- 890 Economic integration and FDI: an empirical analysis of foreign investment in the EU and in Central and Eastern Europe
by Brenton, Paul & DiMauro, Francesca & Lücke, Matthias - 889 Schienenpersonennahverkehr unter regionaler Verantwortung: Rückzug aus der Fläche oder Vorzug für die Effizienz?
by Laaser, Claus-Friedrich - 888 Euroland's trade with the rest of the world: An SNA-based estimation
by Strauß, Hubert - 887 Stylized facts of Euroland's business cycle
by Döpke, Jörg - 886 Leading indicators for Euroland's business cycle
by Döpke, Jörg - 885 Wohlfahrtseffekte einer nordatlantischen Handelsliberalisierung
by Lübcke, Britta & Piazolo, Daniel - 884 Liberalisierung und Re-Regulierung der Elektrizitätswirtschaft in Skandinavien
by Kumkar, Lars - 883 The DART general equilibrium model: A technical description
by Springer, Katrin - 882 Emerging East-West collaborative networks: An appraisal
by Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 881 Trans-European-networks and the development of transport in the eastern Baltic Sea region
by Laaser, Claus-Friedrich - 880 The BioRegio-contest: a new approach to technology policy and its regional consequences
by Dohse, Dirk - 879 Investment behavior in dynamic computable general equilibrium models for transition economies
by Piazolo, Daniel - 878 Transfers and transition: The impact of government support on factor demand and production in Eastern Germany
by Gerling, Katja - 877 Interregionale Arbeitskräftewanderungen: theoretische Erklärungsansätze und empirischer Befund
by Bode, Eckhardt & Zwing, Sebastian - 876 Airport regulation: tackling congestion and environmental problems
by Wolf, Hartmut - 875 Consequences of rising income inequality: a comment
by Siebert, Horst - 874 Regulierung vertikal strukturierter Industrien: Eine Analyse der Stromwirtschaftschaft auf Grundlage der neuen Institutionenökonomik
by Kumkar, Lars - 873 Privatwirtschaftliche Koordinierungsstrukturen in vertikal strukturierten Industrien: Eine Analyse der Stromwirtschaft auf Grundlage der neuen Institutionenökonomik
by Kumkar, Lars - 872 Der deutsche Arbeitsmarkt: ein paar Schaubilder und Tabellen
by Siebert, Horst - 871 Southern enlargement of the European Union and capital account liberalization: Lessons for Central and Eastern Europe
by Buch, Claudia M. & Heinrich, Ralph P. & Piazolo, Daniel - 870 The future of the IMF: how to prevent the next global financial crisis
by Siebert, Horst - 869 Regional integration APEC style: Are there lessons to learn from regional integration EU style?
by Langhammer, Rolf J. - 868 Skill-biased technical change vs. structural change: Insights from a new view of the structure of an economy
by Schimmelpfennig, Axel - 867 The impact of a Customs Union with the EU on internal migration in Turkey under the two alternative Harris-Todaro and wage curve settings
by De Santis, Roberto A. - 866 Labor productivities and labor costs in Euroland
by Siebert, Horst - 865 Das Einkommensteuer- und Transfersystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: ein Update
by Gern, Klaus-Jürgen - 864 A note on economic growth and human capital in Eastern Europe
by Foders, Federico - 863 Recent developments in old-age pension systems: an international overview
by Gern, Klaus-Jürgen - 862 Provision of public goods, voting and agglomerative bias
by Kopp, Andreas - 861 German direct investment in Latin America: striking peculiarities, unfounded fears, and neglected issues
by Nunnenkamp, Peter - 860 The value of waiting: Russia's integration into the international capital markets
by Buch, Claudia M. & Heinrich, Ralph P. & Pierdzioch, Christian - 859 Competitiveness and environmental policies in a dynamic model
by Stähler, Frank - 858 Competitiveness and environmental policies in strategic environmental policy models
by Stähler, Frank - 857 Environmental regulation and its impact on welfare and international competitiveness in a Heckscher-Ohlin framework
by Scholz, Christian M. - 856 What does globalization mean for the world trading system?
by Siebert, Horst - 855 The celtic tiger faces the factor price frontier: Labour market adjustment in Ireland
by Schimmelpfennig, Axel - 854 Die Europäische Währungsunion: was zu tun und was zu lassen ist
by Siebert, Horst - 853 Boom and bust in capital flows to developing countries: what South Asia can learn from recent financial crises
by Nunnenkamp, Peter - 852 Emerging East-West corporate networks in Central European border regions: Some theoretical arguments and stylized facts
by Gerling, Katja & Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 851 How Germany shouldered the fiscal burden of the unification
by Boss, Alfred - 850 On the effects of factor mobility on local infrastructure policy and rent-seeking
by Lorz, Jens Oliver - 849 Privatization in East Germany: Can the Treuhandanstalt provide a model?
by Gupta, Asha - 848 Banking and balance of payments crises: On possible causes of the twin crises
by Buch, Claudia M. & Heinrich, Ralph P. - 847 Irreversibility, endogenous mean reversion, and the investment decision of a foreign firm
by Pierdzioch, Christian - 846 Cooperation in a resource extraction game
by Stähler, Frank & Wagner, Friedrich
- 845 Corporate restructuring and export performance in the transition process: The case of Eastern Germany
by Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 844 Untersuchungen zur Bemessungsgrundlage und zum kassenmäßigen Aufkommen der Steuern vom Umsatz
by Boss, Alfred - 843 The impact of a customs union with the EU on Turkey's welfare, employment and income distribution: An AGE analysis
by De Santis, Roberto A. - 842 Gesamtwirtschaftliche Bestimmungsgründe der Insolvenzentwicklung in Deutschland
by Lehment, Harmen & Blevins, Christopher & Sjøvoll, Espen - 841 Why exporting countries agree voluntary export restraints: The oligopolistic power of the foreign supplier
by De Santis, Roberto A. - 840 Aufwand und Ertrag in der deutschen gesetzlichen Alterssicherung (GRV)
by Glismann, Hans H. & Horn, Ernst-Jürgen - 839 The transition to the service society: prospects for growth, productivity and employment
by Klodt, Henning - 838 Vertragliche Vereinbarungen als Instrument der Wirtschaftspolitik am Beispiel des Altschuldenkompromisses in der ostdeutschen Wohnungswirtschaft
by Sander, Birgit - 837 Gaining credibility and enhancing economic growth through regional integration: The case for EU membership of Eastern Europe
by Piazolo, Daniel - 836 Towards a funded system of social security: Design and implications - The case of Germany -
by Glismann, Hans H. & Horn, Ernst-Jürgen - 835 The determinants of urban concentration
by Junius, Karsten - 834 Globalisation, wage adjustment, and unemployment: An empirical analysis based on the factor price frontier
by Hornung, Dietmar & Schimmelpfennig, Axel & Wapler, Rüdiger - 833 Trade, Foreign direct investment, and multinational enterprises in a general equilibrium model
by Koop, Michael J. - 832 Disziplinierung der nationalen Wirtschaftspolitik: durch die internationale Kapitalmobilität
by Siebert, Horst - 831 Unternehmensstrategien in Hong Kong: Vorbilder für Deutschland?
by Spinanger, Dean - 830 Wechselkursunsicherheit und Außenhandel: Eine Analye der theoretischen Literatur
by Fischer, Malte - 829 Reintegrating the reform countries into the world economy
by Siebert, Horst - 828 Latin America and EU widening to the East: possible effects on trade and investments
by Nunnenkamp, Peter - 827 Wirtschaftliche Integration auf Kosten peripherer Regionen? Chancen und Risiken für den brasilianischen Nordosten im Mercosur
by Pacheco, Ricardo & Nunnenkamp, Peter - 826 Netzwerkeffekte: eine neue Begründung für die strategische Handelspolitik?
by Gröhn, Andreas - 825 On the competitive position of Eastern German manufacturing: Why is catching-up so slow?
by Gerling, Katja & Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 824 Who is afraid of capital mobility? On labor taxation and the level of public services in an open economy
by Lorz, Jens Oliver & Stähler, Frank - 823 Umweltpolitik und internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
by Schmid, Stefanie U. - 822 Economic consequences of the German environmental liability act: Capital market response for the chemical industry
by Bartsch, Elga - 821 Environmental tax reform and the double dividend: An econometric demand analysis
by Scholz, Christian M. - 820 Die deutsche Energierechtsnovelle: Über Alleinabnehmer, zugelassene Kunden und die Auswirkungen auf Umweltschutzziele
by Kumkar, Lars - 819 European trade with lower-income countries and the relative wages of the unskilled: an exploratory analysis for West Germany and the UK
by Lücke, Matthias - 818 Financing the transition: Risks and benefits of integrating into the international capital market
by Buch, Claudia M. & Heinrich, Ralph P. - 817 Umlagesystem versus Kapitaldeckung in der Alterssicherung
by Siebert, Horst - 816 Pay-as-you-go versus capital funded pension systems: the issues
by Siebert, Horst - 815 Abnehmende Bedeutung der Lagerinvestitionen für den Konjunkturverlauf?
by Döpke, Jörg & Langfeldt, Enno - 814 The challenges of monetary convergence in Europe
by Schweickert, Rainer - 813 Economies of scale: A survey of the empirical literature
by Junius, Karsten - 812 Wie privatisieren und wer privatisiert? Zur Erklärung der Wahl der Privatisierungsmethode und -organisation
by Siegmund, Uwe - 811 Social policy in economic development: The case of health and old age insurance
by Thiele, Rainer - 810 World commodity prices 1996 - 1998: Report presented to the AIECE spring meeting, Venice, May 5 - 8, 1997
by Schrader, Jörg-Volker - 809 Die Illusion von der Kooperation: zum Wettbewerb in der Weltwirtschaft gibt es keine Alternative
by Siebert, Horst - 808 Small- and medium-sized enterprises in cross-border networks: Empirical evidence from the Pearl River Delta
by Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 807 An institutional order for a globalizing world economy
by Siebert, Horst - 806 Do border economies generate comparative advantages for small- and medium-sized enterprises? Evidence from the Maquiladora industry
by Sander, Birgit - 805 East-west corporate networking: A theoretical approach
by Gerling, Katja - 804 Maastricht and the eastern enlargement of the EU
by Stehn, Jürgen - 803 Nach der Verabschiedung der Stromrichtlinie: Status quo und Perspektiven der europäischen Elektrizitätswirtschaft
by Kumkar, Lars - 802 The role of banks: Evidence from Germany and the US
by Brichs Serra, Elisabet & Buch, Claudia M. & Nienaber, Thomas - 801 Export reorientation and transfer of know-how and technology: the case of Hungarian manufactured exports
by Szalavetz, Andrea & Lücke, Matthias - 800 Should the European Central Bank worry about exchange rates?
by Scheide, Joachim & Solveen, Ralph - 799 Wage competition with international capital mobility
by Lorz, Jens Oliver - 798 Environmental tax reform with irreversible investment, technological progress and unemployment
by Scholz, Christian M. - 797 Regional competitiveness and training in Germany
by Foders, Federico - 796 Accession of CIS countries to the World Trade Organisation
by Lücke, Matthias - 795 Adaptive behavior, choice of residential location and localization of labor markets
by Kopp, Andreas - 794 Die andere Seite Chinas: Strukturprobleme, Reformdefizite und verzögerte Aufholprozesse im chinesischen Binnenland
by Raiser, Martin & Nunnenkamp, Peter - 793 Subventionen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Bestandsaufnahme und Bewertung
by Boss, Alfred & Rosenschon, Astrid - 792 The expansion of intra-Asian trade: An analysis of structural patterns and determinants
by Langhammer, Rolf J. - 791 Restructuring and competitiveness in the transition process: Evidence from an Eastern German firm panel
by Gerling, Katja & Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 790 Ein Modell der Netzwerkeffekte in der Software-Industrie
by Gröhn, Andreas - 789 Deutschmark appreciation and structural change: An overview of economic structural reports
by Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 788 Die deutsche Vereinigung und das Leistungsbilanzdefizit: Eine ökonometrische Analyse der USA und Deutschlands
by Schimmelpfennig, Axel - 787 Labor market rigidities and unemployment in Europe
by Siebert, Horst - 785 Warum Privatisierung? Eine Dogmengeschichte der Privatisierungstheorien
by Siegmund, Uwe - 783 Der Transformationsprozeß in den baltischen Staaten: ordnungspolitische Fortschritte und strukturelle Anpassungsprozesse
by Schrader, Klaus & Laaser, Claus-Friedrich
- 786 Russian monetary policy: Assessing the track record
by Buch, Claudia M. - 784 Wie mobil ist Kapital? Empirische Evidenz für Deutschland
by Lapp, Susanne - 782 Die Preisbildung im westdeutschen Außenhandel: Eine empirische Analyse
by Fischer, Malte - 781 How are China's state-owned enterprises doing in the 1990s? Evidence from three interior provinces
by Raiser, Martin - 780 Die Stromversorger in den Startlöchern zum Strom-Binnenmarkt: Eine Bestandsaufnahme der nationalen Markstrukturen
by Kumkar, Lars - 779 Capital mobility, tax competition, and lobbying for redistributive capital taxation
by Lorz, Jens Oliver - 778 Human capital and economic development: A macroeconomic assessment
by Gundlach, Erich - 777 The market entry paradox
by Stähler, Frank - 776 Konvergieren oder divergieren die regionalen Pro-Kopf-Einkommen in Westdeutschland? Eine empirische Untersuchung anhand von Markov-Ketten
by Bode, Eckhardt - 775 The German innovation system: conceptions, institutions and economic efficency
by Klodt, Henning - 774 The transmission of knowledge spillovers and its impact on regional economic growth
by Dohse, Dirk - 773 Die Befreiung des Arbeitsmarktes: Neuseelands Wirtschaft im Aufschwung
by Kasper, Wolfgang E. - 772 Fiskalpolitik und Konjunktur
by Boss, Alfred - 771 Zur Politik der US-Federal Energy Regulatory Commission bei der Etablierung eines Common-Carrier-Modells in der Stromübertragung
by Kumkar, Lars - 770 Economic development and industrial concentration: An inverted U-curve
by Junius, Karsten - 769 Finanzhilfen der Bundesländer
by Rosenschon, Astrid - 768 Der Wert von Markennamen in der Konsumgüter-Industrie: Eine Anwendung des hedonischen Preisansatzes auf die Surfboard-Industrie
by Gröhn, Andreas - 767 Zur Reform des deutschen Systems der Alterssicherung
by Glismann, Hans H. & Horn, Ernst-Jürgen - 766 Regulating network-based industries: the case of telecommunications
by Klodt, Henning - 765 Does foreign direct investment contribute to unemployment in home countries? An empirical survey
by Agarwal, Jamuna Prasad - 764 A note on the double dividend hypothesis
by Scholz, Christian M. - 763 Opening up for foreign banks: Why Central and Eastern Europe can benefit
by Buch, Claudia M. - 762 Limits to industrial agglomeration
by Junius, Karsten - 761 Nationale Umweltpolitik im Konflikt mit dem Europäischen Binnenmarkt? Das Beispiel der deutschen Verpackungsgesetzgebung
by Dicke, Hugo & Neu, Axel Dietmar - 760 Markov perfection and cooperation in repeated games
by Stähler, Frank - 759 Bargaining in a long-term relationship and the Rubinstein solution
by Stähler, Frank - 758 Subsidising inequality: Economic reforms, fiscal transfers and convergence across Chinese provinces
by Raiser, Martin - 757 Are there nationalization-privatization cycles? A theoretical survey and first empirical evidence
by Siegmund, Uwe - 756 Structural unemployment in Europe: A bird's-eye view
by Paqué, Karl-Heinz - 755 Enforcement of environmental liability in the case of uncertain causality and asymmetric information
by Bartsch, Elga - 754 The international dimension of sustainability policies
by Klepper, Gernot & Stähler, Frank - 753 Some consequences of globalization for developing countries
by Gundlach, Erich & Nunnenkamp, Peter - 752 The Feldstein-Horioka paradox: A selective survey of the literature
by Lapp, Susanne - 751 Determinants of the expected real long-term interest rates in the G7-countries
by Krämer, Jörg W. - 750 Geldpolitik und Staatsverschuldung - welche Rolle spielt die Unabhängigkeit der Notenbank?
by Solveen, Ralph - 749 Openness and economic growth in developing countries
by Gundlach, Erich - 748 Schnittstellen zwischen Staat und Wirtschaft im System der beruflichen Bildung in Deutschland
by Dicke, Hugo & Glismann, Hans H. - 747 Verhindert die Unabhängigkeit der Zentralbank politische Konjunkturzyklen?
by Solveen, Ralph - 746 MERCOSUR: A new approach to regional integration?
by Foders, Federico - 745 Trade integration between Eastern and Western Europe: Politics follows the market
by Piazolo, Daniel - 744 Die Weltwirtschaft im Umbruch: müssen die Realeinkommen der Arbeitnehmer sinken?
by Siebert, Horst - 743 Netzwerkeffekte in der Software-Industrie: Eine Analyse der empirischen Literatur
by Gröhn, Andreas - 742 Labour markets in Poland and Hungary five years from the start of transition: Evidence from monthly data
by Brauer, Holger & Falk, Martin & Raiser, Martin - 741 Sustainability in closed and open economies
by Klepper, Gernot & Stähler, Frank - 740 Ursachen regionaler Wachstumsunterschiede: wachstumstheoretische Erklärungsansätze
by Bode, Eckhardt - 739 Wettbewerb im Stromsektor der USA II: Re-Regulierung der Einzelhandelsebene im Bundesstaat Kalifornien
by Kumkar, Lars - 738 Wettbewerb im Stromsektor der USA I: Re-Regulierung der Großhandelsebene
by Kumkar, Lars - 737 Regional policy, convergence and subsidiarity in the European Community
by Thomas, Ingo P. - 736 The changing pattern of foreign direct investment in Latin America
by Nunnenkamp, Peter - 735 Agricultural finance in Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC): The case of Poland
by Schrader, Jörg-Volker - 734 Investment specificity, vertical integration and market foreclosure
by Bickenbach, Frank & Williams, Iestyn - 733 Considerations on international rules for competition policy in the case of high-technology products and services
by Horn, Ernst-Jürgen - 732 Interjurisdictional competition and the efficiency of the public sector: The triumph of the market over the state?
by Rauscher, Michael - 731 On the concept of locational competition
by Siebert, Horst - 730 Trade policy and environmental protection
by Siebert, Horst - 729 Layoffs, job search and labour market pooling
by Kopp, Andreas - 728 Stock-dependent uncertainty and optimal resource exploitation
by Stähler, Frank & Michaelis, Peter - 727 Strategische Produktdifferenzierung bei privaten und öffentlich-rechtlichen TV-Anbietern
by Michaelis, Peter - 726 Solow meets market socialism: regional convergence of output per worker in China
by Gundlach, Erich - 725 Ein Modell zur Simulation des deutschen Steuer-Transfer-Systems
by Gern, Klaus-Jürgen - 724 East-West co-operation of small and medium sized enterprises: evidence from the Berlin region
by Sander, Birgit - 723 Making sense of the J-curve: Capital utilisation, output, and total factor productivity in Polish industry 1990-1993
by Falk, Martin & Raiser, Martin & Brauer, Holger - 722 German unification: A progress report
by Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 721 Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in international business: A survey of recent literature
by Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 720 TAFTA: fuelling trade discrimination or global liberalisation?
by Siebert, Horst & Langhammer, Rolf J. & Piazolo, Daniel - 719 Institutionelle Arrangements für die Zuweisung von Opportunitätskosten
by Siebert, Horst - 715 Lohnkostenzuschüsse: Ökonomische Effizienz und gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz
by Klodt, Henning
- 718 Das Einkommensteuer- und Transfersystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
by Gern, Klaus-Jürgen - 717 Öffentliche Finanzen im Dienste der deutschen Einheit: Bestandsaufnahme, Bewertung und wirtschaftspolitische Überlegungen
by Boss, Alfred & Rosenschon, Astrid - 716 The emerging financial systems of the Eastern European economics: A progress report
by Buch, Claudia M. - 714 The case for technology policy: A tentative evaluation
by Paqué, Karl-Heinz - 713 The German model of corporate governance: Basic features, critical issues, and applicability to transition economies
by Nunnenkamp, Peter - 712 Sustainability and international trade in resources
by Klepper, Gernot & Stähler, Frank - 711 Economic and legal aspects of international environmental agreements: The case of enforcing and stabilising an international CO 2 agreement
by Heister, Johannes & Mohr, Ernst & Plesmann, Wolf & Stähler, Frank & Stoll, Peter-Tobias & Wolfram, Rüdiger - 710 Zentralbankpolitik und Zentralbankautonomie: Spielt die Unabhängigkeit eine Rolle?
by Solveen, Ralph - 709 Siemens: a multinational's strategy to investment in the Central-East European transformation countries
by Sander, Birgit - 708 Trade among the Post-Soviet states: evolution and policy issues
by Langhammer, Rolf J. & Lücke, Matthias - 707 Determinants of exports in the G7-countries
by Lapp, Susanne & Scheide, Joachim & Solveen, Ralph - 706 Institutional change in search of the market: The case of Slovenia
by Glismann, Hans H. & Horn, Ernst-Jürgen & Stanovnik, Peter - 705 The impact of regionalism on the multilateral trading order: French tariff bargaining in the Uruguay Round
by Piazolo, Daniel - 704 Foreign direct investment and trade in transition countries: Tracing links – A sequel
by Naujoks, Petra & Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 703 Profits in pure Bertrand oligopolies
by Stähler, Frank - 702 Optimal transfer policies
by Stähler, Frank - 701 How cooperative was the spirit? A note on the Eichengreen-view of Europe after World War II
by Paqué, Karl-Heinz - 700 Gibt es auf lange Sicht eine internationale Konvergenz der Pro-Kopf-Einkommen?
by Paqué, Karl-Heinz - 699 Public sector capital and labour productivity: West German federal states and spatial interdependence
by Kopp, Andreas - 698 OLS-Estimation of conditional and unconditional sigma- and beta-convergence of per capita income: Implications of Solow-Swan and Ramsey-Cass models
by Maurer, Rainer - 697 Trade policy, the price of capital goods and econoomic growth: An empirical test of a Solow-Swan model with capital variety
by Maurer, Rainer - 696 Requirements for successful privatization: Lessons from the Treuhandanstalt's approach
by Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 695 Enterprise adjustment in the economic transformation process: Microeconomic evidence from industrial state enterprises in Northern Vietnam
by Diehl, Markus - 694 Liberating labour: The New Zealand employment contracts act
by Kasper, Wolfgang E. - 693 Political competition, campaign contributions and the monopolisation of industries
by Michaelis, Peter