December 2013, Volume 118, Issue 3
- 667-682 Fighting Software Piracy: Which Governance Tools Matter in Africa?
by Antonio Andrés & Simplice Asongu
December 2013, Volume 118, Issue 2
- 227-249 Are Demographic Attributes and Firm Characteristics Drivers of Gender Diversity? Investigating Women’s Positions on French Boards of Directors
by Mehdi Nekhili & Hayette Gatfaoui - 251-263 Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Productivity: Evidence from the Chemical Industry in the United States
by Li Sun & Marty Stuebs - 265-286 Measuring CSR Image: Three Studies to Develop and to Validate a Reliable Measurement Tool
by Andrea Pérez & Ignacio Rodríguez del Bosque - 287-301 The Benefit Corporation and Corporate Social Responsibility
by Janine Hiller - 303-317 Critical Mass of Women on BODs, Multiple Identities, and Corporate Philanthropic Disaster Response: Evidence from Privately Owned Chinese Firms
by Ming Jia & Zhe Zhang - 319-347 Does Religion Matter to Owner-Manager Agency Costs? Evidence from China
by Xingqiang Du - 349-363 The Influence of Primary Study Characteristics on the Performance Differential Between Socially Responsible and Conventional Investment Funds: A Meta-Analysis
by Sebastian Rathner - 365-377 Responsible Management, Incentive Systems, and Productivity
by Ivan Hilliard - 379-394 Leadership Discourse, Culture, and Corporate Ethics: CEO-speak at News Corporation
by Joel Amernic & Russell Craig - 395-412 Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Impact on Firms’ Investment Policy, Organizational Structure, and Performance
by Otgontsetseg Erhemjamts & Qian Li & Anand Venkateswaran - 413-427 The Relevance of Stakeholder Theory and Social Capital Theory in the Context of CSR in SMEs: An Australian Perspective
by Suman Sen & James Cowley - 429-445 Managing the Risks of Corporate Political Donations: A Utilitarian Perspective
by Shane Leong & James Hazelton & Cynthia Townley
November 2013, Volume 118, Issue 1
- 1-12 Does the Ethical Leadership of Supervisors Generate Internal Social Capital?
by David Pastoriza & Miguel Ariño - 13-29 W(h)ither Ecology? The Triple Bottom Line, the Global Reporting Initiative, and Corporate Sustainability Reporting
by Markus Milne & Rob Gray - 31-43 Understanding Pay Satisfaction: Effects of Supervisor Ethical Leadership on Job Motivating Potential Influence
by Pablo Ruiz-Palomino & Francisco Sáez-Martínez & Ricardo Martínez-Cañas - 45-60 Harmonizing IPRs on Software Piracy: Empirics of Trajectories in Africa
by Simplice Asongu - 61-72 Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firm Performance: What Exactly Constitutes a “Critical Mass?”
by Jasmin Joecks & Kerstin Pull & Karin Vetter - 73-83 Identity, Moral, and Equity Perspectives on the Relationship Between Experienced Injustice and Time Theft
by Yan Liu & Christopher Berry - 85-102 Will Women Lead the Way? Differences in Demand for Corporate Social Responsibility Information for Investment Decisions
by Leda Nath & Lori Holder-Webb & Jeffrey Cohen - 103-116 How do Universities Make Progress? Stakeholder-Related Mechanisms Affecting Adoption of Sustainability in University Curricula
by Deborah de Lange - 117-126 Ownership Concentration and CSR Policy of European Multinational Enterprises
by Lammertjan Dam & Bert Scholtens - 127-137 Service-Learning and Leadership: Evidence from Teaching Financial Literacy
by Omid Sabbaghi & Gerald Cavanagh S. J. & Tim Hipskind S. J. - 139-153 Legitimacy-Seeking Organizational Strategies in Controversial Industries: A Case Study Analysis and a Bidimensional Model
by Jon Reast & François Maon & Adam Lindgreen & Joëlle Vanhamme - 155-169 The Effects of CEO Trustworthiness on Directors’ Monitoring and Resource Provision
by Esther Del Brio & Toru Yoshikawa & Catherine Connelly & Wee Tan - 171-187 How Do Board Size and Occupational Background of Directors Influence Social Performance in For-profit and Non-profit Organizations? Evidence from California Hospitals
by Ge Bai - 189-202 Protest Campaigns and Corporations: Cooperative Conflicts?
by Veronika Kneip - 203-213 Reciprocity in Corporate Social Responsibility and Channel Performance: Do Birds of a Feather Flock Together?
by Xueming Luo & Qinqin Zheng - 215-225 Outing the Silent Partner: Espousing the Economic Values that Operate in Not-For-Profit Organizations
by Sarah Kaine & Jenny Green
November 2013, Volume 117, Issue 4
- 679-694 Corporate Social Responsibility and Credit Ratings
by Najah Attig & Sadok El Ghoul & Omrane Guedhami & Jungwon Suh - 695-706 A Constructivist Approach to Business Ethics
by Michael Buckley - 707-719 The Genesis of Employment Ethics
by Harry Buren & Michelle Greenwood - 721-733 Building Partnerships to Create Social and Economic Value at the Base of the Global Development Pyramid
by Jerry Calton & Patricia Werhane & Laura Hartman & David Bevan - 735-751 A Cognitive Elaboration Model of Sustainability Decision Making: Investigating Financial Managers’ Orientation Toward Environmental Issues
by Edina Eberhardt-Toth & David Wasieleski - 753-776 Ethical Outcomes and Business Ethics: Toward Improving Business Ethics Education
by Larry Floyd & Feng Xu & Ryan Atkins & Cam Caldwell - 777-788 The Worldwide Academic Field of Business Ethics: Scholars’ Perceptions of the Most Important Issues
by Daniel Holland & Chad Albrecht - 789-805 Environmental Impact Assessments from a Business Perspective: Extending Knowledge and Guiding Business Practice
by Hermann Lion & Jerome Donovan & Rowan Bedggood - 807-821 The Ethical Challenges of the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism
by Candace Martinez & J. Bowen
October 2013, Volume 117, Issue 3
- 449-466 The Gender Quota and Female Leadership: Effects of the Norwegian Gender Quota on Board Chairs and CEOs
by Mingzhu Wang & Elisabeth Kelan - 467-475 Islamic Perspectives on Profit Maximization
by Abbas Ali & Abdulrahman Al-Aali & Abdullah Al-Owaihan - 477-492 Are Investors Willing to Sacrifice Cash for Morality?
by R. Berry & F. Yeung - 493-511 Enhancing Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Violations: Is Extraterritoriality the Magic Potion?
by Nadia Bernaz - 513-523 Promoting Ethical Judgment in an Organisational Context
by Stephen Cohen - 525-539 An Introduction of Epistemology to Business Ethics: A Study of Marketing Middle-Managers
by Mohammed Rawwas & Surendra Arjoon & Yusuf Sidani - 541-551 Workplace Guanxi: Its Dispositional Antecedents and Mediating Role in the Affectivity–Job Satisfaction Relationship
by Qingguo Zhai & Margaret Lindorff & Brian Cooper - 553-558 The Ethical and Economic Case for Sweatshop Regulation
by Mathew Coakley & Michael Kates - 559-568 Can an Ethical Revival of Prudence Within Prudential Regulation Tackle Corporate Psychopathy?
by Alasdair Marshall & Denise Baden & Marco Guidi - 569-582 Modeling Corporate Social Performance and Job Pursuit Intention: Mediating Mechanisms of Corporate Reputation and Job Advancement Prospects
by Rong-Tsu Wang - 583-599 Shareholder Theory and Kant’s ‘Duty of Beneficence’
by Samuel Mansell - 601-613 Halal Certification for Financial Products: A Transaction Cost Perspective
by Raphie Hayat & Frank Butter & Udo Kock - 615-634 Prediction of Whistleblowing or Non-reporting Observation: The Role of Personal and Situational Factors
by P. Cassematis & R. Wortley - 635-658 A Review of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices in Canada
by Oguz Morali & Cory Searcy - 659-666 Employment and Public Policy Issues Surrounding Medical Marijuana in the Workplace
by Jeffrey Mello - 667-678 Clinical Governance, Performance Appraisal and Interactional and Procedural Fairness at a New Zealand Public Hospital
by Carol Clarke & Mark Harcourt & Matthew Flynn
October 2013, Volume 117, Issue 2
- 221-259 A Review of the Empirical Ethical Decision-Making Literature: 2004–2011
by Jana Craft - 261-280 Measuring Mainstream US Cultural Values
by Caroline Doran & Romie Littrell - 281-296 Ethically Questionable Negotiating: The Interactive Effects of Trust, Competitiveness, and Situation Favorability on Ethical Decision Making
by Filipe Sobral & Gazi Islam - 297-311 Advertisement Disclaimer Speed and Corporate Social Responsibility: “Costs” to Consumer Comprehension and Effects on Brand Trust and Purchase Intention
by Kenneth Herbst & Sean Hannah & David Allan - 313-331 Driven to Be Good: A Stakeholder Theory Perspective on the Drivers of Corporate Social Performance
by Jacob Brower & Vijay Mahajan - 333-343 Understanding the Behavioral Intention to Report Unethical Information Technology Practices: The Role of Machiavellianism, Gender, and Computer Expertise
by Antonis Stylianou & Susan Winter & Yuan Niu & Robert Giacalone & Matt Campbell - 345-359 The Invisible Meets the Intangible: Culture’s Impact on Intellectual Property Protection
by Amanda Budde-Sung - 361-369 How Ethical are U.S. Business Executives? A Study of Perceptions
by Betsy Stevens - 371-386 An Ethical Stakeholder Approach to Crisis Communication: A Case Study of Foxconn’s 2010 Employee Suicide Crisis
by Kaibin Xu & Wenqing Li - 387-398 The Growth of Private Regulation of Labor Standards in Global Supply Chains: Mission Impossible for Western Small- and Medium-Sized Firms?
by Jette Knudsen - 399-411 Will I Fake It? The Interplay of Gender, Machiavellianism, and Self-monitoring on Strategies for Honesty in Job Interviews
by Mary Hogue & Julia Levashina & Hongli Hang - 413-429 Narcissus Enters the Courtroom: CEO Narcissism and Fraud
by Antoinette Rijsenbilt & Harry Commandeur - 431-448 Positive and Negative Corporate Social Responsibility, Financial Leverage, and Idiosyncratic Risk
by Saurabh Mishra & Sachin Modi
September 2013, Volume 117, Issue 1
- 1-17 The Organizational Implementation of Corporate Citizenship: An Assessment Tool and its Application at UN Global Compact Participants
by Dorothée Baumann-Pauly & Andreas Scherer - 19-36 Performance Analysis of Sustainable Investments in the Brazilian Stock Market: A Study About the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE)
by Felipe Arias Fogliano de Souza Cunha & Carlos Samanez - 37-44 Initial Impressions Determine Behaviours: Morality Predicts the Willingness to Help Newcomers
by Stefano Pagliaro & Marco Brambilla & Simona Sacchi & Manuela D’Angelo & Naomi Ellemers - 45-65 Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility and Orphan Drug Development: Insights from the US and the EU Biopharmaceutical Industry
by Olga Bruyaka & Hanko Zeitzmann & Isabelle Chalamon & Richard Wokutch & Pooja Thakur - 67-83 Do Non-socially Responsible Companies Achieve Legitimacy Through Socially Responsible Actions? The Mediating Effect of Innovation
by Belen Blanco & Encarna Guillamón-Saorín & Andrés Guiral - 85-91 A Five-Year Review, Update, and Assessment of Ethics and Governance in Strategic Management Journal
by Christopher Robertson & Dane Blevins & Tom Duffy - 93-109 Generation Y’s Ethical Ideology and Its Potential Workplace Implications
by Rebecca VanMeter & Douglas Grisaffe & Lawrence Chonko & James Roberts - 111-121 Negative Publicity Effect of the Business Founder’s Unethical Behavior on Corporate Image: Evidence from China
by Dong-Hong Zhu & Ya-Ping Chang - 123-136 Bringing Back the Essence of the “S” and “R” to CSR: Understanding the Limitations of the Merchant Trade and the White Man’s Burden
by Caterina Lorenzo-Molo & Zenon Udani - 137-151 The Drivers of Responsible Investment: The Case of European Pension Funds
by Riikka Sievänen & Hannu Rita & Bert Scholtens - 153-172 The Joint Effects of Machiavellianism and Ethical Environment on Whistle-Blowing
by Derek Dalton & Robin Radtke - 173-187 Sustainability, Epistemology, Ecocentric Business, and Marketing Strategy: Ideology, Reality, and Vision
by Helen Borland & Adam Lindgreen - 189-208 Reporting Self-Made Errors: The Impact of Organizational Error-Management Climate and Error Type
by Ulfert Gronewold & Anna Gold & Steven Salterio - 209-219 Using Inside Job to Teach Business Ethics
by Ernest Biktimirov & Don Cyr
September 2013, Volume 116, Issue 4
- 681-687 Cultural Diversity and Universal Ethics in a Global World
by Domènec Melé & Carlos Sánchez-Runde - 689-701 The Cultural Roots of Ethical Conflicts in Global Business
by Carlos Sanchez-Runde & Luciara Nardon & Richard Steers - 703-715 East Meets West: Toward a Universal Ethic of Virtue for Global Business
by Daryl Koehn - 717-734 The Role of Four Universal Moral Competencies in Ethical Decision-Making
by Rafael Morales-Sánchez & Carmen Cabello-Medina - 735-749 Weaning Business Ethics from Strategic Economism: The Development Ethics Perspective
by Prabhir Poruthiyil - 751-767 Honorableness or Beneficialness? Cicero on Natural Law, Virtues, Glory, and (Corporate) Reputation
by Michael Aßländer - 769-780 Managing Ethically Cultural Diversity: Learning from Thomas Aquinas
by João Neves & Domènec Melé - 781-797 Perceptions of Justice and the Human Rights Protect, Respect, and Remedy Framework
by Matthew Murphy & Jordi Vives - 799-814 Human Rights in the Void? Due Diligence in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
by Björn Fasterling & Geert Demuijnck
September 2013, Volume 116, Issue 3
- 459-477 Executive Pay and Legitimacy: Changing Discursive Battles Over the Morality of Excessive Manager Compensation
by Maria Joutsenvirta - 479-494 The Impact of Corruption on Firm Tax Compliance in Transition Economies: Whom Do You Trust?
by Anna Alon & Amy Hageman - 495-511 Does It Make Sense to Be a Loyal Employee?
by Juan Elegido - 513-527 When and Why Usury Should be Prohibited
by Robert Mayer - 529-552 Falling or Not Falling into Temptation? Multiple Faces of Temptation, Monetary Intelligence, and Unethical Intentions Across Gender
by Thomas Tang & Toto Sutarso - 553-566 Individual and Organizational Antecedents of Professional Ethics of Public Relations Practitioners in Korea
by Ji Han & Hyun Park & Hyeonju Jeong - 567-585 Ethical Climate and Purchasing Social Responsibility: A Benevolence Focus
by Constantin Blome & Antony Paulraj - 587-599 The Moderating Effects of Political Skill and Leader–Member Exchange on the Relationship Between Organizational Politics and Affective Commitment
by Takuma Kimura - 601-614 Fixing the Game? Legitimacy, Morality Policy and Research in Gambling
by Rohan Miller & Grant Michelson - 615-627 Terminology Matters: A Critical Exploration of Corporate Social Responsibility Terms
by Denise Baden & Ian Harwood - 629-640 For the Good or the Bad? Interactive Effects of Transformational Leadership with Moral and Authoritarian Leadership Behaviors
by Sebastian Schuh & Xin-an Zhang & Peng Tian - 641-653 The Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior: Linear or Curvilinear Effects?
by Q. Miao & A. Newman & J. Yu & L. Xu - 655-666 Work Values Ethic, GNP Per Capita and Country of Birth Relationships
by Adela McMurray & Don Scott - 667-680 The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Followers’ Perceptions of Fairness
by Eliane Bacha & Sandra Walker
August 2013, Volume 116, Issue 2
- 233-250 The Dissolution of Ethical Decision-Making in Organizations: A Comprehensive Review and Model
by Ralph Jackson & Charles Wood & James Zboja - 251-266 Echoes of Silence: Employee Silence as a Mediator Between Overall Justice and Employee Outcomes
by David Whiteside & Laurie Barclay - 267-282 Focus on Fairtrade: Propositions for Integrating Fairtrade and Supply Chain Management Research
by Katri Karjalainen & Claire Moxham - 283-296 Vocational Virtue Ethics: Prospects for a Virtue Ethic Approach to Business
by David McPherson - 297-310 Media Corruption: A Chinese Characteristic
by Ren Li - 311-325 Effects of Earnings Forecasts and Heightened Professional Skepticism on the Outcomes of Client–Auditor Negotiation
by Helen Brown-Liburd & Jeffrey Cohen & Greg Trompeter - 327-340 Technology Regulation Policy for Business Ethics: An Example of RFID in Supply Chain Management
by Wei Zhou & Selwyn Piramuthu - 341-353 The Roles of Credibility and Social Consciousness in the Corporate Philanthropy-Consumer Behavior Relationship
by Matthew Walker & Aubrey Kent - 355-371 Compound Conflicts of Interest in the US Proxy System
by Cynthia Clark & Harry Van Buren - 373-391 When Servant Becomes Leader: The Corazon C. Aquino Success Story as a Beacon for Business Leaders
by Zenon Udani & Caterina Lorenzo-Molo - 393-402 Going the (Ethical) Distance
by Lee Shepski - 403-413 The Ethics of Marketing to Vulnerable Populations
by David Palmer & Trevor Hedberg - 415-431 Leadership Manipulation and Ethics in Storytelling
by Tommi Auvinen & Anna-Maija Lämsä & Teppo Sintonen & Tuomo Takala - 433-440 Impact of Transformational and Servant Leadership on Organizational Performance: A Comparative Analysis
by Ali Choudhary & Syed Akhtar & Arshad Zaheer - 441-455 How Ethical Leadership Influence Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior: A Perspective of Intrinsic Motivation
by Tu Yidong & Lu Xinxin - 457-457 Erratum to: How Ethical Leadership Influence Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior: A Perspective of Intrinsic Motivation
by Yi Tu & Xin Lu
August 2013, Volume 116, Issue 1
- 1-20 Exploring the Valuation of Corporate Social Responsibility—A Comparison of Research Methods
by Alan Gregory & Julie Whittaker - 21-48 Think Global, Invest Responsible: Why the Private Equity Industry Goes Green
by Patricia Crifo & Vanina Forget - 49-65 The Impact of Operational Diversity on Corporate Philanthropy: An Empirical Study of U.S. Companies
by Jean Kabongo & Kiyoung Chang & Ying Li - 67-85 Compensating Outside Directors with Stock: The Impact on Non-Primary Stakeholders
by Yuval Deutsch & Mike Valente - 87-97 Women in the Boardroom: How Do Female Directors of Corporate Boards Perceive Boardroom Dynamics?
by Gro Mathisen & Torvald Ogaard & Einar Marnburg - 99-106 Employee Reactions to Leader-Initiated Crisis Preparation: Core Dimensions
by Marcus Selart & Svein Johansen & Synnøve Nesse - 107-119 The Determinants of Green Product Development Performance: Green Dynamic Capabilities, Green Transformational Leadership, and Green Creativity
by Yu-Shan Chen & Ching-Hsun Chang - 121-138 Black Economic Empowerment Disclosures by South African Listed Corporations: The Influence of Ownership and Board Characteristics
by Collins Ntim & Teerooven Soobaroyen - 139-149 Rationalizing Ideologies, Social Identities and Corruption Among Civil Servants in Indonesia During the Suharto Era
by Adang Budiman & Amanda Roan & Victor Callan - 151-161 Diversity Identity Management: An Organizational Perspective
by Brooklyn Cole & Manjula Salimath - 163-171 Understanding the Strength of Gentleness: Soft-Skilled Leadership on the Rise
by Joan Marques - 173-188 Ethical Culture and Employee Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Person-Organization Fit
by Pablo Ruiz-Palomino & Ricardo Martínez-Cañas & Joan Fontrodona - 189-203 Sustainable Supply Chains: Governance Mechanisms to Greening Suppliers
by Cristina Gimenez & Vicenta Sierra - 205-216 The Relationship of Downward Mobbing with Leadership Style and Organizational Attitudes
by Aysegul Ertureten & Zeynep Cemalcilar & Zeynep Aycan - 217-232 From Voluntarism to Regulation: A Study on Ownership, Economic Performance and Corporate Environmental Information Disclosure in China
by X. Meng & S. Zeng & C. Tam
July 2013, Volume 115, Issue 4
- 651-663 Complete and Partial Organizing for Corporate Social Responsibility
by Andreas Rasche & Frank Bakker & Jeremy Moon - 665-679 Dialogism in Corporate Social Responsibility Communications: Conceptualising Verbal Interaction Between Organisations and Their Audiences
by Niamh Brennan & Doris Merkl-Davies & Annika Beelitz - 681-692 The Construction of Corporate Social Responsibility in Network Societies: A Communication View
by Friederike Schultz & Itziar Castelló & Mette Morsing - 693-705 Organizing Corporate Social Responsibility in Small and Large Firms: Size Matters
by Dorothée Baumann-Pauly & Christopher Wickert & Laura Spence & Andreas Scherer - 707-721 The Glocalization of Responsible Investment: Contextualization Work in France and Québec
by Jean-Pascal Gond & Eva Boxenbaum - 723-739 Different Paths to Collaboration Between Businesses and Civil Society and the Role of Third Parties
by Daniel Arenas & Pablo Sanchez & Matthew Murphy - 741-754 CSR, Co-optation and Resistance: The Emergence of New Agonistic Relations Between Business and Civil Society
by Jon Burchell & Joanne Cook - 755-769 Corporate Constructed and Dissent Enabling Public Spheres: Differentiating Dissensual from Consensual Corporate Social Responsibility
by Glen Whelan
July 2013, Volume 115, Issue 3
- 429-434 The Positive Impact of Individual Core Values
by Paul Longenecker - 435-449 Ethical Leadership: Assessing the Value of a Multifoci Social Exchange Perspective
by S. Hansen & Bradley Alge & Michael Brown & Christine Jackson & Benjamin Dunford - 451-468 Analyzing the Role of Social Norms in Tax Compliance Behavior
by Donna Bobek & Amy Hageman & Charles Kelliher - 469-487 Strategic Direction of Corporate Community Involvement
by Gordon Liu & Teck-Yong Eng & Wai-Wai Ko - 489-513 micro-Business Community Responsibility in Australia: Approaches, Motivations and Barriers
by Suzanne Campin & Jo Barraket & Belinda Luke - 515-529 Selection of Socially Responsible Portfolios Using Hedonic Prices
by Amelia Bilbao-Terol & Mar Arenas-Parra & Verónica Cañal-Fernández & Celia Bilbao-Terol - 531-553 The Bright and Dark Sides of Religiosity Among University Students: Do Gender, College Major, and Income Matter?
by Yuh-Jia Chen & Thomas Tang - 555-574 Morally Contentious Technology-Field Intersections: The Case of Biotechnology in the United States
by Benjamin Cole & Preeta Banerjee - 575-597 Ethical Judgments: What Do We Know, Where Do We Go?
by Peter Mudrack & E. Mason - 599-603 Ethics and Executive Coaching: An Agency Theory Approach
by Francis Hannafey & Lawrence Vitulano - 605-616 Drivers of Socially Responsible Investing: A Case Study of Four Nordic Countries
by Bert Scholtens & Riikka Sievänen - 617-634 Discrimination and Well-Being in Organizations: Testing the Differential Power and Organizational Justice Theories of Workplace Aggression
by Stephen Wood & Johan Braeken & Karen Niven - 635-644 Perceived Leadership Integrity in the Manufacturing Industry
by Jack McCann & Roger Holt - 645-649 J. M. H. Fritz, Professional Civility: Communicative Virtue at Work
by Annette Holba
June 2013, Volume 115, Issue 2
- 213-227 The Embeddedness of Responsible Business Practice: Exploring the Interaction Between National-Institutional Environments and Corporate Social Responsibility
by Luc Fransen - 229-240 Ethical Decision Making in a Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Situation: The Role of Moral Absolutes and Social Consensus
by Connie Bateman & Sean Valentine & Terri Rittenburg - 241-257 Entrepreneurial Feminists: Perspectives About Opportunity Recognition and Governance
by Barbara Orser & Catherine Elliott & Joanne Leck - 259-269 Is it Spillover or Compensation? Effects of Community and Organizational Diversity Climates on Race Differentiated Employee Intent to Stay
by Barjinder Singh & T. Selvarajan - 271-290 How Ethical Behavior of Firms is Influenced by the Legal and Political Environments: A Bayesian Causal Map Analysis Based on Stages of Development
by Ahmet Ekici & Sule Onsel - 291-310 A New Framework for Understanding Inequalities Between Expatriates and Host Country Nationals
by Victor Oltra & Jaime Bonache & Chris Brewster - 311-325 Distributive Justice, Employment-at-Will and Just-Cause Dismissal
by Mark Harcourt & Maureen Hannay & Helen Lam - 327-339 Living in the Gray: Lessons on Ethics from Prison
by Jana Craft - 341-350 Business Practice, Ethics and the Philosophy of Morals in the Rome of Marcus Tullius Cicero
by Michael Small - 351-365 The Influence of Religiosity on Consumer Ethical Judgments and Responses Toward Sexual Appeals
by Sanjay Putrevu & Krist Swimberghek - 367-382 Encouraging Whistle Blowing to Improve Corporate Governance? A Malaysian Initiative
by Shanthy Rachagan & Kalaithasan Kuppusamy - 383-402 Proactive CSR: An Empirical Analysis of the Role of its Economic, Social and Environmental Dimensions on the Association between Capabilities and Performance
by Nuttaneeya Torugsa & Wayne O’Donohue & Rob Hecker - 403-425 Taking Credit
by William Graham & William Cooper - 427-427 Erratum to: A Fiduciary Model of Political Ethics and Protocol for Dealing with Constituent Requests
by Alex Michalos
June 2013, Volume 115, Issue 1
- 1-15 Teaching Global Ethical Standards: A Case and Strategy for Broadening the Accounting Ethics Curriculum
by Dale Tweedie & Maria Dyball & James Hazelton & Sue Wright - 17-31 East–West Differences in “Tricky” Tactics: A Comparison of the Tactical Preferences of Chinese and Australian Negotiators
by Cheryl Rivers & Roger Volkema - 33-44 Ethical Leadership and Subordinate Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Organizational Politics and the Moderating Role of Political Skill
by K. Kacmar & Martha Andrews & Kenneth Harris & Bennett Tepper - 45-62 A Group Identity Analysis of Organizations and Their Stakeholders: Porosity of Identity and Mobility of Attributes
by Anne Barraquier - 63-73 Workplace Spirituality as a Precursor to Relationship-Oriented Selling Characteristics
by Vaibhav Chawla & Sridhar Guda - 75-92 Investigating the Types of Value and Cost of Green Brands: Proposition of a Conceptual Framework
by Erifili Papista & Athanasios Krystallis - 93-100 Dirty Hands Make Dirty Leaders?! The Effects of Touching Dirty Objects on Rewarding Unethical Subordinates as a Function of a Leader’s Self-Interest
by Florien Cramwinckel & David Cremer & Marius Dijke - 101-114 Building Ethical Leaders: A Way to Integrate and Assess Ethics Education
by Ann Dzuranin & Rebecca Shortridge & Pamela Smith - 115-133 Dynamics of Stakeholders’ Implications in the Institutionalization of the CSR Field in France and in the United States
by Emma Avetisyan & Michel Ferrary - 135-147 Reintegrating Ethics and Institutional Theories
by Richard Nielsen & Felipe Massa - 149-166 Discourses of Charisma: Barack Obama’s First 6 Months as the President of the USA
by Tuomo Takala & Sanja Tanttu & Anna-Maija Lämsä & Aila Virtanen - 167-182 The Contained-Rivalry Requirement and a ‘Triple Feature’ Program for Business Ethics
by Dominic Martin - 183-193 Ethical Standards for Stockbrokers: Fiduciary or Suitability?
by James Angel & Douglas McCabe - 195-211 Interactive Role of Consumer Discrimination and Branding against Counterfeiting: A Study of Multinational Managers’ Perception of Global Brands in China
by Mahmut Sonmez & Deli Yang & Gerald Fryxell
June 2013, Volume 114, Issue 4
- 599-606 The Business Case for Asserting the Business Case for Business Ethics
by Alex Michalos - 607-623 Do Investors Value a Firm’s Commitment to Social Activities?
by Waymond Rodgers & Hiu Choy & Andrés Guiral - 625-631 Corporate Social Performance, Firm Valuation, and Industrial Difference: Evidence from Hong Kong
by Yan-Leung Cheung & Kun Jiang & Billy Mak & Weiqiang Tan - 633-642 Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Business Ethics: Evidence from the United States and China
by Michael Gift & Paul Gift & QinQin Zheng - 643-653 The Normalization of Deviant Organizational Practices: The Non-performing Loans Problem in China
by Jiatao Li & Carmen Ng - 655-664 Individualism–Collectivism, Private Benefits of Control, and Earnings Management: A Cross-Culture Comparison
by Xu Zhang & Xing Liang & Hongyan Sun - 665-674 Social Responsibility Climate as a Double-Edged Sword: How Employee-Perceived Social Responsibility Climate Shapes the Meaning of Their Voluntary Work?
by Frederick Yim & Henry Fock - 675-686 The Roles of Justice and Customer Satisfaction in Customer Retention: A Lesson from Service Recovery
by Noel Siu & Tracy Zhang & Cheuk-Ying Yau
May 2013, Volume 114, Issue 3
- 381-392 Board Composition and Corporate Social Responsibility: An Empirical Investigation in the Post Sarbanes-Oxley Era
by Jason Zhang & Hong Zhu & Hung-bin Ding - 393-408 For All Good Reasons: Role of Values in Organizational Sustainability
by Liviu Florea & Yu Cheung & Neil Herndon - 409-424 Determinants of Consumer’s Willingness to Purchase Gray-Market Smartphones
by Chun-Hsiung Liao & I Hsieh - 425-441 The Media and Their Advertisers: Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in Product Coverage Decisions
by Diego Rinallo & Suman Basuroy & Ruhai Wu & Hyo Jeon - 443-456 ‘Green’ Human Resource Benefits: Do they Matter as Determinants of Environmental Management System Implementation?
by Marcus Wagner