March 2007, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 439-455 Regional Spatial Policy for Economic Growth: Lessons from the Deployment of Collaborative Planning in Northern Ireland
by Neale Blair & James Berry & Stanley McGreal - 457-476 Assessing the Environmental Consequences of Major Sporting Events: The 2003/04 FA Cup Final
by Andrea Collins & Andrew Flynn & Max Munday & Annette Roberts - 477-499 Cursory Connections: Urban Ties of the New Middle Class in Rotterdam
by Marco van der Land - 501-523 Smart Growth and Development Reality: The Difficult Co-ordination of Land Use and Transport Objectives
by Pierre Filion & Kathleen McSpurren - 525-549 European Cities in the Knowledge Economy: Towards a Typology
by Willem van Winden & Leo van den Berg & Peter Pol - 551-568 Surveillance in Urban Japan: A Critical Introduction
by David Murakami Wood & David Lyon & Kiyoshi Abe - 569-589 Families in Flats, Revisited
by Stephen Appold & Belinda Yuen - 591-607 Determining Optimal Building Height
by Kwong-Wing Chau & S.K. Wong & Y. Yau & A.K.C. Yeung - 609-629 'A Tall Storey ... but, a Fact Just the Same': The Red Road High-rise as a Black Box
by Jane M. Jacobs & Stephen Cairns & Ignaz Strebel - 631-649 Is High-rise Housing Innovative? Developers' Contradictory Narratives of High-rise Housing in Melbourne
by Ruth Fincher
February 2007, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 209-229 (Re)development, Complexity and Networks: A Framework for Research
by Joe Doak & Nikos Karadimitriou - 231-247 Intergenerational Transmission of Homeownership: The Roles of Gifts and Continuities in Housing Market Characteristics
by Amanda Helderman & Clara Mulder - 249-274 Commercial Sub-markets in Suburban Cuyahoga County, Ohio
by Harry L. Margulis - 275-296 Tenure-neutral and Equitable Housing Taxation
by Philippe Thalmann - 297-317 Community Participation in the Real World: Opportunities and Pitfalls in New Governance Spaces
by Marilyn Taylor - 319-337 Right Answers, Wrong Questions: Environmental Justice as Urban Research
by Lisa Schweitzer & Max Stephenson JR - 339-355 What Parameters Influence the Spatial Variations in CO2 Emissions from Road Traffic in Berlin? Implications for Urban Planning to Reduce Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions
by Diana Reckien & Maren Ewald & Ottmar Edenhofer & Matthias K. B. Liideke - 357-379 Regulatory Responses to Large-format Transnational Retail in South-east Asian Cities
by Alex M. Mutebi - 381-392 Spatial Definitions of the City: Four Perspectives
by John B. Parr - 393-415 The Impact of Neighbourhood on the Income and Mental Health of British Social Renters
by Carol Propper & Simon Burgess & Anne Bolster & George Leckie & Kelvyn Jones & Ron Johnston - 417-422 Book Reviews
by Gerry Mooney & Jeremy Anderson & John Flint & Phil Hubbard
January 2007, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-14 Zipf's Law and Urban Growth in Malaysia
by Kwok Tong Soo - 15-35 Smart Growth as Urban Reform: A Pragmatic 'Recoding' of the New Regionalism
by James Wesley Scott - 37-62 Oil Vulnerability in the Australian City: Assessing Socioeconomic Risks from Higher Urban Fuel Prices
by Jago Dodson & Neil Sipe - 63-79 The Dysfunctions of Markets, Hierarchies and Networks in the Meta-governance of Partnership
by Tom Entwistle & Gillian Bristow & Frances Hines & Sophie Donaldson & Steve Martin - 81-98 Land Readjustment: An Innovative Urban Experiment in China
by Ling-Hin Li & Xin Li - 99-122 Regional Polarisation and National Development in the European Union
by Roberto Ezcurra & Pedro Pascual - 123-146 Elderly Mobility: Demographic and Spatial Analysis of Trip Making in the Hamilton CMA, Canada
by Antonio Paez & Darren Scott & Dimitris Potoglou & Pavlos Kanaroglou & K. Bruce Newbold - 147-165 Informal Urban Property Markets and Poverty Alleviation: A Conceptual Framework
by Manya M. Mooya & Chris E. Cloete - 167-185 Are Neighbourhoods Self-stabilising? Exploring Endogenous Dynamics
by George Galster & Jackie Cutsinger & Up Lim - 187-197 Are Big Cities More Segregated? Neighbourhood Scale and the Measurement of Segregation
by Douglas J. Krupka - 199-207 Book Reviews
by Samer Bagaeen & Donna Marie Brown & Richard Harris & Anirban Paul & Jieming Zhu & G.J. Ashworth - 208-208 Books Received
by N/A
December 2006, Volume 43, Issue 13
- 2365-2383 Theorising Power Relationships in Multi-owned Residential Developments: Unpacking the Bundle of Rights
by Sarah Blandy & Jennifer Dixon & Ann Dupuis - 2385-2398 Sustainable Soundscapes: Noise Policy and the Urban Experience
by Mags Adams & Trevor Cox & Gemma Moore & Ben Croxford & Mohamed Refaee & Steve Sharples - 2399-2419 Modernism vs Urban Renaissance: Negotiating Post-war Heritage in English City Centres
by Aidan While - 2421-2442 Potential for Pricing Policies in Water Resource Management: Estimation of Urban Residential Water Demand in Zaragoza, Spain
by Fernando Arbues & Inmaculada Villanua - 2443-2466 Economic Wellbeing and Where We Live: Accounting for Geographical Cost-of-living Differences in the US
by Leah Beth Curran & Harold Wolman & Edward W. Hill & Kimberly Furdell - 2467-2483 Housing Commodities, Context and Meaning: Transformations in Japan's Urban Condominium Sector
by Richard Ronald & Yosuke Hirayama - 2485-2502 A Spatially Disaggregated Approach to Commuting Efficiency
by Michael A. Niedzielski - 2503-2523 Nested Loyalties: Local Networks' Effects on Neighbourhood and Community Cohesion
by John R. Hipp & Andrew Perrin - 2525-2549 The Decentralising Metropolis: Economic Diversity and Commuting in the US Suburbs
by Shin Lee & Jong Gook Seo & Chris Webster - 2551-2570 Variable Geometries of Connection: Urban Digital Divides and the Uses of Information Technology
by Michael Crang & Tracey Crosbie & Stephen Graham - 2571-2582 Book Reviews
by Ray Hudson & Eran Razin & Gary A. Dymski & Ranu Basu & Stephen Dobson & Jenny Muir & Francisco Klauser - 2583-2584 Books Received
by N/A
November 2006, Volume 43, Issue 12
- 2129-2143 The New Metropolitan Reality in the US: Rethinking the Traditional Model
by Bernadette Hanlon & Thomas Vicino & John Rennie Short - 2145-2162 Addressing Europe's Urban Challenges: Lessons from the EU URBAN Community Initiative
by Juliet Carpenter - 2163-2182 Place, Class and Local Circuits of Reproduction: Exploring the Social Geography of Middle-class Childcare in London
by Linda McDowell & Kevin Ward & Diane Perrons & Kath Ray & Colette Fagan - 2183-2203 Becoming Visible: Women and Conflicts in the Quebec Metropolitan Areas, 1965-2000
by Catherine Trudelle & Paul Villeneuve & Marius Theriault & Mathieu Pelletier - 2205-2235 Local Employment Impact of Growth Centres: Evidence from India
by Kala Seetharam Sridhar - 2237-2259 Local Government and the Governing of Climate Change in Germany and the UK
by Harriet Bulkeley & Kristine Kern - 2261-2284 Managing Politics and Consumption in Business Improvement Districts: The Geographies of Political Activism on Burlington, Vermont's Church Street Marketplace
by Nathan L. Clough & Robert M. Vanderbeck - 2285-2299 Planning and Social Diversity: Residential Segregation in American New Towns
by Yuki Kato - 2301-2315 Determinants of House Price: A Decision Tree Approach
by Gang-Zhi Fan & Seow Eng Ong & Hian Chye Koh - 2317-2350 Facilitating Structures for Neighbourhood Regeneration in the UK: The Contribution of the Housing Action Trusts
by Angela Hull - 2351-2361 Book Reviews
by Tony Sorensen & Anne-Marie Broudehoux & Le-Yin Zhang & Orna Blumen & Shivanand Balram & Andy Zieleniec & Kate Swanson - 2363-2364 Books Received
by N/A
October 2006, Volume 43, Issue 11
- 1921-1941 Urban Democracy and the Local Trap
by Mark Purcell - 1943-1969 The Spatial Pattern of Black-White Segregation in US Metropolitan Areas: An Exploratory Analysis
by Casey Dawkins - 1971-1989 The Changing Intrametropolitan Location of High-poverty Neighbourhoods in the US, 1990-2000
by Thomas Cooke & Sarah Marchant - 1991-2011 Area-based Urban Interventions: Rationale and Outcomes: The New Deal for Communities Programme in England
by Paul Lawless - 2013-2025 Explorations of Neighbourhood and Educational Outcomes for Young Swedes
by Eva Andersson & S.V. Subramanian - 2027-2046 On Conceptual Confusion in Empirical Analyses of a Transnational Urban Network
by Ben Derudder - 2047-2066 The Fringe-belt Phenomenon and Socioeconomic Change
by J.W.R. Whitehand & N.J. Morton - 2067-2074 A Disaggregated Analysis of Asymmetrical Behaviour in the UK Housing Market
by Steven Cook - 2075-2098 Changes in Spatial and Sectoral Patterns of Employment in Ile-de-France, 1978-97
by Rachel Guillain & Julie Le Gallo & Celine Boiteux-Orain - 2099-2113 Extended Excess Commuting: A Measure of the Jobs-Housing Imbalance in Seoul
by Kang-Rae Ma & David Banister - 2115-2127 Book Reviews
by Margo Huxley & Pierre Filion & Paul Waley & Carlos Balsas & Marilyn Keenan & Gerry Kearns & Mark Livingston & Vlad Mykhnenko - 2128-2128 Books Received
by N/A
September 2006, Volume 43, Issue 10
- 1661-1686 The Artistic Dividend: Urban Artistic Specialisation and Economic Development Implications
by Ann Markusen & Greg Schrock - 1687-1714 Living with Difference? The 'Cosmopolitan City' and Urban Reimaging in Manchester, UK
by Craig Young & Martina Diep & Stephanie Drabble - 1715-1736 Problem or Opportunity? Asylum Seekers, Refugees, Employment and Social Exclusion in Deprived Urban Areas
by Jenny Phillimore & Lisa Goodson - 1737-1756 Social Polarisation: Comparing Singapore, Hong Kong and Taipei
by Po-Fen Tai - 1757-1778 Housing and Ethnicity in the Post-Soviet City: Ust'-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
by Michael Gentile & Tiit Tammaru - 1779-1802 Associationalism from Above: Explaining Failure through France's Politique de la Ville
by Walter J. Nicholls - 1803-1824 Implications of Neo-liberalism for Built Heritage Management: Institutional and Ownership Structures in Ireland and Sweden
by Elene Negussie - 1825-1846 Power Relations in Urban Decision-making: Neo-liberalism, 'Techno-politicians' and Authoritarian Redevelopment in Santiago, Chile
by Hugo Marcelo Zunino - 1847-1877 From a New Regionalism to an Unusual Regionalism? The Emergence of Non-standard Regional Spaces and Lessons for the Territorial Reorganisation of the State
by lain Deas & Alex Lord - 1879-1897 Transport Implications of Urban Containment Policies: A Study of the Largest Twenty-five US Metropolitan Areas
by Daniel A. Rodriguez & Felipe Targa & Semra A. Aytur - 1899-1918 Book Reviews
by Leslie Sklair & John Whitelegg & David B. Clarke & John Crotty & Lisa M. Hoffman & Victoria A. Beard & Douglas McCallum & Deborah Fahy Bryceson - 1919-1920 Books Received
by N/A
August 2006, Volume 43, Issue 9
- 1439-1450 The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on the Urban Wage in China: An Empirical Examination
by Ying Ge - 1451-1468 Collective Action and Community-driven Development in Rural and Urban Indonesia
by Victoria A. Beard & Aniruddha Dasgupta - 1469-1489 Community and Economic Development: Seeking Common Ground in Discourse and in Practice
by Raul P. Lejano & Anne Taufen Wessells - 1491-1509 Urban Regeneration, Governance and the State: Exploring Notions of Distance and Proximity
by Phil Jones & James Evans - 1511-1535 The Role and Behaviour of Commercial Property Investors and Developers in French Urban Regeneration: The Experience of the Paris Region
by Ingrid Nappi-Choulet - 1537-1547 Are Residents Willing to Pay for their Community Forests? Results of a Contingent Valuation Survey in Missouri, USA
by Thomas Treiman & Justine Gartner - 1549-1579 Advantage and Disadvantage across Australia's Extended Metropolitan Regions: A Typology of Socioeconomic Outcomes
by Scott Baum & Michelle Haynes & Yolanda van Gellecum & Jung Hoon Han - 1581-1604 Making Housing Assistance More Efficient: A Risk Management Approach
by Jon Hall & Mike Berry - 1605-1623 Urbanisation and Water Consumption: Influencing Factors in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona
by Elena Domene & David Saurà - 1625-1630 Comment: On a Non-appraisal of the 'Jacobs Hypothesis'
by Peter J. Taylor - 1631-1637 On the Non-city Foundations of Economic Growth and the Unverifiability of the 'Jacobs Hypothesis': A Reply to Peter Taylor's Comment
by Mario Polese - 1639-1639 A Response to Polese : Confucian or Confusion?
by Peter J. Taylor - 1641-1657 Book Reviews
by Paul Waley & Ignaz Strebel & Donald Mcneill & Belinda Yuen & Ben Derudder & Tony Jackson & Kean Birch & Roland Goetgeluk & Stella Lowder & Sarah Turner - 1659-1660 Books Received
by N/A
July 2006, Volume 43, Issue 8
- 1231-1246 Resurgent Cities, Urban Myths and Policy Hubris: What We Need to Know
by Paul C. Cheshire - 1247-1274 Behaviour, Preferences and Cities: Urban Theory and Urban Resurgence
by Michael Storper & Michael Manville - 1275-1299 Urban Resurgence and the Consumer City
by Edward L. Glaeser & Joshua D. Gottlieb - 1301-1323 The Distinctive City: Divergent Patterns in Growth, Hierarchy and Specialisation
by Ann Markusen & Greg Schrock - 1325-1340 Segregation, Urban Space and the Resurgent City
by Sako Musterd - 1341-1364 Ethnic Diversity and Spatial Segregation in the Stockholm Region
by Bjorn Harsman - 1365-1394 Cities and Workplace Communication: Some Quantitative French Evidence
by Sylvie Charlot & Gilles Duranton - 1395-1418 Proper Pricing for Transport Infrastructure and the Case of Urban Road Congestion
by Stephen Glaister & Daniel J. Graham - 1419-1438 The Fall and Rise of the Local Community: A Comparative and Historical Perspective
by Hellmut Wollmann
June 2006, Volume 43, Issue 7
- 1025-1039 Household Savings and Residential Mobility in Informal Settlements in Bhopal, India
by Somik V. Lall & Ajay Suri & Uwe Deichmann - 1041-1059 Spatial Dynamics of the Housing Market: An Interurban Perspective
by Colin Jones & Chris Leishman - 1061-1086 'When the Banks Withdraw, Slum Landlords Take Over' : The Structuration of Neighbourhood Decline through Redlining, Drug Dealing, Speculation and Immigrant Exploitation
by Manuel B. Aalbers - 1087-1103 State Aid Formulas and the Local Incentive to Chase (or Shun) Ratables
by Paul D. Gottlieb - 1105-1125 A Continental Ambience? Lessons in Managing Alcohol-related Evening and Night-time Entertainment from Four European Capitals
by Marion Roberts & Chris Turner & Steve Greenfield & Guy Osborn - 1127-1146 'White Flight'? The Production and Reproduction of Immigrant Concentration Areas in Swedish Cities, 1990-2000
by Åsa Bråmå - 1147-1158 'Oh Comrade, What Times Those Were!' History, Capital Punishment and the Urban Square
by Steve Basson - 1159-1176 Short-term Dynamics in the Use of Places: A Space-Time Typology of Visitor Populations in the Netherlands
by Robbert Zandvliet & Martin Dijst - 1177-1189 What Can Be Learned from Introducing Settlement Typology into Urban Poverty Analysis: The Case of the Tomsk Region, Russia
by Anastassia Alexandrova & Ellen L. Hamilton & Polina Kuznetsova - 1191-1213 Spatial Assimilation of Racial Minorities in Canada's Immigrant Gateway Cities
by Feng Hou - 1215-1228 Book Reviews
by Mike Raco & Harriet Bulkeley & Christopher Gaffney & Venda Louise Pollock & J.W.R. Whitehand & Andrzej J.J. Zielenic & Nihal Perera & John Doling & Ya Ping Wang - 1229-1230 Books Received
by N/A
May 2006, Volume 43, Issue 5-6
- 853-861 (In)civility and the City
by Nicholas Fyfe & Jon Bannister & Ade Kearns - 863-878 The Value of Civility?
by Richard Boyd - 879-901 Rethinking Urban Incivility Research: Strangers, Bodies and Circulations
by Timothy Phillips & Philip Smith - 903-917 Constructing Race and Civility in Urban America
by Jennifer Lee - 919-937 Respectable or Respectful? (In)civility and the City
by Jon Bannister & Nick Fyfe & Ade Kearns - 939-955 Governing Neighbours: Anti-social Behaviour Orders and New Forms of Regulating Conduct in the UK
by John Flint & Judy Nixon - 957-976 'Fixing Broken Promises?': Neighbourhood Wardens and Social Capital
by Adam Crawford - 977-992 USA's Destiny? Regulating Space and Creating Community in American Shopping Malls
by Lynn A. Staeheli & Don Mitchell - 993-1008 Active Citizenship and Effective Public Services and Programmes: How Can We Know What Really Works?
by Tessa Brannan & Peter John & Gerry Stoker - 1009-1023 The Good City
by Ash Amin
April 2006, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 713-718 The Neighbourhood in a European Context
by Patricia Kennett & Ray Forrest - 719-730 Perspectives on Cultural Capital and the Neighbourhood
by Gary Bridge - 731-743 Women, Neighbourhoods and Everyday Life
by Dina Vaiou & Rouli Lykogianni - 745-765 Citizenship Practices and Urban Governance in European Cities
by Marisol Garcia - 767-786 Governance and Social Capital in Urban Regeneration: A Comparison between Bristol and Naples
by Anna Cento Bull & Bryn Jones - 787-799 'Breaking Segregation'—Rhetorical Construct or Effective Policy? The Case of the Metropolitan Development Initiative in Sweden
by Roger Andersson - 801-817 The Suburban 'Community Question'
by Tineke Lupi & Sako Musterd - 819-832 Padding the Bunker: Strategies of Middle-class Disaffiliation and Colonisation in the City
by Rowland Atkinson - 833-851 Acknowledgement of Referees, 2005
by N/A
March 2006, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 475-490 Effects of Intergroup Contact on Attitudes of Chinese Urban Residents to Migrant Workers
by Ingrid Nielsen & Chris Nyland & Russell Smyth & Mingqiong Zhang & Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu - 491-509 Global Cities and the Spread of Infectious Disease: The Case of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in Toronto, Canada
by S. Harris Ali & Roger Keil - 511-531 Low-income Homeownership: American Dream or Delusion?
by Anne B. Shlay - 533-558 Filtering, City Change and the Supply of Low-priced Housing in Canada
by Andrejs Skaburskis - 559-581 Discrete Choice Modelling of Urban Housing Markets: A Critical Review and an Application
by Judith Yates & Daniel F. Mackay - 583-600 High-rise Living in Singapore Public Housing
by Belinda Yuen & Anthony Yeh & Stephen John Appold & George Earl & John Ting & Lanny Kurnianingrum Kwee - 601-626 Testing the Conventional Wisdom about Land Use and Traffic Congestion: The More We Sprawl, the Less We Move?
by Andrea Sarzynski & Harold L. Wolman & George Galster & Royce Hanson - 627-652 Accessibility, Activity Participation and Location of Activities: Exploring the Links between Residential Location and Travel Behaviour
by Petter Næss - 653-671 Jewish Immigrant Settlement Patterns in Manchester and Leeds 1881
by Laura Vaughan & Alan Penn - 673-696 A Forest for Each City and Town: Story Lines in the Policy Debate for Urban Forests in Flanders
by Ann Van Herzele - 697-710 Book Reviews
by Jonathan Rutherford & James Simmie & Doug Watts & Ralph Armbruster-Sandoval & Russell King & Graeme Hugo & Bruce D'Arcus & David Robinson & Gill Scott - 711-712 Books Received
by N/A
February 2006, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 251-258 Inventions and Interventions: Transforming Cities—An Introduction
by Jenny Robinson - 259-284 The State of South African Cities a Decade after Democracy
by Andrew Boraine & Owen Crankshaw & Carien Engelbrecht & Graeme Gotz & Sithole Mbanga & Monty Narsoo & Susan Parnell - 285-304 Building with Ruins and Dreams: Some Thoughts on Realising Integrated Urban Development in South Africa through Crisis
by Edgar Pieterse - 305-318 The Strange Case of Western Cities: Occult Globalisations and the Making of Urban Modernity
by Steve Pile - 319-335 On the Edge of Reason: Planning and Urban Futures in Africa
by Philip Harrison - 337-355 Development and Urban Policy: Johannesburg's City Development Strategy
by Susan Parnell & Jenny Robinson - 357-370 Pirate Towns: Reworking Social and Symbolic Infrastructures in Johannesburg and Douala
by AbdouMaliq Simone - 371-396 Planning, Anti-planning and the Infrastructure Crisis Facing Metropolitan Lagos
by Matthew Gandy - 397-420 Spaces of Exclusivity or Connection? Linkages between a Gated Community and its Poorer Neighbour in a Cape Town Master Plan Development
by Charlotte Lemanski - 421-440 Post-apartheid Public Art in Cape Town: Symbolic Reparations and Public Space
by Zayd Minty - 441-455 Ambient Power: Berlin's Potsdamer Platz and the Seductive Logic of Public Spaces
by John Allen - 457-473 Cultural Weapons: Traditions, Inventions and the Transition to Democratic Governance in Metropolitan Durban
by Jo Beall
January 2006, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-21 Culinary Deserts, Gastronomic Oases: A Classification of US Cities
by Zachary Paul Neal - 23-57 The Right to Stay Put, Revisited: Gentrification and Resistance to Displacement in New York City
by Kathe Newman & Elvin K. Wyly - 59-80 Leadership, Power and Multisector Urban Regeneration Partnerships
by Lesley Hemphill & Stanley McGreal & Jim Berry & Siobhan Watson - 81-98 Performing (Housing) Markets
by Susan J. Smith & Moira Munro & Hazel Christie - 99-118 Everyday Mobility of Elderly People in Different Urban Settings: The Example of the City of Bonn, Germany
by Stefanie Fobker & Reinhold Grotz - 119-137 Making Room for Migrants, Making Sense of Difference: Spatial and Ideological Expressions of Social Diversity in Urban Qatar
by Sharon Nagy - 139-160 Ex-post Evaluation of Thirty Years of Compact Urban Development in the Netherlands
by Karst T. Geurs & Bert van Wee - 161-186 Walking with Moneylenders: The Ecology of the UK Home-collected Credit Industry
by Andrew Leyshon & Paola Signoretta & David Knights & Catrina Alferoff & Dawn Burton - 187-211 Measuring the Accessibility of Services and Facilities for Residents of Public Housing in Montreal
by Philippe Apparicio & Anne-Marie Seguin - 213-236 Urban Size, Spatial Segregation and Inequality in Educational Outcomes
by Ian Gordon & Vassilis Monastiriotis - 237-248 Book Reviews
by Arnoud Lagendijk & Colin Mcfarlane & Shenging He & Dennis Keating & Alan Middleton & Anita I. Drever & Gesa Helms - 249-249 Books Received
by N/A
December 2005, Volume 42, Issue 13
- 2335-2361 Alternating Currents of Power: From Colonial to Post-apartheid Spatial Patterns in Newtown, Johannesburg
by Sally Gaule - 2363-2370 Black Musicians in Northern US Cities during the Early 20th Century: A Test of the Critical Mass Hypothesis of Urban Sub-culture Theory
by Robert L. Boyd - 2371-2388 An Appraisal of the Use of Airline Data in Assessing the World City Network: A Research Note on Data
by B. Derudder & F. Witlox - 2389-2406 Networks in Cities, Cities in Networks: Territory and Globalisation Intertwined in Telecommunications Infrastructure Development in Europe
by Jonathan Rutherford - 2407-2429 City Centre Regeneration through Residential Development: Contributing to Sustainability
by Rosemary D. F. Bromley & Andrew R. Tallon & Colin J. Thomas - 2431-2445 The Textures of Property Markets: Downtown Housing and Office Conversions in New York City
by Robert A. Beauregard - 2447-2470 Social Cohesion in Post-war Estates in the Netherlands: Differences between Socioeconomic and Ethnic Groups
by Karien Dekker & Gideon Bolt - 2471-2488 Shifts along the Decommodification-Commodification Continuum: Housing Delivery and State Accumulation in Hong Kong
by Adrienne La Grange & Frederik Pretorius - 2489-2510 Globalisation and the Structure of Urban Social Space: The Lesson from Tel Aviv
by Izhak Schnell & Yoav Benjamini - 2511-2530 Capital, Crime Control and Statecraft in the Entrepreneurial City
by Roy Coleman & Steve Tombs & Dave Whyte - 2531-2542 Book Reviews
by Laura S. Pangallozzi & Edsel E. Sajor & David M. Smith & Cliff Guy & Mark Graham & Yvette Taylor & Paul Littlewood - 2543-2544 Books Received
by N/A
November 2005, Volume 42, Issue 12
- 2103-2122 The Local Politics of 'Going Global': Making and Unmaking Minneapolis-St Paul as a World City
by Darel E. Paul - 2123-2144 Shared Visions, Unholy Alliances: Power, Governance and Deliberative Processes in Local Transport Planning
by Karen Bickerstaff & Gordon Walker - 2145-2166 Three Challenges for the Compact City as a Sustainable Urban Form: Household Consumption of Energy and Transport in Eight Residential Areas in the Greater Oslo Region
by Erling Holden & Ingrid T. Norland - 2167-2190 Consistency, Concurrency and Compact Development: Three Faces of Growth Management Implementation in Florida
by Efraim Ben-Zadok - 2191-2212 The Decline of the Immigrant Home-ownership Advantage: Life-cycle, Declining Fortunes and Changing Housing Careers in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, 1981-2001
by Michael Haan - 2213-2244 Planning and Housing Supply in Two-speed Britain: Modelling Local Market Outcomes
by Glen Bramley & Chris Leishman - 2245-2259 Auctions and Land Values: An Experimental Analysis
by Carl R. Gwin & Seow-Eng Ong & Andrew C. Spieler - 2261-2288 Unemployment and Urban Labour Markets
by Philip S. Morrison - 2289-2303 Estimating the Value of Improved Street Lighting: A Factor Analytical Discrete Choice Approach
by K.G. Willis & N.A. Powe & G.D. Garrod - 2305-2320 The Slow Pace of Desegregation in South African Cities, 1996-2001
by A.J. Christopher - 2321-2332 Book Reviews
by Yue-Man Yeung & Lesley Potter & Ramakrishna Nallathiga & Hugo Priemus & Andrejs Skaburskis & Daniel G. Chatman & Venda Pollock - 2333-2333 Books Received
by N/A
October 2005, Volume 42, Issue 11
- 1893-1917 Overlooked Implications of Ethnic Preferences for Residential Segregation in Agent-based Models
by Mark Fossett & Warren Waren - 1919-1946 Assessing the Effect of Area Based Initiatives on Local Area Outcomes: Some Thoughts Based on the National Evaluation of the Single Regeneration Budget in England
by John Rhodes & Peter Tyler & Angela Brennan - 1947-1968 Business Privilege and the Strategic Planning Agenda of the Greater London Authority
by Andy Thornley & Yvonne Rydin & Kath Scanlon & Karen West