July 2019, Volume 42, Issue 10
- 799-809 Opportunities for Collaboration and the Adoption of Local Government Investment Pools
by Julius A. Nukpezah - 810-822 Federal Employees’ Job Satisfaction: Does Transformational Leadership Matter? The Case of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
by Abdullah Ali Alzomia & Cynthia M. Cready & Simon A. Andrew - 823-839 Tax Evasion and the Role of the State Actor(s) in Bangladesh
by Mohammad Nurunnabi - 840-854 Gender-Based Violence Prevention Workshops: An Experimental Evaluation of Efficacy
by Lauren Donais & Bill Simonsen & Nicole Simonsen - 855-866 The Changing U.S. Immigration Policy on the Nexus of Security and Economy: Extending Visa-Waiver Program and Advocacy-Coalition Framework
by Geiguen Shin - 867-879 Trends in Public Administration Research: A Content Analysis of Iranian Journal Articles (2004-2017)
by Ali Farazmand & Hassan Danaeefard & Masoumeh Mostafazadeh & Mohammad Reza Sadeghi - 880-892 Membership Organization’s Social Capital and the Impact on Nonprofit Sector Management
by Meena Subedi & Ali Farazmand
July 2019, Volume 42, Issue 9
- 707-722 Analyzing the Link Between Job Satisfaction and Performance in Educational Institutions
by Young Han Chun & Sungjoo Choi & Miyeon Song - 723-740 Does Power Corrupt? An Empirical Study of Power, Accountability, and Performance Triangle in Public Administration
by Tansu Demir & Christopher G. Reddick & Branco Ponomariov & Carla M. Flink - 741-752 Turnover Intentions of Volunteer Resource Managers: The Roles of Work Motivations, Person–Organization Fit, and Emotional Labor
by Nevbahar Ertas - 753-764 Public Administration Research in Mainland China: A Systematic Review of Chinese Public Administration in English Language Journals (1996–2016)
by Min-Hyu Kim & Huafang Li & Marc Holzer & Mengzhong Zhang - 765-775 The Role of Public Service Motivation in Employee Work Engagement: A Test of the Job Demands-Resources Model
by Donna K. Cooke & Katarina K. Brant & Juanita M. Woods - 776-785 Political Trust, Ideology, and Public Support in the United States for Government Spending on Health Care
by Nurgul R. Aitalieva & Sinyoung Park - 786-797 Public Service Motivation and Psychological Ownership in Taiwan’s Government-Owned Enterprises
by Kuo-Tai Cheng
June 2019, Volume 42, Issue 8
- 617-627 Public Innovation Capacity: Developing and Testing a Self-Assessment Survey Instrument
by Albert Meijer - 628-641 Long-Term Absenteeism From Work: Disentangling the Impact of Sector, Occupational Groups and Gender
by Jesper Rosenberg Hansen & Ann-Kristina Løkke & Kenneth Lykke Sørensen - 642-653 The Mediating Role of Ethical Climate in the Relationship Between Performance Appraisal and Organizational Performance
by Malam Salihu Sabiu & Kabiru Maitama Kura & Tang Swee Mei & Mohd Hasanur Raihan Joarder & Waheed Ali Umrani - 654-663 Organizational Structure, Work Involvement, and Job Performance of Public Servants
by Johanim Johari & Khulida Kirana Yahya - 664-676 Local Government Size and Political Efficacy: Do Citizen Panels Make a Difference?
by Rhys Andrews & Tom Entwistle & Valeria Guarneros-Meza - 677-684 Toward a Strategy for Combating Corruption
by Steven G. Koven - 685-695 Citizen Advisory Committees: A Tool to Remedy the Shortcomings of the Contingent Valuation Method Within the System of Multi-Level Governance
by Philippe Bance & Angélique Chassy - 696-704 What Drives For-Profit and Nonprofit Organizations’ Entry into Voucher Markets?
by Jae Bok Lee - 705-705 Call for Papers by IJPA for a Special Issue on Governance Reforms in Latin America
by The Editors - 706-706 Call for Papers by IJPA for a Special Issue on Engaging Vulnerable Populations in the Co-Production of Public Services
by Gillian Mulvale & Glenn Robert
May 2019, Volume 42, Issue 7
- 533-546 Critical Misunderstandings: Ineffective International Governance and the UK Nuclear Industry
by Barry Pemberton - 547-557 Linking Organizational Climate to Work Engagement: A Study in the Healthcare Sector
by Alessandro Ancarani & Carmela Di Mauro & Maria Daniela Giammanco - 558-571 The Influence of Perceived Confidentiality Risks and Attitude on Tanzania Government Employees’ Intention to Adopt Web 2.0 and Social Media for Work-Related Purposes
by Julius Raphael Athuman Mhina & Md Gapar Md Johar & Mohammed Hazim Alkawaz - 572-582 Multilevel Governance: Framing the Integration of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Policymaking
by George C. Homsy & Zhilin Liu & Mildred E. Warner - 583-595 Sources of Legitimacy in Metropolitan Governance: A Comparative Case Study of Governance Structures
by Arto Haveri & Helena Tolkki & Inga Nyholm & Jenni Airaksinen - 596-615 Artificial Intelligence and the Public Sector—Applications and Challenges
by Bernd W. Wirtz & Jan C. Weyerer & Carolin Geyer
April 2019, Volume 42, Issue 6
- 457-467 Understanding Sub-Saharan Africa’s Extreme Poverty Tragedy
by Simplice A Asongu & Sara Le Roux - 468-481 Reality Shock and Public Service Motivation: A Longitudinal, Qualitative Study Among Dutch Veterinary Inspectors
by Carina Schott & Trui Steen & Daphne D. Van Kleef - 482-496 Bureaucracy, Post-Bureaucracy, or Anarchy? Evidence from the Italian Public Administration
by Andrea Tomo - 497-508 Public Service Motivation Scholarship in Africa: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda
by Justice Nyigmah Bawole & James Kwame Mensah & George Babington Amegavi - 509-519 Enhancing Employees’ Work Performance through Organizational Justice in the Context of Financial Crisis. A Study of the Greek Public Sector
by Evangelia Mylona & Dimitrios Mihail - 520-532 The New Era of Stakeholder Engagement: Gaining, Maintaining, and Repairing Legitimacy in Nonprofit Organizations
by Chiara Leardini & Sara Moggi & Gina Rossi
April 2019, Volume 42, Issue 5
- 367-379 Factors Influencing SME Tax Compliance: Evidence from Indonesia
by Fany Inasius - 380-391 Street-level Enforcement Style: A Multidimensional Measurement Instrument
by Noortje de Boer - 392-404 Using Social Media to Increase Nonprofit Organizational Capacity
by Rui Sun & Hugo D. Asencio - 405-416 Exploring the Relationship between Trust in Government and Citizen Participation
by Yunsoo Lee & Hindy Lauer Schachter - 417-431 Challenges to Decentralization of Disaster Management in Turkey: The Role of Political-Administrative Context
by Helena Hermansson - 432-454 Refining the Concepts of Territorial Revenue Assignment, Substate Fiscal Self-rule and Territorial Fiscal Balance
by Franz Xavier Barrios-Suvelza - 455-455 Call for Papers by IJPA for a Special Issue on Public Values
by Lijing Yang & Mark R. Rutgers
March 2019, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 279-288 Does IPSAS Meet Heritage Assets’ User Needs?
by Natalia Aversano & Johan Christiaens & Tine Van Thielen - 289-297 Social Impact Bonds: Implementation, Evaluation, and Monitoring
by Foroogh Nazari Chamaki & Glenn Paul Jenkins & Majid Hashemi - 298-309 Deepwater or Troubled Water? Principal–Agent Theory and Performance-Based Contracting in the Coast Guard’s Deepwater Modernization Program
by Mark D. Gordon & John C. Morris & Joshua Steinfeld - 310-319 The Multiple Bases of Social Return Platforms: Evidence of a Brazilian Initiative
by Vinicius Nardi & Felipe Zarpelon & Jorge Verschoore & Mariana de Araújo - 320-333 Task Environment Matters for Intra-ministerial Change: The Interaction of International Environment, Organizational and Opportunity Factors
by Christina Lichtmannegger - 334-344 Work-Life Balance and National Context in Attraction to Public Employment
by Michael C. Moltz - 345-357 Work-Life Balance: An Exploratory Analysis of Family-Friendly Policies for Reducing Turnover Intentions Among Women in U.S. Federal Law Enforcement
by Helen H. Yu - 358-363 Theme-Based Book Review: Responding to Uncertainty and Complexity in Global Public Administration
by Christopher L. Atkinson - 364-364 EACES Workshop at the XX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, 9–12 April 2019, Moscow and IJPA Special Issue
by The Editors - 365-365 IJPA Special Symposium Issue on: Management of Large Scale Energy Projects: Opportunities and Challenges
by The Editors
February 2019, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 185-194 Isomorphic Forces and Professional Soccer Standardizations: Instruments of Governance for Municipal Investments?
by Jens Alm & Rasmus K. Storm - 195-204 Accounting Reform in Italy and Perceptions on the Local Government Consolidated Report
by Cristian Carini & Davide Giacomini & Claudio Teodori - 205-217 Understanding Multilevel Governance Processes through Complexity Theory: An Empirical Case Study of the Quebec Health-Care System
by Nassera Touati & Lara Maillet & Marie-Andrée Paquette & Jean-Louis Denis & Charo Rodríguez - 218-229 Organizational Identity, Image, and Reputation: Examining the Influence on Perceptions of Employer Attractiveness in Public Sector Organizations
by Sarah Bankins & Jennifer Waterhouse - 230-239 Local Government Finance Office Orientation Revisited: Actually, It’s All About Control
by Steve Modlin - 240-258 Weep for the One Who Descends? African Democracies, Politics of Stomach Infrastructure, and Homology of Corruption
by John Sunday Ojo - 259-273 Participatory Budgeting in Germany – A Review of Empirical Findings
by Sebastian H. Schneider & Stefan Busse - 274-277 The Leading Edge of Ethics Leadership and Management: Recent Books
by Christopher L. Atkinson
January 2019, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 93-107 Promising Performance: The Overestimation and Underestimation of Performance Targets
by Jessica N. Terman - 108-118 High Performance Expectations: Concept and Causes
by Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen & Lotte Bøgh Andersen - 119-131 Institutional and Economic Factors Affecting the Adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards
by Yosra Mnif Sellami & Yosra Gafsi - 132-143 Obstacles and Opportunities for Sustaining Performance Management Systems
by Marc Holzer & Andrew Ballard & Mirae Kim & Shuyang Peng & Felix Deat - 144-157 The Contribution of Open Government to Prosperity of Society
by So Young Lee & José M. Díaz-Puente & Susana Martin - 158-167 Computer Self-Efficacy and e-Government Service Adoption: The Moderating Role of Age as a Demographic Factor
by Isaac Kofi Mensah & Jianing Mi - 168-178 Public Sector Reform in Central Asia and the Caucasus
by Colin Knox - 179-183 Research on Immigration Policy in the European Union: A Review of Books
by Christopher L. Atkinson
January 2019, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-13 An Examination of Training Design Strategies in a Pay-For-Performance Appraisal System Online Workshop
by Michael A. Mulvaney - 14-27 What Works and Why? Lessons from Public Management Reform in Malaysia
by Noore Alam Siddiquee & John Antony Xavier & Mohd Zin Mohamed - 28-40 The Relational Dynamics of World Bank Survey Missions
by Adrian Robert Bazbauers - 41-54 Customization in Civil Service Training: Implications for Outsourcing Human Resources Management
by Lina Vyas - 55-65 Social Class: Perception and Reality
by Jennifer Dineen & Mark D. Robbins & Bill Simonsen - 66-75 Expert Consensus on Factors Reducing Policy Coherence in the Context of Iran: Delphi-AHP
by Hassan Danaeefard & Hanieh Ahmadi & Ali Asghar Pourezzat - 76-85 Perception of Pay Equity in Public Universities in Ghana: Effect on Individual Performance and Work Behavior
by Pierre-Yves Sanséau & Felix Kwame Opoku - 86-90 Southeast Asian Environment Governance and Energy Transitions: An Essay on Recent Books
by Christopher L. Atkinson - 91-91 Call for Papers by IJPA for a Special Issue on Society and Policy in the Middle East and North Africa
by The Editors
December 2018, Volume 41, Issue 16
- 1-1 Erratum
by The Editors - 1325-1337 Public Resource Allocation through Grassroots Democratic Institutions: Evidence from Assam, India
by Subodh Chandra Das & Gurudas Das - 1338-1350 Representative Bureaucracy: Examining the Effects of Female Teachers on Girls’ Education in Ghana
by Elijah Agyapong - 1351-1360 The Mediating role of Job Satisfaction in the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Employee Outcomes
by Munir Shehu Mashi - 1361-1373 Challenges to the Recruitment and Retention of Volunteers in Traditional Nonprofit Organizations: A Case Study of Australian Meals on Wheels
by Jeni Warburton & Melissa Moore & Melanie Oppenheimer - 1374-1384 Beyond the Comfort Zone? County Government Collaboration with Private-Sector Organizations to Deliver Services
by Jeffrey L. Brudney & Christopher R. Prentice & Joseph L. Harris - 1385-1395 Mobile Government Services: An Empirical Analysis of Mobile Government Attractiveness
by Bernd W. Wirtz & Steven Birkmeyer - 1396-1403 The STAR Community Rating System: An Analysis of the Communities Participating in the Program
by Soma Ghosh - 1404-1417 Hybridity in the Public Sector—Comparing Development Features in Municipalities in Japan and Norway
by Tom Christensen & Kiyoshi Yamamoto & Saizo Aoyagi - 1418-1418 Genevieve Fuji Johnson’s Democratic Illusions
by Edana Beauvais - 1419-1419 Call for Papers by IJPA for a Special Issue on Migration
by The Editors
November 2018, Volume 41, Issue 15
- 1205-1216 The Nature of Contracting Hazards in Public–Private Partnerships—Evidence from Ireland
by Gerald O’Nolan & Eoin Reeves - 1217-1227 Public Value as Rhetoric: A Budgeting Approach
by Usman W. Chohan & Kerry Jacobs - 1228-1242 Getting Performance from Performance Management: A Framework for Strategic Management Choices
by Stuart Kasdin & Burt Barnow & Kathryn Newcomer - 1243-1257 Regulatory Capture of Regulators: The Case of the Investment Dealers Association of Canada
by Mark Lokanan - 1258-1270 Managerial Tacit Knowledge, Individual Performance, and the Moderating Role of Employee Personality
by Halimah Abdul Manaf & Steven J. Armstrong & Alan Lawton & William S. Harvey - 1271-1278 The Relationship between the Leadership Effectiveness and Emotional Competence of Managers in the Public Sector
by Tshepo Matjie - 1279-1289 Senior Public Managers’ Engagement: A Person–Situation-Interactionist Perspective
by Ahmed Mohammed Sayed Mostafa & Rhys Andrews - 1290-1301 Analyzing the Experiences of Female Leaders in Civil Service in Kazakhstan: Trapped between Economic Pressure to Earn and Traditional Family Role Expectations
by Aliya Kuzhabekova & Saltanat Janenova & Ainur Almukhambetova - 1302-1313 The Effects of Empowerment Practices on Perceived Barriers to Innovation: Evidence from Public Organizations
by Mehmet Akif Demircioglu - 1314-1323 The decisive impact of tax administration practices on firms’ corruption Experience and Perceptions: Evidence from Europe and Central Asia
by Branco Ponomariov & Oleksii Balabushko & Gregory Kisunko
October 2018, Volume 41, Issue 14
- 1119-1131 Changes in Prosocial Motivation over Time: A Cross-Sector Analysis of Effects on Volunteering and Work Behavior
by Alexander Kroll & Dominik Vogel - 1132-1144 Conceptualizing the Landscape of Decision Making for Complex Problem Solving
by Jos C. N. Raadschelders & Travis A. Whetsell - 1145-1156 Dimensions of Authority in Oversight Agencies: American and Australian Comparisons
by Robin J. Kempf & Adam Graycar - 1157-1168 Organizational Forms and Incentives in Public Procurement: Natural Experiment at a Large Public Sector Organization in Russia
by Andrey Tkachenko & Andrei Yakovlev & Yuliya Rodionova - 1169-1180 The Unintended Consequences of Structural Change: When Formal and Informal Institutions Collide in Efforts to Address Wicked Problems
by Gemma Carey & Fiona Buick & Eleanor Malbon - 1181-1191 Policy Advice from Outsiders: The Challenges of Policy Co-construction
by Adam Wellstead & Bryan Evans & Halina Sapeha - 1192-1203 Institutional design for credence goods: Can the existence of financial incentive be problematic? Evidences from childbirth system of Bangladesh
by Hasan Muhammad Baniamin & Ishtiaq Jamil
October 2018, Volume 41, Issue 13
- 1033-1046 Transparency for Results: Testing a Model of Performance Management in Open Government Initiatives
by Alex Ingrams - 1047-1060 Work Engagement in the Public Service Context: The Dual Perceptions of Job Characteristics
by Mette Strange Noesgaard & Jesper Rosenberg Hansen - 1061-1071 Decentralization, Government Capacity, and Environmental Policy Performance: A Cross-National Analysis
by Doo-Rae Kim & Jong-Han Yoon - 1072-1083 Managing Social Risk in China Local Administration: An Examination of SSRA Initiative
by Zezhao Liu - 1084-1094 Coopetition Segments in a Public-Sector Context: Insights from a Business Region
by Jan Stentoft & Ole Stegmann Mikkelsen & Mads Bruun Ingstrup - 1095-1106 Vertical Alignment, Elite Power, and the Democratic Recess in the French Health Care System
by Daniel Simonet - 1107-1118 Public Service Motivation and Job Sector Choice: Evidence from a Developing Country
by Pablo Sanabria-Pulido
September 2018, Volume 41, Issue 12
- 935-945 Can Changes in Transformational-Oriented and Transactional-Oriented Leadership Impact Turnover over Time?
by James Gerard Caillier - 946-956 How Resistance to Change Affects the Implementation of Accrual Accounting in Italian Public Universities: A Comparative Case Study
by Tommaso Agasisti & Giuseppe Catalano & Angelo Erbacci - 957-970 A Two-Pronged Approach? Combined Leadership Styles and Innovative Behavior
by Franziska Günzel-Jensen & Jesper Rosenberg Hansen & Mads Leth Felsager Jakobsen & Jesper Wulff - 971-985 Overcoming the Impact of Corruption through Diligence: The Experience of Russian Female Managers
by B. Ponomariov & G. Kisunko - 986-997 The Role of Risk in Improving Goal Setting in Performance Management Practices within Public Sector: An Explorative Research in Courts Offices in Italy
by Guido Capaldo & Nicola Costantino & Roberta Pellegrino & Pierluigi Rippa - 998-1008 Glass Cliff or Glass Prison: Think Evil-Think Men in Organizational Leadership
by Abdulfattah Yaghi - 1009-1017 Independent Budget Offices and the Politics–Administration Dichotomy
by Usman W. Chohan - 1018-1031 General Trends and Causes of High Compensation of Government Managers in the OECD Countries
by Igor Benati & Mario Coccia
August 2018, Volume 41, Issue 11
- 847-858 Chalk and Cheese: A Comparative Analysis of Local Government Reform Processes in New South Wales and Victoria
by Brian Edward Dollery & Joseph James Drew - 859-867 Public–Private Partnership (PPP) as an Interdependent Form (I-Form) Organization
by Sami Ullah Bajwa & Naveda Kitchlew & Khuram Shahzad & Khaliq Ur Rehman - 868-879 Understanding Impact in Policy Advisory Systems: The Australian Case of the “Thinker in Residence”
by Rob Manwaring - 880-887 Government and Corruption: Scylla and Charybdis
by Ivan P. Yamshchikov & Aleksandra Detkova & Alexey Tikhonov - 888-898 Network Governance as a Mechanism for Responding to Internet Violence
by T. Aaron Wachhaus - 899-908 Examining Development of E-Government in Russia and China: A Comparative Approach
by Asya Cooley - 909-920 An Empirical Examination of Partnership Frequency and Design within International Nongovernmental Organizations (INGOs)
by Eric Boyer & Aleksey Kolpakov - 921-934 The Determinants of E-Disclosure Attitude: Empirical Evidences from Italian and Spanish Municipalities
by Benedetta Gesuele & Concetta Metallo & Sergio Longobardi
July 2018, Volume 41, Issue 10
- 759-764 Public Administration in the Middle East and North Africa
by John Dixon & Shahjahan Bhuiyan & Yılmaz Üstüner - 765-771 State Transitions from Rigidity to Fragility and Failure: The Case of Middle East and North Africa
by Hamid E. Ali - 772-780 Egypt’s Many Public Administration Transitions: Reform Vision and Implementation Challenges
by Ghada Barsoum - 781-791 Public Administration Reform in Jordan: Concepts and Practices
by Jamil E. Jreisat - 792-806 A Challenging State of Affairs: Public Administration in the Republic of Lebanon
by Thomas W. Haase - 807-819 Public Administration in Libya: Continuity and Change
by Youssef Mohammad Sawani - 820-831 Turkey’s Public Administration Today: An Overview and Appraisal
by Yılmaz Üstüner & Nilay Yavuz - 832-844 The Changing Facets of Public Administration in the United Arab Emirates
by Abu Elias Sarker & Alaa Aldin Abdul Rahim A Al Athmay - 845-846 Public Administration in the Middle East and North Africa
by J. Steven Ott
July 2018, Volume 41, Issue 9
- 671-683 Diversity, Inclusion, and the Voice of Older People: Engagement and Decision-Making in Seniors’ Organizations
by Andrea Petriwskyj - 684-699 Decentralization and Economic Growth: Specification, Measurement, and Direction of Causal Relationship
by Boris Morozov - 700-711 E-Government for Lowering Administrative Burden: An Empirical Research on European Rural Businesses
by Maria Ntaliani & Constantina Costopoulou - 712-724 Networked Co-Production of 311 Services: Investigating the Use of Twitter in Five U.S. Cities
by Xian Gao - 725-734 Is Bigger Really Better? A Comparative Analysis of Municipal Mergers in Australian and Japanese Local Government
by Brian Edward Dollery & Keiichi Yamazaki - 735-745 The Outcome of Renegotiations between Institutionalized Public–Private Partnerships and Their Public Clients: Data on the Public–Private Partnerships of the German Federal Armed Forces
by Christian Lohmann & Peter G. Rötzel - 746-757 Fund Accounting from the Italian Early Tradition to the U.S. GAAP for Governments
by Aldo Pavan & Bernadette Dessalvi & Paola Paglietti
June 2018, Volume 41, Issue 8
- 575-589 Sales Tax Competition among State–Local Governments: Evidence from the US Counties
by Jongmin Shon - 590-603 Social Media as a Leverage Strategy for Open Government: An Exploratory Study
by Bernd W. Wirtz & Peter Daiser & Marina Mermann - 604-618 Public Employment: Attractiveness, Representativeness, and Performance
by Woo Kuan Heong - 619-629 What about Financial Sustainability of Local Government!—A Critical Review of Accountability, Transparency, and Public Assurance Arrangements in England during Austerity
by Laurence Ferry & Peter Murphy - 630-644 The National Research Council’s Rankings of Doctoral Programs in Public Affairs
by Göktuğ Morçöl & Sehee Han - 645-649 Performance Management for Learning, Reform, and Change: A Review of Three Recent Books
by Christopher L. Atkinson - 650-656 Between Government and Governance: Opening the Black Box of the Transformation Thesis
by Christian Lo - 657-669 Public Philanthropic Partnerships: The Changing Nature of Government/Foundation Relationships in the US
by Stefan Toepler - 670-670 Proposals for a Special Issue of on Migration in the Online and print versions of IJPA
by The Editors
May 2018, Volume 41, Issue 7
- 479-491 e-Government Development and Government Effectiveness: A Reciprocal Relationship
by Joseph Wallis & Fang Zhao - 492-505 The Changing Organization of Multilevel Water Management in the European Union. Going with the Flow?
by Marthe Indset - 506-515 Disseminating Public Data as Public Use Files: What Makes a Successful Initiative?
by Sergio I. Prada & Lina Martínez - 516-527 Training in Austria’s and China’s Forestry Administration: A Comparison of Human Capital Development
by Julia Marinaccio - 528-534 Policy Diffusion and Performance-based Budgeting
by Cal Clark & Charles E. Menifield & LaShonda M. Stewart - 535-547 Determinants of Performance in Government: Focusing on the Effect of Organizational Politics and Conflicts in Organizations
by Jong One Cheong & Chulwoo Kim - 548-561 Collaborative Crisis Management and Leadership in the Public Sector
by Naim Kapucu & Yusuf Ustun - 562-572 Bureaucratization in a Changing Society: Administrative Reforms in Late Nineteenth Century Chile
by Diego Barría Traverso - 573-573 Corrigendum
by The Editors
April 2018, Volume 41, Issue 5-6
- 335-339 Introduction to the Special Symposium Issue on Public Administration in Russia
by Tamara Nezhina & Tatiana Zaytseva - 340-356 Intergovernmental Agreements in Contemporary Russia
by Ivan Leksin - 357-376 Russian Public Sector Employees’ Reasoning of Ethical Behavior: An Empirical Study
by Natalia Ermasova & Dina Clark & Lam Nguyen & Sergey Ermasov - 377-387 Preventing Corruption Risk in Legislation: Evidence from Russia, Moldova, and Kazakhstan
by Alexander Kotchegura - 388-400 Motives Driving the Creation of Professional and Business Associations: Evidence from Russia
by Ekaterina Ivanova - 401-413 The Determinants of Collective Coproduction: The Case of Secondary Schools in Russia
by Svetlana Suslova - 414-434 Corruption, Centralization and Competition: Evidence from Russian Public Procurement
by Polina Detkova & Elena Podkolzina & Andrey Tkachenko - 435-445 Рublic Procurement in Russia: What Hinders Innovation?
by Nadezhda Sirotkina & Svetlana Pavlovskaya - 446-459 Public-Private Partnerships as Collaborative Projects: Testing the Theory on Cases from EU and Russia
by Dmitri Vinogradov & Elena Shadrina - 460-477 Russian Central Government Budgeting and Public Sector Reform Discourses: Paradigms, Hybrids, and a “Third Way”
by Igor Khodachek & Konstantin Timoshenko
March 2018, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 257-267 An Evaluation of Performance-Based Budget Reform in Asian Countries
by Arwiphawee Srithongrung - 268-283 Unleashing Innovation beyond Organizational Boundaries: Exploring Citizensourcing Projects
by Lisa Schmidthuber & Dennis Hilgers - 284-296 Citizens Differ from Organizations: Modeling a Specific Citizen-Centered Collaborative Capacity
by Nils Aschhoff - 297-307 Citizens’ Readiness to Adopt and Use E-government Services in the City of Harbin, China
by Isaac Kofi Mensah - 308-320 Citizen and Open Government: An Empirical Analysis of Antecedents of Open Government Data
by Bernd W. Wirtz & Jan C. Weyerer & Michael Rösch - 321-334 Performance-Related Payments in Local Governments: Do They Improve Performance or Only Increase Salary?
by Alessandro Spano & Patrizio Monfardini
February 2018, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 171-171 Announcement
by The Editors - 172-180 Effects of Public Service Motivation on Turnover and Job Satisfaction in the U.S. Teacher Labor Market
by Yujin Choi & Il Hwan Chung - 181-189 Public vs. Private in Hospital Efficiency: Exploring Determinants in a Competitive Environment
by Andrea Guerrini & Giulia Romano & Bettina Campedelli & Sara Moggi & Chiara Leardini - 190-202 Discovering the Dark Side of Power: The Principal’s Moral Hazard in Political-Bureaucratic Relations
by Marian Döhler - 203-215 Examining the Mediating Roles of Affective and Normative Commitment in the Relationship between Transformational Leadership Practices and Turnover Intention of Government Employees
by Michele Campbell Ennis & Tao Gong & Afokoghene Z. Okpozo - 216-225 Is Public Service Motivation Changeable? Integrative Modeling with Goal-Setting Theory
by Yousueng Han - 226-237 Citizen’s Charter for Improved Public Service Delivery and Accountability: The Experience of Land Administration at the Local Government in Bangladesh
by Hare Krisna Kundo - 238-245 The New Metropolitan Police of Buenos Aires: Officers’ Shared Perceptions on Community Policing and Organizational Practices
by Roddrick Colvin - 246-255 From Competition and Collusion to Consent-Based Collaboration: A Case Study of Local Democracy
by A. Georges L. Romme & Jan Broekgaarden & Carien Huijzer & Annewiek Reijmer & Rob A. I. van der Eyden
January 2018, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 83-94 Aspects of Inclusion and Peoples’ Empowerment Related to National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in India
by Soumyendra Kishore Datta & Krishna Singh - 95-109 A System of Contradictory Goals and Realization of Ambidexterity: A Case Study of a Municipal Corporation
by Margie Parikh & Deepti Bhatnagar - 110-128 Implementing Risk Management in the Italian Public Sector: Hybridization between Old and New Practices
by Alessandro Hinna & Danila Scarozza & Fabrizio Rotundi - 129-136 Counting the Cost: A Critical Evaluation of the Australian National Broadband Network Roll-Out under the Rudd/Gillard Governments
by Simone Valle de Souza & Brian Dollery & Michael A. Kortt - 137-149 The Origins of the European Coalition for Vision: Exploring the Formation of a Network
by Karen Heard-Lauréote - 150-158 Employee Readiness for Change in Public Higher Education Institutions: Examining the Joint Effect of Leadership Behavior and Emotional Intelligence
by Hamid Mahmood Gelaidan & Abdullah Al-Swidi & Hashed Ahmed Mabkhot - 159-169 Toward a Pragmatic Model of Public Responsiveness: Implications for Enhancing Public Administrators’ Responsiveness to Citizen Demands
by Yuguo Liao - 170-170 Erratum
by The Editors
January 2018, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-12 E-participation: A Strategic Framework
by Bernd W. Wirtz & Peter Daiser & Boris Binkowska - 13-21 A Longitudinal Evaluation of E-Government at the Local Level in Greater Western Sydney (GWS) Australia
by Qiuyan Fan