2016, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 24-25 Commentary: Does Hunger Manipulate Glucose Levels, or Do Glucose Levels Make You Eat?
by Eva Corpeleijn - 26-40 Eating Healthy or Feeling Empty? How the "Healthy = Less Filling" Intuition Influences Satiety
by Jacob Suher & Raj Raghunathan & Wayne D. Hoyer - 41-51 Household Food Waste Behavior: Avenues for Future Research
by Gustavo Porpino - 51-52 Commentary: Waste Not, Want Not: Can Consumer Behavior Research Help Reduce Food Waste?
by Joanne F. Guthrie - 53-56 Commentary: Why Do We Waste So Much Food? A Research Agenda
by Jenny van Doorn - 57-70 Healthy Reflections: The Influence of Mirror-Induced Self-Awareness on Taste Perceptions
by Ata Jami - 71-91 Can Smaller Meals Make You Happy? Behavioral, Neurophysiological, and Psychological Insights into Motivating Smaller Portion Choice
by Martin Reimann & Deborah MacInnis & Antoine Bechara - 92-103 Using Healthy Defaults in Walt Disney World Restaurants to Improve Nutritional Choices
by John Peters & Jimikaye Beck & Jan Lande & Zhaoxing Pan & Michelle Cardel & Keith Ayoob & James O. Hill - 104-114 Seduced by the Label: How the Recommended Serving Size on Nutrition Labels Affects Food Sales
by Ossama Elshiewy & Steffen Jahn & Yasemin Boztug - 115-124 Making Small Food Units Seem Regular: How Larger Table Size Reduces Calories to Be Consumed
by Brennan Davis & Collin R. Payne & My Bui - 125-133 When the Cupboards Are Bare: Nudging Food Pantry Clients to Healthier Foods
by Norbert Wilson - 134-146 Whether Smaller Plates Reduce Consumption Depends on Who's Serving and Who's Looking: A Meta-Analysis
by Stephen S. Holden & Natalina Zlatevska & Chris Dubelaar - 147-160 Of Waste and Waists: The Effect of Plate Material on Food Consumption and Waste
by Sara Williamson & Lauren G. Block & Punam A. Keller - 161-174 Forks over Spoons: The Impact of Cutlery on Calorie Estimates
by Courtney Szocs & Dipayan Biswas - 175-190 Messages from the Food Police: How Food-Related Warnings Backfire among Dieters
by Nguyen Pham & Naomi Mandel & Andrea C. Morales - 190-191 Commentary: Diet, Despotism, and the Dialectic of Denial
by David L. Katz
0000, Volume 3, Issue 3
- doi:10.1086/699149 Commentary on Multichannel Research: What do Managers Learn?
by Gordon Wyner - doi:10.1086/699365 Commentary on "The Effects of Multichannel Shopping on Customer Spending, Customer Visit Frequency, and Customer Profitability": Marketing Requires More Actual Data
by Ewald Hoppen - doi:10.1086/699390 The impact of digitization on grocery retailing: why shopping lists might be a valuable tool for brick-and-mortar grocery retailers
by Laurens Sloot