- 24/9 Firm size and society: The link between firm size, job outcomes, and political attitudes
by Hadziabdic, Sinisa & Kohl, Sebastian - 24/8 Between export-led growth and administrative Keynesianism: Italy's two-tiered growth regime
by Di Carlo, Donato & Ciarini, Andrea & Villa, Anna - 24/7 Mind the output gap: The new technocratic politics of EU fiscal rules in Italy
by Locatelli, Camilla - 24/6 The political economy of conditionality and the new industrial policy
by Bulfone, Fabio & Ergen, Timur & Maggor, Erez - 24/5 What makes an imagined future credible?
by Beckert, Jens - 24/4 The Greek tragedy: Narratives and imagined futures in the Greek sovereign debt crisis
by Beckert, Jens & Arndt, H. Lukas R. - 24/3 Triffin reloaded: The matrix of contradictions around global quasi-state money
by Schwartz, Herman M. - 24/2 Dealing government bonds: Trading infrastructures and infrastructural power in European markets for public debt
by van der Heide, Arjen - 24/1 Talking exports: The representation of Germany's current account in newspaper media
by Maschke, Andreas
- 23/6 The sunshine problem: Climate change and managed decline in the European Union
by Ergen, Timur & Schmitz, Luuk - 23/5 A bitter adjustment for German family capitalism: Succession and a changing ownership transfer regime
by Stamm, Isabell & Sandham, Allan - 23/4 What growth strategies do citizens want? Evidence from a new survey
by Baccaro, Lucio & Bremer, Björn & Neimanns, Erik - 23/3 Paradigm shifts in macrosociology
by Mayntz, Renate - 23/2 Turning no tides: Union effects on partisan preferences and the working-class metamorphosis
by Hadziabdic, Sinisa - 23/1 Top wealth and its historical origins: An analysis of Germany's largest privately held fortunes in 2019
by Tisch, Daria & Ischinsky, Emma
- 22/9 Das deutsche Wachstumsmodell, 1991-2019
by Höpner, Martin & Baccaro, Lucio - 22/8 From media-party linkages to ownership concentration causes of cross-national variation in media outlets' economic positioning
by Neimanns, Erik & Blossey, Nils - 22/7 Verkaufte Zukunft: Dilemmata des globalen Kapitalismus in der Klimakrise
by Beckert, Jens - 22/6 Operationalizing growth models
by Baccaro, Lucio & Hadziabdic, Sinisa - 22/5 Signaling virtue or vulnerability? The changing impact of exchange rate regimes on government bond yields
by Barta, Zsófia & Baccaro, Lucio & Johnston, Alison - 22/4 Private insurance, public welfare, and financial markets: Alpine and Maritime countries in comparative-historical perspective
by van der Heide, Arjen & Kohl, Sebastian - 22/3 The rise and fall of social housing? Housing decommodification in long-run perspective
by Kholodilin, Konstantin A. & Kohl, Sebastian & Müller, Florian - 22/2 No strings attached: Corporate welfare, state intervention, and the issue of conditionality
by Bulfone, Fabio & Ergen, Timur & Kalaitzake, Manolis - 22/1 The instability of preferences: Uncertain futures and the incommensurable and intersubjective nature of value(s)
by Bronk, Richard & Beckert, Jens
- 21/7 Von der Pandemie zu einer Neuordnung der Zeit? Zeitsoziologische Perspektiven auf das Verhältnis von Zeitlichkeit, Wirtschaft und Staat
by Suckert, Lisa - 21/6 The organizational roots of market design failure structural abstraction, the limits of hierarchy, and the California energy crisis of 2000/01
by Rilinger, Georg - 21/5 Firm foundations: The statistical footprint of multinational corporations as a problem for political economy
by Ergen, Timur & Kohl, Sebastian & Braun, Benjamin - 21/4 The constrained politics of local public investments under cooperative federalism
by Bremer, Björn & Di Carlo, Donato & Wansleben, Leon - 21/3 Determinants of wage (dis-)satisfaction: Trade exposure, export-led growth, and the irrelevance of bargaining structure
by Baccaro, Lucio & Neimanns, Erik - 21/2 Dürfen europäische Gesetze Grundfreiheiten einschränken?
by Höpner, Martin & Haas, Christine - 21/1 Proportionality and Karlsruhe's ultra vires verdict: Ways out of constitutional pluralism?
by Höpner, Martin
- 20/15 Wissenschaftler auf Zeit: Die Durchsetzung der Personalpolitik der Befristung in der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft seit den 1970er-Jahren
by Leendertz, Ariane - 20/14 Resilience or relocation? Expectations and reality in the city of London since the Brexit referendum
by Kalaitzake, Manolis - 20/13 From industrial citizenship to private ordering? Contract, status, and the question of consent
by Dukes, Ruth & Streeck, Wolfgang - 20/12 The political economy of industrial policy in the European Union
by Bulfone, Fabio - 20/11 Scaling up alternatives to capitalism: A social movement approach to alternative organizing (in) the economy
by Schiller-Merkens, Simone - 20/10 Is the euro up for grabs? Evidence from a survey experiment
by Baccaro, Lucio & Bremer, Björn & Neimanns, Erik - 20/9 Has the "external constraint" contributed to Italy's stagnation? A critical event analysis
by Baccaro, Lucio & D'Antoni, Massimo - 20/8 Toward a discursive approach to growth models: Social blocs in the politics of digital transformation
by Rothstein, Sidney A. - 20/7 Causal mechanism and explanation in social science
by Mayntz, Renate - 20/6 Housing and voting in Germany: Multi-level evidence for the association between house prices and housing tenure and party outcomes, 1980-2017
by Beckmann, Paul & Fulda, Barbara & Kohl, Sebastian - 20/5 Ownership in the electricity market: Property, the firm, and the climate crisis
by Ferguson-Cradler, Gregory - 20/4 Not all firms are created equal: SMEs and vocational training in the UK, Italy, and Germany
by Benassi, Chiara & Durazzi, Niccolo & Fortwengel, Johann - 20/3 Transcending history's heavy hand: The future in economic action
by Beckert, Jens & Ergen, Timur - 20/2 Who are these bond vigilantes anyway? The political economy of sovereign debt ownership in the eurozone
by Arbogast, Tobias - 20/1 Normative social influence on meat consumption
by Einhorn, Laura
- 19/10 Uncertain futures: Imaginaries, narratives, and calculative technologies
by Beckert, Jens & Bronk, Richard - 19/9 Competing with whom? European tax competition, the "great fragmentation of the firm," and varieties of FDI attraction profiles
by Garcia-Bernardo, Javier & Reurink, Arjan - 19/8 Innovation and precarity: Workplace discourse in twenty-first century capitalism
by Rothstein, Sidney A. - 19/7 A politics of hope: The making of Brazil's post-neoliberal new middle class
by Kopper, Moisés - 19/6 Changing perspectives in political economy
by Mayntz, Renate - 19/5 Strong firms, weak banks: The financial consequences of Germany's export-led growth model
by Braun, Benjamin & Deeg, Richard - 19/4 Der Brexit und die ökonomische Identität Großbritanniens: Zwischen globalem Freihandel und ökonomischem Nationalismus
by Suckert, Lisa - 19/3 An overview of German new economic sociology and the contribution of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
by Wilkinson, John - 19/2 Is there a motherhood penalty in academia? The gendered effect of children on academic publications
by Lutter, Mark & Schröder, Martin - 19/1 The German undervaluation regime under Bretton Woods: How Germany became the nightmare of the world economy
by Höpner, Martin
- 18/11 European social policy: Progressive regression
by Streeck, Wolfgang - 18/10 Comparative political economy and varieties of macroeconomics
by Baccaro, Lucio & Pontusson, Jonas - 18/9 The conditions of socioeconomic development exploring the legitimacy of social norms, trust, and corruption in Chile and Argentina
by Míguez, Daniel & Dewey, Matías - 18/8 Unsichere Zukünfte und die Entstehung von Kooperation: Wie Erwartungen kollektives Handeln ermöglichen
by Ergen, Timur & Seeliger, Martin - 18/7 There is an alternative: A two-tier European currency community
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 18/6 A small history of the homeownership ideal
by Kohl, Sebastian - 18/5 Government of the people, by the elite, for the rich: Unequal responsiveness in an unlikely case
by Elsässer, Lea & Hense, Svenja & Schäfer, Armin - 18/4 Anomie or imitation? The Werther effect of celebrity suicides on suicide rates in 34 OECD countries, 1960-2014
by Lutter, Mark & Roex, Karlijn L. A. & Tisch, Daria - 18/3 Does pattern bargaining explain wage restraint in the German public sector?
by Di Carlo, Donato - 18/2 Explaining the growth of CSR within OECD countries: The role of institutional legitimacy in resolving the institutional mirror vs. substitute debate
by Kinderman, Daniel & Lutter, Mark - 18/1 International monetary regimes and the German model
by Scharpf, Fritz W.
- 17/21 Fiscal fault, financial fix? Capital Markets Union and the quest for macroeconomic stabilization in the euro area
by Braun, Benjamin & Hübner, Marina - 17/20 From economic gains to social losses: How stories shape expectations in the case of German municipal finance
by Fastenrath, Florian & Orban, Agnes & Trampusch, Christine - 17/19 Unhinged: Industrial relations liberalization and capitalist instability
by Baccaro, Lucio & Howell, Chris - 17/18 Varieties of economization in competition policy: A comparative analysis of German and American antitrust doctrines, 1960-2000
by Ergen, Timur & Kohl, Sebastian - 17/17 Woher kommen Erwartungen? Die soziale Strukturierung imaginierter Zukünfte
by Beckert, Jens - 17/16 Liberalization, hysteresis, and labor relations in Western European commercial aviation
by Reale, Filippo Gian-Antonio - 17/15 Vom asymmetrischen Euro-Regime in die Transferunion: Und was die deutsche Politik dagegen tun könnte
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 17/14 Ungleiche Mittelschichten: Über Unterschiede im Immobilienvermögen und im Erbe innerhalb der Mitte Deutschlands
by Korom, Philipp - 17/13 Transnationale Lohnkoordination zur Stabilisierung des Euro? Gab es nicht, gibt es nicht, wird es nicht geben
by Höpner, Martin & Seeliger, Martin - 17/12 Zählen - Messen - Entscheiden: Wissen im politischen Prozess
by Mayntz, Renate - 17/11 Digitale Souveränität: Technikutopien und Gestaltungsansprüche demokratischer Politik
by Misterek, Fokko - 17/10 Grundfreiheiten als Liberalisierungsgebote? Reformoptionen im Kontext der EU-Reformdebatte
by Höpner, Martin - 17/9 What money does: An inquiry into the backbone of capitalist political economy
by Koddenbrock, Kai - 17/8 Die Historizität fiktionaler Erwartungen
by Beckert, Jens - 17/7 Coalitional cohesion in technology policy: The case of the early solar cell industry in the United States
by Ergen, Timur - 17/6 Effectiveness of the European semester: Explaining domestic consent and contestation
by Maatsch, Aleksandra - 17/5 Handeln und Struktur, Akteur und System: Die kausale Rekonstruktion von sozialen Makrophänomenen am Beispiel der Finanzkrise
by Mayntz, Renate - 17/4 Quality and inequality: Taste, value, and power in the third wave coffee market
by Fischer, Edward F. - 17/3 Privatized Keynesianism or conspicuous consumption? Status anxiety and the financialization of consumption in Chile
by González, Felipe - 17/2 Varieties of housing finance in historical perspective: The impact of mortgage finance systems on urban structures and homeownership
by Blackwell, Timothy & Kohl, Sebastian - 17/1 Ambiguities of social Europe: Political agenda setting among trade unionists from Central and Eastern Europe and Western Europe
by Seeliger, Martin
- 16/16 Workers united? How trade union organizations at the European level form political positions on the freedom of services
by Seeliger, Martin & Wagner, Ines - 16/15 Forced structural convergence in the eurozone: Or a differentiated European monetary community
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 16/14 De-constitutionalization and majority rule: A democratic vision for Europe
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 16/13 Diversified quality production revisited the transformation of production systems and regulatory regimes in Germany
by Sorge, Arndt & Streeck, Wolfgang - 16/12 Speaking to the people? Money, trust, and central bank legitimacy in the age of quantitative easing
by Braun, Benjamin - 16/11 Inherited advantage: The importance of inheritance for private wealth accumulation in Europe
by Korom, Philipp - 16/10 From elite lawbreaking to financial crime: The evolution of the concept of white-collar crime
by Reurink, Arjan - 16/9 After blood diamonds: The moral economy of illegality in the Sierra Leonean diamond market
by Engwicht, Nina - 16/8 Unverdientes Vermögen oder illegitimer Eingriff in das Eigentumsrecht? Der öffentliche Diskurs um die Erbschaftssteuer in Deutschland und Österreich
by Beckert, Jens & Arndt, H. Lukas R. - 16/7 How much do sociologists write about economic topics? Using big data to test some conventional views in economic sociology, 1890 to 2014
by Daoud, Adel & Kohl, Sebastian - 16/6 Uncertainty and the dangers of monocultures in regulation, analysis, and practice
by Bronk, Richard & Jacoby, Wade - 16/5 Financial fraud: A literature review
by Reurink, Arjan - 16/4 Illegal markets boundaries and interfaces between legality and illegality
by Mayntz, Renate - 16/3 Group representation for the working class? Opinion differences among occupational groups in Germany
by Elsässer, Lea & Schäfer, Armin - 16/2 Porous borders: The study of illegal markets from a sociological perspective
by Dewey, Matías - 16/1 Permanent budget surpluses as a fiscal regime
by Haffert, Lukas
- 15/11 Diskretionäre Wechselkursregime: Erfahrungen aus dem Europäischen Währungssystem, 1979-1998
by Höpner, Martin & Spielau, Alexander - 15/10 Empowered or disempowered? The role of national parliaments during the reform of European economic governance
by Maatsch, Aleksandra - 15/9 Constructing quality: Producer power, market organization, and the politics of high value-added markets
by Carter, Elizabeth - 15/8 The enduring importance of family wealth: Evidence from the Forbes 400, 1982 to 2013
by Korom, Philipp & Lutter, Mark & Beckert, Jens - 15/7 Das Komplexitätssyndrom: Gesellschaftliche 'Komplexität' als intellektuelle und politische Herausforderung in den 1970er-Jahren
by Leendertz, Ariane - 15/6 How the eurobarometer blurs the Line between research and propaganda
by Höpner, Martin & Jurczyk, Bojan - 15/5 Quality of government and the relationship between natural disasters and child poverty: A comparative analysis
by Daoud, Adel & Halleröd, Björn & Guha Sapir, Debarati - 15/4 Culture's influence regionally differing social milieus and variations in fertility rates
by Fulda, Barbara - 15/3 Bringing power back in: A review of the literature on the role of business in welfare state politics
by Paster, Thomas - 15/2 Politics as organized combat: New players and new rules of the game in Sweden
by Svallfors, Stefan - 15/1 The rise of the European consolidation state
by Streeck, Wolfgang
- 14/21 After the crash: A perspective on multilevel European democracy
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 14/20 Falsche Werte: Nachfrage nach Modeplagiaten
by Wehinger, Frank - 14/19 Who becomes a tenured professor, and why? Panel data evidence from German sociology, 1980-2013
by Lutter, Mark & Schröder, Martin - 14/18 Taxing the shadow: The political economy of sweatshops in La Salada, Argentina
by Dewey, Matías - 14/17 Monetary disunion: The domestic politics of Euroland
by Streeck, Wolfgang & Elsässer, Lea - 14/16 Challenging varieties of capitalism's account of business interests: The new social market initiative and German employers' quest for liberalization, 2000-2014
by Kinderman, Daniel - 14/15 European integration and the incompatibility of national varieties of capitalism problems with institutional divergence in a monetary union
by Johnston, Alison & Regan, Aidan - 14/14 One currency and many modes of wage formation: Why the eurozone is too heterogeneous for the euro
by Höpner, Martin & Lutter, Mark - 14/13 Ökonomisierung und moralischer Wandel: Die Ausweitung von Marktbeziehungen als Prozess der moralischen Bewertung von Gütern
by Akyel, Dominic - 14/12 Neoliberalism without neoliberals: Evidence from the rise of 401(k) retirement plans
by McCarthy, Michael A. - 14/11 Creative success and network embeddedness: Explaining critical recognition of film directors in Hollywood, 1900-2010
by Lutter, Mark - 14/10 The socially responsible company as a strategic second-order observer: An Indian case
by Krichewsky, Damien - 14/9 The return of religion? The paradox of faith-based welfare provision in a secular age
by Hien, Josef - 14/8 Wie der Europäische Gerichtshof und die Kommission Liberalisierung durchsetzen: Befunde aus der MPIfG-Forschungsgruppe zur Politischen Ökonomie der europäischen Integration
by Höpner, Martin - 14/7 Capitalist dynamics fictional expectations and the openness of the future
by Beckert, Jens - 14/6 Crisis and the emergence of illicit markets: A pragmatist view on economic action outside the law
by Dewey, Matías - 14/5 Pathways of transnational activism: A conceptual framework
by Zajak, Sabrina - 14/4 No exit from the euro-rescuing trap?
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 14/3 Markt oder Staat? Kooperationsprobleme in der Europäischen Union
by Mayntz, Renate - 14/2 Wine as a cultural product: Symbolic capital and price formation in the wine field
by Beckert, Jens & Rössel, Jörg & Schenk, Patrick - 14/1 Europe meets Asia: The transnational construction of access and voice from below
by Zajak, Sabrina
- 13/16 From austerity to expansion? Consolidation, budget surpluses, and the decline of fiscal capacity
by Haffert, Lukas & Mehrtens, Philip - 13/15 Political legitimacy in a non-optimal currency area
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 13/14 Wirtschaftsnationalismus im Wandel der Zeit: Der politische Diskurs um ausländische Unternehmensübernahmen in Großbritannien seit den 1950er-Jahren
by Callaghan, Helen & Hees, Alexandra - 13/13 Tax competition in the eurozone: Capital mobility, agglomeration, and the small country disadvantage
by Rademacher, Inga - 13/12 The effectiveness of transnational non-state governance: The role of domestic regulations and compliance assessment in practice
by Malets, Olga - 13/11 Financial market regulation in the shadow of the sovereign debt crisis
by Mayntz, Renate - 13/10 Mechanisms of institutional continuity in neoliberal "success stories": Developmental regimes in Chile and Estonia
by Madariaga, Aldo - 13/9 Is there a closure penalty? Cohesive network structures, diversity, and gender inequalities in career advancement
by Lutter, Mark - 13/8 Framing moral markets: The cultural legacy of social movements in an emerging market category
by Schiller-Merkens, Simone - 13/7 The politics of public debt: Neoliberalism, capitalist development, and the restructuring of the state
by Streeck, Wolfgang - 13/6 On history and policy: Time in the age of neoliberalism
by Boldizzoni, Francesco - 13/5 Die Verschiedenheit der europäischen Lohnregime und ihr Beitrag zur Eurokrise: Warum der Euro nicht zum heterogenen Unterbau der Eurozone passt
by Höpner, Martin - 13/4 Who cares about financialization? Explaining the decline in political salience of active markets for corporate control
by Callaghan, Helen - 13/3 Diagnosis, treatment, and effects of the crisis in Greece: A 'special case' or a 'test case'?
by Markantonatou, Maria - 13/2 Erkennen, was die Welt zusammenhält: Die Finanzmarktkrise als Herausforderung für die soziologische Systemtheorie
by Mayntz, Renate - 13/1 Alternative Geldkonzepte - ein Literaturbericht
by Degens, Philipp
- 12/11 How politics shaped modern banking in early modern England: Rethinking the nature of representative democracy, public debt, and modern banking
by Kim, Jongchul - 12/10 Economic nationalism, network-based coordination, and the market for corporate control: Motives for political resistance to foreign takeovers
by Callaghan, Helen - 12/9 Competing tactics: How the interplay of tactical approaches shapes movement outcomes on the market for ethical fashion
by Balsiger, Philip - 12/8 Wem wird gegeben? Matthäus-Effekte und geschlechtsspezifische Ungleichheiten auf dem Arbeitsmarkt für Filmschauspieler
by Lutter, Mark - 12/7 Soziale Strukturen des Erfolgs: Winner-take-all-Prozesse in der Kreativwirtschaft
by Lutter, Mark - 12/6 Legitimacy intermediation in the multilevel European polity and its collapse in the euro crisis
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 12/5 Integration among unequals: How the heterogeneity of European varieties of capitalism shapes the social and democratic potential of the EU
by Höpner, Martin & Schäfer, Armin - 12/4 Capitalism as a system of contingent expectations: Toward a sociological microfoundation of political economy
by Beckert, Jens - 12/3 Quality classifications in competition: Price formation in the German wine market
by Rössel, Jörg & Beckert, Jens - 12/2 Capitalism, religion, and the idea of the demonic
by Deutschmann, Christoph - 12/1 Opportunismus oder Ungewissheit? Mitbestimmte Unternehmen zwischen Klassenkampf und Produktionsregime
by Höpner, Martin & Waclawczyk, Maximilian
- 11/17 Republican liberty and compulsory voting
by Schäfer, Armin - 11/16 Wie die Europäische Kommission Liberalisierung durchsetzt: Der Konflikt um das öffentlich-rechtliche Bankenwesen in Deutschland
by Seikel, Daniel - 11/15 The crisis in context democratic capitalism and its contradictions
by Streeck, Wolfgang - 11/14 Making the poor pay for public goods via microfinance: Economic and political pitfalls in the case of water and sanitation
by Mader, Philip - 11/13 Varieties of cross-class coalitions in the politics of dualization: Insights from the case of vocational training in Germany
by Busemeyer, Marius R. - 11/12 Fiscal austerity and public investment: Is the possible the enemy of the necessary?
by Streeck, Wolfgang & Mertens, Daniel - 11/11 Monetary union, fiscal crisis and the preemption of democracy
by Scharpf, Fritz W. - 11/10 Regulating international finance and the evolving imbalance of capitalisms since the 1970s
by Kalinowski, Thomas - 11/9 In the shadow illegal markets and economic sociology
by Beckert, Jens & Wehinger, Frank - 11/8 Imagined futures. Fictionality in economic action
by Beckert, Jens - 11/7 From transnational voluntary standards to local practices. A case study of forest certification in Russia
by Malets, Olga - 11/6 Varieties of capitalism and varieties of macroeconomic policy. Are some economies more procyclical than others?
by Amable, Bruno & Azizi, Karim - 11/5 German employers and the origins of unemployment insurance. Skills interest or strategic accommodation?
by Paster, Thomas - 11/4 The adoption of lotteries in the United States, 1964 - 2007. A model of conditional and time-dynamical diffusion
by Lutter, Mark - 11/3 Where do prices come from? Sociological approaches to price formation
by Beckert, Jens - 11/2 Institutional change in market-liberal state capitalism. An integrative perspective on the development of the private business sector in China
by ten Brink, Tobias - 11/1 Skills and politics. General and specific
by Streeck, Wolfgang
- 10/15 Taking capitalism seriously: Toward an institutionalist approach to contemporary political economy
by Streeck, Wolfgang - 10/14 The phantom of Palais Brongniart economic patriotism and the Paris stock exchange
by Callaghan, Helen & Lagneau-Ymonet, Paul - 10/13 Blurring the lines: Strategic deception and self-deception in markets
by Gruss, Laura & Piotti, Geny - 10/12 E pluribus unum? Varieties and commonalities of capitalism
by Streeck, Wolfgang - 10/11 Individual policy preferences for vocational versus academic education micro level evidence for the case of Switzerland
by Busemeyer, Marius R. & Cattaneo, Maria Alejandra & Wolter, Stefan C. - 10/10 Germany's new top managers? The corporate elite in flux, 1960 - 2005
by Freye, Saskia - 10/9 Economic crises, high public pension spending and blame-avoidance strategies: Pension policy retrenchments in 14 social-insurance countries, 1981 - 2005
by Fernandez, Juan J. - 10/8 Polanyi in Brussels? Embeddedness and the three dimensions of European economic integration
by Höpner, Martin & Schäfer, Armin - 10/7 Neoliberal restructuring in Turkey: From state to oligarchic capitalism
by Karadag, Roy - 10/6 Urheberrecht zwischen Kreativität und Verwertung: Transnationale Mobilisierung und private Regulierung
by Dobusch, Leonhard & Quack, Sigrid - 10/5 Politik im Defizit: Austerität als fiskalpolitisches Regime
by Streeck, Wolfgang & Mertens, Daniel - 10/4 The transcending power of goods: Imaginative value in the economy
by Beckert, Jens - 10/3 Mitbestimmung im Unternehmensvergleich: Ein Konzept zur Messung des Einflusspotenzials der Arbeitnehmervertreter im mitbestimmten Aufsichtsrat
by Höpner, Martin & Müllenborn, Tim - 10/2 Collective market-making efforts at an engineering conference
by Möllering, Guido - 10/1 Strukturmerkmale des chinesischen Kapitalismus
by ten Brink, Tobias
- 09/8 Institutions in history: Bringing capitalism back in
by Streeck, Wolfgang - 09/7 Liberalisierungspolitik: Eine Bestandsaufnahme von zweieinhalb Dekaden marktschaffender Politik in entwickelten Industrieländern
by Höpner, Martin & Petring, Alexander & Seikel, Daniel & Werner, Benjamin - 09/6 Trust and estate planning: The emergence of a profession and its contribution to socio-economic inequality
by Harrington, Brooke - 09/5 Country clustering in comparative political economy
by Ahlquist, John S. & Breunig, Christian