2020, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 415-426 Scarcity of Choice: The Effects of Childhood Socioeconomic Status on Consumers’ Responses to Substitution
by Debora V. Thompson & Ishani Banerji & Rebecca W. Hamilton - 427-438 Risky Spending after Experienced Loss: The Moderating Effect of Socioeconomic Background
by André Hansla & Lars-Olof Johansson - 439-443 Does Research on Scarcity Apply to Impoverished Consumers?
by Ronald Paul Hill - 444-457 Cognitive and Affective Scarcities and Relational Abundance: Lessons from the Confluence of Extreme and Chronic Scarcities in Subsistence Marketplaces
by Madhubalan Viswanathan & Ashok K. Lalwani - 458-469 Resource Scarcity Increases the Value of Pride
by Anthony Salerno & Brianna Escoe - 470-484 How Do I Like My Chances (to Unfold)? Why Perceived Scarcity and Anticipated Hope Lead Consumers to Prefer Increasing Probabilities of Obtaining a Resource
by Julian Givi & Christopher Y. Olivola - 485-494 “It Could Happen for Me … but How Good Can It Be?” Investigating the Relationship between Scarcity Beliefs, Similarity, and Perceived Value
by Elise Chandon Ince & Gustavo Schneider & Robyn A. LeBoeuf - 495-495 Retraction
by Patti Williams & Nicole Verrochi Coleman & Andrea C. Morales & Ludovica Cesareo
2020, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 240-247 It’s About Time: A Call for More Longitudinal Consumer Research Insights
by Pradeep Chintagunta & Aparna A. Labroo - 248-258 How Parental Love Received in Childhood Affects Consumers’ Future Financial Discipline
by Rajagopal Raghunathan & Zhiyong Yang & Deepa Chandrasekaran - 259-270 Increasing Recruitment and Engagement with Time-Limited Financial Incentives
by Punam A. Keller & Kevin Hesselton & Kevin G. Volpp - 271-281 Pay Me with Venmo: Effect of Service Providers’ Decisions to Adopt P2P Payment Methods on Consumer Evaluations
by Liang Huang & Anastasiya Pocheptsova Ghosh & Ruoou Li & Elise Chandon Ince - 282-290 A Tale of Two Evaluations: The Dynamic Effects of Cause-Related Marketing
by Uzma Khan & Colton Pond - 291-301 Does Practice Make Perfect? The Contrasting Effects of Repeated Practice on Creativity
by Melanie S. Brucks & Szu-Chi Huang - 302-310 Predicting Changes in Patient Choice of Preventive Health Care after Celebrity Diagnoses
by Stacy Wood & Bryan Bollinger - 311-321 The Motivating and Demotivating Effects of Negative Feedback on Cross-Domain Goal Pursuit Behaviors
by Alison Jing Xu & Shirley Y. Y. Cheng & Tiffany Barnett White - 322-328 Children’s Variety Seeking in Food Choices
by Margaret Echelbarger & Michal Maimaran & Susan A. Gelman - 329-334 Copy-Paste Prompts: A New Nudge to Promote Goal Achievement
by Katie S. Mehr & Amanda E. Geiser & Katherine L. Milkman & Angela L. Duckworth - 335-344 She’ll Take Two: Relationship Interdependence and Negative Emotion in Everyday Choice for Others
by Sarah G. Moore & Gráinne M. Fitzsimons & Gavan J. Fitzsimons - 345-355 The Communal Consumer: Longitudinal Evidence for the Distinction between Nurturing and Affiliative Motives
by Christopher Cannon & Derek D. Rucker
2020, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 130-136 Introduction to Special Issue: Trust in Doubt: Consuming in a Post-Truth World
by Robert V. Kozinets & Andrew D. Gershoff & Tiffany Barnett White - 137-148 Consuming Information from Sources Perceived as Biased versus Untrustworthy: Parallel and Distinct Influences
by Laura E. Wallace & Duane T. Wegener & Richard E. Petty - 149-161 Should We Trust Front-of-Package Labels? How Food and Brand Categorization Influence Healthiness Perception and Preference
by Gustavo Schneider & Anastasiya Pocheptsova Ghosh - 162-180 Past the Privacy Paradox: The Importance of Privacy Changes as a Function of Control and Complexity
by James A. Mourey & Ari Ezra Waldman - 181-205 Alexa, Can I Trust You? Exploring Consumer Paths to Trust in Smart Voice-Interaction Technologies
by Jonas Foehr & Claas Christian Germelmann - 206-219 A World of Mistrust: Fake News, Mistrust Mind-Sets, and Product Evaluations
by Mina Kwon & Michael J. Barone - 220-237 Role of Entertainment, Social Goals, and Accuracy Concerns in Knowingly Spreading Questionable Brand Rumors
by Sutapa Aditya & Peter R. Darke
2020, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 2-18 A Review and Framework for Thinking about the Drivers of Prosocial Consumer Behavior
by Katherine White & Rishad Habib & Darren W. Dahl - 19-33 On Being the Tipping Point: Social Threshold Incentives Motivate Behavior
by Lalin Anik & Michael I. Norton - 34-43 Selfish Prosocial Behavior: Gift-Giving to Feel Unique
by Julian Givi & Jeff Galak - 44-55 When Does Altruism Trump Self-Interest? The Moderating Role of Affect in Extrinsic Incentives
by Uzma Khan & Kelly Goldsmith & Ravi Dhar - 56-69 C2B: Motivating Consumer-to-Business Transactions through Environmental Appeals
by J. Ian Norris & Alexis M. Allen & John Peloza - 70-82 Can Thoughts of Having Less Ever Promote Prosocial Preferences? The Relationship between Scarcity, Construal Level, and Sustainable Product Adoption
by Kelly Goldsmith & Caroline Roux & Anne V. Wilson - 83-94 You Did What with My Donation?! Betrayal of Moral Mandates Increases Negative Responses to Redirected Donations to Donor-to-Recipient Charities
by Jeff Joireman & Mark Mulder & Yany Grégoire & David E. Sprott & Pavan Munaganti - 95-105 Prosocial Behavior Reframed: How Consumer Mindsets Shape Dependency-Oriented versus Autonomy-Oriented Helping
by Moran Anisman-Razin & Liat Levontin - 106-116 Does Mere Exposure to Beauty-Related Words Promote Prosocial Behavior? Exploring the Mental Association between Beauty and Prosociality
by Xiaojing Yang & Xiaoyan Deng & Amita Bhadauria - 117-127 From Visitors to Donors: How and Why Funding Rates Vary over Time in All-or-Nothing Noninvestment Crowdfunding Projects
by Lucia S. G. Barros & Cesar Zucco Jr. & Eduardo B. Andrade & Marcelo Salhab Brogliato
2019, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 306-312 Introduction to Special Issue: Uncovering the Potential of Aesthetics and Design to Transform Everyday Life
by Vanessa M. Patrick & Laura A. Peracchio & Claudia Townsend - 313-331 Collaborative Art: A Transformational Force within Communities
by Melissa G. Bublitz & Tracy Rank-Christman & Luca Cian & Xavier Cortada & Adriana Madzharov & Vanessa M. Patrick & Laura A. Peracchio & Maura L. Scott & Aparna Sundar & Ngoc (Rita) To & Claudia Townsend - 332-333 Commentary: Art Ignites Change
by Caitlin Butler - 334-335 Commentary: Project Row Houses: Arts, Culture, and Collective Creative Action
by Eureka Gilkey - 336-336 Shared Aesthetics: A Commentary on Collaborative Art
by Henrik Hagtvedt - 337-351 From Oldie to Goldie: Humanizing Old Produce Enhances Its Appeal
by Minkyung Koo & Hyewon Oh & Vanessa M. Patrick - 352-362 The Effect of Packaging Perceptual Cues on Consumer Disposal Behavior of Partially Consumed Products
by Rong Huang & Darren W. Dahl & Shenyu Li & Qiong Zhou - 363-375 Too Cute to Be Healthy: How Cute Packaging Designs Affect Judgments of Product Tastiness and Healthiness
by Benedikt Schnurr - 376-386 Dressed to Impress: The Effect of Victim Attire on Helping Behavior
by Sergio W. Carvalho & Diogo Hildebrand & Sankar Sen - 387-397 The Aesthetics We Wear: How Attire Influences What We Buy
by Keisha M. Cutright & Shalena Srna & Adriana Samper - 398-408 The Influence of Product Aesthetics on Consumer Inference Making
by Cammy Crolic & Yanmei Zheng & JoAndrea Hoegg & Joseph W. Alba - 409-421 Crazy-Funny-Cool Theory: Divergent Reactions to Unusual Product Designs
by Caleb Warren & Martin Reimann - 422-435 Dynamic by Design: How Incorporating Dynamism in Advertising Affects Evaluations
by James A. Mourey & Ryan S. Elder - 436-445 The Shape of Money: The Impact of Financial Resources on Product Shape Preference
by Yuwei Jiang & Lei Su & Rui (Juliet) Zhu
2019, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 210-213 Who Benefits from JACR?
by Joel Huber - 214-216 Introduction to the Special Issue on Consumer Response to Big Innovations
by Page Moreau & Stacy Wood - 217-230 Human or Robot? Consumer Responses to Radical Cognitive Enhancement Products
by Noah Castelo & Bernd Schmitt & Miklos Sarvary - 231-243 The Doctor-of-the-Future Is In: Patient Responses to Disruptive Health-Care Innovations
by Stacy Wood & Kevin Schulman - 244-255 How a New Product Idea Is Generated Impacts Market Desirability: Innovators’ Ideation Strategies and Innovation Success
by Maria Sääksjärvi & Katarina Hellén - 256-268 Putting a Price on User Innovation: How Consumer Participation Can Decrease Perceived Price Fairness
by Ashley Stadler Blank & Lisa E. Bolton - 269-279 Look at Me! Or Don’t… : How Mere Social Presence Impacts Innovation Adoption
by Lidan Xu & Ravi Mehta & Kelly B. Herd - 280-292 To Buy or to Resist: When Upward Social Comparison Discourages New Product Adoption
by Jaeyeon (Jae) Chung & Leonard Lee - 293-303 Dim or Bright? The Impact of Ambient Illuminance on Consumer Response to Innovative Solutions
by Chen Wang & Ravi Mehta & Rui (Juliet) Zhu & Jennifer J. Argo
2019, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 98-101 Introduction to Special Issue: Consumer Emotions in the Marketplace
by Michel Tuan Pham & Leonard Lee - 102-114 Warm Hearts and Cool Heads: Uncomfortable Temperature Influences Reliance on Affect in Decision-Making
by Rhonda Hadi & Lauren Block - 115-124 Being “Rational” Is Not Always Rational: Encouraging People to Be Rational Leads to Hedonically Suboptimal Decisions
by Xilin Li & Christopher K. Hsee - 125-135 Cold Anticipated Regret versus Hot Experienced Regret: Why Consumers Fail to Regret Unhealthy Consumption
by HaeEun Helen Chun & Joowon Park & Manoj Thomas - 136-146 Outsourcing Responsibility for Indulgent Food Consumption to Prevent Negative Affect
by Linda Hagen & Aradhna Krishna & Brent McFerran - 147-159 The Freedom of Constraint: How Perceptions of Time Limitations Alleviate Guilt from Two-Phase Indulgent Consumption
by Ted Matherly & Anastasiya Pocheptsova Ghosh & Yogesh V. Joshi - 160-171 Small Probabilistic Discounts Stimulate Spending: Pain of Paying in Price Promotions
by Chang-Yuan Lee & Carey K. Morewedge & Guy Hochman & Dan Ariely - 172-184 What’s New Is Old Again: Nostalgia and Retro-Styling in Response to Authenticity Threats
by Jannine D. Lasaleta & Katherine E. Loveland - 185-197 Rituals and Nuptials: The Emotional and Relational Consequences of Relationship Rituals
by Ximena Garcia-Rada & Ovul Sezer & Michael I. Norton - 198-207 The Effect of Incidental Emotions on Judgments and Behavior in Unrelated Situations: A Review
by Robert S. Wyer Jr. & Ping Dong & Xun (Irene) Huang & Zhongqiang (Tak) Huang & Lisa C. Wan
2019, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 2-4 Introduction to the Special Issue: Goals and Motivation
by Uzma Khan & Ayelet Fishbach & Ravi Dhar - 5-12 The Psychology of Multiple Goal Pursuit: Choices, Configurations, and Commitments
by Jessica Renee Fernandez & Arie W. Kruglanski - 13-20 The Proper Mix: Balancing Motivational Orientations in Goal Pursuit
by James F. M. Cornwell & Becca Franks & E. Tory Higgins - 21-35 You Don’t Blow Your Diet on Twinkies: Choice Processes When Choice Options Conflict with Incidental Goals
by Kelly Goldsmith & Elizabeth M. S. Friedman & Ravi Dhar - 36-46 Restricting Choice Freedom Reduces Post-choice Goal Disengagement
by Jordan Etkin & Juliano Laran - 47-56 Decisional Conflict Predicts Impatience
by Paul E. Stillman & Melissa J. Ferguson - 57-64 On Metamotivation: Consumers’ Knowledge about the Role of Construal Level in Enhancing Task Performance
by Kentaro Fujita & Abigail A. Scholer & David B. Miele & Tina Nguyen - 65-76 The Unique Role of Anger among Negative Emotions in Goal-Directed Decision Making
by Uzma Khan & Alexander DePaoli & Michal Maimaran - 77-86 Leveraging Means-Goal Associations to Boost Children’s Water Consumption: Persuasion in a Four-School, Three-Month Field Experiment
by Szu-Chi Huang & Daniella Kupor & Michal Maimaran & Andrea Weihrauch - 87-96 Evoking Goals to Be Responsible: When Political Cues Increase Utilitarian Choice
by Jessica Gamlin & Ping Dong & Aparna A. Labroo & Aaron Robinson
2018, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 451-453 The Science of Extraordinary Beliefs: An Introduction to This Issue
by Pankaj Aggarwal & Lauren Block & Thomas Kramer & Ann L. McGill - 454-465 A Functional Motivation Framework for Examining Superstitious Behavior
by Rajiv Vaidyanathan & Praveen Aggarwal & Marat Bakpayev - 466-476 Paying the Doughboy: The Effect of Time and Money Mind-sets on Preference for Anthropomorphized Products
by Jing Wan - 477-489 The Influence of Implicit Self-Theories on Causal Inferences about Superstitions and Consequences on Subsequent Tasks
by Jungyun Kang & Ji Kyung Park & Hakkyun Kim - 490-502 What Goes Around, Comes Around: How Beliefs in Karma Influence the Use of Word of Mouth for Self-Enhancement
by Ana Valenzuela & Andrea Bonezzi & Teodóra Szabó-Douat - 503-513 Does Endowing a Product with Life Make One Feel More Alive? The Effect of Product Anthropomorphism on Consumer Vitality
by Fangyuan Chen & Jaideep Sengupta & Rashmi Adaval - 514-526 Bringing Narratives to Life: Animism, Totems, and Intangible Value
by George E. Newman - 527-539 Expectancy Neglect: Why Superstitious Acts Increase Risk Seeking in Gains but Risk Avoidance in Losses
by Ping Dong & Aparna A. Labroo - 540-554 You Reflect Me: Narcissistic Consumers Prefer Anthropomorphized Arrogant Brands
by Norah Awad & Nara Youn - 555-565 Amending the Law of Contagion: A General Theory of Property Transference
by Andrea C. Morales & Darren W. Dahl & Jennifer J. Argo - 566-581 The Roles of Extraordinary Beliefs in Consumption Rituals
by Cele C. Otnes & Linda Tuncay Zayer & Robert Alfonso Arias & Arun Sreekumar - 582-590 Superstition, Ethics, and Transformative Consumer Research
by Stuart Vyse - 591-598 A Mind like Mine: The Exceptionally Ordinary Underpinnings of Anthropomorphism
by Nicholas Epley - 599-611 Understanding People’s Fear of Tempting Fate
by Jane L. Risen & Thomas Gilovich - 612-624 Back in Touch with Contagion: Some Essential Issues
by Carol Nemeroff & Paul Rozin
2018, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 255-259 Introduction to Special Issue: Consumer Response to the Evolving Retailing Landscape
by Barbara E. Kahn & J. Jeffrey Inman & Peter C. Verhoef - 260-276 Buying Unicorns: The Impact of Consumer-to-Consumer Branded Buy/Sell/Trade Communities on Traditional Retail Buying Behavior
by Catherine Armstrong Soule & Sara Hanson - 277-293 From Browsing to Buying and Beyond: The Needs-Adaptive Shopper Journey Model
by Leonard Lee & J. Jeffrey Inman & Jennifer J. Argo & Tim Böttger & Utpal Dholakia & Timothy Gilbride & Koert van Ittersum & Barbara Kahn & Ajay Kalra & Donald R. Lehmann & Leigh M. McAlister & Venkatesh Shankar & Claire I. Tsai - 294-311 The Effects of Multichannel Shopping on Customer Spending, Customer Visit Frequency, and Customer Profitability
by Ashish Kumar & Ram Bezawada & Minakshi Trivedi - 314-329 When Reward Convenience Meets a Mobile App: Increasing Customer Participation in a Coalition Loyalty Program
by Rebecca Jen-Hui Wang & Lakshman Krishnamurthi & Edward C. Malthouse - 330-342 Websites as Information Hubs: How Informational Channel Integration and Shopping Benefit Density Interact in Steering Customers to the Physical Store
by Kristina Kleinlercher & Oliver Emrich & Dennis Herhausen & Peter C. Verhoef & Thomas Rudolph - 346-363 The Sales Impact of Featuring Healthy Foods, Indulgent Foods, or Both: Findings from a Large-Scale Retail Field Study
by Peggy J. Liu & Steven K. Dallas & Matthew Harding & Gavan J. Fitzsimons - 364-378 Don’t You Dare Push Me: How Persuasive Social Media Tactics Shape Customer Engagement
by Welf H. Weiger & Maik Hammerschmidt & Hauke A. Wetzel - 379-395 How Should Retailers Deal with Consumer Sabotage of a Manufacturer Brand?
by Bettina Nyffenegger & Andrea Kähr & Harley Krohmer & Wayne D. Hoyer - 396-409 Write or Type? How a Paper versus a Digital Shopping List Influences the Way Consumers Plan and Shop
by Yanliu Huang & Zhen Yang - 412-424 Selling the Extraordinary in Experiential Retail Stores
by Steffen Jahn & Tim Nierobisch & Waldemar Toporowski & Till Dannewald - 425-439 Pop-ups, Ephemerality, and Consumer Experience: The Centrality of Buzz
by Thomas S. Robertson & Hubert Gatignon & Ludovica Cesareo - 440-450 Don’t Surprise Me: How Social Relationships Shape Consumers’ Attitudes toward Probabilistic Selling
by Linying (Sophie) Fan & Yuwei Jiang
2018, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 123-129 Introduction to the Special Issue: Brand Relationships, Emotions, and the Self
by C. Whan Park & Deborah J. MacInnis - 130-146 A Synthesis of the Consumer-Brand Relationship Domain: Using Text Mining to Track Research Streams, Describe Their Emotional Associations, and Identify Future Research Priorities
by Noel Albert & Matthew Thomson - 147-162 Call Me Rollie! The Role of Brand Nicknames in Shaping Consumer-Brand Relationships
by Zhe Zhang & Vanessa M. Patrick - 163-174 The Janus Face of Ideal Self-Congruence: Benefits for the Brand versus Emotional Distress for the Consumer
by Lucia Malär & Daniela Herzog & Harley Krohmer & Wayne D. Hoyer & Andrea Kähr - 175-187 Developing Brand Relationships after a Brand Transgression: The Role of Implicit Theories of Relationships
by Ji Kyung Park & Deborah Roedder John - 188-201 Monogamous versus Polygamous Brand Relationships
by Pankaj Aggarwal & Mengze Shi - 202-215 Connections to Brands That Help Others versus Help the Self: The Impact of Incidental Awe and Pride on Consumer Relationships with Social-Benefit and Luxury Brands
by Patti Williams & Nicole Verrochi Coleman & Andrea C. Morales & Ludovica Cesareo - 216-228 Pride of Ownership: An Identity-Based Model
by Aaron Ahuvia & Nitika Garg & Rajeev Batra & Brent McFerran & Pablo Brice Lambert de Diesbach - 229-239 Can Brands Squeeze Wine from Sour Grapes? The Importance of Self-Esteem in Understanding Envy’s Effects
by Kirk Kristofferson & Cait Lamberton & Darren W. Dahl - 240-254 Insights into the Experience of Brand Betrayal: From What People Say and What the Brain Reveals
by Martin Reimann & Deborah J. MacInnis & Valerie S. Folkes & Arianna Uhalde & Gratiana Pol
2018, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-6 Beyond the Risky Gamble: A Framework for Consumer Research in Real-World Risk
by Cait Lamberton & Ronald Paul Hill - 7-15 Risky Research? How Relational Engagement in Research Can Mitigate Harm and Enhance Benefits
by Brennan Davis & Julie L. Ozanne - 16-26 Guns as a Source of Order and Chaos: Compensatory Control and the Psychological (Dis)Utility of Guns for Liberals and Conservatives
by Steven Shepherd & Aaron C. Kay - 27-45 Preparing for the Attack: Mitigating Risk through Routines in Armed Self-Defense
by Michelle Barnhart & Aimee Dinnin Huff & Brandon McAlexander & James H. McAlexander - 46-62 The Role of Digital Virtual Consumption in Navigating Risk-Laden Life Events
by Jenna Drenten & Linda Tuncay Zayer - 63-80 Is the Preference for Certainty Always So Certain?
by Kristen E. Duke & Kelly Goldsmith & On Amir - 81-96 Hoarding: Understanding Divergent Acquisition, Consumption, and Disposal
by Samantha N. N. Cross & Gail Leizerovici & Dante M. Pirouz - 97-108 Risks of Prostitution: When the Person Is the Product
by Melissa Farley - 109-122 Gender and Risk: The Emotional Fluctuation Effect
by Punam Anand Keller & Ardis L. Olson
2017, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 377-381 Embodied Cognition, Sensory Marketing, and the Conceptualization of Consumers’ Judgment and Decision Processes: Introduction to the Issue
by Aradhna Krishna & Spike W. S. Lee & Xiuping Li & Norbert Schwarz - 382-391 Articulation Patterns in Names: A Hidden Route to Consumer Preference
by Sascha Topolinski - 392-401 What a Delicious Name! Articulatory Movement Effects on Food Perception and Consumption
by Patricia Rossi & Felipe Pantoja & Adilson Borges & Carolina O. C. Werle - 402-418 The Role of Simulations in Consumer Experiences and Behavior: Insights from the Grounded Cognition Theory of Desire
by Esther K. Papies & Maisy Best & Elena Gelibter & Lawrence W. Barsalou - 419-429 Mind Over Stomach: A Review of the Cognitive Drivers of Food Satiation
by Yann Cornil - 430-443 Catching (Up with) Magical Contagion: A Review of Contagion Effects in Consumer Contexts
by Julie Y. Huang & Joshua M. Ackerman & George E. Newman - 444-459 Verticality and Conceptual Metaphors: A Systematic Review
by Luca Cian - 460-471 Meaning Moderates the Persuasive Effect of Physical Actions: Buying, Selling, Touching, Carrying, and Cleaning Thoughts as If They Were Commercial Products
by Pablo Briñol & Richard E. Petty & David Santos & Joana Mello - 472-484 Sensory Experiences and Consumer Creativity
by Rui (Juliet) Zhu & Ravi Mehta
2017, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 267-274 JACR: Successes, Challenges, and Prospects
by Joel Huber - 275-278 Introduction to Special Issue: The Habit-Driven Consumer
by Aimee Drolet & Wendy Wood - 279-290 Incentives Activate a Control Mind-Set: Good for Deliberate Behaviors, Bad for Habit Performance
by Lucas Carden & Wendy Wood & David T. Neal & Anthony Pascoe - 291-292 Commentary: Why It Doesn’t Pay to Ask Consumers about Habitual Behaviors
by Nicholas Harrington - 293-305 Habits and Free Associations: Free Your Mind but Mind Your Habits
by Aimee Drolet & Anand V. Bodapati & Patrick Suppes & Benjamin Rossi & Harrison Hochwarter - 306-308 Commentary: Incorporating Memory Processes into the Modeling of Habits
by Suzanne B. Shu - 309-318 Paradoxical Effects of Experience: Past Behavior Both Strengthens and Weakens the Intention-Behavior Relationship
by Paschal Sheeran & Gaston Godin & Mark Conner & Marc Germain - 319-321 Understanding the Role of Experience in Shaping the Intention-Behavior Relationship: A Commentary on Sheeran et al. (2017)
by Hengchen Dai - 322-332 Preference-Construction Habits: The Case of Extremeness Aversion
by Itamar Simonson & Aner Sela & Sanjay Sood - 333-358 Right Here, Right Now: Situated Interventions to Change Consumer Habits
by Maisy Best & Esther K. Papies - 359-370 Underestimated Habits: Hypothetical Choice Design in Consumer Research
by Atar Herziger & Erik Hoelzl - 371-374 Commentary: Studying Consumer Habits in the Field: Some Suggestions for Conducting Industry-Supported Research
by Utpal Dholakia & Leona Tam - 375-376 Commentary: Underestimated Habits
by Keith Chrzan
2017, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 140-154 Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of One’s Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity
by Adrian F. Ward & Kristen Duke & Ayelet Gneezy & Maarten W. Bos - 155-163 Phubbed and Alone: Phone Snubbing, Social Exclusion, and Attachment to Social Media
by Meredith E. David & James A. Roberts - 164-178 The Connected Consumer: Connected Devices and the Evolution of Customer Intelligence
by Alan D. J. Cooke & Peter P. Zubcsek - 179-195 Managing Communities of Co-creation around Consumer Engagement Styles
by Eric Martineau & Zeynep Arsel - 196-215 Are You a "Viral Star"? Conceptualizing and Modeling Inter-media Virality
by Amit M. Joshi & Michael Trusov - 216-228 Let's Get Closer: Feelings of Connectedness from Using Social Media, with Implications for Brand Outcomes
by Donna L. Hoffman & Thomas P. Novak & Hyunjin Kang - 229-245 She Said, She Said: Differential Interpersonal Similarities Predict Unique Linguistic Mimicry in Online Word of Mouth
by Sarah G. Moore & Brent McFerran - 246-266 Sociodemographic versus Geographic Proximity in the Diffusion of Online Conversations
by Beth L. Fossen & Michelle Andrews & David A. Schweidel
2017, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-4 Valuing Resource Valuation in Consumer Research: An Introduction
by Chris Janiszewski & Luk Warlop - 5-25 A Review of Resource Theories and Their Implications for Understanding Consumer Behavior
by Michael J. Dorsch & Kjell Y. Törnblom & Ali Kazemi - 26-47 Storm after the Quiet: How Marketplace Interactions Shape Consumer Resources in Collective Goal Pursuits
by Alexander P. Henkel & Johannes Boegershausen & Robert Ciuchita & Gaby Odekerken-Schröder - 48-63 Social Recycling Transforms Unwanted Goods into Happiness
by Grant E. Donnelly & Cait Lamberton & Rebecca Walker Reczek & Michael I. Norton - 64-77 A Penny Saved Is Not a Penny Earned: When Decisions to Earn and Save Compete for Consumer Resources
by Eesha Sharma & Punam A. Keller - 78-92 The Effects of Resources on Brand and Interpersonal Connection
by Danielle J. Brick & Tanya L. Chartrand & Gavan J. Fitzsimons - 93-104 Don’t Sweat the Big Stuff: Emphasizing Importance Hinders Goal Pursuit for Consumers Low in Dispositional Self-Control Resources
by Scott W. Davis & Kelly L. Haws - 105-122 What’s in Your Wallet? Psychophysical Biases in the Estimation of Money
by Priya Raghubir & Mario Capizzani & Joydeep Srivastava - 123-135 Mental Resources Increase Preference for Dissimilar Experiences
by Juliano Laran & Eva Buechel
2016, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 479-496 The Functional Alibi
by Anat Keinan & Ran Kivetz & Oded Netzer - 497-508 Celebrate or Commemorate? A Material Purchase Advantage When Honoring Special Life Events
by Joseph K. Goodman & Selin A. Malkoc & Brittney L. Stephenson - 509-526 Family Rituals Improve the Holidays
by Ovul Sezer & Michael I. Norton & Francesca Gino & Kathleen D. Vohs - 527-539 Simple Pleasures, Small Annoyances, and Goal Progress in Daily Life
by Nicole L. Mead & Vanessa M. Patrick & Manissa P. Gunadi & Wilhelm Hofmann - 540-554 The Cause Matters! How Cause Marketing Campaigns Can Increase the Demand for Conventional over Green Products
by Sarah S. Müller & Nina Mazar & Anne J. Fries - 554-556 Commentary
by Wendy Kritt - 557-568 Constrained Physical Space Constrains Hedonism
by Alison Jing Xu & Dolores Albarracín - 569-578 Cheers to Haptic Sensations and Alcohol Consumption: How Glassware Weight Impacts Perceived Intoxication and Positive Emotions
by Courtney Szocs & Dipayan Biswas & Adilson Borges - 579-591 The Halo Effect of Product Color Lightness on Hedonic Food Consumption
by Adriana V. Madzharov & Suresh Ramanathan & Lauren G. Block - 592-606 Who’s Laughing Now? The Effect of Simulated Laughter on Consumer Enjoyment of Television Comedies and the Laugh-Track Paradox
by Brian Gillespie & Mark Mulder & Manja Leib
2016, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 337-340 Introduction to Special Issue on Consumer Response to Regulation
by David W. Stewart & Debra L. Scammon - 341-354 Assumptions about Consumers, Producers, and Regulators: What They Tell Us about Ourselves
by Debra Jones Ringold - 355-377 Will I Pay for Your Pleasure? Consumers’ Perceptions of Negative Externalities and Responses to Pigovian Taxes
by M. Paula Fitzgerald & Cait Poynor Lamberton & Michael F. Walsh - 378-391 Social Media, Digital Self, and Privacy: A Socio-Analytical Perspective of the Consumer as the Digital Avatar
by Alladi Venkatesh - 392-410 An Investigation of Consumer and Doctor Regulatory Beliefs and Regulatory Knowledge about Pharmaceutical Drug Promotions
by Jesse R. Catlin & Cornelia (Connie) Pechmann - 411-421 Whether One Looks for Means to Overcome Regulatory Restrictions or Show Source Negativity Depends on the Type of Regulatory Restrictions
by Gülen Sarial-Abi & Zeynep Gürhan-Canli - 422-444 Nutritional Impact of Child-Directed TV Food Advertising Regulation: Are We Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic?
by Andres Silva & Lindsey M. Higgins & Micaela M. Kulesz - 445-470 The Obesity Crisis as Market Failure: An Analysis of Systemic Causes and Corrective Mechanisms
by Aneel Karnani & Brent McFerran & Anirban Mukhopadhyay - 471-472 Conducting Research That Stimulates Win-Win Policies
by Koert van Ittersum & Brian Wansink - 473-475 Discussion: Dietary Nudges for Obesity Prevention: They Work, but Additional Policies Are Also Needed
by Marion Nestle
2016, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 193-197 Consumer Ownership and Sharing: Introduction to the Issue
by Linda L. Price & Russell W. Belk - 198-209 The Consumer Science of Sharing: A Discussant's Observations
by Floyd Rudmin - 210-225 The Relationship between Access Practices and Economic Systems
by Giana M. Eckhardt & Fleura Bardhi - 226-245 Fair Is Good, but What Is Fair? Negotiations of Distributive Justice in an Emerging Nonmonetary Sharing Model
by Johanna F. Gollnhofer & Katharina Hellwig & Felicitas Morhart - 246-261 Possession Work on Hosted Digital Consumption Objects as Consumer Ensnarement
by Mike Molesworth & Rebecca Watkins & Janice Denegri-Knott - 262-276 Peer-to-Peer Sharing of Private Goods: Sellers’ Response and Consumers’ Benefits
by Jiong Sun & Hendrarto Supangkat & Siva Balasubramanian - 277-294 From Sharing to Exchange: An Extended Framework of Dual Modes of Collaborative Nonownership Consumption
by Mohammad Reza Habibi & Andrea Kim & Michel Laroche - 295-313 Dehumanization and Restriction inside a Maximum Security Prison: Novel Insights about Consumer Acquisition and Ownership
by Ronald Paul Hill & Daniel Cunningham & Gramercy Gentlemen - 314-335 The Bounce in Our Steps from Shared Material Resources in Cultural Trauma and Recovery
by Stacey Menzel Baker & Courtney Nations Baker
2016, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 2-4 JACR: A New Kind of Journal
by Joel Huber - 5-14 The Behavioral Science of Eating: Encouraging Boundary Research That Has Impact
by Koert van Ittersum & Brian Wansink - 15-24 Let Hunger Be Your Guide? Being Hungry before a Meal Is Associated with Healthier Levels of Postmeal Blood Glucose
by David Gal