July 2017, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 765-784 Administrative tradition and management reforms: a comparison of agency chief executive accountability in four Continental Rechtsstaat countries
by Tobias Bach & Sandra van Thiel & Gerhard Hammerschmid & Reto Steiner - 785-801 Clash of public administration paradigms in delegation of education and elderly care services in a post-socialist state (Poland)
by Anna Kordasiewicz & Przemysław Sadura - 802-819 Service diversification and service quality differences in the third-party administration of US organic regulations
by David P. Carter - 820-844 Region brand legitimacy: towards a participatory approach involving residents of a place
by Emeline Martin & Sonia Capelli - 845-861 Complexity thinking in public administration’s theories-in-use
by Elizabeth Eppel - 862-879 Managing information sharing and stewardship for public-sector collaboration: a management control approach
by Suresh Cuganesan & Alison Hart & Cara Steele - 880-904 Public employees’ psychological climates and turnover intention: evidence from Korean central government agencies
by Chan Su Jung & Hon S. Chan & Chih-Wei Hsieh
May 2017, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 589-604 Ventures in public value management: introduction to the symposium
by John Alford & Scott Douglas & Karin Geuijen & Paul ‘t Hart - 605-620 Instruments of value: using the analytic tools of public value theory in teaching and practice
by Jorrit de Jong & Scott Douglas & Mariafrancesca Sicilia & Zoe Radnor & Mirko Noordegraaf & Peter Debus - 621-639 Creating public value in global wicked problems
by Karin Geuijen & Mark Moore & Andrea Cederquist & Rolf Ronning & Mark van Twist - 640-654 Towards a multi-actor theory of public value co-creation
by John Bryson & Alessandro Sancino & John Benington & Eva Sørensen - 655-669 Public value creation through collaborative innovation
by Barbara C. Crosby & Paul ‘t Hart & Jacob Torfing - 670-685 Towards an empirical research agenda for public value theory
by Jean Hartley & John Alford & Eva Knies & Scott Douglas - 686-704 Blowing in the wind: a study for Granger causality between managerial strategy and organizational performance
by Ohbet Cheon & Seung-Ho An - 705-724 Job satisfaction of public sector middle managers in the process of NPM change
by David Pick & Stephen T. T. Teo - 725-746 Relationships between strategic performance measures, strategic decision-making, and organizational performance: empirical evidence from Canadian public organizations
by Raili Pollanen & Ahmed Abdel-Maksoud & Said Elbanna & Habib Mahama
April 2017, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 1-1 Correction to: Bode, Lange and Märker, Caught in organized ambivalence: institutional complexity and its implications in the German hospital sector
by The Editors - 381-405 Co-location as a catalyst for service innovation: a study of Scottish health and social care
by Ally R. Memon & Tony Kinder - 406-422 Do transformational-oriented leadership and transactional-oriented leadership have an impact on whistle-blowing attitudes? A longitudinal examination conducted in US federal agencies
by James Gerard Caillier & Yongjin Sa - 423-442 Institutional isomorphism and whistle-blowing intentions in public sector institutions
by Soma Pillay & P. S. Reddy & Damian Morgan - 443-462 What’s in it for others? The relationship between prosocial motivation and commitment to change among youth care professionals
by Joris van der Voet & Bram Steijn & Ben S. Kuipers - 463-478 The bounded welfare pluralism: public–private partnerships under social management in China
by Shih-Jiunn Shi - 479-500 Antecedents and outcomes of acceptance of performance appraisal system in Korean non-profit organizations
by Min Young Kim & Sung Min Park - 501-517 Caught in organized ambivalence: institutional complexity and its implications in the German hospital sector
by Ingo Bode & Johannes Lange & Markus Märker - 518-541 Reform in public organizations: the roles of ambidextrous leadership and moderating mechanisms
by Luu Trong Tuan - 542-565 Modelling the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation, organizational integration, and programme performance in local sustainability
by William L. Swann - 566-587 Analysing the environmental antecedents of innovation adoption among politicians and public managers
by Sanja Korac & Iris Saliterer & Richard M. Walker
March 2017, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 275-283 Collaborative administration: the management of successful networks
by Daniela Cristofoli & Marco Meneguzzo & Norma Riccucci - 284-304 The critical role of information sharing to the value proposition of a food systems network
by Christopher Koliba & Serge Wiltshire & Steven Scheinert & Drake Turner & Asim Zia & Erica Campbell - 305-325 Culturally diverse collaborations: a focus on communication and shared understanding
by Siv Vangen - 326-341 Collaborative networks and the need for a new management language
by Myrna Mandell & Robyn Keast & Dan Chamberlain - 342-360 The nature of orchestrational work
by Jan A. Bartelings & John Goedee & Jörg Raab & Remco Bijl - 361-380 Contingencies and organizing principles in public networks
by Josip Markovic
February 2017, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 109-113 Public management research over the decades: what are we writing about?
by Stephen P. Osborne - 114-133 Political ideology, social capital, and government innovativeness: evidence from the US states
by Liang Ma - 134-156 Assessing public leadership styles for innovation: a comparison of Copenhagen, Rotterdam and Barcelona
by Lykke Margot Ricard & Erik Hans Klijn & Jenny M. Lewis & Tamyko Ysa - 157-174 Policy capacity and evidence-based policy in the public service
by Joshua Newman & Adrian Cherney & Brian W. Head - 175-193 The politics of cutback management in thirteen European countries: statistical evidence on causes and effects
by Walter Kickert & Tiina Randma-Liiv - 194-211 Methods for delivering complex social services: exploring adaptive management and regulation in the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme
by Gemma Carey & Mark Matthews - 212-231 Public accountability: reforms and resistance in social housing
by Stewart Smyth - 232-252 Effects of amalgamations: evidence from Swiss municipalities
by Reto Steiner & Claire Kaiser - 253-273 Leading public service organizations: how to obtain high employee self-efficacy and organizational performance
by Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen & Lotte Bøgh Andersen
January 2017, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-19 Political innovations: innovations in political institutions, processes and outputs
by Eva Sørensen - 20-36 Political innovation as ideal and strategy: the case of aleatoric democracy in the City of Utrecht
by Albert Meijer & Reinout van der Veer & Albert Faber & Julia Penning de Vries - 37-54 Strengthening political leadership and policy innovation through the expansion of collaborative forms of governance
by Jacob Torfing & Christopher Ansell - 55-73 The challenge of innovating politics in community self-organization: the case of Broekpolder
by Jurian Edelenbos & Ingmar van Meerkerk & Joop Koppenjan - 74-89 Political parties and innovation
by Carina S. Bischoff & Flemming Juul Christiansen - 90-107 Assessing the impact of informal governance on political innovation
by Sarah Ayres
November 2016, Volume 18, Issue 10
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1425-1455 Network Connections and Competitively Awarded Funding: The impacts of board network structures and status interlocks on nonprofit organizations’ foundation grant acquisition
by Lewis Faulk & Jurgen Willems & Jasmine McGinnis Johnson & Amanda J. Stewart - 1456-1478 Unpacking the Black Box: A realist evaluation of performance management for social services
by Hwee Teng Robyn Tan & Gill Harvey - 1479-1503 Public–Private Sector Comparisons of Nurses’ Work Harassment Using Set: Italy and Australia
by Yvonne Brunetto & Mathew Xerri & Elisabetta Trinchero & Rod Farr-Wharton & Kate Shacklock & Elio Borgonovi - 1504-1535 Placing the Effect? Gleaning Insights into the Relationship between Citizens’ Use of E-Government and Trust in Government
by Gregory A. Porumbescu - 1536-1558 The Unsung Heroes of Welfare Collaboration: Complexities around individuals’ contribution to effective inter-agency working in LSCBs
by Adina Dudau & Denis Fischbacher-Smith & Laura McAllister - 1559-1565 In Some Central and Eastern European Countries, Some NPM Tools May Sometimes Work: A reply to Dan and Pollitt’s ‘NPM can work’
by Wolfgang Drechsler & Tiina Randma-Liiv - 1566-1569 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors
October 2016, Volume 18, Issue 9
- 1265-1288 Policy Role of Social Media in Developing Public Trust: Twitter communication with government leaders
by Min Jae Park & Dongsuk Kang & Jae Jeung Rho & Duk Hee Lee - 1289-1307 A Measurement Framework for Assessing the Contribution of Social Media to Public Engagement: An empirical analysis on Facebook
by Deborah Agostino & Michela Arnaboldi - 1308-1334 Comparing the Effects of E-Government and Social Media Use on Trust in Government: Evidence from Seoul, South Korea
by Gregory A. Porumbescu - 1335-1364 Resistance of Public Personnel to Open Government: A cognitive theory view of implementation barriers towards open government data
by Bernd W. Wirtz & Robert Piehler & Marc-Julian Thomas & Peter Daiser - 1365-1399 Do Codes of Conduct and Ethical Leadership Influence Public Employees’ Attitudes and Behaviours? An experimental analysis
by Julia Thaler & Bernd Helmig - 1400-1420 Calibrating Public Sector Accountability: Translating experimental findings to public sector accountability
by Thomas Schillemans - 1421-1423 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors
November 2014, Volume 16, Issue 8
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1055-1066 State–third Sector Partnerships: A short overview of key issues in the debate
by Ingo Bode & Taco Brandsen - 1067-1090 Efficiency in Third Sector Partnerships for Delivering Local Government Services: The role of economies of scale, scope and learning
by Tony Bovaird - 1091-1112 Indigenous Peoples’ Health Care: New approaches to contracting and accountability at the public administration frontier
by Judith Dwyer & Amohia Boulton & Josée G. Lavoie & Tim Tenbensel & Jacqueline Cumming - 1113-1140 Modelling NPO–Government Relations: Australian case studies
by Craig Furneaux & Neal Ryan - 1141-1163 A Dawn of Convergence?: Third sector policy regimes in the ‘Anglo-Saxon’ cluster
by Susan D. Phillips & Steven Rathgeb Smith - 1164-1183 The Employment Effects of Privatizing Public Utilities in OECD Countries
by Carina Schmitt - 1184-1204 Implementing Change in a Hospital Management Accounting System
by Emanuele Padovani & Rebecca L. Orelli & David W. Young - 1205-1228 The Role of Place Identity in Smart Card Adoption
by Daniel Belanche & Luis V. Casaló & Carlos Flavián - 1229-1231 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors
2009, Volume 11, Issue 6
- 739-749 Transforming E-Government Knowledge through Public Management Research
by The Editors - 751-770 The Transformative Impact of E-Government on Public Governance in New Zealand
by Rose O'Neill - 771-790 Complex Responsibilities
by A. Meijer - 791-809 The Impact of Introducing an ERP System on Organizational Processes and Individual Employees of an Italian Regional Government Organization
by Alessandro Spano & Daniela Carta & Pietro Mascia - 811-831 Reassessing Outsourcing in Ict-Enabled Public Management
by Tino Schuppan - 833-856 Managing Citizen Identity Information in E-Government Service Relationships in the UK
by A. Miriam B. Lips & John Taylor & Joe Organ - 857-880 Hope to Die Before You Get Old?
by Ian McLoughlin & Gregory Maniatopoulos & Rob Wilson & Mike Martin - 881-883 Time, Policy, Management: Governing with the Past
by Norman Flynn - 885-886 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors
2008, Volume 10, Issue 6
- 687-698 Introduction
by Myrna Mandell & Robyn Keast - 699-714 Creating a playing field for assessing the effectiveness of network collaboration by performance measures
by Joop Koppenjan - 715-731 Evaluating the effectiveness of interorganizational relations through networks
by Myrna Mandell & Robyn Keast - 733-749 Assessing network-based collaborations
by Brian Head - 751-771 Theory-driven approaches to analysing collaborative performance
by Chris Skelcher & Helen Sullivan - 773-790 A Framework for Assessing the Performance of Policy Networks
by Joris Voets & Wouter Van Dooren & Filip De Rynck - 791-792 Notes on Contributors
by The Editors