November 1967, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 311-312 Book Review: Aspects of Land Economics by W. Lean and B. Goodhall, Estates Gazette, 1966, PP. 414, 58/6
by C.H. Eckert - 312-314 Book Review: The British Building Industry: Four Studies in Response and Resistance to Change by Marian Bowley, Cambridge University Press, 1966, pp. 488, 70/-
by D.M. Heeley - 314-315 Book Review: The Public Economy of Urban Communities edited by Julius Margolis, Johns Hopkins Press: Oxford University Press, London, 1966, pp. 264, 40/-
by J.T. Hughes - 315-317 Book Review: Toronto's Changing Retail Complex-A Study in Growth and Blight by James W. Simmons, Department of Geography Research Paper No. 104, University of Chicago Press, 1966, pp. 129, $4.00
by Graham M. Lomas - 317-318 Book Review: Greenheart Metropolis : Planning the Western Netherlands by Gerald L. Burke, Macmillan, 1966, pp. 172, 50/-
by Ronald H. Buchanan - 318-319 Book Review: Afforestation in National Parks by Standing Committee on National Parks, Council for the Preservation of Rural England, 1965, pp. 13, 1/The Future of National Parks and the Countryside by Standing Committee on National Parks, Council for the Preservation of Rural England, 1965, pp. 16, 1/-
by Joy Tivy - 320-325 Book Notes
by N/A - 326-328 Books Received
by N/A
June 1967, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 137-148 The Rapid Transit Revival-A Comparative Review of Overseas Practice
by H.P. White - 149-164 New Bussa, a New Town On the Niger
by Brian C. Smith - 165-169 Urban Perspectives: a Review Article
by Asa Briggs - 170-174 Book Review: Housing in the Modern World by Charles Abrams, Faber & Faber, 1966, pp. 307, 42/Housing Needs and Policy in Great Britain aud Czechoslovakia by Jiri Musil, Oliver & Boyd, 1966, pp. 140, 40/Private Landlords in England by John Greve, Bell, 1965, pp. 54, 8/Housing and Local Government in England and Wales by J. B. Cullingworth, Allen & Unwin, 1966, pp. 275, 36/Housing Policy in Scotland 1919-1964 by R. D. Cramond, Oliver & Boyd, 1966, pp. 127, 20/-
by Della Adam Nevitt - 174-175 Book Review: Housing, Taxation and Subsidies by D. A. Nevitt, Nelson, 1966, pp. 185, 35/-
by J.B. Cullingworth - 175-176 Book Review: Houses and People: A review of user studies at the Building Research Station by W. V. Hole and J. J. Attenburrow, H.M.S.O., 1966, pp. 56, 27/6
by S.W. Cooney - 176-178 Book Review: Greater London: The Politics of Metropolitan Reform by Frank Smallwood, Bobs-Merrill Company, 1965, pp. 324, S2.95
by John Money - 178-181 Book Review: A New Town in Mid-Wales: a report to the Secretary of State for Wales by Economic Associates Ltd., H.M.S.O., 1966, pp. 100, 50/-
by H.B. Rodgers - 181-183 Book Review: Educreation: Education for Creation, Growth and Change by Paul Ritter, Pergamon Press, 1966, pp. 375, 30/-
by P. Nuttgens - 183-184 Book Review: Land Use Information: A Critical Survey of U.S. Statistics Including Possibilities for Greater Uniformity by Marion Clawson and Charles L. Stewart, Published for Resources for the Future, Inc., by the Johns Hopkins Press, 1965, pp. 402, $6.00
by J.W. Henderson - 184-185 Book Review: The Rise of Urban America by Constance McLaughlin Green, Hutchinson, 1966, pp. 184, 15/-
by George Shepperson - 185-187 Book Review: A Preface to Urban Economics by Wilbur R. Thompson, Johns Hopkins Press: Oxford University Press, London, 1966, pp. 413, 60 -
by A.G. Wilson - 187-189 Book Review: Man's Struggle for Shelter in an Urbanizing World by Charles Abrams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1964, pp. 307, $7.95
by Ronald H. Buchanan - 189-191 Book Review: Population in History : Essays in Historical Demography edited by D. V. Glass and D. E. C. Eversley, Arnold, 1965, pp. 692, £5
by P.E. Razzell - 191-192 Book Review: Economic Policy and the Size of Cities by G. M. Neutze, Australian National University, Canberra, 1965, pp. 136, £A3
by Tim Rhodes - 192-193 Book Review: Human Dimensions of Weather Wodification edited by W. R. Derrick Sewell, University of Chicago Research Papers in Geography No. 105, 1966, pp. 423, $4.00
by C.A. Halstead - 193-194 Book Review: Von Thunen's Isolated State, edited by Peter Hall, Pergamon Press, 1966, pp. 304, £5
by G.H. Peters - 194-198 Book Notes
by N/A - 198-200 Books Received
by N/A
February 1967, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-21 Environment, Housing and Health
by A.E. Martin - 22-40 Residential Rehabilitation in the U.S.A
by Joan Ash - 41-60 Social Area Analysis: a British Study
by D.T. Herbert - 61-79 Centrality and the Central Place Hierarchy
by Wayne K.D. Davies - 80-81 Book Review: Urban-Rural Differences in Southern Asia, Some Aspects and Methods of Analysis by UNESCO Research Centre on Social and Economic Development in Southern Asia, Delhi, Allen & Unwin, 1964, pp. 147
by B.W. Hodder - 81-82 Book Review: The Regional City : An Anglo-American Discussion of Metropolitan Planning, edited by Derek Senior, Longmans, 1966, pp. 192, 42/-
by J.B. Cullingworth - 82-83 Book Review: Rural North-East England (Northumberland and Durham), 1951-1961, Report to the Development Commissioners : Papers on Migration and Mobility in North-East England, No. i, by J. W. House, Department of Geography, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1965, pp. 49, 7/6 Migrants of North-East England, 1950-1961; Character, age and sex : Papers on Migration and Mobility in North-East England, No. 2, by J. W. House and E. M. Knight, Department of Geography, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1965, pp. 30, 7/6
by R.H. Osborne - 83-85 Book Review: Population Growth and Planning Policy by D. E. C. Eversley, V. Jackson and G. Lomas, Frank Cass, 1965, pp. 88, 36/Industry, Employment and Population in the North-East by Joint Consultative Committee on Regional Planning, Newcastle, 1964, n.p
by P.D. Mcgovern - 85-87 Book Review: The Resurgent Neighbourhood by James V. Cunningham, Fides, Indiana, 1965, pp. 224, $3.95
by Margaret Stacey - 87-87 Book Review: Housing in Latin America by Albert G. H. Dietz, Marcia N. Koth and Julio A. Silva, M.I.T. Inter-American Program of the Civil Engineering Department Report No. i, M.I.T. Press, 1965, pp. 259, 75/-
by Peter R. Odell - 88-88 Book Review: Garden Cities of Tomorrow by Ebenezer Howard, edited with a Preface by F. J. Osborn, Introductory essay by Lewis Mumford, Faber, 1965, pp. 168, 7/6
by B.D. Clark - 88-88 Book Review: Garden Cities of Tomorrow by Ebenezer Howard, edited with a Preface by F. J. Osborn, Introductory essay by Lewis Mumford, Faber, 1965, pp. 168, 7/6
by B.D. Clark - 90-91 Book Review: Research on Road Traffic by Road Research Laboratory, H.M.S.O., 1965, pp. 505, 42/-
by William K. Mackay - 91-92 Book Review: Federal-Metropolitan Politics and the Commuter Crisis by Michael N. Danielson, Columbia University Press, 1965, pp. 232, 45/-
by W.L. Taylor - 92-93 Book Review: The World Cities by Peter Hall, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1966, pp. 254, 14/-
by Jean Forbes - 93-96 Book Review: The Structure of the Stockholm Economy by Roland Artle, Cornell University Press: Oxford University Press, London, 1965, pp. 197, 54/-
by C.D. Foster - 96-98 Book Review: Urban Transportation : the Federal Role by G. M. Smerk, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1965, pp. 336, $7.50 Transport and Public Policy by K. M. Gwilliam, Allen & Unwin, London, 1965, pp. 259, bound 35/-, paper 21/-
by G.L. Reid - 98-99 Book Review: Efficiency in Public Urban Renewal Expenditures through Capital Budgeting by James C. T. Mao, Research Report 27, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California, Berkeley, 1965, pp. 117, $2.50
by Nigel R. Stocks - 99-100 Book Review: Who's Running This Town? by Ritchie P. Lowry, Harper & Row, 1965, pp. 250, $5.95
by John Money - 100-101 Book Review: Rural Planning in Developing Countries edited by Raahan Weitz, Routledge, London, 1965, pp. 443, 56/-
by John Stephenson - 102-105 Book Notes
by N/A - 106-108 Books Received
by N/A
November 1966, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 185-199 Steel Pricing, Regional Economic Growth and Public Policy
by Kenneth Warren - 200-214 Internal Migration and Regional Economic Growth— a Case Study of France
by A.J. Fielding - 215-249 Cost Benefit Analysis in Town Planning
by Nathaniel Lichfield - 250-257 What Kind of Regional Planning? a Review Article
by P.M. Smith - 258-259 Book Review: Central Place Studies : A Bibliography of Theory and Applications by B. J. L. Berry and A. Pred with supplement by H. G. Barnum, R. Kasperson and S. Kiuchu; Regional Science Research Institute, Bibliography Series, Number One, Philadelphia, 1965, pp. 218, $3.75
by Barry J. Garner - 259-262 Book Review: The Towns of Wales by Harold Carter, University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 1965, pp. 362, 42/-
by H.B. Rodgers - 262-263 Book Review: Regionalism in England 2 : its'Nature and Purpose by B. C. Smith, Acton Society Trust, 1965, pp. 143, 10/Regionalism in England 3 : the New Regional Machinery by B. C. Smith, Acton Society Trust, 1965, pp. 48, 7/6
by John P. Mackintosh - 263-264 Book Reviews: Commuters' Village : A Study of Community and Commuting in a Berkshire Village by Ruth M. Crichton, David & Charles, 1964, pp. 109, 21/-
by Isobel M.L. Robertson - 264-265 Book Review: The Metropolis, Its people, politics, and economic life, by John C. Bollens and Henry J. Schmandt, Harper & Row, 1965, pp. 643, 67/-
by E. Jones - 265-267 Book Review: The Sociology of Cities by J. Sirjamaki, Random House, 1964, pp. 328, $5.25 The Urban Process: Cities in Industrial Societies by L. Reissman, Free Press of Glencoe, 1964, pp. 255
by R.E. Pahl - 267-268 Book Review: The Rise of Industrial Society in England, 1815-1885 by S. G. Checkland, Longmans, 1964, pp. 471, 35/-
by Richard Wilson - 268-270 Book Review: British Townscapes by Ewart Johns, Arnold, 1965, pp. 198, 45/-
by Patrick Nuttgens - 270-271 Book Review: Rebuilding Cities : The Effects of Displacement and Relocation on Small Businesses by Basil G. Zimmer, Quadrangle Books, Chicago, 1964, pp. 363, $7.50
by G.C. Cameron - 271-272 Book Review: Land Values edited by P. Hall, Sweet & Maxwell, 1965, pp. 157, 18/6
by G.C. Cameron - 272-273 Book Review: Strategy for Mobility: Transportation for the Developing Countries by Wilfred Owen, The Brookings Institution, 1964, pp. 248, S5.00
by R.N. North - 273-276 Book Review: Le Fait Urbain en France by Françoise Carriere and Philippe Pinchemel, Armand Colin, Paris, 1963, pp. 374, 38 Fr
by E. Gittus - 276-277 Book Review: Abstract of Regional Statistics, No. I, Central Statistical Office, H.M.S.O., 1965, PP. 50, 7/6 List of Principal Statistical Series Available : I Economic Statistics, II Financial Statistics, III Regional Statistics, Central Statistical Office, H.M.S.O., 1965, PP. 36, 4/6
by M. Chisholm - 277-278 Book Review: The Economics of Housing by Lionel Needleman, Staples Press, 1965, pp. 232, 42/The Sociology of Housing, Studies at Berinsfield by R. N. Morris and John Mogey, Routledge, 1965, pp. 211, 42/-
by R. Crammond - 278-279 Book Review: Interim Report on the Economic, Social and Technical Problems of the Planning of the Limerick City-South Clare-Shannon Industrial Estate Complex by Nathaniel Lichfield and Associates, 1965, pp. 83, n.p. New City Northern Ireland, First Reports by New City Design Office, H.M.S.O., 1964, pp. 124, 5/-
by U.A. Wannop - 279-280 Book Review: Tyneside Classical: The Newcastle of Grainger, Dobson and Clayton by Lyall Wilkes and Gordon Dodds, John Murray, 1964, pp. 159, 30/-
by M.R.G. Conzen - 280-282 Book Review: The Urban Transportation Problem by J. R. Meyer, J. F. Kain and M. Wohl, Harvard University Press, O.U.P. London, 1965, pp. 427, 96/-
by A. Day - 282-286 Book Notes
by N/A - 286-288 Books Received
by N/A
June 1966, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 89-111 Housing Policy Goals and Housing Market Behaviour: Experience in the United States
by Frank S. Kristof - 112-119 On the Nature of Analytical Models
by Louis K. Loewenstein - 120-142 An Ecological Analysis of the Evolution of Residential Areas in Sunderland
by B.T. Robson - 143-146 Comments On 'Forecasting Car Ownership and Use'
by J.C. Tanner - 147-156 Shopping Assessments At Haydock and Elsewhere: a Review
by Harvey R. Cole - 157-160 Town and Country Planning: a Review Article
by P. Brenikov - 161-163 Book Review: Locational Analysis in Human Geography by Peter Haggett, Arnold, 1965, pp. 339, 40/-
by Brian J.L. Berry - 163-164 Book Review: Homes, Towns and Traffic by John Tetlow and Anthony Goss, Faber & Faber, 1965, pp. 224, 45/-
by Gordon E. Cherry - 164-165 Book Review: The Challenge of Leisure by Charles K. Brightbill, Prentice-Hall, 1960, pp. 118, 14/Community Recreation : A Guide to its Organisation by Harold D. Meyer and Charles K. Brightbill, Prentice-Hall, 1964, pp. 461
by C.W.L. Minay - 165-166 Book Review: Elements of Regional Accounts edited by Werner Z. Hirsch, Johns Hopkins Press: Oxford University Press, London, pp. 221, 48/-
by Gavin McCrone - 166-167 Book Review: The English Provinces by Donald Read, Arnold, 1964, pp. xi +319, 42/-
by J. Brand - 167-169 Book Review: Leicester Traffic Plan by W. K. Smigielski, City of Leicester, 1964, pp. 211, 45/Traffic in a New Zealand City, edited by W. B. Johnston, Christchurch Regional Planning Authority, 1965, pp. 234, 50/-
by Peter Hall - 169-169 Book Review: Environmental Health Aspects of Metropolitan Planning and Development, World Health Organisation: Technical Report Series, No. 297, 1965, pp. 66, 6/8
by T. Ferguson - 170-170 Book Review: Land for New Towns by Robin H. Best, Town and Country Planning Association, I964, pp. 59, 7/6
by D.C.D. Pocock - 170-171 Book Review: Outdoor Recreation in the British Countryside by T. L. Burton and G. P. Wibberly, Dept. of Economics, Wye College, University of London, 1965, pp. 54, 7/6
by David A. Pattison - 171-173 Book Review: Location and Land Use : Toward a General Theory of Land Rent by William Alonso; Harvard University Press: Oxford University Press, London, 1964, pp. 201, 44/-
by R. Kirwan - 173-174 Book Review: World Architecture One edited by John Donat, Studio Books, 1964, pp. 255, 80/-
by S. McLeod - 174-175 Book Review: English Housing Trends by J. B. Cullingworth, Occasional Papers on Social Administration No. 13, Bell, 1965, pp. 135, 10/6
by John Madge - 175-176 Book Review: The Heart of our Cities by Victor Gruen, Thames & Hudson, 1965, pp. 368, 42/-
by J. Forbes - 177-181 Book Notes
by N/A - 182-184 Books Received
by N/A
February 1966, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-7 Appropriate Goals for Regional Economic Policy
by Benjamin Chinitz - 8-21 The New Towns and London's Housing Problem
by B.J. Heraud - 22-34 Urban Redevelopment: The Case of the Lower Swansea Valley
by Margaret Stacey - 35-55 Office Decentralisation: An Empirical Study
by J.S. Wabe - 56-62 Planning Standards in Czechoslovakia
by JaromÃr Å tván - 63-66 Urban Sociology: a Review Article
by J.H. Westergaard - 67-67 Book Review: Public Policy: A yearbook of the Graduate School of Public Administration, Harvard University, 1963, edited by Carl J. Freidrich and Seymour E. Harris, Harvard, 1963, pp. 370, 63/-
by J. Brand - 67-68 Book Review: Town Councillors: A Study of Barking by Anthony M. Rees and Trevor Smith, Acton Society Trust, 1964, pp. 117, 7/6
by J. Brand - 68-69 Book Review: Depopulation in Mid-Wales, prepared for the Mid-Wales Industrial Development Association, H.M.S.O., 1964, pp. 88, 27/6
by I.M.L. Robertson - 69-71 Book Review: Federal Aid to Depressed Areas, An Evaluation of the Area Redevelopment Administration by S. A. Levitan, Johns Hopkins, 1964, pp. 268, 56/-
by B. Chinitz - 71-72 Book Review: Urban Renewal Politics : Slum Clearance in Newark by Harold Kaplan, Columbia University Press, 1964, pp. 219, 50/-
by W.L. Taylor - 72-73 Book Review: Policies for Regional Development by Thomas Wilson, University of Glasgow, Social and Economic Studies, Occasional Papers No. 3, Oliver & Boyd, 1964, PP. 93. 9/6
by A.J. Odber - 73-74 Book Review: Britain in the Sixties: Hosuing by S. Alderson, Penguin Books, 1962, pp. 175, 3/6 Tenants in Danger by Audrey Harvey, Penguin Books, 1964, pp. 167, 3/Essays on Housing by D. V. Donnison, C. Cockburn, J. B. Cullingworth and D. A. Nevitt, Occasional Papers on Social Administration No. 9, Codicote Press, Welwyn, 1964, pp. 83, 10/6
by E.M. Sigsworth - 74-76 Book Review: California Housing Studies : Land Costs for Single-family Housing by Sherman J. Maisel; and Housing Trends and Related Problems by D. Foley, C. B. Wurster and W. F. Smith, Center for Planning and Development Research, University of California, Berkeley, 1963, pp. 230, n.p
by J. Parry Lewis - 76-76 Book Review: Cost, Repetition, Maintenance : Related Aspects of Building Prices, prepared by the Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe, United Nations, Geneva, 1963, pp. 165, 12/6
by A. Adam Nevitt - 77-78 Book Review: The Italian Townscape by Ivor De Wolfe, Architectural Press, 1963, pp. 280, 56/-
by S. Mcleod - 78-79 Book Review: Architecture in Transition by Constantinos A. Doxiadis, Hutchinson, 1964, pp. 199, 42/-
by G. Pease - 79-80 Book Review: Town Planning in London : The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries by Donald J. Olsen, Yale University Press, 1964, pp. 245, 90/-
by C.L.W. Minay - 80-81 Book Review: The Rural Housing Situation in Europe, A report prepared by the Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe, United Nations, Geneva, 1962, pp. 76, 10/6
by H.E. Bracey - 81-86 Book Notes
by N/A - 86-88 Books Received
by N/A
November 1965, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 121-136 A Nation of Regions?
by D.J. Robertson - 137-146 Housing Standards and Social Trends
by W.V. Hole - 147-162 Local Government Reform: Smaller Towns and the Countryside
by P.G. Richards - 163-185 Forecasting Car Ownership and Use
by J.F. Kain & M.E. Beesley - 186-192 Building Society Statistics: a Review Article
by R. Wilkinson - 193-193 Book Review: The Highway and the City by Lewis Mumford, Seeker & Warburg, 1964, pp. 189, 25/-
by G. Manners - 197-197 Book Review: Small Social Groups in England : a real life study by Margaret Phillips, Methuen, 1965, pp. 318, 25/-
by G. Sumner - 199-200 Book Reviews: Slums and Social Insecurity by Alvin L. Schorr, Nelson, 1964, pp. 172, 30/-
by Arthur J. Willcocks - 203-204 Book Review: An Anatomy of Kinship : Mathematical Models for Structures of Cumulated Roles by Harrison C. White, Prentice-Hall, 1963, pp. 180, 56/-
by Margaret Stacey - 204-205 Book Review: Economics and Sociology of Industry by P. Sargant Florence, C. A. Watts, 1964, pp. 258, 27/6
by L. Needleman - 205-205 Book Review: Adolescent Behaviour in Urban Areas by D. Gottlieb and J. Reeves, The Free Press of Glencoe: Collier Macmillan Ltd., London, 1963, pp. 244, 50/-
by Terence Morris - 206-206 Book Review: The Over-Sixties by J. E. Arkley, National Council of Social Service, 1964, pp. 59, 6/-
by Randall Smith - 206-212 Book Notes
by N/A - 212-216 Books Received
by N/A
May 1965, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-14 A Statistical Analysis of Attitudes to Moving
by R. Wilkinson & D.M. Merry - 15-32 Industrial Migration From North-West London, 1940-1964
by D.E. Keeble - 33-50 Juvenile Delinquency in Exeter: an Ecological and Comparative Study
by C. Bagley - 51-66 Urban Expansion in the United States
by G. Manners - 67-84 Demographic Correlates of Status Differences in a Metropolitan Population
by Sidney Goldstein & Kurt B. Mayer - 85-85 Book Review: The Economics of Inland Transport by A. M. Milne, Second Edition by J. C. Laight, Pitman, London, 1963, pp. 273, 30/-
by D.J. Robertson - 85-86 Book Review: A Troubled Area by Pearl Jephcott, Faber, 1964, pp. 151, 25/-
by A. Harvey - 86-87 Book Review: The Future Metropolis edited by Lloyd Rodwin, Constable, 1962, pp. 253, 30/-
by P. Brenikov - 87-88 Book Review: Working with Communities compiled and edited by Raymond T. Clarke, National Council of Social Service, 1963, pp. 88, 6/6
by E. Sewell Harris - 88-89 Book Review: Urban Zoning and Land-Use Theory by S. M. Willhelm, Free Press of Glencoe, 1962, pp. 244, 45/Cities and Space : the Future Use of Urban Land edited by L. Wingo, Johns Hopkins, 1963, pp. 261, 44/-
by M. Chisholm - 89-90 Book Review: Washington: Capital City, 1879-1950 by Constance McLaughlin Green, Prince-ton University Press, 1963, pp. 558, $8.50
by H.J. Dyos - 91-91 Book Review: The Urbanization of America (1860-1915) by Blake McKelvey, Rutgers University Press, 1963, pp. 370, $10.00
by G. Shepperson - 91-92 Book Review: Comprehensive Guide to Town Planning Law by R. McKown, George Godwin, 1964, pp. 124, 30/-
by T. Hart - 92-93 Book Review: Social Leaders and Public Persons : A Study of County Government in Cheshire since 1888 by J. M. Lee, Oxford University Press, 1963, pp. 261, 50/-
by W.M. Williams - 93-94 Book Review: Loneliness : An Enquiry into Causes and Possible Remedies, National Council of Social Service, revised edition, 1964, pp. 72, 5/6
by R. Smith - 94-94 Book Review: Town Centre Maps : A Guide To Their Preparation In Kent, Kent County Planning Department, 1964, various pagination, 7/6
by S.N. Denney - 94-95 Book Review: Social Change by W. E. Moore, Prentice Hall Paperback, 1963, pp. 120, 12/6
by J.N. Jackson - 95-96 Book Reviews: Sir John Simon and English Social Administration, 1816-1904 by Royston Lambert, MacGibbon and Kee, 1963, pp. 669, 63/-
by D.V. Donnison - 96-99 Book Review: A Survey of Factors Governing the Location of Offices in the London Area prepared by the Economist Intelligence Unit for The Location of Offices Bureau, 1964, pp. 180, 40/-
by J. Warren - 99-100 Book Reviews: Consortia of Local Authorities : Advantages and Disadvantages by O. Roskill, Industrial Consultants, for The Builder, 1964, pp. 68, 50/-
by J.T. Hughes - 100-101 Book Review: Metropolitan Transportation 1980, Comprehensive Planning Office, Port of New York Authority, 1963, pp. 380, $5.95 London Traffic Survey, Volume i, London County Council, 1964, pp. 206, 120/S.E.L.N.E.C. Highway Plan, 1962, prepared by the South-East Lancashire and North-East Cheshire Area Highway Engineering Committee, Manchester, Wm. Morris Press, 1962, pp. 95, n.p
by J.M.W. Stewart - 101-103 Book Reviews: Housing Policy : The Search for Solutions by Paul F. Wendt, University of California Press, 1962, pp. 283, 48/-
by M.C. Baker - 103-104 Book Review: A Place to Live : The Yearbook of Agriculture 1963, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., 1963, pp. 584, $3
by J. Tivy - 104-105 Book Review: City Politics by Edward C. Banfield and James Q. Wilson, Harvard University Press, 1963, pp. 362, $6.95
by A. Potter - 105-107 Book Review: Stress and Release in an Urban Estate : A Study in Action Research by John Spencer with the collaboration of Joy Tuxford and Norman Dennis, Tavistock Publications, 1964, pp. 355, 45/-
by G. Hutton - 107-107 Book Review: Allocation of Council Houses by R. D. Cramond, University of Glasgow, Social and Economic Studies, Occasional Papers No. i, Oliver & Boyd, 1964, pp. 65, 6/-
by C. Cockburn - 108-109 Book Review: The Economics of Highway Planning by D. M. Winch, University of Toronto Press, 1963, pp. 158, $5.95
by J.M.W. Stewart - 109-109 Book Review: The City in Geography : An Inaugural Lecture by E. Jones, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1962, pp. 31, 3/6
by M.R.G. Conzen - 110-117 Book Notes
by N/A - 118-120 Books Received
by N/A
November 1964, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 113-128 Urban Development and National Resources
by P.A. Stone - 129-137 The Main Provincial Towns as Commercial Centres
by E.L.P. Hammond - 138-152 Industrial Development Certificates and Control of the Growth of Employment in South-East England
by A.E. Holmans - 153-173 Regional Problems and Location of Industry Policy in Britain
by L. Needleman & B. Scott - 174-203 Urban Form, Car Ownership and Public Policy: an Appraisal of Traffic in Towns
by M.E. Beesley & J.F. Kain - 204-205 Book Review: Economic Planning and Town Expansion : a case study of Basingstoke by J. H. Dunning, W.E.A., Southampton, 1963, pp. 168, 25/-
by H.B. Rodgers - 205-206 Book Review: New Towns for Old : The Technique of Urban Renewal by Wilfred Burns, Leonard Hill, 1963, pp. 230, 42/-
by R. Nicoll - 206-207 Book Review: Atlas of Britain by D. P. Bickmore (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1963, pp. 200, 25 guineas
by R. Miller - 207-208 Book Review: The Housing Environment and Family Life : a longitudinal study of the effects of housing on morbidity and mental health by D. M. Wilner (ed.), Johns Hopkins Press: Oxford University Press, London, 1963, pp. 338, 60/-
by D. Marsden - 208-210 Book Review: London : Aspects of Change, Centre for Urban Studies Report No. 3, MacGibbon & Kee, 1964, pp. 342, 55/-
by H.B. Rodgers - 211-212 Book Review: Urban Life and Form, edited by Wemeck Z. Hirsch for the Institute for Urban and Regional Studies, St Louis, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1963, pp. 248, 40/(cloth), 24/- (paper)
by P.D. Mcgovern - 212-214 Book Review: Proceedings of the IGU Symposium in Urban Geography, edited by Knut Norborg, Lund Studies in Geography, Series B, Human Geography, No. 24, C.W.K. Gleerup, 1962, pp. 602, 55 Sw. Cr
by P. Hall - 214-218 Book Review: Law and Land : Anglo American Planning Practice, edited by C. M. Haar, Harvard University Press and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press: Oxford University Press, London, 1964, pp. 284, 60/-
by J.B. Cullingworth - 218-219 Book Review: Land Economics Research edited by J. Ackerman, M. Clawson and M. Harris, Resources for the Future, Johns Hopkins University Press: Oxford University Press, London, 1961, pp. 270, 32/-
by G.H. Peters - 219-221 Book Review: Housing in Transition; A Case Study in the City of Lancaster 1958-1962 by J. B. Cullingworth, Heinemann, 1963, pp. 261, 42/-
by E.M. Sigsworth - 221-223 Book Review: How a Region Grows: Area Development in the U.S. Economy by H. S. Perloff (with Vera W. Dodds), Committee for Economic Development, New York, Supplementary Paper No. 17, 1963, pp. 147, $2.25
by M. Maclennan - 224-227 Book Notes
by N/A - 228-231 Books Received
by N/A
May 1964, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-25 Planning for Leisure
by J.B. Cullingworth - 26-33 Housing Research: Some European Impressions
by D.V. Donnison - 34-54 The British Industrial City as History: the Glasgow Case
by S.G. Checkland - 55-70 Regional Planning in Britain
by P. Self - 71-78 Politics and Planning for Reconstruction in Western Germany
by T. Greene - 79-80 Book Review: Cost-Benefit Analysis in Urban Redevelopment by N. Lichfield, University of California Real Estate Research Program, Research Report No. 20, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1963, pp. 52, $1.50
by G.C. Cameron - 80-82 Book Review: National Atlas of Disease Mortality in the U.K. by G. Melwyn Howe for the Royal Geographical Society, Nelson, 1963, pp. 111, 35/-
by E. Hammond - 82-84 Book Review: Victorian Cities by Asa Briggs, Odhams, 1963, pp. 416, 35/-
by W.J.M. Mackenzie - 84-85 Urban Redevelopment and Social Change by C. Vereker and J. B. Mays with the assistance of E. Gittus and M. Broady, Liverpool University Press, 1961, PP. 150, 25/-
by J.A. Mack - 85-86 Book Review: A History of London Transport by T. C. Barker and Michael Robbins, Vol. I, Allen & Unwin, 1963, pp. 411, 40/-
by J.R. Kellett - 87-87 Book Review: Housing and Income by Margaret G. Reid, University of Chicago Press, 1962, pp. 409, $7.50
by N. Lichfield - 87-89 Book Review: The Evolution of a Community : A Study of Dagenham after Forty Years by Peter Willmott, Eighth Report of the Institute of Community Studies, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1963, pp. 153, 21/-
by M. Stacey - 89-90 Book Review: Report on the Seminar on Housing Surveys and Programmes with Particular Reference to Problems in the Developing Countries, United Nations, Geneva, 1962, pp. 170, 10/6
by R. Shaw - 90-91 Book Review: The Building Industry-1962 Onwards, The Builder, 1962, pp. 155, £7 7/-
by L. Needleman - 91-93 Book Review: Traffic in Towns, H.M.S.O., 1963, pp. 224, 50/-
by W. Burns - 93-95 Book Review: The Transport Problem by C. D. Foster, Blackie, 1963, pp. 354, 40/-
by G.L. Reid - 95-96 Book Review: An Outline of Planning Law (fourth edition) by D. Heap, Sweet & Maxwell, 1963, pp. 211, 32/6
by T. Hart - 96-97 Housing, Town Development, Land and Costs by P. A. Stone, Estates Gazette, 1963, pp. 147, 27/6
by G.C. Cameron - 97-97 Book Review: Surveys for Town and Country Planning by J. N. Jackson, Hutchinson, 1963, pp. 192, 15/-
by B.D. Clark - 97-99 Book Review: Urban Renewal: Fulham Study, a pilot study of an area in the Metropolitan Borough of Fulham in the County of London, carried out and published by the Taylor Woodrow Group at the invitation of the Minister of Housing and Local Government, 1963, pp. 66, 5/-
by B.D. Clark - 99-100 Book Review: A History of Local Government by K. B. Smellie, Allen & Unwin, Third Edition (Fifth Impression), 1963, pp. 172, 18/-
by J.N. Jackson - 100-101 Book Review: Economic Aspects of Urban Renewal: Theory, Policy and Area Analysis by A. H. Schaaf, Real Estate Research Program, Institute of Business and Economic Research, University of California, Research Report No. 14, 1960, pp. 51, $1.50
by G.C. Cameron