October 2005, Volume 42, Issue 11
- 1969-1990 Towards Alternative Model(s) of Local Innovation
by Frank Moulaert & Flavia Martinelli & Erik Swyngedouw & Sara Gonzalez - 1991-2006 Governance Innovation and the Citizen: The Janus Face of Governance-beyond-the-State
by Erik Swyngedouw - 2007-2021 Social Innovation and Civil Society in Urban Governance: Strategies for an Inclusive City
by Julia Gerometta & Hartmut Haussermann & Giulia Longo - 2023-2036 Participatory Budgeting in Porto Alegre: Social Innovation and the Dialectical Relationship of State and Civil Society
by Andreas Novy & Bernhard Leubolt - 2037-2053 Social Economy, Third Sector and Solidarity Relations: A Conceptual Synthesis from History to Present
by Frank Moulaert & Oana Ailenei - 2055-2069 A Sociological Institutionalist Approach to the Study of Innovation in Governance Capacity
by Sara González & Patsy Healey - 2071-2088 Defining the Social Economy and its Governance at the Neighbourhood Level: A Methodological Reflection
by Frank Moulaert & Jacques Nussbaumer - 2089-2100 Book Reviews
by Stella Lowder & Anirban Pal & Sumila Gulyani & Katharine M. Donato & Jerome Teelucksingh & Pierre Filion & Paul Lawless & Tony Manzi - 2101-2101 Books Received
by N/A
September 2005, Volume 42, Issue 10
- 1671-1691 Re-encoding the Spectacle: Urban Fatefulness and Mediated Stigmatisation in the 'City of Tomorrow'
by Andre Jansson - 1693-1710 Young Entrepreneurs, Social Capital and Doi Moi in Hanoi, Vietnam
by Sarah Turner & Phuong An Nguyen - 1711-1738 Social Capital and Neighbourhoods that Work
by Alan Middleton & Alan Murie & Rick Groves - 1739-1754 The Housing Ladder, the Housing Life-cycle and the Housing Life-course: Upward and Downward Movement among Repeat Home-buyers in a US Metropolitan Housing Market
by Hazel A. Morrow-Jones & Mary V. Wenning - 1755-1769 A Dynamic Analysis of Mortgage Arrears in the UK Housing Market
by Catarina Figueira & John Glen & Joseph Nellis - 1771-1794 Financial and Social Returns in Housing Asset Management: Theory and Dutch Housing Associations' Practice
by Vincent Gruis - 1795-1815 A Critical Analysis of Housing Finance Reform in a 'Super' Home-ownership State: The Case of Armenia
by Mark Stephens - 1817-1835 Neighbours, Barriers and Urban Environments: Are Things 'Different on the Other Side of the Tracks'?
by Douglas S. Noonan - 1837-1858 Telecommunications and the Internet in Shanghai: Political and Economic Factors Shaping the Network in a Chinese City
by Eric Harwit - 1859-1878 Chinese Housing Reform in State-owned Enterprises and Its Impacts on Different Social Groups
by Ya Ping Wang & Yanglin Wang & Glen Bramley - 1879-1891 Book Reviews
by Joachim Blatter & Andrejs Skaburskis & Sandra Walklate & Gerry Mooney & Marco Bontje & Mark Pennington & Lila Leontidou & Gyorgy Enyedi - 1892-1892 Books Received
by N/A
August 2005, Volume 42, Issue 9
- 1487-1505 Knowledge-based Industry Clusters: Evidenced by Geographical Patterns of Patents in Manufacturing
by Jun Koo - 1507-1515 Time-series Analysis of Clusters in City Size Distributions
by Ahjond S. Garmestani & Craig R. Allen & K. Michael Bessey - 1517-1535 Head Office Location: Agglomeration, Clusters or Flow Nodes?
by Stig-Erik Jakobsen & Knut Onsager - 1537-1547 Growth in Commuting Distances in French Polycentric Metropolitan Areas: Paris, Lyon and Marseille
by Anne Aguilera - 1549-1568 Industrial Shift, Skill Mismatch and Income Inequality: A Decomposition Analysis of Changing Distributions in the Oslo Region
by Terje Wessel - 1569-1592 Extent, Location and Profiles of Continuing Gentrification in Canadian Metropolitan Areas, 1981-2001
by John Meligrana & Andrejs Skaburskis - 1593-1608 Leading World Cities: Empirical Evaluations of Urban Nodes in Multiple Networks
by Peter J. Taylor - 1609-1620 Possible Sources of Wage Divergence among Metropolitan Areas of the United States
by Matthew P. Drennan - 1621-1636 The Intention to Move and Residential Location Choice Behaviour
by Jae Hong Kim & Francesca Pagliara & John Preston - 1637-1656 Assessing the Geography of Vandalism: Evidence from a Swedish City
by Vania Ceccato & Robert Haining - 1657-1668 Book Reviews
by Harriet Bulkeley & Fulong Wu & Andrew C.G. Cook & Christel Lane & Julia Lossau & Richard Harris & Miles Glendinning & Elixenia Biron - 1669-1669 Books Received
by N/A
July 2005, Volume 42, Issue 8
- 1247-1274 Universal (Non)service? Water Markets, Household Demand and the Poor in Urban Kenya
by Sumila Gulyani & Debabrata Talukdar & R. Mukami Kariuki - 1275-1299 Moving to Opportunity: The Demonstration's Design and its Effects on Mobility
by Judith D. Feins & Mark D. Shroder - 1301-1320 Sustainable Urban Livelihoods and Marketplace Social Capital: Crisis and Strategy in Petty Trade
by Michal Lyons & Simon Snoxell - 1321-1343 Professionalisation or Hybridisation? Real Estate Brokers in Metro Cebu, the Philippines, during the Boom of the 1990s
by Edsel E. Sajor - 1345-1368 What Drives Infrastructure Spending in Cities of Developing Countries?
by Ben C. Arimah - 1369-1390 A Transitional Institution for the Emerging Land Market in Urban China
by Jieming Zhu - 1391-1410 In Search of the City in Spatial Strategies: Past Legacies, Future Imaginings
by Geoff Vigar & Stephen Graham & Patsy Healey - 1411-1427 The Search for Community Cohesion: Key Themes and Dominant Concepts of the Public Policy Agenda
by David Robinson - 1429-1451 Cities and National Economic Growth: A Reappraisal
by Mario Polèse - 1453-1469 Planning Policy and Retail Property Markets: Measuring the Dimensions of Planning Intervention
by Catherine Jackson & Craig Watkins - 1471-1484 Book Reviews
by Noel Castree & David J. Keeling & Jerald Podair & Michael Pryke & Duncan W. Scott & Paul Lambe & Robert McMaster & Michael Slivka - 1485-1485 Books Received
by N/A
June 2005, Volume 42, Issue 7
- 1027-1056 Parallel Lives? Ethnic Segregation in Schools and Neighbourhoods
by Simon Burgess & Deborah Wilson & Ruth Lupton - 1057-1076 Inequality, Polarisation and Regional Mobility in the European Union
by Roberto Ezcurra & Carlos Gil & Pedro Pascual & Manuel Rapun - 1077-1097 Creating Urban Social Capital: Some Evidence from Informal Traders in Nairobi
by Michal Lyons & Simon Snoxell - 1099-1121 Tourism Gentrification: The Case of New Orleans' Vieux Carre (French Quarter)
by Kevin Fox Gotham - 1123-1138 Territory, Institutions and National Identity: The Case of Acadians in Greater Moncton, Canada
by Daniel Bourgeois & Yves Bourgeois - 1139-1160 Role of Interaction between Technological Communities and Industrial Clustering in Innovative Activity: The Case of Hsinchu District, Taiwan
by Tai-shan Hu & Chien-yuan Lin & Su-Li Chang - 1161-1175 The Economic Effect of Urban Colleges on their Surrounding Communities
by Annette Steinacker - 1177-1200 Access to Employment for Adults in Poverty in the Buffalo-Niagara Region
by Daniel Baldwin Hess - 1201-1219 Sectoral Manufacturing Productivity Growth in Korean Regions
by Bun Song Lee & Kim Sosin & Sung Hyo Hong - 1221-1227 On the Measurement and Meaning of Residential Segregation: A Response to Simpson
by Ron Johnston & Michael Poulsen & James Forrest - 1229-1230 On the Measurement and Meaning of Residential Segregation: A Reply to Johnston, Poulsen and Forrest
by Ludi Simpson - 1231-1243 Book Reviews
by Aram Eisenschitz & Caroline Brown & Beatriz Garcia & Oli Mould & Ton Kreukels & Steve Tiesdell & Timothy J. Bartik & Jacqueline Tivers - 1245-1246 Books Received
by N/A
May 2005, Volume 42, Issue 5-6
- 833-839 Introduction: The Rise and Rise of Culture-led Urban Regeneration
by Steven Miles & Ronan Paddison - 841-868 Deconstructing the City of Culture: The Long-term Cultural Legacies of Glasgow 1990
by Beatriz Garcia - 869-887 Urban Designscapes and the Production of Aesthetic Consent
by Guy Julier - 889-911 Interruptions: Testing the Rhetoric of Culturally Led Urban Development
by Malcolm Miles - 913-926 'Our Tyne': Iconic Regeneration and the Revitalisation of Identity in NewcastleGateshead
by Steven Miles - 927-943 Arts Festivals and the City
by Bernadette Quinn - 945-958 The Global Cultural City? Spatial Imagineering and Politics in the (Multi)cultural Marketplaces of South-east Asia
by Brenda S. A. Yeoh - 959-983 Measure for Measure: Evaluating the Evidence of Culture's Contribution to Regeneration
by Graeme Evans - 985-999 Sport and Economic Regeneration in Cities
by Chris Gratton & Simon Shibli & Richard Coleman - 1001-1023 Just Art for a Just City: Public Art and Social Inclusion in Urban Regeneration
by Joanne Sharp & Venda Pollock & Ronan Paddison
April 2005, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 583-609 Counter-urbanisation on the Zambian Copperbelt? Interpretations and Implications
by Deborah Potts - 611-632 The Place of Home-based Enterprises in the Informal Sector: Evidence from Cochabamba, New Delhi, Surabaya and Pretoria
by Graham Tipple - 633-646 Paying for Quietness: The Impact of Noise on Geneva Rents
by Andrea Baranzini & José V. Ramirez - 647-663 The Introduction of Price Signals into Land Use Planning Decision-making: A Proposal
by Paul Cheshire & Stephen Sheppard - 665-694 High-voltage Overhead Power Lines and Property Values: A Residential Study in the UK
by Sally Sims & Peter Dent - 695-717 Geographical Skills Mismatch, Job Search and Race
by Michael A. Stoll - 719-749 Overcoming the Factors Inhibiting the Mainstreaming of Gender into Spatial Planning Policy in the United Kingdom
by Clara Greed - 751-764 The Value of Access to Highways and Light Rail Transit: Evidence for Industrial and Office Firms
by Sherry Ryan - 765-781 Polycentric Urban Regions and the Quest for Synergy: Is a Network of Cities More than the Sum of the Parts?
by Evert Meijers - 783-800 Power and Governance: Metropolitan Governance in France
by Walter J. Nicholls - 801-816 Book Reviews
by Gesa Helms & Michael Hebbert & Jane Holgate & Joseph Leibovitz & Mike Raco & Jonathan Oldfield & John Whitelegg & Nick Parsons & Gerald Daly - 817-818 Books Received
by N/A - 819-832 Acknowledgement of Referees, 2004
by N/A
March 2005, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 361-395 An Anatomy of Urban Terror: Lessons from Jerusalem and Elsewhere
by H.V. Savitch - 397-416 UK Health Action Zones: Political Accountability and Political Marketing-Perspectives from the South West
by Michael Cole & Lesley Cotterill - 417-433 Preserving Space for Volunteers: Exploring the Links between Voluntary Welfare Organisations, Volunteering and Citizenship
by Christine Milligan & Nicholas R. Fyfe - 435-448 An Analysis of Context and Constraints-dependent Shopping Behaviour Using Qualitative Decision Principles
by T.A. Arentze & H.J.P. Timmermans - 449-470 The Regional Shopping Centre in the Inner City: A Study of Retail-led Urban Regeneration
by Michelle Lowe - 471-502 The Impact of Planning on Local Business Rents
by John Henneberry & Tony McGough & Fotis Mouzakis - 503-526 Reclaiming Urbanity: Indeterminate Spaces, Informal Actors and Urban Agenda Setting
by Jacqueline Groth & Eric Corijn - 527-544 Accessing the Nation: Disability, Political Inclusion and Built Form
by Jillian Hastings & Huw Thomas - 545-555 Evidence on the Intergenerational Persistence of Residential Segregation by Race
by Casey J. Dawkins - 557-565 Estimating Determinants of Passenger Air Service to Small Markets
by Brian L. Goff - 567-579 Book Reviews
by Alisdair Rogers & Susan Christopherson & Morris B. Holbrook & Alan Latham & David Byrne & Peter Newman & John Flint & Jon Shaw - 581-582 Books Received
by N/A
February 2005, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 191-195 Introducing Employability
by Ronald W. McQuaid & Anne Green & Mike Danson - 197-219 The Concept of Employability
by Ronald W. McQuaid & Colin Lindsay - 221-243 Employability, Skills Mismatch and Spatial Mismatch in Metropolitan Labour Markets
by Donald Houston - 245-256 Employing the Unemployed: Some Case Study Evidence on the Role and Practice of Employers
by David Devins & Terence Hogarth - 257-270 Social Labour, Employ ability and Social Exclusion: Pre-employment Training for Call Centre Work
by Vicki Belt & Ranald Richardson - 271-283 Employability and Enterprise: Evidence from the North East
by Christina Hartshorn & Leigh Sear - 285-300 Old Industrial Regions and Employability
by Mike Danson - 301-324 Young People, Job Search and Local Labour Markets: The Example of Belfast
by Anne Green & Ian Shuttleworth & Stuart Lavery - 325-339 Employability, Services for Unemployed Job Seekers and the Digital Divide
by Colin Lindsay - 341-353 Extending Employability or Solving Employers' Recruitment Problems? Demand-led Approaches as an Instrument of Labour Market Policy
by Tony Gore
January 2005, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 7-30 Post-apartheid Transition in a Small South African Town: Interracial Property Transfer in Margate, KwaZulu-Natal
by Anthony Lemon & David Clifford - 31-45 The Effect of Squatter Housing on Income Distribution in Urban Turkey
by Cem Baslevent & Meltem Dayoglu - 47-68 Privileged Places: Race, Uneven Development and the Geography of Opportunity in Urban America
by Gregory D. Squires & Charis E. Kubrin - 69-89 Road Traffic Change: A Catalyst for Segregation?
by Torkel Bjørnskau - 91-111 Institutional Investment in Rental Housing in Australia: A Policy Framework and Two Models
by Mike Berry & Jon Hall - 113-125 The Effects of Expected Transport Improvements on Housing Prices
by C.Y. Yiu & S.K. Wong - 127-140 Renter Illusion: Fact or Fiction?
by Jens Blom-Hansen - 141-161 Quantifying Urban Form: Compactness versus 'Sprawl'
by Yu-Hsin Tsai - 163-167 Information Technology and the Future of Cities: An Alternative Analysis
by Alexandros Panayides & Clifford R. Kern - 169-181 Book Reviews
by Michael Lichter & Geoffrey De Verteuil & Tim Butler & Huw Thomas & David Schuyler & Mark S. Foster & Colin Mcfarlane & Ignaz Strebel - 183-184 Books Received
by N/A
December 2004, Volume 41, Issue 13
- 2495-2514 The Impact of Violence Surges on Neighbourhood Business Activity
by Robert T. Greenbaum & George E. Tita - 2515-2537 Poor Places, Poor Prospects? Counterfactual Models of Neighbourhood Effects on Social Exclusion in Stockholm, Sweden
by Lars Brannstrom - 2539-2553 A Transaction-cost Analysis of the Land Development Process
by Edwin Buitelaar - 2555-2579 A Comparative Perspective on Urban Spatial Housing Market Structure: Some More Evidence of Local Sub-markets Based on a Neural Network Classification of Amsterdam
by Tom Kauko - 2581-2600 Exposure to Environmental Urban Noise Pollution in Birmingham, UK
by Julii S. Brainard & Andrew P. Jones & Ian J. Bateman & Andrew A. Lovett - 2601-2619 The Continuing 'Wind of Change' in the Balkans: Sources of Housing Inequality in Bulgaria
by Elena Vesselinov - 2621-2646 'Colonia' Land and Housing Market Performance and the Impact of Lot Title Regularisation in Texas
by Peter M. Ward & Flavio de Souza & Cecilia Giusti - 2647-2667 Modelling ICT Perceptions and Views of Urban Front-liners
by Galit Cohen-Blankshtain & Peter Nijkamp & Kees van Montfort - 2669-2690 Policy Beliefs in Spatial Decisions: Contrasting Core Beliefs Concerning Space-making for Waste Infrastructure
by Maarten Wolsink - 2691-2696 Race and Riots: A Note on the Economic Impact of the Rodney King Riots
by Victor A. Matheson & Robert A. Baade - 2697-2711 Book Reviews
by Ray Hudson & Joseph O. Jewell & Alan Black & Déborah Berman Santana & John P. Caskey & Yue-Man Yeung & David W. Edgington & Colin Wood & Ali Madanipour - 2713-2714 Books Received
by N/A - 2715-2726 Index for Volume 41 (2004) by Subject and Author
by N/A
November 2004, Volume 41, Issue 12
- 2295-2301 Introduction: Globalisation and the Politics of Forgetting
by Yong-Sook Lee & Brenda S. A. Yeoh - 2303-2313 The Work of Forgetting and Remembering Places
by Ann Markusen - 2315-2333 Urban Political Economy Beyond the 'Global City'
by Eugene J. McCann - 2335-2355 Local Memory and Worldly Narrative: The Remote City in America and Japan
by Gregory Clancey - 2357-2376 Rural Villages as Socially Urban Spaces in Malaysia
by Eric C. Thompson - 2377-2394 Whither Nationalist Urbanism? Public Life in Governor Sutiyoso's Jakarta
by Abidin Kusno - 2395-2414 Debt Restructuring and the Politics of Exclusion: A Case Study of the Daewoo Motor Bupyeong Plants in Incheon, South Korea
by Yong-Sook Lee - 2415-2430 The Politics of Forgetting: Class Politics, State Power and the Restructuring of Urban Space in India
by Leela Fernandes - 2431-2445 Cosmopolitanism and its Exclusions in Singapore
by Brenda S. A. Yeoh - 2447-2467 Counter-global Cases for Place: Contesting Displacement in Globalising Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan Area
by Tim Bunnell & Alice M. Nah - 2469-2484 Planning to Forget: Informal Settlements as 'Forgotten Places' in Globalising Metro Manila
by Gavin Shatkin
October 2004, Volume 41, Issue 11
- 2103-2118 Domesticating Urban Theory? US Concepts, British Cities and the Limits of Cross-national Applications
by Andrew M. Wood - 2119-2137 The Deconcentration of Poverty in Chicago: 1990-2000
by John F. McDonald - 2139-2157 The Meaning of Words in Urban Conflicts: Language, Argumentation Patterns and Local Politics in Israel
by Nurit Alfasi - 2159-2179 The Interplay of Three Established-Outsider Figurations in a Deprived Inner-city Neighbourhood
by David M. May - 2181-2196 Cohort Effects, Differential Accumulation and Hong Kong's Volatile Housing Market
by Ray Forrest & James Lee - 2197-2210 Do Economic Reforms Accelerate Urban Growth? The Case of China
by Gordon Anderson & Ying Ge - 2211-2230 Network Accessibility and the Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity in Eastern Asia
by Antonio Paez - 2231-2244 The Contradictions in Enabling Private Developers of Affordable Housing: A Cautionary Case from Ahmedabad, India
by Vinit Mukhija - 2245-2272 Migration and Urbanisation in Francophone West Africa: An Overview of the Recent Empirical Evidence
by Cris Beauchemin & Philippe Bocquier - 2273-2286 Book Reviews
by David M. Smith & Rachel Garshick Klerf & Lydia Morris & Mark R. Daniels & Edward J. Harpham & Phil Hubbard & Itohan Osayimwese & David Martin - 2287-2288 Books Received
by N/A
September 2004, Volume 41, Issue 10
- 1863-1888 Testing the Global City-Social Polarisation Thesis: Hong Kong since the 1990s
by Stephen W. K. Chiu & Tai-lok Lui - 1889-1907 Urban Spatial Development in the Land Policy Reform Era: Evidence from Beijing
by Chengri Ding - 1909-1929 'Best Places': Interurban Competition, Quality of Life and Popular Media Discourse
by Eugene J. McCann - 1931-1951 The Impact of Cultural Events on City Image: Rotterdam, Cultural Capital of Europe 2001
by Greg Richards & Julie Wilson - 1953-1982 Post-industrialism, Post-modernism and the Reproduction of Vancouver's Central Area: Retheorising the 21st-century City
by Thomas A. Hutton - 1983-2000 Ethnoscapes as Spectacle: Reimaging Multicultural Districts as New Destinations for Leisure and Tourism Consumption
by Stephen Shaw & Susan Bagwell & Joanna Karmowska - 2001-2024 Global Business Services in Moscow: Patterns of Involvement
by Olga Gritsai - 2025-2041 Estimating the Public Good Value of Preserving a Local Historic Landmark: The Role of Non-substitutability and Citizen Information
by Robert W. Kling & Charles F. Revier & Karin Sable - 2043-2059 Urban Broadband Internet Policies in Europe: A Critical Review
by Willem van Winden & Paulus Woets - 2061-2076 Understanding How Land is Exchanged: Co-ordination Mechanisms and Transaction Costs
by Barrie Needham & George de Kam - 2077-2091 Book Reviews
by James K. Mitchell & Mark Pelling & Arthur C. Nelson & Thomas A. Clark & Tassilo Herrschel & Henry Wai-Chung Yeung & Michael Indergaard & Ray Pahl & Robert Woods - 2093-2094 Books Received
by N/A
August 2004, Volume 41, Issue 9
- 1631-1641 Sexuality and Sexual Services in the Urban Economy and Socialscape: An Overview
by Alan Collins - 1643-1657 Space, Risk and Opportunity: The Evolution of Paid Sex Markets
by Samuel Cameron - 1659-1686 The Changing Nature of Adult Entertainment Districts: Between a Rock and a Hard Place or Going from Strength to Strength?
by Andrew Ryder - 1687-1702 Cleansing the Metropolis: Sex Work and the Politics of Zero Tolerance
by Phil Hubbard - 1703-1717 The Risks of Street Prostitution: Punters, Police and Protesters
by Teela Sanders - 1719-1737 Homosexuality and the City: An Historical Overview
by Robert Aldrich - 1739-1758 Urban Space and Homosexuality: The Example of the Marais, Paris' 'Gay Ghetto'
by Michael Sibalis - 1759-1788 Where Love Dares (Not) Speak Its Name: The Expression of Homosexuality in Singapore
by Kean Fan Lim - 1789-1806 Sexual Dissidence, Enterprise and Assimilation: Bedfellows in Urban Regeneration
by Alan Collins - 1807-1820 Authenticating Queer Space: Citizenship, Urbanism and Governance
by David Bell & Jon Binnie - 1821-1838 Sex and Not the City? The Aspirations of the Thirty-something Working Woman
by Joanna Brewis - 1839-1856 Queer as Folk: Producing the Real of Urban Space
by Beverley Skeggs & Leslie Moran & Paul Tyrer & Jon Binnie
July 2004, Volume 41, Issue 8
- 1423-1439 Separate Spaces, Separate Outcomes? Neighbourhood Impacts on Minorities in Germany
by Anita I. Drever - 1441-1459 Social Exclusion and Opportunity Structures in European Cities and Neighbourhoods
by Alan Murie & Sako Musterd - 1461-1484 Privatising Cape Town: From Apartheid to Neo-liberalism in the Mother City
by David A. McDonald & Laïla Smith - 1485-1505 Remaking Local Governance through Community Participation? The Case of the UK Community Waste Sector
by David Luckin & Liz Sharp - 1507-1519 Towards Infusing Institutions and Agency into House Price Analysis
by Tom Kauko - 1521-1536 Estimation of the Tenants' Benefits Residing in Public Rental Housing with Unit Size Constraint in Korea
by In Joon Kim & Geun Yong Kim & Juhyun Yoon - 1537-1549 Gibrat's Law and the Growth of Cities in Brazil: A Panel Data Investigation
by Marcelo Resende - 1551-1566 Participation Determinants in Armenia's Housing Purchase Certificate Programme
by Raymond J. Struyk & Dessislava Petkova - 1567-1585 Valuing Air Pollution Mortality in China's Cities
by Victor Brajer & Robert W. Mead - 1587-1600 Historic Preservation and Neighbourhood Change
by N. Edward Coulson & Robin M. Leichenko - 1601-1617 Book Reviews
by Ray Pahl & Gerard Delanty & Nickie Charles & Christine C. Cook & Gesa Helms & Gregory D. Squires & Sue Brownill & Harriet Bulkeley & Alex Marsh - 1619-1620 Books Received
by N/A
June 2004, Volume 41, Issue 7
- 1207-1228 Does More Mean Worse? Three Decades of Enterprise Policy in the Tees Valley
by Francis J. Greene & Kevin F. Mole & David J. Storey - 1229-1248 Strategic Asset Management in the Social Rented Sector: Approaches of Dutch and English Housing Associations
by Vincent Gruis & Nico Nieboer & Andrew Thomas - 1249-1267 From Land Use Right to Land Development Right: Institutional Change in China's Urban Development
by Jieming Zhu - 1269-1282 Progress and Problems in Reforming Urban Land Use and Development Regulation in the Russian Federation
by Eduard K. Trutnev & William Valletta & Mikhail O. Yakoubov - 1283-1301 'Greening the People's Home': The Formative Power of Sustainable Development Discourse in Swedish Housing
by Lennart J. Lundqvist - 1303-1312 The Effect of Impact Fees on the Price of New Single-family Housing
by Shishir Mathur & Paul Waddell & Hilda Blanco - 1313-1331 Transit Mobility, Jobs Access and Low-income Labour Participation in US Metropolitan Areas
by Thomas W. Sanchez & Qing Shen & Zhong-Ren Peng - 1333-1348 The Effects of Portland's Urban Growth Boundary on Urban Development Patterns and Commuting
by Myung-Jin Jun - 1349-1365 Territorial Cohesion: Old (French) Wine in New Bottles?
by Andreas Faludi - 1367-1393 Equalising Votes but Enabling Bias: The Electoral Impact of the 1977 and 1999 Ward Boundary Reviews in London
by Colin Railings & Ron Johnston & Michael Thrasher - 1395-1411 Book Reviews
by Mark S. Foster & Edward D. Hulsbergen & Randall G. Shelden & Isobel Anderson & Stuart Cameron & Ngai-Ling Sum & Gerard Delanty & Pauline McGuirk & Donovan Storey - 1413-1415 Books Received
by N/A
May 2004, Volume 41, Issue 5-6
- 959-969 Introduction: Clusters in Urban and Regional Development
by Andy Cumbers & Danny MacKinnon