March 2012, Volume 106, Issue 1
- 117-131 How Education Enhances Happiness: Comparison of Mediating Factors in Four East Asian Countries
by Wan-chi Chen - 133-152 Using Capabilities as an Alternative Indicator for Well-being
by Luc Ootegem & Elsy Verhofstadt - 153-171 Measuring Flexicurity: Precautionary Notes, a New Framework, and an Empirical Example
by Heejung Chung - 173-185 National Pride: War Minus the Shooting
by Georgios Kavetsos - 187-197 Assessing Schools’ Academic Performance Using a Belief Structure
by Maslan Borhan & Abdul Jemain
February 2012, Volume 105, Issue 3
- 309-322 An Index of Child Health in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) of Africa
by José Rodríguez Martín - 323-331 Estimating the Reliability of Single-Item Life Satisfaction Measures: Results from Four National Panel Studies
by Richard Lucas & M. Brent Donnellan - 333-341 Purpose, Mood, and Pleasure in Predicting Satisfaction Judgments
by Ed Diener & Frank Fujita & Louis Tay & Robert Biswas-Diener - 343-366 Estimating Effectiveness of the Control of Violence and Socioeconomic Development in Colombia: An Application of Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis and Data Panel Approach
by Alexander Cotte Poveda - 367-386 Methodological Validation of Quality of Life Questionnaire for Coal Mining Groups-Indian Scenario
by Sayanti Sen & Goutam Sen & B. Tewary - 387-407 Approximations to the Truth: Comparing Survey and Microsimulation Approaches to Measuring Income for Social Indicators
by Francesco Figari & Maria Iacovou & Alexandra Skew & Holly Sutherland - 409-418 Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Work-Family Balance Scale in an Urban Chinese Sample
by Huiping Zhang & Paul Yip & Peilian Chi & Kinsun Chan & Yee Cheung & Xiulan Zhang - 419-442 Socio-Demographic Variables, General Psychological Well-Being and the Mental Health Continuum in an African Context
by I. Khumalo & Q. Temane & M. Wissing - 443-445 Important Papers on Well-Being: Assessment, Science, and Culture
by Christopher Peterson - 447-460 Personality and Subjective Well-Being: What Hides Behind Global Analyses?
by Isabel Albuquerque & Margarida Lima & Marcela Matos & Cláudia Figueiredo - 461-482 Testing the Personal Wellbeing Index on 12–16 Year-Old Adolescents in 3 Different Countries with 2 New Items
by Ferran Casas & Jorge Sarriera & Jaime Alfaro & Mònica González & Sara Malo & Irma Bertran & Cristina Figuer & Daniel Cruz & Lívia Bedin & Angela Paradiso & Karin Weinreich & Boris Valdenegro - 483-498 Factorial Validity and Invariance of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale Among Portuguese Youngsters
by José Vasconcelos-Raposo & Helder Fernandes & Carla Teixeira & Rosangela Bertelli - 499-518 Caste, Class, and Urbanization: The Shaping of Religious Community in Contemporary India
by Samuel Stroope - 519-540 Social Capital, Economic Development, and Homicide: A Cross-National Investigation
by Blaine Robbins & David Pettinicchio - 541-559 Positive Youth Development, Life Satisfaction and Problem Behaviour Among Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong: A Replication
by Rachel Sun & Daniel Shek - 561-568 Life Goals and Well-Being: Does Financial Status Matter? Evidence from a Representative Hungarian Sample
by Tamás Martos & Mária Kopp - 569-580 Subjective Well-Being Structure: Confirmatory Factor Analysis in a Teachers’ Portuguese Sample
by Isabel Albuquerque & Margarida Lima & Cláudia Figueiredo & Marcela Matos - 581-593 Individual- and Neighbourhood-Level Indicators of Subjective Well-Being in a Small and Poor Eastern Cape Township: The Effect of Health, Social Capital, Marital Status, and Income
by J. Cramm & V. Møller & A. Nieboer
January 2012, Volume 105, Issue 2
- 187-190 Comparing the Well-Being of Older Europeans: Introduction
by Hendrik Jürges & Arthur Soest - 191-210 Can Reporting Heterogeneity Explain Differences in Depressive Symptoms Across Europe?
by Renske Kok & Mauricio Avendano & Teresa Bago d’Uva & Johan Mackenbach - 211-226 Cross-Country Differentials in Work Disability Reporting Among Older Europeans
by Viola Angelini & Danilo Cavapozzi & Omar Paccagnella - 227-254 Satisfaction with Job and Income Among Older Individuals Across European Countries
by Eric Bonsang & Arthur Soest - 255-271 Comparability of Health Care Responsiveness in Europe
by Nicolas Sirven & Brigitte Santos-Eggimann & Jacques Spagnoli - 273-292 Satisfaction with Social Contacts of Older Europeans
by Eric Bonsang & Arthur Soest - 293-308 Age, Health and Life Satisfaction Among Older Europeans
by Viola Angelini & Danilo Cavapozzi & Luca Corazzini & Omar Paccagnella
January 2012, Volume 105, Issue 1
- 1-37 Application of the Rural Development Index to Analysis of Rural Regions in Poland and Slovakia
by Jerzy Michalek & Nana Zarnekow - 39-61 Self-Evaluation Processes in Life Satisfaction: Uncovering Measurement Non-Equivalence and Age-Related Differences
by Heike Heidemeier & Ursula Staudinger - 63-73 Patterns of Human Development Indicators Across Constitutional Analysis of Children’s Rights to Protection, Provision, and Participation
by Janette Habashi & Lynne Wright & John Hathcoat - 75-92 Child Health-Related Quality of Life and Parental Social Capital in Greece: An Exploratory Study
by Giulia El-Dardiry & Christine Dimitrakaki & Chara Tzavara & Ulrike Ravens-Sieberer & Yannis Tountas - 93-108 Quality of Life in Macau, China
by Ricardo Rato & Gareth Davey - 109-120 Social Exclusion and Quality of Life: An Empirical Study from Turkey
by Nuran Bayram & Firat Bilgel & Nazan Bilgel - 121-136 Time Use Patterns Between Maintenance, Subsistence and Leisure Activities: A Case Study in China
by Zhou Hui-fen & Li Zhen-shan & Xue Dong-qian & Lei Yang - 137-143 Psychometric Properties of a Portuguese Version of the Subjective Happiness Scale
by Paola Spagnoli & António Caetano & Ana Silva - 145-160 Cross-National Measurement Invariance of the Teacher and Classmate Support Scale
by Torbjørn Torsheim & Oddrun Samdal & Mette Rasmussen & John Freeman & Robert Griebler & Wolfgang Dür - 161-185 Models of the Joint Structure of Domain-Related and Global Distress: Implications for the Reconciliation of Quality of Life and Mental Health Perspectives
by William Magee & Sébastien St-Arnaud
December 2011, Volume 104, Issue 3
- 351-367 Relative Income and Happiness in Asia: Evidence from Nationwide Surveys in China, Japan, and Korea
by Takashi Oshio & Kayo Nozaki & Miki Kobayashi - 369-385 Dimensions of Housing Deprivation for Older People in Ireland
by Brian Nolan & Nessa Winston - 387-406 The Heterogeneous Effects of Income Changes on Happiness
by Leonardo Becchetti & Luisa Corrado & Fiammetta Rossetti - 407-425 The Mediating Role of Secular Coping Strategies in the Relationship Between Religious Appraisals and Adjustment to Chronic Pain: The Middle Road to Damascus
by Stacy Parenteau & Nancy Hamilton & Wei Wu & Kevin Latinis & Lori Waxenberg & Mary Brinkmeyer - 427-437 Subjective Values of Quality of Life Dimensions in Elderly People. A SEM Preference Model Approach
by Paula Elosua - 439-457 Construction and Validation of an Observational Scale of Neighborhood Characteristics
by James McDonell & Tracy Waters - 459-474 Concepts of Chinese folk happiness
by Po Ip - 475-505 Life Expectancy as an Objective Factor of a Subjective Well-Being
by Nikolas Papavlassopulos & David Keppler - 507-522 Relocation Stress, Coping, and Sense of Control Among Resettlers Resulting from China’s Three Gorges Dam Project
by Juan Xi & Sean-Shong Hwang - 523-532 Employing the Components of the Human Development Index to Drive Resources to Educational Policies
by Annibal Sant’Anna & Rodrigo Araújo Ribeiro & Steven Dutt-Ross - 533-544 Explaining Optimistic Old Age Disability and Longevity Expectations
by Joan Costa-Font & Montserrat Costa-Font - 545-554 A Two-Step Approach to Analyze Satisfaction Data
by Pier Ferrari & Laura Pagani & Carlo Fiorio
November 2011, Volume 104, Issue 2
- 179-194 National Income and Income Inequality, Family Affluence and Life Satisfaction Among 13 year Old Boys and Girls: A Multilevel Study in 35 Countries
by Kate Levin & Torbjorn Torsheim & Wilma Vollebergh & Matthias Richter & Carolyn Davies & Christina Schnohr & Pernille Due & Candace Currie - 195-223 Relative Standing and Subjective Well-Being in South Africa: The Role of Perceptions, Expectations and Income Mobility
by Dorrit Posel & Daniela Casale - 225-251 Issues in the Conceptualisation and Measurement of Socioeconomic Background: Do Different Measures Generate Different Conclusions?
by Gary Marks - 253-269 The Influence of Simulated Home and Neighbourhood Densification on Perceived Liveability
by J. Thomas & D. Walton & S. Lamb - 271-286 Can we Rate Public Support for Democracy in a Comparable Way? Cross-National Equivalence of Democratic Attitudes in the World Value Survey
by Gal Ariely & Eldad Davidov - 287-310 College Education and Social Trust: An Evidence-Based Study on the Causal Mechanisms
by Jian Huang & Henriëtte den Brink & Wim Groot - 311-322 Prevalence of Low Physical Activity and its Relation to Social Environment in Deprived Areas in the London Borough of Redbridge
by Ge Yu & Adrian Renton & Martin Wall & Emee Estacio & Justine Cawley & Pratibha Datta - 323-329 Sustainable Consumption and Life Satisfaction
by Jing Xiao & Haifeng Li - 331-349 Income and Happiness in Time of Post-Communist Modernization
by Krzysztof Zagórski
October 2011, Volume 104, Issue 1
- 1-18 Composite Indices of Development and Poverty: An Application to MDGs
by Pasquale De Muro & Matteo Mazziotta & Adriano Pareto - 19-32 The Volunteer Satisfaction Index: A Validation Study in the Chinese Cultural Context
by Lok Wong & Wing Chui & Yan Kwok - 33-45 University Students’ Sense of Belonging to the Home Town: The Role of Residential Mobility
by Elvira Cicognani & Isabel Menezes & Gil Nata - 47-65 Measuring Well-Being and Progress
by Luca D’Acci - 67-86 Deprivation, Social Exclusion and Subjective Well-Being
by Luna Bellani & Conchita D’Ambrosio - 87-102 Outcomes of Orphanhood in Ethiopia: A Mixed Methods Study
by Laura Camfield - 103-115 The Gap in the Subjective Wellbeing of Māori and New Zealand Europeans Widened Between 2005 and 2009
by Chris Sibley & Niki Harré & William Hoverd & Carla Houkamau - 117-127 Poverty Lines Based on Fuzzy Sets Theory and its Application to Malaysian Data
by Lazim Abdullah - 129-155 Time Poverty Thresholds and Rates for the US Population
by Charlene Kalenkoski & Karen Hamrick & Margaret Andrews - 157-177 Different Things Make Different People Happy: Examining Social Capital and Subjective Well-Being by Gender and Parental Status
by Christian Kroll
September 2011, Volume 103, Issue 3
- 327-355 Disentangling the Circularity in Sen’s Capability Approach: An Analysis of the Co-Evolution of Functioning Achievement and Resources
by Martin Binder & Alex Coad - 357-377 Generalized Trust and Trust in Institutions in Confucian Asia
by Soo Tan & Siok Tambyah - 379-398 Māori Cultural Efficacy and Subjective Wellbeing: A Psychological Model and Research Agenda
by Carla Houkamau & Chris Sibley - 399-408 Low-Cost Computers for Education in Developing Countries
by Jeffrey James - 409-426 Education as a Positional Good: A Life Satisfaction Approach
by Mª del Salinas-Jiménez & Joaquín Artés & Javier Salinas-Jiménez - 427-442 Perceptions of Job Security in Europe’s Ageing Workforce
by Karsten Hank & Marcel Erlinghagen - 443-464 Cumulative Disadvantage and Connections Between Welfare Problems
by Miia Bask - 465-480 Educational Mismatch of Graduates: a Multidimensional and Fuzzy Indicator
by Gianni Betti & Antonella D’Agostino & Laura Neri - 481-500 Identifying Social Trust in Cross-Country Analysis: Do We Really Measure the Same?
by Lars Torpe & Henrik Lolle
September 2011, Volume 103, Issue 2
- 179-181 Opening Remarks to the Special Issue on Validation Theory and Research for a Population-Level Measure of Children’s Development, Wellbeing, and School Readiness
by Martin Guhn & Bruno Zumbo & Magdalena Janus & Clyde Hertzman - 183-191 Validation Theory and Research for a Population-Level Measure of Children’s Development, Wellbeing, and School Readiness
by Martin Guhn & Bruno Zumbo & Magdalena Janus & Clyde Hertzman - 193-217 Bioecological Theory, Early Child Development and the Validation of the Population-Level Early Development Instrument
by Martin Guhn & Hillel Goelman - 219-230 Validity and the Consequences of Test Interpretation and Use
by Anita Hubley & Bruno Zumbo - 231-265 Validation of Multilevel Constructs: Validation Methods and Empirical Findings for the EDI
by Barry Forer & Bruno Zumbo - 267-282 The Early Development Instrument: An Examination of Convergent and Discriminant Validity
by Shelley Hymel & Lucy LeMare & William McKee - 283-297 Validity and Psychometric Properties of the Early Development Instrument in Canada, Australia, United States, and Jamaica
by Magdalena Janus & Sally Brinkman & Eric Duku - 299-314 Does the EDI Equivalently Measure Facets of School Readiness for Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal children?
by Nazeem Muhajarine & Chassidy Puchala & Magdalena Janus - 315-325 An Indigenous Knowledges Perspective on Valid Meaning Making: A Commentary on Research with the EDI and Aboriginal Communities
by Michele Sam
August 2011, Volume 103, Issue 1
- 1-22 Theoretical Perspectives Guiding QOL Indicator Projects
by M. Sirgy - 23-32 The Mediator Roles of Life Satisfaction and Self-Esteem between the Affective Components of Psychological Well-Being and the Cognitive Symptoms of Problematic Internet Use
by Emre Senol-Durak & Mithat Durak - 33-56 Measuring Progress: A Comparison of the GDP, HDI, GS and the RIE
by Riccardo Natoli & Segu Zuhair - 57-76 Economic Migration and Happiness: Comparing Immigrants’ and Natives’ Happiness Gains From Income
by David Bartram - 77-91 What Makes an Activity Most Enjoyable? Alternative Ways of Measuring Subjective Aspects of Time-Use
by William Michelson - 93-108 Hedonic Versus Eudaimonic Conceptions of Well-being: Evidence of Differential Associations With Self-reported Well-being
by Ethan McMahan & David Estes - 109-117 An Ecological Regional Analysis of South Carolina
by Frank Young & Kenneth Robinson - 119-130 Measuring Mutual Help Willingness and Criteria among Hong Kong People: Confirmatory Factor Analyses
by Shengquan Ye & Terry Leung & Bong Mok - 131-144 Dilemma and Conflicts in Taiwanese Women’s Leisure Participation
by Chiung-Tzu Tsai - 145-167 Coupling Social Solidarity and Social Harmony in Hong Kong
by Chau-kiu Cheung & Stephen Ma - 169-177 A Note on the Measurement of Generalized Trust of Immigrants and Natives
by Peter Dinesen
July 2011, Volume 102, Issue 3
- 363-372 If GDP is Not the Answer, What is the Question? The Juncture of Capabilities, Institutions and Measurement in the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Report
by Ming-Chang Tsai - 373-388 About Cats and Dogs … Reconsidering the Relationship Between Pet Ownership and Health Related Outcomes in Community-Dwelling Elderly
by Mieke Rijken & Sandra Beek - 389-408 Sons of St. Patrick: Quality of Life and Heights of Young Irish Males at Mid-Nineteenth Century
by Thomas Jordan - 409-437 Are Educational Mismatches Responsible for the ‘Inequality Increasing Effect’ of Education?
by Santiago Budría - 439-441 Selections from Sinet
by Abbott Ferriss - 443-461 Assessing the Unidimensionality of Psychological Scales: Using Multiple Criteria from Factor Analysis
by Suzanne Slocum-Gori & Bruno Zumbo - 463-475 Assessing the Use of the Family Affluence Scale as Socioeconomic Indicators for Researching Health Inequalities in Taiwan Adolescents
by Yu-Chen Lin - 477-496 A Gender Wellbeing Composite Indicator: The Best-Worst Global Evaluation Approach
by Mónica Domínguez-Serrano & Francisco Blancas - 497-515 Happiness Scale Interval Study. Methodological Considerations
by W. Kalmijn & L. Arends & R. Veenhoven - 517-535 Discretionary Time of Chinese College Students: Activities and Impact of SARS-Induced Constraints on Choices
by He Yang & Susan Hutchinson & Harry Zinn & Alan Watson - 537-556 Subjective Poverty and Its Relation to Objective Poverty Concepts in Hungary
by Eszter Siposné Nándori
June 2011, Volume 102, Issue 2
- 181-196 The Time-Crunch Paradox
by Jose Gimenez-Nadal & Almudena Sevilla-Sanz - 197-207 Indicators for European Union Policies. Business as Usual?
by Andrea Saltelli & Beatrice D’Hombres & Jochen Jesinghaus & Anna Manca & Massimiliano Mascherini & Michela Nardo & Michaela Saisana - 209-228 The Importance of the Geographic Level of Analysis in the Assessment of the Quality of Life: The Case of Spain
by Eduardo González & Ana Cárcaba & Juan Ventura - 229-244 A Case for Developing Community Drug Indicators
by Hilda Loughran & Mary McCann - 245-264 Gender Gaps in Political Participation Across Sub-Saharan African Nations
by Hilde Coffe & Catherine Bolzendahl - 265-273 A Comparison of Workers Employed in Hazardous Jobs in Terms of Job Satisfaction, Perceived Job Risk and Stress: Turkish Jean Sandblasting Workers, Dock Workers, Factory Workers and Miners
by Ayda Sunal & Onur Sunal & Fatma Yasin - 275-296 Towards the Development of Objective, Universal Criteria of Cultural Evaluation: The Challenges Posed by Anti-Foundationalism, Culturalism and Romanticism
by Matthew Johnson - 297-314 Measuring Financial Capability and its Determinants Using Survey Data
by Mark Taylor - 315-331 Financial Satisfaction and (in)formal Sector in a Transition Country
by Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell & Klarita Gërxhani - 333-350 Tolerance is Not Enough: The Moderating Role of Optimism on Perceptions of Regional Economic Performance
by Miguel Lopes & Patricia Palma & Miguel e Cunha - 351-361 The Quality of Social Networks: Its Determinants and Impacts on Helping and Volunteering in Macao
by Kwok Tong & Eva Hung & Sze Yuen
May 2011, Volume 102, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction
by Filomena Maggino & Giampaolo Nuvolati - 3-22 Government and Happiness in 130 Nations: Good Governance Fosters Higher Level and More Equality of Happiness
by J. Ott - 23-37 On the Use of Social Clocks for the Monitoring of Multidimensional Social Development
by Georg Mueller - 39-46 The Development of Official Social Statistics in Italy with a Life Quality Approach
by Linda Sabbadini - 47-69 Well-Being in Italian Regions. Measures, Civil Society Consultation and Evidence
by Elisabetta Segre & Tommaso Rondinella & Massimiliano Mascherini - 71-80 Who are the Supporters of Croatian Membership in the European Union and NATO? Predictive Value of Personal and National Well-Being
by Toni Babarović & Lidija Burušić & Josip Burušić - 81-91 Quality of Life and Leisure Activities: How do Leisure Activities Contribute to Subjective Well-Being?
by Andreja Brajša-Žganec & Marina Merkaš & Iva Šverko - 93-97 The Pursuit of Happiness and the Globalized Tourist
by Paolo Corvo - 99-110 Internet Service Cognition and Use, and Their Promotion of Quality of Life in Taiwan
by Te-Hsin Liang - 111-116 The Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi-Report: Old Wine in New Skins? Views from a Social Indicators Perspective
by Heinz-Herbert Noll - 117-129 What Did Stiglitz, Sen and Fitoussi Get Right and What Did They Get Wrong?
by Alex Michalos - 131-156 Preaching to the Choir: Are the Commission’s Recommendations Already Applied?
by Filomena Maggino & Elena Ruviglioni - 157-168 Never Waste a Good Crisis: Towards Social Sustainable Development
by Rob Bijl - 169-180 The ‘Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress’ Report and Quality of Life: Moving Forward
by Mariano Rojas
May 2011, Volume 101, Issue 3
- 305-322 Social Diversity, Institutions and Trust: A Cross-National Analysis
by Ming-Chang Tsai & Leslie Laczko & Christian Bjørnskov - 323-340 Welfare Attitudes and Social Expenditure: Do Regimes Shape Public Opinion?
by Tor Jakobsen - 341-357 Predictors of Regional Well-Being: A County Level Analysis
by Nicole Lawless & Richard Lucas - 359-389 Capability and Health Functioning in Ethiopian Households
by Ramzi Mabsout - 391-404 The Incompatibility of Materialism and the Desire for Children: Psychological Insights into the Fertility Discrepancy Among Modern Countries
by Norman Li & Lily Patel & Daniel Balliet & William Tov & Christie Scollon - 405-418 The Subjective Wellbeing of High-School Students: Validating the Personal Wellbeing Index—School Children
by Adrian Tomyn & Robert Cummins - 419-434 Socio-demographic Correlates of Subjective Well-being in Urban India
by Jyotsna Agrawal & Pratima Murthy & Mariamma Philip & Seema Mehrotra & K. Thennarasu & John John & N. Girish & V. Thippeswamy & Mohan Isaac - 435-445 Geography of European Life Satisfaction
by Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn - 447-459 Empirical Research on Factors Related to the Subjective Well-Being of Chinese Urban Residents
by Peigang Wang & Tyler VanderWeele - 461-479 Life Quality of Russian Immigrants to Israel: Patterns of Success and of Unsuccess
by Maya Benish-Weisman & Samuel Shye
April 2011, Volume 101, Issue 2
- 173-183 Valuing Time: A Conference Overview
by Michael Bittman & Duncan Ironmonger - 185-187 II) Goodin et al.’s New Measure of Freedom: Authors Meet Critic
by Michael Bittman - 189-192 III) Discretionary Time: A Rejoinder
by Robert Goodin & James Rice & Antti Parpo & Lina Eriksson - 193-206 IT, TV and Time Displacement: What Alexander Szalai Anticipated but Couldn’t Know
by John Robinson - 207-213 Increasing Paid Work Time? A New Puzzle for Multinational Time-diary Research
by Jonathan Gershuny - 215-219 Exercise, Eating Patterns, and Obesity: Evidence from the ATUS and Its Eating & Health Module
by Marianne Reifschneider & Karen Hamrick & Jill Lacey - 221-225 Television Viewing by School-Age Children: Associations with Physical Activity, Snack Food Consumption and Unhealthy Weight
by Judith Brown & Jan Nicholson & Dorothy Broom & Michael Bittman - 227-231 Feeding Patterns and Emotional Care in Breastfed Infants
by Julie Smith & Mark Ellwood - 233-238 Adolescent Depression and Time Spent with Parents and Siblings
by Laura Desha & Jan Nicholson & Jenny Ziviani - 239-242 Flexible Work Hours and Other Job Factors in Parental Time with Children
by Jennifer Baxter - 243-247 Are the Real Time Costs of Children Equally Shared by Mothers and Fathers?
by Olivia Ekert-Jaffé - 249-253 Gendered Time-Crunch and Work Factors in Denmark
by Mette Deding & Mette Lausten - 255-258 If Men Do More Housework, Do Their Wives Have More Babies?
by Lyn Craig & Peter Siminski - 259-265 Racial-Ethnic Differences in U.S. Married Women’s and Men’s Housework
by Liana Sayer & Leigh Fine - 267-273 Time Spent Eating and Its Implications for Americans’ Energy Balance
by Cathleen Zick & Robert Stevens - 275-280 Sleep Time: Media Hype vs. Diary Data
by William Michelson - 281-287 Spouse “Together Time”: Quality Time Within the Household
by Ignace Glorieux & Joeri Minnen & Theun Tienoven - 289-293 Social Trust, Social Partner Time and Television Time
by Roger Patulny - 295-304 Daily Life in 23 Countries
by Kimberly Fisher & John Robinson
March 2011, Volume 101, Issue 1
- 1-15 Who Benefits from Religion?
by Daniel Mochon & Michael Norton & Dan Ariely - 17-35 Attracting Attention for the Cause. The Reporting of Three Indices in the UK National Press
by Stephen Morse - 37-56 Gender Disparities in Educational Trajectories in India: Do Females Become More Robust at Higher Levels?
by Zakir Husain & Swagata Sarkar - 57-72 Subjective Well-being in Rural India: The Curse of Conspicuous Consumption
by Rik Linssen & Luuk Kempen & Gerbert Kraaykamp - 73-92 The Short-Term Impact of Involuntary Migration in China’s Three Gorges: A Prospective Study
by Sean-Shong Hwang & Yue Cao & Juan Xi - 93-108 Sustainable Development Index in Hong Kong: Approach, Method and Findings
by Geoffrey Tso & Kelvin Yau & C. Yang - 109-126 A Comparison of Alternative Models of Individual Quality of Life for Social Service Recipients
by Laura Gómez & Miguel Verdugo & Benito Arias & Víctor Arias - 127-153 An Exploratory Analysis of Societal Preferences for Research-Driven Quality of Life Improvements in Canada
by Murray Rudd - 155-172 The Relationship Between Hope, Eustress, Self-Efficacy, and Life Satisfaction Among Undergraduates
by Geraldine O’Sullivan
February 2011, Volume 100, Issue 3
- 371-374 Quality of Life Research: Responses to Emerging Issues in a Changing World
by Daniel Shek - 375-389 Internet Communication Versus Face-to-face Interaction in Quality of Life
by Paul Lee & Louis Leung & Venhwei Lo & Chengyu Xiong & Tingjun Wu - 391-413 Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviours. Concerning Education for Sustainable Development: Two Exploratory Studies
by Alex Michalos & Heather Creech & Christina McDonald & P. Kahlke - 415-433 Quality of Life as Medicine: Interventions that Induce Salutogenesis. A Review of the Literature
by Søren Ventegodt & Hatim Omar & Joav Merrick - 435-450 Quality of Life of Poor People Living in Remote Areas in Hong Kong
by Hung Wong - 451-462 Psychological Stress and Parenting Behavior Among Chinese Families: Findings from a Study on Parent Education for Economically Disadvantaged Families
by Ching Lam - 463-477 How are the Kids Doing? How do We Know?
by Kenneth Land & Vicki Lamb & Hui Zheng - 479-498 The Impact of School Violence on Self-Esteem and Depression Among Taiwanese Junior High School Students
by Ji-Kang Chen & Hsi-Sheng Wei - 499-516 Depression Amongst Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong: An Evaluation of a Stress Moderation Model
by Catalina Ng & Jane Hurry - 517-537 Exploration of the Factorial Structure of the Revised Personal Functions of the Volunteerism Scale for Chinese Adolescents
by Ben Law & Daniel Shek & Cecilia Ma - 539-562 The Best Years of Life: A Study of Older Hong Kong Chinese
by Jik-Joen Lee
January 2011, Volume 100, Issue 2
- 185-207 The Eudaimonic and Hedonic Components of Happiness: Qualitative and Quantitative Findings
by Antonella Delle Fave & Ingrid Brdar & Teresa Freire & Dianne Vella-Brodrick & Marié Wissing - 209-224 Dissolution of Associational Life? Testing the Individualization and Informalization Hypotheses on Leisure Activities in The Netherlands Between 1975 and 2005
by Erik Ingen & Paul Dekker - 225-240 Assets and Life Satisfaction Patterns Among Korean Older Adults: Latent Class Analysis
by Chang-Keun Han & Song-Iee Hong - 241-257 The Gap Concept as a Quality of Life Measure: Validation Study of the Child Quality of Life Systemic Inventory
by Anne-Marie Etienne & Gilles Dupuis & Elisabeth Spitz & Fabienne Lemetayer & Pierre Missotten - 259-271 The Dynamics of Social Indicator Research for California’s Central Valley in Transition
by Robin DeLugan & Marcia Hernandez & Dari Sylvester & Simón Weffer - 273-285 Subjective and Occupational Well-Being in a Sample of Mexican Workers
by Francisco Bretones & Maria Gonzalez - 287-298 Validation of the Beliefs Against Volunteering Scale among Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong
by Ben Law & Daniel Shek - 299-311 Contemporary Sexism in the South African Navy
by Charles Van Wijk - 313-330 Is it God or Just the Data that Moves in Mysterious Ways? How Well-Being Research may be Mistaking Faith for Virtue
by James Schuurmans-Stekhoven - 331-350 Measurement of Social Participation and its Place in Social Capital Theory
by Laura Guillen & Lluis Coromina & Willem Saris - 351-365 Reporting Systems for Sustainability: What Are They Measuring?
by Kathryn Davidson - 367-367 Erratum to: Measures of Inequality: Application to Happiness in Nations
by W. Kalmijn & L. Arends - 369-369 Erratum to: Social Cohesion as a Real-Life Phenomenon: Assessing the Explanatory Power of the Universalist and Particularist Perspectives
by Jan Janmaat