November 2004, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 387-398 Pricing-to-Market: Simple Theoretical Insights, Formidable Econometric Challenges
by Bruno Larue - 399-419 Atlantic Agriculture after Free Trade: The Daryl Kraft Fellows Address
by H. Garth
July 2004, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 147-164 The Impact of Organizational Form on Producer Contracting Decisions
by Kimberly A. Zeuli & Robert P. King - 165-181 Quality Measurement and Contract Design: Lessons from the North American Sugarbeet Industry
by Brent Hueth & Tigran Melkonyan - 183-199 Demand for Domestic and Imported Table Wine in British Columbia: A Source-differentiated Almost Ideal Demand System Approach
by R. Carew & W. J. Florkowski & S. He - 201-209 Do Agricultural Commodity Prices Respond to Bans against Bioengineered Crops?
by Joe L. Parcell & Nicholas G. Kalaitzandonakes
March 2004, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-16 Improving Market Selection for Fed Beef Cattle: The Value of Real-Time Ultrasound and Relations Data
by Allan M. Walburger & D. H. Crews Jr. - 17-34 Cost-effective Targeting of Riparian Buffers
by Wanhong Yang & Alfons Weersink - 35-53 Developing Hedging Strategies for Québec Hog Producers under Revenue Insurance
by Jean-Philippe Gervais & Maurice Doyon - 55-71 Canadian Exports of Livestock and Meat to the United States
by Cheryl J. Wachenheim & Jeremy W. Mattson & Won W. Koo - 73-88 Incidence of the 1996 Canada–U.S. Softwood Lumber Agreement and the Optimal Export Tax
by Henry W. Kinnucan & Daowei Zhang - 89-105 Transparency and Bidding Competition in International Wheat Trade
by William W. Wilson & Bruce L. Dahl - 107-125 Measurement and Testing for Equality of Foreign Price and Consumer Price Index Transmission in Russia
by Carlos Arnade & Stefan Osborne - 127-145 Does the Exchange Rate Matter to Agricultural Bilateral Trade between Canada and the U.S.?
by Mina Kim & Gue Dae Cho & Won W. Koo
November 2003, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 259-279 Social Welfare and the Selection of the Optimum Hog Slaughter Weight in Quebec
by Peter D. Goldsmith & Candido Pomar & Zhisong Tao & Joel Rivest - 281-298 Economic Returns to Feed Barley Yield-increasing and Disease Resistance Research at the Alberta Field Crop Development Centre
by Joseph G. Nagy - 299-321 Optimal Collective Investment in Generic Advertising, Export Market Promotion and Cost-of-Production-Reducing Research
by J. A. L. Cranfield - 323-345 Household Composition and Brazilian Food Purchases: An Expenditure System Approach
by Jorge M. Agüero & Brian W. Gould - 347-369 Public Research Policy for Today's Agricultural Biotech Research Industry
by Stavroula Malla & Richard Gray - 371-395 Quantifying the Contribution of Plant Breeders’Rights and Transgenic Varieties to Canola Yields: Evidence from Manitoba
by Richard Carew & Stephen Devadoss - 397-411 Testing for Processor Market Power in the Markets for Cattle and Hogs in Canada
by Kwamena Quagrainie & James Unterschultz & Michele Veeman & Scott Jeffrey - 413-429 Information, Incentives and Institutions in the Agri-food Sector
by Jill E. Hobbs - 431-435 Research in the Canadian Food Marketing Supply Chain System Post-1986
by Murray H. Hawkins & James Copeland
July 2003, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 139-159 Pricing to Market Behavior by Canadian and U.S. Agri-food Exporters: Evidence from Wheat, Pulse and Apples
by Richard Carew & Wojciech J. Florkowski - 161-173 Duck Hunting and Wetland Conservation: Compromise or Synergy?
by Jeff Bennett & Stuart Whitten - 175-196 The Economic Value of Soil Quality under Alternative Management in the Canadian Prairies
by K. W. Belcher & M. M. Boehm & R. P. Zentner - 197-216 Growth and the Environment in Canada: An Empirical Analysis
by Kathleen M. Day & R. Quentin Grafton - 217-240 Evaluating the TRQ Import Licensing Mechanisms in the Canadian Chicken Industry
by Jean-Philippe Gervais & David Surprenant - 241-258 Earnings Mobility of Rural versus Urban Workers in Canada
by Esperanza Vera-Toscano & Alfons Weersink & Euan Phimister
March 2003, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-13 Optimal Input Use When Inputs Affect Price and Yield
by Elwin G. Smith & Ross H. McKenzie & Cynthia A. Grant - 15-37 The Impact of Generic Advertising on U.S. Household Cheese Purchases: A Censored Autocorrelated Regression Approach
by Todd M. Schmit & Brian W. Gould & Diansheng Dong & Harry M. Kaiser & Chanjin Chung - 39-53 Producer Willingness to Pay for Precision Application Technology: Implications for Government and the Technology Industry
by Darren Hudson & Diane Hite - 55-60 Economic-Environmental Tradeoffs in Swine Finishing Operations
by Greg W. Vos & Alfons Weersink & D. Peter Stonehouse - 69-83 The Value of Dairy Quota under a Commercial Export Milk Program
by Calum Turvey & Alfons Weersink & Craig Martin - 85-95 Impact of Environmental Policies in the Hog-Pork Sector on Trade and Market Welfare in North America
by Marielle Savard - 97-107 Cross-country Differences in Technology: The Case of the Food Processing Industry
by Munisamy Gopinath - 109-120 The Effects of Various Policy Regimes in the Integration of North American Grain Markets
by Samarendu Mohanty & Suchada Langley - 121-137 Assessing Technical Efficiency of Québec Dairy Farms
by Msafiri D. Mbaga & Robert Romain & Bruno Larue & Luc Lebel
December 2002, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 357-371 Adoption and Diffusion of New Technology in Agriculture: Genetically Modified Corn and Soybeans
by Bernard Hategekimana & Michael Trant - 373-389 Adoption et diffusion de nouvelles technologies agricoles : maïs et soya génétiquement modifies
by Bernard Hategekimana & Michael Trant - 391-413 Report Card for Prairie Agriculture
by George L. Brinkman - 415-437 Two Unknowns and No Equations: Implications of the Doha Declaration for Canadian Agricultural Policy
by James Rude & Karl D. Meilke - 439-442 New Directions for Canadian Agricultural Policy: Discussion
by William A. Kerr - 443-464 Alternative Policy Instruments for Agriculture Support: Consequences for Trade, Farm Income and Competitiveness
by Joe Dewbre & Cameron Short - 465-471 Economics of Farm Support and Canada's Safety Net: Discussion
by David Freshwater - 473-495 Factors Underlying the Evolution of Farm-related Cooperatives in Alberta
by Ellen Goddard - 497-509 An Overview of the Evolution of Agricultural Cooperatives in Québec
by Maurice Doyon - 511-526 Cooperatives and the Commodity Political Agenda: A Political Economy Approach
by Ellen Goddard & Peter Boxall & Mel Lerohl - 527-539 Policy Development for Novel Foods: Issues and Challenges for Functional Food
by Michele Veeman - 541-558 Consumers’ Valuation of Functional Properties of Foods: Results from a Canada-wide Survey
by Gale E. West & Carole Gendron & Bruno Larue & Rémy Lambert - 559-568 Evolving Supply Chains in the Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods Industry
by Jill E. Hobbs - 569-585 Functional Eating and Strategic Groups in Canada
by L. Martin Cloutier & Anne-Laure Salves
November 2002, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 223-235 Capital Investment under Alternative Marketing Scenarios in the Hog Industry: A Real Option Approach
by Adam Maung & Ken Foster - 237-256 The Economics of Controlling Infectious Diseases on Dairy Farms
by Junwook Chi & Alfons Weersink & John A. VanLeeuwen & Gregory P. Keefe - 257-267 Identification of Economies of Scope in a Stochastic Production Environment
by Rita E. Curtis & Camilo Sarmiento - 269-280 Agro-Climatic Conditions and Regional Technical Inefficiencies in Agriculture
by Nazmi Demir & Syed F. Mahmud - 281-296 The Relationship between Exports, Credit Risk and Credit Guarantees
by Paul Rienstra-Munnicha & Calum G. Turvey - 297-315 The Economics of Decoupled Farm Payments under Costly and Imperfect Enforcement
by Konstantinos Giannakas & Murray Fulton - 317-332 On the Pricing of Cross Currency Futures Options for Canadian Grains and Livestock
by Calum G. Turvey & Shihong Yin - 333-347 Termination of the WGTA: An Examination of Factor Market Distortions, Input Subsidies anc Compensation
by Troy G. Schmitz & Tim Highmoor & Andrew Schmitz
July 2002, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 101-115 Prose, Psychopaths and Persistence: Personal Perspectives on Publishing
by David J. Pannell - 117-133 Optimal Generic Advertising with a Rationed Related Good: The Case of Canadian Beef and Chicken Markets
by J. A. L. Cranfield - 135-149 Estimating the Implicit Prices of Beef Cattle Attributes: A Case from Alberta
by Allan M. Walburger - 151-169 Cost Minimization and Managing Soil Nutrient Loading: Conflict or Compromise?
by Jeffrey R. Stokes & Peter R. Tozer - 171-184 Can Normality of Yields Be Assumed for Crop Insurance?
by Joseph Atwood & Saleem Shaik & Myles Watts - 185-200 Data Aggregation Issues for Crop Yield Risk Analysis
by Margot Rudstrom & Michael Popp & Patrick Manning & Edward Gbur - 201-219 Television Advertising and Beef Demand: Bayesian Inference in a Random Effects Tobit Model
by Jeremy T. Benson & F. Jay Breidt & John R. Schroeter - 221-222 Enviro-Capitalists: Doing Good While Doing Well
by Glenn Fox
March 2002, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-14 The Effect of Producers' Risk Attitudes on Sizing the Harvest and On-farm Drying System
by Todd D. Davis & George F. Patrick - 15-34 Biotechnology Piracy: Rethinking the International Protection of Intellectual Property
by James D. Gaisford & Robert Tarvydas & Jill E. Hobbs & William A. Kerr - 35-50 Information Asymmetries and Consumption Decisions in Organic Food Product Markets
by Konstantinos Giannakas - 51-66 The Impacts on U.S. and Canadian Slaughter and Feeder Cattle Prices of a U.S. Import Tariff on Canadian Slaughter Cattle
by Gary W. Brester & John M. Marsh & Vincent H. Smith - 67-84 Stochastic Biases in Technical Change in U.S. Agriculture: A Bootstrap Approach
by Kelvin Balcombe & Alastair Bailey & Jamie Morrison - 85-98 An Update on Regulatory Change in the Canadian Grain Handling and Transportation Industry
by James Nolan & Bill Drew
December 2001, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 381-394 Leadership in Democratic and Participatory Organizations
by Murray Fulton - 395-413 Publicly Funded Research in Agriculture: Time for a Shift in Paradigm?
by K. K. Klein - 415-428 State Trading Enterprises: Some Legal and Conceptual Issues
by Steve McCorriston & Donald MacLaren - 429-439 The Potential Impacts of State Trading Enterprises on World Markets: The Exporting Country Case
by Colin A. Carter & Vincent H. Smith - 441-457 State Trading and China's Agricultural Import Policies
by Will Martin - 459-478 The Divergence in Canada-U.S. Grain and Oilseed Policies
by Andrew Schmitz & Richard Gray - 479-492 Dairy Economic and Policy Issues between Canada and the United States
by Robert F. Romain & Daniel A. Sumner - 493-504 Rules, Policy and Rent Seeking: A Cross-border Comparison
by Kathy Baylis & Gordon Rausser - 505-507 Divergence in U.S. and Canadian Agricultural Policy: Discussion
by Harry Gorter - 509-527 Canadian Agricultural Safety Net Programs and Pressures for Change
by David Culver & Deborah Niekamp & Margaret Zafiriou - 529-541 What Future for Agricultural Safety Net Programs?
by Allan Mussell & Larry Martin - 543-555 U.S. Farm Safety Nets and the 2000 Agricultural Risk Protection Act
by Barry K. Goodwin - 557-566 Private Insurance Company Involvement in the U.S. Crop Insurance Program
by Alan P. Ker - 567-579 Identity Preservation and International Trade: Signaling Quality across National Boundaries
by Jill E. Hobbs & William A. Kerr & Peter W.B. Phillips - 581-590 Information Technology Aspects of Identity Preservation
by Steve Sonka - 591-604 Alternative Firm Strategies for Signaling Quality in the Food System
by Thomas L. Sporleder & Peter D. Goldsmith - 605-615 Global Identity Preservation Costs in Agricultural Supply Chains
by Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes & Richard Maltsbarger & James Barnes - 617-621 Identity Preservation: Trade, Information Technology, Business Strategy: Discussion
by Kenneth Harling - 623-631 Broadening the NAFTA: Key Issues on the Free Trade Area of the Americas from a Canadian Perspective
by Rick Barichello - 633-651 Reworking the NAFTA: Departures from Traditional Frameworks
by Garth J. Holloway
November 2001, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 265-266 Foreword for Frontier Session, “Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods: A User's Guide for Agricultural Economics”
by Arnold Zellner - 267-268 Avant-propos à la session frontière « Les méthodes Chaîne de Markov et Monte Carlo: un guide d'utilisateur en économie agro-alimentaire »
by Arnold Zellner - 269-291 Bayesian Model Averaging in Consumer Demand Systems with Inequality Constraints
by C. L Chua & W. E. Griffiths & C. J O'Donnell - 293-311 Tobit Estimation with Unknown Point of Censoring with an Application to Milk Market Participation in the Ethiopian Highlands
by Garth J. Holloway & Jeffrey H. Dorfman & Simeon K. Ehui - 313-325 Bayesian Inference and Posterior Simulators
by John Geweke - 327-336 An Economic Comparison of Production Systems for Sheep
by J. W. Fisher - 337-351 Evaluating the U.S. Wheat Protein Complex
by Kyle Stiegert & Brian Balzer - 353-374 The Effect of the Elimination of Federal Milk Marketing Orders on Farm-level Markets: A Laboratory Experiment
by Maurice A. Doyon
July 2001, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 135-152 Technical Efficiency, Technological Change and Output Growth of Wheat Farms in Saskatchewan
by Konstantinos Giannakas & Richard Schoney & Vangelis Tzouvelekas - 153-180 An Economic Analysis of the Returns to Canadian Swine Research: 1974–97
by Greg Thomas & Glenn Fox & George Brinkman & Jamie Oxley & Ravinderpal Gill & Bruce Junkins - 181-202 Making Markets Work: Modeling Agri-food Systems in Transition
by James D. Gaisford & Jill E. Hobbs & William A. Kerr - 203-216 An Evaluation of Bani (Dambo) Systems as a Smallholder Irrigation Development Strategy in Zimbabwe
by Godswill Makombe & Ruth Meinzen-Dick & Stephen P. Davies & R. K. Sampath - 217-232 On the Demand for Information Services: An Application to Lowbush Blueberry Producers in Eastern Canada
by Jean-Philippe Gervais & Rémy Lambert & François Boutin-Dufresne - 233-246 Voting for Registration of New Varieties of Grains in Western Canada: A Collegial Process in a Competitive Time
by K. K. Klein & A. M. Walburger - 247-257 Econometric Implications of Rectangular Hyperbolic Crop–Weed Competition
by L. Joe Moffitt - 259-261 Status of Benefits Transfer in the United States and Canada: Comment
by Dustin D. French & Fred J. Hitzhusen - 263-263 Status of Benefits Transfer in the United States and Canada: Reply
by John C. Bergstrom & Paul Civita
March 2001, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-18 Compatibility of Government Guarantees with Flexibility in Canadian Wheat Price Pooling
by James Unterschultz & Frank Novak - 19-35 Production Risk, Acreage Decisions and Implications for Revenue Insurance Programs
by J. Wu & R. M. Adams - 37-52 U.S. Hog Production and the Influence of State Water Quality Regulation
by Mark Metcalfe - 53-69 An Assessment of the Agricultural Trade Impact of Spain's Integration into the EU
by Fernando Sanz & José M. Gil - 71-86 Cattle and Wildlife Competition for Forage: Budget Versus Bioeconomic Analyses of Public Range Improvements in British Columbia
by G. Cornelis Kooten & Brad Stennes & Erwin H. Bulte - 87-104 A Welfare Analysis of Biological Technical Change under Different Supply Shift Assumptions: The Case of Cocoa in Malaysia
by Nikolaus Gotsch & Michael K. Wohlgenant - 105-126 Implementing the Kyoto Accord in Canada: Abatement Costs and Policy Enforcement Mechanisms
by Amalia Yiannaka & Hartley Furtan & Richard Gray
December 2000, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 363-373 The Changing Structure of the Agri-Food Sector and Opportunities for Economics and Management
by Larry Martin - 375-383 Agricultural Economics and Sustainable Development: A Courtship of Two Solitudes?
by Edward W. Tyrchniewicz - 385-395 Public Policy in the 21st Century: Is Prairie Agriculture Becoming Like Any Other Industry? Does it Matter?
by Jack C. Stabler & M. Rose Olfert - 397-410 An Economic Investigation of the Import Licensing Methods and TRQs in Agriculture
by Jean-Philippe Gervais & David Surprenant - 411-420 Implications of CAP Reform for the European Union's Feed Sector
by James Rude & Karl Meilke - 421-432 Canada-United States Chicken Trade: A Re-Evaluation
by Karen M. Huff & Karl D. Meilek & Roberto Amedei - 433-442 Managed Trade in Non-traditional Products: Emerging Issues for Canada's Specialised Livestock Sectors
by Jill E. Hobbs & William A. Ken - 443-444 The Canadian Agri-Food Sector in Managed Trade Environments: Discussion
by K. K. Klein - 445-446 Comment on “An Economic Investigation of Import Licensing Methods and TRQs in Agriculture” by Jean-Pillippe Gervais and David Suprenant
by J.D. Gaisford - 447-448 Comment on “Canada-United States Chicken Trade: A Re-evaluation”, by Karen M. Huff, Karl D. Meilke and Roberto Amendei
by J.D. Gaisford - 449-459 The Future of Trade Liberalization in the NAFTA Countries
by Karl D. Meilke & Karen Huff - 461-472 Twenty-three Centuries of Chinese Trade
by Peter H. Calkins - 473-477 WTO and China's Agriculture
by D. Gale Johnson - 479-491 Export Competition in China's Agri-food Import Market: Pattern, Assessment, and China's Entry to the WTO
by Kevin Chen - 493-503 The Chinese Enigma: Impacts of WTO Accession Upon Canadian and U.S. Exports and Imports
by Xiao-Yuan Dong & Michele M. Veeman & Terrence S. Veeman - 505-526 Using US. Bfp/Class III Futures Contracts in Risk Reduction Strategies for Subclasses 5a and 5b Milk for Further Processors
by Calum G. Turvey & Robert Rornain - 527-537 Managing Market Risk in Western Canadian Agriculture
by James R. Unterschultz - 539-551 The U.S. Federal Crop Insurance Program
by Barry J. Barnett - 553-564 Les outils de gestion du risque pour les opérateurs du secteur agroalimentaire dans un contexte de pays économiquement moins développé
by Sylvain Larivière & Frédéric Martin & Emmanuel Ndoruhirwe - 565-571 Risk Management in the Agrifood System: Discussion
by Peter H. Calkins - 573-583 Development and Adoption of Dryland Cropping Technologies in Hebei Province of Northern China
by Elwin Smith & K. K. KIein - 585-595 Adoption of Agroforestry in Nagaland India Using Farmer-led Technology: Development and Dissemination
by Merle D. Faminow & K. K. Klein & Project Operations Unit - 597-606 Adoption of Biotechnology in Thailand and the Threat of Intellectual Property Piracy
by William A. Kerr & Revadee Yampoin - 607-622 The Collusion-deterring Effect of Pre-attributed Supplies and the Hog Auction in Quebec
by Bruno Lame & Robert Romain & Jean-Philippe Gervais & Sami Ben Salha - 623-627 Option Contracts as a Solution to the Holdup Problem in Agri-food Markets
by James Vercammen - 629-641 Contracting in the U.S. Pork and Beef Industries: Extent, Motives, and Issues
by Clement Ward & Marvin Hayenga & Ted Schroeder & John Lawrence & Wayne Purcell - 643-652 A Transaction Cost Primer on Farm Organization
by Douglas W. Allen & Dean Lueck
November 2000, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 217-240 Modeling and Measuring Productivity in the Agri-Food Sector: Trends, Causes and Effects
by Catherine J. Morrison Paul - 241-257 A Hedonic Analysis of Apple Prices and Product Quality Characteristics in British Columbia
by Richard Carew - 259-277 Part-time Farming Situations among Manitoba Farm Operators: A Typological Approach
by Kenneth C. Bessant - 279-297 The Economics of Grain Cleaning on the Prairies
by William W. Wilson & D. Demcey Johnson & Bruce Dahl - 299-310 Price-Weight Relationships for Feeder Cattle
by Kevin C. Dhuyvetter & Ted C. Schroeder - 311-323 Success Factors for Marketing Clubs in Alberta
by Nicole Witwicki & Naomi Krogman & Harvey Brooks & Harvey Krahn - 325-340 Quel prix pour la sécurite alimentaire? Une évaluation contingente suite à la crise européenne de la ≪ vache folle ≫
by Karine Latouche & Pierre Rainelli & Dominique Vermersch - 341-354 Nonparametric Estimation of Returns to Scale: Method and Application
by Kevin J. Fox & R. Quentin Grafton - 355-360 Import Demand for Malt in Selected Countries: A Linear Approximation of AIDS: Comment
by Kevin Chen & Harvey Brooks & Chen Chen - 361-361 Import Demand for Malt in Selected Countries: A Linear Approximation of AIDS: Reply
by Vidyashankara Satyanarayana & William W. Wilson & D. Demcey Johnson
July 2000, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 103-122 The Economics of Erosion and Sustainable Practices: The Case of the Saint-Esprit Watershed
by Jean-Christophe Dissart & Laurie Baker & Paul J. Thomassin - 123-140 The Simultaneous Hedging of Price Risk, Crop Yield Risk and Currency Risk
by Govindaray N. Nayak & Calum G. Turvey - 141-160 Logistical Strategies and Risks in Canadian Grain Marketing
by William W. Wilson & Bruce L. Dahl - 161-174 Income Risk Analysis of Alternative Tillage Systems for Corn and Soybean Production on Clay Soils
by Emmanuel K. Yiridoe & Alfons Weersink & David C. Hooker & Tony J. Vyn & Clarence Swanton - 175-194 Intellectual Property Rights: Implications for the Canola Sector and Publicly Funded Research
by Richard Carew - 195-210 Individual Vessel Quota Price-induced Effects for Canadian Pacific Halibut: Before and After Alaska IFQs
by Mark Herrmann
March 2000, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-14 Estimating the Off-farm Labor Supply in Canada
by Wayne Howard & Michael Swidinsky - 15-25 Popper and Production: Testing Parametric Restrictions in Systems under Nonstationarity
by J. Stephen Clark & K. Gary Grant - 27-38 Regional Climate Change: Trend Analysis of Temperature and Precipitation Series at Selected Canadian Sites
by J. Stephen Clark & Emmanuel K. Yiridoe & Nigel D. Burns & T. Astatkie - 39-50 Should Saskatchewan Farmland be Part of Your Investment Portfolio?
by Marvin J. Painter - 51-65 Economic Dynamics of Tree Planting for Carbon Uptake on Marginal Agricultural Lands
by G. Cornelis Kooten - 67-85 Macroeconomic Impact of Establishing a Large-scale Fuel Ethanol Plant on the Canadian Economy
by Paul J. Thomassin & Laurie Baker - 87-98 The Economics of Crop Hail Insurance
by James Vercammen & David J. Pannell
December 1999, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 1-3 Dairy Policy and Trade: Context and Summary
by John C. Beghin & Daniel A. Summer - 5-16 Domestic Price Regulations and Trade Policy: Milk Marketing Orders in the United States
by Daniel A. Sumner - 17-18 Domestic Price Regulations and Trade Policy: Milk Marketing Orders in the United States: Discussion
by Vincent Réquillart - 19-27 The U.S. Dairy Sector without Price Supports
by Patrick Westhoff & D. Scott Brown - 29-30 The U.S. Dairy Sector without Price Supports: Discussion
by Robert Remain - 31-42 U.S. Dairy Policy and the Agreement on Agriculture in the WTO
by Harry Gorter & Devry S. Boughner - 43-44 U.S. Dairy Policy and the Agreement on Agriculture in the WTO: Discussion
by Richard Stillman - 45-55 The Canadian Dairy Industry: Prospects for Future Trade
by Richard R. Barichello - 57-58 The Canadian Dairy Industry: Prospects for Future Trade: Discussion
by Robert Cropp - 59-73 An Assessment of Partial Dairy Trade Liberalization on the U.S., EU–15 and Canada
by Sylvain Larivière & Karl Meilke - 75-76 An Assessment of Partial Dairy Trade Liberalization on the U.S., EU–15 and Canada: Discussion
by James W. Dunn - 77-87 Protection, Price Discrimination and Inefficient Trade: The Case for Real Tariffication
by Bruno Larue & Michele Veeman & Murray Fulton - 89-90 Protection, Price Discrimination and Inefficient Trade: The Case for Real Tariffication: Discussion
by Christopher A. Wolf - 91-101 The Future of European Union Dairy Policy
by Catherine Benjamin & Alexandre Gohin & Hervé Guyomard - 103-104 The Future of European Union Dairy Policy: Discussion
by Richard Stillman - 105-114 Policy Reform in the European Union Dairy Sector: Effects on Markets and Welfare
by Zohra Bouamra Mechemache & Vincent Réquillart - 115-116 Policy Reform in the European Union Dairy Sector: Effects on Markets and Welfare: Discussion
by Giancarlo Moschini - 117-130 The Impact of the Berlin Accord and European Enlargement on Dairy Markets
by Frank Fuller & John Beghin & Samarendu Mohanty & Jay Fabiosa & Cheng Fang & Phil Kaus - 131-132 The Impact of the Berlin Accord and European Enlargement on Dairy Markets: Discussion
by L. J. (Bees) Butler - 133-142 Dairy Demand, Supply and Policy in Korea: Potential for International Trade
by JooHo Song & Daniel A. Sumner - 143-143 Dairy Demand, Supply and Policy in Korea: Potential for International Trade: Discussion
by Richard R. Barichello - 145-147 Quota Reforms in Australian Agriculture
by Julian M. Alston - 149-156 Sanitary and Technical Regulations: Issues for Trade Liberalization in the Dairy Sector
by Jean-Christophe Bureau & Jean-Pierre Doussin - 157-166 Alternative Trade Mechanisms in World Dairy Markets
by Wyatt Thompson & Peter Liapis & Paolo Sckokai - 167-168 Alternative Trade Mechanisms in World Dairy Markets: Discussion
by Jonathan R. Coleman - 169-183 An Economic Analysis of the Effects on the World Dairy Sector of Extending Uruguay Round Agreement to 2005
by Thomas L. Cox & Jonathan R. Coleman & Jean-Paul Chavas & Yong Zhu - 185-186 An Economic Analysis of the Effects on the World Dairy Sector of Extending Uruguay Round Agreement to 2005: Discussion
by Alexandra Gohin - 187-200 An Economic Analysis of the Effects of the Uruguay Round Agreement and Full Trade Liberalization on the World Dairy Sector
by Yong Zhu & Thomas L. Cox & Jean-Paul Chavas - 201-202 An Economic Analysis of the Effects of the Uruguay Round Agreement and Full Trade Liberalization on the World Dairy Sector: Discussion
by Jean-Christophe Bureau