July 2017, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 326-344 Partners in protest: parents, unions and anti-academy campaigns
by Suzanne Muna - 345-364 Enhancing transnational labour solidarity: the unfulfilled promise of the Internet and social media
by Torsten Geelan & Andy Hodder - 365-382 Engagement in European social dialogue: an investigation into the role of social partner structural capacity
by Barbara Bechter & Bernd Brandl & Thomas Prosser
May 2017, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 196-217 Organised decentralisation, uneven outcomes: employment relations in the Italian public health sector
by Manuela Galetto - 218-230 Danish flexicurity: preconditions and future prospects
by Per H. Jensen - 231-255 The new American way—how changes in labour law are increasing inequality
by Mark Stelzner - 256-273 The compliance model of employment standards enforcement: an evidence-based assessment of its efficacy in instances of wage theft
by Leah F. Vosko & John Grundy & Eric Tucker & Mark P. Thomas & Andrea M. Noack & Rebecca Casey & Mary Gellatly & Jennifer Mussell - 274-291 The Petroleum Driver Passport scheme: a case study in reregulation
by Edmund Heery & Leon Gooberman & Marco Hauptmeier
March 2017, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 98-114 Who takes workplace case-study methods seriously? The influence of gender, academic rank and PhD training
by Patrick McGovern & Diego Alburez-Gutierrez - 115-132 The local in the global: regions, employment systems and multinationals
by Phil Almond & Maria C. Gonzalez & Jonathan Lavelle & Gregor Murray - 133-153 Claims of employment discrimination and worker voice
by Keith A. Bender & John S. Heywood & Michael P. Kidd - 154-173 The eurozone crisis, German hegemony and labour market reform in the GIPS countries
by Denise Currie & Paul Teague - 174-191 The implications of direct participation for organisational commitment, job satisfaction and affective psychological well-being: a longitudinal analysis
by Duncan Gallie & Ying Zhou & Alan Felstead & Francis Green & Golo Henseke - 192-193 ‘ Finding a Voice at Work? New Perspectives on Employment Relations ’. Stuart Johnstone and Peter Ackers (eds) Oxford University Press Publications , 2015 , 336 pp., ISBN 978–0–1996-6801-4 £24.99
by Jeremé Snook
January 2017, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 2-21 The management of discipline and grievances in British workplaces: the evidence from 2011 WERS
by Stephen Wood & Richard Saundry & Paul Latreille - 22-41 Towards more disorganised decentralisation? Collective bargaining in the public sector under pay restraint
by Damian Grimshaw & Mat Johnson & Stefania Marino & Jill Rubery - 42-55 Trade union participation in CSR deliberation: an evaluation
by Geraint Harvey & Andy Hodder & Stephen Brammer - 56-71 Austerity stabilised through European funds: the impact on Slovenian welfare administration and provision
by Barbara Samaluk - 72-93 Flexible institutional arrangements and labour productivity: the case of transit industry in the United States
by Olga V. Smirnova - 94-95 Framing work: unitary, pluralist, and critical perspectives in the twenty-first century . Edmund Heery Oxford University Press , 2016 , pp. 1 – 318 , ISBN 978-0-19-956946-5 , £55.00
by Roger Seifert
November 2016, Volume 47, Issue 5-6
- 402-416 Near†sourcing UK apparel: value chain restructuring, productivity and the informal economy
by Nikolaus Hammer & Réka Plugor - 417-433 Too scared to go sick? The management and the manifestations of workplace attendance in the food retail sector
by Anastasios Hadjisolomou - 434-453 Free collective bargaining and incomes policy: learning from Barbara Wootton and Hugh Clegg on post†war British Industrial Relations and wage inequality
by Peter Ackers - 454-472 Parent employment and preschool utilisation in urban China
by Chris Nyland & Beibei Pan & Brian Cooper & Berenice Nyland & Xiaodong Zeng - 473-491 Widening the lens: a structuration theory perspective on European works councils and transnational labour relations
by Markus Hertwig - 492-512 Employment protection regulation, trade unions and tenure of employment: An analysis in 23 European countries
by Tomas Berglund & Bengt Furåker - 513-529 Is there a minimum wage biting in Puerto Rico? Updating the debate
by Jose Caraballo†Cueto - 530-546 Islands in the stream? The challenges and resilience of the Danish industrial relations model in a liberalising world
by Bjarke Refslund & Ole Henning Sørensen - 547-566 Health and safety risks in Britain's workplaces: where are they and who controls them?
by Alex Bryson
July 2016, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 304-321 The interests of white-collar workers and their representation in the German manufacturing sector: new initiatives, opportunity structures, framing and resources
by Thomas Haipeter - 322-340 Tackling the undeclared economy in the European Union: an evaluation of the tax morale approach
by Colin C Williams & Ioana A Horodnic - 341-359 The implementation of equality legislation: the case of disabled graduates and reasonable adjustments
by Laura C. William - 360-378 Unions and the economic basis of attitudes
by Alex Bryson & Michael White - 379-395 Cooperation or resistance? Representing workers' health and safety in a hazardous industry
by David Walters & Michael Quinlan & Richard Johnstone & Emma Wadsworth - 396-397 Statutory recognition and employment relations — the impact of statutory union recognition Sian Moore and Sonia McKay with Sarah Veale Palgrave Macmillan , 2013
by Jereme Snook - 397-399 China at work: a labour process perspective on the transformation of work and employment in China Mingwei Liu and Chris Smith (eds) Palgrave , 2016 , 424 pp., £48.99
by Xuebing Cao
May 2016, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 204-219 Police pay—contested and contestable
by Kim Mather & Roger Seifert - 220-237 Blacklisting and its legacy in the UK construction industry: employment relations in the aftermath of exposure of the Consulting Association
by Janet Druker - 238-252 Financialisation, ownership and employee interests under private equity at the AA, part two
by Ian Clark - 253-278 Skill gaps in the workplace: measurement, determinants and impacts
by Seamus McGuinness & Luis Ortiz - 279-299 The decision to moonlight: does second job holding by the self-employed and employed differ?
by Andrew Atherton & João R. Faria & Daniel Wheatley & Dongxu Wu & Zhongmin Wu - 300-301 Notoriously Militant: The Story of a Union Branch at Ford Dagenham Sheila Cohen Merlin Press , 2013 , pp xii + 225, ISBN 978-0-85036-645-7
by Gregor Gall
March 2016, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 102-116 British union renewal: does salvation really lie beyond the workplace?
by Philip James & Joanna Karmowska - 117-143 The German temporary staffing industry: growth, development, scandal and resistance
by Jennifer Ferreira - 144-162 The Living Wage – Policy And Practice
by Peter Prowse & Ray Fells - 163-180 Migrant workers and involuntary non-permanent jobs: agencies as new IR actors?
by Benjamin Hopkins & Chris Dawson - 181-200 Industrial relations changes in the Maldives: critical events and actors
by Ali Najeeb & Mary Barrett - 201-202 Board-level Employee Representation in Europe. Priorities, Power and Articulation Jeremy Waddington and Aline Conchon New York and London : Routledge , 2016 , £95.00 hardback, 282 pages + xvi, ISBN: 978-1-138-79202-9 (hardback) ISBN: 978-1-315-76238-8 (e-book)
by Michael Gold
January 2016, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 2-20 Industrial policy and employment in the UK: evidence from the pharmaceutical sector
by Enda Hannon - 21-45 John Smith's settlement? The work of the 1992–93 Labour Party—Trade Union Links Review Group
by Mark Wickham-Jones - 46-61 Labour's interest in corporate governance in the UK: are workers on the board back on the agenda?
by Catherine Casey - 62-78 Intra-European labour migration and low-wage competition—comparing the Danish and Swedish experiences across three sectors
by Bjarke Refslund & Annette Thörnquist - 79-95 New class divisions in a modern working life?
by Kathrine Skoland & Astrid Solberg & Kari Anne Holte - 96-97 The European Social Model in Crisis. Is Europe Losing its Soul? D. Vaughan-Whitehead Edward Elgar , Cheltenham , 2015 , In association with the International Labour Office, Geneva Hardcover: ISBN 978 1 78347 655 8 627 pages + xii (£125.00) e-book: ISBN 978 1 78347 656 5 (£112.50)
by Michael Gold - 98-99 The Transformation of Employment Relations in Europe James Arrowsmith and Valeria Pulignano Routledge , 2013 (1st edn), 232 pp., £90
by Andy Hodder
November 2015, Volume 46, Issue 5-6
- 345-364 Labour under the law: a new law of combination, and master and servant, in 21st-century Britain?
by Paul Smith - 365-380 Redefining retirement: age equality and the rise of performance management
by Glynne Williams & Vanessa Beck - 381-397 Beyond informality: effectiveness of a new actor for representing call centre workers in Turkey
by Şafak Tartanoğlu - 398-417 Pharmaceutical drug misuse: are industry of employment and occupation risk factors?
by Sarah Brown & Mark N. Harris & Jake Prendergast & Preety Srivastava - 418-433 Revitalising young workers' union participation: a comparative analysis of two organisations in Quebec (Canada)
by Mélanie Dufour-Poirier & Mélanie Laroche - 434-445 Antecedents of concession bargaining in the Great Recession: evidence from Ireland
by William K. Roche & Paul Teague
July 2015, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 259-274 Networks of injustice and worker mobilisation at Walmart
by Alex J. Wood - 275-292 Critical social science and emancipation: II, development and application
by Paul Edwards - 293-311 The emergence of a dual system of dispute resolution: private facilitators in Irish industrial relations
by William K. Roche - 312-327 Industrial relations and the management of whistleblowing after the Francis report: what can be learned from the evidence?
by David Lewis & Alessio D'Angelo & Lisa Clarke - 328-343 Nobody's responsibility: the precarious position of disabled employees in the UK workplace
by Deborah Foster & Peter Scott
May 2015, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 173-186 Industrial relations, critical social science and reform: I, principles of engagement
by Paul Edwards - 187-207 Joining UNISON: does the reform of a union organising strategy change how members perceive their recruitment?
by Jeremy Waddington & Allan Kerr - 208-221 Organising migrant workers: the living wage campaign at the University of East London
by Ana Lopes & Timothy Hall - 222-235 The right-to-manage default rule
by Mark Harcourt & Helen Lam & Richard Croucher - 236-253 Austerity, labour market segmentation and emigration: the case of Lithuania
by Arunas Juska & Charles Woolfson - 254-257 The Oxford Handbook of Employment Relations: Comparative Employment Systems edited by Adrian Wilkinson , Geoffrey Wood and Richard Deeg (eds) Oxford University Press , Oxford , 2014 , 762 pp., ISBN 978-0-19-969509-6 , £95.00 hardback
by Gary Slater - 257-258 Equality: The Legal Framework by Bob Hepple Hart Publishing Ltd , 2014 ( 2nd edn ), 254 pp., £24.99
by Sean Butt
March 2015, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 81-99 Relied upon for the heavy lifting: can employment protection legislation reforms lead the EU out of the jobs crisis?
by Jason Heyes & Paul Lewis - 100-116 In from the cold? Ben Roberts and Conservative industrial relations reform
by John Kelly - 117-133 What influences the progression of employment rights disputes?
by Bernard Walker & R.T. Hamilton - 134-152 A strike of ‘unorganised’ workers in a Chinese car factory: the Nanhai Honda events of 2010
by Dave Lyddon & Xuebing Cao & Quan Meng & Jun Lu - 153-168 Devolution and disabled workers: the experiences of union equality representatives in Wales
by Deborah Foster - 169-170 Holding the Shop Together: German Industrial Relations in the Postwar Era by Stephen J. Silvia ILR Press , 2013 , 264 pp., $79.95 (hardcover), $29.95 (paperback)
by Michael Gold - 170-172 The Broken Table: The Detroit Newspaper Strike and the State of American Labor by Chris Rhomberg Russell Sage Foundation , New York , 2012 , 398 pp., $44.90
by Ian Greenwood
January 2015, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-6 An overview of Bill McCarthy's academic and political engagement with industrial relations
by Roger Undy - 7-11 Trade unions at the workplace
by William Brown - 12-19 Trade union organisation
by Roger Undy - 20-26 Engaging with management
by Ian Kessler & Sidney Kessler - 27-30 Industrial Relations and Labour Law
by Paul Davies & Mark Freedland - 31-33 The Labour Party
by David Lipsey - 34-36 A personal appreciation
by Lord John Monks - 37-53 Deviant typicality: gender equality issues in a trade union that should be different from others
by Deborah Dean - 54-76 Neoliberal reform for greater competitiveness: labour market deregulation in Japan and Italy
by Hiroaki Richard Watanabe - 77-78 Offshoring by John Urry Polity Press , 2014 ( Cambridge ), 212 pp., £14.99, ISBN 9780745664866
by Alison J. Glaister - 78-80 Transnational Trade Unionism: Building Union Power by Peter Fairbrother , Marc-Antonin Hennebert and Christian Lévesque Routledge , 2013 ( 1st edn ), 304 pp., £85.00
by Andy Hodder
November 2014, Volume 45, Issue 6
- 469-485 The Ghent effect for whom? Mapping the variations of the Ghent effect across different trade unions in Denmark
by Laust Høgedahl - 486-506 The antecedents of union commitment and participation: evaluating moderation effects across unions
by Tom Redman & Ed Snape - 507-523 Widening the ‘representation gap'? The implications of the ‘lobbying act’ for worker representation in the UK
by Brian Abbott & Steve Williams - 524-542 Explaining cross-national variations in the prevalence of envelope wages: some lessons from a 2013 Eurobarometer survey
by Colin C. Williams - 543-561 Career lesbians. Getting hired for not having kids?
by Stijn Baert - 562-563 The Future of the International Labour Organization in the Global Economy by Francis Maupain Oxford : Hart Publishing Ltd. , 2013 , 300 pp + xix, ISBN: 978-1-84946-502-1 , £50.00 hardback
by Michael Gold - 564-565 Gender and Leadership in Unions edited by Gill Kirton and Geraldine Healy (eds) Routledge , 2013 , 300 pp., ISBN: 978-0415887045 , £80 (HK)
by Jane Parker
September 2014, Volume 45, Issue 5
- 373-388 Organising non-standard workers: union recruitment in the Irish care sector
by Caroline Murphy & Thomas Turner - 389-408 Do unions redistribute income from capital to labour? Union density and wage shares since 1960
by Erik Bengtsson - 409-423 The reform of Joint Labour Committees—the re-commodification of labour?
by Colin Whitston - 424-442 Perfect match or missing link? An analysis of the representativeness of trade union representatives in Belgium
by Bram Wauters & Manu Mus & Steven Lannoo & Carl Devos - 443-464 Dual careers, time-use and satisfaction levels: evidence from the British Household Panel Survey
by Daniel Wheatley & Zhongmin Wu - 465-466 Economy and Society in Europe: A Relationship in Crisis edited by Luigi Burroni , Maarten Keune and Guglielmo Meardi (eds) Edward Elgar Publishing , 2012 256 pp., £61.00
by Whyeda Gill-McLure - 467-468 The Spirit of Philadelphia: Social Justice vs. the Total Market by Alain Supiot Verso , 2012 , 160 pp., £16.99; €19.02
by Jerome Braun
July 2014, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 281-299 Relative income, absolute income and the life satisfaction of older adults: do retirees differ from the non-retired?
by Umar M. A. Boodoo & Rafael Gomez & Morley Gunderson - 300-312 Health-care assistants, aspiration, frustration and job satisfaction in the workplace
by Ian Clark - 313-328 Workplace democracy in the lab
by Philip Mellizo & Jeffrey Carpenter & Peter Hans Matthews - 329-347 The perceived probability of job loss and future labour market outcomes
by Seamus McGuinness & Mark Wooden & Markus Hahn - 348-367 The dark side of solidarity: social norms and social relations in the aftermath of strikes
by Kirsten Thommes & Agnes Akkerman & René Torenvlied & Marieke Born - 368-370 Review of New Forms and Expressions of Conflict at Work by Gregor Gall Palgrave Macmillan , 2013 , 254 pp., £65.00 Hardback
by Bill Roche - 370-375 Memoirs of a Militant: Sharply and to the Point by Kevin Halpin Praxis Press , 2012 ( 1st edn ), v-201 pp., £9.99
by Sheila Cohen
May 2014, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 193-194 Work, employment and industrial relations: Mrs Thatcher's legacy
by Peter Nolan - 195-213 Shock, awe and continuity: Mrs Thatcher's legacy for the public sector
by Dan Coffey & Carole Thornley - 214-233 ‘Still too much socialism in Britain’: The legacy of Margaret Thatcher
by Huw Beynon - 234-249 The Coalition government's reforms to employment tribunals and statutory employment rights—echoes of the past
by Linda Dickens - 250-265 Margaret Thatcher, the Thatcherite intellectuals and the fate of Keynes
by John Trumpbour - 266-280 Thatcherism and the public sector
by Peter M. Jackson
March 2014, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 103-120 Job insecurity and job satisfaction in the United States: the case of public sector union workers
by Benjamin Artz & Ilker Kaya - 121-136 Union modernisation, coalitions and vulnerable work in the construction sector in Britain
by Stephen Mustchin - 137-152 Macmillan's children? Young workers and trade unions in the early 1960s
by Glynne Williams & Martin Quinn - 153-168 Organising young workers in the Public and Commercial Services union
by Andy Hodder - 169-188 Choosing union representation: the role of attitudes and emotions
by Adrienne E. Eaton & Sean E. Rogers & Tracy F. H. Chang & Paula B. Voos - 189-190 Reconstruction after the Crisis: A Manifesto for Collective Bargaining by Keith D. Ewing and John Hendy London , Institute of Employment Rights , 2013 , 80 pp., £10 (trade unionists and students), £40.00 (others), pbk
by John Kelly - 190-191 Employment Relations in the Shadow of Recession: Findings from the 2011 Workplace Employment Relations Study by Brigid van Wanrooy , Helen Bewley , Alex Bryson , John Forth , Stephanie Freeth , Lucy Stokes and Stephen Wood Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan , 2013 , 267 pp., ISBN 978-1-137-27576-9 , £24.99 paperback
by John Kelly
January 2014, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 2-21 Workplace bullying in the context of organisational change: the significance of pluralism
by Premilla D'Cruz & Ernesto Noronha - 22-38 The trade union response to agency labour in Sweden
by Kristina Håkansson & Tommy Isidorsson - 39-55 All work and no … pay? Unpaid overtime in Greece: determining factors and theoretical explanations
by Alexis Ioannides & Eleni Oxouzi & Stavros Mavroudeas - 56-76 Do cultural differences explain differences in attitudes towards unions? Culture and attitudes towards unions among call centre workers in Britain and India
by Santanu Sarkar & Andy Charlwood - 77-97 Between consultation and collective bargaining? The changing role of non-union employee representatives: a case study from the finance sector
by Alan Tuckman & Jeremé Snook - 98-99 Rediscovering Collective Bargaining: Australia's Fair Work Act in International Perspective edited by B. Creighton and A. Forsyth (eds) New York , Routledge , 2012 , xii/250 pp., ISBN 13: 978-0-415-52927-3 Also available as an e-book
by Ray Fells - 100-101 EU Labour Migration in Troubled Times: Skills Mismatch, Return and Policy Responses edited by B. Galgóczi , J. Leschke and A. Watt (eds) Farnham , Ashgate , 2012 , 290 pp. ISBN 9781409434504
by Steve French
November 2013, Volume 44, Issue 5-6
- 444-461 Free riders: the rise of alternative unionism in Denmark
by Flemming Ibsen & Laust Høgedahl & Steen Scheuer - 462-478 Activists face bureaucrats: the failure of the Israeli social workers' campaign
by Jonathan Preminger - 479-494 Evaluating cross-national variations in the extent and nature of informal employment in the European Union
by Colin C. Williams - 495-513 Similar, but still different: how US multinational companies in Germany and Switzerland use host-country training and skill practices
by Marlies Kluike & Kerstin Pull - 514-532 National sovereignty and transnational labour: the case of Mexican seasonal agricultural workers in British Columbia, Canada
by Leah F. Vosko - 533-547 Relational union organising in a healthcare setting: a qualitative study
by Richard Saundry & Mick McKeown - 548-565 Collective and individual benefits of trade unions: a multi-level analysis of 21 European countries
by Bengt Furåker & Mattias Bengtsson - 566-583 Employment relations on major construction projects: the London 2012 Olympic construction site
by Janet Druker & Geoffrey White - 584-585 Are Bad Jobs Inevitable? Trends, Determinants and Responses to Job Quality in the 21st Century by Chris Warhurst , Françoise Carré , Patricia Findlay and Chris Tilly Palgrave Macmillan , 2012 ( 1st edn ), 280 pp., £33.99
by Tony Bennett - 586-587 Union Voices: Tactics and Tensions in UK Organizing by Melanie Simms , Jane Holgate and Edmund Heery Ithaca, NY : ILR Press , 2012 , 203 pp., £14.50 pbk, £43.50 hbk
by John Kelly - 587-589 Making Mediation Work for You: A Practical Handbook by Kate Aubrey-Johnson with Helen Curtis LAG Education and Service Trust Ltd , 2012 (1st edn), xxvii+ 487pp., £40
by Emma McAndry
July 2013, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 340-354 Special Issue. Edited by: Gregor Murray, Christian Lévesque, Christian Dufour and Adelheid Hege
by Gregor Murray & Christian Lévesque & Christian Dufour & Adelheid Hege - 355-372 Special Issue. Edited by: Gregor Murray, Christian Lévesque, Christian Dufour and Adelheid Hege
by Christian Dufour & Adelheid Hege - 373-388 Special Issue. Edited by: Gregor Murray, Christian Lévesque, Christian Dufour and Adelheid Hege
by Melanie Simms - 389-408 Special Issue. Edited by: Gregor Murray, Christian Lévesque, Christian Dufour and Adelheid Hege
by Catherine Le Capitaine & Gregor Murray & Christian Lévesque - 409-424 Special Issue. Edited by: Gregor Murray, Christian Lévesque, Christian Dufour and Adelheid Hege
by Ingrid Artus - 425-442 Special Issue. Edited by: Gregor Murray, Christian Lévesque, Christian Dufour and Adelheid Hege
by David Peetz & Michael Alexander
May 2013, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 216-239 The business case for equal opportunities
by Rebecca Riley & Hilary Metcalf & John Forth - 240-257 Slowing down Social Europe? The struggle over work and employment regulation
by Mikkel Mailand - 258-275 Implications of game theory for theoretical underpinning of cooperative relations in workplace partnership
by Aurora Trif & Malcolm Brady - 276-295 The influence of internal union factions on union renewal strategies: the case of the Finnish Paper Workers' Union
by Paul Jonker-Hoffrén - 296-315 Wage claims in the British private sector: 1979–2003
by Peter Ingram & Neil Rickman & Jonathan Wadsworth - 316-331 Transfer of labour-management partnership in multinational companies
by Monica Rolfsen - 332-333 Diversity, Ethnicity, Migration and Work: International Perspectives – By Geraldine Healy and Franklin Oikelome
by Nelarine Cornelius - 334-335 Industrial Relations after Pinochet-firm Level Unionism and Collective Bargaining Outcomes in Chile – By Indira Palacios-Valladares
by Cecilia Senen Gonzalez - 336-338 Live Wire: Women and Brotherhood in the Electrical Industry – By Francine Moccio
by Geraldine Healy
March 2013, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 102-121 The transition from individual to collective labour relations in C hina
by Chang Kai & William Brown - 122-138 Membership, influence and voice: a discussion of trade union renewal in the F rench context
by Susan Milner & Andrew Mathers - 139-153 Labour solidarity in crisis? Lessons from G eneral M otors
by Magdalena Bernaciak - 154-170 Speaking up: employee voice and attitudes to unions in a non-union US multinational firm
by Thomas Turner & Michelle O'Sullivan - 171-188 Voluntary organisations and marketisation: a dynamic of employment degradation
by Ian Cunningham & Gary Hearne & Philip James - 189-209 Workplace mediation and the empowerment of disputants: rhetoric or reality?
by Tony Bennett - 210-211 Trade Unions in West Africa: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives by Craig Phelan (ed) Peter Lang , Oxford , 2011 , 282 pp., £40, ISBN 978-3-0343-0117-6 (pbk)
by John Stirling - 211-213 China's Changing Workplace: Dynamism, Diversity and Disparity by Peter Sheldon , Sunghoon Kim , Yiqiong Li and Malcolm Warner Routledge , 2011 , 326 pp., £95.00., ISBN 978-0-415–58454-8 (hbk), ISBN 978-0-203–82889-2 (ebk)
by Michelle Shaoling Luo - 213-214 European Works Councils. A Transnational Industrial Relations Institution in the Making by Jeremy Waddington Abingdon , Routledge , 2011 , 277 pp + xxi, £85.00 ISBN13: 978-0-415-87390-1 (hardback)
by Michael Gold
January 2013, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 2-19 Transnational labour markets and national wage setting systems in the EU
by Gerhard Bosch & Claudia Weinkopf - 20-37 The effectiveness of socially sustainable sourcing mechanisms: Assessing the prospects of a new form of joint regulation
by Chris F. Wright & William Brown - 38-56 Work environment and participation: the case of teachers in D enmark and N ew Z ealand
by Herman Knudsen & Raymond Markey & Gay Simpkin - 57-77 Working hours in C hinese enterprises: evidence from matched employer–employee data
by Vinod Mishra & Russell Smyth - 78-94 New unions in the UK : the vanguard or the rearguard of the union movement?
by Catharine Ross - 95-96 Retail Work edited by Irena Grugulis and Odul Bozkurt (eds) Palgrave Macmillan , 2011 , 312pp, ISBN 978-0-230-28357-2, £32.99
by Andrew Smith - 96-98 Labor Relations in New Democracies. East Asia, Latin America, and Europe by José A. Alemán Palgrave Macmillan , 2010 , 196 pages + xv, $89.00; £60.00. ISBN: 978-0-230-62348-4
by Michael Gold - 98-100 Good Jobs America: Making Work Better for Everyone by Paul Osterman and Beth Shulman Russell Sage Foundation , 2011 , 181 pp., $24.95
by John Trumpbour
November 2012, Volume 43, Issue 6
- 472-493 Coordinated employer bargaining and globalisation: a study of the men's clothing industry in Q uebec, 1974–2012
by Mélanie Laroche & Gregor Murray - 494-510 Is social movement unionism still relevant? The case of the South African federation COSATU
by Pauline Dibben & Geoffrey Wood & Kamel Mellahi - 511-526 Retirement timing in E urope: does sector make a difference?
by Hanne De Preter & Dimitri Mortelmans & Dorien Van Looy - 527-547 To merge or not to merge? The impact of union merger decisions on workers' representation in G ermany
by Martin Behrens & Andreas Pekarek - 548-571 Union-division: on the paradoxes of purpose and membership scope in union mergers
by Rebecca Bednarek & Stephen Blumenfeld & Sally Riad - 572-591 The transformation of the G erman vocational training regime: evidence from firms’ training behaviour
by Marius R. Busemeyer & Renate Neubäumer & Harald Pfeifer & Felix Wenzelmann - 592-593 Ethical Socialism and the Trade Unions: Allan Flanders and the British Industrial Relations Reform – By John Kelly
by Peter Prowse - 594-595 Comparing European Workers Part B: Policies and Institutions – Edited by David Brady
by Michelle O'Sullivan - 595-596 From Argument to Agreement: Resolving Disputes through Mediation – By John Crawley
by Tony Bennett
September 2012, Volume 43, Issue 5
- 376-377 Editorial
by Peter Nolan - 378-398 Wage and hour violations in urban labour markets: a comparison of L os A ngeles, N ew Y ork and C hicago
by Ruth Milkman & Ana Luz González & Peter Ikeler - 399-415 Shrinking the state or the B ig S ociety? Public service employment relations in an era of austerity
by Stephen Bach - 416-432 ‘Nothing gets done and no one knows why’: PCS and workplace control of Lean in HM Revenue and Customs
by Bob Carter & Andy Danford & Debra Howcroft & Helen Richardson & Andrew Smith & Phil Taylor - 433-447 Shifting models of equality? Union Equality Reps in the public services
by Sian Moore & Tessa Wright - 448-464 Public service restructuring in the UK : the case of the E nglish N ational H ealth S ervice
by Stephanie Tailby - 465-466 The Strange Non-death of Neoliberalism , Colin Crouch , Cambridge, Polity Press , 2011 , xii/199 pp., £14.99 (paperback)
by Michael Gold - 466-468 The Thought of Work . John W. Budd . Ithaca, NY, ILR Press , 2011 , xi + 246 pp., $65 and $24.95
by Paul Edwards - 468-469 Socially Unbalanced Europe: Socio-Political Proposals in Times of Crisis . Klaus Busch , Manfred Flore , Heribert Kohl and Heiko Schlatermund (eds). Pontypool , Merlin Press, 2011 , 332 pp., £15.95 (paperback)
by Michael Gold
July 2012, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 300-301 Professor William Brown, University of Cambridge
by Peter Nolan - 302-316 Collective bargaining: crisis and its consequences for American society
by Thomas A. Kochan - 317-331 The hot house and the politics of production: Piecework Bargaining in retrospect
by Paul Edwards - 332-347 (Re)assessing the shifting contours of Britain's collective industrial relations
by Paul Marginson - 348-358 The decline of British trade unionism: markets, actors and institutions
by John Kelly