October 1979, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 445-461 Toward macro-social accounting: Measures and scales of racial, sexual, and spatial equality in 243 U.S. SMSA's
by John Foley - 463-473 The cylindrical structure of political involvement
by Shlomit Levy - 475-485 Size of place and community attachment: A reconsideration
by Frederick Buttel & Oscar Martinson & E. Wilkening - 487-509 Reviews
by Ronald Burke & Alex Michalos & Michael Ruse & Jay Newman
July 1979, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 283-292 Physical quality of life index: Some international and Indian applications
by M. Mukherjee & A. Ray & C. Rajyalakshmi - 293-299 Toward a reappraisal of social indicators for housing in developing nations
by Ademola Salau - 301-347 Developing indicators of environmental quality: The experience of the council on environmental quality
by Daniel Tunstall - 349-372 Identifying components comprising neighborhood quality of life
by Darlene Russ-Eft - 373-387 An operational framework for policy modeling in the social sciences
by Michael Miller - 389-396 Reviews
by Ted Palys & Eike Ballerstedt & Alex Michalos
April 1979, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 129-152 The U.S. federal effort in developing social indicators
by Abbott Ferriss - 153-162 Social indicators, 1976: A critique
by G. Dever - 163-180 Science indicators/1976: A critique
by Robert McGinnis - 181-196 Some observations on The Condition of Education (1976 edition)
by Robert Herriott - 197-206 A review of Health: United States, 1975
by Monroe Lerner - 207-213 Discussion: Problems in social indicator development
by Denis Johnston - 215-237 The mental health demographic profile system: A longitudinal information system
by J. Shambaugh & Harold Goldsmith & David Jackson & Beatrice Rosen - 239-249 The developing program on social indicators at the U.S. Bureau of the Census
by Murray Weitzman - 251-259 On estimating the social costs of national economic policy: A critical examination of the Brenner study
by Lawrence Cohen & Marcus Felson - 261-272 Rethinking national social reports
by David Brusegard - 273-282 Some new directions for social indicators in the U.S. Department of Agriculture
by Richard Stuby
January 1979, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-22 Methods and strategies in evaluating equity research
by Irving Horowitz - 23-40 Predicting the quality of life in the United States
by Ruth Young & Dean Maccannell - 41-72 Analysis of social pathologies in a policy context: A paradigm for action
by T. Robinson & Sergio Sismondo - 73-90 The structure of subjective well-being in nine western societies
by Frank Andrews & Ronald Inglehart - 91-102 A measure of quality of opportunity
by John Girt - 103-126 Evaluative comparisons of distributions of a social variable: Ordering methods
by Peter Fishburn
March 1978, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-71 The economic nature and value of volunteer activity in Canada
by O. Hawrylyshyn - 73-109 ‘Valid’ empirical measurement of quality of life?
by Friedhelm Gehrmann - 111-120 Four issues unique to socio-cultural indicators
by Eugene Smith - 121-132 Reviews
by Douglas Odegard & Paul Durbin - 133-150 Aspirations, achievements and life satisfaction
by Robert Mason & G. Faulkenberry - 151-167 The sociology of consumption: Deriving new social indicators
by Robert Mayer - 169-179 The delicate mosaic: A national examination of inter-group relations in Canada
by Reginald Bibby - 181-193 The application of quantitative indices for health planning to regional health service areas in vermont
by William Evans & Martin Chen - 195-210 Causes and indicators of housing quality
by John Goodman - 211-234 Correlates of subjective well-being in Northern Wisconsin
by E. Wilkening & David McGranahan - 235-244 Quantifying socio-environmental impacts of predator control policies
by Louise Arthur - 245-253 A norm-referenced population health status index based on life expectancy and disability
by Martin Chen - 255-262 Reviews
by Hagith Shlonsky & Peter Sinclair - 263-278 The affluence line
by Jan Drewnowski - 279-301 Examination of variable errors of measurement in a survey-based social indicator
by William Pollard & Ruth Bobbitt & Marilyn Bergner - 303-323 Spiritual well-being: A neglected subject in quality of life research
by David Moberg & Patricia Brusek - 325-344 Social indicators of marital instability, U.S.A., 1920–1969
by Gideon Vigderhous & Gideon Fishman - 365-367 Government take-over of the social indicators movement?
by Robert Horn - 369-387 Reviews
by Robert Mason & Daniel Koenig & Nathan Keyfitz & Barry Smit - 389-426 Cognition and affect in perceptions of well-being
by Aubrey Mc Kennell - 427-456 The potential of social indicators: Minimum conditions for impact at the national level as suggested by a study of the use of ‘social indicators’ 73
by Nathan Caplan & Eugenia Barton - 457-474 Subjective evaluation of well-being: Problems and prospects
by Leslie Kennedy & Herbert Northcott & Clifford Kinzel - 475-492 Avowed happiness as an overall assessment of the quality of life
by D. Shin & D. Johnson - 493-512 Reviews
by Alex Michalos & Michael Ruse & Hugh Lehman & Tom Settle
January 1977, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-23 Indicators and models of changes in the American occupational system, 1947–73
by Kenneth Land & Fred Pampel - 25-66 Community: Toward an integration of research, theory, evaluation, and public policy considerations
by Stephen Fitzsimmons & Warren Lavey - 67-96 The Philippine social indicators project
by Mahar Mangahas - 97-106 Book reviews
by David Seidman - 107-114 Quality of life indicators in U.S. Metropolitan Areas, 1970
by Ben-Chieh Liu - 115-117 Quality of life indicators in U.S. Metropolitan Areas, 1970
by David Seidman - 119-162 Practical computer graphics for planning health policy
by G. Dever & Michael Lavoie - 163-184 Public marketing: A suggested policy planning paradigm for community development in the city
by Edward Blakely & Howard Schutz & Peter Harvey - 185-205 Social indicators of human nutrition: Measures of nutritional status
by Susan Evers & Wm. Mcintosh - 207-229 The quality of municipal service: Concept, measure and results
by Doh Shin - 231-245 Reviews
by Paul Durbin & Nathan Keyfitz & Martin Danzig & Jan Drewnowski - 247-265 Economic and quality of life factors in industrial location decisions
by Robert Foster - 267-287 Work status and the quality of life
by Willard Rodgers - 289-315 Time-use auditing: An approach to validating social indicators
by Marshall Jones & John Pierce - 317-336 Feelings of power in a corporate society
by Ronald Burt - 337-352 Population settlement alternatives in developing countries
by Niles Hansen - 353-369 Ideology and social indicators of the quality of life
by Frederick Buttel & E. Wilkening & Oscar Martinson - 371-376 Reviews
by Ted Palys & Jay Newman & Michael Ruse - 381-419 Political alienation as a social indicator: Attitudes and action
by Jack Citrin - 421-439 The prediction of perceived well-being
by Lakshmi Bharadwaj & E. Wilkening - 441-473 Bibliometric models for journal productivity
by J. Hubert - 475-497 The pursuit of health
by G. Alan Dever - 499-506 Reviews
by Robert Carter & Alex Michalos
December 1976, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 275-372 Latin American typology: An essay on measuring social discontinuities
by Rolando Franco - 373-395 The social meaning of social indicators
by John Tropman - 397-421 The differentiation of material life styles: 1925 to 1966
by Marcus Felson - 423-429 Stochastic indicators of income mobility
by V. Madduri - 431-449 Social indicators for housing and urban development in Africa: Towards a new development model
by Robert Obudho - 451-470 Basic parameters of the welfare state
by Raphaella Bilski - 471-496 Quality of life: Ascriptive and testimonial conceptualizations
by Paul Harwood - 497-503 Reviews
by F. Gilbert & Earle Snider - 505-519 Reviews
by Alex Michalos & William Serow & Paul Durbin
September 1976, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 143-179 Evaluative comparisons of distributions of a social variable: Basic issues and criteria
by Peter Fishburn - 181-215 Indicators of societal concern for mentally retarded persons
by Leopold Lippman - 217-236 Money value of consumption and income of rural families: Two measures of economic status
by Nancy Rudd & Kristin Kline - 237-256 Focal local indicators for social program evaluation
by Donald Campbell - 257-271 A comprehensive population health index based on mortality and disability data
by Martin Chen - 273-273 Announcement
by Robert McGinnis
June 1976, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-19 The validity of measures of self-reported well-being
by Frank Andrews & Rick Crandall - 21-35 Time diaries and time data for extension of economic accounts
by Andrew Harvey & W. Stephen Macdonald - 37-74 Health indicators or health system analysis? Extracts from a French survey
by F. Fagnani & G. Dumenil - 75-100 Disparities in levels of regional development in Ghana
by Kodwo Ewusi - 101-110 Socio-economic and environmental indicators as determinants of interregional migration flows
by P. Nijkamp - 111-121 Determinants of male and female higher education in the United States
by R. Koshal & L. Gallaway & R. Akkihal - 123-124 Book reviews
by James Sundquist & Friedhelm Gehrmann & Kenneth Tremblay & Hans Adler & Alex Michalos
March 1976, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 389-452 Social Economic Accounts System (SEAS): Toward a comprehensive, community-level assessment procedure
by Stephen Fitzsimmons & Warren Lavey - 453-466 An epidemiological model for health policy analysis
by G. Dever - 467-487 A crime based analysis and classification of 729 American cities
by K. Harries - 489-495 On measuring and planning the quality of life
by Peter Fishburn
December 1975, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 267-274 Does money buy satisfaction?
by Otis Duncan - 275-286 Systematic choice among multiple outputs of public projects without prices
by A. Schmid - 287-313 Social class and delinquency in London boroughs
by A. Basilevsky - 315-331 Quality of affect and self-evaluated happiness
by Berthold Brenner - 333-360 Indicators of development in Wisconsin counties: 1970
by Richard Barrows & Ron Shaffer - 361-388 On the multivariate structure of wellbeing
by Shlomit Levy & Louis Guttman
September 1975, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 127-152 Measures of the perceived overall quality of life
by Willard Rodgers & Philip Converse - 153-174 Perspective Canada as a social report
by Stephen Fienberg - 175-190 The social costs of cancer
by Clark Abt - 191-210 Accounting for the environment
by Henry Peskin - 211-221 Improving program evaluation with reciprocal indicators
by Patrick Fontane - 223-227 Crimes and socio-economic environments
by Rajindar Koshal & Manjulika Koshal - 229-248 Quality of life
by Storrs McCall - 249-266 Reviews
by David Brusegard & Frederick Vaughan & Alex Michalos & K. Ujimoto
June 1975, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-8 A comparison using perceptual indicators: Job satisfaction
by Lore Scheer - 39-51 Philosophy and limitations of environmental indices
by Herbert Inhaber - 53-63 Objective and subjective determinants of prospective residential mobility
by Sandra Newman - 65-79 What is a quality of life indicator?
by Mario Bunge - 81-92 National approaches to developing social indicators
by Abbott Ferriss - 93-118 A social change index-an objective means to discern and measure the relative current social condition of cities, towns, and their sub-communities
by Donald Colley - 119-126 Reviews
by Stephen Fienberg
March 1975, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 397-438 Perceptions of environmental quality
by Lester Milbrath & Robert Sahr - 439-457 A social indicator based on time allocation
by Richard Hobson & Stuart Mann - 459-484 Social indicators: A statistician's view
by Ralph D'Agostino - 485-493 Stochastic indicators of occupational mobility, Canada: 1951–1961
by P. Krishnan & A. Sangadasa - 495-509 The quality of life in large American cities: Objective and subjective social indicators
by Mark Schneider - 511-513 Reviews
by Alex Michalos - 515-515 Reviews
by Sid Herzig
December 1974, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 263-278 Air pollution and the respiratory disease mortality in the United States—a quantitative study
by Rajindar Koshal & Manjulika Koshal - 279-299 Social indicators of perceived life quality
by Frank Andrews - 301-327 Self-other orientations and quality of life
by Robert Ziller - 329-357 Assessment of consumer research for a valuation of a quality-of-life policy
by Simone Clemhout - 359-381 Estimating the cost of children and some results from urban United States
by Thomas Espenshade - 383-385 Reviews
by David Johnson - 387-391 Reviews
by David Johnson & Martin Danzig
September 1974, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 135-168 Job satisfaction as an indicator of the quality of employment
by Stanley Seashore - 169-186 International social indicators: The OECD experience
by David Christian - 187-208 Quality of life indicators: A preliminary investigation
by Ben-Chieh Liu - 209-216 The impact of federal aid on the quality of life: The case of infant health
by E. Jones - 217-228 An exploratory analysis of select predictors of concern for law and order
by James Christenson & Don Dillman - 229-242 The revolutionary and the Marginal-Positivist: Does the social indicators movement open up new possibilities for a dialogue?
by Elliott Morss - 243-255 Viability of Congregation as a religious indicator
by Patrick Fontane - 257-259 The geography of social well-being in the United States: An introduction to territorial social indicators
by John Girt
May 1974, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-26 Developing measures of perceived life quality: Results from several national surveys
by Frank Andrews & Stephen Withey - 27-57 Social indicators for social planning: The case of Israel
by Itzhak Galnoor - 59-71 Toward sociomedical health indicators
by Jack Elinson - 73-84 Monitoring and interpreting turning points in educational indicators
by Abbott Ferriss - 85-105 Some neglected social indicators
by Joseph Goeke - 107-131 Strategies for reducing information overload in social reports
by Alex Michalos