May 2008, Volume 45, Issue 5-6
- 1304-1304 Books Received
by N/A
April 2008, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 755-772 Inside the City: On Urbanisation, Public Policy and Planning
by Allen J. Scott - 773-795 Mobilising Urban Policies: The Policy Transfer of US Business Improvement Districts to England and Wales
by Ian R. Cook - 797-824 Does Land Property Structure Affect Local Development Patterns? Evidence from a Greek Tourist Area
by Nikolaos Triantafyllopoulos - 825-843 Race/Ethnicity, Gender and Job Earnings across Metropolitan Areas in the United States: A Multilevel Analysis
by Qingfang Wang - 845-869 Reversal of Fortunes? Lower-income Urban Neighbourhoods in the US in the 1990s
by Ingrid Gould Ellen & Katherine O'Regan - 871-896 A New Insight into Urban Poverty: The Culture of Capability Poverty amongst Korean Immigrant Women in Los Angeles
by HaeRan Shin - 897-915 Residents' Views on Social Mix: Social Mix, Social Networks and Stigmatisation in Post-war Housing Estates in Europe
by Sako Musterd - 917-941 Comparative Analysis of the Social, Demographic and Economic Factors that Influenced Housing Choices in Spain in 1990 and 2000
by M. Consuelo Colom & M. Cruz Molés - 943-961 Selective Migration and Neighbourhood Deprivation: Evidence from 2001 Census Migration Data for England and Scotland
by Nick Bailey & Mark Livingston - 963-988 Neighbourhood Types, Travel and Body Mass: A Study of New Urbanist and Suburban Neighbourhoods in the US
by Austin L. Brown & Asad J. Khattak & Daniel A. Rodriguez - 989-990 Book Review: Government Discourse and Housing Jago Dodson, 2007 Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing 289 pp. £55.00 hardback ISBN 978 0 7546 4207 7 hardback
by Greg Marston - 990-992 Book Review: Planning, Law and Economics: The Rules We Make for Using Land Barrie Needham, 2006 London: Routledge 178pp £79 hardback; £27.50 paperback ISBN 0 415 34373 9 hardback; ISBN 0 415 34374 7 paperback
by Alan Evans - 992-995 Book Review: Cities and Labour Immigration: Comparing Policy Responses in Amsterdam, Paris, Rome and Tel Aviv, Michael Alexander, 2007 Aldershot: Ashgate 242pp. £55.00 hardback ISBN 0 7546 4722 6 hardback
by Simon Pemberton - 995-996 Book Review: Relocating Global Cities: From the Center to the Margins M. Mark Amen, Kevin Archer and M. Martin Bosman (Eds), 2006 Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield 226pp. No price given, hardback; £17.99 paperback ISBN 0 7425 4121 5 hardback ISBN 0 7425 4122 3 paperback
by Ben Derudder - 997-999 Book Review: Spaces of Sustainability: Geographical Perspectives on the Sustainable Society Mark Whitehead, 2007 London: Routledge 242 pp. £22.50 paperback ISBN 9780415358040 Green Cities: Urban Growth and the Environment Matthew E. Kahn, 2006 Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press 160 pp. £11.99 Paperback ISBN 139780815748151
by Giuseppe Pellegrini Masini - 999-1001 Book Review: The Geography of Transport Systems Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Claude Comtois and Brian Slack, 2006 London: Routledge 284 pp. £24.99 paperback; no price given, hardback; no price given, ebook ISBN 0 415 35441 2 paperback; 0 415 35440 4 hardback; 0 203 00111 7 ebook
by Julie Clark - 1003-1003 Books Received
by N/A
March 2008, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 467-499 Bifurcation, Fragmentation or Integration? The Racial and Geographical Structure of US Metropolitan Segregation, 1990—2000
by Chad R. Farrell - 501-526 Heterogeneity and Harmony: Neighbouring Relationships among Whites in Ethnically Diverse Neighbourhoods in Seattle
by Avery M. Guest & Charis E. Kubrin & Jane K. Cover - 527-551 Wealth, Human Capital and Family across Racial/Ethnic Groups: Integrating Models of Wealth and Locational Attainment
by Rachael A. Woldoff - 553-589 The Curious Case of the Mis-claimed Myth Claims: Ethnic Segregation, Polarisation and the Future of Bradford
by Alan Carling - 591-606 Exploring Resident (Non-)participation in the UK New Deal for Communities Regeneration Programme
by Jonathan Mathers & Jayne Parry & Susan Jones - 607-626 Regenerating Communities: Women's Experiences of Urban Regeneration
by Victoria K. Gosling - 627-649 The Effect of Employment Sub-centres on Population Density in Barcelona
by Ivan Muñiz & Miquel Àngel Garcia-López & Anna Galindo - 651-657 A Note on the Dynamic Analysis of Fiscal Competition
by Toshiki Tamai - 659-692 Compact, Dispersed, Fragmented, Extensive? A Comparison of Urban Growth in Twenty-five Global Cities using Remotely Sensed Data, Pattern Metrics and Census Information
by Annemarie Schneider & Curtis E. Woodcock - 693-729 A New Measure of the Local Regulatory Environment for Housing Markets: The Wharton Residential Land Use Regulatory Index
by Joseph Gyourko & Albert Saiz & Anita Summers - 731-735 Review Article: Reading Urban Design
by David L. A. Gordon - 735-737 Book Review: The New Wealth of Cities: City Dynamics and the Fifth Wave
by Marco Bontje - 737-739 Book Review: Restructuring Large Housing Estates in Europe
by Joe Doherty - 740-740 Book Review: Strangers, Aliens and Asians: Huguenots, Jews and Bangladeshis in Spitalfields 1660—2000
by Patrick Belton - 741-746 Book Review: Gendering Citizenship in Western Europe: New Challenges for Citizenship Research in a Cross-national Context
by Clara Greed - 747-748 Books Received
by N/A
February 2008, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 251-272 An Approach to Planning Discourse Analysis
by Juval Portugali & Nurit Alfasi - 273-294 The Isomorphism of Local Development Policy: A Case Study of the Formation and Transformation of National Development Zones in Post-Mao Jiangsu, China
by Shiuh-Shen Chien - 295-312 The Mills—Muth Model of Urban Spatial Structure: Surviving the Test of Time?
by Christy Spivey - 313-330 Let's Not Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water: The Role of Urban Villages in Housing Rural Migrants in China
by Yan Song & Yves Zenou & Chengri Ding - 331-345 Buyer Exuberance and Price Premium
by Poh Har Neo & Seow Eng Ong & Yong Tu - 347-366 The Effects of Housing Allowance Benefit Levels on Recipient Duration: Evidence from the Swedish 1997 Reform
by Jie Chen - 367-389 Struggles over Unlicensed Housing in Seoul, 1960—80
by Erik Mobrand - 391-405 Policy Implications of Excess Commuting: Examining the Impacts of Changes in US Metropolitan Spatial Structure
by Jiawen Yang - 407-417 Network Effects in Public Transit Use: Evidence from a Spatially Autoregressive Mode Choice Model for New York
by Frank Goetzke - 419-444 Are We Willing to Pay Enough to `Back the Bid'?: Valuing the Intangible Impacts of London's Bid to Host the 2012 Summer Olympic Games
by Giles Atkinson & Susana Mourato & Stefan Szymanski & Ece Ozdemiroglu - 445-447 Book Review: Contesting Neo-liberalism: Urban Frontiers Helga Leitner, Jamie Peck and Eric S. Sheppard (Eds), 2007 New York: The Guilford Press 340pp. No price given, hardback; £21.00/US$30.00 paperback ISBN 978 1 59385 321 1 hardback; 978 1 59385 329 4 paperback
by Alex Law - 447-449 Book Review: The City Reader, 4th edn Richard T. Legates and Frederic Stout (Eds), 2007 Abingdon: Routledge 567 pp. No price given, hardback; £28.99 paperback ISBN 978 0 415 77083 5, hardback; 978 0 415 77084 2, paperback
by Ben Derudder - 449-451 Book Review: Bilbao: Basque Pathways to Globalisation Gerardo Del Cerro Santamaria, 2007 Oxford: Elsevier 226 pp. £75.00 hardback ISBN 978 0 08 045324 8 hardback
by Sara González - 451-453 Book Review: Urban Place: Reconnecting with the Natural World Peggy F. Bartlett (Ed.), 2005 Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 330 pp. £39.95 hardback; £15.95 paperback ISBN 0 262 02586 8 hardback; 0 262 52443 0 paperback
by Marit Rosol - 454-456 Book Review: Planning on the Edge: The Context for Planning at the Rural—Urban Fringe Nick Gallent, Johan Andersson and Marco Bianconi, 2006 London: Routledge 232 pp. US$140.00 hardback; US$56.00 paperback ISBN 978 0 4153 7571 9 hardback; 978 0 4154 0290 3 paperback
by Apostolos G. Papadopoulos - 456-458 Book Review: Post-structuralist Geography: A Guide to Relational Space Jonathan Murdoch, 2006 London: Sage Publications 220 pp. £70.00 hardback; £21.99 paperback ISBN 0 7619 7423 7 hardback; 0 7619 7424 5 paperback
by Lucila Newell - 459-460 Books Received
by N/A
January 2008, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 3-28 A Multiple-perspectives Construct of the American Global City
by Herman L. Boschken - 29-51 Informal Cities and the Contestation of Public Space: The Case of Bogotá's Street Vendors, 1988—2003
by Michael G. Donovan - 53-66 Independent Cities and Counties in Virginia: Substitute Jurisdictions?
by Geoffrey K. Turnbull & Michael T. Tasto - 67-88 Inward and Upward: Marking Out Social Class Change in London, 1981—2001
by Tim Butler & Chris Hamnett & Mark Ramsden - 89-113 Residential Segregation and Unemployment: The Case of Brussels
by Claire Dujardin & Harris Selod & Isabelle Thomas - 115-139 Housing Supply and Brownfield Regeneration in a post-Barker World: Is There Enough Brownfield Land in England and Scotland?
by Timothy Dixon & David Adams - 141-162 Residential Experience and Residential Environment Choice over the Life-course
by Peteke Feijten & Pieter Hooimeijer & Clara H. Mulder - 163-183 Population Dynamics in Ethnically Diverse Towns: The Long-term Implications of Immigration
by Ludi Simpson & Vasilis Gavalas & Nissa Finney - 185-205 Aboriginal Self-determination and Social Housing in Urban Canada: A Story of Convergence and Divergence
by Ryan Walker - 207-229 A Tale of Two Concessionaires: A Natural Experiment of Water Privatisation in Metro Manila
by Xun Wu & Nepomuceno A. Malaluan - 231-232 Book Review: Building Sustainable Communities: Spatial Policy and Labour Mobility in Post-war Britain Mike Raco, 2007 Bristol: Policy Press 267 pp. £65.00 hardback; £26.99 paperback ISBN 978 9 781 86134 7442 hardback; 978 1 86134 743 5 paperback
by Gerry Mooney - 233-234 Book Review: Cosmopolitan Urbanism Jon Binnie, Julian Holloway, Steve Millington and Craig Young (Eds), 2006 Routledge: London. 259 pp. £75.00 hardback; £20.99 paperback ISBN 0 415 34491 3 hardback; 0 415 34492 1 paperback
by David Robinson - 235-237 Book Review: Small Cities: Urban Experience Beyond the Metropolis David Bell and Mark Jayne (Eds), 2006 London: Routledge 280 pp. £90.00/US$155.00 hardback; £23.99/ US$42.95 paperback; £23.00/US$42.95 ebook ISBN 0 415 36657 7 hardback; 0 415 36658 5 paperback; 0 203 01926 1 ebook
by Neema Kudva - 237-239 Book Review: Housing Contemporary Ireland: Policy, Society and Shelter Michelle Norris and Declan Redmond (Eds), 2005 Dublin: Institute of Public Administration 437 pp. €38.00 paperback ISBN: 1 904541 34 8 paperback
by John Flint - 239-241 Book Review: Capital Cardiff 1975—2020. Regeneration, Competitiveness and the Urban Environment Alan Hooper and John Punter (Eds), 2006 Cardiff: University of Wales Press 397 pp. £60.00 hardback ISBN 0 7083 2063 5 hardback
by Huw Thomas - 241-243 Book Review: Employability and Local Labour Market Policy Ronald W. McQuaid, Anne Green and Mike Danson (Eds), 2006 London: Routledge 162 pp. £65.00 hardback ISBN 0 415 37630 0 hardback
by Del Roy Fletcher - 245-245 Books Received
by N/A
December 2007, Volume 44, Issue 13
- 2499-2510 Urbanisation, Urban Concentration and Economic Development
by Luisito Bertinelli & Eric Strobl - 2511-2528 Human Capital, Higher Education and Graduate Migration: An Analysis of Scottish and Welsh Students
by Alessandra Faggian & Philip McCann & Stephen Sheppard - 2529-2546 Terror, Fear and Behaviour in the Jerusalem Housing Market
by Shlomie Hazam & Daniel Felsenstein - 2547-2566 Emergent Local Initiative and the City: The Case of Neighbourhood Associations of the Better-off Classes in Post-1990 Urban Turkey
by Tahire Erman & Meliha Coşkun-Yιldar - 2567-2585 Race, Neighbourhood Context and Perceptions of Injustice by the Police in Cincinnati
by John MacDonald & Robert J. Stokes & Greg Ridgeway & K. Jack Riley - 2587-2603 Localised Social Networks, Socialisation and Social Mobility in a Low-income Neighbourhood in the Netherlands
by Fenne M. Pinkster - 2605-2626 The Dutch Creative Class and How it Fosters Urban Employment Growth
by Gerard Marlet & Clemens van Woerkens - 2627-2649 Immigrants and the Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis: Employment Outcomes among Immigrant Youth in Los Angeles
by Gary Painter & Cathy Yang Liu & Duan Zhuang - 2651-2671 Neighbourhood Deprivation, Social Capital and Regular Exercise during Adulthood: A Multilevel Study in Chicago
by Ming Wen & Christopher R. Browning & Kathleen A. Cagney - 2673-2694 The Poverty of Transition: From Industrial District to Poor Neighbourhood in the City of Nanjing, China
by Fulong Wu - 2695-2696 Book Review: Housing, Urban Governance and Anti-social Behaviour: Perspectives, Policy and Practice JOHN FLINT (Ed.), 2006 Bristol: Policy Press 350 pp. £55.00 hardback; £24.99 paperback ISBN 978 186134 685 8 hardback; 978 186134 684 1 paperback
by Andrew Millie - 2697-2698 Book Review: Decent Homes for All: Planning's Evolving Role in Housing Provision NICK GALLENT and MARK TEWDWR-JONES, 2007 London: Routledge 300 pp. £27.99, paperback; £85.00, hardback ISBN 978-0-415-274470, paperback; 978-0-415274463, hardback
by Susan Moore - 2698-2699 Book Review: Regulating Social Housing: Governing Decline DAVID COWAN and MORAG MCDERMONT, 2006 Abingdon: Routledge-Cavendish 216pp. £24.95 paperback ISBN 9781904385400
by Sarah Glynn - 2700-2701 Book Review: Neo-Bohemia Art and Commerce in the Post-industrial City RICHARD LLOYD, 2006 New York and London: Routledge 283 pp. £11.02 paperback ISBN 0 415 95182 8
by Jill Fenton - 2701-2702 Book Review: Deflecting Immigration: Networks, Markets and Regulation in Los Angeles IVAN LIGHT, 2006 New York: Russell Sage Foundation 246 pp. $35.00 hardback ISBN 0 87154 538 1 hardback
by David Mcevoy - 2703-2704 Book Review: After the Three Italies: Wealth, Inequality and Industrial Change MICHAEL DUNFORD and LIDIA GRECO, 2006 Oxford: Blackwell 345 pp. £55.00/US$89.95/AUS$212.00 hardback; £24.99/US$39.95/AUS$96.95 paperback ISBN 1 4051 2520 9 hardback; 1 4051 2521 7 paperback
by Danny Mackinnon - 2705-2705 Books Received
by N/A - 2706-2706 Erratum
by N/A
November 2007, Volume 44, Issue 12
- 2283-2303 A Re-count of Poverty in US Central Cities: Just Who and Where Are the Urban Poor?
by Christopher Johnson - 2305-2319 `Let the Streets Take Care of Themselves': Making Sociological and Common Sense of `Skid Row'
by Laura Huey & Thomas Kemple - 2321-2338 Beyond Negative Depictions of Informal Employment: Some Lessons from Moscow
by Colin C. Williams & John Round - 2339-2355 A Statistical Explanation for Extreme Bids in the House Market
by Eric J. Levin & Gwilym B. J. Pryce - 2357-2377 The Role of Public, Private, Non-profit and Community Sectors in Shaping Mixed-income Housing Outcomes in the US
by James C. Fraser & Edward L. Kick - 2379-2400 The Property Development Industry and Sustainable Urban Brownfield Regeneration in England: An Analysis of Case Studies in Thames Gateway and Greater Manchester
by Timothy Dixon - 2401-2427 The Mechanisms of Spatial Mismatch
by Laurent Gobillon & Harris Selod & Yves Zenou - 2429-2447 A Critical Assessment of the Evaluation of EU Interventions for Innovation in the SME Sector in Wales
by Tim Edwards & Rick Delbridge & Max Munday - 2449-2464 Selling Avant-garde: How Antwerp Became a Fashion Capital (1990—2002)
by Javier Gimeno MartÃnez - 2465-2486 Governance and Competitiveness in the Birmingham Jewellery District
by Lisa De Propris & Ping Wei - 2487-2488 Book Review: From Public Pipes to Private Hands: Water Access and Distribution in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania MARIANNE KJELLEN, 2006 Stockholm: Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University 329 pp. SEK319.00 paperback ISBN 91 85445 43 6 paperback
by Garth Andrew Myers - 2488-2489 Book Review: Placing Health: Neighbourhood Renewal, Health Improvement and Complexity Tim Blackman, 2006 Bristol: The Policy Press 246 pp. £55.00 hardback; £24.99 paperback ISBN 978 1 86134 611 7 hardback; 978 1 86134 610 0 paperback
by Karen Witten - 2489-2491 Book Review: Kazimierz: The Central European Experience of Urban Regeneration MONIKA A. MURZYN, 2006 Kraków: International Cultural Centre 574 pp. £7.50/42 PLN paperback ISBN 83 89273 35 7 paperback
by Craig Young - 2491-2493 Book Review: Remaking Chinese Urban Form: Modernity, Scarcity and Space, 1949—2005. DUANFANG LU, 2006. London: Routledge, 204 pp. £65.00 hardback ISBN 0 415 35450 hardback; 0 203 00119 2 e-book
by Anne-Marie Broudehoux - 2493-2495 Book Review: Culture, Urbanism and Planning JAVIER MONCLÚS and MANUEL GUÀRDIA (Eds), 2006 Aldershot: Ashgate 320 pp. £55.00 hardback ISBN 0 7546 4623 8 hardback
by Hanna Harris - 2495-2496 Book Review: Loose Space: Possibility and Diversity in Urban Life KAREN A. FRANCK and QUENTIN STEVENS (Eds), 2007 London: Routledge 303 pp. £80.00 hardback; £27.00 paperback ISBN 978 0 415 701167 hardback; 0 415 70117 1 paperback
by Margo Huxley - 2497-2497 Books Received
by N/A
October 2007, Volume 44, Issue 11
- 2061-2076 Estimating the Economic Impact of Natural and Social Disasters, with an Application to Hurricane Katrina
by Robert A. Baade & Robert Baumann & Victor Matheson - 2077-2103 Functional Polycentricity: A Formal Definition in Terms of Social Network Analysis
by Nick Green - 2105-2121 Consumption and Social Life in Cities: Evidence from Germany
by Rainald Borck - 2123-2145 A Theoretical Framework and Methodology for Characterising National Urban Systems on the Basis of Flows of People: Empirical Evidence for France and Germany
by Narisra Limtanakool & Martin Dijst & Tim Schwanen - 2147-2162 Expertise, Representation and the Common Good: Grounds for Legitimacy in the Urban Governance Network
by Liisa Häikiö - 2163-2178 Studying the Effects of the Intensity of US State Growth Management Approaches on Land Development Outcomes
by Michael Howell-Moroney - 2179-2194 Revisiting the Price of Residential Land in Jakarta
by Blane David Lewis - 2195-2210 Modalities of the New Middle Class: Ideology and Behaviour in the Journey to Work from Gentrified Neighbourhoods in Canada
by Martin Danyluk & David Ley - 2211-2229 Gendered Occupational Differences and Earnings Gaps in Globalising Urban Economies: The Case of Tel-Aviv
by Gila Menahem & Nelly Elias - 2231-2268 Residents' Perceptions of their Neighbourhood: Disentangling Dissatisfaction, a French Survey
by Jean-Louis Pan Ké Shon - 2269-2270 Book Review: Transnational Ruptures: Gender and Forced Migration CATHERINE NOLIN, 2006 Aldershot: Ashgate 246 pp.; £50.00 hardback ISBN 0 7546 3805 7 hardback
by Jenny Phillimore - 2270-2272 Book Review: White Lives: The Interplay of `Race', Class and Gender in Everyday Life BRIDGET BYRNE, 2006 London: Routledge 200 pp. £65.00 hardback; £22.99 paperback ISBN 0 415 34711 4 hardback; 0 415 34712 2 paperback
by Chris Haylett - 2272-2274 Book Review: The Management of Urban Development in Zambia EMMANUEL MUTALE, 2004 Aldershot: Ashgate 284 pp. $99.95/£55.00 hardback ISBN 13 978 0 7546 3596 3 hardback
by Amin Y. Kamete - 2274-2276 Book Review: Demystifying the Mystery of Capital: Land Tenure and Poverty in Africa and the Caribbean ROBERT HOME and HILARY LIM (Eds), 2004 London: Glasshouse Press 160 pp. £25.00 paperback ISBN 190438 513 3 paperback
by Scott Drimie - 2276-2277 Book Review: Regional Competitiveness RON MARTIN, MICHAEL KITSON and PETER TYLER (Eds), 2006 London: Routledge 169 pp. £70.00 hardback ISBN 0 415 39190 3 hardback
by Ryohei Nakamura - 2277-2279 Book Review: The Safe City: Safety and Urban Development in European Cities LEO VAN DEN BERG, PETER M. J. POL, GIULIANO MINGARDO and CAROLIEN J. M. SPELLER, 2006 Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd 334 pp. £60.00 hardback ISBN 0 7546 4723 4 hardback
by Elanor Warwick - 2281-2281 Books Received
by N/A
September 2007, Volume 44, Issue 10
- 1871-1887 Consequences of the Plano Piloto: The Urban Development and Land Markets of BrasÃlia
by David E. Dowall & Paavo Monkkonen - 1889-1904 Urban Land Area and Population Growth: A New Scaling Relationship for Metropolitan Expansion
by Julian D. Marshall - 1905-1917 Ecology of Sound: The Sonic Order of Urban Space
by Rowland Atkinson - 1919-1935 The Demise of the Rent-controlled Public Housing Programmes of Ghana: The Story of the Tema Development Corporation
by Paul Asabere - 1937-1952 The Redistributive Effect of Public Housing in Hong Kong
by Hon-Kwong Lui - 1953-1971 Is Income Inequality Harmful for Regional Growth? Evidence from the European Union
by Roberto Ezcurra - 1973-1996 Spatial Distribution of High-rise Buildings within Urban Areas: The Case of the Tel-Aviv Metropolitan Region
by Amnon Frenkel - 1997-2007 Departures from Gibrat's Law, Discontinuities and City Size Distributions
by Ahjond S. Garmestani & Craig R. Allen & Colin M. Gallagher & John D. Mittelstaedt - 2009-2027 The Performance of Public-sector Housing in Kolkata, India, in the Post-reform Milieu
by Urmi Sengupta & Allan G. Tipple - 2029-2045 Sense of Place, Quality of Life and Local Socioeconomic Context: Evidence from the Survey of English Housing, 2002/03
by John Mohan & Liz Twigg - 2047-2048 Book Review: Spaces of Social Exclusion JAMIE GOUGH and ARAM EISENSCHITZ with ANDREW MCCULLOCH, 2006 London: Routledge 272 pp. £23.99 paperback ISBN 0415280893 paperback
by Gerry Mooney - 2048-2050 Book Review: Cities and Consumption MARK JAYNE, 2006 London: Routledge 244 pp. £ 19.99 paperback ISBN 0 415 32734 2 paperback
by Marilyn Keenan - 2050-2052 Book Review: City Limits: Walking Portland's Boundary DAVID OATES, 2006 Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press 112 pp. US$18.95 paperback ISBN 0 87071 095 8 paperback
by Rodrigo Firmino - 2052-2053 Book Review: City PHIL HUBBARD, 2006 London: Routledge 298pp. £18.50 paperback ISBN 0 415 33100 5 paperback
by Rebecca Siân Edwards - 2053-2056 Book Review: Violent Night: Urban Leisure and Contemporary Culture SIMON WINLOW and STEVE HALL, 2006 Oxford: Berg Publishers Ltd 240 pp. £19.99 paperback ISBN 1845201647 paperback
by Gavin John Douglas Smith - 2056-2058 Book Review: Real Estate and the New Economy: The Impact of Information and Communications Technology TIM DIXON, BOB THOMPSON, PATRICK MCALLISTER, ANDREW MARSTON and JON SNOW, 2005 Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd 440 pp. No price given, paperback ISBN 1 4057 7778 8 paperback
by Richard Reed - 2059-2059 Books Received
by N/A
August 2007, Volume 44, Issue 9
- 1635-1656 London's and New York's Advertising and Law Clusters and their Networks of Learning: Relational Analyses with a Politics of Scale?
by James R. Faulconbridge - 1657-1676 Housing and Urban Location Decisions in Spain: An Econometric Analysis with Unobserved Heterogeneity
by Javier A. Barrios Garcia & Jose Enrique Rodriguez Hernandez - 1677-1695 Does Walking in the Neighbourhood Enhance Local Sociability?
by Lorinne du Toit & Ester Cerin & Evie Leslie & Neville Owen - 1697-1712 How to Turn a Beggar into a Bus Stop: Law, Traffic and the 'Function of the Place'
by Nicholas Blomley - 1713-1738 Intrametropolitan Employment Structure: Polycentricity, Scatteration, Dispersal and Chaos in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, 1996-2001
by Richard Shearmur & William Coffey & Christian Dube & Rémy Barbonne - 1739-1757 Explaining Spatial Patterns of Industrial Diversity: An Analysis of Sub-regions in Great Britain
by Paul Bishop & Peter Gripaios - 1759-1780 Commuting Inequality between Cars and Public Transit: The Case of the San Francisco Bay Area, 1990-2000
by Mizuki Kawabata & Qing Shen - 1781-1808 The Characteristics and Location of Home Workers in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver
by Markus Moos & Andrejs Skaburskis - 1809-1826 An Urban Regeneration Regime in China: A Case Study of Urban Redevelopment in Shanghai's Taipingqiao Area
by You-Ren Yang & Chih-hui Chang - 1827-1855 Reproducing Spaces of Chinese Urbanisation: New City-based and Land-centred Urban Transformation
by George C. S. Lin - 1857-1867 Book Reviews
by Ronan Paddison & Tim Butler & John Flint & Arnoud Lagendijk & Christopher G. Boone & Matti Siemiatycki - 1869-1870 Books Received
by N/A
July 2007, Volume 44, Issue 8
- 1405-1425 Industrial Park Development across the Taiwan Strait
by Tsu Lung Chou & Yu Chun Lin - 1427-1440 'From the Frying Pan to the Oven': Gentrification and the Experience of Industrial Displacement in Williamsburg, Brooklyn
by Winifred Curran - 1441-1463 Refashioning Local Government and Inner-city Regeneration: The Salford Experience
by Steven Henderson & Sophie Bowlby & Mike Raco - 1465-1490 Tokyo-as-World-City: Reassessing the Role of Capital and the State in Urban Restructuring
by Paul Waley - 1491-1516 Shadow Places: Patterns of Spatial Concentration and Incorporation of Irregular Immigrants in the Netherlands
by Arjen Leerkes & Godfried Engbersen & Marion van San - 1517-1537 The Dynamics of Intraurban Quantile House Price Indexes
by N. Edward Coulson & Daniel P. McMillen - 1539-1558 Securing the 'Civilised' Enclaves: Gated Communities and the Moral Geographies of Exclusion in (Post-)socialist Shanghai
by Choon-Piew Pow - 1559-1579 Water for All: How To Combine Public Management with Commercial Practice for the Benefit of the Poor?
by Alan Gilbert - 1581-1601 Producer Services in the Urban Core and Suburbs of Phoenix, Arizona
by Breandan Ó hUallacháin & Timothy F. Leslie - 1603-1618 The Effects of Politics on Local Tax Setting: Evidence from France
by Eric Dubois & Matthieu Leprince & Sonia Paty - 1619-1629 Book Reviews
by Rowland Atkinson & Samer Bagaeen & Kean Birch & John Flint & Don Mitchell & Kristeen Paton - 1631-1633 Books Received
by N/A
June 2007, Volume 44, Issue 7
- 1161-1174 The Geography of Education: Introduction
by Tim Butler & Chris Hamnett - 1175-1189 Education, Class Fractions and the Local Rules of Spatial Relations
by Stephen John Ball & Carol Vincent - 1191-1201 'Unruly Places' : Inner-city Comprehensives, Middle-class Imaginaries and Working-class Children
by Diane Reay - 1203-1228 Education, Location, Education: A Spatial Analysis of English Secondary School Public Examination Results
by Ian Gordon & Vassilis Monastiriotis - 1229-1253 Classifying Pupils by Where They Live: How Well Does This Predict Variations in Their GCSE Results?
by Richard Webber & Tim Butler - 1255-1280 Social Background, Ethnicity, School Composition and Educational Attainment in East London
by Chris Hamnett & Mark Ramsden & Tim Butler - 1281-1305 Are Schools Drifting Apart? Intake Stratification in English Secondary Schools
by Stephen Gibbons & Shqiponja Telhaj - 1307-1328 Choice as Rule, Exception and Coincidence: Parents' Understandings of Catchment Areas in Berlin
by Kathleen Noreisch - 1329-1354 Living and Learning Separately? Ethnic Segregation of School Children in Copenhagen
by Beatrice Schindler Rangvid - 1355-1376 Finding Space and Managing Distance: Public School Choice in an Urban California District
by Lois Andre-Bechely - 1377-1391 Repositioning Schooling in Inner Sydney: Urban Renewal, an Education Market and the 'Absent Presence' of the 'Middle Classes'
by Kalervo N. Gulson - 1393-1404 School Admissions and the Segregation of School Intakes in New Zealand Cities
by Martin Thrupp
May 2007, Volume 44, Issue 5-6
- 915-937 Urban Growth in Nepal: Does Location Matter?
by Boris A. Portnov & Madhav Adhikari & Moshe Schwartz - 939-951 Measurement of Optimal City Sizes in Japan: A Surplus Function Approach
by Xiao-Ping Zheng - 953-977 US Metropolitan-area Variation in Environmental Inequality Outcomes
by Liam Downey - 979-995 Spaces of Resistance: Informal Settlement, Communication and Community Organisation in a Cape Town Township
by Andrew Skuse & Thomas Cousins - 997-1017 Confined Contact: Residential Segregation and Ethnic Bridges in the Netherlands
by Wenda van der Laan Bouma-Doff - 1019-1039 Unpacking the Theory-Policy Interface of Local Economic Development: An Analysis of Cardiff and Liverpool
by Philip Boland - 1041-1068 Impact of Proximity to Light Rail Rapid Transit on Station-area Property Values in Buffalo, New York
by Daniel Baldwin Hess & Tangerine Maria Almeida - 1069-1091 Understanding Social Capital in Recently Restructured Urban Neighbourhoods: Two Case Studies in Rotterdam
by Reinout Kleinhans & Hugo Priemus & Godfried Engbersen - 1093-1108 The Impact of Terrorism on Italian Employment and Business Activity
by Robert T. Greenbaum & Laura Dugan & Gary LaFree - 1109-1124 The Quasi-normative Approach to Housing Affordability: The Case of the Czech Republic
by Martin Lux - 1125-1143 From 'Event-led' to 'Event-themed' Regeneration: The 2002 Commonwealth Games Legacy Programme
by Andrew Smith & Tim Fox - 1145-1153 Comment on Rhodes et al. (2005): Some Further Thoughts on Assessing the Effects of Area-based Initiatives on Local Outcomes
by Dermot O'Reilly - 1155-1159 Comment on Rhodes et al. (2005)—Some Further Thoughts on Assessing the Effects of Area-based Initiatives on Local Outcomes: A Reply
by Peter Tyler & Angela Brennan
April 2007, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 651-677 Splintering Urban Populations: Emergent Landscapes of Reurbanisation in Four European Cities
by Stefan Buzar & Philip Ogden & Ray Hall & Annegret Haase & Sigrun Kabisch & Annett Steinfiihrer - 679-697 Does Residential Density Increase Walking and Other Physical Activity?
by Ann Forsyth & J. Michael Oakes & Kathryn H. Schmitz & Mary Hearst - 699-721 Constructing Racism in Sydney, Australia's Largest EthniCity
by James Forrest & Kevin Dunn - 723-750 Do Two-earner Households Base Their Choice of Residential Location on Both Incomes?
by Diana Mok - 751-770 Allocating Pupils to Their Nearest Secondary School: The Consequences for Social and Ability Stratification
by Rebecca Allen - 771-798 Producing Elite Localities: The Rise of Gated Communities in Istanbul
by Åžerife GeniÅŸ - 799-817 Social Capital and Localised Learning: Proximity and Place in Technological and Institutional Dynamics
by Mark Lorenzen - 819-843 The Bottom-Up Mandate: Fostering Community Partnerships and Combating Economic Distress in Chicago's Empowerment Zone
by Deirdre Oakley & Hui-shien Tsao - 845-863 Civic Culture and Public Service Failure: An Empirical Exploration
by Rhys Andrews - 865-888 Signal Extraction with Kalman Filter: A Study of the Hong Kong Property Price Bubbles
by Qin Xiao & Gee Kwang Randolph Tan - 889-895 Book Reviews
by Bernd Belina & Steve Tiesdell & Ulrich Best & Alan Gilbert & Kenneth Gibb
March 2007, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 425-438 The Information Requirements for an Effective Regional Policy: A Critique of the Allsopp Review
by Eric McVittie & J. Kim Swales