- 692 Konzepte einer grenzüberschreitenden und international koordinierten Wettbewerbspolitik
by Immenga, Ulrich - 691 Gewinnmaximierung und Kooperation: Eine ordnungsethische Reflexion
by Homann, Karl - 690 Environmental liability, imperfect information and multidimensional pollution control
by Bartsch, Elga - 689 Decentralisation, autonomy and efficiency: Inconsistent reforms and enterprise performance in China
by Raiser, Martin - 688 Zur Reform des Postwesens in Deutschland
by Dicke, Hugo & Glismann, Hans H. & Horn, Ernst-Jürgen - 687 Ordnungs- und wettbewerbspolitische Herausforderungen durch die Globalisierung der Finanzmärkte
by Horn, Ernst-Jürgen - 686 The diffusion of innovations in the world textile industry: does a country's level of economic development matter?
by Lücke, Matthias - 685 Protectionists, environmentalists, and the formation of environmental policy in an open economy
by Rauscher, Michael - 684 The envisaged accession of Poland to the EC and its implications for the common agricultural policy of the EC
by Dicke, Hugo - 683 Sustainability and intergenerational transfers
by Klepper, Gernot - 682 Konvergenz und Divergenz in der Europäischen Union: Theoretischer Überblick, empirische Evidenz und wirtschaftspolitische Implikationen
by Thomas, Ingo P. - 681 Prosperity for all? Real adjustment in the MFA complex after Marrakech
by Spinanger, Dean - 680 Perspektiven der sozialen Marktwirtschaft - mehr Effizienz durch eine föderative Arbeitsteilung
by Laaser, Claus-Friedrich & Stehn, Jürgen - 679 Bank behavior and bad loans: Implications for reforms in Eastern Europe
by Buch, Claudia M. - 678 The impact of accession to GATT on trade-related policies of CIS countries: the case of Belarus
by Lücke, Matthias - 677 Is economic growth a random walk?
by Maurer, Rainer - 676 Monetary policy and the transformation of the banking system in Eastern Europe
by Buch, Claudia M. - 675 The technological specialization of Europe in the 1990s
by Foders, Federico - 674 Der Beitrag des Naturgases zur globalen Energieversorgung seit 1950: Rückblick und Ausblick
by Neu, Axel Dietmar - 673 Schätzung von Geldnachfragefunktionen: Zinsgewichtete versus gewöhnliche Geldmengen
by Krämer, Jörg W. - 672 Industrial reforms in China: State-owned enterprises between output growth and profitability decline
by Raiser, Martin - 671 Möglichkeiten und Grenzen marktwirtschaftlicher Verfahren zur Vergabe von Start-, Landerechten auf Flughäfen: Vorschlag für ein zweitbestes Auktionsverfahren
by Wolf, Hartmut - 670 Currency reforms in the Former Soviet Union (FSU): on the importance of macroeconomic constraints
by Schweickert, Rainer - 669 Die öffentliche Verschuldung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Ausmaß und Belastungswirkung
by Boss, Alfred & Lorz, Jens Oliver - 668 Motives of large multinationals investing in small transition countries: A literature review
by Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 667 Foreign direct investment and trade in transition countries: Tracing links
by Naujoks, Petra & Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 659 [rev.] The role of human capital in economic growth: New results and alternative interpretations
by Gundlach, Erich
- 666 Wirtschaftsreformen in Afrika: Getragen von der Gunst der Geber?
by Langhammer, Rolf J. - 665 State enterprise reform and macro-economic stability in transition economies
by Perkins, Frances C. - 664 Grundlagen der Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik
by Klodt, Henning - 663 Determinanten des Bevölkerungswachstums in Entwicklungsländern
by Kopp, Andreas - 662 International factor movements and trade: The basic issues
by Kopp, Andreas - 661 Wirtschaftliche und politische Standortbedingungen für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen in Deutschland
by Dicke, Hugo - 660 International trade and economic growth: A survey of empirical studies
by Maurer, Rainer - 659 The role of human capital in economic growth: New results and alternative interpretations
by Gundlach, Erich - 658 Die Krise des deutschen Systems sozialer Sicherung: I. Die staatliche Alterssicherung
by Glismann, Hans H. & Horn, Ernst-Jürgen - 657 Lassen sich zinsgewichtete Geldmengen besser steuern als gewöhnliche Geldmengen?
by Krämer, Jörg W. - 656 Zinsgewichtete Geldmengenaggregate und wirtschaftliche Aktivität
by Krämer, Jörg W. - 655 Unemployment and the crisis of the German model: A long-term interpretation
by Paqué, Karl-Heinz - 654 Comparative advantage for research and development across industries in OECD countries
by Stolpe, Michael - 653 Profiting from protection in an open economy: Hong Kong's supply response to EU's MFA restrictions
by Spinanger, Dean - 652 Alternative Verfahren der Slotallokation auf hochbelasteten Flughäfen
by Wolf, Hartmut - 651 Germany's textile complex under the MFA: Making it under protection and going international
by Spinanger, Dean & Piatti, Laura - 650 The European Union in the era of globalisation: Competitive challenges, structural unemployment, and policy responses
by Gundlach, Erich & Nunnenkamp, Peter - 649 The scope for competition among regional governments in the Russian Federation
by Lücke, Matthias - 648 Sozialtransfer und Arbeitsangebot
by Siebert, Horst & Stähler, Frank - 647 Some reflections on multilateral environmental agreements
by Stähler, Frank - 646 The world trading system: Recent trends
by Funke, Norbert - 645 The stability of narrow money demand in Germany and aggregate money demand in the EMS: Impact of German reunification
by Falk, Martin & Funke, Norbert - 644 Globale Umweltpolitik und joint implementation: Eine ökonomische Analyse für die Volksrepublik China
by Heister, Johannes & Stähler, Frank - 643 Explizite und implizite Besteuerung geringer Arbeitseinkommen: Aspekte der Armutsfalle in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
by Boss, Alfred - 642 Dealing with bad debt: Lessons from Eastern Europe
by Buch, Claudia M. - 641 Skoda automobilová, Mladá Boleslav: a Czech-German joint venture in the automotive industry
by Sander, Birgit - 640 Impact of Europe Agreements on FDI in developing countries
by Agarwal, Jamuna Prasad - 639 Environmental regulation and the location of polluting industries
by Rauscher, Michael - 638 Protecting Brazil's tropical forest: a CGE analysis of macroeconomic, sectoral, and regional policies
by Wiebelt, Manfred - 637 Technology and empirical dynamics of specialization in open economies
by Stolpe, Michael - 636 Eine Theorie des interregionalen Finanzausgleichs: Zum Verhältnis von Effizienz, Konvergenz und interregionaler Umverteilung
by Thomas, Ingo P. - 635 Zinsgewichtete Geldmengenaggregate und Preisniveau
by Krämer, Jörg W. - 634 Binnenmarkt und Binnenmarktpolitik nach 1992
by Dicke, Hugo - 633 Foreign direct investment in Central and East European countries: State of affairs, prospects and policy implications
by Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 632 Treuhandanstalt and investment acquisitions: How to ensure that contracts are kept?
by Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 631 Outward processing in Central and East European transition countries: Issues and results from German statistics
by Naujoks, Petra & Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 630 Lessons for whom, from whom? The transition from socialism in China and Central Eastern Europe compared
by Raiser, Martin - 629 Öffentliche Finanzen: Stand, mittelfristige Perspektiven und wirtschaftliche Ansatzpunkte
by Boss, Alfred - 628 Trade implications of environmental taxes
by Klepper, Gernot - 627 Speculative pressure in the EMS: the role of capacity-related exchange-rate expectations
by Lehment, Harmen - 626 Regulate us, please!: On strategic lobbying in Cournot-nash oligopoly
by Michaelis, Peter - 625 Designing new trade policies for the CIS states: legacies, barriers and prerequisites
by Langhammer, Rolf J. - 624 Institutional barriers to market transactions in and between CIS countries
by Naishul, Vitalij A. - 623 Regional integration: A worthwhile strategy for catching up?
by Schweickert, Rainer - 622 Vocational training in Germany
by Dicke, Hugo & Glismann, Hans H. & Siemßen, Sönke J. - 621 Conserving tropical rain forests in Indonesia: a CGE analysis of alternative policies
by Thiele, Rainer - 620 Theorie und empirische Bestimmung zinsgewichteter Geldmengenaggregate
by Krämer, Jörg W. - 619 Wirtschaftsbeziehungen Rußlands zu den übrigen Staaten der ehemaligen Sowjetunion
by Korovkin, Vladimir Ju. - 618 Price search, bargaining and agglomeration
by Kopp, Andreas - 617 Subventionen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
by Rosenschon, Astrid - 616 Insolvency costs and incomplete information in commercial banks: Implications for financial reform in Eastern Europe
by Buch, Claudia M. - 615 Die Zinsstruktur als Frühindikator für Konjunktur und Preisentwicklung in Deutschland
by Langfeldt, Enno - 614 Macroeconomic reforms in the Southern cone: lessons for developing and newly emerging market economies
by Schweickert, Rainer - 613 Turnover taxation in the EC: options for future reforms
by Stehn, Jürgen - 612 Das ethische Fundament der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft
by Bickenbach, Frank & Soltwedel, Rüdiger - 611 Der Beitrag des Mineralöls zur globalen Energieversorgung seit 1950: Rückblick und Ausblick
by Neu, Axel Dietmar - 597 Real adjustment in the economic transformation process: The industrial sector of Vietnam 1986-1992
by Diehl, Markus
- 610 The effects of trade liberalization with spatial markets
by Kopp, Andreas - 609 Spatial competition and equilibrium in a circular market
by Kopp, Andreas - 608 Der Wettbewerb um international mobiles Kapital: Auswirkungen auf die nationale Finanzpolitik und die intertemporale Kapitalallokation
by Lorz, Jens Oliver - 607 Western enterprises on eastern markets: The German perspective
by Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter & Naujoks, Petra - 606 The experience of developing countries with macroeconomic stabilisation and structural adjustment
by Hiemenz, Ulrich & Funke, Norbert - 605 Public policies and deforestation in Indonesia
by Thiele, Rainer - 604 Stabilising the global greenhouse: A simulation model
by Michaelis, Peter - 603 Wirtschaftliche Grundlagen des Regionalismus in der Russischen Föderation
by Lücke, Matthias - 602 Sustainable development and international distribution: Theory and application to rainforests as carbon sinks
by Mohr, Ernst - 601 Output decline and recovery in Central Europe: the role of incentives before, during and after privatisation
by Raiser, Martin & Nunnenkamp, Peter - 600 On the economics of international environmental agreements
by Stähler, Frank - 599 Microeconomic adjustment in Hungary: Results from a survey of enterprises
by Heinrich, Ralph P. - 598 Allokationseffizienz, Interregionaler Finanzausgleich und Föderalismus bei hoher Arbeitsmobilität: Eine theoretische Analyse
by Thomas, Ingo P. - 596 Structural change in urban growth
by Klodt, Henning - 595 Empirische allgemeine Gleichgewichts-Modelle: Struktur und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
by Klepper, Gernot & Lorz, Jens Oliver & Stähler, Frank & Thiele, Rainer & Wiebelt, Manfred - 594 Demand bias as an explanation for structural change
by Gundlach, Erich - 593 Indikatoren für die konjunkturellen Wirkungen der Geldpolitik: Evidenz aus sechs großen Industrieländern
by Döpke, Jörg & Gern, Klaus-Jürgen - 592 Governing the transition to a market economy
by Raiser, Martin - 591 Alternative Ansätze zur Schätzung des gesamtwirtschaftlichen Produktionspotentials
by Döpke, Jörg - 590 Korean unification: Issues in transition and economic union
by Lee, Chung Hoon - 589 Wissenstransfer, Marktexpansion und Außenhandel: Einige Implikationen der Neuen Wachstumstheorie
by Maurer, Rainer - 588 How clean was the slate? Some notes on the Olsonian view of the postwar German economic miracle
by Paqué, Karl-Heinz - 587 On the quality of quality measures in international trade
by Menzler-Hokkanen, Ingeborg & Spinanger, Dean - 586 The European single market: bad news for developing countries?
by Gundlach, Erich - 585 The disintegration of the ruble zone: Driving forces and proposals for policy change
by Orlowski, Lucjan T. - 584 Strukturwandel unter dem Aspekt der Handelbarkeit von Gütern: Der Fall der ostdeutschen Industrie
by Naujoks, Petra - 583 Migration: the economic calculus of immigrant countries
by Dicke, Hugo & Glismann, Hans H. - 582 Geldmenge, Einkommen und Preisniveau: wie stabil ist der Zusammenhang nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung?
by Scheide, Joachim - 581 The no-exit economy: Soft budget constraints and the causes of success or failure of economic reforms in developing countries
by Raiser, Martin - 580 On international compensations for environmental stocks
by Stähler, Frank - 579 Who will win the ozone game? On building and sustaining cooperation in the Montreal protocoll on substances that deplete the ozone layer
by Heister, Johannes - 578 Stabilization without crisis: The case of Vietnam
by Diehl, Markus - 577 On the empirics of capital accumulation and economic growth
by Gundlach, Erich - 576 De-industrialization or re-industrialization? On the future of the Eastern German economy
by Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter & Naujoks, Petra - 575 Energy and transition: the case of Bulgaria
by Foders, Federico - 574 The return of foreign capital to Latin America: good news from the reform front or a case for policy intervention?
by Nunnenkamp, Peter - 573 Privatisierung staatlichen Eigentums in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern: Eine kritische Analyse
by Glismann, Hans H. & Schrader, Klaus - 572 East-West-wage rigidity in united Germany: Causes and consequences
by Paqué, Karl-Heinz - 571 Internationale Wanderungsbewegungen: Erklärungsansätze und Gestaltungsfragen
by Siebert, Horst - 570 National and international policies for tropical rain forest conservation: a quantitative analysis for Cameroon
by Thiele, Rainer & Wiebelt, Manfred - 569 The characteristics of international trade union competition
by Lorz, Jens Oliver - 568 Pooling sovereignty risks: The case of environmental treaties and international debt
by Mohr, Ernst & Thomas, Jonathan P. - 567 Lessons from exchange rate based stabilization in Argentina
by Schweickert, Rainer - 566 Past and current policy issues concerning tropical deforestation in Brazil
by Serôa da Motta, Ronaldo - 565 The user structure in Brazil's tropical rain forest
by May, Peter Herman & Reis, Eustáquio J. - 564 Spieltheoretische Ansätze in der Rent-Seeking-Theorie: Ein Literaturüberblick
by Bartsch, Elga & Thomas, Ingo P. - 563 The role of nonrivalries in the new growth theory
by Maurer, Rainer - 562 Environmental legislation and the impact of lobbying activities
by Bartsch, Elga & Thomas, Ingo P. & Rauscher, Michael - 561 Preisniveaustabilität: Geldmengen auch für unabhängige Notenbanken
by Scheide, Joachim - 560 An institutional approach to banking reform in Eastern Europe
by Buch, Claudia M. - 559 Managing waste exports when closure risks are endogenous
by Stähler, Frank & Michaelis, Peter - 558 Biased policy decisions and the provision of public inputs in open economies
by Rauscher, Michael - 557 Systemtransformation in Vietnam: Liberalisierungserfolge - Stabilisierungsprobleme
by Diehl, Markus - 556 Indirect transfers in trade among former Soviet Union Republics: Sources, patterns and policy responses in the post-Soviet period
by Orlowski, Lucjan T. - 555 Modeling deforestation in a computable general equilibrium model
by Thiele, Rainer & Wiebelt, Manfred - 554 Polish agriculture and food processing industry: Facts and prospects
by Dicke, Hugo & Misala, Józef - 553 Maastricht und das Subsidiaritätsprinzip
by Stehn, Jürgen - 552 Timing and sequencing of reforms: Competing views
by Funke, Norbert - 548 Institutional competition versus centralization: Quo vadis Europe?
by Siebert, Horst & Koop, Michael J.
- 551 Identifying sources of unit value dynamics in international trade
by Menzler-Hokkanen, Ingeborg & Spinanger, Dean & Langhammer, Rolf J. - 550 Foreign investors' activities in Eastern Germany motivations and strategies
by Sander, Birgit - 549 Soft budget constraints: An institutional interpretation of stylised facts in economic transformation in Central Eastern Europe
by Raiser, Martin - 547 Sparpotentiale im Bundeshaushalt
by Rosenschon, Astrid - 546 Keine Alternative zu Geldmengenzielen: zur Debatte um die deutsche Geldpolitik
by Scheide, Joachim - 545 Relative human capital endowments: estimates for selected countries and implications for international capital flows
by Gundlach, Erich - 544 EC 92 and its effect on foreign direct investment in developing countries
by Agarwal, Jamuna Prasad - 543 Direct transfers between the former Soviet Union central budget and the republics: Past evidence and current implications
by Orlowski, Lucjan T. - 542 Managing global pollution problems by reduction and adaptation policies
by Stähler, Frank - 541 Pareto improvements by in-kind-transfers
by Stähler, Frank - 540 Umweltpolitik und technologisches Anpassungsverhalten im End-of-Pipe-Fall
by Michaelis, Peter - 539 Economic policies and attractiveness for foreign capital: the experience of highly indebted Latin American countries
by Nunnenkamp, Peter - 538 Grenzüberschreitende Umweltprobleme am Beispiel der Schwefeldioxidemissionen in Europa
by Bartsch, Elga - 537 Importance and patterns of Poland's trade with Germany
by Misala, Józef - 536 Division of labour between Poland and member countries of the European Communities: Past experiences and prospects
by Misala, Józef - 535 The diffusion of process innovations in industrialized and developing countries: a case study of the world textile and steel industries
by Lücke, Matthias - 534 Technical progress and the pattern of specialization in world trade in manufactures, 1965 to 1987
by Lücke, Matthias - 533 Theorie der strategischen Handelspolitik und neue Wachstumstheorie als Grundlage für eine Industrie- und Technologiepolitik?
by Klodt, Henning - 532 Non-point pollution with cadmium
by Klepper, Gernot & Mahlau, Gudrun - 531 Reducing cadmium emission into the air
by Klepper, Gernot & Michaelis, Peter - 530 Ownership structure and enterprise performance in the transition process: Evidence from Eastern Germany
by Schmidt, Klaus-Dieter - 529 The international management of biodiversity
by Stähler, Frank - 528 The economics of greenhouse gas accumulation: A simulation approach
by Michaelis, Peter - 527 Methods and sequencing of privatization: what post-socialist countries can learn from Chile
by Agarwal, Jamuna Prasad & Nunnenkamp, Peter - 526 Export subsidies and endogenous market structures: Some neglected issues
by Lorz, Jens Oliver - 525 Why has potential growth declined? The case of Germany. A note
by Siebert, Horst - 524 EC integration widening towards Eastern Europe: Reconciling the political and economic rationale of supporting the transformation process
by Langhammer, Rolf J. - 523 On ecological dumping
by Rauscher, Michael - 522 The impact of sovereign intertemporal trade and cross-default clauses on the sustainability and efficiency of environmental treaties
by Mohr, Ernst - 521 Zur sektoralen Belastungswirkung der geplanten Abfallabgabe
by Michaelis, Peter - 520 The Baltic connection: industrial structure in and intergration between Southern Sweden and Nothern Germany
by Lagnevik, Magnus & Lammers, Konrad & Genell, Kristina & Laaser, Claus-Friedrich & Lundin, Göran & Lundqvist, Karl-Johann & Olander, Lars-Olof - 519 Strategien globaler Umweltpolitik: die UNCED-Konferenz aus ökonomischer Sicht
by Heister, Johannes & Klepper, Gernot & Stähler, Frank - 518 Finanzreform 1995 - was tun?
by Rosenschon, Astrid - 517 Rüstung und Wohlfahrt: Theoretische und strukturelle Besonderheiten des Rüstungsmarktes
by Glismann, Hans H. & Horn, Ernst-Jürgen - 516 Testing growth theories: Time series evidence
by Gundlach, Erich - 515 Russian exports by regional origin: disparities, diversity and decentralization in the transformation process
by Langhammer, Rolf J. & Lücke, Matthias - 514 Wage formation and monetary policy rules
by Funke, Norbert - 513 Environmental norms, society, and economics
by Mohr, Ernst - 512 International financing of environmental protection: North-South conflicts on concepts and financial instruments and possible solutions
by Nunnenkamp, Peter - 511 The experience of the Mediterranean countries with accession to the European Communities: Lessons for Poland
by Misala, Józef - 510 West-East technology transfer: internalizing global external effects
by Sander, Birgit - 509 International capital flows: recent developments, major determinants, and the position of Brazil in worldwide competition for foreign capital
by Nunnenkamp, Peter & Funke, Norbert & Schweickert, Rainer - 508 Ansätze der neuen Wachstumstheorie: ein Literaturüberblick
by Stolpe, Michael - 507 Real adjustment in the transformation process: Risk factors in East Germany
by Siebert, Horst - 506 Explaining the Argentine growth paradox: new evidence applying cointegration techniques
by Foders, Federico & Glismann, Hans H. - 505 Measuring structural unemployment: Some neglected issues
by Paqué, Karl-Heinz - 504 Integrating segmented markets pharmaceuticals after 1992
by Klepper, Gernot - 503 Will the Dual System manage packaging waste?
by Klepper, Gernot & Michaelis, Peter - 502 Einige Anmerkungen zu den Auswirkungen der deutschen Vereinigung auf die polnische Wirtschaft
by Misala, Józef - 501 Openness and competitiveness of economies of the East European countries and the former Soviet Union
by Misala, Józef - 500 Die reale Anpassung bei der Transformation einer Planwirtschaft
by Siebert, Horst - 499 Transfrontier pollution and global environmental media
by Siebert, Horst
- 498 External protection for the emerging market economies? The case for financial liberalisation instead of import barriers in Eastern Europe
by Schmieding, Holger - 497 Transforming the financial system in Eastern Europe's market economies: A proposal for clean balance sheets and an institutional transfer
by Schmieding, Holger - 496 Salient features of trade among former Soviet Union republics: facts, flaws and findings
by Langhammer, Rolf J.