December 2013, Volume 114, Issue 3
- 1125-1141 Efficacy of Positive Psychology Interventions to Increase Well-Being: Examining the Role of Dispositional Mindfulness
by Kimberley Seear & Dianne Vella-Brodrick - 1143-1160 Collectivism, Cultural Identity and Employee Mental Health: A Study of New Zealand Māori
by David Brougham & Jarrod Haar - 1161-1169 Mediating Effects of Core Self-Evaluations on The Relationship Between Social Support and Life Satisfaction
by Guoping Song & Feng Kong & Weitao Jin - 1171-1197 Longitudinal Influences of Positive Youth Development and Life Satisfaction on Problem Behaviour among Adolescents in Hong Kong
by Rachel Sun & Daniel Shek - 1199-1210 Life Satisfaction and Income Comparison Effects in Turkey
by Devrim Dumludag - 1211-1224 Calibrating Time-Use Estimates for the British Household Panel Survey
by Cristina Borra & Almudena Sevilla & Jonathan Gershuny - 1225-1242 Is Social Capital a Good Concept?
by Christian Bjørnskov & Kim Sønderskov - 1243-1257 Assessing the Psychometric Properties of Both a Global and a Domain-Specific Perceived Quality of Life Measure When Used with Youth Who Have Chronic Conditions
by Janette McDougall & Virginia Wright & Megan Nichols & Linda Miller - 1259-1283 Sustainable Development and Capabilities for the Polar Region
by Umut Ozkan & Stephan Schott - 1285-1293 Predictors of Positive Psychological Strengths and Subjective Well-Being Among North Indian Adolescents: Role of Mentoring and Educational Encouragement
by Aqeel Khan - 1295-1313 Do Cultural Values Affect Quality of Life Evaluation?
by Alfonso Urzúa & Claudia Miranda-Castillo & Alejandra Caqueo-Urízar & Franco Mascayano - 1315-1329 Need Satisfaction Mechanism Linking Volunteer Motivation and Life Satisfaction: A Mediation Study of Volunteers Subjective Well-Being
by Yan Kwok & Wing Chui & Lok Wong - 1331-1359 Are Theories About Social Capital Empirically Supported? Evidence from the Farming Sector
by Esperanza Vera-Toscano & Fernando Garrido-Fernández & José Gómez-Limón & José Cañadas-Reche - 1361-1369 Affective Mediators of the Influence of Gratitude on Life Satisfaction in Late Adolescence
by Peizhen Sun & Feng Kong
November 2013, Volume 114, Issue 2
- 169-191 Predicting the Trend of Well-Being in Germany: How Much Do Comparisons, Adaptation and Sociability Matter?
by Stefano Bartolini & Ennio Bilancini & Francesco Sarracino - 193-227 Evidence-Based Well-Being/Positive Psychology Assessment and Intervention with Quality of Life Therapy and Coaching and the Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI)
by Michael Frisch - 229-241 Population Health as a Fundamental Criterion of Social Ecology
by Frank Young - 243-253 Causal Ordering of Basic Psychological Needs and Well-Being
by Jaime León & Juan Núñez - 255-271 Gender-related Effect of Cultural Participation in Psychological Well-being: Indications from the Well-being Project in the Municipality of Milan
by Enzo Grossi & Angelo Compare & Cristina Lonardi & Renata Cerutti & Edward Callus & Mauro Niero - 273-285 Gratitude and Adolescent Athletes’ Well-Being: The Multiple Mediating Roles of Perceived Social Support from Coaches and Teammates
by Lung Chen - 287-301 Forgiving Perpetrators of Violence: Colombian People’s Positions
by Wilson López-López & Claudia Pineda Marín & María Murcia León & Diana Perilla Garzón & Etienne Mullet - 303-322 Disparities in Academic Achievement: Assessing the Role of Habitus and Practice
by Jason Edgerton & Lance Roberts & Tracey Peter - 323-343 The Strains and Gains of Caregiving: An Examination of the Effects of Providing Personal Care to a Parent on a Range of Indicators of Psychological Well-Being
by Thomas Hansen & Britt Slagsvold & Reidun Ingebretsen - 345-369 Development and Validation of the Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI): Assessing Children’s Well-Being and Assets across Multiple Contexts
by Kimberly Schonert-Reichl & Martin Guhn & Anne Gadermann & Shelley Hymel & Lina Sweiss & Clyde Hertzman - 371-382 Voluntary Work in Europe: Comparative Analysis Among Countries and Welfare Systems
by Ana Gil-Lacruz & Carmen Marcuello - 383-404 Are Migrants Going Up a Blind Alley? Economic Migration and Life Satisfaction around the World: Cross-National Evidence from Europe, North America and Australia
by Analia Olgiati & Rocio Calvo & Lisa Berkman - 405-424 DEA-Like Model and Common Weights Approach for the Construction of a Subjective Community Well-Being Indicator
by Cristina Bernini & Andrea Guizzardi & Giovanni Angelini - 425-439 Quality of Social Networks Among UK Chinese
by Tina Rochelle & Steven Shardlow - 441-451 The Pursuit of Happiness in China: Individualism, Collectivism, and Subjective Well-Being During China’s Economic and Social Transformation
by Liza Steele & Scott Lynch - 453-464 Assessing Happiness Inequality in the Welfare State: Self-Reported Happiness and the Rawlsian Difference Principle
by Mitch Gainer - 465-478 Subjective Vitality of Lebanese Adults in Lebanon: Validation of the Arabic Version of the Subjective Vitality Scale
by Yasmine Fayad & Shahe Kazarian - 479-492 Self-Other Agreement in Happiness and Life-Satisfaction: The Role of Personality Traits
by Henrik Dobewall & Anu Realo & Jüri Allik & Tõnu Esko & Andres Metspalu - 493-511 Social Capital and Subjective Wellbeing in Europe: A New Approach on Social Capital
by Marta Portela & Isabel Neira & Maria del Salinas-Jiménez - 513-521 Validation of the 12 Item Short form Health Survey in a Sample from Region Central Jutland
by Louise Christensen & Lars Ehlers & Finn Larsen & Morten Jensen - 523-547 Estimating the Effect of Perceived Risk of Crime on Social Trust in the Presence of Endogeneity Bias
by Luca Zanin & Rosalba Radice & Giampiero Marra - 549-565 The Dual-Factor Model of Mental Health: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study of School-Related Outcomes
by Michael Lyons & E. Huebner & Kimberly Hills - 567-590 Social Correlates of Psychological Well-Being Among Undergraduate Students in Mysore City
by Mina Daraei - 591-605 Multidimensional Racial Inequality in the United States
by Nicholas Rohde & Ross Guest - 607-619 Cross-Cultural Difference in Subjective Wellbeing: Cultural Response Bias as an Explanation
by Lufanna Lai & Robert Cummins & Anna Lau - 621-637 Counting Happiness from the Individual Level to the Group Level
by Edsel Beja & David Yap - 639-653 Parenthood, Marital Status, and Well-Being in Later Life: Evidence from SHARE
by Karsten Hank & Michael Wagner - 655-686 The Development of the Good Relations Measurement Framework in Britain: A Template for Experiential Social Measurement
by Andrea Wigfield & Royce Turner - 687-701 Acceptance Concern and Life Satisfaction for Chinese LGBs: The Mediating Role of Self-Concealment
by Xiaowen Hu & Ying Wang & Chia-huei Wu - 703-722 But Who Are Those “Most People” That Can Be Trusted? Evaluating the Radius of Trust Across 29 European Societies
by Tim Reeskens - 723-738 Self-Reported Capabilities Among Young Male Adults in Switzerland: Translation and Psychometric Evaluation of a German, French and Italian Version of a Closed Survey Instrument
by Karen Hofmann & Dominik Schori & Thomas Abel - 739-756 Data Envelopment Analysis for Composite Indicators: A Multiple Layer Model
by Yongjun Shen & Elke Hermans & Tom Brijs & Geert Wets - 757-766 Loneliness and Subjective Happiness as Mediators of the Effects of Core Self-evaluations on Life Satisfaction Among Chinese College Students
by Xiaofei Yan & Jingkuan Su & Xia Zhu & Dan He
October 2013, Volume 114, Issue 1
- 1-11 Subjective Social Indicators: Benefits and Limitations for Policy Making—An Introduction to this Special Issue
by Heinz-Herbert Noll - 13-28 A Happy Nation? Opportunities and Challenges of Using Subjective Indicators in Policymaking
by Christian Kroll & Jan Delhey - 29-43 The Multiple Uses of Subjective Well-Being Indicators
by Charles Seaford - 45-58 “Così è (se vi pare)”: Remarks on Subjective Well-Being from a Resource-Based Perspective
by Jussi Simpura - 59-72 Steering Towards Happiness in The Netherlands
by Jeroen Boelhouwer & Cretien Campen - 73-86 Measuring Subjective Well-Being and its Potential Role in Policy: Perspectives from the UK Office for National Statistics
by Stephen Hicks & Lucy Tinkler & Paul Allin - 87-103 Subjective Indicators in the Health Sector and Their Usefulness in Policy Making
by Carla Collicelli - 105-120 Can Governments Boost People’s Sense of Well-Being? The Impact of Selected Labour Market and Health Policies on Life Satisfaction
by Romina Boarini & Margherita Comola & Femke Keulenaer & Robert Manchin & Conal Smith - 121-137 Minimising Misery: A New Strategy for Public Policies Instead of Maximising Happiness?
by Orsolya Lelkes - 139-152 The Impact of Adaptive Preferences on Subjective Indicators: An Analysis of Poverty Indicators
by Eric Crettaz & Christian Suter - 153-167 Measuring Subjective Issues of Well-Being and Quality of Life in the European Statistical System
by Marleen Smedt
September 2013, Volume 113, Issue 3
- 751-767 Public Green Space Use and Consequences on Urban Vitality: An Assessment of European Cities
by Miguel Lopes & Ana Camanho - 769-784 Religion and Mental Health Among Israeli Jews: Findings from the SHARE-Israel Study
by Jeff Levin - 785-805 Why is Housing Always Satisfactory? A Study into the Impact of Preference and Experience on Housing Appreciation
by Sylvia Jansen - 807-825 The Multi-dimensional Characteristics of Wellbeing: How Different Aspects of Wellbeing Interact and Do Not Interact with Each Other
by Björn Halleröd & Daniel Seldén - 827-846 Construction, Validation and Application of the Measurement of Social Cohesion in 47 European Countries and Regions
by Paul Dickes & Marie Valentova - 847-858 Intercultural Experience as an Impediment of Trust: Examining the Impact of Intercultural Experience and Social Trust Culture on Institutional Trust in Government
by Dejun Kong - 859-886 Developing a Social Capital Index for the Netherlands
by Jacqueline Beuningen & Hans Schmeets - 887-901 Impacts of Outdoor Activities, Demographic Variables and Emotional Intelligence on Life Satisfaction: An Econometric Application of a Case in Turkey
by Faik Ardahan & Mehmet Mert - 903-913 Development and Validation of an Environmental Quality of Life Scale: Study of a French Sample
by Ghozlane Fleury-Bahi & Aurore Marcouyeux & Marie Préau & Thouraya Annabi-Attia - 915-940 South African Quality of Life Trends Over Three Decades, 1980–2010
by Valerie Møller - 941-971 Does Global Fertility and Cultural Transition Affect Human Development? The Neglected Role of the Demographic Transition
by Jengher Chen - 973-990 Trading Up the Happiness Ladder
by Barbara Dluhosch & Daniel Horgos - 991-1008 Perceived Social Support and School Well-Being Among Chinese Early and Middle Adolescents: The Mediational Role of Self-Esteem
by Lili Tian & Benrong Liu & Siyuan Huang & E. Huebner - 1009-1023 Income Inequality and Subjective Well-being: A Cross-National Study on the Conditional Effects of Individual and National Characteristics
by Jesper Rözer & Gerbert Kraaykamp - 1025-1043 Inequality, Wealth and Health: Is Decreasing Income Inequality the Key to Create Healthier Societies?
by Ioana Pop & Erik Ingen & Wim Oorschot - 1045-1053 Different Predictors of Quality of Life in Urban Environment
by Stefano Tartaglia - 1055-1074 The Determinants of Economic Growth Versus Genuine Progress in South Korea
by Simon Feeny & Heather Mitchell & Christine Tran & Matthew Clarke - 1075-1090 Comprehensive Evaluation of the Objective Quality of Life of Chinese Residents: 2006 to 2009
by Zhi Li & Peigang Wang - 1091-1104 Americans Less Rushed But No Happier: 1965–2010 Trends in Subjective Time and Happiness
by John Robinson - 1105-1127 The Patterns of Satisfaction Among Immigrants in Germany
by Ognjen Obućina - 1129-1152 Subjective Well-Being and Armed Conflict: Evidence from Bosnia-Herzegovina
by Olga Shemyakina & Anke Plagnol - 1153-1170 Social Capital in Association with Socioeconomic Variables in Iran
by Saharnaz Nedjat & Reza Majdzadeh & Azita Kheiltash & Ensiyeh Jamshidi & Shahryar Yazdani - 1171-1191 Developing Prospective Measures of Adversity Among Australian Families with Young Children
by Bina Gubhaju & Bryan Rodgers & Lyndall Strazdins & Tanya Davidson & Peter Butterworth & Tim Crosier - 1193-1204 Relative Income, Inequality and Subjective Wellbeing: Evidence for Brazil
by Alexandre Gori-Maia - 1205-1235 Life Conditions and Opportunities of Young Adults: Evidence from Italy in European Comparative Perspective
by Antonella D’Agostino & Andrea Regoli - 1237-1259 Hedonic Inertia and Underground Happiness
by Luca D’Acci - 1261-1287 The Disadvantaged Among the Dutch: A Survey Approach to the Multidimensional Measurement of Social Exclusion
by J. Vrooman & Stella Hoff - 1289-1310 Seeking Construct Validity in Interpersonal Trust Research: A Proposal on Linking Theory and Survey Measures
by Sarah Bulloch
September 2013, Volume 113, Issue 2
- 599-608 Editorial: Poverty, Vulnerability and Resilience in a Post-2015 World
by Laura Camfield & Andrew Crabtree & Keetie Roelen - 609-625 New MDGs, Development Concepts, Principles and Challenges in a Post-2015 World
by Elaine Unterhalter & Andrew Dorward - 627-645 Universal and Local Reconciled: Exploring Satisfaction with Universal and Local Goals in Thailand and Bangladesh
by Monica Guillen-Royo & Laura Camfield & Jackeline Velazco - 647-670 Identifying Synergies and Complementarities Between MDGs: Results from Cluster Analysis
by Maria Lo Bue & Stephan Klasen - 671-690 Capturing Multidimensionality: What does a Human Wellbeing Conceptual Framework Add to the Analysis of Vulnerability?
by Andy Sumner & Richard Mallett - 691-710 Responding to the Psychological Context of Extreme Poverty: Using Cash Transfers to Stimulate Productive Investment Decisions in Bangladesh
by Christopher Maclay & Hannah Marsden - 711-728 Questioning Psychosocial Resilience After Flooding and the Consequences for Disaster Risk Reduction
by Andrew Crabtree - 729-749 Household Trajectories in Rural Ethiopia: What Can a Mixed Method Approach Tell Us About the Impact of Poverty on Children?
by Laura Camfield & Keetie Roelen
August 2013, Volume 113, Issue 1
- 1-15 An Indicator Framework for Linking Historic Preservation and Community Economic Development
by Rhonda Phillips & Jay Stein - 17-35 Financial Situation and Its Consequences on the Quality of Life in the EU Countries
by Virag Havasi - 37-66 Quality of Work and Aggregate Productivity
by Vicente Royuela & Jordi Suriñach - 67-80 Measurement Invariance of Ryff’s Psychological Well-being Scales Across Italian and Belarusian Students
by Saulo Sirigatti & Ilaria Penzo & Luca Iani & Annamaria Mazzeschi & Halina Hatalskaja & Enrichetta Giannetti & Cristina Stefanile - 81-105 Subjective Well-Being, Income and Relative Concerns in the UK
by Roberta Distante - 107-120 A Validity and Reliability Study of the Multidimensional Trust in Health-Care Systems Scale in a Turkish Patient Population
by Leyla Dinç & Fatoş Korkmaz & Erdem Karabulut - 121-132 Unconditional Forgiveness, Reconciliation Sentiment, and Mental Health Among Victims of Genocide in Rwanda
by Immaculée Mukashema & Etienne Mullet - 133-157 Rethinking the Foundations of Sustainability Measurement: The Limitations of the Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI)
by Philipp Babcicky - 159-181 Multi-Poverty in Cameroon: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
by Paul Ningaye & Tiomela Alexi & Takoutio Virginie - 183-195 Familial Effect on Child Poverty in Hong Kong Immigrant Families
by Kee-Lee Chou - 197-212 Conceptualizing and Validating Marital Quality in Beijing: A Pilot Study
by Huiping Zhang & Xiaohe Xu & Sandra Tsang - 213-234 Impact of Competing Values and Choices on Democratic Support in Hong Kong
by Wai-man Lam - 235-255 The Multidimensionality of Welfare State Attitudes: A European Cross-National Study
by Femke Roosma & John Gelissen & Wim Oorschot - 257-276 Testing Subjective Well-Being from the Perspective of Social Quality: Quantile Regression Evidence from Shanghai, China
by Hao Yuan & Mayank Golpelwar - 277-297 Differential Impacts of Stressors on Sense of Belonging
by Chau-kiu Cheung & Lih-rong Wang & Raymond Chan - 299-306 Core Self-Evaluations Mediators of the Influence of Social Support on Job Involvement in Hospital Nurses
by Xiaofei Yan & Jingkuan Su - 307-318 Physical Activity, Depression and Anxiety Among the Elderly
by Carla Teixeira & José Vasconcelos-Raposo & Helder Fernandes & Robert Brustad - 319-334 Impact of Acts of Discrimination on Quality of Life Among Injecting Drug Users in Delhi, India
by Enisha Sarin & Luke Samson & Michael Sweat - 335-353 A DEA Approach to Measure the Quality-of-Life in the Municipalities of the Canary Islands
by Juan Martín & Cira Mendoza - 355-372 Ageing, Leisure, and Social Connectedness: How could Leisure Help Reduce Social Isolation of Older People?
by Vera Toepoel - 373-392 The Well-Being of the Canadian Arctic Inuit: The Relevant Weight of Economy in the Happiness Equations
by Roberson Édouard & Gérard Duhaime - 393-399 Effects of Multiple Acceptance and Rejection on Adults’ Psychological Adjustment: A Pancultural Study
by Abdul Khaleque & Ronald Rohner - 401-418 The Palliative Function of System Justification: Concurrent Benefits Versus Longer-Term Costs to Wellbeing
by Jessica Harding & Chris Sibley - 419-432 The Use of Social Surveys to Measure Drought and the Impact of Drought
by Boyd Hunter & Matthew Gray & Ben Edwards - 433-449 On the Measurement of Interpersonal Trust Transfer: Proposal of Indexes
by Blanca Delgado-Márquez & Nuria Hurtado-Torres & J. Aragón-Correa - 451-470 Socio-demographic Components of Eudaimonic Well-Being: A Survey in an Italian Province
by Emanuele Blasi & Maria Nucera & Clara Cicatiello & Silvio Franco - 471-490 Morale in Relation to Caring and Social Exclusion in Society
by Chau-kiu Cheung - 491-511 Poverty and Headship in Post-apartheid South Africa, 1997–2006
by Michael Rogan - 513-535 Climbing up the Social Ladders: Identity, Relative Income, and Subjective Well-being
by Wen-Chun Chang - 537-550 The Complex Road to Happiness: The Influence of Human Development, a Healthy Environment and a Free Press
by Edson Tandoc & Bruno Takahashi - 551-561 The Importance of General Self-Efficacy for the Quality of Life of Adolescents with Chronic Conditions
by Jane Cramm & Mathilde Strating & Marij Roebroeck & Anna Nieboer - 563-581 Residential Satisfaction in Public Core Housing in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria
by Eziyi Ibem & Dolapo Amole - 583-597 Hope the Beloved Country: Hope Levels in the New South Africa
by Gerard Boyce & Geoff Harris
July 2013, Volume 112, Issue 3
- 497-527 Theory and Validity of Life Satisfaction Scales
by Ed Diener & Ronald Inglehart & Louis Tay - 529-534 Subjective Wellbeing: Telling Only Half the Story
by Richard Eckersley - 535-548 Criminal Victimization and Crime Risk Perception: A Multilevel Longitudinal Study
by Silvia Russo & Michele Roccato & Alessio Vieno - 549-567 Environment and Happiness: New Evidence for Spain
by Juncal Cuñado & Fernando Gracia - 569-586 Indicators and Implications of Zero Tolerance of Corruption: The Case of Hong Kong
by Ting Gong & Shiru Wang - 587-610 A New Perspective on Job Lock
by Anna Huysse-Gaytandjieva & Wim Groot & Milena Pavlova - 611-640 What are The Best and Worst Times in the Lives of South African Township Dwellers? A Content Analysis of the Self-Defined End-Anchors for Bernheim’s ACSA Scale of Subjective Well-Being
by V. Møller & P. Theuns - 641-660 Social Exclusion and Its Causes in East Asian Societies: Evidences from SQSQ Survey Data
by Ka Lin & Yun Xu & Tianhai Huang & Jiahua Zhang - 661-678 Parental Support for Basic Psychological Needs and Happiness: The Importance of Sense of Uniqueness
by Ömer Şimşek & Melikşah Demir - 679-708 Academic Coping, Friendship Quality, and Student Engagement Associated with Student Quality of School Life: A Partial Least Square Analysis
by Lei Thien & Nordin Razak - 709-724 Who Makes the Most? Measuring the “Urban Environmental Virtuosity”
by Oriana Romano & Salvatore Ercolano - 725-748 Choices Which Change Life Satisfaction: Similar Results for Australia, Britain and Germany
by Bruce Headey & Ruud Muffels & Gert Wagner - 749-762 Democracy and Female Labor Force Participation: An Empirical Examination
by Ghazal Bayanpourtehrani & Kevin Sylwester
June 2013, Volume 112, Issue 2
- 239-257 A Multidimensional Approach: Poverty Measurement & Beyond
by Sabina Alkire & Maria Santos - 259-290 Tracking Poverty Reduction in Bhutan: Income Deprivation Alongside Deprivation in Other Sources of Happiness
by Maria Santos - 291-314 Income and Beyond: Multidimensional Poverty in Six Latin American Countries
by Diego Battiston & Guillermo Cruces & Luis Lopez-Calva & Maria Lugo & Maria Santos - 315-336 Multidimensional Poverty in China: Findings Based on the CHNS
by Jiantuo Yu - 337-362 Multidimensional Measurement of Poverty Among Women in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Yélé Batana - 363-390 Monitoring Progress in Child Poverty Reduction: Methodological Insights and Illustration to the Case Study of Bangladesh
by José Roche - 391-416 The Multidimensionality of Child Poverty: Evidence from Afghanistan
by Jean-Francois Trani & Mario Biggeri & Vincenzo Mauro - 417-446 Selecting a Targeting Method to Identify BPL Households in India
by Sabina Alkire & Suman Seth - 447-475 Multidimensional Targeting: Identifying Beneficiaries of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs
by Viviane Azevedo & Marcos Robles - 477-496 Towards a Multidimensional Measure of Governance
by Shabana Mitra
May 2013, Volume 112, Issue 1
- 1-17 Balancing Work and Family: A Panel Analysis of the Impact of Part-Time Work on the Experience of Time Pressure
by Ilse Laurijssen & Ignace Glorieux - 19-45 An Unbalance Adjustment Method for Development Indicators
by Enrico Casadio Tarabusi & Giulio Guarini - 47-68 Public Policies that Help Foster Social Inclusion
by Chau-kiu Cheung - 69-81 The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Life Satisfaction
by Mina Daraei & Artmiz Mohajery - 83-103 The Pacific Identity and Wellbeing Scale (PIWBS): A Culturally-Appropriate Self-Report Measure for Pacific Peoples in New Zealand
by Sam Manuela & Chris Sibley - 105-127 Social Relations and School Life Satisfaction in South Korea
by Doo Kim & Ji Kim - 129-149 Mapping Patterns of Multiple Deprivation and Well-Being using Self-Organizing Maps: An Application to Swiss Household Panel Data
by Mario Lucchini & Jenny Assi - 151-161 Self-Esteem as Mediator and Moderator of the Relationship Between Social Support and Subjective Well-Being Among Chinese University Students
by Feng Kong & Jingjing Zhao & Xuqun You - 163-185 Housing Satisfaction Related to Health and Importance of Services in Urban Slums: Evidence from Dhaka, Bangladesh
by Arina Zanuzdana & Mobarak Khan & Alexander Kraemer - 187-201 Using Indicators of Multiple Deprivation to Demonstrate the Spatial Legacy of Apartheid in South Africa
by Michael Noble & Gemma Wright - 203-220 Evaluating Quality of Life in Urban Areas (Case Study: Noorabad City, Iran)
by Mohammad Rezvani & Hossain Mansourian & Mohammad Sattari - 221-238 Linking Metatraits of the Big Five to Well-Being and Ill-Being: Do Basic Psychological Needs Matter?
by Ömer Şimşek & Selda Koydemir
May 2013, Volume 111, Issue 3
- 633-664 Perceptions of Fortune and Misfortune in Older South African Households: Social Assistance and the ‘Good Life’
by Valerie Møller & Sarah Radloff - 665-681 School Satisfaction Among Adolescents: Testing Different Indicators for its Measurement and its Relationship with Overall Life Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being in Romania and Spain
by Ferran Casas & Sergiu Bălţătescu & Irma Bertran & Mònica González & Adrian Hatos - 683-708 Towards International and Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration for the Measurements of Quality of Life
by Sachie Mizohata & Raynald Jadoul - 709-712 Filled Radar Charts Should not be Used to Compare Social Indicators
by Roger Feldman - 713-724 Informational Ambiguity and Survey Bias: Husbands’ and Wives’ Reports on Their Contribution to Their Families
by Hung-Lin Tao - 725-751 The Paradox of Children and Life Satisfaction
by Leonardo Becchetti & Elena Giachin Ricca & Alessandra Pelloni - 753-773 Social Cohesion and the Labour Market: Societal Regimes of Civic Attitudes and Labour Market Regimes
by Isabelle Dimeglio & Jan Janmaat & Philippe Mehaut - 775-783 How Bullying Involvement is Associated with the Distribution of Parental Background and With Subjective Health Complaints Among Swedish Boys and Girls
by Heidi Carlerby & Eija Viitasara & Anders Knutsson & Katja Gillander Gådin - 785-800 Sustaining Resilience Through Local Connectedness Among Sojourn Students
by Chau-kiu Cheung & Xiao Yue - 801-838 Cross-National Indices with Gender-Differentiated Data: What Do They Measure? How Valid Are They?
by Angela Hawken & Gerardo Munck - 839-854 Explaining Low Subjective Well-Being of Persons with Disabilities in Europe: The Impact of Disability, Personal Resources, Participation and Socio-Economic Status
by Cretien Campen & Marc Santvoort - 855-866 The Effects of the Informal Sector on Income of the Poor in Russia
by Yuriy Timofeyev
April 2013, Volume 111, Issue 2
- 403-434 Leisure Time in Modern Societies: A New Source of Boredom and Stress?
by Max Haller & Markus Hadler & Gerd Kaup - 435-452 Examining the Influence of the Wine Festival Experience on Tourists’ Quality of Life
by Stefan Kruger & Cindy Rootenberg & Suria Ellis - 453-472 Relationship Between Socio-Economic Values and Wellbeing: An Overview Research in Asia
by Nguyen Trung & Kimoon Cheong & Pham Nghi & Won Kim - 473-484 Another Approach to Measuring Human Development: The Composite Dynamic Human Development Index
by Javier Bilbao-Ubillos - 485-510 Altruism Within the Family: A Comparison of Father and Mother Using Life Happiness and Life Satisfaction
by Qiyan Ong & Kong Ho & Kong Ho - 511-526 A Preliminary Examination of Covitality as Integrated Well-Being in College Students
by Camille Jones & Sukkyung You & Michael Furlong - 527-547 Social and Economic Wellbeing in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin: Building an Enlarged Human Development Indicator
by Ernest Reig-Martínez - 549-560 Do Preferences for Job Attributes Provide Evidence of ‘Hierarchy of Needs’?
by Cem Başlevent & Hasan Kirmanoğlu - 561-578 Innovativeness and Subjective Well-Being
by Martin Binder - 579-601 Sociality in Diverse Societies: A Regional Analysis Across European Countries
by Ferry Koster - 603-615 Social Factors Explaining Children’s Subjective Happiness and Depressive Symptoms
by Lotta Uusitalo-Malmivaara & Juhani Lehto - 617-632 Loneliness and Life Satisfaction in Turkish Early Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Self Esteem and Social Support
by Şahin Kapıkıran
March 2013, Volume 111, Issue 1
- 1-23 An Assessment of Social Welfare in Spain: Territorial Analysis Using a Synthetic Welfare Indicator
by Pilar Zarzosa Espina & Noelia Somarriba Arechavala - 25-44 Images of a Loving God and Sense of Meaning in Life
by Samuel Stroope & Scott Draper & Andrew Whitehead - 45-73 Political Regime and Human Capital: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Jeroen Klomp & Jakob Haan - 75-96 The Interplay between Educational Achievement, Occupational Success, and Well-Being
by Robin Samuel & Manfred Bergman & Sandra Hupka-Brunner - 97-115 Quality of Life Satisfaction among Workers and Non-Workers in Uruguay
by Néstor Gandelman & Giorgina Piani - 117-140 Exploring Wider Well-Being in the EU-15 Countries: An Empirical Application of the Stiglitz Report
by G. Madonia & M. Cracolici & M. Cuffaro - 141-159 Subjective Well-Being Approach to the Valuation of International Development: Evidence for the Millennium Development Goals
by Edsel Beja Jr. - 161-173 The Relevance of Objective and Subjective Social Position for Self-Rated Health: A Combined Approach for the Swedish Context
by Alexander Miething - 175-184 The Diffusion of IT in the Historical Context of Innovations from Developed Countries
by Jeffrey James - 185-202 A Multilevel Analysis of the Compositional and Contextual Association of Social Capital and Subjective Well-Being in Seoul, South Korea
by Sehee Han & Heaseung Kim & Hee-Sun Lee - 203-217 The Contribution of Job and Partner Satisfaction to the Homeostatic Defense of Subjective Wellbeing
by Lufanna Lai & Robert Cummins - 219-234 Food Self-Provisioning in Czechia: Beyond Coping Strategy of the Poor: A Response to Alber and Kohler’s ‘Informal Food Production in the Enlarged European Union’ (2008)
by Petr Jehlička & Tomáš Kostelecký & Joe Smith