May 2004, Volume 41, Issue 5-6
- 971-989 Clusters, Dispersion and the Spaces in Between: For an Economic Geography of the Banal
by N.A. Phelps - 991-1009 The Cluster as Market Organisation
by Peter Maskell & Mark Lorenzen - 1011-1023 Where Is the Value Added in the Cluster Approach? Hermeneutic Theorising, Economic Geography and Clusters as a Multiperspectival Approach
by Paul Benneworth & Nick Henry - 1025-1044 Working through Knowledge Pools: Labour Market Dynamics, the Transference of Knowledge and Ideas, and Industrial Clusters
by Dominic Power & Mats Lundmark - 1045-1070 Entrepreneurial Activity and the Dynamics of Technology-based Cluster Development: The Case of Ottawa
by Richard T. Harrison & Sarah Y. Cooper & Colin M. Mason - 1071-1093 Clusters from the Inside and Out: Local Dynamics and Global Linkages
by David A. Wolfe & Meric S. Gertler - 1095-1112 Innovation and Clustering in the Globalised International Economy
by James Simmie - 1113-1131 Life Sciences Clusters and Regional Science Policy
by Philip Cooke - 1133-1155 'Embryonic' Knowledge-based Clusters and Cities: The Case of Biotechnology in Scotland
by Joseph Leibovitz - 1157-1174 Knowledge-based Clusters and Urban Location: The Clustering of Software Consultancy in Oslo
by Arne Isaksen - 1175-1195 Like Phoenix from the Ashes? The Renewal of Clusters in Old Industrial Areas
by Franz Todtling & Michaela Trippl
April 2004, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 725-755 An Indicator-based Approach to Measuring Sustainable Urban Regeneration Performance: Part 1, Conceptual Foundations and Methodological Framework
by Lesley Hemphill & Jim Berry & Stanley McGreal - 757-772 An Indicator-based Approach to Measuring Sustainable Urban Regeneration Performance: Part 2, Empirical Evaluation and Case-study Analysis
by Lesley Hemphill & Stanley McGreal & Jim Berry - 773-799 Employment Growth of Small High-technology Firms and the Role of Horizontal Clustering: Evidence from Computing Services and R&D in Great Britain, 1991-2000
by Bernard Fingleton & Danilo Camargo Igliori & Barry Moore - 801-815 Regional Image and the Consumption of Regionally Denominated Products
by Dimitris Skuras & Efthalia Dimara - 817-832 Waterfront Redevelopment: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Policy-making Process within the Chatham Maritime Project
by Keith Jacobs - 833-851 Measuring the Spatial Pattern of Residential Segregation
by Casey J. Dawkins - 853-874 Social Capital and Trust in South-east Asian Cities
by Jeffrey P. Carpenter & Amrita G. Daniere & Lois M. Takahashi - 875-885 The Impact of the US Sales Tax Rate on City Size and Economic Activity: A CGE Approach
by Harvey Cutler & Irina Strelnikova - 887-901 Regulation and Racial Differentiation in the Construction of Night-time Economies: A London Case Study
by Deborah Talbot - 903-917 Experimental Discursive Spaces: Policy Processes, Public Participation and the Greater London Authority
by C.M. Harrison & R.J.C. Munton & K. Collins - 919-934 Book Reviews
by Kurt Iveson & Linda McDowell & Michael A. Pagano & Paul J. Maginn & Casey J. Dawkins & Andrew Currah & Stephanie Geary & Joseph L. Scarpaci - 935-936 Books Received
by N/A
March 2004, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 487-506 Bourdieu's Habitus, Social Class and the Spatial Worlds of Visually Impaired Children
by Chris Allen - 507-532 Cultural Clusters and the Post-industrial City: Towards the Remapping of Urban Cultural Policy
by Hans Mommaas - 533-562 Residential Assistance and Recovery Following the Northridge Earthquake
by Nabil M. O. Kamel & Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris - 563-578 User Cost Changes, Unemployment and Home-ownership: Evidence from Spain
by Javier A. Barrios Garcia & Jose E. Rodriguez Hernandez - 579-603 Policies for Urban Form and their Impact on Travel: The Netherlands Experience
by Tim Schwanen & Martin Dijst & Frans M. Dieleman - 605-619 The Dynamics of the Singapore Private Housing Market
by Yong Tu - 621-639 The Governance of Homelessness in the European South: Spatial and Institutional Contexts of Philanthropy in Athens
by Vassilis P. Arapoglou - 641-659 From Valley of Sadness to Hill of Happiness: The Significance of Surroundings for Socioeconomic Career
by Eva Andersson - 661-681 Statistics of Racial Segregation: Measures, Evidence and Policy
by Ludi Simpson - 683-696 Urban Governance, Competition and Welfare
by Hannu Laurila - 697-712 Book Reviews
by H.V. Savitch & Rowland Atkinson & Kent E. Portney & Stanley McGreal & Catherine Rbein & Stacy A. Harwood & Andy Hultquist & Robert T. Greenbaum & Belinda Dodson - 713-715 Books Received
by N/A
February 2004, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 255-259 Introduction: Exclusionary Land-use Regulations
by Keith R. Ihlanfeldt - 261-283 Exclusionary Land-use Regulations within Suburban Communities: A Review of the Evidence and Policy Prescriptions
by Keith R. Ihlanfeldt - 285-298 Proximity, Neighbourhood and the Efficacy of Exclusion
by Allen K. Lynch & David W. Rasmussen - 299-315 Neighbourhood Composition and Residential Land Prices: Does Exclusion Raise or Lower Values?
by Robert Cervero & Michael Duncan - 317-340 An Economic History of Zoning and a Cure for its Exclusionary Effects
by William A. Fischel - 341-361 Determinants of Suburban Development Controls: A Fischel Expedition
by John F. McDonald & Daniel P. McMillen - 363-375 Politics, Institutions and Local Land-use Regulation
by Richard C. Feiock - 377-388 Heresthetics and Happenstance: Intentional and Unintentional Exclusionary Impacts of the Zoning Decision-making Process
by James C. Clingermayer - 389-421 Local Land-use Controls and Demographic Outcomes in a Booming Economy
by John M. Quigley & Steven Raphael & Larry A. Rosenthal - 423-439 Urban Containment and Residential Segregation: A Preliminary Investigation
by Arthur C. Nelson & Casey J. Dawkins & Thomas W. Sanchez - 441-461 Moving Up by Moving Out? Planned Developments and Residential Segregation in California
by Tracy M. Gordon - 463-479 Direct Democracy and Land Use Policy: Exchanging Public Goods for Development Rights
by Elisabeth R. Gerber & Justin H. Phillips
January 2004, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 7-32 A Pioneer's Perspective on the Spatial Mismatch Literature
by John F. Kain - 33-55 Understanding Risk: The Planning Officers' Perspective
by Christopher Snary - 57-70 Capacity-building, Representation and Intracommunity Conflict
by Peter Shirlow & Brendan Murtagh - 71-94 Regional Economic Disparities and Decentralisation
by Carlos Gil Canaleta & Pedro Pascual Arzoz & Manuel Rapun Garate - 95-116 Assessing the Spatial Structure of Urban and Population Growth in the Greater Cairo Area, Egypt: A GIS and Imagery Analysis Approach
by Dona J. Stewart & Zhi-Yong Yin & Stevan M. Bullard & Jared T. MacLachlan - 117-149 Decomposing Canada's Growing Housing Affordability Problem: Do City Differences Matter?
by Andrejs Skaburskis - 151-172 Reconfiguring Agency and Responsibility in the Governance of Social Housing in Scotland
by John Flint - 173-193 From Industrial District to 'Urban Village'? Manufacturing, Money and Consumption in Birmingham's Jewellery Quarter
by Jane S. Pollard - 195-205 Fiscal Externality, Rent Sharing and Equalisation Transfers in Japan
by Hikaru Ogawa - 207-227 Hong Kong as a Global City? Social Distance and Spatial Differentiation
by Ray Forrest & Adrienne La Grange & Ngai-ming Yip - 229-241 Book Reviews
by David Gibbs & Ronald McQuaid & Rhoda H. Halperin & Peter J. Taylor & Joe Austin & Edward G. Goetz & Daniel Bluestone & Peter J. Larkham - 243-244 Books Received
by N/A
December 2003, Volume 40, Issue 13
- 2591-2612 The Donald Robertson Memorial Prizewinner 2003 The Nature of the Neighbourhood
by Chris Webster - 2613-2642 Institutional Barriers to Associative City-region Governance: The Politics of Institution-building and Economic Governance in 'Canada's Technology Triangle'
by Joseph Leibovitz - 2643-2660 Government Policies and Household Mobility Behaviour in Singapore
by Poh Har Neo & Nai Jia Lee & Seow Eng Ong - 2661-2686 The Suburban Origins of Redlining: A Canadian Case Study, 1935-54
by Richard Harris & Doris Forrester - 2687-2704 Role of 'Vision' in Neighbourhood Racial Segregation: A Variant of the Schelling Segregation Model
by Alexander J. Laurie & Narendra K. Jaggi - 2705-2729 A Constant-quality Price Index for Resale Public Housing Flats in Singapore
by Seow Eng Ong & Kim Hin David Ho & Chai Hoon Lim - 2731-2750 Progressive Reform, Gender and Institutional Structure: A Critical Analysis of Citizen Participation in Detroit's Community Development Corporations (CDCs)
by Robert Mark Silverman - 2751-2768 Determinants of Call Centre Location: Some Evidence for UK Urban Areas
by Paul Bishop & Peter Gripaios & Gillian Bristow - 2769-2776 Socioeconomic Factors and Suicide Rates at Large-unit Aggregate Levels: A Comment
by Eric Neumayer - 2777-2794 Regional Tourism Satellite Accounts: A Useful Policy Tool?
by Calvin Jones & Max Munday & Annette Roberts - 2795-2810 Book Reviews
by Tom Slater & Peter Newman & Max Barlow & Willem Salet & Charles Hoch & Kevin Mumford & Jonathan Okamura & Aram Eisenschitz & Paul Thorsnes - 2811-2813 Books Received
by N/A
November 2003, Volume 40, Issue 12
- 2343-2350 Introduction: Misunderstood Saviour or Vengeful Wrecker? The Many Meanings and Problems of Gentrification
by Rowland Atkinson - 2351-2366 What Makes Gentrification 'Gentrification'?
by P.A. Redfern - 2367-2382 Gentrification, Housing Redifferentiation and Urban Regeneration: 'Going for Growth' in Newcastle upon Tyne
by Stuart Cameron - 2383-2400 Another 'Guggenheim Effect'? The Generation of a Potentially Gentrifiable Neighbourhood in Bilbao
by Lorenzo Vicario & P. Manuel Martinez Monje - 2401-2426 Gentrification and the Middle-class Remaking of Inner London, 1961-2001
by Chris Hamnett - 2427-2449 Black Home-owners as a Gentrifying Force? Neighbourhood Dynamics in the Context of Minority Home-ownership
by Raphael W. Bostic & Richard W. Martin - 2451-2468 Revisiting the Diversity of Gentrification: Neighbourhood Renewal Processes in Brussels and Montreal
by Mathieu Van Criekingen & Jean-Michel Decroly - 2469-2486 Living in the Bubble: Gentrification and its 'Others' in North London
by Tim Butler - 2487-2509 Super-gentrification: The Case of Brooklyn Heights, New York City
by Loretta Lees - 2511-2526 'I Want to be Global': Theorising the Gentrifying Class as an Emergent Elite Global Community
by Matthew W. Rofe - 2527-2544 Artists, Aestheticisation and the Field of Gentrification
by David Ley - 2545-2556 Time-Space Trajectories in Provincial Gentrification
by Gary Bridge - 2557-2572 Leeds Calling: The Influence of London on the Gentrification of Regional Cities
by Paul Dutton - 2573-2584 Family Gentrifiers: Challenging the City as a Place Simultaneously to Build a Career and to Raise Children
by Lia Karsten
October 2003, Volume 40, Issue 11
- 2127-2145 Beyond Polarisation versus Professionalisation? A Case Study of the Development of the Helsinki Region, Finland
by Mari Vaattovaara & Matti Kortteinen - 2147-2163 Neighbourhood Crime and Scattered-site Public Housing
by Anna M. Santiago & George C. Galster & Kathryn L. S. Pettit - 2165-2186 The New Economy in the City: Emergence and Location Factors of Internet-based Companies in the Metropolitan Area of Lyon, France
by Bruno Moriset - 2187-2205 Economic Specialisation in Metropolitan Areas Revisited: Transactional Occupations in Hamburg, Germany
by Rolf Stein - 2207-2221 Estimating the Public's Value for Urban Forest in the Seoul Metropolitan Area of Korea: A Contingent Valuation Study
by Seung-Jun Kwak & Seung-Hoon Yoo & Sang-Yong Han - 2223-2237 A Revenue-sharing Model of Residential Redevelopment Projects: The Case of the Hapdong Redevelopment Scheme in Seoul, Korea
by Chang-Moo Lee & Jong-Hyun Lee & Chang-Ho Yim - 2239-2253 Synergy in Urban Regeneration Partnerships: Property Agents' Perspectives
by Michael Ball & Laurent Le Ny & Paul J. Maginn - 2255-2284 The Analysis and Prediction of Urban Office Rents
by Allison M. Orr & Colin Jones - 2285-2294 The Convergence of Regional House Prices in the UK
by Steven Cook - 2295-2312 Another Look at Travel Patterns and Urban Form: The US and Great Britain
by Genevieve Giuliano & Dhiraj Narayan - 2313-2330 Book Review
by Phil Hubbard & Eric Klinenberg & Douglas C. Gills & Barbara Illsley & Enrico Gualini & Jorgen Amdam & Michael Cuthill & Karina Nilsson & John R. Miron - 2331-2332 Books Received
by N/A
September 2003, Volume 40, Issue 10
- 1895-1923 Rising Metropoli: The Geography of Mergers and Acquisitions in Germany
by Andres Rodriguez-Pose & Hans-Martin Zademach - 1925-1936 Expansion versus Density in Barcelona: A Valuation Exercise
by Dolores Garcia & Pere Riera - 1937-1958 What Regions Do Rather than Make: A Proposed Set of Knowledge-based Occupation Clusters
by Edward J. Feser - 1959-1978 Organising Capacity and Social Policies in European Cities
by Leo van den Berg & Jan van der Meer & Peter M. J. Pol - 1979-1999 'My Voice: My Place': Tracking Transformations in Urban Governance
by Jon Coaffee & Patsy Healey - 2001-2021 Does Tax Increment Financing Raise Urban Industrial Property Values?
by Rachel Weber & Saurav Dev Bhatta & David Merriman - 2023-2047 Setting the Rents of Social Housing: The Impact and Implications of Rent Restructuring in England
by Bruce Walker & Alex Marsh - 2049-2066 Estimating the Effect of Land Leases on Prices of Inner-city Apartment Buildings
by Christian T. L. Janssen - 2067-2081 The Structuring of Service-class Migration: English Migration to Scottish Cities
by Allan M. Findlay & Aileen Stockdale & Caroline Hoy & Cassie Higgins - 2083-2098 Rent-seeking Behaviour and its Economic Costs in Urban Land Transactions in Accra, Ghana
by Adarkwah Yaw Antwi & John Adams - 2099-2113 Book Reviews
by Yvonne Rydin & Edward Coulson & Peter Skerry & Anthony Lemon & Aidan While & Jennifer Lee & David P. Lindstrom & Karal Ann Marling & Alma H. Young - 2115-2116 Books Received
by N/A
August 2003, Volume 40, Issue 9
- 1655-1671 Negotiating the Contemporary City: Introduction
by Gordon MacLeod & Mike Raco & Kevin Ward - 1673-1698 The (Post-) Socialist Entrepreneurial City as a State Project: Shanghai's Reglobalisation in Question
by Fulong Wu - 1699-1724 Urbanity, Lifestyle and Making Sense of the New Urban Cultural Economy: Notes from Auckland, New Zealand
by Alan Latham - 1725-1749 Edge Urban Geographies: Notes from the Margins of Europe's Capital Cities
by N.A. Phelps & N. Parsons - 1751-1767 Reconfiguring the CBD: Work and Discourses of Design in Sydney's Office Space
by Phillip M. O'Neill & Pauline M'Guirk - 1769-1789 Urban Marginality and Labour Market Restructuring: Local Authority Tenants and Employment in an Inner London Borough
by Paul Watt - 1791-1809 Negotiating Their Way In: The Middle Classes, Gentrification and the Deployment of Capital in a Globalising Metropolis
by Tim Butler & Garry Robson - 1811-1828 Political Economies of Day Labour: Regulation and Restructuring of Chicago's Contingent Labour Markets
by Nik Theodore - 1829-1843 Domestication by Cappuccino or a Revenge on Urban Space? Control and Empowerment in the Management of Public Spaces
by Rowland Atkinson - 1845-1867 Zero Tolerance for the Industrial Past and Other Threats: Policing and Urban Entrepreneurialism in Britain and Germany
by Bernd Belina & Gesa Helms - 1869-1887 Remaking Place and Securitising Space: Urban Regeneration and the Strategies, Tactics and Practices of Policing in the UK
by Mike Raco
July 2003, Volume 40, Issue 8
- 1399-1426 New Developments in Area-based Initiatives in England: The Experience of the Single Regeneration Budget
by John Rhodes & Peter Tyler & Angela Brennan - 1427-1454 Patterns and Concentrations of Disadvantage in England: A Rural-Urban Perspective
by Jane Midgley & Ian Hodge & Sarah Monk - 1455-1469 Airline Traffic and Urban Economic Development
by Jan K. Brueckner - 1471-1485 Testing the 'Popsicle Test': Realities of Retail Shopping in New 'Traditional Neighbourhood Developments'
by Randall Bartlett - 1487-1516 UK Commercial Property Lease Structures: Landlord and Tenant Mismatch
by Neil Crosby & Virginia Gibson & Sandi Murdoch - 1517-1548 Access to Water for the Urban Poor in Cape Town: Where Equity Meets Cost Recovery
by Laila Smith & Susan Hanson - 1549-1572 Economic Development in Shanghai and the Role of the State
by Le-Yin Zhang - 1573-1590 Safety in Numbers? Modelling Crowds and Designing Control for the Notting Hill Carnival
by Michael Batty & Jake Desyllas & Elspeth Duxbury - 1591-1607 Spatial Variation in Road Pedestrian Casualties: The Role of Urban Scale, Density and Land-use Mix
by Daniel J. Graham & Stephen Glaister - 1609-1625 The Aesthetic Experience of Traffic in the Modern City
by Nigel Taylor - 1627-1641 Book Reviews
by David W. Edgington & Christopher G. Boone & Vanessa Watson & Maureen A. Flanagan & Ivan Turok & Bruce Missingham & Frank Peck & Alan Prior & M.G. Lloyd - 1643-1644 Books Received
by N/A
June 2003, Volume 40, Issue 7
- 1183-1206 (Re)Analysing the Sustainable City: Nature, Urbanisation and the Regulation of Socio-environmental Relations in the UK
by Mark Whitehead - 1207-1222 Low Pay and Income in Urban and Rural Areas: Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey
by Alana Gilbert & Euan Phimister & Ioannis Theodossiou - 1223-1242 How the Other Half Lives: An Exploratory Analysis of the Relationship between Poverty and Home-ownership in Britain
by Roger Burrows - 1243-1258 Moving into the City and Moving Out Again: Swedish Evidence from the Cohort Born in 1968
by Karina Nilsson - 1259-1282 Markets versus Planning: An Assessment of the Swedish Housing Model in the Post-war Period
by Thomas S. Nesslein - 1283-1302 Determinants of Commuting Time and Distance for Seoul Residents: The Impact of Family Status on the Commuting of Women
by Bun Song Lee & John F. McDonald - 1303-1321 Cubic Spline Population Density Functions and Satellite City Delimitation: The Case of Barcelona
by Ivan Muniz & Anna Galindo & Miguel Angel Garcia - 1323-1334 Factors Influencing the Privatisation of Urban Solid Waste Collection in Spain
by Germà Bel & Antonio Miralles - 1335-1351 Induced Demand: A Microscopic Perspective
by Pavithra Parthasarathi & David M. Levinson & Ramachandra Karamalaputi - 1353-1369 Local Innovation Assemblages and Institutional Capacity in Local High-tech Economic Development: The Case of Oxfordshire
by Helen Lawton Smith - 1371-1385 Book Reviews
by David C. Thorns & Carole Rakodi & Barry Goodchild & Eamonn Judge & John Hannigan & Nurith Zmora & Antoni Calvo-Armengol & Larry Bennett & Nicole P. Marwell - 1387-1389 Books Received
by N/A
May 2003, Volume 40, Issue 5-6
- 887-896 Developments in Urban Housing and Property Markets
by Kenneth Gibb & Martin Hoesli - 897-916 Markets and the Structure of the Housebuilding Industry: An International Perspective
by Michael Ball - 917-935 Social Behaviour as a Basis for Modelling the Urban Housing Market: A Review
by David Meen & Geoffrey Meen - 937-952 Taxing Residential Housing Capital
by Peter Englund - 953-972 Land-use Planning and the Housing Market: A Comparative Review of the UK and the USA
by Michael White & Philip Allmendinger - 973-992 Trying to Understand Low-income Housing Subsidies: Lessons from the United States
by William G. Grigsby & Steven C. Bourassa - 993-1009 Corporate Equity and Commercial Property Market 'Bubbles'
by Patric H. Hendershott & Robert J. Hendershott & Charles R. W. Ward - 1011-1026 Globalisation and Housing Finance Systems in Advanced and Transition Economies
by Mark Stephens - 1027-1045 House Price Dynamics and Market Fundamentals: The Parisian Housing Market
by Richard Meese & Nancy Wallace - 1047-1064 Appraisal Smoothing and Price Discovery in Real Estate Markets
by David Geltner & Bryan D. MacGregor & Gregory M. Schwann - 1065-1080 Financing Property's Contribution to Regeneration
by Alastair Adair & Jim Berry & Stanley McGreal - 1081-1114 International Direct Real Estate Investment: A Review of the Literature
by C.F. Sirmans & Elaine Worzala - 1115-1149 Investing in International Real Estate Stocks: A Review of the Literature
by Elaine Worzala & C.F. Sirmans - 1151-1169 Occupier Requirements in Commercial Real Estate Markets
by C.M. Lizieri
April 2003, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 663-664 Bill Lever: Some Appreciative Remarks
by Ronan Paddison - 665-685 Shifts in Tokyo's World City Status and the Urban Planning Response
by Asato Saito & Andy Thornley - 687-706 International Migration and the Housing Market: Japanese Corporate Movers in London
by Paul White & Louise Hurdley - 707-732 A Place for R&D? The Singapore Science Park
by Su-Ann Mae Phillips & Henry Wai-chung Yeung - 733-746 Economic and Social Status in Household Decision-making: Evidence Relating to Extended Family Mobility
by Chin-Oh Chang & Shu-Mei Chen & Tsur Somerville - 747-765 The Taxation of Australian Landlords: Would the British Tax Treatment of Rental Investments Increase Tax Burdens if Introduced in Australia?
by Gavin A. Wood & Peter A. Kemp - 767-789 The Limits of Housing Reform: British Social Rented Housing in a European Context
by Mark Stephens & Nicola Burns & Lisa MacKay - 791-795 An Early Use of Bid Rent Functions
by Yeung-Nan Shieh - 797-807 Local Politics and the Demand for Public Education
by Christopher B. Colburn & John B. Horowitz - 809-833 Paying for Good Neighbours: Estimating the Value of an Implied Educated Community
by Steve Gibbons - 835-852 Trial and Error in Privatisation: Experiences in Urban Solid Waste Collection in Accra (Ghana) and Hyderabad (India)
by Johan Post & Jaap Broekema & Nelson Obirih-Opareh - 853-865 Book Reviews
by James Simmie & Gilles Duranton & David Simon & Ruth Levitas & Leigh Sparks & Donald McNeill & Peter Somerville & Michael Green - 867-868 Books Received
by N/A - 869-877 Acknowledgement of Referees, 2002
by N/A
March 2003, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 447-462 US Regionalism and Rationality
by Victoria Basolo - 463-479 The Negotiated City Image: Symbolic Reproduction and Change through Urban Consumption
by Andre Jansson - 481-503 The Changing Spatial Concentration of Income and Poverty among Suburbs of Large US Metropolitan Areas
by Janice Fanning Madden - 505-530 Heterogeneity in Asian American Home-ownership: The Impact of Household Endowments and Immigrant Status
by Gary Painter & Lihong Yang & Zhou Yu - 531-549 'Social Mixing' and the Management of Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods: The Dutch Policy of Urban Restructuring Revisited
by Justus Uitermark - 551-565 Differentiation of Growth Processes in the Peri-urban Region: An Australian Case Study
by Tania Fisher - 567-580 The Evolution of Spanish Urban Structure during the Twentieth Century
by Luis Lanaspa & Fernando Pueyo & Fernando Sanz - 581-601 Urban Regeneration's Poisoned Chalice: Is There an Impasse in (Community) Participation-based Policy?
by Peris S. Jones - 603-613 Changing Gender Roles, Shifting Power Balance and Long-distance Migration of Couples
by Jeroen Smits & Clara H. Mulder & Pieter Hooimeijer - 615-630 'Making Friends or Making Things?': Interfirm Transactions in the Sheffield Metal-working Cluster
by H.D. Watts & A.M. Wood & P. Wardle - 631-647 Book Review
by Richard G. Smith & Alan Hooper & Seamus O'Hanlon & Jennifer Parker Talwar & Richard Harris & John McDonagh & Stuart C. Aitken & Steven Gartside & Janet Rothenberg Pack & Sue Brownill - 649-650 Books Received
by N/A
February 2003, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 207-217 The Nested City: Introduction
by Richard Child Hill & Kuniko Fujita - 219-247 Globalisation, Urban Form and Environmental Conditions in Asia-Pacific Cities
by Peter John Marcotullio - 249-281 Neo-industrial Tokyo: Urban Development and Globalisation in Japan's State-centred Developmental Capitalism
by Kuniko Fujita - 283-308 Global City Formation in a Capitalist Developmental State: Tokyo and the Waterfront Sub-centre Project
by Asato Saito - 309-334 Taipei as a Global City: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination
by Chia-Huang Wang - 335-360 Embedded Autonomy and Uneven Metropolitan Development: A Comparison of the Detroit and Nagoya Auto Regions, 1969-2000
by A.J. Jacobs - 361-378 Homelessness in Osaka: Globalisation, Yoseba and Disemployment
by Hideo Aoki - 379-401 The Webs They Weave: Malaysia's Multimedia Super-corridor and New York City's Silicon Alley
by Michael Indergaard - 403-419 Globalisation, Class, Consumption and Civil Society in South-east Asian Cities
by John Clammer - 421-438 Attracting and Retaining Investments in Uncertain Times: Singapore in South-east Asia
by K.C. Ho
January 2003, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 7-22 Linking Discourse and Space: Towards a Cultural Sociology of Space in Analysing Spatial Policy Discourses
by Tim Richardson & Ole B. Jensen - 23-34 On Government Structure and Spending: The Effects of Management Form and Separation of Powers
by Rebecca J. Campbell & Geoffrey K. Turnbull - 35-55 New Realism and Local Realities: Local Transport Planning in Leicester and Cambridgeshire
by Harriet Bulkeley & Tim Rayner - 57-69 Identifying Sub-centres Using Contiguity Matrices
by Daniel P. McMillen