- 495 Unit root tests of the current account balance: implications for international capital mobility
by Gundlach, Erich & Sinn, Stefan - 494 Cadmium in West Germany: how much do we know about stocks and flows?
by Klepper, Gernot & Michaelis, Peter - 493 Technologischer und gesellschaftlicher Wandel: Theorien im Vergleich
by van Roon, Gerrit - 492 Strategic trade policy and multinational enterprises
by Klodt, Henning - 491 Die Integration Osteuropas in die Weltwirtschaft
by Siebert, Horst - 490 Designing markets for CO 2 emissions and other pollutants
by Heister, Johannes & Michelis, Peter - 489 Structural wage rigidity in West Germany 1950-1989: Some new econometric evidence
by Paqué, Karl-Heinz - 488 Deforestation in the tropics: a framework for economic analysis
by Amelung, Torsten & Wiebelt, Manfred - 487 Ansätze strategischer Handels- und Industriepolitik: Ein Überblick
by Bletschacher, Georg - 486 Complex dynamics in fashion life cycles
by Hofman, Bert & Rauscher, Michael - 485 Political economy of privatisation: Poland in comparative perspective
by Winiecki, Jan - 484 Fisherian and Ricardian trade
by Sinn, Stefan - 483 Defence and space expenditures in the US: An inter-firm analysis
by Chakrabarti, Alok K. & Glismann, Hans H. & Horn, Ernst-Jürgen - 482 Zum staatlichen Ausgabe- und Einnahmesystem in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Privatisierung und steuerpolitischer Wettbewerb geboten
by Rosenschon, Astrid - 481 Lending stability to Europe's emerging market economies: On the importance of the EC and the ECU for East-Central Europe
by Schmieding, Holger - 480 From socialism to an institutional void: Notes on the nature of the transformation crisis
by Schmieding, Holger - 479 A model of the socialist firm in transition to a market economy
by Long, Ngo Van & Siebert, Horst - 478 Neuere Entwicklung der Außenhandelstheorie
by Siebert, Horst & Rauscher, Michael - 477 Comparative advantage and prospective structural adjustment in Eastern Europe
by Klodt, Henning - 476 Debt-for-nature swaps als Instrument zum Umweltschutz und zur Entschuldung der Dritten Welt: Zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe?
by Amelung, Torsten - 475 On the causality between output, money and the terms of trade in Germany
by Scheide, Joachim - 474 Peruvian agriculture: recent history, present performance and the effects of agricultural and general economic policies
by Thiele, Rainer - 473 Efficient real exchange rate adjustment in developing countries: alternative devaluation strategies, economic structure, and sequencing of reforms
by Schweickert, Rainer - 472 Privatisation debates in Poland before and after communist demise: A comparative perspective
by Winiecki, Jan - 471 Marktwirtschaft in der Sowjetunion: Stand nach sechs Perestroika-Jahren
by Korovkin, Vladimir Ju. - 470 Ein einfaches Modell des Strukturwandels
by Gundlach, Erich - 469 The transformation of a socialist economy: lessons of German unification
by Siebert, Horst & Schmieding, Holger & Nunnenkamp, Peter - 468a German unification: the economics of transition
by Siebert, Horst - 468 German unification: the economics of transition
by Siebert, Horst - 467 Die Finanzbeziehungen zwischen Bund, Ländern, Sondervermögen des Bundes, Treuhandanstalt und Unternehmen: Vereinbarungen im Staatsvertrag und im Einigungsvertrag und ihre finanziellen Konsequenzen
by Boss, Alfred - 466 Asian-Pacific leadership: Implications for foreign economic policy of Japan and the US
by Hiemenz, Ulrich - 465 Endogene Produktionssubventionen in einem internationalen Duopol
by Bletschacher, Georg - 464 Trade in services between Brazil and the European community: empirical trends and preliminary hypotheses on determinants
by Langhammer, Rolf J. - 463 Aufbereitung von Zeitreihen für einen Online-Host: Subventionen, komparative Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, Verdienst und Beschäftigungsstruktur in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
by Salden, Manfred & Rosenschon, Astrid & Heitger, Bernhard & Gundlach, Erich - 462 The economic integration of post-wall Germany
by Collier, Irwin L. & Siebert, Horst - 461 Die ostdeutsche Wirtschaftskrise: Ursachen und Lösungsstrategien. Anmerkungen im Lichte der westdeutschen Erfahrungen von 1948 und des polnischen Beispiels von 1990
by Schmieding, Holger - 460 The future of Asia-Pacific economies: A view from Europe
by Hiemenz, Ulrich - 459 Zur Schaffung institutioneller Voraussetzungen für eine Intensivierung des Wirtschaftsaustausches zwischen der EG und den Staaten des RGW
by Krämer, Hans R. - 458 Measuring international capital mobility: A critical assessment of the use of saving and investment correlations
by Sinn, Stefan - 457 The profile of agricultural protection in Zimbabwe
by Rukovo, Andrew & Takavarasha, Tobias & Thiele, Rainer & Wiebelt, Manfred
- 456 Effiziente Klimapolitik im Mehrschadstoffall
by Michaelis, Peter - 455 Magnitude and structure of agricultural price protection in Malaysia
by Rahman, Abdul Aziz Abdul - 454 EC agricultural trade policies towards developing countries
by Schrader, Jörg-Volker - 453 The institutional framework and external dimension of the EC internal market
by Dicke, Hugo & Langhammer, Rolf J. - 452 International environmental negotiations and non-exclusive domestic property rights
by Mohr, Ernst - 451 On the determinants of credit allocation in developing countries: Empirical evidence for Brazil and Peru
by Diehl, Markus - 450 Government support for restructuring the East German economy
by Klodt, Henning - 449 The cocoa industry in Malaysia
by Rahman, Abdul Aziz Abdul - 448 Structure and determinants of price protection in the rice sector
by Thiele, Rainer - 447 Burn the forest!: A bargaining theoretic analysis of a seemingly perverse proposal to protect the rainforest
by Mohr, Ernst - 446 Währungspolitik in den asiatischen NICs: Von der Dollar-Kopplung zum Yen-Block?
by Fels, Joachim - 445 Prinzipien des deutschen Wirtschaftssystems
by Siebert, Horst - 444 Flexible exchange rates and insulation: A reexamination
by Fels, Joachim - 443 Das militärische Beschaffungswesen in den Vereinigten Staaten
by Schrader, Klaus - 442 Wahlen, Parteien und Parteiprogramme in Deutschland seit 1871: Zum Wertewandel seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts
by Glismann, Hans H. & Rodemer, Horst - 441 The shifting of protection in developing countries: a comparative analysis for Zimbabwe, Malaysia and Peru
by Wiebelt, Manfred - 440 Institutional competition: a concept for Europe?
by Siebert, Horst & Koop, Michael J. - 439 Mehr regionalpolitische Kompetenzen für die EG im europäischen Binnenmarkt?
by Lammers, Konrad - 438 Optimal growth under stochastic resource supply
by Behrens, Axel - 437 Optimal stockpiling policies for resource-dependent economies
by Behrens, Axel - 436 Die Expansion des Wohlfahrtsstaates in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
by Rosenschon, Astrid - 435 Wege aus der Verschuldungskrise
by Siebert, Horst - 434 Helgolands Wirtschaft am Scheideweg
by Foders, Federico - 433 The taming of Leviathan: Competition among governments
by Sinn, Stefan - 432 Debt overhang, liquidity constraints and adjustment incentives
by Hofman, Bert & Reisen, Helmut - 431 Restructuring industry in the GDR
by Siebert, Horst & Schmieding, Holger - 430 Ausgaben- und Preiselastizitäten der Dienstleistungsnachfrage: Zeitreihen- und Querschnittsergebnisse für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
by Gundlach, Erich - 429 Umweltpolitik in der europäischen Gemeinschaft: Zentralisierung oder Dezentralisierung?
by Siebert, Horst - 428 Die Systeme der öffentlichen Finanzen in Ländern mit unterschiedlichen Wirtschaftsordnungen: Bundesrepublik Deutschland, DDR und Jugoslawien
by Boss, Alfred & Petrovic, Milenko - 427 The net external asset position and economic growth: some simple correlations for 116 countries
by Scheide, Joachim - 426 Kapitaleinkommensbesteuerung und internationale Kapitalbewegungen
by Boss, Alfred - 425 Volkswirtschaftliche Bewertung der Nutzung von Energiepflanzen
by Schrader, Jörg-Volker - 424 Zur abfallwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung im produzierenden Gewerbe der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
by Michaelis, Peter - 423 Explaining regionalization of trade in Asia Pacific: A transaction cost approach
by Amelung, Torsten - 422 U.S. trade policy and the global trading system: a view from Europe
by Siebert, Horst & Weiss, Frank Dietmar - 421 Elasticities and trade imbalances: The significance of the Marshall/Lerner condition
by Pitchford, John David - 420 Towards regional entities in Asia-Pacific: the catalytic role of Japanese foreign investment in service industries
by Langhammer, Rolf J. - 419 Some preliminary findings on the sectoral incidence of protection in Zimbabwe
by Wiebelt, Manfred - 418 Monetary overhang and the dynamics of prices, exchange rates, and income in the transition to a market economy
by Hofman, Bert & Koop, Michael J. - 417 Crises within communism and temporary aid
by Mohr, Ernst - 416 On the determinants of capital costs in Brazil's manufacturing industries
by Dezséri, Kálmán - 415 The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings act: More revisions?
by Kauffmann, Barbara - 414 On the measurement of agricultural protection: how price uncertainty and limited substitution matter
by Herrmann, Roland & Schenck, Patricia & Wiebelt, Manfred - 413 Währungsunion und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der DDR-Industrie
by Schmieding, Holger - 412 Determinanten internationaler Direktinvestitionen: eine kritische Analyse traditioneller Theorieansätze
by Stehn, Jürgen - 411 Foreign direct investment and the risk of expropriation
by Thomas, Jonathan P. & Worrall, Tim - 410 Wirtschaftsreform, Schuldenerlass und Souveränitätsrisiko: zum Problem fehlender Investitionsanreize
by Nunnenkamp, Peter & Stüven, Volker - 409 Economic regions in Asia Pacific: An exercise in regional delimitation
by Amelung, Torsten - 408 Courts of appeal, bureaucracies and conditional project permits: The role of negotiating non-exclusive property rights over the environment
by Mohr, Ernst - 407 Unemployment in West Germany: A survey of explanations and policy options
by Paqué, Karl-Heinz - 406 Mehr Arbeitsplätze durch weniger Regulierung: Britische Erfahrungen mit einer anderen Arbeitsmarktpolitik
by Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 405 Real exchange rates and economic growth in developing countries: Is devaluation contractionary?
by Nunnenkamp, Peter & Schweickert, Rainer - 400 More evidence on the puzzle of interindustry wage differentials: the case of West Germany
by Fels, Joachim & Gundlach, Erich
- 404 Wirtschaftshilfen an die DDR: die handelspolitische Alternative
by Stehn, Jürgen - 403 A Marshall Plan for Middle and Eastern Europe?
by Kostrzewa, Wojciech Julian & Nunnenkamp, Peter & Schmieding, Holger - 402 Capital income taxation in the Federal Republic of Germany: What is wrong? What can be done?
by Boss, Alfred - 401 TSPLOT: Programm zur geographischen Darstellung von Zeitreihen
by Ente, Werner & Kiesner, Christine - 399 Industrial policy in the transport aircraft industry
by Klepper, Gernot - 398 Principles of the economic system in the Federal Republic: an economist's view
by Siebert, Horst - 397 The EFTA option for Eastern Europe: Towards an economic reunification of the divided continent
by Kostrzewa, Wojciech Julian & Schmieding, Holger - 396 Institutional competition versus ex-ante harmonization: the case of environmental policy
by Long, Ngo Van & Siebert, Horst - 395 Optimal resource extraction under stochastic terms of trade
by Behrens, Axel - 394 How non-agricultural import protection taxes agricultural exports: a true protection: analysis for Peru and Malaysia
by Herrmann, Roland & Sulaiman, Nasarudin & Wiebelt, Manfred - 393 LDCs move into human capital intensive industries: The case of Brazil's nonelectrical machinery sector
by Wogart, Jan Peter - 392 Europäische Integration: welcher Spielraum bleibt für die nationale Industriepolitik?
by Klodt, Henning - 391 Singapurs rezession 1985: Resultat eines lohnpolitischen Experiments?
by Suhr, Wolfgang - 390 Economic models of policy-making in interdependent economies: An alternative view on competition among policies
by Sinn, Stefan - 389 Recent trade policy in Brazil
by Guimarães, Edson P. - 388 Debt cycles with endogenous interest rate
by Long, Ngo Van & Siebert, Horst - 387 EC 1992: Strategic and policy issues for the 1990s:with special reference to developing countries and Yugoslavia
by Glismann, Hans H. - 386 Determinanten differierender Internationalisierungsstrategien: Ansätze einer umfassenden Theorie internationaler Direktinvestitionen in Industrieländern
by Stehn, Jürgen - 385 The European single market - opportunity or fortress?
by Trapp, Peter - 384 The political economy of the international debt crisis
by Long, Ngo Van - 383 Lehren aus der Arbeitslosigkeit: Das Vereinigte Königreich und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Vergleich
by Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 382 Determinants and structural development of FDI in Pacific-Rim developing countries
by Agarwal, Jamuna Prasad - 381 Einzelwirtschaftliche Wirkungen von Rüstungs- und Raumfahrtausgaben in den Vereinigten Staaten: eine Literaturanalyse
by Schrader, Klaus - 380 How does industrial protection affect the agricultural sector? A quantitative general equilibrium analysis for Peninsular Malaysia
by Wiebelt, Manfred - 379 Capital drain, debt relief, and creditworthiness of developing countries
by Nunnenkamp, Peter - 378 Micro-macro links in West Germany's unemployment
by Paqué, Karl-Heinz - 377 The harmonization issue in Europe: prior agreement or a competitive process?
by Siebert, Horst - 376 International capital transfers with public guarantees: A principal-agent analysis
by Stüven, Volker - 375 Entry into the market for large transport aircraft
by Klepper, Gernot - 374 Wirkungen nationaler Agrarpolitiken auf den Agrarhandel der Entwicklungsländer und Möglichkeiten der Handelsliberalisierung
by Herrmann, Roland - 373 ACP exports and EC trade preferences revisited
by Amelung, Torsten & Langhammer, Rolf J. - 372 Trade balances and capital mobility
by Siebert, Horst - 371 EG-Agrar- und Regionalpolitik: Konsistente Interventionen oder kumulative Inkonsistenzen?
by Schrader, Jörg-Volker - 370 Between Perestroika and Internal Market 1992: A new role for EFTA
by Schmieding, Holger - 369 Auswirkungen der EG-Binnenmarkt-Integration auf den Außenhandel der Entwicklungsländer
by Langhammer, Rolf J. - 368 The structure of external financing in Malaysia: the policy framework for foreign direct investment and debt inflows
by Nunnenkamp, Peter - 367 Savings behavior of private households in the United States and West Germany
by Kauffmann, Barbara - 366 Gesamtwirtschaftliche Wirkungen von Rüstungs- und Raumfahrtausgaben in den Vereinigten Staaten: eine Literaturanalyse
by Schrader, Klaus - 365 Europe '92: Environmental policy in an integrated market
by Siebert, Horst - 364 Das Programm zur Vollendung des Binnenmarktes: Versuch einer Zwischenbilanz
by Dicke, Hugo - 363 Zu den Einflußfaktoren am deutschen Aktienmarkt bei festen und flexiblen Wechselkursen
by Schlote, Klaus Wilhelm - 362 Konjunkturzusammenhang und Politikautonomie bei flexiblen Wechselkursen: Die Erfahrungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit 1973
by Fels, Joachim - 361 Internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von immobilen Faktoren im Standortwettbewerb
by Sinn, Stefan - 360 Die EG auf dem Weg zum Binnenmarkt? Erwartungen, Konsequenzen, Probleme
by Donges, Juergen B. - 359 Zwischen Euphorie und Ernüchterung - die wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu den europäischen RGW-Staaten 1970-1988
by Kostrzewa, Wojciech Julian - 358 Wage gaps, hysteresis and structural unemployment: The West German labour market in the seventies and eighties
by Paqué, Karl-Heinz - 357 Is structural unemployment a negligible problem? A critical note on the use of mismatch indices
by Paqué, Karl-Heinz - 356 On real and monetary explanations of business cycles in West Germany
by Scheide, Joachim - 355 Ist das Freihandelspostulat noch zeitgemäß?
by Donges, Juergen B. - 354 Bank lending to developing countries in the 1980s: an empirical test of major hypotheses on voluntary and involuntary lending
by Nunnenkamp, Peter - 352 Government regulations, external financing, and economic performance: the case of Korea
by Schweickert, Rainer - 351 Technologietransfer und internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
by Klodt, Henning - 350 Liability issues in pollution control
by Siebert, Horst - 349 Güterwirtschaftliche Anpassungsprozesse zur Lösung der Verschuldungsfrage
by Siebert, Horst - 348 Optimal foreign borrowing: the impact of the planning horizon on the half and full debt cycle
by Long, Ngo Van & Siebert, Horst - 347 The half and the full debt cycle
by Siebert, Horst - 346 Perspektiven zur Vollendung des europäischen Binnenmarktes
by Siebert, Horst
- 353 Rechtsprobleme des öffentlichen Auftragswesens im EG-Binnenmarkt
by Krämer, Hans R. - 345 Government regulations, external financing and economic performance: The case of Mexico
by Corsepius, Uwe - 344 Selective and unspecific expropriation of foreign direct investments: Empirical evidence and implications for the debt crisis
by Picht, Hartmut & Stüven, Volker - 343 Openness and prosperity
by Giersch, Herbert - 342 How does economic development and import dependency affect agricultural price protection? A pooled cross-country and time-series analysis for the wheat sector
by Herrmann, Roland - 341 Incentive effects of self-enforcing contracts in international lending
by Stüven, Volker - 340 Konjunkturschwankungen in den asiatischen NICs und in ausgewählten Industrieländern: Synchronisation oder Divergenz?
by Fels, Joachim - 339 Wirtschaftspolitische Rahmenbedingungen und ausländische Direktinvestitionen in der VR China
by Li, Bo - 338 Is money supply targeting obsolete?
by Langfeldt, Enno & Scheide, Joachim & Trapp, Peter - 337 A k-percent rule for monetary policy in West Germany
by Scheide, Joachim - 336 Government regulations, external financing, and economic performance: The case of Chile
by Corsepius, Uwe - 335 Zur gesamtwirtschaftlichen Effizienz ausländischer Direktinvestitionen in den Küstenregionen der VR China
by Hiemenz, Ulrich & Li, Bo - 334 The dynamics of trade diversion: Observations on West Germany's integration into the Little European Common Market 1958-1972
by Schmieding, Holger - 333 Lohnzurückhaltung und gewerkschaftliche Vernunft: Die Politische Ökonomie des Arbeitsmarktes in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland der 60er Jahre
by Göbel, Heike - 332 The mixed blessing of labour shortage: German overemployment in the 1960's
by Paqué, Karl-Heinz - 331 Experiences in macroeconomic forecasting in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1976-1987
by Langfeldt, Enno & Trapp, Peter - 330 The political economy of import substitution and subsequent trade liberalization: The case of Turkey
by Amelung, Torsten - 329 Ernährungssicherung im südlichen Afrika: Der Einfluß der Südafrikanischen Zollunion
by Herrmann, Roland - 328 Debt-equity swaps: Panacea or the emperor's new clothes?
by Huss, Hans-Joachim - 327 Growth, growth fluctuations, and the stages of technological advance
by Glismann, Hans H. & Horn, Ernst-Jürgen - 326 Subsidization of the shipbuilding industry in the Federal Republic of Germany
by Lammers, Konrad - 325 Die Rolle ökonomischer Verhaltensweisen für Timing und Sequencing handelspolitischer Liberalisierungsprogramme
by Sell, Friedrich L. - 324 Kritische Anmerkungen zum Ost-West-Handel
by Donges, Juergen B. - 323 Tapping Brazil's labour potential: Trends and insights
by Spinanger, Dean - 322 Industrial policy and repressed structural change in West Germany
by Klodt, Henning - 321 The impact of steel protection in industrialized countries on Brazil's export capacity
by Amelung, Torsten - 320 1966/67 - Anatomie einer Rezession
by Fels, Joachim - 319 Common agricultural policy in dissarray: How to get out of the deadlock?
by Schrader, Jörg-Volker - 318 International arms trade: Revealed political preferences or cartel behaviour?
by Glismann, Hans H. & Horn, Ernst-Jürgen - 317 Interest rate reform and private investment behaviour in developing countries: Evidence from Peru
by Corsepius, Uwe - 316 The Dutch Disease: Erscheinungsbilder und Therapievorschläge für eine verbreitete ökonomische Krankheit
by Sell, Friedrich L. - 315 Institutions and structural change in the European community
by Hiemenz, Ulrich & Langhammer, Rolf J. - 314 Möglichkeiten der Deregulierung des Schienenverkehrs der Deutschen Bundesbahn: die Option des Wettbewerbs im Schienennetz
by Laaser, Claus-Friedrich - 313 Debt repudiation by developing countries in the 1980s: a cross-country analysis of major determinants
by Nunnenkamp, Peter & Picht, Hartmut - 312 True exposure: The analytics of trade liberalization in a general equilibrium framework
by Sell, Friedrich L. - 311 Die Einkommensteuertarife 1965, 1986 und 1990: Wo liegen die Unterschiede?
by Boss, Alfred & Ente, Werner - 308 The experience with liberalization of trade and foreign direct investment in services
by Klodt, Henning - 305 The fundamental issues in the controversy of the policy paradigms: Policies, theories, and underpinnings
by Perlman, Mark
- 310 Rechtliche Aspekte und Probleme der Vollendung des EG-Binnenmarktes
by Krämer, Hans R. - 309 Andenintegration im Wandel: Chancen und Risiken einer Wiederbelebung des Andenpakts
by Foders, Federico - 307 Domestic resource mobilization in Thailand
by Corsepius, Uwe & Fischer, Bernard - 306 How strong is the case for international coordination?
by Scheide, Joachim & Sinn, Stefan - 304 Trade protectionism and international monetary order: Recalling the relevance of past experience
by Donges, Juergen B. - 303 Resisting orthodoxy in a highly distorted economy: economic policy in Peru
by Foders, Federico - 302 Does trade performance say anything about efficient industrialization policies? Some evidence from Pacific Rim Countries
by Spinanger, Dean - 301 Kostendämpfung im Gesundheitswesen - aber wie?
by Boss, Alfred - 300 Recent policies for financial market integration in Indonesia
by Sell, Friedrich L. - 299 Manufactured export performance of Brazil in the ALADI market: Preferential entry and comparative status
by Herken-Krauer, Juan-Carlos