March 2013, Volume 111, Issue 1
- 235-253 Work Hours and Well Being: An Investigation of Moderator Effects
by Maria Pereira & Filipe Coelho - 255-263 Happiness and Satisfaction with Work Commute
by Lars Olsson & Tommy Gärling & Dick Ettema & Margareta Friman & Satoshi Fujii - 265-286 Zooming in on Life Events: Is Hedonic Adaptation Sensitive to the Temporal Distance from the Event?
by Ekaterina Uglanova & Ursula Staudinger - 287-305 Is Personality Fixed? Personality Changes as Much as “Variable” Economic Factors and More Strongly Predicts Changes to Life Satisfaction
by Christopher Boyce & Alex Wood & Nattavudh Powdthavee - 307-326 A Comparative Analysis of the Validity of US State- and County-Level Social Capital Measures and Their Associations with Population Health
by Chul-Joo Lee & Daniel Kim - 327-339 Exploring the Myth of Unhappiness in Former Communist Countries: The Roles of the Sex Gap in Life Expectancy and the Marital Status Composition
by Junji Kageyama - 341-359 Personality and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from South Korea
by Shang Ha & Seokho Kim - 361-373 Self-Forgiveness and Mortality in Late Life
by Neal Krause & R. Hayward - 375-386 Multilevel Determinants of Colleges/Universities Enrolment in Vietnam: Evidences from the 15% Sample Data of Population Census 2009
by Lan Vu & Linh Le & Nazeem Muhajarine - 387-401 Translating Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Measures: Are There Alternative Methodologies?
by Mario Brondani & Sarah He
February 2013, Volume 110, Issue 3
- 837-861 Flourishing Across Europe: Application of a New Conceptual Framework for Defining Well-Being
by Felicia Huppert & Timothy So - 863-872 Development and Application of Environmental Quality of Life Scale Among People Residing Near Three Types of Industrial Areas, Southern Thailand
by Jirawan Sopsuk & Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong & Vorasith Sornsrivichai & Supat Hasuwanakit - 873-890 An Indigenous Model of Career Satisfaction: Exploring the Role of Workplace Cultural Wellbeing
by Jarrod Haar & Dave Brougham - 891-911 Social Capital or Social Cohesion: What Matters For Subjective Well-Being?
by Carlo Klein - 913-924 The Personal Wellbeing Index: Psychometric Equivalence for Adults and School Children
by Adrian Tomyn & Matthew Fuller Tyszkiewicz & Robert Cummins - 925-926 Farewell to Lawrence Schlemmer: Initiator of Quality-of-Life Studies in South Africa
by Valerie Møller - 927-950 Are UNDP Indices Appropriate to Capture Gender Inequalities in Europe?
by Iñaki Permanyer - 951-971 Homeownership and Subjective Wellbeing in Urban China: Does Owning a House Make You Happier?
by Feng Hu - 973-991 The Impact of Different Types of Resource Transfers on Individual Wellbeing: An Analysis of Quality of Life Using CASP-12
by Victoria Ateca-Amestoy & Arantza Ugidos - 993-1012 An Exploratory Study of Religion and Trust in Ghana
by Isaac Addai & Chris Opoku-Agyeman & Helen Ghartey - 1013-1031 The Subjective Wellbeing of Indigenous Australian Adolescents: Validating the Personal Wellbeing Index-School Children
by Adrian Tomyn & Jacolyn Norrish & Robert Cummins - 1033-1059 Did the Decline in Social Connections Depress Americans’ Happiness?
by Stefano Bartolini & Ennio Bilancini & Maurizio Pugno - 1061-1081 Implementing a Multidimensional Poverty Measure Using Mixed Methods and a Participatory Framework
by Sophie Mitra & Kris Jones & Brandon Vick & David Brown & Eileen McGinn & Mary Alexander - 1083-1101 The Impact of Economic Crisis on Happiness
by Dora Gudmundsdottir - 1103-1117 Popular Criteria for the Welfare Deservingness of Disability Pensioners: The Influence of Structural and Cultural Factors
by Marjolein Jeene & Wim Oorschot & Wilfred Uunk - 1119-1140 Does How You Measure Income Make a Difference to Measuring Poverty? Evidence from the UK
by Kirstine Hansen & Dylan Kneale - 1141-1157 Quality of Parent–Child Relationship, Family Conflict, Peer Pressure, and Drinking Behaviors of Adolescents in an Asian Context: The Case of Singapore
by Hyekyung Choo & Daniel Shek - 1159-1185 Capabilities and Choices: Do They Make Sen’se for Understanding Objective and Subjective Well-Being? An Empirical Test of Sen’s Capability Framework on German and British Panel Data
by Ruud Muffels & Bruce Headey - 1187-1199 Relationships Among Adolescents’ Leisure Motivation, Leisure Involvement, and Leisure Satisfaction: A Structural Equation Model
by Ying-Chieh Chen & Ren-Hau Li & Sheng-Hwang Chen - 1201-1220 Monitoring Perceptions of the Causes of Poverty in South Africa
by Yul Davids & Amanda Gouws - 1221-1244 The Missing Link: Deficits of Country-Level Studies. A Review of 22 Articles Explaining Life Satisfaction
by Alexandra Nonnenmacher & Jürgen Friedrichs - 1245-1246 Erratum to: Flourishing Across Europe: Application of a New Conceptual Framework for Defining Well-Being
by Felicia Huppert & Timothy So
January 2013, Volume 110, Issue 2
- 415-431 Contentment and Affect in the Estimation of Happiness
by Mariano Rojas & Ruut Veenhoven - 433-451 City Life: Rankings (Livability) Versus Perceptions (Satisfaction)
by Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn - 453-467 Worker Satisfaction Following Employment Restructuring: Effects of Nonstandard Workers and Downsizing on Job Satisfaction in Taiwan
by Jyh-Jer Ko & Ying-Jung Yeh - 469-478 Validation of the Flourishing Scale and Scale of Positive and Negative Experience in Portugal
by Ana Silva & António Caetano - 479-488 Health, Quality of Life and Population Density: A Preliminary Study on “Contextualized” Quality of Life
by Omar Fassio & Chiara Rollero & Norma Piccoli - 489-515 Monitoring Human Development Goals: A Straightforward (Bayesian) Methodology for Cross-National Indices
by Kobi Abayomi & Gonzalo Pizarro - 517-536 Basic Needs and Wealth as Independent Determinants of Happiness: An Illustration from Thailand
by Monica Guillen-Royo & Jackeline Velazco & Laura Camfield - 537-548 Life Potential as a Basic Demographic Indicator
by Francisco Goerlich & Ángel Soler - 549-557 From Discrete 1 to 10 Towards Continuous 0 to 10: The Continuum Approach to Estimating the Distribution of Happiness in a Nation
by Wim Kalmijn - 559-577 Invariance Testing of the SF-36 Health Survey in Women Breast Cancer Survivors: Do Personal and Cancer-related Variables Influence the Meaning of Quality of Life Items?
by Amber Mosewich & Valerie Hadd & Peter Crocker & Bruno Zumbo - 579-595 On the Sunny Side of Life: Sunshine Effects on Life Satisfaction
by Sylvia Kämpfer & Michael Mutz - 597-611 The Role of Wilderness Protection and Societal Engagement as Indicators of Well-Being: An Examination of Change at the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness
by Alan Watson - 613-635 The Europe 2020 Index
by Paolo Pasimeni - 637-658 Cross-National Differences in the Association Between Parental Work Hours and Time with Children in Europe: A Multilevel Analysis
by Anne Roeters - 659-680 An Assessment of EU 2020 Strategy: Too Far to Reach?
by Mehmet Çolak & Aylin Ege - 681-693 Issues in Evaluating Importance Weighting in Quality of Life Measures
by Chang-ming Hsieh - 695-702 Misrepresenting Chinese Folk Happiness: A Critique of a Study
by Po-Keung Ip - 703-719 Happiness Among Adolescent Students in Thailand: Family and Non-Family Factors
by Rossarin Gray & Aphichat Chamratrithirong & Umaporn Pattaravanich & Pramote Prasartkul - 721-734 Neighborhoods in Development: Human Development Index and Self-organizing Maps
by Sevinc Rende & Murat Donduran - 735-750 Health Disparities and Relational Well-Being between Multi- and Mono-Ethnic Asian Americans
by Wei Zhang - 751-769 Excluding Institutionalized Elderly from Surveys: Consequences for Income and Poverty Statistics
by Hans Peeters & Annelies Debels & Rika Verpoorten - 771-789 A New Perspective on Violent Crime Burden Index: Evidence from Indian Districts
by Kausik Chaudhuri & Payel Chowdhury & Kevin Reilly - 791-818 Multi-Dimensional Deprivation in India During and After the Reforms: Do the Household Expenditure and the Family Health Surveys Present Consistent Evidence?
by Ankita Mishra & Ranjan Ray - 819-836 Household and Context Determinants of Child Labor in 221 Districts of 18 Developing Countries
by Ellen Webbink & Jeroen Smits & Eelke Jong
January 2013, Volume 110, Issue 1
- 1-15 Do Non-Economic Quality of Life Factors Drive Immigration?
by Gail Pacheco & Stephanie Rossouw & Joshua Lewer - 17-29 Money Buys Financial Security and Psychological Need Satisfaction: Testing Need Theory in Affluence
by Ryan Howell & Mark Kurai & Leona Tam - 31-54 The Resource-Infrastructure-Environment Index for Measuring Progress: An Application to Australia, Mexico and the US
by Riccardo Natoli & Segu Zuhair - 55-69 Psychometric Evaluation of the Serbian Version of the Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale
by Veljko Jovanovic & Dragan Zuljevic - 71-87 Daily Spiritual Experiences and Prosocial Behavior
by Christopher Einolf - 89-110 How much Confidence can we have in EU-SILC? Complex Sample Designs and the Standard Error of the Europe 2020 Poverty Indicators
by Tim Goedemé - 111-129 The Efficacy of Positive Psychology Interventions to Increase Well-Being and the Role of Mental Imagery Ability
by Natasha Odou & Dianne Vella-Brodrick - 131-146 “As a Shepherd Divideth his Sheep from the Goats”: Does the Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale Encapsulate Separable Theistic and Civility Components?
by James Schuurmans-Stekhoven - 147-170 Developing Small Cities by Promoting Village to Town and its Effects on Quality of Life for the Local Residents
by Mohamad Rezvani & Hossain Mansourian - 171-186 Homeorhesis and Indication of Association Between Different Types of Capital on Life Satisfaction: The Case of Greeks Under Crisis
by Epaminondas Panas - 187-206 Quality of Life Experienced by Human Capital: An Assessment of European Cities
by Paulo Morais & Vera Miguéis & Ana Camanho - 207-218 The Influence of Water Access in Subjective Well-Being: Some Evidence in Yucatan, Mexico
by Jorge Guardiola & Francisco González-Gómez & Ángel Lendechy Grajales - 219-236 Structural Relations of Personal and Collective Self-Esteem to Subjective Well-Being: Attachment as Moderator
by Omer Simsek - 237-244 Attachment Relationships and Psychological Adjustment of Married Adults
by Abdul Khaleque & Anjuman Shirin & Muhammad Uddin - 245-256 Supranationalism Decision Making for Spanish Citizens and its Relation to Personal Variables
by Lluís Coromina - 257-269 Happiness Inequality: How Much is Reasonable?
by Néstor Gandelman & Rafael Porzecanski - 271-279 Loneliness and Self-Esteem as Mediators Between Social Support and Life Satisfaction in Late Adolescence
by Feng Kong & Xuqun You - 281-304 Detecting Unobserved Heterogeneity in the Relationship Between Subjective Well-Being and Satisfaction in Various Domains of Life Using the REBUS-PLS Path Modelling Approach: A Case Study
by Luca Zanin - 305-326 Aggregating Political Dimensions: Of the Feasibility of Political Indicators
by Francisco Gutiérrez Sanín & Diana Buitrago & Andrea González - 327-347 Conflict Between Work and Family: An Investigation of Four Policy Measures
by Leah Ruppanner - 349-366 Is Materialism All That Bad? Effects on Satisfaction with Material Life, Life Satisfaction, and Economic Motivation
by M. Joseph Sirgy & Eda Gurel-Atay & Dave Webb & Muris Cicic & Melika Husic-Mehmedovic & Ahmet Ekici & Andreas Herrmann & Ibrahim Hegazy & Dong-Jin Lee & J. Johar - 367-383 Satisfaction Ratings of QOLPAV: Psychometric Properties Based on the Graded Response Model
by Ssu-Kuang Chen & Fang-Ming Hwang & Sunny Lin - 385-414 What is Most Important: Social Factors, Health Selection, and Adolescent Educational Achievement
by Leslie Roos & Brett Hiebert & Phongsack Manivong & Jason Edgerton & Randy Walld & Leonard MacWilliam & Janelle Rocquigny
December 2012, Volume 109, Issue 3
- 337-354 Choosing Aggregation Rules for Composite Indicators
by Giuseppe Munda - 355-376 Beyond GDP: Classifying Alternative Measures for Progress
by Brent Bleys - 377-393 Occupational Stress, Mental Health and Satisfaction in the Canadian Multicultural Workplace
by Romana Pasca & Shannon Wagner - 395-411 A Household-Based Distribution-Sensitive Human Development Index: An Empirical Application to Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru
by Luis Lopez-Calva & Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez - 413-438 An Exploratory Study of Trust and Material Hardship in Ghana
by Isaac Addai & Jelena Pokimica - 439-469 Subjective Well-Being: Keeping Up with the Perception of the Joneses
by Cahit Guven & Bent Sørensen - 471-491 Income Inequality Indices Interpreted as Measures of Relative Deprivation/Satisfaction
by Luis Imedio-Olmedo & Encarnación Parrado-Gallardo & Elena Bárcena-Martín - 493-514 Poverty Among Elderly in India
by Akanksha Srivastava & Sanjay Mohanty - 515-534 Can We Improve the Measurement of Attitudes Towards the Welfare State? A Constructive Critique of Survey Instruments with Evidence from Focus Groups
by Achim Goerres & Katrin Prinzen
November 2012, Volume 109, Issue 2
- 135-188 Money, Sociability and Happiness: Are Developed Countries Doomed to Social Erosion and Unhappiness?
by Francesco Sarracino - 189-202 Development of Science Anxiety Scale for Primary School Students
by Cem Güzeller & Mustafa Doğru - 203-210 Subjective Happiness of Lebanese College Youth in Lebanon: Factorial Structure and Invariance of the Arabic Subjective Happiness Scale
by Lamia Moghnie & Shahe Kazarian - 211-221 Perception of Corruption in 36 Major Chinese Cities: Based on Survey of 1,642 Experts
by Xuguang Song & Wenhao Cheng - 223-242 Filtered Life Satisfaction and Its Socioeconomic Determinants in Hong Kong
by Chau-kiu Cheung & Raymond Ngan - 243-266 Subjective Well-Being Approach to Environmental Valuation: Evidence for Greenhouse Gas Emissions
by Edsel Beja - 267-278 Importance is Not Unimportant: The Role of Importance Weighting in QOL Measures
by Chang-Ming Hsieh - 279-293 Does Higher Education Expansion Reduce Credentialism and Gender Discrimination in Education?
by Ching-Yuan Lin & Chun-Hung Lin - 295-303 The Role of Domain Satisfaction in Explaining the Paradoxical Association Between Life Satisfaction and Age
by Kimberly McAdams & Richard Lucas & M. Donnellan - 305-316 Developing a City Governance Index: Based on Surveys in Five Major Chinese Cities
by Guo Yong & Cheng Wenhao - 317-336 Indigenous Wellbeing Frameworks in Australia and the Quest for Quantification
by Sarah Prout
October 2012, Volume 109, Issue 1
- 1-10 Introduction to the Special Issue on Job Satisfaction in Fisheries in the Global South
by Maarten Bavinck & Richard Pollnac & Iris Monnereau & Pierre Failler - 11-23 Job satisfaction in the marine and estuarine fisheries of Guinea-Bissau
by Raul Fernandes - 25-38 Job Satisfaction in the Coastal Pelagic Fisheries of Senegal
by Aliou Sall - 39-51 Job Satisfaction in the Shrimp Trawl Fisheries of Vietnam
by Le Sinh - 53-66 Job Satisfaction in the Shrimp Trawl Fisheries of Chennai, India
by Maarten Bavinck - 67-80 Post Tsunami Job Satisfaction Among the Fishers of Na Pru Village, on the Andaman Sea Coast of Thailand
by Richard Pollnac & Dawn Kotowicz - 81-94 Job Satisfaction Among Fishers in the Dominican Republic
by Victor Ruiz - 95-118 Which Fishers are Satisfied in the Caribbean? A Comparative Analysis of Job Satisfaction Among Caribbean Lobster Fishers
by Iris Monnereau & Richard Pollnac - 119-133 Job Satisfaction in Fisheries Compared
by Richard Pollnac & Maarten Bavinck & Iris Monnereau
September 2012, Volume 108, Issue 3
- 365-385 Longitudinal Analysis of the Domains of Satisfaction Before and After Disability: Evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel
by Ricardo Pagán-Rodríguez - 387-400 Static Numbers to Dynamic Statistics: Designing a Policy-Friendly Social Policy Indicator Framework
by Sang-Hoon Ahn & Young Choi & Young-Mi Kim - 401-420 Socio-Cultural Dispositions and Wellbeing of the Women Left Behind: A Case of Migrant Households in Nepal
by Hom Gartaula & Leontine Visser & Anke Niehof - 421-440 A Simplified Indicator of Social Well-Being in the United States: Examining the Ecological Impact of Family Formation within a County Level Framework
by Jeremy Porter - 441-452 Cultural and Ideological Roots of Materialism in China
by Song Yang & Bruce Stening - 453-490 The Relationship Between Social Leisure and Life Satisfaction: Causality and Policy Implications
by Leonardo Becchetti & Elena Giachin Ricca & Alessandra Pelloni - 491-507 A New Framework of Happiness Survey and Evaluation of National Wellbeing
by Haiou Zhou - 509-524 Globally Happy: Individual Globalization, Expanded Capacities, and Subjective Wellbeing
by Ming-Chang Tsai & Heng-Hao Chang & Wan-chi Chen - 525-534 Association Between Caregiving, Meaning in Life, and Life Satisfaction Beyond 50 in an Asian Sample: Age as a Moderator
by Rebecca Ang & Jiaqing O - 535-552 Getting Older and Getting Happier with Work: An Information-Processing Explanation
by Joseph Luchman & Seth Kaplan & Reeshad Dalal - 553-564 Adapting The Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire to The Portuguese Context
by Pedro Marques-Quinteiro & Luís Curral & Ana Passos
September 2012, Volume 108, Issue 2
- 197-198 Introduction and Overview
by Peter Kitchen & Allison Williams - 199-213 Playground Accessibility and Neighbourhood Social Interaction Among Parents
by Scott Bennet & Nikolaos Yiannakoulias & Allison Williams & Peter Kitchen - 215-238 Measuring Social Capital in Hamilton, Ontario
by Peter Kitchen & Allison Williams & Dylan Simone - 239-255 Air Quality in Hamilton: Who is Concerned? Perceptions from Three Neighbourhoods
by Dylan Simone & John Eyles & K. Newbold & Peter Kitchen & Allison Williams - 257-276 Sense of Place and Health in Hamilton, Ontario: A Case Study
by Allison Williams & Peter Kitchen - 277-297 Sense of Belonging and Mental Health in Hamilton, Ontario: An Intra-Urban Analysis
by Peter Kitchen & Allison Williams & James Chowhan - 299-315 Perceptions of Quality Life in Hamilton’s Neighbourhood Hubs: A Qualitative Analysis
by Jeanette Eby & Peter Kitchen & Allison Williams - 317-327 The Code Red Project: Engaging Communities in Health System Change in Hamilton, Canada
by Patrick DeLuca & Steve Buist & Neil Johnston - 329-350 Light Rail Transit in Hamilton: Health, Environmental and Economic Impact Analysis
by P. Topalovic & J. Carter & M. Topalovic & G. Krantzberg - 351-364 Mobile Air Monitoring: Measuring Change in Air Quality in the City of Hamilton, 2005–2010
by Matthew Adams & Patrick DeLuca & Denis Corr & Pavlos Kanaroglou
August 2012, Volume 108, Issue 1
- 1-28 The European Gender Equality Index: Conceptual and Analytical Issues
by Eduardo Bericat - 29-64 Parenthood and Happiness: a Review of Folk Theories Versus Empirical Evidence
by Thomas Hansen - 65-86 Happiness and Childbearing Across Europe
by Arnstein Aassve & Alice Goisis & Maria Sironi - 87-98 The Importance of Early Childhood Poverty
by Greg Duncan & Katherine Magnuson & Ariel Kalil & Kathleen Ziol-Guest - 99-109 Should We Give Up Domain Importance Weighting in QoL Measures?
by Chang-ming Hsieh - 111-130 Monitoring Socio-demographic Risk: A Cohort Analysis of Families Using Census Micro-Data
by Peter Davis & Mervyl McPherson & Mark Wheldon & Martin Randow - 131-152 Economic Stress, Quality of Life, and Mortality for the Oldest-Old in China
by W. Yeung & Zhenhua Xu - 153-167 Social Quality: A Way to Measure the Quality of Society
by Pamela Abbott & Claire Wallace - 169-184 Valuing Informal Care Experience: Does Choice of Measure Matter?
by Emmanouil Mentzakis & Paul McNamee & Mandy Ryan & Matthew Sutton - 185-196 Does Education Affect Happiness? Evidence for Spain
by Juncal Cuñado & Fernando Gracia
July 2012, Volume 107, Issue 3
- 393-410 Resilience and Well-being Among Urban Ethiopian Children: What Role Do Social Resources and Competencies Play?
by Laura Camfield - 411-427 Predictors of Quality of Life in Economically Disadvantaged Populations in Montreal
by Jean Caron - 429-447 Electronic Bullying and Victimization and Life Satisfaction in Middle School Students
by Page Moore & E. Huebner & Kimberly Hills - 449-463 Gender Differences in Subjective Well-Being In and Out of Management Positions
by Eileen Trzcinski & Elke Holst - 465-482 Subjective Welfare, Well-Being, and Self-Reported Food Hypersensitivity in Four European Countries: Implications for European Policy
by Jantine Voordouw & Gerrit Antonides & Margaret Fox & Inmaculada Cerecedo & Javier Zamora & Belen Hoz Caballer & Ewa Rokicka & Judith Cornelisse-Vermaat & Maciej Jewczak & Pawel Starosta & Marek Kowalska & Monika Jędrzejczak-Czechowicz & Sonia Vázquez-Cortés & Cano Escudero & Bertine Blok & Anthony Dubois & Miranda Mugford & Lynn Frewer - 483-508 The Mediating Role of Perceived Parental Warmth and Parental Punishment in the Psychological Well-Being of Children in Rural China
by Jennifer Chen & Xiaodong Liu - 509-529 How Friendship Network Characteristics Influence Subjective Well-Being
by Mariska Horst & Hilde Coffé - 531-560 The Wisdom of Eve: On Differentiating the Colours of Emotion that May Be Threats to Good Life
by Williams Akande & Bolanle Adetoun & Modupe Adewuyi & Titilola Akande & L. Ntshanga & Balin Dlamini & James Williamson & Nomvul Dladla & Zama Hlongwane & Osad Ibeagu & Erh Osagie - 561-574 A Model for Subjective Well-Being in Adolescence: Need Satisfaction and Reasons for Living
by Ali Eryilmaz - 575-588 Social Relationships and Children’s Subjective Well-Being
by Haridhan Goswami
June 2012, Volume 107, Issue 2
- 201-234 Good Health is Not the Same as a Good Life: Survey Results from Brandon, Manitoba
by Alex Michalos & Douglas Ramsey & Derrek Eberts & P. Kahlke - 235-258 Institutional Quality and Generalized Trust: A Nonrecursive Causal Model
by Blaine Robbins - 259-279 Construction and Evolution of a Multidimensional Well-Being Index for the Spanish Regions
by Antonio Jurado & Jesus Perez-Mayo - 281-303 Social Impacts of the Marking Scheme in Public Housing in Hong Kong
by Yung Yau - 305-315 Comparison of Modes of Administration and Response Options in the Assessment of Subjective Health Using the First Question of SF-36
by Salomé Mendes & Milton Severo & Carla Lopes - 317-330 A Time-Lag Analysis of the Relationships Among PISA Scores, Scientific Research Publication, and Economic Performance
by Chong Yu & Samuel DiGangi & Angel Jannasch-Pennell - 331-349 Exploring Differences in National and International Poverty Estimates: Is Uganda on Track to Halve Poverty by 2015?
by Sebastian Levine - 351-371 The Measurement and Evaluation of Social Attitudes in Two British Cohort Studies
by Helen Cheng & John Bynner & Richard Wiggins & Ingrid Schoon - 373-391 Correlates of Quality of Life in New Migrants to Hong Kong from Mainland China
by Winky Wong & Kee-Lee Chou & Nelson Chow
May 2012, Volume 107, Issue 1
- 1-18 The Impact of Religion on Women Empowerment as a Millennium Development Goal in Africa
by Ambe Njoh & Fenda Akiwumi - 19-35 The PEARL Model of Sustainable Development
by Mert Bilgin - 37-54 Deriving Multidimensional Poverty Indicators: Methodological Issues and an Empirical Analysis for Italy
by Manuela Coromaldi & Mariangela Zoli - 55-69 An Analysis of Specific Life Satisfaction Domains and Disordered Eating among College Students
by Molly Matthews & Keith Zullig & Rose Ward & Thelma Horn & E. Huebner - 71-78 Community Types and Mortality in Georgia Counties
by Frank Young - 79-101 Linking Advertising, Materialism, and Life Satisfaction
by M. Sirgy & Eda Gurel-Atay & Dave Webb & Muris Cicic & Melika Husic & Ahmet Ekici & Andreas Herrmann & Ibrahim Hegazy & Dong-Jin Lee & J. Johar - 103-126 Sense of Community Belonging and Health in Canada: A Regional Analysis
by Peter Kitchen & Allison Williams & James Chowhan - 127-148 Government Partisanship and Human Well-Being
by Tetsuya Matsubayashi & Michiko Ueda - 149-169 Work Values and Service-Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: The Mediation of Psychological Contract and Professional Commitment: A Case of Students in Taiwan Police College
by Chun-hsi Chen & Rui Kao - 171-186 Perceived Social Policy Fairness and Subjective Wellbeing: Evidence from China
by Feng Sun & Jing Xiao - 187-199 Role Balance and Marital Satisfaction in Taiwanese Couples: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Model Approach
by Lung Chen & Tsui-Shan Li
May 2012, Volume 106, Issue 3
- 407-417 Life Satisfaction Among Turkish and Moroccan Immigrants in the Netherlands: The Role of Absolute and Relative Income
by Ozge Gokdemir & Devrim Dumludag - 419-438 Income Inequality and its Consequences for Life Satisfaction: What Role do Social Cognitions Play?
by Simone Schneider - 439-469 Childhood and Capability Deprivation in Germany: A Quantitative Analysis Using German Socio-Economic Panel Data
by Kirsten Wüst & Jürgen Volkert - 471-489 Income Comparisons Among Neighbours and Satisfaction in East and West Germany
by Gundi Knies - 491-521 Measuring Institutions: Indicators of Political and Property Rights in Malawi
by Johannes Fedderke & Julia Garlick - 523-543 Social Mitigation of the Impact of Urban Renewal on Residents’ Morale
by Chau-kiu Cheung & Kwan-kwok Leung - 545-561 Relations Between Media, Perceived Social Support and Personal Well-Being in Adolescence
by Jorge Sarriera & Daniel Abs & Ferran Casas & Lívia Bedin - 563-576 Development and Validation of a Scale for the Measurement of Adolescents’ Developmental Assets in the Neighborhood
by Alfredo Oliva & Lucía Antolín & Ana López - 577-590 Assessing the “Good Life” in a Military Context: How Does Life and Work-Satisfaction Relate to Orientations to Happiness and Career-Success Among Swiss Professional Officers?
by René Proyer & Hubert Annen & Nadine Eggimann & Andrea Schneider & Willibald Ruch - 591-591 RETRACTED ARTICLE: Choices Which Change Life Statisfaction: Revising SWB Theory to Account for Change
by Bruce Headey & Ruud Muffels & Gert Wagner
April 2012, Volume 106, Issue 2
- 199-212 Social Well-Being in Northern Ireland: A Longitudinal Study 1958–1998
by G. Thomas & Neal Jesse - 213-238 Measuring Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviours Concerning Sustainable Development among Tenth Grade Students in Manitoba
by Alex Michalos & Heather Creech & Natalie Swayze & P. Maurine Kahlke & Carolee Buckler & Karen Rempel - 239-257 A Review Essay on the Measurement of Child Well-Being
by Liliana Fernandes & Américo Mendes & Aurora Teixeira - 259-285 Connectivity and Resilience: A Multidimensional Analysis of Infrastructure Impacts in the Southwestern Amazon
by Stephen Perz & Alexander Shenkin & Grenville Barnes & Liliana Cabrera & Lucas Carvalho & Jorge Castillo - 287-305 The Association Between Adolescent Life Satisfaction, Family Structure, Family Affluence and Gender Differences in Parent–Child Communication
by Kate Levin & Lorenza Dallago & Candace Currie - 307-321 Developing the University of the Philippines Loneliness Assessment Scale: A Cross-Cultural Measurement
by Davis Tharayil - 323-331 Foreign Direct Investment and Trade Openness: The Case of Developing Economies
by Panagiotis Liargovas & Konstantinos Skandalis - 333-345 Positive and Negative Affectivity as Mediator and Moderator of the Relationship between Optimism and Life Satisfaction in Turkish University Students
by Necla Kapikiran - 347-358 Health Care Service Needs and Correlates of Quality of Life: A Case Study of Elderly Chinese Immigrants in Canada
by Henry Chow - 359-370 Satisfaction with Life and Psychosocial Factors among Underserved Minorities with Type 2 Diabetes
by Kenneth Phelps & Jennifer Hodgson & Angela Lamson & Melvin Swanson & Mark White - 371-392 Income and Well-being Across European Provinces
by Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn - 393-405 Community Amenity Measurement for the Great Fly-Over Zones
by Terry Besser & Nancy Miller & Roshan Malik
March 2012, Volume 106, Issue 1
- 1-25 Developing Survey Measures of Inequality of Autonomy in the UK
by Tania Burchardt & Holly Holder - 27-39 The Relative Contribution of Health Status and Quality of Life Domains in Subjective Health in Old Age
by Maria-Eugenia Prieto-Flores & Antonio Moreno-Jiménez & Gloria Fernandez-Mayoralas & Fermina Rojo-Perez & Maria Forjaz - 41-59 Exploring Time Perspective in Greek Young Adults: Validation of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory and Relationships with Mental Health Indicators
by Fotios Anagnostopoulos & Fay Griva - 61-79 Religion and Subjective Well-Being in Ghana
by Jelena Pokimica & Isaac Addai & Baffour Takyi - 81-93 An Outcomes-Based Assessment of Quality of Life in Social Services
by Laura Gomez & Benito Arias & Miguel Verdugo & Patricia Navas - 95-107 Perceptions of Links Between Quality of Life Areas: Implications for Measurement and Practice
by Faith Martin - 109-116 Revisiting the Structure of Subjective Well-Being in Middle-Aged Adults
by Magda Chmiel & Martin Brunner & Romain Martin & Daniela Schalke