March 2015, Volume 127, Issue 2
- 399-417 Toward an Ethical Theory of Organizing
by Naveed Yazdani & Hasan Murad - 419-438 Value-Enhancing Capabilities of CSR: A Brief Review of Contemporary Literature
by Mahfuja Malik - 439-457 Is Corporate Social Responsibility Performance Associated with Tax Avoidance?
by Roman Lanis & Grant Richardson - 459-478 Do Personal Values Influence the Propensity for Sustainability Actions? A Policy-Capturing Study
by Joel Marcus & Heather MacDonald & Lorne Sulsky - 479-500 Linking Market Orientation and Environmental Performance: The Influence of Environmental Strategy, Employee’s Environmental Involvement, and Environmental Product Quality
by Yang Chen & Guiyao Tang & Jiafei Jin & Ji Li & Pascal Paillé
March 2015, Volume 127, Issue 1
- 1-15 Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Scandinavia: An Overview
by Robert Strand & R. Freeman & Kai Hockerts - 17-31 From Implicit to Explicit CSR in a Scandinavian Context: The Cases of HÅG and Hydro
by Siri Carson & Øivind Hagen & S. Sethi - 33-47 Governmentalities of CSR: Danish Government Policy as a Reflection of Political Difference
by Steen Vallentin - 49-64 Reputation, Responsibility, and Stakeholder Support in Scandinavian Firms: A Comparative Analysis
by Deborah Vidaver-Cohen & Peggy Brønn - 65-85 Scandinavian Cooperative Advantage: The Theory and Practice of Stakeholder Engagement in Scandinavia
by Robert Strand & R. Freeman - 87-87 Erratum to: Scandinavian Cooperative Advantage: The Theory and Practice of Stakeholder Engagement in Scandinavia
by Robert Strand & R. Freeman - 89-105 Scandinavian Stakeholder Thinking: Seminal Offerings from the Late Juha Näsi
by Robert Strand - 107-107 Erratum to: Scandinavian Stakeholder Thinking: Seminal Offerings from the Late Juha Näsi
by Robert Strand - 109-120 Ye Olde CSR: The Historic Roots of Corporate Social Responsibility in Norway
by Øyvind Ihlen & Heidi Weltzien Hoivik - 121-147 The Methodology in Empirical Sales Ethics Research: 1980–2010
by Nicholas McClaren - 149-163 When Harm is at Stake: Ethical Value Orientation, Managerial Decisions, and Relational Outcomes
by Amy Verbos & Janice Miller - 165-176 Ethical Leadership and Reputation: Combined Indirect Effects on Organizational Deviance
by Pedro Neves & Joana Story - 177-188 Responsible Management: Engaging Moral Reflexive Practice Through Threshold Concepts
by Paul Hibbert & Ann Cunliffe - 189-203 Investigation of the Impact of an Ethical Framework and an Integrated Ethics Education on Accounting Students’ Ethical Sensitivity and Judgment
by Nonna Martinov-Bennie & Rosina Mladenovic - 205-219 Consumer Personality and Green Buying Intention: The Mediate Role of Consumer Ethical Beliefs
by Long-Chuan Lu & Hsiu-Hua Chang & Alan Chang - 221-230 Active Learning: An Advantageous Yet Challenging Approach to Accounting Ethics Instruction
by Stephen Loeb - 231-249 The Case for Investment Advising as a Virtue-Based Practice
by Keith Wyma
February 2015, Volume 126, Issue 4
- 531-539 Ethical Decision Making and Leadership: Merging Social Role and Self-Construal Perspectives
by Crystal Hoyt & Terry Price - 541-557 Scoring Firms’ Codes of Ethics: An Explorative Study of Quality Drivers
by Giovanni Garegnani & Emilia Merlotti & Angeloantonio Russo - 559-580 Dressing up for Diffusion: Codes of Conduct in the German Textile and Apparel Industry, 1997–2010
by Florian Scheiber - 581-590 Transformational Leaders’ In-Group versus Out-Group Orientation: Testing the Link Between Leaders’ Organizational Identification, their Willingness to Engage in Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior, and Follower-Perceived Transformational Leadership
by David Effelsberg & Marc Solga - 591-602 Is Business Ethics Education Effective? An Analysis of Gender, Personal Ethical Perspectives, and Moral Judgment
by Liz Wang & Lisa Calvano - 603-611 On Taking People Seriously: An Apology, to My Students Especially
by Lloyd Sandelands - 613-630 The Role of Qing (Positive Emotions) and Li 1 (Rationality) in Chinese Entrepreneurial Decision Making: A Confucian Ren-Yi Wisdom Perspective
by Yunxia Zhu - 631-647 Contextual and Individual Dimensions of Taxpayer Decision Making
by Jeffrey Cohen & Gil Manzon & Valentina Zamora - 649-662 Dynamic Interactions of Agency in Leadership (DIAL): An Integrative Framework for Analysing Agency in Sustainability Leadership
by Rachel Wolfgramm & Sian Flynn-Coleman & Denise Conroy - 663-684 The Impact of Individual Attitudinal and Organisational Variables on Workplace Environmentally Friendly Behaviours
by Danae Manika & Victoria Wells & Diana Gregory-Smith & Michael Gentry - 685-696 Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand Advocacy in Business-to-Business Market: The Mediated Moderating Effect of Attribution
by Da-Chang Pai & Chi-Shiun Lai & Chih-Jen Chiu & Chin-Fang Yang - 697-707 The “Integrative Justice Model” as Transformative Justice for Base-of-the-Pyramid Marketing
by Nicholas Santos & Gene Laczniak & Tina Facca-Miess
February 2015, Volume 126, Issue 3
- 343-369 Research on Corporate Philanthropy: A Review and Assessment
by Arthur Gautier & Anne-Claire Pache - 371-379 The Interactive Effects of Behavioral Integrity and Procedural Justice on Employee Job Tension
by Martha Andrews & K. Kacmar & Charles Kacmar - 381-393 Environmental Compliance and Economic and Environmental Performance: Evidence from Handicrafts Small Businesses in Mexico
by Patricia Sánchez-Medina & René Díaz-Pichardo & Angélica Bautista-Cruz & Arcelia Toledo-López - 395-414 Green Microfinance: Characteristics of Microfinance Institutions Involved in Environmental Management
by Marion Allet & Marek Hudon - 415-421 For-Profit Education: The Sleep of Ethical Reason
by Samuel Natale & Anthony Libertella & Caroline Doran - 423-436 The Effect of Leadership Style, Framing, and Promotion Regulatory Focus on Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior
by Katrina Graham & Jonathan Ziegert & Johnna Capitano - 437-457 A Cognitive–Intuitionist Model of Moral Judgment
by Adenekan Dedeke - 459-472 An Examination into the Disclosure, Structure, and Contents of Ethical Codes in Publicly Listed Acquiring Firms
by Virginia Bodolica & Martin Spraggon - 473-485 Inclusive and Exclusive Social Preferences: A Deweyan Framework to Explain Governance Heterogeneity
by Silvia Sacchetti - 487-512 Comparing Virtue, Consequentialist, and Deontological Ethics-Based Corporate Social Responsibility: Mitigating Microfinance Risk in Institutional Voids
by Subrata Chakrabarty & A. Erin Bass - 513-529 Does Moral Leadership Enhance Employee Creativity? Employee Identification with Leader and Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) in the Chinese Context
by Qinxuan Gu & Thomas Tang & Wan Jiang
January 2015, Volume 126, Issue 2
- 169-183 Patterns of Corporate Responsibility Practices for High Financial Performance: Evidence from Three Chinese Societies
by Na Ni & Carolyn Egri & Carlos Lo & Carol Lin - 185-204 Definition, Conceptualization, and Measurement of Corporate Environmental Performance: A Critical Examination of a Multidimensional Construct
by C. Trumpp & J. Endrikat & C. Zopf & E. Guenther - 205-218 Status, Peer Influence, and Racio-ethnic Diversity in Times of Institutional Change: An Examination from European Labour Law
by Padma Rao Sahib - 219-233 Social Responsibility, Quality of Work Life and Motivation to Contribute in the Nigerian Society
by Constantine Tongo - 235-246 Organizational Justice and Job Outcomes: Moderating Role of Islamic Work Ethic
by Khurram Khan & Muhammad Abbas & Asma Gul & Usman Raja - 247-258 University Lecturers’ Intention to Teach an Ethics Course: A Test of Competing Models
by Pi-Yueh Cheng - 259-272 Organisational Harmony as a Value in Family Businesses and Its Influence on Performance
by M. Ruiz Jiménez & Manuel Vallejo Martos & Rocío Martínez Jiménez - 273-284 Ethical Leadership Influence at Organizations: Evidence from the Field
by Ozgur Demirtas - 285-308 Battling the Devolution in the Research on Corporate Philanthropy
by Kellie Liket & Ana Simaens - 309-323 Corporate Governance in a Risk Society
by Anselm Schneider & Andreas Scherer - 325-342 The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices and Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Ethical Climates: An Employee Perspective
by M. Guerci & Giovanni Radaelli & Elena Siletti & Stefano Cirella & A. Rami Shani
January 2015, Volume 126, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction to the Special Issue on Tone at the Top
by Sally Gunz & Linda Thorne - 3-19 Is Tone at the Top Associated with Financial Reporting Aggressiveness?
by Lorenzo Patelli & Matteo Pedrini - 21-24 Discussant Comment on “Is Tone at the Top Associated with Financial Reporting Aggressiveness?” by Lorenzo Patelli, Matteo Pedrini
by Gregory Saxton - 25-37 The Influence of Regulatory Approach on Tone at the Top
by Bradley Lail & Jason MacGregor & Martin Stuebs & Timothy Thomasson - 39-42 Discussant Comment on “The Influence of Regulatory Approach on Tone at the top” by Bradley Lail, Jason MacGregor, Marty Stuebs, Timothy Thomasson
by Don Finn - 43-60 Ethical Climate, Social Responsibility, and Earnings Management
by William Shafer - 61-63 Discussion of “Ethical Climate, Social Responsibility and Earnings Management”
by Mary Curtis - 65-81 The Expression of Espoused Humanizing Values in Organizational Practice: A Conceptual Framework and Case Study
by Brian Shapiro & Michael Naughton - 83-84 Discussant Comment on the Expression of Espoused Humanizing Values in Organizational Practice: A Conceptual Framework and Case Study by Brian Shapiro and Michael Naughton
by Ronald Strauss - 85-99 Whistleblowing Intentions of Lower-Level Employees: The Effect of Reporting Channel, Bystanders, and Wrongdoer Power Status
by Jingyu Gao & Robert Greenberg & Bernard Wong-On-Wing - 101-102 Discussant Comment on Whistleblowing Intentions of Lower-Level Employees: The Effect of Reporting Channel, Bystanders, and Wrongdoer Power Status by Jingyu Gao, Robert Greenberg, Bernard Wong-On-Wing
by Steven Kaplan - 103-117 An Examination of the Effect of CEO Social Ties and CEO Reputation on Nonprofessional Investors’ Say-on-Pay Judgments
by Steven Kaplan & Janet Samuels & Jeffrey Cohen - 119-123 Discussant Comment on An Examination of the Effect of CEO Social Ties and CEO Reputation on Nonprofessional Investors’ Say-on-Pay Judgments, by Steve Kaplan, Janet Samuels, Jeffrey Cohen
by Regan Schmidt - 125-141 The Influence of Roles and Organizational Fit on Accounting Professionals’ Perceptions of their Firms’ Ethical Environment
by Donna Bobek & Amy Hageman & Robin Radtke - 143-165 Impression Management and Organizational Audiences: The Fiat Group Case
by Saverio Bozzolan & Charles Cho & Giovanna Michelon - 167-167 Erratum to: Introduction to the Special Issue on Tone at the Top
by Sally Gunz & Linda Thorne
December 2014, Volume 125, Issue 4
- 541-561 Social and Environmental Performance at SMEs: Considering Motivations, Capabilities, and Instrumentalism
by Richard Arend - 563-580 The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organizational Commitment: Exploring Multiple Mediation Mechanisms
by Omer Farooq & Marielle Payaud & Dwight Merunka & Pierre Valette-Florence - 581-599 Exploring Political Corporate Social Responsibility in Global Supply Chains
by Julia Rotter & Peppi-Emilia Airike & Cecilia Mark-Herbert - 601-615 Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: Evidence from the US Banking Sector
by Mohammad Jizi & Aly Salama & Robert Dixon & Rebecca Stratling - 617-635 Corporate Environmental Responsibility and Equity Prices
by Li Cai & Chaohua He - 637-666 Does the Voluntary Adoption of Corporate Governance Mechanisms Improve Environmental Risk Disclosures? Evidence from Greenhouse Gas Emission Accounting
by Gary Peters & Andrea Romi - 667-680 Core Values and Beliefs: A Study of Leading Innovative Organizations
by S. Sai Manohar & Shiv Pandit - 681-692 Initiating Disclosure of Environmental Liability Information: An Empirical Analysis of Firm Choice
by Jennifer Chen & Charles Cho & Dennis Patten - 693-707 Perceived Greenwashing: The Interactive Effects of Green Advertising and Corporate Environmental Performance on Consumer Reactions
by Gergely Nyilasy & Harsha Gangadharbatla & Angela Paladino - 709-713 Toward A Positive Theory of Social Entrepreneurship. On Maximizing Versus Satisficing Value Capture
by Alejandro Agafonow
December 2014, Volume 125, Issue 3
- 361-380 Vive la Différence: Social Banks and Reciprocity in the Credit Market
by Simon Cornée & Ariane Szafarz - 381-400 Perceived Reasonableness and Morals in Service Encounters
by Nobuyuki Fukawa & Sunil Erevelles - 401-432 Painting with the Same Brush? Surveying Unethical Behavior in the Workplace Using Self-Reports and Observer-Reports
by Franziska Zuber & Muel Kaptein - 433-465 How Does the Stock Market Value Corporate Social Performance? When Behavioral Theories Interact with Stakeholder Theory
by Ming Jia & Zhe Zhang - 467-480 Civil Regulation, the Environment and the Compliance Orientations of SMEs
by Gary Lynch-Wood & David Williamson - 481-496 The Legitimacy of CSR Actions of Publicly Traded Companies Versus Family-Owned Companies
by Rajat Panwar & Karen Paul & Erlend Nybakk & Eric Hansen & Derek Thompson - 497-512 Board Age and Gender Diversity: A Test of Competing Linear and Curvilinear Predictions
by Muhammad Ali & Yin Ng & Carol Kulik - 513-529 Teaching Business Ethics Online: Perspectives on Course Design, Delivery, Student Engagement, and Assessment
by Denis Collins & James Weber & Rebecca Zambrano - 531-537 Do Property Rights Presuppose Scarcity?
by David Faraci - 539-539 Erratum to: Do Property Rights Presuppose Scarcity?
by David Faraci
December 2014, Volume 125, Issue 2
- 177-191 The Paradox of Corporate Social Responsibility Standards
by Simone de Colle & Adrian Henriques & Saras Sarasvathy - 193-210 Social Shareholder Engagement: The Dynamics of Voice and Exit
by Jennifer Goodman & Céline Louche & Katinka Cranenburgh & Daniel Arenas - 211-234 The Heterogeneous Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities That Target Different Stakeholders
by Kiyoung Chang & Incheol Kim & Ying Li - 235-251 Conceptualising Meaningful Work as a Fundamental Human Need
by Ruth Yeoman - 253-265 Building Trust Between Consumers and Corporations: The Role of Consumer Perceptions of Transparency and Social Responsibility
by Jiyun Kang & Gwendolyn Hustvedt - 267-285 Situational Moral Disengagement: Can the Effects of Self-Interest be Mitigated?
by Jennifer Kish-Gephart & James Detert & Linda Treviño & Vicki Baker & Sean Martin - 287-298 Modeling Job Pursuit Intention: Moderating Mechanisms of Socio-Environmental Consciousness
by Yuan-Hui Tsai & Sheng-Wuu Joe & Chieh-Peng Lin & Rong-Tsu Wang - 299-327 Does Religion Mitigate Tunneling? Evidence from Chinese Buddhism
by Xingqiang Du - 329-348 Money is Power: Monetary Intelligence—Love of Money and Temptation of Materialism Among Czech University Students
by Soňa Lemrová & Eva Reiterová & Renáta Fatěnová & Karel Lemr & Thomas Tang - 349-360 Reconciling Different Views on Responsible Leadership: A Rationality-Based Approach
by Christof Miska & Christian Hilbe & Susanne Mayer
November 2014, Volume 125, Issue 1
- 1-9 A Conceptual Framework for Constructing a Corruption Diffusion Index
by Tomson Ogwang & Danny Cho - 11-25 Knowledge and the Climate Change Issue: An Exploratory Study of Cluster and Extra-Cluster Effects
by Jeremy Galbreath & David Charles & Des Klass - 27-43 Is the Red Dragon Green? An Examination of the Antecedents and Consequences of Environmental Proactivity in China
by Kent Walker & Na Ni & Weidong Huo - 45-58 Teaching Business Ethics Through Strategically Integrated Micro-Insertions
by Alesia Slocum & Sylvia Rohlfer & Cesar Gonzalez-Canton - 59-73 Corporate Governance Quality and CSR Disclosures
by MuiChing Chan & John Watson & David Woodliff - 75-86 How CSR Leads to Corporate Brand Equity: Mediating Mechanisms of Corporate Brand Credibility and Reputation
by Won-Moo Hur & Hanna Kim & Jeong Woo - 87-99 Bags for Life: The Embedding of Ethical Consumerism
by Pamela Yeow & Alison Dean & Danielle Tucker - 101-119 Ethics Trumps Culture? A Cross-National Study of Business Leader Responsibility for Downsizing and CSR Perceptions
by C. Lakshman & Aarti Ramaswami & Ruth Alas & Jean Kabongo & J. Rajendran Pandian - 121-145 Managing CSR Stakeholder Engagement: A New Conceptual Framework
by Linda O’Riordan & Jenny Fairbrass - 147-162 The Harmonization and Convergence of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Standards
by Daniel Tschopp & Michael Nastanski - 163-176 Money, Emotions, and Ethics Across Individuals and Countries
by Long Wang & J. Murnighan
November 2014, Volume 124, Issue 4
- 537-550 Online Music Consumption in Today’s Technological Context: Putting the Influence of Ethics in Perspective
by Bert Weijters & Frank Goedertier & Sofie Verstreken - 551-569 Environmental Mutual Funds: Financial Performance and Managerial Abilities
by Fernando Muñoz & Maria Vargas & Isabel Marco - 571-583 Nanotechnologies and Green Knowledge Creation: Paradox or Enhancer of Sustainable Solutions?
by Caroline Gauthier & Corine Genet - 585-608 Mapping Research Topics and Theories in Private Regulation for Sustainability in Global Value Chains
by Antje Wahl & Gary Bull - 609-621 In Lieu of a Sovereignty Shield, Multinational Corporations Should Be Responsible for the Harm They Cause
by Edmund Byrne - 623-632 Islamic Corporate Governance: Risk-Sharing and Islamic Preferred Shares
by Mohammad Al-Suhaibani & Nader Naifar - 633-657 Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Value: Disaggregating the Effects on Cash Flow, Risk and Growth
by Alan Gregory & Rajesh Tharyan & Julie Whittaker - 659-675 An Exploratory Study of Chinese Motives for Building Supervisor–Subordinate Guanxi
by Long Zhang & Yulin Deng & Qun Wang - 677-694 The Relationships of Empathy, Moral Identity and Cynicism with Consumers’ Ethical Beliefs: The Mediating Role of Moral Disengagement
by Rafi Chowdhury & Mario Fernando - 695-711 Unpacking the Goal Congruence–Organizational Deviance Relationship: The Roles of Work Engagement and Emotional Intelligence
by Dirk De Clercq & Dave Bouckenooghe & Usman Raja & Ganna Matsyborska
October 2014, Volume 124, Issue 3
- 365-381 Alliances Between Corporate and Fair Trade Brands: Examining the Antecedents of Overall Evaluation of the Co-branded Product
by Sylvain Sénéchal & Laurent Georges & Jean Pernin - 383-398 Corruption, South African Multinational Enterprises and Institutions in Africa
by John Luiz & Callum Stewart - 399-412 Whistle-Blowing Systems and Legitimacy Theory: A Study of the Motivation to Implement Whistle-Blowing Systems in German Organizations
by Esther Pittroff - 413-433 An Exploratory Study in Community Perspectives of Sustainability Leadership in the Murray Darling Basin
by Christine Harley & Louise Metcalf & Julia Irwin - 435-451 One Justice or Two? A Model of Reconciliation of Normative Justice Theories and Empirical Research on Organizational Justice
by Natàlia Cugueró-Escofet & Marion Fortin - 453-464 The Influence of Servant Leadership on Restaurant Employee Engagement
by Danon Carter & Timothy Baghurst - 465-484 Influences on Student Intention and Behavior Toward Environmental Sustainability
by James Swaim & Michael Maloni & Stuart Napshin & Amy Henley - 485-507 Corporate Environmental Responsibility in Polluting Industries: Does Religion Matter?
by Xingqiang Du & Wei Jian & Quan Zeng & Yingjie Du - 509-526 Ethical Context and Ethical Decision Making: Examination of an Alternative Statistical Approach for Identifying Variable Relationships
by Sean Valentine & Seong-Hyun Nam & David Hollingworth & Callie Hall - 527-536 Moral Identity as Leverage Point in Teaching Business Ethics
by Jun Gu & Cristina Neesham
October 2014, Volume 124, Issue 2
- 185-196 Do Perceptions of Ethical Conduct Matter During Organizational Change? Ethical Leadership and Employee Involvement
by Monica Sharif & Terri Scandura - 197-208 Toward a Social Ontology of the Firm: Reconstitution, Organizing Entity, Institution, Social Emergence and Power
by Virgile Chassagnon - 209-223 The Effects of Ethical Leadership and Ethical Climate on Employee Ethical Behavior in the International Port Context
by Chin-Shan Lu & Chi-Chang Lin - 225-242 What Does Ethics Have to do with Leadership?
by Michael Levine & Jacqueline Boaks - 243-257 How Does Perceived Effectiveness Affect Adults’ Ethical Acceptance of Anti-obesity Threat Appeals to Children? When the Going Gets Tough, the Audience Gets Going
by Karine Charry & Patrick Pelsmacker & Claude Pecheux - 259-269 “Moral Distance” in Organizations: An Inquiry into Ethical Violence in the Works of Kafka
by Christian Huber & Iain Munro - 271-282 Do You Need a Receipt? Exploring Consumer Participation in Consumption Tax Evasion as an Ethical Dilemma
by Barbara Culiberg & Domen Bajde - 283-295 The Mediated Influence of a Traceability Label on Consumer’s Willingness to Buy the Labelled Product
by Cosmina Bradu & Jacob Orquin & John Thøgersen - 297-309 Does Sustainability Investment Provide Adaptive Resilience to Ethical Investors? Evidence from Spain
by Eduardo Ortas & José Moneva & Roger Burritt & Joanne Tingey-Holyoak - 311-326 The Role of CEO’s Personal Incentives in Driving Corporate Social Responsibility
by Michele Fabrizi & Christine Mallin & Giovanna Michelon - 327-337 Exploring the Ethical Dimension of Hawala
by Dulce Redín & Reyes Calderón & Ignacio Ferrero - 339-349 The Impact of Caring Climate, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment on Job Performance of Employees in a China’s Insurance Company
by Weihui Fu & Satish Deshpande - 351-364 In Defence of ‘Demand’ Deposits: Contractual Solutions to the Barnett and Block, and Bagus and Howden Debate
by Anthony Evans
September 2014, Volume 124, Issue 1
- 1-17 Does it Pay to Be Ethical? Examining the Relationship Between Organisations’ Ethical Culture and Innovativeness
by Elina Riivari & Anna-Maija Lämsä - 19-34 Is the Optimism in CEO’s Letters to Shareholders Sincere? Impression Management Versus Communicative Action During the Economic Crisis
by Lorenzo Patelli & Matteo Pedrini - 35-46 Behavioral Factors Affecting Students’ Intentions to Enroll in Business Ethics Courses: A Comparison of the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Cognitive Theory Using Self-Identity as a Moderator
by Pi-Yueh Cheng & Mei-Chin Chu - 47-66 Exploring the Role of CSR in the Organizational Identity of Hospitality Companies: A Case from the Spanish Tourism Industry
by Patricia Martínez & Andrea Pérez & Ignacio Rodríguez del Bosque - 67-80 The Influence of Business Ethics Education on Moral Efficacy, Moral Meaningfulness, and Moral Courage: A Quasi-experimental Study
by Douglas May & Matthew Luth & Catherine Schwoerer - 81-99 A Rose by Any Other Name: Are Family Firms Named After Their Founding Families Rewarded More for Their New Product Introductions?
by Saim Kashmiri & Vijay Mahajan - 101-115 Consumers’ Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility: Scale Development and Validation
by Magdalena Öberseder & Bodo Schlegelmilch & Patrick Murphy & Verena Gruber - 117-134 Feelings that Make a Difference: How Guilt and Pride Convince Consumers of the Effectiveness of Sustainable Consumption Choices
by Paolo Antonetti & Stan Maklan - 135-147 Environmental Motivations: The Pathway to Complete Environmental Management
by Gustavo Lannelongue & Oscar Gonzalez-Benito & Javier Gonzalez-Benito - 149-160 Is Publicity Always Better than Advertising? The Role of Brand Reputation in Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility
by Siv Skard & Helge Thorbjørnsen - 161-171 The Corporate Ethical Virtues Scale: Factorial Invariance Across Organizational Samples
by Maiju Kangas & Taru Feldt & Mari Huhtala & Johanna Rantanen - 173-184 The Curious Case of Corporate Tax Avoidance: Is it Socially Irresponsible?
by Grahame Dowling
September 2014, Volume 123, Issue 4
- 549-556 Social Enterprises and the Performance Advantages of a Vincentian Marketing Orientation
by Morgan Miles & Martie-Louise Verreynne & Belinda Luke - 557-572 Some Antecedents and Consequences of Ethical Leadership: An Examination Using the Kings of Judah From 931 bc to 586 bc
by W. Rowe - 573-589 Does Industry Regulation Matter? New Evidence on Audit Committees and Earnings Management
by Lerong He & Rong Yang - 591-619 The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Why It Fails to Deter Bribery as a Global Market Entry Strategy
by Miriam Weismann & Christopher Buscaglia & Jason Peterson - 621-630 Codes of Ethical Conduct: A Bottom-Up Approach
by Ronald Hill & Justine Rapp - 631-644 Developing Sustainable Strategies: Foundations, Method, and Pedagogy
by Scott Kelley & Ron Nahser - 645-667 What’s in it for Me? An Examination of Accounting Students’ Likelihood to Report Faculty Misconduct
by Joanne Jones & Gary Spraakman & Cristóbal Sánchez-Rodríguez - 669-685 Attitudes Toward Ethically Questionable Negotiation Tactics: A Two-Country Study
by Moshe Banai & Abraham Stefanidis & Ana Shetach & Mehmet Özbek - 687-706 Strategic Leadership of Corporate Sustainability
by Robert Strand
September 2014, Volume 123, Issue 3
- 363-383 Environmental Leadership and Consciousness Development: A Case Study Among Canadian SMEs
by Olivier Boiral & Charles Baron & Olen Gunnlaugson - 385-400 The End of Religion? Examining the Role of Religiousness, Materialism, and Long-Term Orientation on Consumer Ethics in Indonesia
by Denni Arli & Fandy Tjiptono - 401-420 Legitimizing Negative Aspects in GRI-Oriented Sustainability Reporting: A Qualitative Analysis of Corporate Disclosure Strategies
by Rüdiger Hahn & Regina Lülfs - 421-436 Deconstructing Subtle Racist Imagery in Television Ads
by Haseeb Shabbir & Michael Hyman & Jon Reast & Dayananda Palihawadana - 437-459 Religiosity, CSR Attitudes, and CSR Behavior: An Empirical Study of Executives’ Religiosity and CSR
by Corrie Mazereeuw-van der Duijn Schouten & Johan Graafland & Muel Kaptein - 461-473 Private Regulation and Trade Union Rights: Why Codes of Conduct Have Limited Impact on Trade Union Rights
by Niklas Egels-Zandén & Jeroen Merk - 475-491 Western Financial Agents and Islamic Ethics
by Eddy Fang & Renaud Foucart - 493-511 Meaning Making by Managers: Corporate Discourse on Environment and Sustainability in India
by Prithi Nambiar & Naren Chitty - 513-525 Does Ethical Leadership Lead to Happy Workers? A Study on the Impact of Ethical Leadership, Subjective Well-Being, and Life Happiness in the Chinese Culture
by Conna Yang - 527-547 The Formation of Cross-Sector Development Partnerships: How Bridging Agents Shape Project Agendas and Longer-Term Alliances
by Stephan Manning & Daniel Roessler
August 2014, Volume 123, Issue 2
- 183-195 Family Ownership and Corporate Misconduct in U.S. Small Firms
by Shujun Ding & Zhenyu Wu - 197-219 Temptation, Monetary Intelligence (Love of Money), and Environmental Context on Unethical Intentions and Cheating
by Jingqiu Chen & Thomas Tang & Ningyu Tang - 221-233 Are Workers More Likely to be Deviant than Managers? A Cross-National Analysis
by Chung-wen Chen - 235-256 Religion, the Nature of Ultimate Owner, and Corporate Philanthropic Giving: Evidence from China
by Xingqiang Du & Wei Jian & Yingjie Du & Wentao Feng & Quan Zeng - 257-262 Challengers from Within Economic Institutions: A Second-Class Social Movement? A Response to Déjean, Giamporcaro, Gond, Leca and Penalva-Icher’s Comment on French SRI
by Diane-Laure Arjaliès - 263-281 Safety Culture: A Catalyst for Sustainable Development
by Sara Hajmohammad & Stephan Vachon - 283-294 The Influence of Business School’s Ethical Climate on Students’ Unethical Behavior
by Thomas Birtch & Flora Chiang - 295-308 Organizational Cronyism: A Scale Development and Validation from the Perspective of Teachers
by Muhammed Turhan - 309-326 Consumer Reactions to Corporate Tax Strategies: Effects on Corporate Reputation and Purchasing Behavior
by Inga Hardeck & Rebecca Hertl - 327-338 Linking Purchasing to Ethical Decision-Making: An Empirical Investigation
by Jocelyn Husser & Laurence Gautier & Jean-Marc André & Véronique Lespinet-Najib - 339-351 Karma-Yoga: The Indian Model of Moral Development
by Zubin Mulla & Venkat Krishnan - 353-360 How Economic Incentives May Destroy Social, Ecological and Existential Values: The Case of Executive Compensation
by Knut Ims & Lars Pedersen & Laszlo Zsolnai - 361-362 John Gerard Ruggie, Just Business: Multinational Corporations and Human Rights
by S. Sethi
August 2014, Volume 123, Issue 1
- 1-9 A Native American Relational Ethic: An Indigenous Perspective on Teaching Human Responsibility
by Amy Verbos & Maria Humphries - 11-22 Corporate Social Responsibility in Global Value Chains: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?
by Peter Lund-Thomsen & Adam Lindgreen - 23-43 New Insights into Ethical Leadership: A Qualitative Investigation of the Experiences of Executive Ethical Leaders
by Colina Frisch & Markus Huppenbauer - 45-56 The Dilemma of Accountability for Professionals: A Challenge for Mainstream Management Theories
by Maliheh Mansouri & Julie Rowney - 57-69 Person–Organization Fit on Prosocial Identity: Implications on Employee Outcomes
by Jongseok Cha & Young Chang & Tae-Yeol Kim - 71-84 Feel Good, Do-Good!? On Consistency and Compensation in Moral Self-Regulation
by Anne Joosten & Marius Dijke & Alain Hiel & David Cremer - 85-98 The Means to Justify the End: Combating Cyber Harassment in Social Media
by Tom Laer - 99-111 Leadership, Pragmatism and Grace: A Review
by Mike Thomas & Caroline Rowland