratification et de pondération par l’inverse de la probabilité de traitement. Après avoir rappelé comment estimer le score de propension, et les indicateurs statistiques classiquement utilisés pour vérifier sa propriété équilibrante, un chapitre dédié à chaque méthode rappelle la démarche correspondante, les principales recommandations pratiques formulées par les nombreux travaux académiques, et expose leur implémentation avec le logiciel R
by S. Quantin - g2018-01 SMEs’ financing: Divergence across Euro area countries?
by S. Roux & F. Savignac
- g2017-10 Time is Money: Cash-Flow Risk and Export Market Behavior
by P. Beaumont - g2017-09 Homeownership and labor market outcomes: disentangling externality and composition effects
by Ch.-M. CHEVALIER & R. LARDEUX - g2017-08 Modelling French inflation: a macrosectoral approach
by K. Milin - g2017-07 Skills, technical change and local labor markets: evidence from France 1990-2011
by P. Charnoz & M. Orand - g2017-06 Effects of the one-day waiting period for sick leave on health-related absences in the French central civil service
by A. Cazenave-Lacroutz & A. Godzinski - g2017-05 Fiscal Policy Coordination in a Monetary Union at the Zero-Lower-Bound
by J. Boussard & B. Campagne - g2017-04 The MESANGE macroeconometric model: re-estimation and innovations
by J. Bardaji & B. Campagne & M.-B. Khder & Q. Lafféter & O. Simon & A.-S. Dufernez & C. Elezaar & P. Leblanc & E. Masson & H. Partouche - g2017-03 Projecting with the Destinie microsimulation model the post-retirement without any severe disabilities life expectancy of the generations born between 1960 and 1990
by A. Cazenave-Lacroutz & F. Godet - g2017-02 Pensions' indexation rules and pensions' expenditure sensitivity to economic growth and demographic shocks
by Y. Dubois & M. Koubi - m2017-01 Exploitation de l'enquete experimentale Qualite de vie au travail
by T. Razafindranovona - g2017-01 Understanding Wage Floor Setting in Industry-Level Agreements: Evidence from France
by D. Fougere & E. Gautier & S. Roux
- g2016-11 Accounting for technology, trade and final consumption in employment: an Input-Output decomposition
by M. Pak & A. Poissonnier - g2016-10 Private wealth and retirement in France
by T. Blanchet & Y. Dubois & A. Marino & M. Roger - g2016-09 Firms and the minimum wage: profile and profitability
by A. Naouas & M. Orand & I. Slimani Houti - m2016-08 Exploitation de l'enquete experimentale Logement internet-papier
by T. Razafindranovona - g2016-08 Does raising the retirement age increase older workers' activity? The case of the 2010 french pension reform
by Y. Dubois & M. Koubi - g2016-07 Structural reforms in DSGE models: a case for sensitivity analyses
by B. Campagne & A. Poissonnier - m2016-06 Econometrie spatiale : une introduction pratique
by R. Le Saout & J.M. Floch - g2016-06 Laffer curves and fiscal multipliers: lessons from Mélèze model
by B. Campagne & A. Poissonnier - m2016-05 Les modeles multiniveaux
by P. Givord & M. Guillerm - g2016-05 MELEZE: A DSGE model for France within the Euro Area
by B. Campagne & A. Poissonnier - m2016-04 Savoir compter, savoir coder - Bonnes pratiques du statisticien en programmation
by E. L'Hour & R. Le Saout & B. Rouppert - g2016-04 Health capacity to work at older ages in France
by D. Blanchet & E. Caroli & C. Prost & M. Roger - m2016-03 Exploitation de l'enquete experimentale Vols, violence et securite
by T. Razafindranovona - g2016-03 Gender Inequality after Divorce: The Flip Side of Marital Specialization - Evidence from a French Administrative Database
by C. Bonnet & B. Garbinti & A. Solaz - m2016-02 Les methodes d'estimation de la precision de l'Enquete Emploi en Continu
by E. Gros & K. Moussalam - g2016-02 Communication Costs and the Internal Organization of Multi-Plant Businesses: Evidence from the Impact of the French High-Speed Rail
by P. Charnoz & C. Lelarge & C. Trevien - m2016-01 Le modele Logit : Theorie et Application
by C. Afsa - g2016-01 Time to smell the roses? Risk aversion, the timing of inheritance receipt, and retirement
by B. Garbinti & S. Georges-Kot
- g2015-19 Room with a View or Rear Window? Hedonic prices of the Parisian real-estate
by M. Poulhes - g2015-18 French households financial wealth: which changes in 20 years?
by J.-B. Bernard & L. Berthet - g2015-17 The redistributive effect of online piracy on the box office performance of American movies in foreign markets
by C. Bellégo & R. De Nijs - g2015-16 Compared performances of French companies on the domestic and foreign markets
by J. Bardaji & J.-C. Bricongne & B. Campagne & G. Gaulier - g2015-15 Evolution of outpatient healthcare expenditure, a dynamic micro-simulation using the Destinie model
by C. GEAY & M. KOUBI & G. de LAGASNERIE - g2015-14 Impacts of Inflation and Business Cycle on Wages and Employment Broken Down by Socioprofessional Categories
by J-B. Bernard & Q. Lafféter - g2015-13 Are Enterprise Zones Benefits Capitalized into Commercial Property Values? The French case
by M. Poulhès - g2015-12 Annual and lifetime incidence of the value-added tax in France
by S. Georges-Kot - g2015-11 The effect of public support on R&D employment in small firms
by V. Dortet-Bernadet & M. Sicsic - g2015-10 Retirement Age, Length of Career and Amount of Pension: A Complex Link in the French Pension System
by P. Aubert - g2015-09 The determinants of state civil service attractiveness
by J.-M. Daussin-Benichou & S. Idmachiche & A. Leduc & E. Pouliquen - g2015-08 Tax elasticity to business cycle: an overview of three taxes from 1979 to 2013 in France
by Q. Lafféter & M. Pak - g2015-07 No evidence of financial accelerator in France
by B. Campagne & V. Alhenc-Gelas & J.-B. Bernard - g2015-06 Returns of the French pension system in the private sector: intergenerational and intragenerational perspectives
by Y. Dubois & A. Marino - g2015-05 The Effects of the Complementary Sickness Benefits (CSB) on Sick Leave Duration: an Approach Based on Collective Bargaining Agreements
by M. A. Ben Halima & V. Hyafil-Solelhac & M. Koubi & C. Regaert - g2015-04 Measuring Social Environment Mobility
by S. T. Ly & A. Riegert - g2015-03 The Impacts of Urban Public Transportation: Evidence from the Paris Region
by T. Mayer & T. Trevien - m2015-03 Les méthodes d'estimation de la précision pour les enquêtes ménages de l'Insee tirées dans Octopusse
by E. Gros & K. Moussalam - g2015-02 Performance indicators of the French pension system
by Y. Dubois & A. Marino - m2015-02 Les méthodes de pseudo-panel
by M. Guillerm - g2015-01 The walking dead Euler equation - Addressing a challenge to monetary policy models
by A. Poissonnier - m2015-01 La collecte multimode et le paradigme de l'erreur d'enquête totale
by T. Razafindranovona
- g2014-15 How Are Gains in Life Expectancy Shared between a Longer Career and a Longer Retirement Span?
by P. Aubert & S. Rabaté - g2014-14 How does fuel taxation impact new car purchases? An evaluation using French consumer-level dataset
by P. Givord & C. Grislain-Letrémy & H. Naegele - g2014-13 Labor Disputes and Job Flows
by H. Fraisse & F. Kramarz & C. Prost - g2014-12 Computing additive contributions and other issues for chain-linked quarterly aggregates
by F. Arnaud & J. Boussard & A. Poissonnier & H. Soual - g2014-11 Wage Resilience in France since the Great Recession
by D. Audenaert & J. Bardaji & R. Lardeux & M. Orand & M. Sicsic - g2014-10 Do the High-Income Households Save More?
by B. Garbinti & P. Lamarche - g2014-09 Potential growth in France and the euro area: an overview of the estimation methods
by M. Lequien & A. Montaut - g2014-08 The Impact of Housing Subsidies on the Rental Sector: the French Example
by C. Grislain-Letrémy & C. Trevien - g2014-07 Credit Growth and Capital Requirements: Binding or Not?
by C. Labonne & G. Lamé - g2014-06 Turning the heat up. How sensitive are households to fiscal incentives on energy efficiency investments?
by J.-M. Daussin-Benichou & A. Mauroux - g2014-05 The Impact of Hazardous Industrial Facilities on Housing Prices: A Comparison of Parametric and Semiparametric Hedonic Price Models
by C. Grislain-Letrémy & A. Katossky - g2014-04 The Impact of French Retirement Reforms on the Predictability of the Amount of Pension
by P. Aubert - g2014-03 Wage earnings volatility in the private sector in France since 1968
by N. Ceci-Renaud & P. Charnoz & M. Gaini - g2014-02 Do Gifts and Bequests Facilitate Homeownership and Firm Creation?
by B. Garbinti - m2014-01 Dynamic microsimulation: general principles and examples in R
by D. Blanchet - g2014-01 The Destinie II biographies: new sample and projection
by M. Bachelet & A. Leduc & A. Marino
- g2013-15 Which size and evolution of the government expenditure multiplier in France (1980-2010)?
by G. Cléaud & M. Lemoine & P.-A. Pionnier - g2013-14 Households Satellite Account for France in 2010. Methodological issues on the assessment of domestic production
by A. Poissonnier & D. Roy - g2013-13 French Firms in the face of the 2008/2009 crisis
by P.-Y. Cabannes & V. Cottet & Y. Dubois & C. Lelarge & M. Sicsic - g2013-12 Natural Disasters: Exposure and Underinsurance
by C. Grislain-Letrémy - g2013-11 Introducing activity-based payment in the hospital industry: Evidence from French data
by P. Choné & F. Evain & L. Wilner & E. Yilmaz - g2013-10 Was there a « Greenspan Conundrum » in the Euro area?
by G. Lamé - g2013-09 Oil price: the nature of the shocks and the impact on the French economy
by J.-B. Bernard & G. Cléaud - g2013-08 Evolution of Instability on the French Labour Market during the Last Thirty Years
by R. Aeberhardt & C. Marbot - g2013-07 Multifactor productivity estimates for France: what does it change to take capital and labour quality into account?
by P.-Y. Cabannes & A. Montaut & P.-A. Pionnier - g2013-06 The French cluster policy and the R&D spending of SME and intermediate-sized enterprises
by C. Bellégo & V. Dortet-Bernadet - g2013-05 Interpretation and limits of sustainability tests in public finance
by G. Lamé & M. Lequien & P.-A. Pionnier - g2013-03 Temporal disaggregation of stock variables - The Chow-Lin method extended to dynamic models
by A. Poissonnier - g2013-02 The benefits of living in a social housing dwelling: effects on living standard and accommodation conditions
by C. Trevien - g2013-01 A monthly estimation method of ILO unemployment: a state-space framework
by T. Deroyon & A. Montaut & P.-A. Pionnier - m2013-01 La régression quantile en pratique
by P. Givord & X. Dhaultfoeuille
- g2012-14 Joint macro/micro evaluations of accrued-to-date pension liabilities: an application to French reforms
by D. Blanchet & S. Le Minez - g2012-13 Demand Estimation in the Presence of Revenue Management
by X. D'Haultfoeuille & P. Fevrier & L. Wilner - g2012-12 Labor Cost and Payroll Tax Cuts: an Estimation at the Plant Level Between 1996 and 2008
by V. Cottet & S. Quantin & V. Régnier - g2012-11 The French tax credit dedicated to sustainable development: an econometric evaluation
by A. Mauroux - g2012-10 Projecting the future cost of the French elderly disabled allowance using a microsimulation model
by C. Marbot & D. Roy - g2012-09 The Disincentive Effect of Social Assistance on French Young Workers
by O. Bargain & A. Vicard - g2012-08 Progressivity of the French Tax System: Different Channels in 1990 and 2010
by A. Eidelman & F. Langumier & A. Vicard - g2012-07 Spillover Effect of the Minimum Wage in France: An Unconditional Quantile Regression Approach
by R. Aeberhardt & P. Givord & C. Marbot - g2012-06 Pension Inequalities and Redistribution within the French Public Pension System
by P. Aubert & M. Bachelet - g2012-05 A scarred generation? French evidence on young people entering into a tough labour market
by M. Gaini & A. Leduc & A. Vicard - g2012-04 School as a shelter? School leaving-age and the business cycle in France
by M. Gaini & A. Leduc & A. Vicard - g2012-03 Do Consumers Correctly Expect Price Reductions? Testing Dynamic Behavior
by P. Février & L. Wilner - g2012-02 Wage structure and firm performance
by N. Ceci-Renaud & V. Cottet - g2012-01 A Long-Term Evaluation of the First Generation of the French Urban Enterprise Zones
by P. Givord & S. Quantin & C. Trevien