December 2010, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 433-461 Dynamic Adjustment of Irrigation Technology/Water Management in Western U.S. Agriculture: Toward a Sustainable Future
by Glenn D. Schaible & C. S. Kim & Marcel P. Aillery - 463-480 Balancing Bio‐Energy Cropping Benefits and Water Quality Impacts: A Dynamic Optimization Approach
by Mark E. Eiswerth & G. Cornelis Van Kooten - 481-496 Cost‐Sharing Incentive Programs for Source Water Protection: The Grand River's Rural Water Quality Program
by Diane P. Dupont - 497-514 Western Households’ Water Knowledge, Preferences, and Willingness to Pay
by Jennifer Thorvaldson & James Pritchett & Christopher Goemans - 515-530 Manufacturing Firms’ Demand for Water Recirculation
by Joel Bruneau & Steven Renzetti & Michel Villeneuve - 531-554 Climate Change, Uncertainty, and Adaptation: The Case of Irrigated Agriculture in the Murray–Darling Basin in Australia
by John Quiggin & David Adamson & Sarah Chambers & Peggy Schrobback
September 2010, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 273-282 Ranking of Research Output of Agricultural Economics Departments in Canada and Selected U.S. Universities
by Chokri Dridi & Wiktor L. Adamowicz & Alfons Weersink - 283-302 Best Management Practices and the Production of Good and Bad Outputs
by Pascal L. Ghazalian & Bruno Larue & Gale E. West - 303-320 Analyzing Factors Affecting U.S. Food Price Inflation
by Jungho Baek & Won W. Koo - 321-342 Farmer Participation, Processing, and the Rise of Dairy Production in Greater Beijing, P. R. China
by Jikun Huang & Yunhua Wu & Zhijian Yang & Scott Rozelle & Jacinto Fabiosa & Fengxia Dong - 343-360 Understanding Adoption of Livestock Health Management Practices: The Case of Bovine Leukosis Virus
by Benjamin M. Gramig & Christopher A. Wolf & Frank Lupi - 361-380 AgriStability with Catastrophic Price Risk for Cow‐Calf Producers
by Brandon Schaufele & James R. Unterschultz & Tomas Nilsson - 381-401 Accounting for Respondent Uncertainty to Improve Willingness‐to‐Pay Estimates
by Rebecca Moore & Richard C. Bishop & Bill Provencher & Patricia A. Champ
June 2010, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 151-170 Strategic Pricing Behavior under Asset Value Maximization
by Shinn‐Shyr Wang & Kyle W. Stiegert & Tirtha P. Dhar - 171-189 Alberta Consumers’ Valuation of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Red Meat Attributes: A Choice Experimental Approach
by Bodo Steiner & Fei Gao & Jim Unterschultz - 191-213 Market‐Based Policy Instruments, Irrigation Water Demand, and Crop Diversification in the Bow River Basin of Southern Alberta
by Lixia He & Theodore M. Horbulyk - 215-234 A Seasonal Inverse Almost Ideal Demand System for North American Fresh Tomatoes
by Jason H. Grant & Dayton M. Lambert & Kenneth A. Foster - 235-247 Market Impacts of Technological Change in Canadian Agriculture
by Pahan Prasada & Maury E. Bredahl & Randall Wigle - 249-271 Consumer Choice and Health: The Importance of Health Attributes for Retail Meat Demand in Canada
by Sven Anders & Anke Mőser
March 2010, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-3 What Constitutes Prior Publication? An Editorial Opinion
by James F. Nolan & Elwin G. Smith & G. Cornelis Van Kooten & James R. Wilson - 5-22 What is New in Protectionism? Consumers, Cranks, and Captives
by William A. Kerr - 23-35 Making Doha More Developmentally Friendly for Agriculture
by H. Bruce Huff - 37-56 Factors Influencing Partial and Complete Adoption of Organic Farming Practices in Saskatchewan, Canada
by Mohammad Khaledi & Simon Weseen & Erin Sawyer & Shon Ferguson & Richard Gray - 57-72 Acreage Response to Weather, Yield, and Price
by Alfons Weersink & Juan H. Cabas & Edward Olale - 73-91 Dietary Structural Change in China's Cities: Empirical Fact or Urban Legend?
by Fengxia Dong & Frank Fuller - 93-108 The Importance of Geographic Wine Appellations: Hedonic Pricing of Burgundy Wines in the British Columbia Wine Market
by Richard Carew & Wojciech J. Florkowski - 109-129 Trade Bans, Imperfect Competition, and Welfare: BSE and the U.S. Beef Industry
by Dimitrios Panagiotou & Azzeddine M. Azzam - 131-150 Ecological Goals and Wetland Preservation Choice
by Aaron De Laporte & Alfons Weersink & Wanhong Yang
December 2009, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 417-429 An Overview of Computational Modeling in Agricultural and Resource Economics
by James Nolan & Dawn Parker & G. Cornelis Van Kooten & Thomas Berger - 431-457 Land Market Interactions between Heterogeneous Agents in a Heterogeneous Landscape—Tracing the Macro‐Scale Effects of Individual Trade‐Offs between Environmental Amenities and Disamenities
by Tatiana Filatova & Anne Van Der Veen & Dawn C. Parker - 459-480 An Agent‐Based Model of Entrepreneurial Behavior in Agri‐Food Markets
by R. Brent Ross & Randall E. Westgren - 481-496 An Agent‐Based Model of Border Enforcement for Invasive Species Management
by Holly A. Ameden & Peter C. Boxall & Sean B. Cash & D. Angele Vickers - 497-511 Will They Stay or Will They Go? Simulating the Dynamics of Single‐Holder Farms in a Dualistic Farm Structure in Slovakia
by Kathrin Happe & Hauke Schnicke & Christoph Sahrbacher & Konrad Kellermann - 513-536 The Diffusion of Greenhouse Agriculture in Northern Thailand: Combining Econometrics and Agent‐Based Modeling
by Pepijn Schreinemachers & Thomas Berger & Aer Sirijinda & Suwanna Praneetvatakul - 537-554 An Agent‐Based Simulation Model of Structural Change in Canadian Prairie Agriculture, 1960–2000
by Tyler Freeman & James Nolan & Richard Schoney - 555-573 Using Numerical Dynamic Programming to Compare Passive and Active Learning in the Adaptive Management of Nutrients in Shallow Lakes
by Craig A. Bond & John B. Loomis - 575-600 A Stochastic Dynamic Programming Analysis of Farmland Investment and Financial Management
by Heman D. Lohano & Robert P. King
September 2009, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 287-303 Testing and Implementing the Use of Multiple Bidding Rounds in Conservation Auctions: A Case Study Application
by John Rolfe & Jill Windle & Juliana McCosker - 305-324 Seemingly Competitive Food Retail Regulations: Who Do They Really Help?
by Bruno Larue & Olivier Bonroy - 325-341 Consumer Response to Information about a Functional Food Product: Apples Enriched with Antioxidants
by Armenak Markosyan & Jill J. McCluskey & Thomas I. Wahl - 343-363 The Role of Income in Trading‐Differentiated Agri‐Food Products: The Case of Canada, the United States, and Selected EU Countries
by Zahoor Haq & Karl Meilke - 365-377 If You Provide It, Will They Read It? Response Time Effects in a Choice Experiment
by Arvin B. Vista & Randall S. Rosenberger & Alan R. Collins - 379-394 Crops and Livestock Productivity Growth in the Prairies: The Impacts of Technical Change and Scale
by Bryce Stewart & Terrence Veeman & James Unterschultz - 395-416 Consumer Valuations of Beef Steak Food Safety Enhancement in Canada, Japan, Mexico, and the United States
by Glynn T. Tonsor & Ted C. Schroeder & Joost M. E. Pennings & James Mintert
June 2009, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 169-185 Assessing Credit Risk in an Agricultural Loan Portfolio
by Glenn D. Pederson & Lyubov Zech - 187-203 Assessing the Exchange Rate Sensitivity of U.S. Bilateral Agricultural Trade
by Jungho Baek & Won W. Koo - 205-221 Does Choice Context Affect the Results from Incentive‐Compatible Experiments? The Case of Non‐GM and Country‐of‐Origin Premia in Canola Oil
by Dmitriy Volinskiy & Wiktor L. Adamowicz & Michele Veeman & Lorie Srivastava - 223-239 Risk and Nitrogen Application Levels
by Predrag Rajsic & Alfons Weersink & Markus Gandorfer - 241-267 Consumers' Preferences for GM Food and Voluntary Information Access: A Simultaneous Choice Analysis
by Wuyang Hu & Wiktor L. Adamowicz & Michele M. Veeman - 269-286 Threshold Effects and Asymmetric Price Adjustments in U.S. Dairy Markets
by Titus O. Awokuse & Xiaohong Wang
March 2009, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 1-21 WTO Constraints on Domestic Support in Agriculture: Past and Future
by Lars Brink - 23-34 World Food Prices: Causes and Consequences
by Alex F. McCalla - 35-54 Optimizing Production Decisions Using a Hybrid Simulation–Genetic Algorithm Approach
by Oliver Musshoff & Norbert Hirschauer - 55-73 Effects of Trade Barriers on U.S. and World Apple Markets
by Stephen Devadoss & Prasanna Sridharan & Thomas Wahl - 75-97 Examining the Adoption of Product and Process Innovations in the Canadian Food Processing Industry
by Derek G. Brewin & Daniel C. Monchuk & Mark D. Partridge - 99-117 Evaluating Consumer Preferences for Organic Food Production Standards
by John Cranfield & B. James Deaton & Shreenivas Shellikeri - 119-137 Willingness‐to‐Pay for Fresh Brand Name Beef
by Eve J. Froehlich & Jared G. Carlberg & Clement E. Ward - 139-157 A Dynamic Approach to Estimating and Testing Separability in U.S. Demand for Imported and Domestic Meats
by Tullaya Boonsaeng & Michael K. Wohlgenant - 159-163 Identifying and Applying a Comparative Advantage Framework in Canadian Supply‐Managed Agriculture: A Comment
by Al Mussell & Anatoliy Oginskyy & James F. Oehmke - 165-168 Identifying and Applying a Comparative Advantage Framework in Canadian Supply‐Managed Agriculture: Response
by Joel F. Bruneau & Andrew Schmitz
December 2008, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 365-369 Agricultural Policies in Transition: Canada, the European Union, and the World Trade Organization
by Andrew Schmitz & Paul Schure - 371-391 Canadian Agricultural Programs and Policy in Transition
by Andrew Schmitz - 393-411 The Common Agricultural Policy and Its Reform: The Problem of Reconciling Budget and Trade Concerns
by Robert Ackrill & Adrian Kay & Wyn Morgan - 413-427 Tariff Aggregation and Market Access: An Empirical Assessment for Canada and the EU
by Janine Pelikan & Martina Brockmeier - 429-444 WTO Disciplines on Domestic Support and Market Access in Agri‐Food Supply Chains
by Jean‐Philippe Gervais & Bruno Larue & Harvey E. Lapan - 445-456 Potential WTO Challenges to the CAP†
by Alan Swinbank - 457-471 Production Effects of the European Union's Single Farm Payment
by James Rude - 473-491 Contemporary Farm Income Support Policy in Canada: The Case of Prairie Agriculture since 1996
by Kevin G. Wipf - 493-507 Canadian Agricultural Programs and Paradigms:The Influence of International Trade Agreements and Domestic Factors
by Grace Skogstad - 509-522 The Emergence of Agricultural Marketing Boards Revisited: A Case Study in Canada
by Annie Royer - 523-531 High Commodity Prices and the EU's Single Payment Scheme: Some Consequences of Double‐Dipping
by Andrew Schmitz & Troy G. Schmitz & Paul Schure - 533-553 European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation
by Koen Dillen & Matty Demont & Eric Tollens - 555-562 Welfare Implications of EU Enlargement under the CAP
by Troy G. Schmitz & Christopher R. Giese & Clifford J. Shultz II - 563-579 European Enlargement and Agro‐Food Trade
by Štefan Bojnec & Imre Fertő
September 2008, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 243-256 Assessing Producer Stated Preferences for Identity Preservation in the Canadian Grain Handling and Transportation System
by Darren Barber & Jill Hobbs & James Nolan - 257-275 Factors That Affect the Adoption Decision of Conservation Tillage in the Prairie Region of Canada
by Kelly A. Davey & W. Hartley Furtan - 277-294 Evaluating an Environmental Right: Information Disclosure, Public Comment, and Government Decision Making in Ontario
by B. James Deaton & Anastasia M. Lintner & Donna R. Harrington - 295-312 An Experimental Analysis of Modifications to the Centralized Milk Quota Exchange System in Quebec
by Maurice Doyon & Virginie Simard & Kent D. Messer & Lota D. Tamini & Harry M. Kaiser - 313-335 Dairy Trade Liberalization Impacts in Canada
by Abdessalem Abbassi & Olivier Bonroy & Jean‐Philippe Gervais - 337-351 Impact of BSE on Beef Purchases in Alberta and Ontario Quick‐Serve Restaurants
by Leigh J. Maynard & Ellen Goddard & John Conley - 353-364 Was China's Inflation in 2004 Led by an Agricultural Price Rise?
by Xian Xin & Xiuqing Wang
June 2008, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 129-143 Identifying and Applying a Comparative Advantage Framework in Canadian Supply‐Managed Agriculture
by Michael Katz & Joel F. Bruneau & Andrew Schmitz - 145-162 Using Flexible Taste Distributions to Value Collective Reputation for Environmentally Friendly Production Methods
by Riccardo Scarpa & Mara Thiene & Francesco Marangon - 163-178 Information Sharing in Food Supply Chains
by Hamid Mohtadi - 179-194 The Effects of Selling Complements and Substitutes on Consumer Willingness to Pay: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment
by Matthew C. Rousu & Robert H. Beach & Jay R. Corrigan - 195-217 Predicting the Effect of Land‐Use Policies on Wildlife Habitat Abundance
by Christian Langpap & JunJie Wu - 219-241 Effects of Nutrient Restrictions on Confined Animal Facilities: Insights from a Structural‐Dynamic Model
by Kenneth A. Baerenklau & Nermin Nergis & Kurt A. Schwabe
March 2008, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 1-11 Agricultural Research at a Crossroads
by Richard Gray - 13-25 Development, Productivity, and Sustaining Natural Capital
by Terrence S. Veeman - 27-50 Food Aid Donor Allocation Decisions After 1990
by Linda M. Young & Philip C. Abbott - 51-61 Factors Affecting Chinese Farmers' Decisions to Adopt a Water‐Saving Technology
by Shudong Zhou & Thomas Herzfeld & Thomas Glauben & Yunhua Zhang & Bingchuan Hu - 63-77 Identifying Macroeconomic Linkages to U.S. Agricultural Trade Balance
by Jungho Baek & Won W. Koo - 79-94 Market Structure and the Value of Agricultural Contingent Claims
by Calum G. Turvey & Jeffrey R. Stokes - 95-116 An Analysis of Congestion Effects Across and Within Multiple Recreation Activities
by Kimberly Rollins & Diana Dumitras & Anita Castledine - 117-128 Market Advisory Service Recommendations and Wheat Producers' Selling Decisions
by Joni M. Klumpp & B. Wade Brorsen & Kim B. Anderson
December 2007, Volume 55, Issue 4
- 399-417 Public Responses to Agricultural Disasters: Rethinking the Role of Government
by Barry K. Goodwin & Ligia A. Vado - 419-441 Risk and Crisis Management in the Reformed European Agricultural Policy
by Carlo Cafiero & Fabian Capitanio & Antonio Cioffi & Adele Coppola - 443-457 Multiple Discourses on Crisis: Farm, Agricultural, and Rural Policy Implications
by Kenneth C. Bessant - 459-470 Does a Crisis Matter? Forest Policy Responses to the Mountain Pine Beetle Epidemic in British Columbia
by Harry Nelson - 471-483 Farm Economics of Bird Flu
by Robert H. Beach & Christine Poulos & Subhrendu K. Pattanayak - 485-498 Dynamic Programming and Learning Models for Management of a Nonnative Species
by Mark E. Eiswerth & G. Cornelis Van Kooten - 499-514 Economic Effects of Mitigating Apple Maggot Spread
by Zishun Zhao & Thomas Wahl & Thomas Marsh - 515-526 The Mediterranean Fruit Fly and the United States: Is the Probit 9 Level of Quarantine Security Efficient?
by Michael J. Livingston - 527-534 PVYn and Potato Wart Disease Outbreaks in Prince Edward Island: Policy Response and Analysis
by J. Stephen Clark & Petr Prochazka & Emmanuel K. Yiridoe & Katerina Prochazkova - 535-549 Impacts of BSE on World Trade in Cattle and Beef: Implications for the Canadian Economy
by Randall Wigle & Jeevika Weerahewa & Maury Bredahl & Sudarma Samarajeewa - 551-564 An Evaluation of Economic Models to Provide Policy Advice in Response to the BSE Crisis in Canada
by Danny G. Le Roy & K. K. Klein & Lawrence Nii Arbenser - 565-586 Understanding the Structure of Canadian Farm Incomes in the Design of Safety Net Programs1
by Al Mussell & Terri‐lyn Moore & Ken McEwan & Randy Duffy
September 2007, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 275-298 The “People” Factor in Cooperatives: An Analysis of Members' Attitudes and Behavior
by Sanjib Bhuyan - 299-314 Adoption of Food Safety and Quality Controls: Do Firm Characteristics Matter? Evidence from the Canadian Food Processing Sector
by Deepananda Herath & Zuhair Hassan & Spencer Henson - 315-326 Quality Uncertainty and Challenges to Wheat Procurement
by William W. Wilson & Bruce L. Dahl & D. Demcey Johnson - 327-347 Ouverture des marchés et localisation des productions agricoles Market openness and location of agricultural activities
by Karine Daniel - 349-364 Vertical Economies and the Structure of U.S. Hog Farms
by Azzeddine Azzam & Cari S. Skinner - 365-379 Accounting for Risk and Stability in Technology Adoption
by Alejandra Engler‐Palma & Dana L. Hoag - 381-397 Price Dynamics in U.S. Grain and Freight Markets
by Tun‐Hsiang (Edward) Yu & David A. Bessler & Stephen W. Fuller
March 2007, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 1-13 Reflections on Environmental Policy in Canada
by Wiktor Adamowicz - 15-25 A Cox Parametric Bootstrap Test of the von Liebig Hypotheses
by Simeon Kaitibie & William E. Nganje & B. Wade Brorsen & Francis M. Epplin - 27-48 The Demand and Allocation of Alaskan and Canadian Snow Crab
by Mark Herrmann & Joshua Greenberg - 49-62 An Examination of the Relationship Between U.S. and Canadian Durum Wheat Prices
by Atanu Ghoshray - 63-81 Scale, Organization, and Profitability of Ethanol Processing
by Paul Gallagher & Hosein Shapouri & Heather Brubaker - 83-96 Cash Flow Effects of the Saskatchewan Short‐Term Hog Loan Program
by Donald Lien & David A. Hennessy - 97-114 Are Agricultural Values a Reliable Guide in Determining Landowners' Decisions to Create Forest Carbon Sinks?
by Sabina L. Shaikh & Lili Sun & G. Cornelis Van Kooten - 115-136 Valuing the Health Benefits of a Novel Functional Food
by Stavroula Malla & Jill E. Hobbs & Orsolya Perger - 138-158 Martingale Restrictions and the Implied Market Price of Risk
by Calum G. Turvey & Sridar Komar
December 2006, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 439-441 Guest Editor's Introduction
by John Cranfield - 443-459 Does Canada Need Mandatory HACCP? Evidence from the Ontario Food Processing Sector
by Deepananda Herath & Spencer Henson - 461-475 Willingness to Pay for Reduced Risk of Foodborne Illness: A Nonhypothetical Field Experiment
by Rodolfo M. Nayga & Richard Woodward & Wipon Aiew - 477-495 Meat Demand under Rational Habit Persistence
by Chen Zhen & Michael K. Wohlgenant - 497-511 Consumer Demand and Cost Factors Shape the Global Trade Network in Commodity and Manufactured Foods
by Thomas L. Vollrath & Charles B. Hallahan & Mark J. Gehlhar - 513-530 Can Country‐of‐Origin Labeling Succeed as a Marketing Tool for Produce? Lessons from Three Case Studies
by Colin Carter & Barry Krissoff & Alix Peterson Zwane - 531-553 Regional Trade Patterns: The Impact of Voluntary Food Safety Standards
by Mollie Woods & Suzanne Thornsbury & Kellie Curry Raper & Richard N. Weldon - 555-565 Do Ethical Consumers Care About Price? A Revealed Preference Analysis of Fair Trade Coffee Purchases
by Chris Arnot & Peter C. Boxall & Sean B. Cash - 567-583 Marketing Opportunities for Certified Pork Chops
by Tomas Nilsson & Ken Foster & Jayson L. Lusk - 585-604 Consumers' Food Choices with Voluntary Access to Genetic Modification Information
by Wuyang Hu & Michele Veeman & Wiktor Adamowicz & Ge Gao - 605-629 Canadian Health and Food: The Links between Policy, Consumers, and Industry
by Sean B. Cash & Ellen W. Goddard & Mel Lerohl - 631-645 A Censored Quantile Regression Analysis of Vegetable Demand: The Effects of Changes in Prices and Total Expenditure
by Geir Wæhler Gustavsen & Kyrre Rickertsen - 647-661 Acceptance of Functional Foods: A Comparison of French, American, and French Canadian Consumers
by JoAnne Labrecque & Maurice Doyon & François Bellavance & Jane Kolodinsky - 663-684 Consumer Attitudes and Acceptance of CLA‐Enriched Dairy Products
by Yanning Peng & Gale E. West & Cindy Wang - 685-703 Marketing Biotech Soybeans with Functional Health Attributes
by S. Kambua Chema & Leonie A. Marks & Joseph L. Parcell & Maury Bredahl
September 2006, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 327-340 A Hedonic Price Analysis of Farmland Option Premiums Under Urban Influences
by Tamer Isgin & D. Lynn Forster - 341-359 Costs and Risks of Segregating GM Wheat in Canada
by William W. Wilson & Bruce Dahl - 361-377 Potentiel de Productivité et Efficacité Technique du Secteur Agricole en Afrique
by Joachim Binam Nyemeck & Guy Blaise Nkamleu - 379-399 Martingale Restrictions and the Implied Market Price of Risk
by Calum G. Turvey & Sridar Komar - 401-420 This Little Piggy Went to Market with a Passport: The Impacts of U.S. Country of Origin Labeling on the Canadian Pork Sector
by James Rude & Javed Iqbal & Derek Brewin - 421-438 Value of Social Capital to Mid‐Sized Northern Plains Farms
by Cole R. Gustafson & William E. Nganje
June 2006, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 199-213 Effects of Market and Regulatory Changes on Livestock Manure Management in Southern Alberta
by Elwin G. Smith & Gordon Card & Douglas L. Young - 215-226 Assessing the Contribution of Genetic Enhancements and Fertilizer Application Regimes on Canola Yield and Production Risk in Manitoba
by Richard Carew & Elwin G. Smith - 227-245 The Causal Structure of Land Price Determinants
by Titus O. Awokuse & Joshua M. Duke - 247-267 Green Subsidies in Agriculture: Estimating the Adoption Costs of Conservation Tillage from Observed Behavior
by Lyubov Kurkalova & Catherine Kling & Jinhua Zhao - 269-287 Evaluating Willingness‐to‐Pay for Bison Attributes: An Experimental Auction Approach
by Jill E. Hobbs & Kim Sanderson & Morteza Haghiri - 289-310 Genetically Modified Food Market Participation and Consumer Risk Perceptions: A Cross‐Country Comparison
by Kynda R. Curtis & Klaus Moeltner - 311-326 Hedging Strategies for Grain Processors
by William W. Wilson & William E. Nganje & Robert Wagner
March 2006, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-9 Agricultural Economics in Canada: Ready to Step Up or Fall Back?
by Alfons Weersink - 11-31 Dumping: Trade Policy in Need of a Theoretical Make Over
by William A. Kerr - 33-54 Tariff‐Rate Quota Liberalization: The Case of World Price Uncertainty and Supply Management
by James I. Rude & Jean‐Philippe Gervais - 55-79 Testing the Integration of U.S.–Canadian Meat and Livestock Markets
by Thomas Vollrath & Charles Hallahan - 81-100 Estimating the Impacts of Government Interventions in the International Rice Market
by Chi‐Chung Chen & Bruce A. McCarl & Ching‐Cheng Chang - 101-119 Getting Rich and Eating Out: Consumption of Food Away from Home in Urban China
by Hengyun Ma & Jikun Huang & Frank Fuller & Scott Rozelle - 121-137 Insuring Eggs in Baskets: Should the Government Insure Individual Risks?
by Chad E. Hart & Dermot J. Hayes & Bruce A. Babcock - 139-157 Verifying Timing and Frequency of Revealed Preference Violations and Application to the BSE Outbreak in Japan
by Hyun J. Jin - 159-173 The Siting of Livestock Facilities and Environmental Regulations
by Alfons Weersink & Christin Eveland - 175-194 The Luxembourg Common Agricultural Policy Reform and the European Food Industries: What's at Stake?
by Alexandre Gohin & Laure Latruffe
December 2005, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 269-269 Guest Editorial
by Paul J. Thomassin - 271-273 The Potential Contribution of the Agriculture and Forestry Sectors to Greenhouse Gas Management: A Policy Perspective
by Paul J. Thomassin & Paul Atkinson & G. Cornelis Van Kooten & Alfons Weersink - 275-290 Science and Environmental Policy‐Making: Bias‐Proofing the Assessment Process
by Ross McKitrick - 291-305 Sinks, Emissions Intensity Caps and Barriers to Emissions Trading
by Travis Allan & Kathy Baylis - 307-323 Investment Attractiveness of Afforestation in Canada Inclusive of Carbon Sequestration Benefits
by Denys Yemshanov & Daniel W. McKenney & Terry Hatton & Glenn Fox - 325-341 Boreal Forest Carbon Sequestration Strategies: A Case Study of the Little Red River Cree First Nation Land Tenures
by Emina Krcmar & G. Cornelis Van Kooten - 343-357 The Dynamic Competitiveness of U.S. Agricultural and Forest Carbon Sequestration
by Heng‐Chi Lee & Bruce A. McCarl & Dhazn Gillig - 359-373 The Optimal Length of an Agricultural Carbon Contract
by Sumeet Gulati & James Vercammen - 375-384 Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Soils: Discounting for Uncertainty
by Lyubov A. Kurkalova - 385-401 Net Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Economics of Annual Crop Management Systems
by Antony K. Samarawickrema & Ken W. Belcher - 403-424 Changes in Quebec Cropping Practices in Response to a Carbon Offset Market: A Simulation
by Hugues Morand & Paul J. Thomassin - 425-441 Agriculture's Likely Role in Meeting Canada's Kyoto Commitments
by Alfons Weersink & David Pannell & Murray Fulton & Andreas Meyer‐Aurich - 443-459 Climate Change and the Economics of Farm Management in the Face of Land Degradation: Dryland Salinity in Western Australia
by Michele John & David Pannell & Ross Kingwell - 461-476 The Consequences of Cobenefits for the Efficient Design of Carbon Sequestration Programs
by Hongli Feng & Catherine L. Kling - 477-500 Spatial Targeting of Conservation Tillage to Improve Water Quality and Carbon Retention Benefits
by Wanhong Yang & Chaodong Sheng & Paul Voroney
June 2005, Volume 53, Issue 2‐3
- 103-115 Spatial Yield Risk Across Region, Crop and Aggregation Method
by Michael Popp & Margot Rudstrom & Patrick Manning - 117-139 Price Relationships in Processors' Input Market Areas: Testing Theories for Corn Prices Near Ethanol Plants
by Paul Gallagher & Robert Wisner & Heather Brubacker - 141-160 Cost Efficiency for Alberta and Ontario Dairy Farms: An Interregional Comparison
by Getu Hailu & Scott Jeffrey & James Unterschultz - 161-176 A Decomposed Negative Binomial Model of Structural Change: A Theoretical and Empirical Application to U.S. Agriculture
by C. S. Kim & G. Schluter & G. Schaible & A. Mishra & C. Hallahan - 177-192 A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis of U.S.–Canadian Disputes on the World Softwood Lumber Market
by Stephen Devadoss & Angel H. Aguiar & Steven R. Shook & Jim Araji - 193-219 Pesticide Regulation and Pesticide Prices
by David Freshwater & Cameron Short - 221-248 Systematic Variation in Willingness to Pay for Aquatic Resource Improvements and Implications for Benefit Transfer: A Meta‐Analysis
by Robert J. Johnston & Elena Y. Besedin & Richard Iovanna & Christopher J. Miller & Ryan F. Wardwell & Matthew H. Ranson - 249-263 Relating Consumer Willingness‐to‐Pay for Food Safety to Risk Tolerance: An Experimental Approach
by Jennifer Brown & John A. L. Cranfield & Spencer Henson - 265-267 Book Review
by Brink Lars
March 2005, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-23 Developing Economic Indexes for the Quebec Hog/Pork Industry
by Lota D. Tamini & Jean‐Philippe Gervais - 25-46 Demand for Wildlife Hunting in British Columbia
by Lili Sun & G. Cornelis Van Kooten & Graham M. Voss - 47-65 Traceability in the Canadian Red Meat Sector: Do Consumers Care?
by Jill E. Hobbs & DeeVon Bailey & David L. Dickinson & Morteza Haghiri - 67-81 Consumer Demand for Pesticide Free Food Products in Canada: A Probit Analysis
by Erik Magnusson & J. A. L. Cranfield - 83-102 Labelling Genetically Modified Food: Heterogeneous Consumer Preferences and the Value of Information
by Wuyang Hu & Michele M. Veeman & Wiktor L. Adamowicz
November 2004, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 217-235 Evaluating the Effect of Conservation Policies on Agricultural Land Use: A Site-specific Modeling Approach
by Katsuya Tanaka & JunJie Wu - 237-256 Low-Price Low-Capacity Traps and Government Intervention in the Québec Hog Market
by Bruno Larue & Jean-Philippe Gervais & Harvey E. Lapan - 257-287 Design and Costs of a Measurement Protocol for Trades in Soil Carbon Credits
by Siân Mooney & John Antle & Susan Capalbo & Keith Paustian - 289-312 Implications of Seasonal Climate Forecasts on World Wheat Trade: A Stochastic, Dynamic Analysis
by Harvey S. J. Hill & James W. Mjelde & H. Alan Love & Debra J. Rubas & Stephen W. Fuller & Wesley Rosenthal & Graeme Hammer - 313-331 Nitrogen Fertilizer Demand from Danish Crop Farms: Regulatory Implications of Heterogeneity
by Lars Gårn Hansen - 333-350 Agricultural Biotechnology: A Comparison of Consumers' Preferences for Selected Policy Options
by Diane McCann-Hiltz & Michele Veeman & Wiktor Adamowicz & Wuyang Hu - 351-370 Measuring Real Capital Input in OECD Agriculture
by V. Eldon Ball & Jean-Pierre Butault & Carlos San Juan Mesonada - 371-386 The Effect of Quality-Environmental Investment on Horticultural Firms' Competitiveness
by Emilio Galdeano-Gómez & José Céspedes-Lorente