May 2013, Volume 114, Issue 3
- 457-471 Deficiencies in the Code of Conduct: The AICPA Rhetoric Surrounding the Tax Return Preparation Outsourcing Disclosure Rules
by Renu Desai & Robin Roberts - 473-488 Ethical Consumption and New Business Models in the Food Industry. Evidence from the Eataly Case
by Roberta Sebastiani & Francesca Montagnini & Daniele Dalli - 489-500 Greenwash and Green Trust: The Mediation Effects of Green Consumer Confusion and Green Perceived Risk
by Yu-Shan Chen & Ching-Hsun Chang - 501-512 Let the Story Go: The Role of Emotion in the Decision-Making Process of the Reluctant, Vulnerable Witness or Whistle-Blower
by James Hollings - 513-528 The Conflict of Ethos and Ethics: A Sociological Theory of Business People’s Ethical Values
by Lydia Segal & Mark Lehrer - 529-547 Whether and to What Extent Consumers Demand Fair Pricing Behavior for Its Own Sake
by Adam Nguyen & Juan Meng - 549-563 Taking Stock of Accounting Ethics Scholarship: A Review of the Journal Literature
by Roberta Bampton & Christopher Cowton - 565-582 Business Executives’ Perceptions of Ethical Leadership and Its Development
by Catherine Marsh - 583-597 Promoting High Quality Work: Obstacles and Opportunities
by David Spencer
May 2013, Volume 114, Issue 2
- 193-206 Explaining Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Gratitude and Altruistic Values
by Simona Romani & Silvia Grappi & Richard Bagozzi - 207-223 Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures: Evidence from an Emerging Economy
by Arifur Khan & Mohammad Muttakin & Javed Siddiqui - 225-237 In Defence of Stakeholder Pragmatism
by Tommy Jensen & Johan Sandström - 239-249 Towards a Custom-Made Whistleblowing Policy. Using Grid-Group Cultural Theory to Match Policy Measures to Different Styles of Peer Reporting
by Kim Loyens - 251-263 The Influence of Supervisory Behavioral Integrity on Intent to Comply with Organizational Ethical Standards and Organizational Commitment
by Janie Fritz & Naomi O’Neil & Ann Popp & Cory Williams & Ronald Arnett - 265-282 Ethical Organisational Culture as a Context for Managers’ Personal Work Goals
by Mari Huhtala & Taru Feldt & Katriina Hyvönen & Saija Mauno - 283-295 Companies’ Use of Whistle-Blowing to Detect Fraud: An Examination of Corporate Whistle-Blowing Policies
by Gladys Lee & Neil Fargher - 297-310 An Empirical Study of the World Price of Sustainability
by Yuchao Xiao & Robert Faff & Philip Gharghori & Darren Lee - 311-323 Guilt, Shame, and Reparative Behavior: The Effect of Psychological Proximity
by Majid Ghorbani & Yuan Liao & Sinan Çayköylü & Masud Chand - 325-339 An Empirical Analysis of the Ethical Reasoning of Tax Practitioners
by Elaine Doyle & Jane Frecknall Hughes & Barbara Summers - 341-353 Whether Top Executives’ Turnover Influences Environmental Responsibility: From the Perspective of Environmental Information Disclosure
by X. Meng & S. Zeng & C. Tam & X. Xu - 355-366 Ethical Analyses of HRM: A Review and Research Agenda
by Michelle Greenwood - 367-379 Workplace Romance 2.0: Developing a Communication Ethics Model to Address Potential Sexual Harassment from Inappropriate Social Media Contacts Between Coworkers
by Lisa Mainiero & Kevin Jones
April 2013, Volume 114, Issue 1
- 1-14 The Relationship between Identity Crises and Crises of Control
by Mollie Painter-Morland - 15-27 Is the Perception of ‘Goodness’ Good Enough? Exploring the Relationship Between Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Organizational Identification
by Ante Glavas & Lindsey Godwin - 29-43 Monitoring Intensity and Stakeholders’ Orientation: How Does Governance Affect Social and Environmental Disclosure?
by Christine Mallin & Giovanna Michelon & Davide Raggi - 45-53 Predicting Counterproductive Work Behavior from Guilt Proneness
by Taya Cohen & A. Panter & Nazli Turan - 55-59 The Link Between Ethical Climates and Managerial Success: A Study in a Polish Context
by Aditya Simha & Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch - 61-73 The Antecedents of Moral Imagination in the Workplace: A Social Cognitive Theory Perspective
by Brian Whitaker & Lindsey Godwin - 75-90 A Social Contract for International Business Ethics
by Paul Neiman - 91-106 Workplace Dignity in a Total Institution: Examining the Experiences of Foxconn’s Migrant Workforce
by Kristen Lucas & Dongjing Kang & Zhou Li - 107-129 Is Environmental Governance Substantive or Symbolic? An Empirical Investigation
by Michelle Rodrigue & Michel Magnan & Charles Cho - 131-153 A Social Cognitive Perspective on the Relationships Between Ethics Education, Moral Attentiveness, and PRESOR
by Kurt Wurthmann - 155-169 The Roles of Leadership Styles in Corporate Social Responsibility
by Shuili Du & Valérie Swaen & Adam Lindgreen & Sankar Sen - 171-182 Shared Value and the Impartial Spectator Test
by Isabelle Szmigin & Robert Rutherford - 183-191 The Influence of Love of Money and Religiosity on Ethical Decision-Making in Marketing
by Anusorn Singhapakdi & Scott Vitell & Dong-Jin Lee & Amiee Nisius & Grace Yu
April 2013, Volume 113, Issue 4
- 563-565 Editorial Introduction: Putting Virtues Into Practice. A Challenge for Business and Organizations
by Joan Fontrodona & Alejo Sison & Boudewijn Bruin - 567-581 In Search of Virtue: The Role of Virtues, Values and Character Strengths in Ethical Decision Making
by Mary Crossan & Daina Mazutis & Gerard Seijts - 583-595 Epistemic Virtues in Business
by Boudewijn Bruin - 597-609 Kant on Virtue
by Claus Dierksmeier - 611-625 Participating in the Common Good of the Firm
by Alejo Sison & Joan Fontrodona - 627-638 Virtue and Commerce in Domingo de Soto’s Thought: Commercial Practices, Character, and the Common Good
by André Alves & José Moreira - 639-648 Corporate Transparency: A Perspective from Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae
by João Neves & Antonino Vaccaro - 649-661 Virtue and Vice Attributions in the Business Context: An Experimental Investigation
by Brian Robinson & Paul Stey & Mark Alfano - 663-678 The Role of Leadership in Creating Virtuous and Compassionate Organizations: Narratives of Benevolent Leadership in an Anatolian Tiger
by Fahri Karakas & Emine Sarigollu - 679-690 Managerial Work in a Practice-Embodying Institution: The Role of Calling, The Virtue of Constancy
by Ron Beadle
March 2013, Volume 113, Issue 3
- 377-393 A Systematic Literature Review of Servant Leadership Theory in Organizational Contexts
by Denise Parris & Jon Peachey - 395-413 Value, a Way Out of Uncertainties: A Physical Model for Ethics and Freedoms
by Emmanuel Chauvet - 415-428 Measuring and Differentiating Perceptions of Supervisor and Top Leader Ethics
by Janet Kottke & Kathie Pelletier - 429-440 Changes in Attitudes Towards Business Ethics Held by Former South African Business Management Students
by Gavin Price & Andries Walt - 441-459 Crisis, Committees and Consultants: The Rise of Value-For-Money Auditing in the Federal Public Sector in Canada
by Clinton Free & Vaughan Radcliffe & Brent White - 461-474 The Development of a Market for Sustainable Coffee in The Netherlands: Rethinking the Contribution of Fair Trade
by Paul Ingenbleek & Machiel Reinders - 475-488 Does Consumer Unethical Behavior Relate to Birthplace? Evidence from China
by BaoChun Zhao & ShanShan Xu - 489-504 Vulnerability and the Basis of Business Ethics: From Fiduciary Duties to Professionalism
by Eric Brown - 505-518 Sleeping with the Enemy? Strategic Transformations in Business–NGO Relationships Through Stakeholder Dialogue
by Jon Burchell & Joanne Cook - 519-541 The Crash of Cougar Flight 491: A Case Study of Offshore Safety and Corporate Social Responsibility
by Susan Hart - 543-555 Sunao as Character: Its Implications for Trust and Intercultural Communication Within Subsidiaries of Japanese Multinationals in Australia
by Joanna Crossman & Hiroko Noma - 557-559 Denis Collins: Essentials of Business Ethics—Creating an Organization of High Integrity and Superior Performance
by Long-Fei Chen - 561-561 RETRACTED ARTICLE: The “Strong” Versus “Weak” Premise of Stakeholder Legitimacy and the Rhetorical Perspective of Diffusion
by Eugene Geh
March 2013, Volume 113, Issue 2
- 185-197 Hidden Connections: The Link Between Board Gender Diversity and Corporate Social Performance
by Ioanna Boulouta - 199-224 Virtue Remains After Removing Sin: Finding Skill Amongst Socially Responsible Investment Managers
by Elizabeth Ooi & Paul Lajbcygier - 225-241 The Interaction of Learning Styles and Teaching Methodologies in Accounting Ethical Instruction
by Conor O’Leary & Jenny Stewart - 243-263 Impacts of Instrumental Versus Relational Centered Logic on Cause-Related Marketing Decision Making
by Gordon Liu - 265-283 Antecedents of Corporate Scandals: CEOs’ Personal Traits, Stakeholders’ Cohesion, Managerial Fraud, and Imbalanced Corporate Strategy
by Fabio Zona & Mario Minoja & Vittorio Coda - 285-295 Crisis Management and an Ethic of Care: The Case of Northern Rock Bank
by Philip Linsley & Richard Slack - 297-315 Sins of the Father’s Firm: Exploring Responses to Inherited Ethical Dilemmas in Family Business
by Reginald Litz & Nick Turner - 317-331 Characterizing Ethical Cases: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Individual Differences, Organisational Climate, and Leadership on Ethical Decision-Making
by J. Kuntz & J. Kuntz & Detelin Elenkov & Anna Nabirukhina - 333-347 Exploring Top Management Language for Signals of Possible Deception: The Words of Satyam’s Chair Ramalinga Raju
by Russell Craig & Tony Mortensen & Shefali Iyer - 349-362 Do I Hear the Whistle…? A First Attempt to Measure Four Forms of Employee Silence and Their Correlates
by Michael Knoll & Rolf Dick - 363-375 Enterprise Web Accessibility Levels Amongst the Forbes 250: Where Art Thou O Virtuous Leader?
by Ramiro Gonçalves & José Martins & Jorge Pereira & Manuel Oliveira & João Ferreira
March 2013, Volume 113, Issue 1
- 1-14 Asymmetric Differences in Work–Family Spillover in North America and China: Results from Two Heterogeneous Samples
by Jia Jin & Michael Ford & Chih Chen - 15-37 Institutionalizing Ethical Innovation in Organizations: An Integrated Causal Model of Moral Innovation Decision Processes
by E. Schumacher & David Wasieleski - 39-49 Values and Poetic Organizations: Beyond Value Fit Toward Values Through Conversation
by Ellen Auster & R. Freeman - 51-60 Relationships Among Employee Perception of Their Manager’s Behavioral Integrity, Moral Distress, and Employee Attitudes and Well-Being
by David Prottas - 61-79 The Role of Spiritual Well-Being and Materialism in Determining Consumers’ Ethical Beliefs: An Empirical Study with Australian Consumers
by Rafi Chowdhury & Mario Fernando - 81-89 Future of Ethically Effective Leadership
by Chaudhary Sarwar - 91-103 Confucian and Taoist Work Values: An Exploratory Study of the Chinese Transformational Leadership Behavior
by Liang-Hung Lin & Yu-Ling Ho & Wei-Hsin Lin - 105-118 A Comparison of Young Publics’ Evaluations of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of Multinational Corporations in the United States and South Korea
by Daewook Kim & Myung-Il Choi - 119-132 The Early Stages of Workplace Bullying and How It Becomes Prolonged: The Role of Culture in Predicting Target Responses
by Al-Karim Samnani - 133-145 Satisfying Individual Desires or Moral Standards? Preferential Treatment and Group Members’ Self-Worth, Affect, and Behavior
by Stefan Thau & Christian Tröster & Karl Aquino & Madan Pillutla & David Cremer - 147-156 Saving for Retirement Without Harming Others
by Steven Daskal - 157-161 A Family Affair: A Case of Altruism or Aggrandizement?
by David Boyd & Jay Halfond & Peder Johnson & Timm Kainen - 181-182 Erratum to: Institutionalizing Ethical Innovation in Organizations: An Integrated Causal Model of Moral Innovation Decision Processes
by E. Schumacher & David Wasieleski - 183-183 Retraction Note: Corporate Social Responsibility in Purchasing and Supply Chain
by Mohammad Salam
February 2013, Volume 112, Issue 4
- 551-558 On Explaining Individual and Corporate Culpability in the Global Climate Change Era
by Ian Smith - 559-566 The Responsibility to Lie and the Obligation to Report
by Scott Paeth - 567-583 Combining Risk and Responsibility Perspectives: First Steps
by Johannes Brinkmann - 585-595 Fairness in Financial Markets: The Case of High Frequency Trading
by James Angel & Douglas McCabe - 597-607 Could the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 be Helpful in Reforming Corporate America? An Investigation on Financial Bounties and Whistle-Blowing Behaviors in the Private Sector
by Kelly Pope & Chih-Chen Lee - 609-626 Corporate Ethics and Compliance Programs: A Report, Analysis and Critique
by James Weber & David Wasieleski - 627-640 Impact of Job Satisfaction and Personal Values on the Work Orientation of Chinese Accounting Practitioners
by George Lan & Chike Okechuku & He Zhang & Jianan Cao - 641-651 Implications of Caritas in Veritate for Marketing and Business Ethics
by Thomas Klein & Gene Laczniak - 653-665 Responsibility and Informal CSR in Formal Cameroonian SMEs
by Geert Demuijnck & Hubert Ngnodjom - 667-684 Case Study in the Evolution of Sustainability: Baxter International Inc
by K. Dhanda - 685-696 Small-Sized Suppliers Entering Large Markets: An Ethical Initiative of the Caras do Brasil Program
by Maria Cecilia C. de Arruda & Luiza Granado - 697-706 Before Microfinance: The Social Value of Microsavings in Vincentian Poverty Reduction
by Marco Tavanti - 707-720 Socially Responsible Investing: An Investor Perspective
by Thomas Berry & Joan Junkus - 721-734 The Chief Officer of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Study of Its Presence in Top Management Teams
by Robert Strand
February 2013, Volume 112, Issue 3
- 369-384 Leadership for Sustainability: An Evolution of Leadership Ability
by Louise Metcalf & Sue Benn - 385-395 Whistle-Blowing Methods for Navigating Within and Helping Reform Regulatory Institutions
by Richard Nielsen - 397-415 Business Unethicality as an Impediment to Consumer Trust: The Moderating Role of Demographic and Cultural Characteristics
by Leonidas Leonidou & Olga Kvasova & Constantinos Leonidou & Simos Chari - 417-436 Moral Schemas and Corruption in Ugandan Public Procurement
by Joseph Ntayi & Pascal Ngoboka & Cornelia Kakooza - 437-451 The Influence of Subjective Norms on Whistle-Blowing: A Cross-Cultural Investigation
by Pailin Trongmateerut & John Sweeney - 453-461 The Relationship between the Integration of Faith and Work with Life and Job Outcomes
by Alan Walker - 463-479 Boardroom Diversity and its Effect on Social Performance: Conceptualization and Empirical Evidence
by Taïeb Hafsi & Gokhan Turgut - 481-495 Timing in Accountability and Trust Relationships
by Salvador Carmona & Rafael Donoso & Philip Reckers - 497-514 Using Social Identity Theory to Predict Managers’ Emphases on Ethical and Legal Values in Judging Business Issues
by John Pearce - 515-528 Consumer Rights: An Assessment of Justice
by Gretchen Larsen & Rob Lawson - 529-543 The Future of Stakeholder Management Theory: A Temporal Perspective
by Alain Verbeke & Vincent Tung - 545-548 Arnett, R. C., Fritz, J. H., Bell, L. M.: Communication Ethics Literacy: Dialogue and Difference
by Annette Holba - 549-549 Erratum to: Whistle-Blowing Methods for Navigating Within and Helping Reform Regulatory Institutions
by Richard Nielsen & Lakshmi Balachandra & Anna Nielsen
January 2013, Volume 112, Issue 2
- 187-203 Sustainability Ratings and the Disciplinary Power of the Ideology of Numbers
by Mohamed Chelli & Yves Gendron - 205-212 Mistaking an Emerging Market for a Social Movement? A Comment on Arjaliès’ Social-Movement Perspective on Socially Responsible Investment in France
by Frédérique Déjean & Stéphanie Giamporcaro & Jean-Pascal Gond & Bernard Leca & Elise Penalva-Icher - 213-224 Sectoral Differences in Value Congruence and Job Attitudes: The Case of Nursing Home Employees
by Ting Ren - 225-240 “What’s the Harm in Being Unethical? These Strangers are Rich Anyway!” Exploring Underlying Factors of Double Standards
by Tine Bock & Iris Vermeir & Patrick Kenhove - 241-255 Instrumental and Integrative Logics in Business Sustainability
by Jijun Gao & Pratima Bansal - 257-270 Bringing Work Back in Islamic Ethics
by Bayu Possumah & Abdul Ismail & Shahida Shahimi - 271-281 Is Market Society Intrinsically Repugnant?
by Jason Brennan - 283-299 The Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility: Techniques of Neutralization, Stakeholder Management and Political CSR
by Gary Fooks & Anna Gilmore & Jeff Collin & Chris Holden & Kelley Lee - 301-312 CSR and Stakeholder Theory: A Tale of Adam Smith
by Jill Brown & William Forster - 313-324 Effects of Illegal Behavior on the Financial Performance of US Banking Institutions
by Mohamad Zeidan - 325-340 Does Employee Ownership Benefit Value Creation? The Case of France (2001–2005)
by Thierry Poulain-Rehm & Xavier Lepers - 341-352 Using Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason for Managerial Decision-Making
by Chad Kleist - 353-366 Beyond “Does it Pay to be Green?” A Meta-Analysis of Moderators of the CEP–CFP Relationship
by Heather Dixon-Fowler & Daniel Slater & Jonathan Johnson & Alan Ellstrand & Andrea Romi - 367-367 Erratum to: The Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility: Techniques of Neutralization, Stakeholder Management and Political CSR
by Gary Fooks & Anna Gilmore & Jeff Collin & Chris Holden & Kelley Lee
January 2013, Volume 112, Issue 1
- 1-13 Moral and Amoral Conceptions of Trust, with an Application in Organizational Ethics
by Marc Cohen & John Dienhart - 15-24 The Role of Corporate Value Clusters in Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Performance: A Study of Financial Professionals and Implications for the Financial Meltdown
by K. Jin & Ronald Drozdenko & Sara DeLoughy - 25-46 Does Religion Affect the Materialism of Consumers? An Empirical Investigation of Buddhist Ethics and the Resistance of the Self
by Stefano Pace - 47-57 Whither Stakeholder Theory? A Guide for the Perplexed Revisited
by John Hasnas - 59-78 Advancing Ethics in Public Organizations: The Impact of an Ethics Program on Employees’ Perceptions and Behaviors in a Regional Council
by Itai Beeri & Rachel Dayan & Eran Vigoda-Gadot & Simcha Werner - 79-90 The Impact of Moral Emotions on Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns: A Cross-Cultural Examination
by Jae-Eun Kim & Kim Johnson - 91-99 Business Ethics Perspectives: Faculty Plagiarism and Fraud
by Teressa Elliott & Linda Marquis & Catherine Neal - 101-125 The Personal Selling and Sales Management Ethics Research: Managerial Implications and Research Directions from a Comprehensive Review of the Empirical Literature
by Nicholas McClaren - 127-135 Free Exchange for Mutual Benefit: Sweatshops and Maitland’s “Classical Liberal Standard”
by Thomas Carson - 137-154 Corporate Responses to Shareholder Activists: Considering the Dialogue Alternative
by Kathleen Rehbein & Jeanne Logsdon & Harry Buren - 155-166 Leaders’ Moral Competence and Employee Outcomes: The Effects of Psychological Empowerment and Person–Supervisor Fit
by Tae-Yeol Kim & Minsoo Kim - 167-176 I’m Number One! Does Narcissism Impair Ethical Judgment Even for the Highly Religious?
by Marjorie Cooper & Chris Pullig - 177-185 Management Research and Religion: A Citation Analysis
by Katherine Gundolf & Matthias Filser
December 2012, Volume 111, Issue 4
- 431-438 A 30-Year Historical Examination of Ethical Concerns Regarding Business Ethics: Who’s Concerned?
by Will Drover & Jennifer Franczak & Richard Beltramini - 439-460 CSR-Based Political Legitimacy Strategy: Managing the State by Doing Good in China and Russia
by Meng Zhao - 461-476 Institutional Environment, Managerial Attitudes and Environmental Sustainability Orientation of Small Firms
by Banjo Roxas & Alan Coetzer - 477-490 The Ethics of Credit Rating Agencies: What Happened and the Way Forward
by Steven Scalet & Thomas Kelly - 491-518 Does Religion Matter to Equity Pricing?
by Sadok El Ghoul & Omrane Guedhami & Yang Ni & Jeffrey Pittman & Samir Saadi - 519-539 Diminished or Just Different? A Factorial Vignette Study of Privacy as a Social Contract
by Kirsten Martin - 541-549 Does Having an Ethical Brand Matter? The Influence of Consumer Perceived Ethicality on Trust, Affect and Loyalty
by Jatinder Singh & Oriol Iglesias & Joan Batista-Foguet - 551-565 Un/ethical Company and Brand Perceptions: Conceptualising and Operationalising Consumer Meanings
by Katja Brunk - 567-568 Lisa H. Newton: Permission to Steal: Revealing the Roots of Corporate Scandal
by Long-Fei Chen
December 2012, Volume 111, Issue 3
- 317-320 Social Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice—An Introduction
by Nicola Pless - 321-334 A Tale of Two Cultures: Charity, Problem Solving, and the Future of Social Entrepreneurship
by J. Dees - 335-351 A Positive Theory of Social Entrepreneurship
by Filipe Santos - 353-373 Organizing for Society: A Typology of Social Entrepreneuring Models
by Johanna Mair & Julie Battilana & Julian Cardenas - 375-388 Collective Social Entrepreneurship: Collaboratively Shaping Social Good
by A. Montgomery & Peter Dacin & M. Dacin - 389-411 In Pursuit of Dignity and Social Justice: Changing Lives Through 100 % Inclusion—How Gram Vikas Fosters Sustainable Rural Development
by Nicola Pless & Jenny Appel - 413-430 Social Entrepreneurs as Responsible Leaders: ‘Fundación Paraguaya’ and the Case of Martin Burt
by Thomas Maak & Nicolas Stoetter
December 2012, Volume 111, Issue 2
- 147-156 The Icelandic Banking Crisis: A Reason to Rethink CSR?
by David Sigurthorsson - 157-164 The Ethics of Hedging by Executives
by Lee Dunham & Ken Washer - 165-178 Behavioral Integrity: How Leader Referents and Trust Matter to Workplace Outcomes
by Rangapriya Kannan-Narasimhan & Barbara Lawrence - 179-193 An Examination of the Contribution of Dispositional Affect on Ethical Lapses
by D. Lowe & Philip Reckers - 195-210 The Corporation is Ailing Social Technology: Creating a ‘Fit for Purpose’ Design for Sustainability
by L. Metcalf & S. Benn - 211-218 That’s Not Fair! How Personal Value for Diversity Influences Reactions to the Perceived Discriminatory Treatment of Minorities
by María del Triana & María Wagstaff & Kwanghyun Kim - 219-235 A Three-Country Study of Unethical Sales Behaviors
by Ning Li & William Murphy - 237-251 Hierarchies, Power Inequalities, and Organizational Corruption
by Valerie Rosenblatt - 253-264 Reclaiming Marginalized Stakeholders
by Robbin Derry - 265-279 Stakeholders’ Influence and Contribution to Social Standards Development: The Case of Multiple Stakeholder Approach to ISO 26000 Development
by Michaela Balzarova & Pavel Castka - 281-299 An Institution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Multi-National Corporations (MNCs): Form and Implications
by Krista Bondy & Jeremy Moon & Dirk Matten - 301-316 Institutional Dynamics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in an Emerging Country Context: Evidence from China
by Juelin Yin & Yuli Zhang
November 2012, Volume 111, Issue 1
- 1-12 Frontiers, Intersections and Engagements of Ethics and HRM
by Gavin Jack & Michelle Greenwood & Jan Schapper - 13-24 The Employee as ‘Dish of the Day’: The Ethics of the Consuming/Consumed Self in Human Resource Management
by Karen Dale - 25-36 Graduate Employability and the Principle of Potentiality: An Aspect of the Ethics of HRM
by Bogdan Costea & Kostas Amiridis & Norman Crump - 37-48 Recognition, Reification, and Practices of Forgetting: Ethical Implications of Human Resource Management
by Gazi Islam - 49-59 Agonism and the Possibilities of Ethics for HRM
by Carl Rhodes & Geraint Harvey - 61-72 Towards an Ethical Research Agenda for International HRM: The Possibilities of a Plural Cosmopolitan Framework
by Maddy Janssens & Chris Steyaert - 73-84 Reframing the Business Case for Diversity: A Values and Virtues Perspective
by Hans Dijk & Marloes Engen & Jaap Paauwe - 85-96 Human Resource Management in a Compartmentalized World: Whither Moral Agency?
by Tracy Wilcox - 97-108 Ethics and HRM: Theoretical and Conceptual Analysis
by Nadia Gama & Steve McKenna & Amanda Peticca-Harris - 109-119 Exploring the Boundaries of Human Resource Managers’ Responsibilities
by David Guest & Christopher Woodrow - 121-132 Contingent Work and Its Contradictions: Towards a Moral Economy Framework
by Sharon Bolton & Maeve Houlihan & Knut Laaser - 133-144 “Equality Theory” as a Counterbalance to Equity Theory in Human Resource Management
by David Morand & Kimberly Merriman - 145-145 Erratum to: An Alternative Approach to Ethical HRM Through the Discourse and Lived Experiences of HR Professionals
by Nadia Gama & Steve McKenna & Amanda Peticca-Harris
November 2012, Volume 110, Issue 4
- 393-395 Guest Editorial: Corporate Social Responsibility in Controversial Industry Sectors
by Adam Lindgreen & François Maon & Jon Reast & Mirella Yani-De-Soriano - 397-412 Do Environmental CSR Initiatives Serve Organizations’ Legitimacy in the Oil Industry? Exploring Employees’ Reactions Through Organizational Identification Theory
by Kenneth Roeck & Nathalie Delobbe - 413-427 Striving for Legitimacy Through Corporate Social Responsibility: Insights from Oil Companies
by Shuili Du & Edward Vieira - 429-439 A Moral Pluralist Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility: From Good to Controversial Practices
by Marian Eabrasu - 441-456 Does CSR Reduce Firm Risk? Evidence from Controversial Industry Sectors
by Hoje Jo & Haejung Na - 457-467 Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility in Controversial Industry Sectors: The Social Value of Harm Minimisation
by Margaret Lindorff & Elizabeth Prior Jonson & Linda McGuire - 469-479 Business Under Threat, Technology Under Attack, Ethics Under Fire: The Experience of Google in China
by Justin Tan & Anna Tan - 481-497 Can an Industry Be Socially Responsible If Its Products Harm Consumers? The Case of Online Gambling
by Mirella Yani-de-Soriano & Uzma Javed & Shumaila Yousafzai
October 2012, Volume 110, Issue 3
- 247-258 An Empirical Test of Diversity Climate Dimensionality and Relative Effects on Employee of Color Outcomes
by E. Buttner & Kevin Lowe & Lenora Billings-Harris - 259-268 Paternalism and the Pokies: Unjustified State Interference or Justifiable Intervention?
by Elizabeth Prior Jonson & Margaret Lindorff & Linda McGuire - 269-284 The Value of Environmental Social Responsibility to Facility Managers: Revealing the Perceptions and Motives for Adopting ESR
by Haylee Uecker-Mercado & Matthew Walker - 285-299 Ethical Duties of Organizational Citizens: Obligations Owed by Highly Committed Employees
by Cam Caldwell & Larry Floyd & Ryan Atkins & Russell Holzgrefe - 301-320 From Preaching to Investing: Attitudes of Religious Organisations Towards Responsible Investment
by Céline Louche & Daniel Arenas & Katinka Cranenburgh - 321-332 Poverty Alleviation through Partnerships: A Road Less Travelled for Business, Governments, and Entrepreneurs
by Craig VanSandt & Mukesh Sud - 333-343 The Ethical Aftermath of a Values Revolution: Theoretical Bases of Change, Recalibration, and Principalization
by Robert Giacalone & Carole Jurkiewicz & Stephen Knouse - 345-354 Collaborative Enterprise and Sustainability: The Case of Slow Food
by Antonio Tencati & Laszlo Zsolnai - 355-376 Moral Reasoning in Computer-Based Task Environments: Exploring the Interplay between Cognitive and Technological Factors on Individuals’ Propensity to Break Rules
by Jeffrey Roberts & David Wasieleski - 377-391 The Impact of Moral Stress Compared to Other Stressors on Employee Fatigue, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover: An Empirical Investigation
by Kristen DeTienne & Bradley Agle & James Phillips & Marc-Charles Ingerson
October 2012, Volume 110, Issue 2
- 151-156 Sustaining Sustainability in Organizations
by Deborah de Lange & Timo Busch & Javier Delgado-Ceballos - 157-172 Stakeholder Pressures as Determinants of CSR Strategic Choice: Why do Firms Choose Symbolic Versus Substantive Self-Regulatory Codes of Conduct?
by Luis Perez-Batres & Jonathan Doh & Van Miller & Michael Pisani