January 1997, Volume 20, Issue 12
- 2097-2119 The high cost of policy termination
by Janet E. Frantz - 2121-2150 The succession of policy termination
by Justin Greenwood - 2151-2175 Policy termination: uncovering the ideological dimension
by Michael Harris - 2177-2194 Organization termination in the nonprofit setting: the dissolution of children's rehabilitation services
by Dorothy Norris-Tirrell - 2195-2212 Afterward: the once and future state of policy termination
by Peter deLeon - 2213-2245 The rise of privatization policies: similar faces, diverse motives
by Anthony B L. Cheung
1997, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 1-9 Symposium: the national performance review and public administration
by James A. Gazell - 11-40 Riding the crest of a wave: the national performance review and public management reform
by Steven W. Hays & Richard C. Kearney - 41-70 The national performance review in perspective
by James P. Pfiffner - 71-112 Ideological reactions to the national performance review
by James A. Gazell - 113-138 Rego, organizational architecture, and reality
by Mary E. Guy - 139-181 As the npr twig was bent: objectives, strategic gaps, and speculations
by Robert T. Golembiewski - 183-220 Why the gore report will probably fail
by David Kirkwood Hart & Fish Smith & David W. Hart - 221-247 Reinventing government and reformulating public administration
by John J. Gargan