2007, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 19-28 Class size and student evaluations in Sweden
by Joakim Westerlund - 29-57 Determinants of academic attainment in the United States: A quantile regression analysis of test scores
by Getinet Astatike Haile & Anh Ngoc Nguyen - 59-73 Quality assurance program and brain drain
by Donald Lien - 89-105 Why do higher education students drop out? Evidence from Spain
by Gerard Lassibille & Lucia Navarro Gomez
2007, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 383-384 Introduction: Economics Of Higher Education
by Marcel Gerard & Vincent Vandenberghe - 385-404 Funding Formulae where Costs Legitimately Differ: The Case of Higher Education in England
by Geraint Johnes - 405-419 Predicting Academic Performance by Data Mining Methods
by J. -P. Vandamme & N. Meskens & J. -F. Superby - 421-440 Deferred and Income-contingent Tuition Fees: An Empirical Assessment using Belgian, German and UK Data
by V. Vandenberghe & O. Debande - 441-454 Financing Bologna: Which Country will Pay for Foreign Students?
by Marcel Gerard - 455-471 Assessing the Cost Efficiency of Italian Universities
by Tommaso Agasisti & Carlo Salerno - 473-489 Measuring Efficiencies of Academic Departments within a College
by Loren Tauer & Harold Fried & William Fry
2007, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 259-275 Simulating the Risk of Investment in Human Capital
by Joop Hartog & Hans Van Ophem & Simona Maria Bajdechi - 277-292 Demographic Change and Public Education Spending: A Conflict between Young and Old?
by Ueli Grob & Stefan C. Wolter - 293-326 Sources of Immigrants' Underachievement: Results from PISA—Copenhagen
by Beatrice Schindler Rangvid - 327-342 Educational Production Functions for Rural Pakistan: A Comparative Institutional Analysis
by Shahrukh Rafi Khan & David Kiefer - 343-358 Household Rates of Return to Education in Rural Bangladesh: Accounting for Direct Costs, Child Labour, and Option Value
by M. Najeeb Shafiq - 359-375 Abolishing School Fees in Malawi: The Impact on Education Access and Equity
by Samer Al-Samarrai & Hassan Zaman - 379-382 Book Reviews
by G. Johnes & Anna Vignoles
2007, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 135-157 Encouraging Education in an Urban School District: Evidence from the Philadelphia Educational Longitudinal Study
by Frank F. Furstenberg & David Neumark - 159-175 Education, College Major, and Job Match: Gender Differences in Reasons for Mismatch
by John Robst - 177-202 The Influence of Student Achievement on Teacher Turnover
by Torberg Falch & Marte Rønning - 203-213 The Role of Scholarships in Study Abroad Programs
by Donald Lien - 215-230 Poor Background or Low Returns? Why Immigrant Students in Germany Perform so Poorly in the Programme for International Student Assessment
by Andreas Ammermueller - 231-251 Efficiency in Swedish Public Education: Competition and Voter Monitoring
by Staffan Waldo - 255-257 Book Review
by Supriya Garikipati
2007, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-13 Measuring the Cost of Meeting Minimum Educational Standards: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
by John Ruggiero - 15-30 Research Assessment Exercise Results and Research Funding in the United Kingdom: A Regional-Territorial Analysis
by Monojit Chatterji & Paul Seaman - 31-53 Diminishing Marginal Returns and the Production of Education: An International Analysis
by Douglas Harris - 55-74 Measuring Value Added in Higher Education: A Proposed Methodology for Developing a Performance Indicator Based on the Economic Value Added to Graduates
by Timothy Rodgers - 75-102 Does Expansion Cause Congestion? The Case of the Older British Universities, 1994-2004
by A. T. Flegg & D. O. Allen - 103-127 Autonomy, Participation and Learning: Findings from Argentine Schools, and Implications for Decentralization
by Gunnar Eskeland & Deon Filmer - 131-133 Book Review
by Ting-Hong Wong
2006, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 377-399 Education and Work
by Philip Trostel & Ian Walker - 401-429 Improving Student Performance in Public Primary Schools in Developing Countries: Evidence from Indonesia
by Daniel Suryadarma & Asep Suryahadi & Sudarno Sumarto & F. Halsey Rogers - 431-451 Returns to Education: New Evidence for India, 1983-1999
by Puja Vasudeva Dutta - 453-468 Returns to Education in Bangladesh
by Mohammad Niaz Asadullah - 469-486 Gender Differentials in Returns to Education in Spain
by Maria Arrazola & Jose de Hevia - 487-509 State Aid and Student Performance: A Supply-Demand Analysis
by Henry Kinnucan & Yuqing Zheng & Gerald Brehmer
2006, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 259-279 Research Assessment Exercise Results and Research Funding in the United Kingdom: A Comparative Analysis
by Monojit Chatterji & Paul Seaman - 281-295 Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Improve Estimates of Higher Education Institution's Per-student Education Costs
by Carlo Salerno - 297-308 Borderless Education and Domestic Programs
by Donald Lien - 309-327 The Role of Labour Market Expectations and Admission Probabilities in Students' Application Decisions on Higher Education: The Case of Hungary
by Julia Varga - 329-344 The Quality of Apprenticeship Training
by W. Smits - 345-367 How Does Teacher Quality Matter? The Effect of Teacher-Parent Partnership on Early Childhood Performance in Public and Private Schools
by Zeyu Xu & Charisse Gulosino
2006, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 135-154 Educational Mismatches and Earnings: Extensions of Occupational Mobility Theory and Evidence of Human Capital Depreciation
by Stephen Rubb - 155-180 The Accumulation of Human Capital Over Time and its Impact on Salary Growth in China
by Zeyun Liu & Jin Xiao - 181-196 Income and Education in Turkey: A Multivariate Analysis
by Ramazan Sari & Ugur Soytas - 197-210 Freshman Learning Communities, College Performance, and Retention
by Julie Hotchkiss & Robert Moore & M. Melinda Pitts - 211-233 Class Attendance and Performance in Principles of Economics
by Elchanan Cohn & Eric Johnson - 235-250 Student Assessments, Non-test-takers, and School Accountability
by Robert Lemke & Claus Hoerandner & Robert McMahon
2006, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-30 University Efficiency: A Comparison and Consolidation of Results from Stochastic and Non-stochastic Methods
by Melville McMillan & Wing Chan - 31-58 Too Far to Go On? Distance to School and University Participation
by Marc Frenette - 59-73 The Undergraduate Fee and Enrolment Decisions Facing Australian Universities from 2005
by Ross Guest - 75-88 The Demand for Higher Education and a Test of the Extreme Screening Hypothesis
by Hung-Lin Tao - 89-106 Obesity, Schooling and Health Knowledge: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Women
by Meng-Wen Tsou & Jin-Tan Liu - 107-125 Higher Education, Real Income and Real Investment in China: Evidence From Granger Causality Tests
by Paresh Kumar Narayan & Russell Smyth
2005, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 355-374 A Stochastic Frontier Analysis of English and Welsh Universities
by Philip Andrew Stevens - 375-385 Non-resident Tuition and Enrollment in Higher Education: Implications for Tuition Pricing
by Douglas Dotterweich & Edward Baryla - 387-407 Actual and Potential Returns to Schooling in Spain
by Carmen Garcia Prieto & Angel Martin Roman & Carlos Perez Dominguez - 409-425 Education and the Determinants of Job Satisfaction
by Luis Vila & Belen Garcia-Mora - 427-447 The Economic Burden of Student Loan Repayment in Norway
by Vibeke Opheim - 449-477 The Role of Education in Selection and Allocation in the Labour Market: An Empirical Study in the Medical Field
by Judith Semeijn & Rolf van der Velden & Hans Heijke & Cees van der Vleuten & Henny Boshuizen
2005, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 257-268 Catholics and Catholic Schooling
by William Sander - 269-285 Mothers, Maids and Tutors: An Empirical Evaluation of their Effect on Children's Academic Grades in Singapore
by Roland Cheo & Euston Quah - 287-297 Will Flexible Learning Raise Student Achievement?
by Ross Guest - 299-313 The Determinants of Undertaking Academic and Vocational Qualifications in the United Kingdom
by Gavan Conlon - 315-329 Do Business Administration Studies Offer Better Preparation for Supervisory Positions than Traditional Economics Studies?
by Hans Heijke & Ger Ramaekers & Catherine Ris - 331-347 Sheepskin Effects in the Spanish Labour Market: A Public-Private Sector Analysis
by Empar Pons & Juan Blanco
2005, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 133-142 The production and use of human capital: Introduction
by Lex Borghans & Hans Heijke - 143-169 The effect heterogeneity of central examinations: evidence from TIMSS, TIMSS-Repeat and PISA
by Ludger Wossmann - 171-187 Raising academic standards and vocational concentrators: Are they better off or worse off?
by John Bishop & Ferran Mane - 189-205 Performance in European higher education: A non-parametric production frontier approach
by Othman Joumady & Catherine Ris - 207-221 The empirical determination of key skills from an economic perspective
by Jasper Van Loo & Bert Toolsema - 223-236 The role of specific and general human capital after displacement
by Ben Kriechel & Gerard Pfann - 237-255 Career progression: Getting-on, getting-by and going nowhere
by Peter Dolton & Gerald Makepeace & Oscar Marcenaro-Gutierrez
2005, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-25 Youth unemployment and labour market transitions in Hungary
by Rick Audas & Eva Berde & Peter Dolton - 27-45 The incidence and outcomes associated with the late attainment of qualifications in the United Kingdom
by Gavan Conlon - 47-72 Graduate overeducation in Australia: A comparison of the mean and objective methods
by Parvinder Kler - 73-83 An investigation of the effect of class size on student academic achievement
by Melvin Borland & Roy Howsen & Michelle Trawick - 85-108 A comparison of A-level performance in economics and business studies: How much more difficult is economics?
by Barry Reilly & Ray Bachan - 109-121 Competition between or within schools? Re-assessing school choice
by Nick Adnett & Peter Davies
2004, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 205-217 Why does academic achievement vary across countries? Evidence from Cuba and Mexico
by Patrick Mcewan & Jeffery Marshall - 219-230 Net tuition revenue generation at private liberal arts colleges
by Jeffrey Summers - 231-249 Measuring the efficiency of British universities: a multi-period data envelopment analysis
by A. T. Flegg & D. O. Allen & K. Field & T. W. Thurlow - 251-265 Research output of Australian universities
by Malcolm Abbott & Hristos Doucouliagos - 267-283 Information search as an indication of rationality in student choice of higher education
by Maria Menon
2004, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 111-134 Returns to investment in education: a further update
by George Psacharopoulos & Harry Anthony Patrinos - 135-149 Study habits and the level of alcohol use among college students
by Lisa Powell & Jenny Williams & Henry Wechsler - 151-167 Do the teachers' grading practices affect student achievement?
by Hans Bonesrønning - 169-176 School expenditures and student achievement: evidence for the United States
by Rati Ram - 177-193 Competition and the performance of english secondary schools: further evidence
by Rosalind Levacic
2004, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-16 Education and Signaling: Evidence from a Highly Competitive Labor Market
by John Heywood & Xiangdong Wei - 17-38 Institutional Effects in a Simple Model of Educational Production
by John Bishop & Ludger Wossmann - 39-65 School-leaving Decisions in Australia: A Cohort Analysis
by Anh Le & Paul Miller - 67-86 Recent Trends in Higher Education Applications and Acceptances
by Andrew Abbott & Derek Leslie - 87-101 Higher Education and the Determination of Aggregate Male Employment by Age
by Anders Stenberg & Magnus Wikstrom
2003, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 219-237 Skill formation among vocational rehabilitation clients - public policy vs private incentives
by Arild Aakvik & Egil Kjerstad - 239-257 The new kids on the block: The entry of private business schools in transition economies
by Evan Kraft & Milan Vodopoviec - 259-272 Self-selection in the state school system
by Donald Robertson & James Symons - 273-292 Education production functions using instructional time as an input
by Dennis Coates - 293-304 Returns to education in Spain: Some evidence on the endogeneity of schooling
by M. Arrazola & J. De Hevia & M. Risueno & J. F. Sanz
2003, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 117-128 Why Competition may Discourage Students from Learning? A Behavioral Economic Analysis
by X. Henry Wang & Bill Yang - 129-153 Schooling and Educational Attainment: Evidence from Bangladesh
by Pushkar Maitra - 155-168 Political Preferences And The Privatization Of Education: Evidence From The UK
by Clive Belfield - 169-192 Estimating the Social Rate of Return to Education for Indigenous Australians
by P. N. Junankar - 193-208 Employment Shifts in the Technical and Further Education Workforce in Victoria
by Chandra Shah
2003, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-10 Private and Social Rates of Return to Higher Education in Science and Technology in a Caribbean Economy
by Compton Bourne & Anand Dass - 11-38 Determinants of Economic and Social Outcomes from a Life-Wide Learning Perspective in Canada
by Richard Desjardins - 39-52 Family Background and Returns to Schooling in Spain
by Maria San-Segundo & Asuncion Valiente - 53-72 Post-College Schooling, Overeducation, and Hourly Earnings in the United States
by Stephen Rubb - 73-87 Rates of Return to Investments in Formal and Technical/Vocational Education in Singapore
by Chris Sakellariou - 89-108 Clustering Educational Categories in a Heterogeneous Labour Market
by Hans Heijke & Astrid Matheeuwsen & Ed Willems
2002, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 241-260 Instructor Gender and Student Registration: An Analysis of Preferences
by Kimmarie McGoldrick & Peter Schuhmann - 261-290 Class Size in the Early Years: Is Smaller Really Better?
by Maria Iacovou - 291-311 Size, Performance and Effectiveness: Cost-Constrained Measures of Best-Practice Performance and Secondary-School Size
by Richard Barnett & J. Colin Glass & Roger Snowdon & Karl Stringer - 313-331 Researching the Links between School Resources and Student Outcomes in the UK: A Review of Issues and Evidence
by Rosalind Levacic & Anna Vignoles - 333-345 Rationality in Public Sector Salary Scales: The Case of Rural Teachers in Pakistan
by Shahrukh Rafi Khan
2002, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 119-132 Education Vouchers in Spain: The Valencian Experience
by Rafael Granell - 133-143 The Role of Credit Constraints in the Cyclicality of College Enrolments
by Gautam Hazarika - 145-163 Academic Standards as Public Goods and Varieties of Free-Rider Behaviour
by Denton Marks - 165-181 The Relative Effect of Family Characteristics and Financial Situation on Educational Achievement
by Arnaud Chevalier & Gauthier Lanot - 183-207 School Outcomes: Sharing the Responsibility Between Pupil and School1
by Emmanuel Thanassoulis & Maria Da Conceicao & A. Silva Portela - 209-228 The Efficient Use of Time in Education
by Benoit Millot & Julia Lane
2002, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-24 The Rising Education Levels of Females in Australia
by Anh Le & Paul Miller - 25-39 The Connection Between Access to University and Net Social Welfare Expenditure in Southern Italy
by Giorgio Di Pietro - 41-48 Impact of Preferences, Curriculum, and Learning Strategies on Academic Success
by Manuchehr Irandoust & Niklas Karlsson - 49-69 Workplaces in the Education Sector in the United Kingdom: How do they Differ from those in Other Industries?
by Clive Belfield & Celia Brown & Hywel Thomas - 71-95 Evaluating Educational Output: An Estimation Method Based on Cross-Section Data
by M. C. Navarro-Perez & J. M. Serrano-Sanz - 97-109 Educational Attainment and Health: Evidence from a Sample of Older Adults
by Scott Adams
2001, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 237-244 The Sensitivity of Primary School Enrollment to the Costs of Post-Primary Schooling in Rural Pakistan: A Gender Perspective
by Gautam Hazarika - 245-268 An Empirical Survey of Frontier Efficiency Measurement Techniques in Education
by Andrew Worthington - 269-280 Student Migration: Do Significant Factors Vary by Region?
by Edward Baryla & Douglas Dotterweich - 281-292 Racial and Gender Differences in the Returns to 2-Year and 4-Year Degrees
by Susan Averett & Sharon Dalessandro - 293-311 Capital Romance: Why Wall Street Fell in Love With Higher Education
by Andreas Ortmann - 313-326 The Instructor's Optimal Mix of Teaching Methods
by Ross Guest
2001, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 103-128 The Effectiveness of Public, Catholic, and Non-Religious Private Schools in Chile's Voucher System
by Patrick McEwan - 129-137 Effect of Schooling on Obesity: Is Health Knowledge a Moderating Factor?
by Rodolfo Nayga - 139-144 Non-Linearities in Returns to Education in Libya
by G. Reza Arabsheibani & Lamine Manfor - 145-172 Are Private Schools More Efficient Than Public Schools? Evidence from Tanzania
by Gerard Lassibille & Jee-Peng Tan - 173-195 Education and Women's Labour Market Outcomes in India
by Geeta Gandhi Kingdon & Jeemol Unni - 197-222 Who Benefits from Public Education in Greece? Evidence and Policy Implications
by Manos Antoninis & Panos Tsakloglou
2001, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-18 Adolescent Drug Use and Educational Attainment
by Charles Register & Donald Williams & Paul Grimes - 19-36 Duration Analysis Applied to the Adoption of Knowledge
by Juan Vega-Cervera & Isabel Cuadrado Gordillo - 37-51 The Decision to Return to Full-time Education
by Wayne Thomas - 53-68 Rethinking Cuts in Public Higher Education: An American Example
by Richard Fenton & John Gardner & Sandeep Singh - 69-90 The Demand for Post-Compulsory Education in Four European Countries
by Steven McIntosh
2000, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 197-208 Equal Educational Opportunity and the Significance of Circumstantial Knowledge
by Gary Scott - 209-220 Do Liberal Arts Colleges Exhibit Economies of Scale and Scope?
by Rajindar Koshal & Manjulika Koshal - 221-239 Leaving Teaching in the French-Speaking Community of Belgium: A Duration Analysis
by V. Vandenberghe - 241-248 Manipulable Variables of Policy Importance: The Case of Education
by Melvin Borland & Roy Howsen - 249-257 The Contribution of Canadian Education to Industrial Production
by Kitty Mak - 259-268 Parochial Schools and Student Achievement: Findings for Older Adults
by William Sander
2000, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 109-127 Location Effects and the Determination of Beginning Teacher Salaries: Evidence from Ohio
by Gary Wagner & Tod Porter - 129-138 Male-Female Earnings Differentials Among the Highly Educated Egyptians
by G. Reza Arabsheibani - 139-156 Measuring the Research Performance of Chinese Higher Education Institutions: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
by Ying Chu Ng & Sung Ko Li - 157-168 The Primary School Dropout in Spain: The Influence of Family Background and Labor Market Conditions
by Carlos Peraita & Margarita Pastor - 169-184 Private/Public School Choice and Student Performance Revisited
by Lonnie Stevans & David Sessions
2000, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-15 The Effects of Curriculum Reform on Economics Education in A Spanish College
by Meredecons Garcia-Diez - 17-36 Selection and Development of International Indicators on Staffing
by H.W.C.H.Gonnie Van Amelsvoort & Maria Hendriks & Jaap Scheerens - 37-63 Agency and Choice in Education: Does school choice enhance the work effort of teachers?
by Geoffrey Rapp - 65-80 What Determines Alumni Generosity? Evidence for the UK
by C. R. Belfield & A. P. Beney - 81-89 State Appropriation and Higher Education Tuition: What is the relationship?
by Rajindar Koshal & Manjulika Koshal
1999, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 199-208 A Three-way Error Components Analysis of Educational Productivity
by Dan Goldhader & Dominic Brewer & Deborah Anderson - 209-234 Pre-school Education and Attainment in the National Child Developement Study and British Cohort Study
by Leon Feinstein & Donald Robertson & James Symons - 235-252 Rates of Return to Education in Singapore
by Mun Heng Toh & Chai Shing Wong - 253-258 A Note on Schooling and Smoking: the issue revisited
by Rodolfo Nayga - 259-276 The Labour-market Position of University Education and Higher Vocational Education in Economics and Business Administration: a comparsion
by Hans Heijke & Mieke Koeslag - 277-279 Book Reviews
by A. Vignoles - 279-281 Book Reviews
by J. Millington - 282-283 Book Reviews
by H. Daun
1999, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 101-119 Setting Achievement Targets for School Children
by Emmanuel Thanssoulis - 121-130 Demand and Supply of Educational Serice: a case of liberal arts colleges
by Rajindar Koshal & Manjulika Koshal - 131-152 Efficiency Evaluation in Secondary Schools: the key role of model specification and of ex post analysis of results
by Maria-Jesus Mancebb & Eduardo Bandres - 153-166 The Equity Implications of Public Subsisation of Higher Education: a study of the Fijian case
by Christopher Heaton - 167-187 Education and Earnings in Rural China
by Xin Wei & Mun Tsang & Weibin Xu & Liang-Kun Chen - 189-191 Book Reviews
by R. K. Wilkinson - 191-194 Book Reviews
by S. Bradley - 194-194 Book Reviews
by G. Makepeace
1999, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-20 Returns to General, Technical and Vocational Education in Developing Countries:recent evidence from Suriname
by Andrew Horowitz & Christoph Schenzler - 21-38 Overeducation Among Graduates: a cohort view
by H. Battu & C. R. Belfield & P. J. Sloane - 39-51 Simulations of the Submission Decision in the Research Assessment Exercise; the 'who' and 'where' decision
by Ameen Ali Talib - 53-66 Congnitive Ability, Schooling and the Demand for Alcohol by Young Adults
by William Sander - 67-84 Rates of Return to Educational Qualifications in the Transitional Economies
by Andrew Newell & Barry Reilly - 85-87 Book Reviews
by T. Easton - 87-89 Book Reviews
by Keith Drake - 89-91 Book Reviews
by D. Monk
1998, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 197-199 Editorial
by Albert Tuijnman - 201-217 Financing a System for Lifelong Learning
by Henry Levin - 219-251 Innovative Ways to Finance Education and Their Relation to Lifelong Learning
by Hessel Oosterbeek - 253-307 The Economic Returns to Lifelong Learning in OECD Countries
by Elchanan Cohn & John Addison - 309-346 Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of the Social Benefits of Lifelong Learnings
by Walter McMahon
1998, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 107-120 Rates of Return to Eduation in Asia: A Review of the Evidence
by Paul Bennell - 121-139 Recurrent Teacher Cost per Student by Key Learning Area: Upper Secondary Schools, Victoria, Australia
by Chandra Shah - 141-157 Using Panel Data to Examine Legislative Demand for Higher Education
by Robert Toutkoushian & Paula Hollis - 159-169 Emerging Australian Education Markets: A Discrete Choice Model of Taiwanese and Indonesian Student Intended Study Destination
by Steven Kemp & Gary Madden & Michael Simpson - 171-184 An Evaluation of the English Nursery Voucher Scheme 1996-1997
by Jo Sparkes & Anne West - 185-187 Book Reviews
by G. Johnes - 187-189 Book Reviews
by J. B. G. Tilak