December 1999, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 351-362 Prevalence and Reform of State Trading Importers in World Grain Markets
by Linda M. Young - 363-373 The Impact of Export State Trading Enterprises Under Imperfect Competition: The Small Country Case
by Murray Fulton & Bruno Lame & Michele Veeman - 375-385 On Exporting by Import State Traders and Peculiar Effects of Negotiated Minimum Access Commitments
by Bruno Larue & Murray Fulton & Michele Veeman - 387-396 The Canadian Food Regulatory System: Responding to Pressures for Change
by H. Bruce Huf & C. Jane Owen - 397-400 Processor Interests in Regulatory Reform
by Jane Owen & Roger H. Gould - 401-409 Changing Consumer Demand for Food Regulations
by Michele Veeman - 411-413 Discussant Comments on Papers by Veeman, Huff and Owen; Owen and Gould
by Jill E. Hobbs - 415-417 Discussant Comments on Papers by Veeman; Huff and Owen; and Owen and Gould
by William A. Kerr - 419-431 The AgBiotech Industry - A U. S. - Canadian Perspective
by Leonie A. Marks & Brian Freeze & Nicholas Kalaitzandonake - 433-435 Discussant Comments on Papers by Perdikis and Kerr and Marks, Freeze and Kalaitzandonakes
by Linda M. Young - 437-444 Environmental Concerns and Risks of Genetically Modified Crops: Economic Contributions to the Debate
by Siân Mooney & K. K. Klein - 445-455 Genetically Modified Foods: Consumer Issues and the Role of Information Asymmetry
by Jill E. Hobbs & Marni D. Plunkett - 457-465 Can Consumer-based Demands for Protection be Incorporated in the WTO? - The Case of Genetically Modified Foods
by Nick Perdikis & William A. Kerr - 467-468 Computer Technology Adoption by Agricultural Producers in Southern Alberta
by Allan Walburger & Jeff Davidson - 468-468 Member Commitment in Co-operatives
by Murray Fulton & Konstantinos Giannakas - 468-469 Technical Efficiency, Technological Change and Output Growth of Wheat Farms in Saskatchewan
by Konstantinos Giannakas & Richard Schoney & Vangelis Tzouvelekas - 469-469 Beef Supply Response in Western Canada: A Distributed Lag Analysis Incorporating Risk
by Msafiri Mbaga & Barry Coyle - 470-471 The potato sector in Quebec: Production, product quality and impact of potential environmental regulation
by Robert Romain & Rémy Lambert & Renée Michaud et Claude Lapointe - 471-471 Income Risk Analysis of Alternative Tillage Systems for Corn and Soybean Production on Clay Soils
by Y. Yiridoe & A. Weersink & T. Vyn & C. Swanton & D. Hooker - 471-471 Economic Costs and Benefits of Growing Sweet Clover in Southern Alberta as a Summerfallow Alternative
by E. G. Smith & K. K. Klein & L. Heigh & J. R. Moyef - 472-473 The Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Canadian Agriculture and the World: How Big are the Impacts Really?
by B. J. Ebel & A. M. Walburger - 473-474 An Economic Evaluation of Food Systems 2002: A Program to Reduce Pesticide Use by 50% in Ontario Agriculture
by Cher Brethour & Alfons Weersink - 474-474 Environmental Management Systems and Executive-Employee Risk Sharing
by Peter Goldsmith & Rishi Basak - 475-475 Comparison of Alternative Methods for Environmentally Sensitive Productivity Analysis
by Atakelty Hailu & Terrence S. Veeman - 475-475 An Analysis of Energy Use Efficiency for Saskatchewan Hog Production
by Ira Altman & Leif Carlson - 475-476 Prioritizing Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation Measures: Application of a Systems Approach
by S. N. Kulshreshtha & Bruce Junkins & Ray Desjardins - 477-477 Input Demand and Substitution in Saskatchewan Crop Production
by Morteza Haghiri & Mohammad Mahbobi - 477-477 A Methodology For Setting Long Term, Fixed Cash Farmland Leases
by R. A. Schoney - 478-478 A Literature Review of the Theory of Exclusive Relationships and its Application to the Agri-food Sector
by Heather Foster - 478-478 Increasing Vertical Linkages in Agrifood Supply Chains: A Conceptual Model and Some Preliminary Evidence
by Jill E. Hobbs & Linda M. Young - 478-479 A Fluid Marketing Cost Model for Non-competitive Market: New York State and City
by Maurice Doyon - 479-479 Roles of Future Markets in Developing Agricultural Economies: Iran
by Morteza Haghiri - 480-480 Competitive Access in the Canadian Rail Industry
by Murray Fulton & James Nolan - 480-480 Removing Grain Freight Subsidies: Effects on Western Canadian Agriculture
by Shiferaw Adilu & Michele Veeman & Terrence Veeman - 481-481 A Model to Measure the Economic Effects of Prairie Rail Line Abandonment on Grain Transportation
by Eric Larson & James Nolan - 481-481 Grain Cleaning and the Competetiveness of Canadian Wheat
by W. W. Wilson & D. D. Johnson & J. R. Groenewegan & R. M.A. Loyns - 482-482 Saskatchewan Beef Producers' Attitudes Towards Endangered Species and the Costs Associated with Protecting them; Selected Survey Results and Potential Implications
by Dan Dierker & Richard Gray - 482-483 The Law and Economics of “Consumer Only” Financed Export Subsidies: A Context for the WTO's Dispute Settlement Panel on Canadian Dairy Policy
by Isabelle Schluep & Harry Gorter - 487-492 Values, Institutions and Governance: Global, National and Local
by Douglas D. Hedley - 493-494 Comments on “Values, Institutions and Governance: Global National and Local” by Douglas Hedley
by W. H. Furtan - 495-506 CONASUPO: A Case Study on State-Trading Deregulation
by Andrés Casco Flores - 507-508 Changes in the Structures and Roles of CONASUPO in the Mexican Agriculture Economy: Comments
by H. Bruce Huff - 509-518 The CWB in Today's Regulatory and Trading Environment: Adaptation To-date, Building Blocks for the Future
by Brian T. Oleson - 519-520 The CWB in Today's Regulatory and Trading Environment: Comment
by Karl D. Meilke
November 1999, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 203-223 Structural Econometrics of First-price Auctions: A Survey of Methods
by Isabelle Perrigne & Quang Vuong - 225-250 Testing the Competitiveness of a Multistage Food Marketing System: The Canadian Chicken Industry
by Murray Fulton & Yongmei Tang - 251-264 Impact on Western Grain Rail Rates from an Elimination of the Legislated Rate Cap
by James Vercammen - 265-279 The Impact of Bank Mergers on Canadian Farm and Rural Communities
by Calum G. Turvey & David Sparling & Erna Duren - 281-291 Reinsuring Agricultural Risk
by Calum Turvey & Govindaray Nayak & David Sparling - 293-304 Diffusion of Wheat Varieties in Three Agro-climatic Zones of Western Canada
by A. M. Walburger & K. K. Klein & T. Folkins - 305-320 Factors Affecting Spring Wheat Variety Choices: Comparisons between Canada and the United States
by Bruce L. Dahl & William W. Wilson & Wesley W. Wilson - 321-329 A Note on Asymmetry in Commodity Futures Markets
by Rony S. Gravelines & Milton Boyd
July 1999, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 105-118 Investment and Productivity in Canadian and U.S. Food Manufacturing
by Connie Chan-Kang & Steven Buccola & Joe Kerkvliet - 119-136 Wheat-Importing State Trading Enterprises: Impacts on the World Wheat Market
by Philip C. Abbott & Linda M. Young - 137-149 Import Demand for Malt in Selected Countries: A Linear Approximation of AIDS
by Vidyashankara Satyanarayana & William W. Wilson & D. Demcey Johnson - 151-163 Consumer's Responses to the Potential Use of Bovine Somatotrophin in Canadian Dairy Production
by P. A. Kuperis & M. M. Veeman & W. L. Adamowicz - 165-179 Implications of Realization Uncertainty on Random Utility Models: The Case of Lottery Rationed Hunting
by Kojo M. Akabua & Wiktor L. Adamowicz & William E. Phillips & Peter Trelawny - 181-197 Mesure de l'efficacitééconomique des modes de faire valoir au Brésil
by Claudio Araujo & Catherine Araujo Bonjean - 199-200 Sustainability, Growth, and Poverty Alleviation. A policy and Agroecological Perspective
by Frédéric Martin
March 1999, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-19 Open Economy and Processor Oligopoly Power Effects of Beef Advertising in Canada
by John A. L. Cranfield & Ellen W. Goddard - 21-29 A Reexamination of Price Dynamics in the International Wheat Market
by Samarendu Mohanty & William H. Meyers & Darnell B. Smith - 31-43 Technical Efficiency and Farmers' Attitudes toward Technological Innovation: The Case of the Potato Farmers in Quebec
by Nabil Amara & Namatié Traoré & Réjean Landry & Robert Remain - 45-55 Competitive Behavior in the U.S. Food Retailing Industry
by Timothy Park & Ananda Weliwita - 57-66 Optimal Generic Advertising Decisions in Supply-managed Industries: Clarification and Some Further Results
by Henry W. Kinnucan - 67-78 A Note on the Profitability of Wheat-ethanol-feedlot Production in Alberta
by Brian S. Freeze & T. Peters - 79-87 Status of Benefits Transfer in the United States and Canada: A Review
by John C. Bergstrom & Paul Civita - 89-98 The Wheat War of 1994: Comment
by Ronald A. Babula & Cathy L. Jabara - 99-104 The Wheat War of 1994: Reply
by Julian M. Alston & Richard S. Gray & Daniel A. Sumner
December 1998, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 357-369 Agricultural Development for Economic Recovery: Reflections on Indonesia's Crisis and Lessons from T.W. Schultz
by Richard R. Barichello - 371-377 Canada's Agricultural Trade Policy: Choices and Challenges
by Michele Veeman - 379-386 Canadian Hog Marketing Boards from Inception to Decline
by Jim Morris - 387-392 Producer Pressures for Change in Pork Marketing Organizations in Canada
by Larry Martin - 393-402 Processor Pressures for Change in Pork Marketing Organizations in Ontario and in Québec
by Robert Saint-Louis - 403-406 Producer Marketing Organizations: Discussion
by Barry E. Prentice - 407-416 The Impact of Regional Trade Agreements on Canadian Agriculture
by Tim Josling - 417-423 State trading and international trade negotiations
by Brian Paddock - 425-435 Will WTO Domestic Support Provisions Constrain Domestic Agricultural Policies?
by W. M. Miner - 437-440 Comment on invited papers by W.H. Miner, T. Josling and B. Paddock
by Bruno Larue - 441-453 The Impact of Biotechnology on Agricultural Markets
by K. K. Klein & W. A. Kerr & J. E. Hobbs - 455-462 Riding the Third Wave Implications of Biotechnology for the Canadian Seed Crop Industry
by Bill Leask & Robynne Anderson - 463-472 Impact of Hybrid Seed on Competitiveness of Mexican Maize Production
by J.A. MacMillan & P. Aquino & J. Islas & J. Virgen - 473-475 Comments on Invited Paper Session #4 Impact of Technology
by Cameron Short - 479-489 Supply Chain Management and the Canadian Agri-food Sector
by Erna Duren & David Sparling - 491-518 Building Effective Partnerships in the Meat Supply Chain: Lessons from the UK
by Andrew Fearne - 519-524 Innovation and Future Directions of Supply Chain Management in US Agri-Food
by Randall E. Westgren - 525-537 Innovation and Future Direction of Supply Chain Management in the Canadian Agri-food Industry
by Jill E. Hobbs - 539-548 Vertical Coordination in the Swine Industry: A Multi-Country Study
by Raman Srivastava & Gerrit-Willem Ziggers & Lee Schrader - 549-558 Supply Chain Management in Cereal Grains: A Case Study from the U.S. Milling Wheat Industry
by Julie Kennett & Murray Fulton & Harvey Brooks & Pauline Molder
November 1998, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 259-272 Interdisciplinary Agricultural Research in Canada
by K. K. Klein & E. G. Smith & R. P. Zentner - 273-285 Use of Public Perceptions of Groundwater Quality Benefits in Developing Livestock Management Options
by G. Cornelis Kooten & Rita Athwal & Louise M. Arthur - 287-296 A Growth Accounting Analysis of Cost Efficiency in Milk Production for Six Northern States in the United States
by Horacio Cocchi & Boris E. Bravo-Ureta & Stephen Cooke - 297-316 A Methodological Evaluation of Empirical Demand Systems Research
by Brian P. Cozzarin & Brad W. Gilmour - 317-328 Derived Demand for Refrigerated Truck Transport: A Gravity Model Analysis of Canadian Pork Exports to the United States
by Barry E. Prentice & Zhaokun Wang & Hector J. Urbina - 329-346 Analyzing Foreign Direct Investment Decisions by Food and everage Firms: An Empirical Model of Transaction Theory
by Peter D. Goldsmith & Thomas L. Sporleder - 347-349 Estimating Disequilibrium Cost Elasticities in Agricultural Production: Comment
by Jean-Philippe Gervais & Giancarlo Moschini
July 1998, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 93-116 Agricultural Taxation in Canada: An Overview and Assessment
by Alex S. MacNevin - 117-126 GARCH and MARKOV Hedging at the Winnipeg Commodity Exchange
by Peter S. Sephton - 127-147 Impacts of Trade and Agricultural Policies on the World Malt and Malting Barley Market
by Vidyashankara Satyanarayana & William W. Wilson & D. Demcey Johnson & Frank J. Dooley - 149-169 The Potential for Increased Trade in Milk and Dairy Products between Canada and the United States under Trade Liberalization
by Karl Meilke & Rakhal Sarker & Danny Roy - 171-190 Crop Price and Risk Effects on Farm Abatement Costs
by Alfons Weersink & Charry Dutka & Michael Goss - 191-200 Quota Transfer Assessments and Efficiency
by David A. Hennessy & Jutta Roosen - 201-219 Effects of Product Origin and Selected Demographics on Consumer Choice of Red Meats
by Kwamena K. Quagrainie & James Unterschultz & Michele Veeman - 221-232 Optimal Markup Decisions under Demand Uncertainty
by Luanne Lohr & Timothy A. Park - 233-246 Canadian Dietary Fat Substitutions, 1955–93, and Coronary Heart Disease Costs
by Richard Gray & Stavroula Malla & Alison Stephen - 247-256 A Note on Evaluating Agricultural Policy in the Presence of Health Care Cost Externalities: Dairy Production Quotas and Coronary Heart Disease Costs
by Richard Gray & Stavroula Malla
March 1998, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-16 Who Will Market Western Canada's Grain?
by Michele Veeman - 17-35 Regional Economic Impacts of Sustainable Development Activities: The North American Waterfowl Management Plan Introduction
by James A. MacMillan - 37-52 The Simple Analytics of Transferable Production Quota: Implications for the Marginal Cost of Ontario Milk Production
by Kevin Chen & Karl Meilke - 53-68 South Korean Hotel Meat Buyers' Perceptions of Australian, Canadian and U.S. Beef
by James Unterschultz & Kwamena K. Quagrainie & Michele Veeman & Renee B. Kim - 69-81 The Demand for Salmon in the European Union: The Importance of Product Form and Origin
by Frank Asche & Trond Bjørndal & Kjell G. Salvanes - 83-92 Water Use in the Canadian Food Processing Industry
by Diane Dupont & Steven Renzetti
December 1997, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 393-402 Resolving Transboundary Pollution Externalities by Linkage to Trade
by Grant Hauer & C. Ford Runge - 403-410 Should Canadian Legislators Learn Anything from the U.S. Experience with Endangered Species Legislation?
by Glenn Fox & Wiktor Adamowicz - 411-420 Marketing Boards: The Canadian Experience Revisited
by Michele M. Veeman - 421-432 Farm-Level Consequences of Canadian and U.S. Dairy Policies
by Ronald D. Knutson & Robert Romain & David P. Anderson & James W. Richardson - 433-435 Developments in Organized Marketing Arrangements: Discussion
by Richard R. Barichello - 439-450 Trends in Atlantic Canada's Potato Industry
by K. Gary Grant - 451-460 Trends in Western Canada's Potato Industry
by Jill E. Hobbs & William A. Kerr - 461-469 Potato Research and Extension from Private Industry: Potato Production, Genetically Engineered Varieties, Pest Control and Fertility Regimes
by Robert Coffin & Stephen Moorehead & Douglas Dawson - 471-471 Report of the Rapporteur for the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Workshop on the Canadian Potato Industry
by J. Stephen Clark
November 1997, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 179-199 The Brazilian Cattle Sector: Status, Prospects and Controversies
by Merle D. Faminow - 201-217 Credit Risk and the Demand for Agricultural Loans
by Calum G. Turvey & Alfons Weersink - 219-234 The Social Returns of Agricultural Practices for Promoting Water Quality Improvement
by W. Vuuren & J. C. Giraldez & D. P. Stonehouse - 235-250 Community Attributes Influencing Local Food Processing Growth in the U.S. Corn Belt
by Jason R. Henderson & Kevin T. McNamara - 251-266 Consumer Demand For Butter, Margarine and Blends: The Role of Purchase and Household Characteristics
by Brian W. Gould - 267-284 Index Models and Land Allocation Reconsidered
by Sergio H. Lence & Chad Hart - 285-299 Credit Risk Assessment and the Opportunity Costs of Loan Misclassification
by Govindaray N. Nayak & Calum G. Turvey - 301-316 Risk and (Re-)organization in Agriculture: The Economics of Back grounding Cattle in Saskatchewan
by Kostas A. Karantininis & T. McNinch & William J. Brown - 317-327 Feeder-pig Producers and Finishers: Who Should Contract?
by Joseph L. Parcel & Michael R. Langemeijer
July 1997, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 93-110 Determinants of Co-operative Patronage in Alberta
by Kurt K. Klein & Timothy J. Richards & Allan Walburger - 111-122 Tariffication and the Canadian Chicken Industry in the Uruguay Round Agreement
by Alan Ker - 123-129 Effects of Enhancing NISA on Income Stabilization and Support
by John Spriggs & Toby Nelson - 131-144 La détection précoce des difficultés financeères des entreprises laitières québécoises
by Nicolas Paillat & Jean-Philippe Perrier & Diane Parent & Raymond Levallois & Et Doris Pellerin - 145-163 A Bug Is a Bug Is a Bug: Symbolic Responses to Contingent Valuation Questions about Forest Pest control programs?
by Heather MacDonald & Daniel W. McKenney & Vince Nealis - 165-174 Saskatchewan Wheat Pool's Transformation from Co-op to Public Corporation: The Farmers’Reaction
by Marvin J. Painter - 178-178 Wilderness Canoeing in Ontario: Using Cumulative Results to Update Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Offer Amounts
by Kimberly Rollins & Will Wistowsky & Michael Jay
March 1997, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-16 Wilderness Canoeing in Ontario: Using Cumulative Results to Update Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Offer Amounts
by Kimberly Rollins - 17-38 Divergent Environmental Regulations and Trade Liberalization
by Mary Bohman & Patricia J. Lindsey - 39-49 Thinking Styles and Financial Characteristics of Selected Canadian Farm Managers
by Wayne H. Howard & George L. Brinkman & Remy Lambert - 51-68 Comparaisons de divers types de programmes de stabilisation des revenus agricoles du Québec
by Peter Calkins & Robert Romain & Attaher Maïga & Et Rémy Lambert - 69-82 Equilibrium Analysis of a Quota-regulated Market
by David A. Hennessy
December 1996, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 325-336 Agricultural Economics: Profession, Politics and Panhandling
by R.M.A. Loyns - 337-344 The Role of Economic Instruments to Resolve Water Quantity Problems
by Wiktor L. Adamowicz & Theodore M. Horbulyk - 345-353 The Use of Economic Instruments to Resolve Water Quality Problems from Agriculture
by Alfons Weersink & John Livernois - 355-360 A Multi-disciplinary Analysis of Global Warming and Soil Moisture Availability on the Canadian Prairies
by K.K. Klein & A.M. Walburger - 361-368 A Reevaluation of Canada's Safety Net Programs for Agriculture
by Kevin Z. Chen & Karl D. Meilke - 369-374 Over-the-counter Derivatives and Price Risk Management in a Post-tripartite Environment: The Case of Cattle and Hogs
by Francesco Braga - 375-383 Pressures to Reform Agricultural Safety Net Programs: A Québec Perspective
by Robert Romain & Peter Calkins - 385-395 Grain Prospects and Policies for the 21st Century
by Gary G. Storey - 397-402 An Overview of Changes in Western Grain Transportation Policy
by James Vercammen - 403-408 Coordination and Competitiveness of Supply Chains: Implications for the Western Canadian Livestock Industries
by Jill E. Hobbs & William A. Kerr & K.K. Klein - 411-419 Family Farming, Farm Labour and Rural Employment. Who Works Where? An International Comparison
by Bruno Jean - 421-434 The Transformation of Work on the Family Farm
by Diane Parent - 435-448 Organizational, Institutional, and Social Factors in Agricultural Diversification: Observations from the Canadian Plains
by Michael E. Gertler - 449-459 A la recherche du dépassement du vieillissement de la population active agricole
by Hélène Kovani - 461-479 Emergence d'un nouveau systeme productif en agriculture
by Gilles Allaire - 481-490 Off-Farm Work Participation of Israeli Farm Couples: the Importance of Farm Work Participation Status
by Ayal Kimhi - 491-496 Employment Programmes for Women in Rural Areas in Northern Ireland
by Sally Shortall - 497-505 Agriculture and Rural Employment: An Overview
by Cally Abraham - 507-514 Horticulture and Rural Employment in the Prairie and Québec Regions
by Shirley Archambault & Karen Brewka & Gaetane Fournier - 515-526 Unions in the Field
by Ellen Wall
November 1996, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 207-208 Economic Returns to Yield-increasing Research on Wheat in Western Canada
by K. K. Klein & B. Freeze & Allan M. Walburger - 219-236 Intertemporal and Interfirm Heterogeneity: Implications for Pesticide Productivity
by Alain Carpentier & Robert D. Weaver - 237-249 Estimating Disequilibrium Cost Elasticities in Agricultural Production
by Gabriel Toichoa-Buaha & Jeffrey Apland - 251-264 Establishing Indices of Genetic Merit Using Hedonic Pricing: An Application to Dairy Bulls in Alberta
by Timothy J. Richards & Scott R. Jeffrey - 265-276 Relationships between U.S. and Canadian Wheat Prices: Cointegration and Error Correction Approach
by Samarendu Mohanty & E. Wesley F. Peterson & Damell B. Smith - 277-294 A Metamodeling Approach to Evaluate Agricultural Policy Impact on Soil Degradation in Western Canada
by P. G. Lakshminarayan & P W. Gassman & A. Bouzaher & R. C. Izaurralde - 295-309 Reducing Investment Risk in Tractors and Combines with Improved Terminal Asset Value Forecasts
by James Unterschultz & Glen Mumey - 311-317 Price Asymmetry in the International Wheat Market: Comment
by Stephan Cramon-Taubadel & Jens-Peter Loy - 319-321 Price Asymmetry in the International Wheat Market: Reply
by Samarendu Mohanty & E. Wesley F. Peterson
July 1996, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 105-119 A Targeted Policy Approach to Inducing Improved Rates of Conservation Compliance in Agriculture
by D. Peter Stonehouse - 121-136 Prévoir les effets de la réforme de la politique agricole commune sur deux régions agricoles françaises : application d'un mòdèle bio-économique
by J. Ph. Boussemart & G. Flichman & F. Jacquet & Et H. B. Lefer - 139-150 Short-run Dynamics of Machinery Demand in Canadian Agriculture
by Utpal Vasavada & Kristy Cook - 151-164 Estimating the Induced Price Increase for Canadian Pacific Halibut with the Introduction of the Individual Vessel Quota Program
by Mark Herrmann - 165-171 Sport and Commercial Fishing Allocations for the Atlantic Salmon Fisheries of the Miramichi River
by B. A. Cook & R. L. McGaw - 173-182 To Tell the Truth about Interpreting the Morishima Elasticity of Substitution
by George C. Davis & C. Richard Shumway - 183-193 A Nonparametric Test of the Traditional Travel Cost Model
by Peter C. Boxall & Wiktor L. Adamowicz & Theodore Tomasi
March 1996, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-18 The Crow Rate Issue: A Retrospective on the Contributions of the Agricultural Economics Profession in Canada
by K. K. Klein & W. A. Kerr - 19-37 The North American Free Trade Agreement and the Canadian Agri-Food Sector
by Karl Meilke & Erna Duren - 39-52 Agricultural Credit Subsidies and Farmland Values in Canada
by Kisan Gunjal & Sarah Williams & Robert Romain - 53-65 Credit Allocation Decisions of Wheat Exporting Countries
by Seung-Ryong Yang & William W. Wilson - 67-80 Food Expenditures Away From Home by Type of Meal
by Helen H. Jensen & Steven T. Yen - 81-99 A Case Study Approach to Comparing Weed Management Strategies under Alternative Farming Systems in Ontario
by D. Peter Stonehouse & S. F. Weise & T. Sheardown & R. S. Gill & C. J. Swanton
December 1995, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 519-528 Agricultural and Resource Economics: Challenges for the 21st Century
by Terry S. Veeman - 529-533 The Pros and Cons of Canadian Federation in the Agriculture and Agri-Food Sector
by Michelle Comeau - 535-539 Le pour et le contre de la Confédération canadienne dans le secteur agroalimentaire
by Michelle Comeau - 541-543 Quelques remarques sur l'impact des nouvelles règles commerciales internationales sur l'agroalimentaire advenant la souveraineté du Québec
by Robert Saint-Louis - 545-550 Agriculture and Federation
by W. H. Furtan - 551-563 The Globalization of Agriculture: A View from the Farm Gate
by K.K. Klein & W.A. Kerr - 565-578 Globalization and the Food and Beverage Processing Industry
by Don West & Odette Vaughan - 579-580 Response to Papers by West and Vaughan and Klein and Kerr
by Catherine Scovil - 581-586 Supply Management and GATT: The Role of Rent Seeking
by Andrew Schmitz - 587-593 Domestic Processing of Supply-managed Products Under Tariffication: Is the Rate of Protection Positive?
by Benoit Mario Papillon - 595-596 Tariffication in the Dairy Industry
by Nelson Coyle - 599-603 Preparing for the Information Highway
by Robert David - 605-614 Establishing a Framework for an Information System
by James T. Bonnen & Stephen B. Harsh - 615-623 The Impact of Information Technology on Vertical Linkages in the Agriculture and Food Industry
by David Hughes - 629-635 Introducing a Continuous Learning Culture for Rural Communities
by W. C. (Wayne) Pfeiffer & M. W. (Mark) Waldron