August 2014, Volume 123, Issue 1
- 113-123 Examining the Cognitive and Affective Trust-Based Mechanisms Underlying the Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Organisational Citizenship: A Case of the Head Leading the Heart?
by Alexander Newman & Kohyar Kiazad & Qing Miao & Brian Cooper - 125-143 Culture, Gender, and GMAT Scores: Implications for Corporate Ethics
by Raj Aggarwal & Joanne Goodell & John Goodell - 145-155 Placebogenic Potential is no Reason to Favour Pharmaceutical Advertising
by Paul Biegler - 157-170 What’s Worse in Times of Product-Harm Crisis? Negative Corporate Ability or Negative CSR Reputation?
by Sora Kim - 171-182 The Effect of Corporate Social Performance on Financial Performance: The Moderating Effect of Ownership Concentration
by Chih-Wei Peng & Mei-Ling Yang
July 2014, Volume 122, Issue 4
- 537-549 Employees’ Reactions to Peers’ Unfair Treatment by Supervisors: The Role of Ethical Leadership
by Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara & Miguel Suárez-Acosta - 551-569 Euphemisms and Ethics: A Language-Centered Analysis of Penn State’s Sexual Abuse Scandal
by Kristen Lucas & Jeremy Fyke - 571-585 Using a Faculty Survey to Kick-Start an Ethics Curriculum Upgrade
by Montgomery Wart & David Baker & Anna Ni - 587-598 Do Role Models Matter? An Investigation of Role Modeling as an Antecedent of Perceived Ethical Leadership
by Michael Brown & Linda Treviño - 599-622 Assessment of Leading Apparel Specialty Retailers’ CSR Practices as Communicated on Corporate Websites: Problems and Opportunities
by Manveer Mann & Sang-Eun Byun & Hyejeong Kim & Kelli Hoggle - 623-641 Ethics in Tax Practice: A Study of the Effect of Practitioner Firm Size
by Elaine Doyle & Jane Frecknall-Hughes & Barbara Summers - 643-654 ‘Margin Call’: Using Film to Explore Behavioural Aspects of the Financial Crisis
by Andrea Werner - 655-674 From Voids to Sophistication: Institutional Environment and MNC CSR Crisis in Emerging Markets
by Meng Zhao & Justin Tan & Seung Park - 675-680 Enriching Intergenerational Decision-Making with Guided Visualization Exercises
by Jordi Honey-Rosés & Marc Menestrel & Daniel Arenas & Felix Rauschmayer & Julian Rode - 681-695 Procedural Justice and Employee Engagement: Roles of Organizational Identification and Moral Identity Centrality
by Hongwei He & Weichun Zhu & Xiaoming Zheng - 697-708 Does Corruption Have Social Roots? The Role of Culture and Social Capital
by José Pena López & José Sánchez Santos - 709-723 Does Board Gender Diversity Have a Financial Impact? Evidence Using Stock Portfolio Performance
by Larelle Chapple & Jacquelyn Humphrey
July 2014, Volume 122, Issue 3
- 361-373 Do Variations in the Strength of Corporate Governance Still Matter? A Comparison of the Pre- and Post-Regulation Environment
by Nancy Harp & Mark Myring & Rebecca Shortridge - 375-386 Does it Really Hurt to be Responsible?
by Jacquelyn Humphrey & David Tan - 387-394 Does Collectivism Affect Environmental Ethics? A Multi-level Study of Top Management Teams from Chemical Firms in China
by Xinran Wang & Michael Young - 395-403 Working Off the Clock and Its Impact
by Muhammad Faraz & Aamir Shamsi & Rizwana Bashir - 405-424 Why Do Microfinance Institutions Go Green? An Exploratory Study
by Marion Allet - 425-438 The Media Impact of Board Member Appointments in Spanish-Listed Companies: A Gender Perspective
by Celia Anca & Patricia Gabaldon - 439-452 Leadership Spiritual Behaviors Toward Subordinates: An Empirical Examination of the Effects of a Leader’s Individual Spirituality and Organizational Spirituality
by Badrinarayan Pawar - 453-460 Information Management in Aged Care: Cases of Confidentiality and Elder Abuse
by Maree Bernoth & Elaine Dietsch & Oliver Burmeister & Michael Schwartz - 461-474 What Have I Done to Deserve This? Effects of Employee Personality and Emotion on Abusive Supervision
by Christine Henle & Michael Gross - 475-500 The World Capital Markets’ Perception of Sustainability and the Impact of the Financial Crisis
by Kerstin Lopatta & Thomas Kaspereit - 501-510 Moral Psychology and the Intuition that Pharmaceutical Companies Have a ‘Special’ Obligation to Society
by James Huebner - 511-521 The Spell of Green: Can Frontal EEG Activations Identify Green Consumers?
by Eun-Ju Lee & Gusang Kwon & Hyun Shin & Seungeun Yang & Sukhan Lee & Minah Suh - 523-536 Strategic and Moral Dilemmas of Corporate Philanthropy in Developing Countries: Heineken in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Katinka Cranenburgh & Daniel Arenas
June 2014, Volume 122, Issue 2
- 179-191 Global Governance: CSR and the Role of the UN Global Compact
by Christian Voegtlin & Nicola Pless - 193-208 United Nations Global Compact: The Promise–Performance Gap
by S. Sethi & Donald Schepers - 209-216 Global Sustainability Governance and the UN Global Compact: A Rejoinder to Critics
by Andreas Rasche & Sandra Waddock - 217-223 The United Nations Global Compact: An Institutionalist Perspective
by Daniel Berliner & Aseem Prakash - 225-240 Why Sparing the Rod Does Not Spoil the Child: A Critique of the “Strict Father” Model in Transnational Governance
by Patrick Haack & Andreas Scherer - 241-251 The United Nations Global Compact: What Did It Promise?
by Oliver Williams - 253-268 Righting the Wrong for Third Parties: How Monetary Compensation, Procedure Changes and Apologies Can Restore Justice for Observers of Injustice
by Natàlia Cugueró-Escofet & Marion Fortin & Miguel-Angel Canela - 269-282 Odd Jobs, Bad Habits, and Ethical Implications: Smoking-Related Outcomes of Children’s Early Employment Intensity
by Amy Bergenwall & E. Kelloway & Julian Barling - 283-306 Societal-Level Versus Individual-Level Predictions of Ethical Behavior: A 48-Society Study of Collectivism and Individualism
by David Ralston & Carolyn Egri & Olivier Furrer & Min-Hsun Kuo & Yongjuan Li & Florian Wangenheim & Marina Dabic & Irina Naoumova & Katsuhiko Shimizu & María Garza Carranza & Ping Fu & Vojko Potocan & Andre Pekerti & Tomasz Lenartowicz & Narasimhan Srinivasan & Tania Casado & Ana Rossi & Erna Szabo & Arif Butt & Ian Palmer & Prem Ramburuth & David Brock & Jane Terpstra-Tong & Ilya Grison & Emmanuelle Reynaud & Malika Richards & Philip Hallinger & Francisco Castro & Jaime Ruiz-Gutiérrez & Laurie Milton & Mahfooz Ansari & Arunas Starkus & Audra Mockaitis & Tevfik Dalgic & Fidel León-Darder & Hung Thanh & Yong-lin Moon & Mario Molteni & Yongqing Fang & Jose Pla-Barber & Ruth Alas & Isabelle Maignan & Jorge Jesuino & Chay-Hoon Lee & Joel Nicholson & Ho-Beng Chia & Wade Danis & Ajantha Dharmasiri & Mark Weber - 307-320 Addressing the Global Sustainability Challenge: The Potential and Pitfalls of Private Governance from the Perspective of Human Capabilities
by Agni Kalfagianni - 321-341 Are Informed Citizens More Trusting? Transparency of Performance Data and Trust Towards a British Police Force
by David Mason & Carola Hillenbrand & Kevin Money - 343-359 Ethical and Unethical Leadership: A Cross-Cultural and Cross-Sectoral Analysis
by Silke Eisenbeiß & Felix Brodbeck
June 2014, Volume 122, Issue 1
- 1-24 Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance: Role of Context in International Settings
by Suzanne Young & Vijaya Thyil - 25-38 The Role of Business Schools in Ethics Education in Iceland: The Managers’ Perspective
by Throstur Sigurjonsson & Vlad Vaiman & Audur Arnardottir - 39-51 To Fear Foolishness for the Sake of Wisdom: A Message to Leaders
by Stephanie Solansky - 53-63 Effect of Stakeholders’ Pressure on Transparency of Sustainability Reports within the GRI Framework
by Belen Fernandez-Feijoo & Silvia Romero & Silvia Ruiz - 65-77 The Influence from the Past: Organizational Imprinting and Firms’ Compliance with Social Insurance Policies in China
by Yi Han & Enying Zheng & Minya Xu - 79-88 Creating Satisfied Employees Through Workplace Spirituality: A Study of the Private Insurance Sector in Punjab (India)
by Manu Gupta & Vinod Kumar & Mandeep Singh - 89-102 Maybe It’s Right, Maybe It’s Wrong: Structural and Social Determinants of Deception in Negotiation
by Mara Olekalns & Christopher Horan & Philip Smith - 103-123 Communicated Accountability by Faith-Based Charity Organisations
by Sofia Yasmin & Roszaini Haniffa & Mohammad Hudaib - 125-136 Multinational Enterprise Subsidiaries and their CSR: A Conceptual Framework of the Management of CSR in Smaller Emerging Economies
by Kristin Hah & Susan Freeman - 137-144 The Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction on Ethical Behavior of Chinese Employees
by Weihui Fu - 145-165 The Governance of Corporate Sustainability: Empirical Insights into the Development, Leadership and Implementation of Responsible Business Strategy
by Alice Klettner & Thomas Clarke & Martijn Boersma - 167-177 The Ethical Attribute Stigma: Understanding When Ethical Attributes Improve Consumer Responses to Product Evaluations
by H. Bodur & Ting Gao & Bianca Grohmann
June 2014, Volume 121, Issue 4
- 499-526 Corporate Social Responsibilities: Alternative Perspectives About the Need to Legislate
by Craig Deegan & Marita Shelly - 527-541 You Reap What You Sow: How MBA Programs Undermine Ethics
by Matthias Hühn - 543-557 Do Suppliers Applaud Corporate Social Performance?
by Min Zhang & Lijun Ma & Jun Su & Wen Zhang - 559-576 Which Dimensions of Social Responsibility Concern Financial Investors?
by Isabelle Girerd-Potin & Sonia Jimenez-Garcès & Pascal Louvet - 577-592 Consumer Social Responsibility (CnSR): Toward a Multi-Level, Multi-Agent Conceptualization of the “Other CSR”
by Robert Caruana & Andreas Chatzidakis - 593-606 The Morality of Unequal Autonomy: Reviving Kant’s Concept of Status for Stakeholders
by Susan Castro - 607-620 Convergence of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance in Weak Economies: The case of Bangladesh
by Mia Rahim & Shawkat Alam - 621-633 A Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Effects of Corporate Social Marketing on Consumer Behavior
by Yuhei Inoue & Aubrey Kent - 635-649 Fund Loyalty Among Socially Responsible Investors: The Importance of the Economic and Ethical Domains
by Jared Peifer - 651-669 The Ethics of Meaningful Work: Types and Magnitude of Job-Related Harm and the Ethical Decision-Making Process
by Douglas May & Cuifang Li & Jennifer Mencl & Ching-Chu Huang - 671-671 Erratum to: The Ethics of Meaningful Work: Types and Magnitude of Job-Related Harm and the Ethical Decision-Making Process
by Douglas May & Jennifer Mencl & Cuifang Li & Ching-Chu Huang
May 2014, Volume 121, Issue 3
- 329-340 Teaching Business Ethics Through Popular Feature Films: An Experiential Approach
by Edward O’Boyle & Luca Sandonà - 341-351 Conscious Enterprise Emergence: Shared Value Creation Through Expanded Conscious Awareness
by Kathryn Pavlovich & Patricia Corner - 353-371 Faith and Fair Trade: The Moderating Role of Contextual Religious Salience
by Rommel Salvador & Altaf Merchant & Elizabeth Alexander - 373-383 The Perceptions of Ethical and Sustainable Leadership
by Jack McCann & Matthew Sweet - 385-401 Is Your Banker Leaking Your Personal Information? The Roles of Ethics and Individual-Level Cultural Characteristics in Predicting Organizational Computer Abuse
by Paul Lowry & Clay Posey & Tom Roberts & Rebecca Bennett - 403-417 Organizational Value for Age Diversity and Potential Applicants’ Organizational Attraction: Individual Attitudes Matter
by Tanja Rabl & María del Triana - 419-440 Does Corporate Governance Influence Earnings Management in Latin American Markets?
by Jesus Sáenz González & Emma García-Meca - 441-449 An Economic Analysis on Overbilling Incentives and Auditing Programs
by Chris Kuo - 451-466 The Impact of Human Resource Management on Environmental Performance: An Employee-Level Study
by Pascal Paillé & Yang Chen & Olivier Boiral & Jiafei Jin - 467-476 An Absurd Tax on our Fellow Citizens: The Ethics of Rent Seeking in the Market Failures (or Self-Regulation) Approach
by Peter Jaworski - 477-495 Situating ‘Giving Voice to Values’: A Metatheoretical Evaluation of a New Approach to Business Ethics
by Mark Edwards & Nin Kirkham - 497-498 Steven M. Mintz and Roselyn E. Morris, Ethical Obligations and Decision Making in Accounting: Text and Cases
by W. Albrecht
May 2014, Volume 121, Issue 2
- 149-169 Corporate Perspectives on the Development and Use of Sustainability Reports
by Cory Searcy & Ruvena Buslovich - 171-187 Leaders’ Personal Wisdom and Leader–Member Exchange Quality: The Role of Individualized Consideration
by Hannes Zacher & Liane Pearce & David Rooney & Bernard McKenna - 189-202 Bulgakov's Economic Man—Re-thinking the Construction of Capitalist Economic Ethics Theory
by Hsiang Lin - 203-215 Antecedents of Green Brand Equity: An Integrated Approach
by Pui Ng & Muhammad Butt & Kok Khong & Fon Ong - 217-231 Procedural and Distributive Fairness: Determinants of Overall Price Fairness
by Jodie Ferguson & Pam Ellen & William Bearden - 233-254 A Descriptive Analysis of Environmental Disclosure: A Longitudinal Study of French Companies
by Elisabeth Albertini - 255-282 An Analysis of the Effect of Culture and Religion on Perceived Corruption in a Global Context
by Yaw Mensah - 283-295 The Principle of Good Faith: Toward Substantive Stakeholder Engagement
by Cedric Dawkins - 297-314 Corporate Legitimacy and Investment–Cash Flow Sensitivity
by Najah Attig & Sean Cleary & Sadok Ghoul & Omrane Guedhami - 315-328 Roche’s Clinical Trials with Organs from Prisoners: Does Profit Trump Morals?
by Judith Schrempf-Stirling
April 2014, Volume 121, Issue 1
- 1-14 Being “in Control” May Make You Lose Control: The Role of Self-Regulation in Unethical Leadership Behavior
by Anne Joosten & Marius Dijke & Alain Hiel & David Cremer - 15-28 To Avenge or Not to Avenge? Exploring the Interactive Effects of Moral Identity and the Negative Reciprocity Norm
by Laurie Barclay & David Whiteside & Karl Aquino - 29-45 How Techniques of Neutralization Legitimize Norm- and Attitude-Inconsistent Consumer Behavior
by Verena Gruber & Bodo Schlegelmilch - 47-61 Ubuntu and Business Ethics: Problems, Perspectives and Prospects
by Andrew West - 63-76 (Un)Ethical Behavior and Performance Appraisal: The Role of Affect, Support, and Organizational Justice
by Gabriele Jacobs & Frank Belschak & Deanne Hartog - 77-90 Meaningful Work: Connecting Business Ethics and Organization Studies
by Christopher Michaelson & Michael Pratt & Adam Grant & Craig Dunn - 91-106 Leader Apologies and Employee and Leader Well-Being
by Alyson Byrne & Julian Barling & Kathryne Dupré - 107-121 Corporate Psychopaths, Conflict, Employee Affective Well-Being and Counterproductive Work Behaviour
by Clive Boddy - 123-134 Deceit, Misuse and Favours: Understanding and Measuring Attitudes to Ethics
by Chris Perryer & Brenda Scott-Ladd - 135-146 The Effects of Ethical Leadership and Abusive Supervision on Job Search Behaviors in the Turnover Process
by Michael Palanski & James Avey & Napatsorn Jiraporn - 147-147 Erratum to: Being ‘‘in Control’’ May Make You Lose Control: The Role of Self-Regulation in Unethical Leadership Behavior
by Anne Joosten & Marius Dijke & Alain Hiel & David Cremer
April 2014, Volume 120, Issue 4
- 437-440 Editorial: The Caring Organisation
by Tobias Gössling & Luc Liedekerke - 441-455 Organizations as Human Communities and Internal Markets: Searching for Duality
by Miguel Cunha & Arménio Rego & Antonino Vaccaro - 457-471 “Human Quality Treatment”: Five Organizational Levels
by Domènec Melé - 473-488 Expanding Workers’ ‘Moral Space’: A Liberal Critique of Corporate Capitalism
by Sandrine Blanc - 489-507 Beyond Stakeholder Utility Function: Stakeholder Capability in the Value Creation Process
by Elisabet Garriga - 509-525 Mediatized Humanitarianism: Trust and Legitimacy in the Age of Suspicion
by Anne Vestergaard - 527-539 Grounding Positive Duties in Commercial Life
by Wim Dubbink & Luc Liedekerke - 541-554 The Corporation as Citoyen? Towards a New Understanding of Corporate Citizenship
by Michael Aßländer & Janina Curbach - 555-569 CSR and the Mediated Emergence of Strategic Ambiguity
by Eric Guthey & Mette Morsing - 571-584 Beyond Legitimacy: A Case Study in BP’s “Green Lashing”
by Sabine Matejek & Tobias Gössling
March 2014, Volume 120, Issue 3
- 291-311 Culture Corrupts! A Qualitative Study of Organizational Culture in Corrupt Organizations
by Jamie-Lee Campbell & Anja Göritz - 313-334 Corporate Humanistic Responsibility: Social Performance Through Managerial Discretion of the HRM
by Stéphanie Arnaud & David Wasieleski - 335-362 Performance of Portfolios Composed of British SRI Stocks
by Janusz Brzeszczyński & Graham McIntosh - 363-379 Gender Differences in Leadership Role Occupancy: The Mediating Role of Power Motivation
by Sebastian Schuh & Alina Hernandez Bark & Niels Van Quaquebeke & Rüdiger Hossiep & Philip Frieg & Rolf Dick - 381-392 Ethical Leadership and Followers’ Moral Judgment: The Role of Followers’ Perceived Accountability and Self-leadership
by Robert Steinbauer & Robert Renn & Robert Taylor & Phil Njoroge - 393-404 Management Wisdom in Perspective: Are You Virtuous Enough to Succeed in Volatile Times?
by Ali Intezari & David Pauleen - 405-421 Moral Degradation, Business Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility in a Transitional Economy
by Qinqin Zheng & Yadong Luo & Stephanie Wang - 423-435 High-Performance Work Systems, Corporate Social Performance and Employee Outcomes: Exploring the Missing Links
by Mingqiong Zhang & David Fan & Cherrie Zhu
March 2014, Volume 120, Issue 2
- 149-164 The Silent Samaritan Syndrome: Why the Whistle Remains Unblown
by Jason MacGregor & Martin Stuebs - 165-174 Impact of Job Involvement on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in China
by Suchuan Zhang - 175-187 Exploring and Exposing Values in Management Education: Problematizing Final Vocabularies in Order to Enhance Moral Imagination
by Martin Fougère & Nikodemus Solitander & Suzanne Young - 189-199 Hostile Attribution Bias and Negative Reciprocity Beliefs Exacerbate Incivility’s Effects on Interpersonal Deviance
by Long-Zeng Wu & Haina Zhang & Randy Chiu & Ho Kwan & Xiaogang He - 201-217 Easy-Come-Easy-Go: Moral Hazard in the Context of Return to Education
by Rosemary Walker & Liviu Florea - 219-235 The Impact of Fraudulent False Information on Equity Values
by Saif Ullah & Nadia Massoud & Barry Scholnick - 237-250 Ethical Perspectives in Work Disability Prevention and Return to Work: Toward a Common Vocabulary for Analyzing Stakeholders’ Actions and Interactions
by Christian Ståhl & Ellen MacEachen & Katherine Lippel - 251-274 The Anatomy of Corporate Fraud: A Comparative Analysis of High Profile American and European Corporate Scandals
by Bahram Soltani - 275-289 Methodological Issues in the Design of Online Surveys for Measuring Unethical Work Behavior: Recommendations on the Basis of a Split-Ballot Experiment
by Kristel Wouters & Jeroen Maesschalck & Carel Peeters & Marijke Roosen
March 2014, Volume 120, Issue 1
- 1-11 Sustainability Reporting and Assurance: A Historical Analysis on a World-Wide Phenomenon
by Renzo Junior & Peter Best & Julie Cotter - 13-26 Sweet Little Lies: Social Context and the Use of Deception in Negotiation
by Mara Olekalns & Carol Kulik & Lin Chew - 27-38 The Influence of Decision Frames and Vision Priming on Decision Outcomes in Work Groups: Motivating Stakeholder Considerations
by Kevin Clark & Narda Quigley & Stephen Stumpf - 39-63 ‘Cursed’ Communities? Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Company Towns and the Mining Industry in Namibia
by David Littlewood - 65-80 Hang on to Your Ego: The Moderating Role of Leader Narcissism on Relationships Between Leader Charisma and Follower Psychological Empowerment and Moral Identity
by John Sosik & Jae Chun & Weichun Zhu - 81-93 Transformational Leadership and Follower’s Unethical Behavior for the Benefit of the Company: A Two-Study Investigation
by David Effelsberg & Marc Solga & Jochen Gurt - 95-108 Ethical Culture, Ethical Intent, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Moderating and Mediating Role of Person–Organization Fit
by Pablo Ruiz-Palomino & Ricardo Martínez-Cañas - 109-120 Softening the Blow: Company Self-Disclosure of Negative Information Lessens Damaging Effects on Consumer Judgment and Decision Making
by Bob Fennis & Wolfgang Stroebe - 121-129 The Influence of an Observer’s Value Orientation and Personality Type on Attitudes Toward Whistleblowing
by Heungsik Park & John Blenkinsopp & Myeongsil Park - 131-146 Competitiveness and Legitimation: The Logic of Companies going Green in Geographical Clusters
by Javier Martínez-del-Río & José Céspedes-Lorente - 147-147 Erratum to: Competitiveness and Legitimation: The Logic of Companies Going Green in Geographical Clusters
by Javier Martínez-del-Río & José Céspedes-Lorente
February 2014, Volume 119, Issue 4
- 435-444 Positive Organizational Ethics: Cultivating and Sustaining Moral Performance
by Leslie Sekerka & Debra Comer & Lindsey Godwin - 445-460 Reconsidering Virtue: Differences of Perspective in Virtue Ethics and the Positive Social Sciences
by David Bright & Bradley Winn & Jason Kanov - 461-472 Wage Cuts and Managers’ Empathy: How a Positive Emotion Can Contribute to Positive Organizational Ethics in Difficult Times
by Joerg Dietz & Emmanuelle Kleinlogel - 473-491 Normal Compassion: A Framework for Compassionate Decision Making
by Ace Simpson & Stewart Clegg & Tyrone Pitsis - 493-515 In the Eye of the Beholder: An Exploration of Managerial Courage
by Michelle Harbour & Veronika Kisfalvi - 517-528 Supererogation: Beyond Positive Deviance and Corporate Social Responsibility
by Daina Mazutis - 529-542 Institutionalizing Ethics in Institutional Voids: Building Positive Ethical Strength to Serve Women Microfinance Borrowers in Negative Contexts
by Subrata Chakrabarty & A. Bass - 543-559 Understanding Sustainability Innovations Through Positive Ethical Networks
by Zahir Dossa & Katrin Kaeufer
February 2014, Volume 119, Issue 3
- 287-300 Morality, Ethics, and Values Outside and Inside Organizations: An Example of the Discourse on Climate Change
by Cristina Besio & Andrea Pronzini - 301-315 Firm–Employee Relationships from a Social Responsibility Perspective: Developments from Communist Thinking to Market Ideology in Romania. A Mass Media Story
by Oana Apostol & Salme Näsi - 317-328 The Relationship Between Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Stakeholder Pressure and Corporate Sustainability Performance
by Julia Wolf - 329-348 The Level of Compliance with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes: Does it Matter to Stock Markets?
by Andreas Hoepner & Thereza Aguiar & Ravi Majithia - 349-364 Who Needs CSR? The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on National Competitiveness
by Ioanna Boulouta & Christos Pitelis - 365-380 Reason, Rationality, and Fiduciary Duty
by Steve Lydenberg - 381-398 Why the Doctor Will NOT See You Now: The Ethics of Enforcing Covenants Not to Compete in Physician Employment Contracts
by Michelle Beauchamp & Sandra Benson & Lara Daniel - 399-404 Mises, Hayek and Corruption
by Tomáš Otáhal - 405-422 The Influence of Consumers’ Cognitive and Psychographic Traits on Perceived Deception: A Comparison Between Online and Offline Retailing Contexts
by Isabel Riquelme & Sergio Román - 423-434 Taking Terrain Literally: Grounding Local Adaptation to Corporate Social Responsibility in the Extractive Industries
by Michael Dougherty & Tricia Olsen
January 2014, Volume 119, Issue 2
- 151-172 Beyond Business Ethics: An Agenda for the Trustworthy Teachers and Practitioners of Business
by Ann Congleton - 173-191 The Struggles of the Interculturalists: Professional Ethical Identity and Early Stages of Codes of Ethics Development
by Laurence Romani & Betina Szkudlarek - 193-208 The Crucial Role of Turnover Intentions in Transforming Moral Disengagement Into Deviant Behavior at Work
by Jessica Christian & Aleksander Ellis - 209-218 Business Ethics Index: Latin America
by John Tsalikis & Bruce Seaton & Phillip Shepherd - 219-234 Putting Responsible Finance to Work for Citi Microfinance
by Tzu-Kuan Chiu - 235-244 Negative Affect and Counterproductive Workplace Behavior: The Moderating Role of Moral Disengagement and Gender
by Al-Karim Samnani & Sabrina Salamon & Parbudyal Singh - 245-264 From Resistance to Opportunity-Seeking: Strategic Responses to Institutional Pressures for Corporate Social Responsibility in the Nordic Fashion Industry
by Esben Pedersen & Wencke Gwozdz - 265-273 The Effects of Performance Rating, Leader–Member Exchange, Perceived Utility, and Organizational Justice on Performance Appraisal Satisfaction: Applying a Moral Judgment Perspective
by Carrie Dusterhoff & J. Cunningham & James MacGregor - 275-286 The Role of Ethics in the Commercialization of Indigenous Knowledge
by David Orozco & Latha Poonamallee
January 2014, Volume 119, Issue 1
- 1-15 Sustainable Bonuses: Sign of Corporate Responsibility or Window Dressing?
by Ans Kolk & Paolo Perego - 17-28 The Value Relevance of Reputation for Sustainability Leadership
by Isabel Lourenço & Jeffrey Callen & Manuel Branco & José Curto - 29-43 Modeling Ethical Business Culture: Development of the Ethical Business Culture Survey and Its Use to Validate the CEBC Model of Ethical Business Culture
by Douglas Jondle & Alexandre Ardichvili & James Mitchell - 45-57 The Catch-22 of Responsible Luxury: Effects of Luxury Product Characteristics on Consumers’ Perception of Fit with Corporate Social Responsibility
by Catherine Janssen & Joëlle Vanhamme & Adam Lindgreen & Cécile Lefebvre - 59-75 Revisiting Supplier Compliance with MNC Codes of Conduct: Recoupling Policy and Practice at Chinese Toy Suppliers
by Niklas Egels-Zandén - 77-86 Embedding Corporate Social Responsibility in Corporate Governance: A Stakeholder Systems Approach
by Chris Mason & John Simmons - 87-98 Business Ethics and the Development of Intellectual Capital
by Hwan-Yann Su - 99-117 Please Accept My Sincerest Apologies: Examining Follower Reactions to Leader Apology
by Tessa Basford & Lynn Offermann & Tara Behrend - 119-130 Towards Enforceable Bans on Illicit Businesses: From Moral Relativism to Human Rights
by Edmund Byrne - 131-149 The Financial Impact of ISO 14001 Certification: Top-Line, Bottom-Line, or Both?
by Pieter Jong & Antony Paulraj & Constantin Blome
December 2013, Volume 118, Issue 4
- 683-694 Communicative Dynamics and the Polyphony of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Network Society
by Itziar Castelló & Mette Morsing & Friederike Schultz - 695-707 On the Role of Social Media in the ‘Responsible’ Food Business: Blogger Buzz on Health and Obesity Issues
by Hsin-Hsuan Lee & Willemijn Dolen & Ans Kolk - 709-729 A Web of Watchdogs: Stakeholder Media Networks and Agenda-Setting in Response to Corporate Initiatives
by Maria Besiou & Mark Hunter & Luk Wassenhove - 731-746 The Impact of Interactive Corporate Social Responsibility Communication on Corporate Reputation
by David Eberle & Guido Berens & Ting Li - 747-757 Tweetjacked: The Impact of Social Media on Corporate Greenwash
by Thomas Lyon & A. Montgomery - 759-775 The Pursuit of Empowerment through Social Media: Structural Social Capital Dynamics in CSR-Blogging
by Christian Fieseler & Matthes Fleck - 777-790 Corporations and Citizenship Arenas in the Age of Social Media
by Glen Whelan & Jeremy Moon & Bettina Grant - 791-806 Social Media for Socially Responsible Firms: Analysis of Fortune 500’s Twitter Profiles and their CSR/CSIR Ratings
by Kiljae Lee & Won-Yong Oh & Namhyeok Kim - 807-823 Capturing Online Presence: Hyperlinks and Semantic Networks in Activist Group Websites on Corporate Social Responsibility
by Frank Bakker & Iina Hellsten
December 2013, Volume 118, Issue 3
- 447-459 Abstract Knowledge and Reified Financial Innovation: Building Wisdom and Ethics Into Financial Innovation Networks
by David Rooney & Tom Mandeville & Tim Kastelle - 461-472 An Empirical Investigation on Firms’ Proactive and Passive Motivation for Bribery in China
by Xiaoyu Zhou & Yi Han & Rui Wang - 473-486 How to Spot a Careerist Early On: Psychopathy and Exchange Ideology as Predictors of Careerism
by Dan Chiaburu & Gonzalo Muñoz & Richard Gardner - 487-496 The Natural Link Between Virtue Ethics and Political Virtue: The Morality of the Market
by Javier Aranzadi - 497-513 Management Responses to Social Activism in an Era of Corporate Responsibility: A Case Study
by Katinka Cranenburgh & Kellie Liket & Nigel Roome - 515-527 If You Can’t See the Forest for the Trees, You Might Just Cut Down the Forest: The Perils of Forced Choice on “Seemingly” Unethical Decision-Making
by Michael Wood & Theodore Noseworthy & Scott Colwell - 529-541 ESG in Focus: The Australian Evidence
by Jeremy Galbreath - 543-560 The Costs of Organisational Injustice in the Hungarian Health Care System
by Márta Somogyvári - 561-576 E Pluribus Unum? Legitimacy Issues and Multi-stakeholder Codes of Conduct
by Valentina Mele & Donald Schepers - 577-588 Feeling Good by Doing Good: Employee CSR-Induced Attributions, Job Satisfaction, and the Role of Charismatic Leadership
by Pavlos Vlachos & Nikolaos Panagopoulos & Adam Rapp - 589-605 Benchmarking Tendencies in Managerial Mindsets: Prioritizing Stockholders and Stakeholders in Peru, South Africa, and the United States
by John Parnell & Gregory Scott & Georgios Angelopoulos - 607-621 Ethics and Expertise: A Social Networks Perspective
by Seung Lee - 623-634 Standing by Your Organization: The Impact of Organizational Identification and Abusive Supervision on Followers’ Perceived Cohesion and Tendency to Gossip
by Stijn Decoster & Jeroen Camps & Jeroen Stouten & Lore Vandevyvere & Thomas Tripp - 635-637 The Role of Ethics in 21st Century Organizations
by William Bishop - 639-653 Dilemmas, Conspiracies, and Sophie’s Choice: Vignette Themes and Ethical Judgments
by Peter Mudrack & E. Mason - 655-665 Towards a More ‘Ethically Correct’ Governance for Economic Sustainability
by Christos Pitelis