January 2023, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 156-167 The Key Success Factors of Total Quality Management Implementation in State-Owned Enterprise
by Rafla Hchaichi - 168-169 The Triumph and Tribulation of Performance Management
by Katherine Barrett & Richard Greene
January 2023, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-1 Thank you to reviewers (2022)
by The Editors - 1-17 Healthcare Systems in Selected European Countries and Their Relevance to Malta
by Lauren Ellul & Bernard Ellul - 18-31 Partnerships and Network Governance for Urban Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus
by Naim Kapucu & Sean Beaudet & Ni-Bin Chang & Jiangxiao Qiu & Zhong-Ren Peng - 32-42 Implementation Drivers of Pay-for-Success Projects: The U.S. Experience
by Tamara Dimitrijevska-Markoski & Jeremy L. Hall & Lauren L. Azevedo - 43-55 A Test of a Configurational Model of Agency Performance in the United States Federal Government Using Machine Learning Methodology
by Mark John Somers - 56-68 Employee Voice and Innovative Behavior in the Public Sector
by Angeliki Tsameti & Victoria-Maria Bellou & Kyriakos Tsamantouridis - 69-84 Grey Relational Evaluation of Bulk Water Provision Service Quality Using the SERVQUAL Framework
by Shireen M. Ammar & Yahya A. Saleh - 85-96 The Socio-Economic Efficiency of Digital Government Transformation
by Anna Sanina & Aleksey Balashov & Mariia Rubtcova
December 2022, Volume 45, Issue 16
- 1111-1121 The Untapped Potential of Social Marketing: How a Sample of Florida Cities Engage in Its Practice
by M. Blair Thomas & Sarah E. Larson - 1122-1131 The Role of Social Norms on Public Service Motivation and Prosocial Behavior: Moderating Effect versus Direct Effect
by Seung Hyun Kim & Sangmook Kim - 1132-1146 Productivity Growth of Urban Transit Agencies in the U.S
by Narendra Malalgoda & Siew Hoon Lim - 1147-1155 Student Retention and Degree Completion: The Moderating Effects of Institutional Factors
by Gang Peng & Yi (Jenny) Zhang - 1156-1167 Public Procurement Efficiency as Perceived by Market Participants: The Case of Russia
by Olga Balaeva & Yuliya Rodionova & Andrei Yakovlev & Andrey Tkachenko
November 2022, Volume 45, Issue 15
- 1053-1069 The Influence of Political Uncertainty on Commercial Banks in Emerging Market Countries
by Shuh-Chyi Doong & Anh-Tuan Doan - 1070-1080 Bureaucracy and Policy Implementation in Democratic Governance: A Focus on Nigeria’s Fourth Republic
by Kehinde John Adegbite & Lawal Ayofe Bakare & A. Abdulfatah Raji & Tadese A. Raheem - 1081-1091 Governance Mechanisms Fostering a Legitimate Representation in Nonprofit Organizations
by Sara Moggi & Alessandro Zardini & Gina Rossi & Chiara Leardini - 1092-1102 Understanding the Dynamics of Institutional Trust in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand
by Soonhee Kim & Hasan Muhammad Baniamin - 1103-1109 Partial Metric Invariance of the International Measure of Public Service Motivation among Twelve Countries: A Research Note
by Sangmook Kim
October 2022, Volume 45, Issue 14
- 991-1002 Role Models in the Senior Civil Service: How Tasks Frame the Identification of Senior Bureaucrats with Active and Reactive Roles
by Falk Ebinger & Sylvia Veit & Bastian Strobel - 1003-1013 Local Water Utility Reform: Case Studies from Iwate Prefecture in Northern Japan
by Yukio Kinoshita & Brian Dollery - 1014-1026 Strengthening Civil Servants’ Entrepreneurial Behaviour: An Integrated Framework
by Nurul Liyana Mohd Kamil & Christine Robert & Nur Hairani Abd Rahman - 1027-1038 Does Legitimacy Mitigate Corruption? The Relevance of Social Traps in Low-corruption Contexts
by Gissur Ó. Erlingsson & Guðbjörg Andrea Jónsdóttir & Gunnar Helgi Kristinsson - 1039-1052 The Moderating Impact of Technical Support and Internet Self-Efficacy on the Adoption of Electronic Government Services
by Isaac Kofi Mensah & Chuanyong Luo & Xolile Carol Thani
October 2022, Volume 45, Issue 13
- 931-947 Does Governance Quality Explain the Sustainability Reporting Tendency of the Public Sector? Worldwide Evidence
by Ali Uyar & Majdi Karmani & Cemil Kuzey & Merve Kilic & Chadi Yaacoub - 948-963 Revisiting International Public Sector Accounting Standards Adoption in Developing Countries
by Lakshi D Boolaky Doorgakunt & Kamil Omoteso & Nitri Mirosea & Pran Krishansing Boolaky - 964-980 A Literature Review of E-government Services with Gamification Elements
by Ruth S. Contreras-Espinosa & Alejandro Blanco-M - 981-990 The China-Characteristic Policy Transfer: A Case of Establishing Long-term Care Insurance
by Jian Zhang & Yanzhe Zhang & Xiao Yu & Ali Farazmand
September 2022, Volume 45, Issue 12
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 869-893 Public Capital Infrastructure Management: Cases of Germany, Hungary and the USA
by G. Nyikos & N. Ermasova - 894-906 Merit Principles Merit Further Investigation: The Influence on Employee Perception of Whistleblowing
by Sanghee Park & So Hee Jeon - 907-916 Ethical Leadership and Commitment to Behave Ethically in Government Agencies
by Hugo D. Asencio - 917-929 Examining the Antecedents of Continuance Usage of Mobile Government Services in Tanzania
by Herman Mandari & Daniel Koloseni
August 2022, Volume 45, Issue 11
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 807-818 Deconstructing Government Budgets through Visual Representation Software
by Jesús García-García & María Isabel Alonso-Magdaleno - 819-833 Adoption of Cloud-Based Accounting Practices in Turkey: An Empirical Study
by Meltem Altin & Recep Yilmaz - 834-844 Public Service Motivation and Morale: Exploratory Study of Former Agents of the National Security Intelligence of Korea
by Nara Park & Jong Soo Lee - 845-858 Examining the Determinants of Expenditure Forecasts
by Peter A. Jones & Vincent Reitano - 859-867 Bots, fake comments, and E-rulemaking: the impact on federal regulations
by Sara Rinfret & Robert Duffy & Jeffrey Cook & Shane St. Onge
July 2022, Volume 45, Issue 10
- 747-759 Why Him Not ME? Inclusive/Exclusive Talent Identification in Academic Public Context
by Mohamed Mousa & Hiba K. Massoud & Rami M. Ayoubi & Ghulam Murtaza - 760-772 A bad turn deserves another: linkages between terrorism, capital flight and industrialisation
by Simplice A. Asongu & Joseph Nnanna & Rexon T. Nting - 773-783 Political Fragmentation, Interlocal Expenditures, and the Adoption of Bond Banks for Joint Debt Issue
by Julius A. Nukpezah & Aisha S. Ahmadu - 784-793 Religion and Public Administration: American Exceptionalism or Global Norm?
by David Houston & Patricia Freeman - 794-806 Privatization of Public Services: A Systematic Review of Quality Differences between Public and Private Daycare Providers
by Lena Brogaard & Ole Helby Petersen
July 2022, Volume 45, Issue 9
- 687-696 Trust in Government: Assessing the Impact of Exposure to Information in a Local Context
by Vincent Mabillard - 697-707 The Impact of Destructive Leadership on Public Servants’ Performance: The Mediating Role of Leader-member Exchange, Perceived Organizational Support and Job Satisfaction
by Victoria Bellou & Maria Dimou - 708-725 Does Citizen Involvement Feed on Digital Platforms?
by Silvana Secinaro & Valerio Brescia & Daniel Iannaci & Gideon Mekonnen Jonathan - 726-740 20-Year History of Performance Measurement in the Local Public Sector: A Systematic Review
by Martin Král - 741-746 Themed Book Review: Political Management and Training in the Digital Age
by R. Paul Wilson
June 2022, Volume 45, Issue 8
- 605-619 Public-sector Financial Management and E-government: The Role Played by Accounting Systems
by Beatriz Cuadrado-Ballesteros & Serena Santis & Marco Bisogno - 620-631 Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Kenya: An Empirical Investigation
by Nicholas M. Odhiambo - 632-643 What Influences Bureaucrats’ Support for Red Tape Reduction Reform in Taipei City Government?
by Mei Jen Hung - 644-657 The Effects of Fairness on Female Managers’ Perception of Career Prospects and Job Satisfaction: A Study across Sectors
by Jiwon Suh & Imane Hijal-Moghrabi - 658-674 Model for Overcoming Policy Analysis Limitation and Implementation Challenges: Integrative Propositional Analysis of South African National Mental Health Policy Framework and Strategic Plan 2013-2020
by Guswin de Wee & Kwame Asmah-Andoh - 675-686 Does Country Attractiveness Matter in International Competition? The Case of Countries’ Bidding to Host Major Sports Events
by Kwang-Hoon Lee & Jean-Loup Chappelet
May 2022, Volume 45, Issue 7
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 537-547 Public Value Account: Establishment and Application
by Shijun Li - 548-559 Qualitative Comparative Analysis of the Configurations that Cause Corruption
by Zhao Cheng & Yang Xiaohong - 560-569 Is Health Care a Public Value?
by Nathaniel L. Wade - 570-586 Civil Society Associations’ Efforts to Influence Post-Uprisings Governmental Policymaking in Three Arab States: A Regimes-Triad Approach
by Robert Hoppe & Nermeen Kassem - 587-589 Perceived Public Support of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria
by Hassan Isgandar & Itunu O. Ilesanmi - 590-603 Municipal Response to Fiscal and Governance Reforms: Effects of Stricter Debt Limits across Jurisdictions
by Julio C. Zambrano-Gutiérrez & Claudia N. Avellaneda
April 2022, Volume 45, Issue 6
- 475-485 Does Democratic Innovation Reduce Bias? The G1000 as a New Form of Local Citizen Participation
by Harmen Binnema & Ank Michels - 486-498 Developing an Institutional Arrangement for a Whole-of-Government and Whole-of-Community Approach to Regional Adaptation to Sea Level Rise: The Hampton Roads Pilot Project
by Juita-Elena (Wie) Yusuf & J. Gail Nicula & Burton St. John & Meagan M. Jordan & Michelle Covi & Carol Considine & Marina Saitgalina & Joshua Behr - 499-510 Public–private Partnerships for Urban Projects: A Korean Case of Partnership Failure
by Yoon-jung Kim - 511-522 Customizing Health Security Preparedness Activities in Sub-Saharan Africa: Leveraging Political Context to Enhance IHR Implementation
by Richard G. Greenhill & James A. Johnson & Patrick Malone & Andrew Westrum - 523-536 When Push Comes to Shove: The Effect of Economic Crisis on the Spending of Government Savings
by Cheong Kim & Sanghee Park
April 2022, Volume 45, Issue 5
- 379-398 A Link between Public Service Motivation, Employee Outcomes, and Person–Organization Fit: Evidence from Vietnam
by Trinh Hoang Hong Hue & Huy-Cuong Vo Thai & My-Linh Tran - 399-411 The Social Impact of Green Innovation: Towards a Conceptual Framework
by Hoai-Anh Nguyen Dang & Aila Khan & Anh-Tuan Doan & Nicole Ibbett - 412-426 Aspirations for Careers in State-Owned Enterprises: Evidence from a Low Middle-Income Country
by Phuong Nguyen-Hoang & Trang M. T. Phung & Nhut H. Nguyen & Kien D. Cao & Tho H. Nguyen - 427-441 Navigating through Political Risk in Vietnam: The Role of Corporate Cash Holdings
by Anh-Tuan Le & Thao Phuong Tran - 442-452 Learning Paradox and Employee Performance: Empirical Evidence in a Vietnamese Public University
by Thi Nguyet Que Nguyen & Quan Ha Minh Tran - 453-474 Bribery Environments and Manufacturing SME Efficiency: Evidence from a Transitional Economy
by Anh-Tuan Doan & Aila Khan & Quan Tran & Scott Holmes
March 2022, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 299-307 Introduction: Looking for Governance: Latin America Governance Reforms and Challenges
by B. Guy Peters & Fernando Filgueiras - 308-318 Trends of Public Management Reform in Latin America
by Oscar Oszlak - 319-334 Are Governance Modes Alike? An Analysis Based on Bureaucratic Relationships and Skills
by Pedro Cavalcante & Gabriela Lotta - 335-345 Regulatory Framework of Concession Contracts and Effectiveness of Public-Private Partnerships in Providing Road Infrastructure
by Mónica M. Sinisterra Rodríguez - 346-363 Breaking the Mould of Centralization? Path Dependence and Local Government Reform in Ireland: 1898–2014
by Petros B. Ogbazghi - 364-377 Interpersonal Facilitation and Goal-oriented Managerial Behavior in Japan
by Yoosung Park
February 2022, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 213-227 Inter-Organizational Networking and the Great Recession: Lessons from Detroit Arts and Culture Organizations
by Alisa V. Moldavanova & Isil Akbulut-Gok - 228-241 Abusive Supervision in Agencies: The Role of Gender in Reporting and Complaint Success
by James Gerard Caillier - 242-256 New Public Management and Customer Perceptions of Service Quality – A Mixed-Methods Study
by Gurmeet Singh & Neale J Slack - 257-272 Results-oriented Culture and Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Financial Accountability in Public Sector Organizations in Vietnam
by Yen Thi Tran & Nguyen P. Nguyen & Lam Dang Nguyen - 273-286 ICT Use in Central Government: Scope, Predictors and Effects on Coordination Quality
by Tom Christensen & Per Lægreid - 287-297 What Influences Collaborative Relationships between Central and Local Governments? Empirical Evidence from South Korea
by Ju Won Chung & Yujin Choi
January 2022, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 81-83 Introduction to the Special Issue on Public Administration in Education
by Tommaso Agasisti & Isak Froumin & Daria Platonova - 84-93 To Achieve the Same as the Others? Policy Preconditions for Successful Higher Education Governance
by Bruno Broucker & Jani Ursin & Martina Dal Molin & Kurt De Wit - 94-106 Competition for Funding or Funding for Competition? Analysing the Dissemination of Performance-based Funding in European Higher Education and its Institutional Effects
by Pedro Teixeira & Ricardo Biscaia & Vera Rocha - 107-120 Technical Efficiency and Productivity of Higher Education Institutions in the Nordic Countries
by C. Andersson & K. Sund - 121-134 Actual Autonomy, Efficiency and Performance of Universities: Insights from the Russian Case
by Tommaso Agasisti & Ekaterina Shibanova - 135-146 Intrapreneurship in Higher Education: The Digital Learning Challenge
by Mara Soncin & Michela Arnaboldi - 147-156 Fiscal Shocks, Budgetary Pressures, and Public Education Expenditure Stabilization
by Peter A. Jones & Vincent Reitano & Christian Buerger - 157-170 Declining Public Universities: Patterns and Lessons for Public Policy and Administration: A Russian Case Study
by Mikhail Lisyutkin & Ali Farazmand & Isak Froumin - 171-184 Hybridity in Nordic Higher Education
by Elias Pekkola & Romulo Pinheiro & Lars Geschwind & Taru Siekkinen & Kirsi Pulkkinen & Teresa Carvalho - 185-197 Enhancing Competitiveness of the Russian Higher Education: The 5-100 University Excellence Program through the Lens of Efficiency and Performance
by Alexander Kotchegura & Mario De Martino & Ali Farazmand - 198-212 On Higher Education’s Complexities and the Potential of Network Governance. A Case Study
by Gertjan Muyters & Bruno Broucker & Kristof De Witte
January 2022, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction to the Special Issue on “Public Administration and Policy in Vietnam”
by Lam D. Nguyen & Ali Farazmand - 4-22 Democratic Governance: Examining the Influence of Citizen Participation on Local Government Performance in Vietnam
by Trinh Hoang Hong Hue & Milan Tung-Wen Sun - 23-36 Women’s Participation in Public Administration in Vietnam: A Case Study of Policy and Practice from 1986 to the Present
by Dao Nguyen - 37-48 Socioeconomic Status, Norms and Bribe-Giving Behaviors Among Citizens of Vietnam
by Phuong Anh Nguyen & Quang Canh Le - 49-63 Performance management in the Vietnam public sector: The role of institution, traditional culture and leadership
by Tai Anh Vu & Geoff Plimmer & Evan Berman & Pham Ngoc Ha - 64-80 Factors Affecting Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Performance in Developing Economies: Evidence from Vietnam
by Manh Hung Do & Sang Chul Park
December 2021, Volume 44, Issue 16
- 1383-1393 Corruption and Accountability in China's Rural Poverty Governance: Main Features from Village and Township Cadres
by Shuai Wu & Tom Christensen - 1394-1403 How Do Middle Managers Matter in Policymaking? Examining Managerial Work and Influence in Brazil
by Kidjie Saguin & Pedro Lucas de Moura Palotti - 1404-1414 Representative Bureaucracy: Exploring the Factors that Inhibit Active Representation in Indigenous Managers from a Latin American Case
by Verónica Figueroa Huencho & Juan Pablo Araya Orellana - 1415-1423 Using accreditation to leverage innovation in healthcare: Evidence from an oncological centre
by Silvia Iacuzzi & Paolo Fedele & Andrea Garlatti - 1424-1434 A Framework for Government Response to Social Media Participation in Public Policy Making: Evidence from China
by Shihong Weng & Gary Schwarz & Susan Schwarz & Ben Hardy - 1435-1445 Public Personnel Job Satisfaction and Retention: The Effects of Perceived Image and Prestige of Government Jobs
by Tamara Nezhina & Alexei Barabashev & Vadim Prokofiev & Valeria Utkina
November 2021, Volume 44, Issue 15
- 1309-1318 Narcissistic Leadership, Employee Silence, and Organizational Cynicism: A Study of Physicians in Egyptian Public Hospitals
by Mohamed Mousa & Hala A. Abdelgaffar & Mohammed Aboramadan & Walid Chaouali - 1319-1328 Building Resilient Organizations: Organizational Resilience as a Network Outcome
by Kyungwoo Kim & Simon A. Andrew & Kyujin Jung - 1329-1340 Continuous Use and Extended Use of E-Government Portals in Malaysia
by Ching Seng Yap & Rizal Ahmad & Farhana Tahmida Newaz & Cordelia Mason - 1341-1354 Beyond Flypaper: Unconditional Transfers and Local Revenue Generation in the Philippines, 1992–2016
by Rogelio Alicor L. Panao - 1355-1365 Illuminating the Black Box of the Government to Governance Transformation Thesis: The Case of Dutch City Deals
by David Evers & Marloes Dignum & David Hamers - 1366-1377 Do Street-Level Bureaucrats Exhibit Transformational Leadership for Influencing Sound Governance and Citizens’ Satisfaction?
by Santap Sanhari Mishra - 1378-1381 A Review of Stillman’s Anthology, Dwight Waldo: Administrative Theorist for Our Times
by Christopher L. Atkinson
October 2021, Volume 44, Issue 14
- 1195-1200 Introduction to the Special Issue: The Rise of State Capitalism
by Amanda Zadorian & Miklós Szanyi & Ali Farazmand - 1201-1215 Defining the Long-term Development Trends of Countries in East-Central Europe in the Context of Political Cycles
by Miklós Szanyi & Gyula Szabó - 1216-1230 Dependent Monetary Regimes in the Balkans: Enlarging the “Varieties of Capitalism” Hypothesis
by Eric Magnin & Nikolay Nenovsky - 1231-1240 Narratives and Public Policies: The Case of the Brazilian Development Bank
by Luiz Ricardo Cavalcante - 1241-1252 Practicing (State) Capitalism at Petrobras and Rosneft
by Amanda Zadorian - 1253-1263 The Anatomy of the Newly Emerging Illiberal Model of State Capitalism: A Developmental Dead End?
by Judit Ricz - 1264-1273 Public Value through Innovation: Danish Public Managers’ Views on Barriers and Boosters
by Ditte Thøgersen & Susanne Boch Waldorff & Tinne Steffensen - 1274-1285 Introducing Gender Perspectives in the Budgetary Process at the Central Government Level
by Birgit Moser & Sanja Korac - 1286-1296 Work-life Balance and Organizational Commitment: a Study of Field Level Administration in Bangladesh
by Yumei Yang & Dewan Md Tajul Islam - 1297-1308 The Efficiency of New Zealand District Health Boards in Administrating Public Funds: An Application of Bootstrap DEA and Beta Regression
by Antony Andrews
October 2021, Volume 44, Issue 13
- 1051-1064 Leadership in Collaborative Governance: The Case of HIV/AIDS Health Services Planning Council in South Florida
by James Korku Agbodzakey - 1065-1075 Evaluating Decision Speed as a Measure of Public Procurement Performance in the European Single Market
by Eric Prier & Clifford P. McCue & Csaba Csáki - 1076-1089 An Approach to Estimating the Economic Expediency of Developing a New Cargo Transport Hub by a Regional Public Administration
by Alexander S. Belenky & Gennady G. Fedin & Alain L. Kornhauser - 1090-1102 Legacy Effect of Soviet Budgeting System on Public Capital Budgeting: Cases of Russia, Moldova, and Uzbekistan
by Natalia Ermasova & Tatyana Guzman & Erica Ceka - 1103-1128 Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector - a Research Agenda
by Bernd W. Wirtz & Paul F. Langer & Carolina Fenner - 1129-1148 Explaining the Mediating Effect of Employee Morale between Organizational Goal Ambiguity and Innovative Work Behaviour: Evidence from the Public Sector of Iran
by Hassan Danaeefard & Abdolali Ahmadzahi Torshab - 1149-1164 Crisismanship under the Most Severe Sanctions: Lessons Learned from the Iranian Government’s Responses to the COVID-19
by Ali Farazmand & Hasan Danaeefard - 1165-1174 Policy Transfer: The Case of Founding the Growth Enterprise Board in China’s Security Market
by Jian Zhang & Yanzhe Zhang & Ali Farazmand - 1175-1188 Government Communication during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Ghana
by Joseph Antwi-Boasiako & Enoch Nyarkoh - 1189-1193 Theme-Based Book Review: Definition and Measurement
by Christopher L. Atkinson
September 2021, Volume 44, Issue 11-12
- 879-884 Governments’ Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Frances L. Edwards & J. Steven Ott - 885-895 Stay-at-Home Request or Order? A Study of the Regulation of Individual Behavior during a Pandemic Crisis in Japan
by Naomi Aoki - 896-906 Digital Pandemic Response Systems: A Strategic Management Framework Against Covid-19
by Bernd W. Wirtz & Wilhelm M. Müller & Jan C. Weyerer - 907-919 Governmental Social Media Communication Strategies during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Egypt
by Laila El Baradei & Mohamed Kadry & Ghadeer Ahmed - 920-930 State Capacity in Responding to COVID-19
by Balzhan Serikbayeva & Kanat Abdulla & Yessengali Oskenbayev - 931-942 Iranian Government’s Responses to the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19): An Empirical Analysis
by Ali Farazmand & Hasan Danaeefard - 943-951 One Size Does not Fit All: Schools’ Responses to the Covid-19 Crisis
by Paolo Fedele & Silvia Iacuzzi & Andrea Garlatti - 952-962 Sheltering the Homeless during COVID-19 in San Jose, California
by Darius Brown & Frances L. Edwards - 963-973 Nursing Homes and COVID-19: One State’s Experience
by Beverly A. Cigler - 974-983 Trust in Government and Social Isolation during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Brazil
by Clayton Robson Moreira da Silva & Cíntia Vanessa Monteiro Germano Aquino & Laís Vieira Castro Oliveira & Eveline Pinheiro Beserra & Cláudia Buhamra Abreu Romero - 984-993 Nonprofit Capacity to Manage Hurricane-Pandemic Threat: Local and National Perspectives on Resilience during COVID-19
by Nicole S. Hutton & Steven W. Mumford & Marina Saitgalina & Juita-Elena (Wie) Yusuf & Joshua G. Behr & Rafael Diaz & John J. Kiefer - 994-1005 Assessing the Multi-level Government Response to the COVID-19 Crisis: Italy and Spain Compared
by Mattia Casula & Serafín Pazos-Vidal - 1006-1017 Responding to the Needs of the Homeless in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review of Initiatives in 20 Major U.S. Cities
by Hee Soun Jang & Yu Shi & Laura Keyes & Lisa A. Dicke & Jintak Kim - 1018-1027 Flunking COVID-19 Out of Schools: A Systematic Review of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions to Minimize Novel Coronavirus-2 in Educational Settings
by Wakana Ishihara & Kelli Sum & Jenny Lee & Dan Nathan-Roberts - 1028-1038 Pandemic Priorities: The Impact of South Korea’s COVID-19 Policies on Vulnerable Populations
by Eunbin Chung & Jaehee Yi - 1039-1039 Statement of Removal
by The Editors - 1041-1049 Sailing through Troubled Water of Pandemic by ‘Sound Governance’ Boat: Lessons from Odisha, India
by Santap Sanhari Mishra
July 2021, Volume 44, Issue 10
- 803-807 Understanding Public Value – Why Does It Matter?
by Prudence R. Brown & Lorraine Cherney & Sarah Warner - 808-817 Public Value Measurement vs. Public Value Creating Imagination – the Constraining Influence of Old and New Public Management Paradigms
by Prudence R. Brown - 818-825 Environmental Challenges for Public Value Theory and Practice
by Brian Coffey - 826-834 Creating Public Value in a Westminster Context: The Case of the Australian Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet‘s Indigenous Regional Network, 2013-2018
by Jenny Stewart - 835-844 The Particular Applicability of Public Value Creation to Local Government
by Bligh Grant - 845-856 Existential Public Value
by Ken Coghill - 857-866 Public Values in Pluralistic and Complex Settings – Are Agonistic Ideas the Answer?
by Sarah Warner & Prudence R. Brown & Lorraine Cherney - 867-877 Where to for Public Value? Taking Stock and Moving On
by Janine O’Flynn
July 2021, Volume 44, Issue 9
- 711-714 Special Issue- Engaging Vulnerable Populations in the Co-Production of Public Services
by Gillian Mulvale & Glenn Robert - 715-727 Too Vulnerable to Involve? Challenges of Engaging Vulnerable Groups in the Co-production of Public Services through Research
by Julia Amann & Joanna Sleigh - 728-740 Suggestions for Developing Public Service Logic through a Study of Interactive Value Formation
by Line Margrethe Jenhaug - 741-752 Enabling and Constraining Conditions for Co-production with Vulnerable Users: A Case Study of Refugee Services
by M. Røhnebæk & M. Bjerck - 753-766 Time is on our side: operationalising ‘phase zero’ in coproduction of mental health services for marginalised and underserved populations in London
by Rochelle A. Burgess & Natasha Choudary - 767-777 Using Situated Interviews to Engage Frail Older People in the Co-production of Improved Emergency Healthcare
by Victoria Cluley & Nicola Gale & Zoe Radnor - 778-789 Engaging People with Lived Experience in Co-design of Future Palliative Care Services
by Tara French & Sneha Raman - 790-802 A COMPASS for Navigating Relationships in Co-Production Processes Involving Vulnerable Populations
by Gillian Mulvale & Ashleigh Miatello & Jenn Green & Maxwell Tran & Christina Roussakis & Alison Mulvale
June 2021, Volume 44, Issue 8
- 623-635 The Differential Impact of Democracy on Tax Revenues in Developing and Developed Countries
by Harun Rashid & Hussein Warsame & Shahid Khan - 636-647 A Closer Look at What Goes Wrong: Public Employee Cynicism and Resistance to Administrative Reform
by Eunju Rho & Juyong Jung & Taewoo Nam - 648-664 External Diseconomies of Business Improvement Districts: Negative Impact on Residential Property Values – Evidence from the City of Westminster
by Morifumi Hirao - 665-673 Does Citizens’ 311 System Use Improve Satisfaction with Public Service Encounters?—Lessons for Citizen Relationship Management
by Wei-Ning Wu - 674-684 Taxation and Governance in Bangladesh: A Study of the Value-added Tax
by Noore Siddiquee & Ahmed Saleheen - 685-698 Operationalizing the Right to Information Act through E-Governance in Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities
by Harold Sougato Baroi & Shawkat Alam - 699-704 Theme-based Book Review: The Global South and Complexity
by Christopher Atkinson - 705-709 Theme-based Book Review: Instability and Reconsideration
by Christopher L. Atkinson
May 2021, Volume 44, Issue 7
- 537-546 Perceived Barriers to Decision Quality in Three Swedish Public Authorities
by Ilkka Salo & Carl Martin Allwood - 547-556 Work Values of Chinese MPA Students: Underlying Dimensions and Group Differences
by Yuanjie Bao & Wei Zhong - 557-563 Agency Design and State Administrators: Political Insulation and Managers’ Views of Their Workplace
by Jennifer Symonds Morrison & James C. Clinger - 564-577 Politicization of the Bureaucracy across and within Administrative Traditions
by Christopher A. Cooper - 578-590 Accountability in Local Public Utilities. Not Only Corporate Governance
by Maria Tullia Galanti & Matteo Turri - 591-606 Research on Public Service Motivation and Leadership: A Bibliometric Study
by Tânia M. G. Marques - 607-621 Strategic Management in State Government Two Servants of the Same Master: Procurement and Finance
by Sawsan Abutabenjeh
April 2021, Volume 44, Issue 6
- 451-464 Public Innovation and Living Labs in Action: A Comparative Analysis in post-New Public Management Contexts
by J. Ignacio Criado & Thiago Ferreira Dias & Hironobu Sano & Francisco Rojas-Martín & Aitor Silvan & Antônio Isidro Filho - 465-476 Globalization and Worldwide Best Practices in E-Government
by Aroon P. Manoharan & Alex Ingrams & Dongyoen Kang & Haoyu Zhao - 477-488 Higher Education Expansion and Credit Risk: Evidence from China Universities Panel Data
by Chih-Hung Chen & Chiu-Ming Hsiao - 489-499 Does Gender Really Matter? Testing the Mediating Role of Public Service Motivation between Gender and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Federal Agencies
by Layla Alanazi - 500-512 A Cross-Sectional Qualitative Study of Barriers to Effective Therapeutic Communication among Nurses and Patients
by Vincent Ekow Arkorful & Anastasia Hammond & Ibrahim Basiru & Jennifer Boateng & Francis Doku & Sarah Pokuaah & Eric Kwadwo Agyei & Joyce Asamoah Baoteng & Benjamin Kweku Lugu - 513-529 Public Service Motivation of Public and Nonprofit Employees: Comparative Analysis of Social Service Providers in a Centralized System
by Palina Prysmakova - 530-535 Theme-based Book Review: Government Capacity and Capability
by Christopher L. Atkinson
April 2021, Volume 44, Issue 5
- 359-371 Structural Impediments to Policy Learning: Lessons from Colombia’s Road Concession Programs
by Carter B. Casady & Julián D. Parra - 372-389 The Institutionalization of a New Accrual-based Public Sector Accounting System: The Case of Cape Verde
by Jaqueline Rosa Brito & Susana Jorge - 390-408 Country Performance in the South American Region: A Multivariate Analysis
by Cristina del Campo & Paola Hermosa del Vasto & Elena Urquía-Grande & Susana Jorge - 409-419 Adoption of Multilingual State Emergency Management Websites: Responsiveness to the Risk Communication Needs of a Multilingual Society
by Abraham David Benavides & Julius Nukpezah & Laura Marie Keyes & Ismail Soujaa - 420-429 Does General Fund Balance Stabilize Municipal Expenditure? Evidence from Large American Cities
by Yonghong Wu & Yu Shi - 430-439 Citizens’ Behaviour and Accountability: The Power of Social Capital in Sub-Saharan African Local Governments
by Poul Maxwell Ogentho & John C. Munene & Nixon Kamukama & Joseph Mpeera Ntayi - 440-445 Theme-based Book Review: Historical and Critical Perspectives on the EU
by Christopher L Atkinson