- 09/4 Constrain-thy-neighbor effects as a determinant of transnational interest group cohesion
by Callaghan, Helen - 09/3 Opening closure: Intercohesion and entrepreneurial dynamics in business groups
by Stark, David & Vedres, Balázs - 09/2 Koordination und Verteilung: Zwei Ansätze der Wirtschaftssoziologie
by Beckert, Jens - 09/1 Die Wirtschaft als Thema der Soziologie: Zur Entwicklung wirtschaftssoziologischer Forschung in Deutschland und den USA
by Beckert, Jens & Besedovsky, Natalia
- 08/13 From collectivism towards segmentalism: Institutional change in German vocational training
by Thelen, Kathleen Ann & Busemeyer, Marius R. - 08/12 Usurpation statt Delegation: Wie der EuGH die Binnenmarktintegration radikalisiert und warum er politischer Kontrolle bedarf
by Höpner, Martin - 08/11 Embedding multinationals in postsocialist host countries: Social interaction and the compatibility of organizational interests with host-country institutions
by Kahancová, Marta - 08/10 Krisentheorien der Demokratie: Unregierbarkeit, Spätkapitalismus und Postdemokratie
by Schäfer, Armin - 08/9 Choosing and successfully sustaining competitive strategies in the European pharmaceutical industry
by Herrmann, Andrea M. - 08/8 Epistemic communities and social movements: Transnational dynamics in the case of creative commons
by Dobusch, Leonhard & Quack, Sigrid - 08/7 Das Internet und die Transformation der Musikindustrie: Rekonstruktion und Erklärung eines unkontrollierten sektoralen Wandels
by Dolata, Ulrich - 08/6 On the discrepancies between macro and micro level identification of competitive strategies
by Herrmann, Andrea M. - 08/5 How multilevel governance affects the clash of capitalisms
by Callaghan, Helen - 08/4 From negative to positive integration? European state aid control through soft and hard law
by Blauberger, Michael - 08/3 Demands for redistributive policies in an era of demographic aging: The rival pressures from age and class in 15 OECD countries
by Busemeyer, Marius R. & Goerres, Achim & Weschle, Simon - 08/2 The transformative capacity of new technologies. How innovations affect sectoral change: Conceptual considerations
by Dolata, Ulrich - 08/1 Adopting the euro in post-communist countries: An analysis of the attitudes toward the single currency
by Allam, Miriam S. & Goerres, Achim
- 07/15 The social order of markets
by Beckert, Jens - 07/14 Why do companies relocate? The German discourse on relocation
by Piotti, Geny - 07/13 The architecture of multi-level governance of economic sectors
by Mayntz, Renate - 07/12 Coordination and organization: The two dimensions of nonliberal capitalism
by Höpner, Martin - 07/11 German-Ukrainian business relationships: Trust development in the face of institutional uncertainty and cultural differences
by Möllering, Guido & Stache, Florian - 07/10 The evolution of bargaining under austerity: Political change in contemporary French and German labor-market reform
by Vail, Mark I. - 07/9 Insiders, outsiders and the politics of corporate governance: How ownership shapes party positions in Britain, Germany and France
by Callaghan, Helen - 07/8 The Impact of Fiscal Decentralisation on Education and Other Types of Spending
by Busemeyer, Marius R. - 07/7 Endgame? The Fiscal Crisis of the German State
by Streeck, Wolfgang - 07/6 Die soziale Ordnung von Märkten
by Beckert, Jens - 07/5 What Is Political about Jurisprudence? Courts, Politics and Political Science in Europe and the United States
by Rehder, Britta - 07/4 A New Phase of European Integration: Organized Capitalisms in Post-Ricardian Europe
by Höpner, Martin & Schäfer, Armin - 07/3 Technik und sektoraler Wandel: Technologische Eingriffstiefe, sektorale Adaptionsfähigkeit und soziotechnische Transformationsmuster
by Dolata, Ulrich - 07/2 Taxation and Democracy in the EU
by Ganghof, Steffen & Genschel, Philipp - 07/1 The Great Transformation of Embeddedness: Karl Polanyi and the New Economic Sociology
by Beckert, Jens
- 06/9 Designing for the Other: Using Knowledge to Upgrade Manufacturing in the Garment Industry
by Aspers, Patrik - 06/8 Divided Government European Style? Electoral and Mechanical Causes of European Parliament and Council Divisions
by Manow, Philip & Döring, Holger - 06/7 Einladung zum Schattenboxen: Die Soziologie und die moderne Biologie
by Mayntz, Renate - 06/6 Warum sind einige Länder so viel reicher als andere? Zur institutionellen Erklärung von Entwicklungsunterschieden
by Berger, Johannes - 06/5 One Path or Several? Understanding the Varied Development of Tripartism in New European Capitalisms
by Avdagic, Sabina - 06/4 The Composition of the College of Commissioners: Patterns of Delegation
by Döring, Holger - 06/3 Veto-Antizipation: Gesetzgebung im deutschen Bikameralismus
by Burkhart, Simone & Manow, Philip - 06/2 How Many Varieties of Capitalism? Comparing the Comparative Institutional Analyses of Capitalist Diversity
by Jackson, Gregory & Deeg, Richard - 06/1 Cultural Understandings of Economic Globalization: Discourse on Foreign Direct Investment in Slovenia
by Bandelj, Nina
- 05/14 Embedded Theorizing: Perspectives on Globalization and Global Governance
by Mayntz, Renate - 05/13 Understanding Trust from the Perspective of Sociological Neoinstitutionalism: The Interplay of Institutions and Agency
by Möllering, Guido - 05/12 The Difficult Organization of Business Interests: MEDEF and the Political Representation of French Firms
by Woll, Cornelia - 05/11 National Vote Intention and European Voting Behavior, 1979-2004: Second Order Election Effects, Election Timing, Government Approval and the Europeanization of European Elections
by Manow, Philip - 05/10 Status Markets and Standard Markets in the Global Garment Industry
by Aspers, Patrik - 05/9 Ending Cooperation: A Formal Model of Organizational Change in German Pharmaceutical Interest Representation
by Broscheid, Andreas - 05/8 Trust and the Performative Construction of Markets
by Beckert, Jens - 05/7 Forschungsmethoden und Erkenntnispotential Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften im Vergleich
by Mayntz, Renate - 05/6 The Moral Embeddedness of Markets
by Beckert, Jens - 05/5 High Taxes in Hard Times: How Denmark Built and Maintained a Huge Income Tax
by Ganghof, Steffen - 05/4 How and Why Capitalisms Differ
by Boyer, Robert - 05/3 Explaining Diversity in Industrial Relations at Company Level in Eastern Europe: Evidence from Romania
by Trif, Aurora - 05/2 Can Path Dependence Explain Institutional Change? Two Approaches Applied to Welfare State Reform
by Ebbinghaus, Bernhard - 05/1 Learning to Act on World Trade: Preference Formation of Large Firms in the United States and the European Union
by Woll, Cornelia
- 04/12 Sozialpolitik durch Tarifvertrag in den Niederlanden: Die Rolle der industriellen Beziehungen in der Liberalisierung des Wohlfahrtsstaates
by Trampusch, Christine - 04/11 Legislative Autolimitation under Divided Government: Evidence from the German Case, 1976-2002
by Manow, Philip & Burkhart, Simone - 04/10 Sozialdemokratie, Gewerkschaften und organisierter Kapitalismus, 1880?2002
by Höpner, Martin - 04/9 Office versus Policy Motives in Portfolio Allocation: The Case of Junior Ministers
by Manow, Philip & Zorn, Hendrik - 04/8 Unternehmensmitbestimmung unter Beschuss: Die Mitbestimmungsdebatte im Licht der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung
by Höpner, Martin - 04/7 Loyalty and Power in Union-Party Alliances: Labor Politics in Postcommunism
by Avdagic, Sabina - 04/6 European Social Policy and Europe's Party-Political Center of Gravity, 1957-2003
by Zorn, Hendrik & Schäfer, Armin & Manow, Philip - 04/5 Varieties of Capitalism and Institutional Complementarities in the Macroeconomy
by Hall, Peter A. & Gingerich, Daniel W. - 04/4 Organizational Forms of Terrorism: Hierarchy, Network, or a Type sui generis?
by Mayntz, Renate - 04/3 Von Verbänden zu Parteien: Der Elitenwechsel in der Sozialpolitik
by Trampusch, Christine - 04/2 Financial Policy in the Netherlands 1977-2002: The Effects of Fiscal Contracts
by Seils, Eric - 04/1 Parteipolitikverflechtung: Der Einfluss der Bundespolitik auf Landtagswahlentscheidungen von 1976 bis 2002
by Burkhart, Simone
- 03/8 Institutionalistische Technikanalyse: Stand und Perspektiven
by Werle, Raymund - 03/7 Convergence within National Diversity: A Comparative Perspective on the Regulatory State in Finance
by Lütz, Susanne - 03/6 Accounting for Variations in Trade Union Effectiveness: State-Labor Relations in East Central Europe
by Avdagic, Sabina - 03/5 Governance in der politischen Ökonomie
by Lütz, Susanne - 03/4 European corporate governance reform and the German party paradox
by Höpner, Martin - 03/3 Die Umsetzung von EU-Richtlinien im Zeichen der Parteipolitik: Eine akteurzentrierte Antwort auf die Misfit-These
by Treib, Oliver - 03/2 Gibt es einen regionalen Integrationsprozess in Ostasien?
by Ziltener, Patrick - 03/1 Ein Bündnis für die nachhaltige Finanzierung der Sozialversicherungssysteme: Interessenvermittlung in der bundesdeutschen Arbeitsmarkt- und Rentenpolitik
by Trampusch, Christine
- 01/10 Do affluent countries face an income-jobs tradeoff?
by Kenworthy, Lane - 02/9 Vier Perspektiven zur Entstehung und Entwicklung der Europäischen Beschäftigungspolitik
by Schäfer, Armin - 02/8 The employment effects of different regimes of welfare state taxation: An empirical analysis of core OECD countries
by Kemmerling, Achim - 02/7 A comparative study of business lobbying in the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of Ministers
by Bouwen, Pieter - 02/6 Regulatory Europeanization, national autonomy and regulatory effectiveness: Marketing authorization for pharmaceuticals
by Feick, Jürgen - 02/5 Breaking the path of institutional development? Alternatives to the new determinism
by Crouch, Colin & Farrell, Henry - 02/4 Die Folgen der europäischen Integration für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Wandel durch Verflechtung
by Schmidt, Susanne K. - 02/3 How reliable is pooled analysis in political economy? The globalization welfare state nexus revisited
by Kittel, Bernhard & Winner, Hannes - 02/2 Der unitarische Bundesstaat in Deutschland: Pfadabhängigkeit und Wandel
by Lehmbruch, Gerhard - 02/1 Political parties, institutions, and the dynamics of social expenditure in times of austerity
by Kittel, Bernhard & Obinger, Herbert
- 01/11 The politics of pensions in European social insurance countries
by Schludi, Martin - 01/9 Global markets, national tax systems, and domestic politics: Rebalancing efficiency and equity in open states' income taxation
by Ganghof, Steffen - 01/8 Die Bestimmung von Forschungsthemen in Max-Planck-Instituten im Spannungsfeld wissenschaftlicher und außerwissenschaftlicher Interessen: Ein Forschungsbericht
by Mayntz, Renate - 01/7 The effects of convergence: Internationalisation and the changing distribution of net value added in large German firms
by Hassel, Anke & Beyer, Jürgen - 01/6 Institutional change and the uses and limits of path dependency: The case of German finance
by Deeg, Richard - 01/5 Corporate governance in transition: Ten empirical findings on shareholder value and industrial relations in Germany
by Höpner, Martin - 01/4 An emerging market for corporate control? The Mannesmann takeover and German corporate governance
by Höpner, Martin & Jackson, Gregory - 01/3 How bargaining mediates wage determination: An exploration of the parameters of wage functions in a pooled time-series cross-section framework
by Kittel, Bernhard - 01/2 One best way oder Varietät? Strategischer und organisatorischer Wandel von Großunternehmen im Prozess der Internationalisierung
by Beyer, Jürgen - 01/1 Minority governments and party politics: The political and institutional background to the Danish Miracle
by Green-Pedersen, Christoffer
- 00/5 Notes toward a theory of multilevel governing in Europe
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 00/4 Quantitative indicators of corporatism: A survey and assessment
by Kenworthy, Lane - 00/3 Politikwissenschaft in einer entgrenzten Welt
by Mayntz, Renate - 00/2 From managed to market capitalism? German finance in transition
by Lütz, Susanne - 00/1 Institutional aspects of standardization: Jurisdictional conflicts and choice of standardization organizations
by Werle, Raymund
- 99/6 Adjusting national tax policy to economic internationalization: Strategies and outcomes
by Ganghof, Steffen - 99/5 Bündnisse für Arbeit: Nationale Handlungsfähigkeit im europäischen Regimewettbewerb
by Hassel, Anke - 99/4 How pervasive are Euro-politics? Effects of EU membership on a new member state
by Falkner, Gerda - 99/3 Striking deals: Concertation in the reform of continental European welfare states
by Ebbinghaus, Bernhard & Hassel, Anke - 99/2 Judicial politics in the European Union: Its impact on national opportunity structures for gender equality
by Tesoka, Sabrina - 99/1 The organization of business interests: Studying the associative action of business in advanced industrial societies
by Schmitter, Philippe C. & Streeck, Wolfgang
- 98/8 Linked games, international organisations and agricultural trade
by Coleman, William D. & Tangermann, Stefan - 98/7 Internationalization and financial federalism: The United States and Germany at the crossroads?
by Deeg, Richard & Lütz, Susanne - 98/6 European social policy between national and supranational regulation: Posted workers in the framework of liberalized services provision
by Eichhorst, Werner - 98/5 Wenn Banken sich vergessen ...: Risikoregulierung im internationalen Mehr-Ebenen-System
by Lütz, Susanne - 98/4 An evolutionary dynamic of trade union systems
by Streeck, Wolfgang & Visser, Jelle - 98/3 Tax competition in the European Union
by Dehejia, Vivek H. & Genschel, Philipp - 98/2 The internationalization of industrial relations in Europe: Prospects and problems
by Streeck, Wolfgang - 98/1 The institutional problem-solving capacities of the council: The committee of permanent representatives and the methods of community
by Lewis, Jeffrey
- 97/4 Behind the council agenda: The commission's impact on decisions
by Schmidt, Susanne K. - 97/3 In the shadow of the vote? Decisionmaking efficiency in the European Community 1974 - 1995
by Golub, Jonathan - 97/2 Social insurance and the German political economy
by Manow, Philip - 97/1 Globalisierung als Beschränkung der Handlungsmöglichkeiten nationalstaatlicher Politik
by Scharpf, Fritz W.
- 96/9 The revival of the nation-state? Stock exchange regulation in an era of internationalized financial markets
by Lütz, Susanne - 96/8 Mending the ozone layer: The role of transnational policy networks
by Grundmann, Reiner - 96/7 Conflict, interest and strategy: A risk limit approach to conflict
by Mohr, Matthias & Hausken, Kjell - 96/6 Political science and the three new institutionalisms
by Hall, Peter A. & Taylor, Rosemary C. R. - 96/5 Sterile debates and dubious generalisations: An empirical critique of European integration theory based on the integration processes in telecommunications and electricity
by Schmidt, Susanne K. - 96/4 Wenn Reden Silber und Handeln Gold ist: Kommunikation und Kooperation in der internationalen Bankenregulierung
by Genschel, Philipp & Plümper, Thomas - 96/3 Die Implementation internationaler Umweltregime und positive Integration: Vortrag am Max-Planck für Gesellschaftsforschung anläßlich der Konferenz über Gesellschaftliche Selbstregelung und politische Steuerung am 30./31. Oktober 1995
by Zürn, Michael - 96/2 The Politics of Cutback Management: A Case Study of Interorganizational Relations and Influence Structures During a Local Government Retrenchment Process
by Uusikylä, Petri - 96/1 Hegemons, leaders and followers: A game-theoretic approach to the postwar dynamics of international political economy
by Hausken, Kjell & Plümper, Thomas
- 95/6 Formierung und Wandel eines Politikfeldes: Gesundheitspolitik von Blank zu Seehofer
by Döhler, Marian & Manow, Philip - 95/5 German capitalism: Does it exist? Can it survive?
by Streeck, Wolfgang - 95/4 Die Koordination von Interessenvielfalt im europäischen Entscheidungsprozess und deren Ergebnis: Regulative Politik als Patchwork
by Héritier, Adrienne - 95/3 The dynamics of inertia: Institutional persistence and institutional change in telecommunications and health care
by Genschel, Philipp - 95/2 Der Nutzen unvollständiger Erklärungen: Überlegungen zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Anwendung der Spieltheorie
by Zintl, Reinhard - 95/1 Der Kampf um die Finanzierung der deutschen Einheit
by Czada, Roland
- 94/5 Strukturinduzierte Politikgleichgewichte: Das Gesundheitsstrukturgesetz (GSG) und seine Vorgänger
by Manow, Philip - 94/4 Mehrebenenpolitik im vollendeten Binnenmarkt
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 94/3 Die politische Logik der deutschen Vereinigung und der Institutionentransfer: Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel von Gesundheitswesen, Forschungssystem und Telekommunikation
by Robischon, Tobias & Stucke, Andreas & Wasem, Jürgen & Wolf, Hans-Georg - 94/2 Ressourcenverknappung und/oder Leistungsdefizite: Probleme der westdeutschen Hochschulforschung seit Mitte der siebziger Jahre
by Schimank, Uwe - 94/1 Efficient self-coordination in policy networks: A simulation study
by Scharpf, Fritz W. & Mohr, Matthias
- 93/9 Autonomieschonend und gemeinschaftsverträglich: Zur Logik der europäischen Mehrebenenpolitik
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 93/8 Die Sozialversicherung in der DDR und der BRD, 1945 - 1990: über die Fortschrittlichkeit rückschrittlicher Institutionen
by Manow, Philip - 93/7 Manipulating social tensions: Collibration as an alternative mode of government intervention
by Dunsire, Andrew - 93/6 ISDN: The telecommunications highway for Europe after 1992 or Paving a dead end street?: The politics of pan-european telecommunications network development
by Fuchs, Gerhard - 93/5 Technical controversy in international standardization
by Schmidt, Susanne K. & Werle, Raymund - 93/4 Corporate actor networks in European policy making: Harmonizing telecommunications policy
by Dang Nguyen, Godefroy & Schneider, Volker & Werle, Raymund - 93/3 Politische Steuerungsfähigkeit in intermediären Systemen am Beispiel der Forschungsförderung
by Braun, Dietmar - 93/1 Positive und negative Koordination in Verhandlungssystemen
by Scharpf, Fritz W.
- 92/9 Versuch über Demokratie in Verhandlungssystemen
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 92/8 Koordination und Evolution: Technische Standards im Prozeß der Entwicklung technischer Systeme
by Schmidt, Susanne K. & Werle, Raymund - 92/7 Gesundheitspolitische Steuerung zwischen Hierarchie und Verhandlung
by Döhler, Marian & Manow, Philip - 92/6 Comparing National Patterns of Medical Specialization: A Contribution to the Theory of Professions
by Döhler, Marian - 92/5 Von der "Poliklinik" in die Kassenarztpraxis: Versuch einer Rekonstruktion der Entscheidungssituation ambulant tätiger Ärzte in Ostdeutschland
by Wasem, Jürgen - 92/4 Die Transformation in der ehemaligen DDR und die soziologische Theorie der Modernisierung
by Zapf, Wolfgang - 92/3 Forschung in der Industrie: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen staatlicher Steuerbarkeit
by Grande, Edgar & Häusler, Jürgen - 92/2 Forschungsbedingungen der Professoren an den westdeutschen Hochschulen: Daten aus einer Befragung im Wintersemester 1990/91
by Schimank, Uwe - 92/1 From National Hierarchies to International Standardization: Historical and Modal Changes in the Coordination of Telecommunications
by Genschel, Philipp & Werle, Raymund
- 91/10 Die Handlungsfähigkeit des Staates am Ende des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 91/9 Korporatisierung als gesundheitspolitische Strategie
by Döhler, Marian & Manow, Philip - 91/8 Modernization and the Logic of Interorganizational Networks
by Mayntz, Renate - 91/7 Die Personalstruktur des deutschen Gesundheitswesens Mitte der achtziger Jahre: Bestandsaufnahme und Bewertung aktueller Datenquellen
by Nahr, Heinrich - 91/6 Kooperation und die Aufteilung des Kooperationsgewinns bei horizontaler Politikverflechtung
by Zintl, Reinhard - 91/5 Diskurse über Staatsaufgaben: Gastvortrag
by Kaufmann, Franz-Xaver - 91/4 Koordination durch Verhandlungssysteme: Analytische Konzepte und institutionelle Lösungen am Beispiel der Zusammenarbeit zwischen zwei Bundesländern
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 91/3 Reformstrategien und staatliche Handlungskapazitäten: Eine vergleichende Analyse institutionellen Wandels in der Telekommunikation in Westeuropa
by Grande, Edgar & Schneider, Volker - 91/2 International vergleichende Policyforschung: Eine Bibliographie
by Feick, Jürgen - 91/1 Mehr-Ebenen-Verflechtung: Politische Prozesse in verbundenen Entscheidungsarenen
by Benz, Arthur
- 90/11 Corporate actors: Definition, genesis, and interaction
by Flam, Helena - 90/10 Analyzing change in international politics: The new institutionalism and the interpretative approach
by Katzenstein, Peter Joachim - 90/9 Investment in Human Capital of a Powerful Interest Group: The Case of the Medical Profession in Britain, France, Sweden and the United States from 1890 to 1970
by Hollingsworth, J. Rogers & Hanneman, Robert A. & Hage, Jerald - 90/8 Games Real Actors Could Play: The Problem of Connectedness
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 90/7 The Influence of Natural Science Theories on Contemporary Social Science
by Mayntz, Renate - 90/6 Policy Networks and Change: The Case of High-Tc Superconductors
by Jansen, Dorothea - 90/5 Political Arenas: The Effects of Representation on Health Policy
by Immergut, Ellen M. - 90/4 The Governance of American Manufacturing Sectors: The Logic of Coordination and Control
by Hollingsworth, J. Rogers - 90/3 Ausmaß und Ursachen des Pflegenotstands in der Bundesrepublik
by Alber, Jens - 90/2 Unsicherheit und Multiple-Self-Identität: Eine Spekulation über die Voraussetzungen strategischen Handelns
by Wiesenthal, Helmut - 90/1 Zur Gegenwart der Fabrik der Zukunft: Forschungsaktivitäten im bundesdeutschen Maschinenbau
by Häusler, Jürgen
- 89/11 Computer, Kommunikation und Wissenschaft: Telekommunikative Medien und Strukturen der Kommunikation im Wissenschaftssystem
by Stichweh, Rudolf - 89/10 Die Spieltheorie als Instrument der Gesellschaftsforschung
by Ryll, Andreas - 89/9 Games Real Actors Could Play: The Problem of Complete Information
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 89/8 Forschungspolitik als Ordnungspolitik: Das Modell Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft und seine Genese im Forschungssystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
by Hohn, Hans-Willy - 89/7 Emotional Man: A Third Perspective on Collective and Corporate Action
by Flam, Helena - 89/6 Subjective Rationality and the Explanation of Social Behavior
by Boudon, Raymond - 89/5 Social Norms in the Institutional Culture of the German Federal Parliament
by Mayntz, Renate - 89/4 Der Bundesrat und die Kooperation auf der dritten Ebene
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 89/3 Föderalismus und die Gesellschaft der Gegenwart
by Mayntz, Renate - 89/2 Comparative Policy Research: Eclecticism or Systematic Integration?
by Feick, Jürgen & Jann, Werner - 89/1 Industrieforschung in der Forschungslandschaft der Bundesrepublik: Ein Datenbericht
by Häusler, Jürgen
- 88/7 Institutionelle Differenzierung und Verselbständigung der deutschen Großforschungseinrichtungen
by Schimank, Uwe - 88/6 Die Einführung und Nutzung des Telefons in der Industrie des Deutschen Reiches, 1880-1939: Eine Untersuchung westdeutscher Großunternehmen
by Reinke, Herbert - 88/5 Wissenschaftliche Vereinigungen im deutschen Forschungssystem: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Erhebung
by Schimank, Uwe - 88/4 Regime oder korporativer Akteur? Die EG in der Telekommunikationspolitik
by Schneider, Volker & Werle, Raymund - 88/3 Decision Rules, Decision Styles, and Policy Choices
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 88/2 Die Gesundheitssysteme der OECD-Länder im Vergleich
by Alber, Jens - 88/1 Verhandlungssysteme, Verteilungskonflikte und Pathologien der politischen Steuerung
by Scharpf, Fritz W.
- 87/1 Soziale Diskontinuitäten: Erscheinungsformen und Ursachen
by Mayntz, Renate