- 113 Como rever um artigo: O papel do revisor e um roteiro para novos revisores
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 112 A construção de hipóteses
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 111 O processo editorial nas revistas de gestão
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 110 A pesquisa e a estruturação do artigo académico em Administração
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 109 How graduate business schools professors can assist in reducing today's lack of ethics in business
by Ronald Degen - 108 Pesquisa em empreendedorismo no principal periódico internacional: Um estudo bibliométrico das publicações no Journal of Business Venturing entre 1987 e 2010
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Rui Miranda & Nuno Rosa Reis & Cláudia Frias Pinto & Fernando Ribeiro Serra - 107 A bibliometric study on culture research in International Business
by Cláudia Frias Pinto & Fernando Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 106 Aplicação das dimensões culturais do projeto Globe na avaliação da liderança ética: Um estudo intercultural em Portugal e Guiné-Bissau
by Mamadú Aua Mané & Manuel Portugal Ferreira
- 105 How career counseling, management coaching, and mentoring can assist in reducing today's lack of ethics in business
by Ronald Jean Degen - 104 A bibliometric study of the cultural models in International Business research
by Nuno Rosa Reis & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & João Carvalho Santos - 103 A pesquisa em administração estratégica nos primeiros anos do milênio: Um estudo bibliométrico no Strategic Management Journal entre 2001 e 2007
by Fernando Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Martinho Almeida & Samile Vanz - 102 Impact of the types of clusters on the innovation output and the appropriation of rents from innovation
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando Ribeiro Serra & Benny Kramer Costa & Emerson Maccari & Hergos Couto - 101 When the innovator fails to capture rents from innovation
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando Ribeiro Serra & Emerson Maccari - 100 A ambiguidade e as consequências futuras dos comportamentos menos éticos: Um estudo inter-cultural em Portugal e no Brasil
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Cláudia Frias Pinto & João Carvalho Santos & Fernando Ribeiro Serra - 99 Relações de controle e autonomia entre multinacionais e subsidiárias: Um estudo de caso de multinacional Norte-Americana em Portugal
by Joana Sobral Beltrão & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Martinho Almeida - 98 Um estudo bibliométrico da contribuição de John Dunning na pesquisa em negócios internacionais
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Cláudia Frias Pinto & Fernando Ribeiro Serra & João Carvalho Santos - 97 Estudo bibliométrico do contributo de Buckley e Casson (1976) na investigação em negócios internacionais
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando Ribeiro Serra & Martinho Almeida - 96 Understanding the footprint of the RBV in International Business studies: The last twenty years of research
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Nuno Rosa Reis & Fernando Ribeiro Serra & Benny Kramer Costa - 95 Satisfaction of Patients in Health Care: Some Critical Issues with Research Projects that Measure Satisfaction
by Ronald J. Degen - 94 Wisdom, Uncertainty, and Ambiguity: A Study of Management Decisions as Based on Theories and Validated by Research Methods
by Ronald J. Degen
- 93 Effective Student Assessment in Virtual Learning Courses Based on the Guided-Experience Approach
by Ronald J. Degen - 92 O quadro político e institucional do setor energético brasileiro
by Guilherme Crippa Ursaia & José Baltazar Andrade Guerra & Youssef Ahmad Youssef & Javier Aliaga Lordemann - 91 Mergers & acquisitions research: A bibliometric study of top strategy and international business journals
by João Carvalho Santos & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Nuno Rosa Reis & Martinho Ribeiro Almeida - 90 The Resource-Based Horizontal Acquisition Strategy of JBS
by Ronald Jean Degen - 89 Brain-Based Guided Experience Approach to Teaching Entrepreneurship Students the Practice of Innovation
by Ronald Jean Degen - 88 Organizational decline: A yet largely neglected topic in organizational studies
by Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Martinho Ribeiro Almeida & Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 87 Changes in governance, the market for corporate control, and the mechanisms for hostile takeovers in Continental Europe: The case of Arcelor?s takeover by Mittal Steel
by Ronald Jean Degen - 86 O declínio de uma empresa brasileira de grande porte: O caso Gradiente
by Alexandre Pavan Torres & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Martinho Ribeiro Almeida & Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 85 A aplicação dos princípios de Equador pelas instituições financeiras portuguesas
by Tânia Santos - 84 Immigration and pension system in Portugal
by Tânia Santos & Inmaculada Domínguez Fabián - 83 Contrastação empírica do modelo CAPM aplicada ao mercado bolsista português
by Tânia Santos
- 82 The RBV in International Business Studies: A bibliometric study of Barney?s (1991) contribution to the field
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Benny Kramer Costa - 81 Fordism and Taylorism are responsible for the early success and recent decline of the U.S. motor vehicle industry
by Ronald Jean Degen - 80 Analysis of net migration between the Portuguese regions
by Vítor Martinho - 79 Spatial Effects in Convergence of Portuguese Product
by Vítor Martinho - 78 Multinationals and subsidiaries: A bibliometric study on Ghoshal?s managing across borders
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 77 Brain-Based Learning: The Neurological Findings About the Human Brain that Every Teacher Should Know to be Effective
by Ronald Jean Degen - 76 The cultural models in international business research: A bibliometric study of IB journals
by Nuno Rosa Reis & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & João Carvalho Santos - 75 Motivações para a internacionalização e modos de entrada nos mercados externos
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Nuno Rosa Reis - 74 Designing Modern Equity Portfolios
by Ronald Jean Degen - 73 Review of the current knowledge of brain-/mind-based learning to present the optimum climate for, and the guided experience approach to teaching
by Ronald Jean Degen - 72 A empresa e o meio nas teorias económicas da empresa: Uma leitura longitudinal
by João Carvalho Santos & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Nuno Rosa Reis - 71 Industrial network membership: Reducing psychic distance hazards in the internationalization of the firm
by João Carvalho Santos & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Nuno Rosa Reis & Sandra Raquel Alves - 70 Mergers & Acquisitions research: A bibliometric study of top strategy journals, 2000 - 2009
by João Carvalho Santos & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Nuno Rosa Reis & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra
- 69 Entrepreneurship research: A bibliometric study of the EnANPADs 1997-2008
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & João Carvalho Santos & Nuno Rosa Reis & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra - 68 On the adaptation of the firm to the International Business Environment
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Nuno Rosa Reis - 67 Projeto JELARE: Cooperação internacional para o fomento das pesquisas e estudos das energias renováveis
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando Ribeiro Serra & Youssef Ahmad Youssef & José Baltazar Guerra & Rodrigo Martins - 66 E-Learning: Sustainability, Environment and Renewable Energy, a Multinational Training Pilot Module at the Postgraduate Level
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando Ribeiro Serra & Nelson Amaro & Lea Franziska Buch & José Baltazar Guerra - 65 Gestão do Conhecimento Estratégico em Instituições de Ensino Superior
by Youssef Ahmad Youssef & Neri Dos Santos & José Baltazar Guerra - 64 Teaching entrepreneurship students to become knowledge-agents for innovation
by Ronald Jean Degen - 63 Fatores fundamentais para o desempenho de incubadoras
by Bernardo Campos Serra & Fernando Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Gabriela Gonçalves Fiates - 62 Competitividade Nacional, Conhecimento e Investimento estrangeiro
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Carlos Duarte & Tânia Marques - 61 Transactions Cost Theory influence in strategy research: A review through a bibliometric study in leading journals
by Rodrigo Martins & Fernando Ribeiro Serra & André da Silva Leite & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Dan Li - 60 O Desafio De Equilibrar A Defasagem Entre A Pesquisa E A Prática Em Gerenciamento De Projetos No Brasil
by Rodrigo Martins & Fernando Serra & Alexandre Pavan Torres & Emilio Araújo Menezes & Martinho Isnard. R. Almeida - 59 Relação entre o desempenho das organizações e o tempo de mandato (tenure) do Presidente (CEO): Um estudo em empresas brasileiras de capital aberto entre 1999 e 2008
by Roberto de Medeiros Junior & Fernando Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 58 Communities, Knowledge, and Innovation: Indian Immigrants in the US Semiconductor Industry
by Paul Almeida & Anupama Phene & Sali Li - 57 The Decline of Large Brazilian Companies
by Alexandre Pavan Torres & Emílio Araujo Menezes & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 56 Intangible resources, agglomeration effect of FDI intensity, and firm performance: Evidence from Chinese semiconductor firms
by Qin Yang & Crystal X. Jiang & Sali Li - 55 Transferência internacional de conhecimento na multinacional: Quando o jogo competitivo multi-mercado se sobrepõe aos mecanismos internos de coordenação
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Dan Li & Fernando Ribeiro Serra - 54 A adaptação da firma ao ambiente internacional de negócios
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando Ribeiro Serra & Nuno Rosa dos Reis - 53 A influência de John Dunning na investigação em estratégia e negócios internacionais: Um estudo bibliométrico no Strategic Management Journal
by Cláudia Frias Pinto & Luis Filipe Gaspar & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando Ribeiro Serra - 52 The success of luxury brands in Japan and their uncertain future
by Ronald J. Degen
- 51 The confrontational management-labor negotiations that led to the failure of the United States motor vehicle companies and why the Japanese and Germans prevailed
by Ronald Degen - 50 Open entrepreneurship centers in Brazil: To promote sustainable development and poverty reduction
by Ronald Jean Degen - 49 Internal relocation of Contact Centers and its impact on customer relationship
by Júlia Pereira & Rui Rijo & João Leão - 48 Valuing distressed privately held companies in Brazil that export to Europe and the US: The case of a furniture manufacturing company
by Ronald Jean Degen - 47 Social network driven innovation
by Ronald Jean Degen - 46 Moral hazard and the financial crisis of 2007-9: An Explanation for why the subprime mortgage defaults and the housing market collapse produced a financial crisis that was more severe than any previous crashes (with exception of the Great Depression of 1929)
by Ronald Jean Degen - 45 China?s challenges to future sustainable economic growth and the implications for the United States
by Degen, Ronald - 44 Pesquisa Delphi: O Futuro do Turismo de Santa Catarina - Previsões entre 2007 e 2011
by Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Eliza Bianchini Dallanhol Locks & Graciella Martignago & Solange Evangelista & Stefano Palumbo - 43 DELPHI: O Futuro da Moda de Santa Catarina ? Previsões entre 2008 e 2012
by Eliza Bianchini Dallanhol Locks & Graciella Martignago & Solange Evangelista & Stefano Palumbo & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra - 42 Power and temporal commitment preference: An investigation in Portugal, Turkey, and the United States
by Sungu Armagan & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Gerardo A. Okhuysen & Adam D. Galinsky - 41 Uma proposta de modelo para analisar mudanças em arranjos produtivos locais
by Roberto de Medeiros Junior & Gabriela Gonçalves Fiates & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra - 40 The role of membership change on knowledge transfer in groups
by Sungu Armagan & Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 39 Alta Administração como Recurso Estratégico: Agenda de pesquisa brasileira a partir de estudo bibliográfico dos trabalhos de Hambrick
by Roberto Medeiros Jr. & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 38 Adaptation to the International Business Environment: A resource advantage perspective
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Dan Li & Sungu Armagan - 37 Make or Buy in a mature industry? Models of client-supplier relationships under TCT and RBV perspectives
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra - 36 China?s challenge: The opportunities and risks that China?s booming economy provides
by Ronald Jean Degen - 35 Understanding China?s historical development: The profit and the risk that China?s stock market provides investors
by Ronald Jean Degen - 34 Selecting and preparing personnel for China assignments
by Ronald Jean Degen - 33 Designing Matrix Organizations That Work: Lessons From The P&G Case
by Ronald Jean Degen - 32 Curso De Empreendedorismo: Para Promover O Desenvolvimento Sustentável E A Redução Da Pobreza
by Ronald Jean Degen - 31 Opportunity for luxury brands in China
by Ronald Jean Degen - 30 Avaliação da influência dos modismos gerenciais na adoção de ferramentas de gestão nas redes de supermercados de Santa Catarina
by Fernando Filardi & Maria Terezinha Angeloni & Flávio Antônio Cozzatti - 29 Estrutura Organizacional: Uma Avaliação das Abordagens Predominantes das Melhores Empresas do Sul do Brasil
by Fernando Filardi & Maria Terezinha Angeloni & Roberto de Medeiros Junior - 28 Padrões de relacionamento bancário no financiamento às MPE: Uma análise cluster
by Miguel Neves Matias & Zélia Serrasqueiro & Carlos Arriaga Costa - 27 O relacionamento bancário e o financiamento das PME: Uma revisão da literatura
by Miguel Neves Matias
- 26 O declínio das grandes empresas brasileiras
by Alexandre Pavan Torres & Emilio Araújo Menezes & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 25 Michael Porter 30 anos depois de Estratégia Competitiva: Influência do autor nos trabalhos brasileiros em estratégia ? estudo bibliométrico em trabalhos dos últimos dez anos do Enanpad
by Aline Botelho Schneider & Marcelo Lopes Carneiro & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 24 Open and closed industry clusters: The social structure of innovation
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra - 23 The impact of strategic resource seeking and market seeking strategies on foreign entry modes under institutional pressures
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra - 22 Composition of small and large firms? business networks in transition economies
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Dan Li & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra - 21 Networks for change: How networks influence organizational change
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 20 Firm Characteristics and Country Institutional Development: Business Relationships with Foreign Firms in Transition Economies
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Dan Li & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra - 19 Modelando o BSC para as Universidades do Sistema ACAFE
by Mauricio Andrade Lima & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Victor Meyer Jr & Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 18 Metodologia participativa no planejamento estratégico institucional de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) comunitária
by Marcus Vinicius Anátocles Ferreira & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 17 Emergência do marketing nas instituições de ensino superior: Um estudo exploratório
by Getulio Nunes & Edgar Lanzer & Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 16 A responsabilidade social no Brasil: O caso da cooperativa COCAMAR
by Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Wagner Alessandro Teixeira - 15 O turnaround da Bunge nos anos 90
by Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Evandro Contrigiane - 14 Inovação e redes de relacionamento na geração de conhecimento em incubadoras
by Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Gabriela Gonçalves Fiates & Maria Terezinha Angeloni - 13 Jogos de empresas: Uma estratégia de motivação no processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos cursos de Administração
by Fernando Pretto & Fernando FIlardi - 12 O Desafio de Pesquisar e Publicar em Revistas Científicas: A Perspectiva de Editores e Revisores Internacionais
by Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Gabriela Fiates - 11 Contribuição da Metodologia Multicritério de Apoio à Decisão no Método do Fluxo de Caixa Descontado Usado para Avaliar Empresas de Pequeno Porte
by Marcus Vinicius Andrade Lima & Ana Lucia de Miranda Lopes & Ademar Dutra - 10 Avaliação de Empresas de Pequeno Porte no Brasil através da Metodologia Construtivista de Apoio à Decisão MCDA-C
by Marcus Vinicius Andrade Lima & Leonardo Ensslin & Ana Lucia de Miranda Lopes & Ademar Dutra - 9 Evolução Da Pesquisa Brasileira Em Resource-Based View (Rbv): Estudo Dos Enanpad Na Área De Estratégia Entre 1997 - 2006
by Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Maurício Fernandes Pereira & Juliano Lissoni - 8 Pilares da Estratégia: uma Proposta de Dimensões para Análise e Dimensionamento dos Recursos Estratégicos
by Fernando A. Ribeiro Serra & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Gabriela Gonçalves Fiates
- 7 The international entrepreneurial firms' social networks
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando Ribeiro Serra & João Carvalho Santos - 6 Do we buy more or less when we want to learn? The knowledge strategies and structural forms of US cross-border acquisitions
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Stephen Tallman & Dan Li - 5 Internal and external factors on firms? transfer pricing decisions: Insights from organization studies
by Dan Li & Manuel Portugal Ferreira - 4 Vertical Integration For Full Outsourcing: Growth And Internationalization Of A Portuguese Packaging Firm
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Sungu Armagan & Dan Li - 3 Foreign Entry Strategies: Strategic Adaptation To Various Facets Of The Institutional Environment
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Dan Li & Yong Suk Jang - 2 Is the 'International Business Environment' the Actual Context for IB Research?
by Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Dan Li & Stephen Guisinger - 1 Technology transfer within MNEs: An investigation of inter-subsidiary competition and cooperation
by Dan Li & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Fernando Serra