July 2020, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 304-313 Analysing the factors favoring the use of modern contraceptive methods among Kinoise women in the Democratic Republic of Congo
by Lukau Matezo Espoir & Malimingi Muhole Amantha - 314-322 Effects of hazard analysis and critical control points principles on food safety at national youth service in Nakuru County, Kenya
by Ndaramu Gitu Onesmus & Richard Makopondo & Ann Kariuki & Mary Muchiri - 323-329 The impact of individual characteristics towards employee performance of millennial employees: The moderating effect of training
by Susanti Dwi Ilhami & Armanu Armanu & Noermijati Noermijati - 330-342 Employment of disadvantaged groups in OECD countries: A comparative study with MDS analysis
by Asli Beyhan Acar & Mine Afacan Findikli - 343-355 The role of the knowledge economy in the development of banking services in Libya
by Aza Alhasadi & Yavuz Demirel - 356-365 COVID19, mental wellbeing and work engagement: The psychological resilience of senescent workforce
by Syed Mudasser Abbas & Liu Zhiqiang - 366-376 Market risk factors and performance of public private partnership renewable energy projects: The case of geothermal renewable energy projects in Kenya
by Kenneth Otieno Odhiambo & Charles M. Rambo & Stephen O. Lucas - 377-384 Fraud prevention and detection practices in the perspective of Jember Regency internal auditor
by Ari Fahimatussyam Putra Nusantara & Gugus Irianto & Yeney Widya Prihatiningtias - 385-391 The impact of internal business environment on marketing strategies effecting marketing performance: Case of retail industry Bandung city, Indonesia
by Dicky Jhon Anderson Butarbutar & Annisa Lisdayanti - 392-403 Technological innovation promoters, service quality practices and performance of SACCOs in Kenya: An integrative model
by Leonard Omondi Otii & Kenneth Lawrence & Humphrey Omondi - 404-418 Influence of support service linkage strategies on sustainability of donor funded livelihood projects in Kilifi County, Kenya
by Cornel Likale Ndombi & Dorothy Ndunge Kyalo & Angeline Sabina Mulwa - 419-425 The effect of quality control system on audit quality: Professional skepticism as the moderator variable
by Khansa Shahibah & Bambang Hariadi & Zaki Baridwan - 426-436 Financial system, trade concentration and economic growth in West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ)
by Nenubari Ikue John & Ifeanyichukwu Lucky Amabuike & Joseph Ade Ajaba & John Akin Sodipo & Linus Bamekpari Enegesi - 437-443 Strategic supplier relationship on performance of devolved systems of government in Kenya
by Carren Chepng’etich & Esther Waiganjo & Noor Ismael - 444-450 A legal protection for domestic well-known mark on impersonation of different kind of goods under Indonesia’s trademark law
by Ali Oksy Murbiantoro & Rachmad Safa’at & Yuliati Yuliati & Sukarmi Sukarmi
April 2020, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-13 Investigating the effect of organizational culture on strategy implementation process of private chartered universities in Kenya Key Words: organizational culture, clan culture, strategy, implementation, strategy implementation
by Joyce Wanjiku Nderitu & Esther Waiganjo & George O. Orwa - 14-25 Levels of transparency and county service delivery in Kenya
by Kellen Kiambati - 26-33 The role of relationship marketing to building loyalty on bank customers
by Sudirman Zaid - 34-49 Strategy, practice and quality of sustainability reports on stock price crash risk
by Dwi Ekasari Harmadji & Bambang Subroto & Erwin Saraswati & Yeney W. Prihatiningtias - 50-58 The effects of social development and management programs (SMDP) of Philippine mining companies to the host communities: A qualitative method
by Jackie Lou O. Raborar & Elizabeth O. Recio - 59-68 Managerial intellectual capital on the internationalization of commercial banks in Kenya
by Philip Omondi Peters & Timothy Chrispinus Okech - 70-79 Application of Basel III on health level in banking sub sector company
by Yutaka Erwan & John Henry Wijaya - 80-84 Investigation results of the anxiety impact of COVID-19 pandemic on individuals: A case from Turkey
by Ahmet Erkasap & Murat Akşit & Ali Çoşkun - 85-93 Conceptualizing entrepreneurship in human resource management
by Amaka Orakwue & Osarumwense Iguisi - 94-104 Factor analysis of competence management practices: Case of Tunisian companies
by Mohamed Ali Hedhili & Sami Boudabbous - 105-113 Legis ratio of the Indonesian national army's authority arrangements to overcome armed separatism movements, armed insurgency, and the terrorism
by Tri Ubayanto & Sudarsono & Iwan Permadi & Setyo Widagdo - 114-122 Ethics theory and theory of reasoned action in e-book piracy: An empirical study of accounting students
by Izzatul Jannah & Muamar Nur Kholid - 123-132 Economic approach in corruption settlement based on state loss value
by Samsul Huda & Prija Djatmika & Bambang Sugiri & Siti Hamidah - 133-140 Strength of provision and law protection of children's witnesses
by Rahmida Erliyani - 141-148 Quality of higher education and incidence of learning styles: A Review
by Nuri Mohamed M. Otman - 149-156 The private military and security contractors in armed conflicts under international humanitarian law:Case study of Russian PMSCs
by Hani Albasoos & Musallam Al Maashani - 157-164 Emerging policies and the effectiveness of corporate governance mechanisms on earning quality: A conceptual framework for Gulf cooperation council
by Mohammed Mahdi Obaid & Muneer Rajab Amrah - 165-174 A critical approach to active learning: A case study of two Bangladeshi colleges
by Muhammad Jakir Al Faruki - 175-181 Small enterprises and banking in rural Ghana: Evidence from owners
by Charles Adusei & Isaac Tweneboah-Koduah - 182-190 Legis ratio of minister regulation arrangement in law number 15 of 2019 about the amendment to law number 12 of 2011
by Hendra Kurnia Putra & Sudarsono & Istislam & Aan Eko Widiarto
March 2020, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 01-08 Mediation effect of financial attitude on financial knowledge and financial behavior: The case of university students
by Ali Coskun & Nurdilek Dalziel - 09-42 Linking science-based firms with performance factors: An integrative systematic review of literature
by Andrea Setti - 43-49 Relationship between stress management and job performance in organizations
by Ozden Altindag - 50-58 Why does task conflict influence team creativity? The role of team reflexivity
by Muhammad Kamran Khan & Maria Shafi & Shakeel Khan & Waseem Khan - 59-69 Employee development model and an assessment on the perspectives of work behavior, motivation, and performance: Experience from the Government of Kerinci Regency and the city of Sungai Penuh, Jambi Province, Indonesia
by Ronal Regen & Johannes Johannes & Edward Edward & Syahmardi Yacob - 70-84 Employees’ workplace well-being and work engagement of divine word colleges’ employees in Ilocos region, Philippines
by Damianus Abun & Theogenia Magallanes & Grace Sylvia Lalaine Foronda & Mary Joy Encarnacion - 85-95 Perception of host communities on the sustainability of the corporate social responsibility programs of Philippine mining companies: A mixed-method approach
by Jackie Lou O. Raborar & Elizabeth O. Recio - 96-106 Effects of raw materials on the quality of catering services at daycare centers: A case of Nyeri Town Constituency in Kenya
by Jacinta WanjikuKinyingi & Richard O. B. Makopondo & David M. Gichuhi - 107-117 Influence of credit risk on shareholder market value of commercial banks listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange
by Kellen Kiambati - 118-124 Effect of tax penalties, tax audit, and taxpayers awareness on corporate taxpayers compliance moderated by compliance intentions
by Nida Putri Rahmayanti & Sutrisno T. & Yeney Widya Prihatiningtias - 125-132 Analyzing the effect of financial reward, personal cost and reporting channel on whistleblowing intentions utilizing an experimental study
by Ni Made Mega Abdi Utami & Gugus Irianto & Yeney Widya Prihatiningtias - 133-138 Factors affecting customer behavior in telecommunication industry
by Mbarek Rahmoun - 139-151 Investigating the moderating role of intercultural factors on consumer cross-shopping behavior: Bridging the prejudice
by Hayiel Hino - 152-163 Oman’s Diplomacy Strategy: Maneuvering Tools to Face Regional Challenges
by Hani Albasoos & Musallam Maashani - 164-170 Lembaga Perkreditan Desa as the economic and socio-cultural capital
by Anak Agung Ngurah Gede Sadiartha - 171-176 The role of digital technologies on growth of mutual funds industry: An empirical study
by Kishore Kumar Das & Shahnawaz Ali - 177-191 The impact of project-based organization on competence management practices: Case of Tunisian Companies
by Mohamed Ali Hedhili & Sami Boudabbous - 191-201 The effect of compensation on accounting fraud with the genders variety of directors as a moderation variable
by Susmita Dian Indiraswari & Bambang Subroto & Imam Subekti - 202-212 Job resources, job demands, uncertain working environment and employee work engagement in banking industry: Prevailing evidence of South Sudan
by Tabitha Eliaba Kenyi & Ludo Bosco John - 213-222 The impact of economic freedom on foreign portfolio investments: The case of the Caricom single market and economy
by Tricia Mangal & Day-Yang Liu
January 2020, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-14 A link between top managers’ perception and corporate social responsibility: Transformational leadership as a moderator
by Milkiyas Ayele Tefera & He Yuanqiong & Liu Luming - 15-23 Effect of customer loyalty program on customer satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty
by Salihah Khairawati - 24-30 Diversity perspectives in teamwork: Is the difference Importance?
by Nanik Suryani & Ade Rustiana & WisudaniRahmaningtyas - 31-38 Improving the efficiency of human resources with the use of new technologies and reorganization process
by ArbenTërstena & Arta Jashari Goga & Bujar Jashari - 39-45 The origin of oil palm social conflict in Laman Satong, Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia
by Slamet Haryono & Rizabuana Ismail & Zulkifli Lubis & Sismudjito & Muryanto Amin - 46-54 Teaching sociology in large classes: Issues and challenges in Bangladeshi colleges
by Nusrat Zerin Anny & Pradip Kumar Mishra & Sajedur Rahman - 55-62 Organizational culture effectiveness in Islamic based broadcast company in Indonesia
by Mira Sekar Arumi - 63-79 Understanding the entrepreneurial intention of female entrepreneurs in the Balinese tourism industry: Superman is Dead
by Kunthi Afrilinda Kusumawardani & Hanif Adinugroho Widyantoe & I Putu Lingga Iswara Deva - 80-87 The relationship between European Brent crude oil price development and the US macroeconomy
by Omid Faseli - 88-93 Influence of micro economic factors on financial sustainability of informal finance groups in Kiharu constituency-Kenya
by Emily Kawira & Richard Kiai & Esther Maina - 94-105 An assessment on faculty sustainability reporting guideline (FRSP): Indonesia’s sustainable development goals for higher education
by Muhammad Miqdad & Eza Gusti Anugerah & Agung Budi Sulistiyo & Oktaviani Ari Wardhaningrum - 106-111 Influenceof TAM and UTAUT models of the use of e-filing on tax compliance
by Henny Rakhmawati & Sutrisno T & M. Khoiru Rusydi - 112-126 Perception and prediction of intention to use online banking systems: An empirical study using extended TAM
by Sk Alamgir Hossain & Yukon Bao & Najmul Hasan & Md Farijul Islam - 127-136 Does institutional ownership moderate the effect of intellectual capital and company value?
by Rahmita Dwinesia Paputungan & Bambang Subroto & Abdul Ghofar - 137-142 Influence of audit committeeandinternal audit on audit report lag: Size of public accounting firm as a moderating variable
by Ratna Juwita & Sutrisno T & Bambang Hariadi - 143-150 Effect of fairness and knowledge on tax compliance for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
by Ajeng Rachma Pertiwi & Syaiful Iqbal & Zaki Baridwan - 151-162 Work-family conflict and career development on performance of married women employees: Case of bank employees, Indonesia
by Ria Mardiana Yusuf & Hasnidar - 163-171 Influence of Relationship Management on Organizational Performance among Insurance Companies in Kenya
by Mwangi Grace Wangari & Gichuhi D. M & Macharia S. M
October 2019, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 01-07 Influence of inspirational motivation on employee job performance in the insurance industry in Kenya
by Geoffrey Kipkirui Langat & Teresia K Linge & Damary Sikalieh - 08-14 Differentiation strategy, firm structure and performance of star rated hotels
by Jane Nyokabi Njuguna & Juliana Namada & Maina Muchara - 15-24 Effect of Audit Committee Independence on the Financial Performance of Insurance Firms in Kenya
by Hassan Bashir Ibrahim & Caren Ouma & Jeremiah O. Koshal - 25-30 Effect of infrastructure development in the program of simultaneous movement for village development on economic growth
by Irwan Effendi & Leni Sepri Yandi & Indah Listiana - 31-39 Ownership structure, bank stability and the financial performance of commercial banks in South Sudan
by Bak Barnaba Chol & Elizabeth Kalunda Nthambi & Joseph N Kamau - 40-48 Government’s role as moderator in relationship of porter’s diamond factor conditions and firm’s performance
by Muhammad Ahmed Butt & Paul Katuse & Juliana Namada - 49-57 Ranking of US macroeconomic news impacting WTI crude oil volatility risk
by Omid Faseli - 58-71 Perceived overqualification and its positive impact on organization employee's behavior
by Rafeed Faiz Abozaid & Rafique Mansoor Mansoor & Sayyed Sadaqat Hussain Shah & Sinan Abdullah Harjan & Ahmed Alalimi & Almushaira Mustafa - 72-79 Risk and behavior analysis rice farmers in Southern Lampung district
by Wan abbas Zakaria & Lidya Sari Mas Indah, lidyasari - 80-87 Labor market and management of gender based decision making:Kosova case study
by Bashkim Bellaqa & Xhavit Shala & Dea Bellaqa - 88-95 Role of servant leadership on quality of work life (QWL) and work conflict with adversity quotient as mediator
by Netty Merdiaty & Neil Aldrin & Delon Y N Runtu - 96-100 Job satisfaction, psychological contracts, and turnover intention:Role of social support as a mediator
by Retno Dwiyanti & Hazalizah Binti Hamzah & Nurul Binti Abas - 105-115 Stakeholder participation influence on tourism performance in West Pokot County
by Tulel Cherop Patricia & Beatrice Ombaka & Kariuki Ann - 116-128 How a leader’s status distance stimulates employee job performance:The moderating effect of employee loyalty and task interdependence
by Sagarika Irangani & Zhiqiang Liu & Weedige Sampath Sanjeewa - 129-136 Analysis of health seeking behaviour on effective delivery of health services under capitation scheme in Kenya
by Priscilla Nduku Wangai & Amos Njuguna & Joseph Ngugi - 137-147 Influence of directive and achievement oriented path-goal leadership styles on employee performance of coffee trading companies in Kenya
by Rozmina Rana & George K'Aol & Michael Kirubi - 148-161 Influence of intellectual stimulation on employee engagement in parastatals in the energy sector in Kenya
by Change Doris Otieno & Teresia Linge & Damary Sikalieh - 162-174 Influence of directive and supportive leadership styles on employee job satisfaction in commercial banks in in Kenya
by Davidson Mghanga Mwaisaka & George K'Aol & Caren Ouma - 175-180 Effect of Learning Goal Orientation on Leadership Development
by Emmanuel Mango & Jeremiah Koshal & Caren Ouma - 181-200 Understanding the insight of factors affecting mHealth adoption: A systematic review
by Md. Abdul Kaium & Yukun Bao & Mohammad Zahedul Alam & Najmul Hasan & Md. Rakibul Hoque - 201-211 Interplay of relational governance, task conflict, opportunism and their effect on the performance of projects
by Jawad Talha Rehan & Zhao Xuefeng & Rafiq Mansoor - 212-218 Dr Reengineering mass career acquisition through technical vocational education training counseling in Kenya
by Muriu Stephen Macharia - 219-228 Macroeconomic determinants of total factor productivity and its trend in Ethiopia
by Adisu Abebaw Degu & Dagim Tadesse Bekele - 229-239 Management control system, organizational processes and institutional performance of technical training institutions in Kenya
by Clement Karani Mbore & Jane Sang & Joyce Komen - 240-255 Impact of knowledge management capability and green supply chain management practices on firm performance
by Ahashan Habib & Yukun Bao - 256-261 Corporate governance mechanisms and audit report lag moderated by audit complexity
by Wa Ode Irma Sari & Bambang Subroto & Abdul Ghofar - 262-270 Influence of tax planning on financial performance of manufacturing companies listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange
by Simeon Oeta & Richard Kiai & Joseph Muchiri - 272-277 The impact of education and training on Export performance of SMEs
by Sevdie Zymer Alshiqi Bekteshi - 278-286 Determinant of using clouds based systems with dual factor theory approach
by Nindia Nur Arifiana Putri & Rosidi Rosidi & Zaki Baridwan - 287-291 Social interaction as a method to solve non-performing loan in bank X of Medan Area, Indonesia
by Eben Ezer Pasaribu & Zulkili Lubis & Zulkifli Zulkifli & Rizabuana Ismail & Henry Sitorus - 292-300 Economic development through the implementation of environment policies:An empirical study from the South-West coastal areas of Bangladesh
by Wang Bing & K M Safiqul Islam & Md. Miraj Hossen - 301-320 Does the ESG matter for the countries that are not part of the European Higher Education Area?
by But Dedaj & Genc Zhushi & Luljeta Aliu & Peter Eckl & Mjellma Carabregu Vokshi - 321-330 Management commitment influence on implementation of occupational health and safety policies in water and sanitation companies in Nyeri County, Kenya
by Rachel Nderitu & Peter Mwaura & David Gichuhi - 331-343 The Impact of cotton textile sector trends in Cameroon
by Nguepi Tsafack Elvis - 344-350 Strategic management in Albanian SMEs
by Andrra Qielli - 351-356 Profitability, feminism of board of directors and corporate sustainability performance:Role of independent board as a moderating variable
by Dewa Ayu Sri Swasti Putri Wiryani & Eko Ganis Sukoharsono & Endang Mardiati - 357-366 Relationship between empathy dimension and customer satisfaction in the insurance industry in Kenya
by Catherine Njoki Chege & Kenneth Wanjau & Severina Nkirina
September 2019, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 01-10 Supply chain integration and operational performance of Kenya’s public health sector
by Mbugua Anne & Namada Juliana - 11-17 Focus strategy-firm structure fit and performance of star rated hotels in Kenya
by Jane Nyokabi & Maina Muchara & Juliana Namada - 18-26 Entrepreneurial opportunity discovery dimensions and growth of non-governmental organizations in Kenya
by Olive Kamene Ndeveni Tindika & Kenneth Lawrence Wanjau & George Mbugua Kariuki & Joseph Muchiri - 27-32 Does of market attractiveness increasing tourism visiting intention through destination image in rural tourism? Evidence from Indonesia
by Syahmardi Yacob & Erida Erida - 33-41 Determinants of purchase intention toward halal packaged food from non-muslim manufacturers: A comparative study of Muslim in Thailand and Indonesia
by Athapol Ruangkanjanases & Tassaya Sermsaksopon & Bachtiar H. Simamora - 42-53 Influence of participative and achievement oriented leadership styles on employee job satisfaction in commercial banks in Kenya
by Davidson Mghanga Mwaisaka & George K'Aol & Caren Ouma - 54-61 Influence of human resource planning on performance of firms listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya
by Dorcas Kiai & Peter Lewa & James Karimi - 62-69 The effects of employer branding and career anchor on intention to leave: An empirial study
by Pinar Acar & Gokhan Yildirim - 70-75 Effect of developmental efficacy on leadership development
by Emmanuel Mango & Jeremiah Koshal & Caren Ouma - 76-87 Influence of supportive and participative path-goal leadership styles and the moderating role of task structure on employee performance
by Rozmina Rana & George K’aol & Michael Kirubi - 88-97 Influence of consensus orientation practices on performance of county governments in Kenya
by Machel Waikenda & Peter M. Lawa & Maina Muchera - 98-103 Effect of work ethics on job performance with adversity quotient as a mediator: Work Ethics on Job Performance with Adversity Quotient
by Delon Y.N.Runtu & Neil Aldrin & Netty Merdiaty - 104-112 The Role of family influence, gender, and entrepreneurial education on Indonesian vocational students becoming entrepreneurs
by Maria Jacinta Arquisola & Iseu Adywianti Muanar - 113-122 Attitude, job satisfaction, and task performance of Thai millennial employees toward workplace fun
by Athapol Ruangkanjanases & Chenin Chen - 123-135 Influence of idealized influence on employee engagement in parastatals in the energy sector in Kenya
by Change Doris Otieno & Teresia Linge & Damary Sikalieh - 136-142 Health providers’ perspective of effect of copayment on delivery of effective health service under capitation in Kenya
by Priscilla Wangai & Amos Njuguna & Joseph Ngugi - 143-155 Influence of continuous quality improvement on patients’ satisfaction within hospitals in Nairobi, Kenya
by Pamleila Nkirote Ntwiga & Maina Muchara & Peter Kiriri - 156-171 Modeling stock market return volatility in the presence of structural breaks: Evidence from Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya
by Caroline Michere Ndei & Stephen Muchina & Kennedy Waweru - 172-181 Assessment of the correlation between price-earnings ratio and stock market returns of universal banks in the Philippines
by Antonio J. Dayag & Fernando Trinidad - 182-193 Effect of leverage and firm size on financial performance of deposit taking savings and credit cooperatives in Kenya
by Robert Shibutse & Elizabeth Kalunda & George Achoki - 194-211 Environmental costs and its role in improving the quality of financial reporting: A case study in Libya
by Ali Altug Bicer & Eman Ali Eldarew - 212-219 Shareholder loyalty and firm value creating outcomes in Kenya
by Amos M. Kimunya & Amos Njuguna & Francis Wambalaba - 220-227 The role of stakeholders in managing order and sanitation of Sukaramai traditional market
by Hanif Arinda & Fikarwin Zuska & Zulkifli Lubis - 228-236 A critical approach to economic development: Concept, measurement and patterns
by Emeka Nkoro & Aham Kelvin Uko - 237-250 Relationship between corruption and capital flight in Kenya: 1998-2018
by Mercy W. Mwangi & Amos G. Njuguna & George O. Achoki - 251-257 Influence of bank stability on the financial performance of commercial banks in South Sudan
by Bak Barnaba Chol & Elizabeth Kalunda Nthambi & Joseph N. Kamau - 258-265 Competitiveness of strategic food commodities in Lampung Province, Indonesia
by Wan Abbas Zakaria & Teguh Endaryanto & Lidyasari Mas Indah & Lina Marlina & Indah Listiana - 266-273 Influence of idealized influence on employee job performance in the insurance industry in Kenya
by Geoffrey K. Langat & Teresia K. Linge & Damary Sikalieh - 274-285 Effect of gender diversity on the financial performance of insurance firms in Kenya
by Hassan Bashir Ibrahim & Caren Ouma & Jeremiah Koshal - 286-294 Moderating role of transformational leadership styles of hospital management boards on adoption of mobile health innovations by hospitals in Kenya
by Bahati Prince Ngongo & Phares Ochola & Joyce Ndegwa & Paul Katuse - 295-307 Women leadership and their experience of internal identity asymmetry at workplace
by Rida Batool & Iris Zhou & Iqra Hafeez & Iqra Batool - 308-315 Role of organizational culture, communication and leadership style on job satisfaction
by Manner Tampubolon & Risma Harati - 316-321 Influence of social media advertising, e-marketing and product quality on the process of purchasing nature cosmetics
by Syawaluddin Syawaluddin & Joni Joni & Erwin Erwin
July 2019, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 01-16 Time Series Forecasting in Stock Trading Markets: The Turning Point Curiosity
by Edward J. Lusk - 17-33 Price-Earnings Multiple as an Investment Assessment Tool in Analyzing Stock Market Performance of Selected Universal Banks in the Philippines
by Antonio J. Dayag & Fernando Trinidad - 34-43 Relationship between Financial Ratio and Financial Statement Fraud Risk Moderated by Auditor Quality
by Tomy Rizky Izzalqurny & Bambang Subroto & Abdul Ghofar - 44-58 A Critical Assessment on Bank Valuation in Existing Literature in the Last Decade
by Antonio J. Dayag & Fernando Trinidad - 59-70 Design Thinking as a Catalyst for Technology Start-Ups
by Ozan Soyupak & Humanur Bagli - 71-78 Development of Online Transportation Services: Effectiveness and Efficiency of The Grabbike Applications for Society in Medan City
by Utari Meridha Putri & Muryanto Amin & Warjio - 79-89 Determinants of Mindful Adoption of Green Innovation
by Chieh-Yu Lin & Yi-Hui Ho & Young-Long Wu & I-Chi Yu - 90-104 Assessment of the Relationship between Involvement, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Performance of Christian Faith based Hotels in Kenya
by Muriithi Ruth Wanjiku & Kyalo Teresia Ngina & Kinyanjui Josphat Kamau - 105-113 Ego-Centric Social Network Analysis in Marketing of Fish From Cage Culture System In Simalungun District, Indonesia
by Feriel Amelia Sembiring & Fikarwin Zuska & Bengkel Ginting & Rizabuana Ismail & Henry Sitorus - 114-123 The Practice of Work Culture, Suitability of Tasks, Leadership Style That has an Impact on Performance: The Role of Job Satisfaction as Mediating
by Muhammad Waliyul Azman Nur Ritonga & Mahdani Ibrahim & Saiful Bahri - 124-132 Effect of Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Organizational Commitment as a Mediator
by Mira Sekar Arumi & Neil Aldrin & Tri Ratna Murti - 144-162 How Transformational Leadership Fuels Employee’s Creative Performance Behaviors in the Workplace?
by Bruce Gashema - 163-171 Online Video Games Adoption: Toward an Online Game Adoption Model
by Mohammed Hokroh & Gill Green - 172-184 Effect of Vendor Characteristics and Relationship Quality on Consumer Re-Purchase Intention in the B2C E-Commerce in Yemen
by Mohammed Nasser Hadi & Ali N. Hadi & Mohammed A. Abdulrab - 185-198 The Impact of CSR Reputation and Customer Loyalty: The intervening influence of Perceived Service Quality and Trust
by William Suley Menges & He Yuanqiong - 199-214 Formalization Structure and Team Creativity in High Tech Firms: The Mediating Role of Task Conflict
by Rodney Manyike - 215-223 Investment Improvement of Agricultural Sector in East Java: Input- Output Analysis
by Muryani
May 2019, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 01-16 Financial Literacy in Turkey: A field study to touch base with the OECD
by Ali Coskun & Muhammed Abdullah Sahin & Alperen Zengin - 17-23 The Role of Financial Accounting Standards for Small And Medium Micro Economic Sectors:Case Studies In Lowokwaru District, Malang
by Ahmad Mukoffi & Yayuk Sulistiyowati - 24-32 Analysis of the Effect of Coaching on Teamwork Performance
by Neil Aldrin & Andyan Pradipta Utama - 33-44 A Strategic Approach to the Consumer Perception of Brand on the Basis of Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty:A Comparative Analysis of Coke & Pepsi Brands in Erbil KRI
by Khurram Sultan & Saja Akram & Sara Abdulhaliq & Deema Jamal & Rezan Saleem - 45-63 Export Competitiveness of Bangladesh Readymade Garments Sector:Challenges and Prospects
by Md. Sajib Hossian & Rashedul Kabir & Enamul Hafiz Latifee - 64-71 Analysisof Factors Influencing the Usage of Seasonal Forecast in Drought Prone Area: A Case of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
by Heri Kuswanto - 72-82 An Empirical Analysis of the Pageview and Visit Duration of Pornography Websites
by Chatpong Tangmanee - 83-93 Servisscape in the Finest Cinema: Is It Works for Young Customers?
by Aditya Pandowo & Merinda H. C. Pandowo - 94-110 Competency Model of Social Entrepreneurs: Learning from Successful Indonesian Social Entrepreneurs
by Purnaning Dhyah Guritno & Haryono Suyono & Merinda H. C. Pandowo - 111-121 The Impact of Audit Committee Characteristics on Environmental and Social Disclosures:Evidence from Turkey
by Ali Altug Bicer & Imad Mohamed Feneir - 122-139 Impacts of Ebola on Supply Chains in MRB Countries: Using Liberia as a Case Study
by Peter Davis Sumo
April 2019, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 01-28 Analysis of Regional Income Convergence in Turkey
by Hakki Kutay Bolkol - 29-40 Likelihood of Auditor Switching: Evidence for Indonesia
by Hadri Kusuma & Diana Farida - 41-51 The Impact of Internal Control on the Profitability of Microfinance Institutions in Senegal
by Gnilane Ndiaye & Cheng BO & V. V. Azenga & Juniter Kwamboka - 52-60 Design of Excellent Service Model on Department of Population and Civil Registration In City of Metro, Indonesia
by M. Yusuf Sulfarano Barusman & Margono Margono & Appin Purisky Redaputri - 61-73 The Integration of Entrepreneurship Education in to Ethiopian Universities Formal Curriculum
by Wudu Melese Tarekegne & Alebachew Hailu Gelaneh - 74-90 Pay for Performance (Pfp) Increasing Creativity Through Intrinsic Motivation
by Sidra Rehman & Hafiz Muhammad Shahrukh & Ayesha Mansha Virk & Mattiullah Butt - 91-101 Improving Ergonomic Conditions at Hospitality Industry
by Mune Mogol Sever
January 2019, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 01-19 Influence of Talent Management Practices on Turnover Intent among Research Scientists at the National Museums of Kenya (NMK), Nairobi
by Nicholas Ochieng' Ojwang' - 20-29 Web Survey’s Completion Rates: Effects of Forced Responses, Question Display Styles, and Subjects’ Attitude
by Chatpong Tangmanee & Phattharaphong Niruttinanon - 30-35 The Contribution of Social Capital And Knowledge Management Towards Sme (Small And Medium Enterprises) Fishery In Ambon City
by Jolyne Myrell Parera - 36-49 Influence of Consumer Complaints Handling On Consumer Satisfaction in Dairy Milk Processors in Kenya
by Ndung’u Kabare & Anne Wairimu Mwangi & Kenneth Wanjau - 50-63 Relationship between Leader Behaviours and Subordinates’ Work Performance
by Neria Magombo-Bwanali - 64-72 The strategy of Spiritual Leadership: The Role of Spiritual Survival, Workplace Spirituality and Organizational Commitment at Private Universities
by Jufrizen & Maya Sari & Muhammad Irfan Nasution & Radiman & Sri Fitri Wahyuni - 73-89 The Role of Satisfaction in Mediating the Effect of Services Quality on the Customers’ Loyalty in the Village Credit Institution of Pekraman, Tabanan
by Anak Agung Ngurah Gede Sadiartha
October 2018, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 01-09 Organizational Culture, Communication and Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction
by Anak Agung Ngurah Gede Sadiartha & Sunday Ade Sitorus - 10-20 Supervisor Workplace Gossip and Employee Job Performance: The Mediation Effect of Employee Job Engagement
by Phakamani Dlamani & Iris Zhou & Juniter Kwamboka - 21-29 Good Governance in Private University in Medan City
by Maya Sari & Muhammad Qorib & Seprida Hanum Harahap & Jufrizen - 30-43 Efficiency of Knowledge Inflow Structures: The Mediation Effect of Task Environment Analysis
by Hakan Aslan & Burcak Vatansever - 44-57 Efficiency of Knowledge Inflow Structures: The Mediation Effect of Task Environment Analysis
by Anne Wairimu Mwangi & Ndung’uKabare & Kenneth Wanja
July 2018, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 01-09 E-commerce Taxation and Fiscal Policy Perspective: The Case of Indonesia
by Sigit Setiawan - 10-17 An Investigation on Entrepreneurial Competencies of Creative Industry in Bandung, Indonesia
by Bob Foster - 18-35 Career Education and Integrated Curriculum
by Ana IsabelGonzález-Herrera & Yolanda Márquez-DomÃnguez - 36-56 Strengthening Managerial Innovation Behavior in the SMEs: The Role of CEO Transformational Leadership, Cross-Functional Integration and Innovation Culture
by Bruce Gashema & Yongqiang Gao
April 2018, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 01-13 Operations Management and Performance of Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya
by MwamishaD. Mkala & Kenneth L. Wanjau & TeresiaN. Kyalo - 14-21 An Assessment of Competitive Factors in Medical Tourism: New Research Opportunity for Turkey
by Seyma Dundar Ege & Yeter Demir Uslu - 22-29 The Influence of Community Behaviour on the Quality of Tourism Services at Toba Lake North Sumatera
by Erika Revida & Asima Yanti Siahaan & Sukarman Purba - 30-46 Corporate Social Irresponsibility and Purchase Intention:The Mediating role of Corporate Reputation and Consumer Attitude
by Juniter Kwamboka Mokua & Yongqiang Gao & Duke D Obonyo