July 2018, Volume 138, Issue 2
- 405-442 Avoiding Ranking Contradictions in Human Development Index Using Goal Programming
by Hussein Sayed & Ramadan Hamed & Samaa Hazem Hosny & Alyaa Hegazy Abdelhamid - 443-466 Increasing Foreign Aid for Inclusive Human Development in Africa
by Simplice A. Asongu & Jacinta C. Nwachukwu - 467-477 Prediction of Human Development from Environmental Indicators
by Salvador Boccaletti Ramos & José Paula Silva & Cláudia Alexandra Bolela & Mônica Andrade - 479-503 Measuring Inequality of Opportunity for the Backward Communities: Regional Evidence from the Indian Labour Market
by Chandan Sharma & Sudharshan Reddy Paramati - 505-522 Spatial Income Inequality in India, 1993–2011: A Decomposition Analysis
by Mehtabul Azam & Vipul Bhatt - 523-543 Using the Shapley Decomposition to Disentangle the Impact of Circumstances and Efforts on Health Inequality
by Joseph Deutsch & María Noel Pi Alperin & Jacques Silber - 545-574 The Effect of State Transfers on Poverty in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe
by Rebecca Jean Emigh & Cynthia Feliciano & Corey O’Malley & David Cook-Martín - 575-603 Differences Between Household Income from Surveys and Registers and How These Affect the Poverty Headcount: Evidence from the Austrian SILC
by Stefan Angel & Richard Heuberger & Nadja Lamei - 605-622 A Survey of Asset Poverty Among Older Adults of Hong Kong
by Lih-Shing Chan & Kee-Lee Chou - 623-638 An Empirical Approach to the Poverty Indicators Based on Revealed Parameters: The Case of Spain
by Antonio M. Salcedo & Gregorio Izquierdo - 639-663 Integrating BP and MGWR-SL Model to Estimate Village-Level Poor Population: An Experimental Study from Qianjiang, China
by Yanhui Wang & Jianchen Zhang - 665-687 Limited Income Mobility: Empirical Evidence from Korea
by Hyungna Oh & Yun Jeong Choi - 689-703 Local Meanings of Wellbeing and the Construction of Wellbeing Indicators
by Pattaraporn Weeranakin & Buapun Promphakping - 705-724 Does Municipal Socioeconomic Development Affect Public Perceptions of Crime? A Multilevel Logistic Regression Analysis
by Elena S. Rotarou - 725-746 Evaluating the Judicial Activity: A Proposal of Indicators and Analyses of Criminal Burden
by Carlo Cusatelli & Massimiliano Giacalone - 747-770 Private-Sector Corruption: Measurement and Cultural Origins
by Jerg Gutmann & Viola Lucas - 771-791 What Do People Do to Achieve Work–Life Balance? A Formative Conceptualization to Help Develop a Metric for Large-Scale Quality-of-Life Surveys
by Dong-Jin Lee & M. Joseph Sirgy - 793-807 The Link Between Political Participation and Life Satisfaction: A Three Wave Causal Analysis of the German SOEP Household Panel
by André Pirralha - 809-828 Religion, Volunteerism and Health: Are Religious People Really Doing Well by Doing Good?
by Jerf W. K. Yeung
July 2018, Volume 138, Issue 1
- 1-21 Do Poorer Areas Have Poorer Access to Services in Hong Kong? A Small-Area Analysis Based on Multiple Spatial Accessibility Indicators
by Yingqi Guo & Shu-Sen Chang & Mengni Chen & Paul S. F. Yip - 23-44 Multidimensional Poverty in Mountainous Regions: Shan and Chin in Myanmar
by Sanjay K Mohanty & Golam Rasul & Bidhubhusan Mahapatra & Dhrupad Choudhury & Sabarnee Tuladhar & E. Valdemar Holmgren - 45-60 Importance Weighting in Client Satisfaction Measures: Lessons from the Life Satisfaction Literature
by Chang-ming Hsieh - 61-88 An Application of Partial Least Squares to the Construction of the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) and the Corruption Perception Index (CPI)
by Jisu Yoon & Stephan Klasen - 89-108 The Effect of Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture on Household Nutrition and Food Poverty in Northern Ghana
by Francis Tsiboe & Yacob A. Zereyesus & Jennie S. Popp & Evelyn Osei - 109-139 Overeducation of Young Workers in Spain: How Much Does the First Job Matter? Social Indicators Research
by Juan Acosta-Ballesteros & María del Pilar Osorno-del Rosal & Olga María Rodríguez-Rodríguez - 141-163 Types of Temporary Employment: An 8-Year Follow-Up of Labour Market Attachment
by Satu Ojala & Jouko Nätti & Liudmila Lipiäinen - 165-186 From the Replacement Rate to the Synthetic Indicator: A Global and Gender Measure of Pension Adequacy in the European Union
by Juan-José Alonso-Fernandez & Robert Meneu-Gaya & Enrique Devesa-Carpio & Mar Devesa-Carpio & Inmaculada Dominguez-Fabian & Borja Encinas-Goenechea - 187-206 Distributional Implications of the Economic Development in the Baltics: Reconciling Micro and Macro Perspectives
by Jekaterina Navickė & Romas Lazutka - 207-224 Multidimensional Analysis of Water Poverty and Subjective Well-Being: A Case Study on Local Household Variation in Faisalabad, Pakistan
by A. Majeed Nadeem & Roland Cheo & Huang Shaoan - 225-244 Decent Living Standards: Material Prerequisites for Human Wellbeing
by Narasimha D. Rao & Jihoon Min - 245-270 Social Quality and Health: Examining Individual and Neighbourhood Contextual Effects Using a Multilevel Modelling Approach
by Daniel Holman & Alan Walker - 271-296 Combining Achievement and Well-Being in the Assessment of Education Systems
by Guillermo Montt & Francesca Borgonovi - 297-315 Donating Time or Money? The Effects of Religiosity and Social Capital on Civic Engagement in Qatar
by Abdoulaye Diop & Trevor Johnston & Kien Trung Le & Yaojun Li - 317-334 Aspirations of Migrants and Returns to Human Capital Investment
by Sung Soo Lim - 335-351 Measuring and Understanding Urban Parks’ Contribution to Quality of Life in Istanbul
by Elif Kısar Koramaz & Handan Türkoğlu - 353-372 Parenthood and Quality of Life in Old Age: The Role of Individual Resources, the Welfare State and the Economy
by Franz Stephan Neuberger & Klaus Preisner - 373-402 Volatile Places, Volatile Times: Predicting Revolutionary Situations with Nations’ Governance and Fragility Indicators
by Olesya Venger & Terance D. Miethe - 403-404 Erratum to: The Rising Burden of Healthcare Expenditure in India: A Poverty Nexus
by Pushpendra Singh & Virendra Kumar
June 2018, Volume 137, Issue 3
- 831-846 Subjective Indicators Construction by Distance Indices: An Application to Life Satisfaction Data
by Sara Casacci & Adriano Pareto - 847-865 The Difficulty of Measuring Institutions: a Methodological Approach to the Comparative Analysis of Institutions
by Patricia Frericks & Julia Höppner & Ralf Och - 867-893 First Order Dominance Techniques and Multidimensional Poverty Indices: An Empirical Comparison of Different Approaches
by Iñaki Permanyer & M. Azhar Hussain - 895-921 Using Both Objective and Subjective Indicators to Investigate the Impacts of Coal Mining on Wellbeing of Host Communities: A Case-Study in Shanxi Province, China
by Qian Li & Natalie Stoeckl & David King & Emma Gyuris - 923-947 Developing Residential Social Cohesion Index for High-Rise Group Housing Complexes in India
by Soumi Muhuri & Sanghamitra Basu - 949-963 Neighborhood Characteristics and Older Adults’ Well-Being: The Roles of Sense of Community and Personal Resilience
by Jinfeng Zhang & Jianxin Zhang & Mingjie Zhou & Nancy Xiaonan Yu - 965-977 Sense of Community and the Perception of the Socio-Physical Environment: A Comparison Between Urban Centers of Different Sizes Across Europe
by Terri Mannarini & Cosimo Talò & Evangelia Ntzani & Maria Kritikou & Lluis Serra Majem & Sergio Salvatore & Lisa Marie Warner & Maria Luisa Brandi - 979-997 Mismatch in the Norwegian Labour Market 2003–2013: Did Immigrants Make a Difference?
by Dag Kolsrud - 999-1032 Overeducation at a Glance. Determinants and Wage Effects of the Educational Mismatch Based on AlmaLaurea Data
by Floro Ernesto Caroleo & Francesco Pastore - 1033-1060 Migration as Development: Household Survey Evidence on Migrants’ Wage Gains
by Michael Gove - 1061-1072 Women’s Well-Being in Iran: Territorial Analysis Using a Multidimensional Approach
by Seyed Hossein Mohaqeqi Kamal & Mehdi Basakha & Gholamreza Ghaedamini Harouni - 1073-1090 The Effect of Microcredit on Women Empowerment in Welfare and Decisions Making in Malaysia
by Sayed Samer Ali Al-shami & R. M. Razali & Nurulizwa Rashid - 1091-1118 Country-Level Investment in Cultural Opportunity Structures. A Potential Source of Health Differences Between 21 European Countries
by Leena K. Koivusilta - 1119-1143 Which Inequality Makes People Dissatisfied with Their Lives? Evidence of the Link Between Life Satisfaction and Inequalities
by Laura Ravazzini & Florian Chávez-Juárez - 1145-1162 Job Insecurity: Differential Effects of Subjective and Objective Measures on Life Satisfaction Trajectories of Workers Aged 27–30 in Germany
by Laura Helbling & Shireen Kanji - 1163-1184 Comparing Life Satisfaction of Immigrants and Natives Across Europe: The Role of Social Contacts
by Bruno Arpino & Helga Valk - 1185-1199 Socioeconomic Inequalities in Infant Mortality in Egypt: Analyzing Trends Between 1995 and 2014
by Mesbah Fathy Sharaf & Ahmed Shoukry Rashad - 1201-1224 Effective International Tourism Management: A Strategic Approach
by Abdelmohsen A. Nassani & Abdullah Mohammed Aldakhil & Muhammad Moinuddin Qazi Abro & Khalid Zaman - 1225-1243 Reforming Path of China’s Fertility Policy in Stabilizing Demographic Dividends Perspective
by Pengkun Wu & Chong Wu & Yuanyuan Wu
June 2018, Volume 137, Issue 2
- 413-439 Analysis of Cultural Indicators: A Comparison of Their Conceptual Basis and Dimensions
by Luz Maria Ortega-Villa & Judith Ley-Garcia - 441-462 Constructing Well-Being and Poverty Dimensions on Political Grounds
by Francesco Burchi & Pasquale Muro & Eszter Kollar - 463-479 A Common Weight Approach to Construct Composite Indicators: The Evaluation of Fourteen Emerging Markets
by Fu-Chiang Yang & Rui-Hsin Kao & Yi-Tui Chen & Yueh-Fei Ho & Cheng-Chung Cho & Shi-Wei Huang - 481-504 Human Development Index (HDI) Rank-Order Variability
by Ahmet M. Çilingirtürk & Habip Koçak - 505-526 A Note on the “Economic Policy Uncertainty Index”
by Blanka Škrabić Perić & Petar Sorić - 527-537 Quality of Life and Well-Being Ranking of Selected Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
by Danish Wadud Alam & Amjad Amin - 539-557 Measuring Women’s Empowerment: A Critical Review of Current Practices and Recommendations for Researchers
by Robin A. Richardson - 559-577 The 2014–2020 European Regional Development Fund Indicators: The Incomplete Evolution
by Daniel Nigohosyan & Albena Vutsova - 579-603 Poverty Assessment in Degraded Rural Drylands in the Monte Desert, Argentina. An Evaluation Using GIS and Multi-criteria Decision Analysis
by Cecilia Rubio & María Clara Rubio & Elena Abraham - 605-623 Measuring Human Capital in Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises: What Matters?
by Muhammad Shujaat Mubarik & V. G. R. Chandran & Evelyn S. Devadason - 625-640 Quality of Life in Intentional Communities
by Bjørn Grinde & Ragnhild Bang Nes & Ian F. MacDonald & David Sloan Wilson - 641-664 The Relationship Between Social Capital and Individualism–Collectivism in Europe
by Mai Beilmann & Liisi Kööts-Ausmees & Anu Realo - 665-694 Development and Assessment of Cumulative Risk Measures of Family Environment and Parental Investments in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
by Kirsten J. Hancock & Daniel Christensen & Stephen R. Zubrick - 695-743 Proposal for an Indicators System of Tourism Governance at Tourism Destination Level
by Juan Ignacio Pulido-Fernández & María de la Cruz Pulido-Fernández - 745-763 Spatial Variation in the Poverty Gap Between People With and Without Disabilities: Evidence from Vietnam
by Daniel Mont & Cuong Nguyen - 765-788 A Benefit Recipiency Approach to Analysing Differences and Similarities in European Welfare Provision
by Adeline Otto - 789-811 Family Functioning and Socioeconomic Status in South African Families: A Test of the Social Causation Hypothesis
by Ferdi Botha & Frikkie Booysen & Edwin Wouters - 813-828 Core Indicators to Assess Quality of Life in Population with Brain Injury
by María Fernández & Miguel Ángel Verdugo & Laura E. Gómez & Virginia Aguayo & Benito Arias - 829-829 Erratum to: Rethinking National Competitiveness: A Critical Assessment of Governmental Capacity Measures
by Tobin Im & Youngmi Choi
May 2018, Volume 137, Issue 1
- 1-28 Confirmation of Subjective Wellbeing Set-Points: Foundational for Subjective Social Indicators
by Tanja Capic & Ning Li & Robert A. Cummins - 29-43 Transportation Disadvantage and Neighborhood Sociodemographics: A Composite Indicator Approach to Examining Social Inequalities
by Rui Xiao & Guofeng Wang & Meng Wang - 45-60 Extension of JRR Method for Variance Estimation of Net Changes in Inequality Measures
by Gianni Betti & Francesca Gagliardi - 61-82 An Analysis of Variance of Food Security by its Main Determinants Among the Urban Poor in the City of Tshwane, South Africa
by Oludele Akinloye Akinboade & Segun Adeyemi Adeyefa - 83-91 Some Considerations on Well-Being Evaluation Procedures, Taking the Cue from “Exploring Multidimensional Well-Being in Switzerland: Comparing Three Synthesizing Approaches”
by Marco Fattore & Filomena Maggino - 93-112 Child Poverty Among Hong Kong Ethnic Minorities
by Kelvin Chi-Kin Cheung & Kee-Lee Chou - 113-138 Household and Contextual Indicators of Poverty in Tunisia: A Multilevel Analysis
by Mohamed Amara & Hatem Jemmali - 139-165 The Effects of Modern Treaties and Opt-In Legislation on Household Incomes in Aboriginal Communities
by Krishna Pendakur & Ravi Pendakur - 167-187 Effects of Social Network on Human Capital of Land-Lost Farmers: A Study in Zhejiang Province
by Haijun Bao & Xiaoting Zhu & Yingying Cen & Yi Peng & Jibin Xue - 189-201 Cluster Suicides Among Unemployed Persons in Australia Over the Period 2001–2013
by Allison Milner & Lay San Too & Matthew J. Spittal - 203-230 Employment Quality: Are There Differences by Types of Contract?
by José María Arranz & Carlos García-Serrano & Virginia Hernanz - 231-256 Re-Examining Vicious Circles of Development: A Panel Var Approach
by Bahar Bayraktar-Sağlam Bayraktar-Sağlam - 257-280 Segregation and Social Welfare: A Methodological Proposal with an Application to the U.S
by Coral Río & Olga Alonso-Villar - 281-315 Measuring Human, Physical and Structural Capital Efficiency Performance of Insurance Companies
by Mohammad Nourani & VGR Chandran & Qian Long Kweh & Wen-Min Lu - 317-334 Expanding Gouldner’s Theory of Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy: Looking Back and Moving Forward
by Anand Chand - 335-351 Conceptualisation and Measurement of Quality of Life Based on Schalock and Verdugo’s Model: A Cross-Disciplinary Review of the Literature
by Nele Van Hecke & Claudia Claes & Wouter Vanderplasschen & Jessica De Maeyer & Nico De Witte & Stijn Vandevelde - 353-378 Measuring Attitudes Towards Social Europe: A Multidimensional Approach
by Sharon Baute & Bart Meuleman & Koen Abts & Marc Swyngedouw - 379-390 Using New Technologies for Time Diary Data Collection: Instrument Design and Data Quality Findings from a Mixed-Mode Pilot Survey
by Stella Chatzitheochari & Kimberly Fisher & Emily Gilbert & Lisa Calderwood & Tom Huskinson & Andrew Cleary & Jonathan Gershuny - 391-411 Comparative Examination of Self-Perceived Health and Other Measures of the Quality of Life Across the EU-27
by Monica Răileanu Szeles
April 2018, Volume 136, Issue 3
- 835-857 A Multilevel Measurement Model of Social Cohesion
by Gianmaria Bottoni - 859-880 The Meaning of Democracy to Citizens Across European Countries and the Factors Involved
by Mario Quaranta - 881-905 Multidimensional Child Poverty: From Complex Weighting to Simple Representation
by Maryam Abdu & Enrique Delamonica - 907-930 What Matters Most to People? Evidence from the OECD Better Life Index Users’ Responses
by Carlotta Balestra & Romina Boarini & Elena Tosetto - 931-966 “Beyond GDP” Effects on National Subjective Well-Being of OECD Countries
by Barbara Cavalletti & Matteo Corsi - 967-976 Measuring Well-Being Over Time: The Adjusted Mazziotta–Pareto Index Versus Other Non-compensatory Indices
by Matteo Mazziotta & Adriano Pareto - 977-997 Away from Dissatisfaction, Closer to Well-Being: A Multidimensional Synthetic Measure
by Giuseppina Guagnano & Maria Rita Sebastiani - 999-1029 A Quantile Composite-Indicator Approach for the Measurement of Equitable and Sustainable Well-Being: A Case Study of the Italian Provinces
by Cristina Davino & Pasquale Dolce & Stefania Taralli & Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi - 1031-1051 The Search for Happiness: Work Experiences and Quality of Life of Older Taiwanese Men
by Li-Hsueh Wu & Ruey-Ming Tsay - 1053-1070 A Reduced Posetic Approach to the Measurement of Multidimensional Ordinal Deprivation
by Marco Fattore & Alberto Arcagni - 1071-1088 Use of Poset Theory with Big Datasets: A New Proposal Applied to the Analysis of Life Satisfaction in Italy
by Giulio Caperna & Giovanna Boccuzzo - 1089-1107 Ranking and Prioritization of Emergency Departments Based on Multi-indicator Systems
by Enrico di Bella & Luca Gandullia & Lucia Leporatti & Marcello Montefiori & Patrizia Orcamo - 1109-1124 Measuring Gender Gap from a Poset Perspective
by Agnese Maria Brisco & Patrizia Farina - 1125-1137 Is There Any ‘Law of Requisite Variety’ in Construction of Indices for Complex Systems?
by Jan W. Owsiński - 1139-1156 Variable Weighting via Multidimensional IRT Models in Composite Indicators Construction
by Michela Gnaldi & Simone Del Sarto - 1157-1182 Weight Constrained DEA Measurement of the Quality of Life in Spanish Municipalities in 2011
by Eduardo González & Ana Cárcaba & Juan Ventura - 1183-1209 A Measure of Well-Being Across the Italian Urban Areas: An Integrated DEA-Entropy Approach
by Eugenia Nissi & Annalina Sarra - 1211-1236 How ‘Critically Open-Minded’ Are We? An Australian Perspective Through the World Values Survey
by S. A. Hamed Hosseini & Lawrence J. Saha - 1237-1250 An Index of Household Accessibility to Basic Services: A Study of Italian Regions
by Marco Marozzi & Mario Bolzan - 1251-1268 Time Intervals Versus Composite Index Scores: An Alternative Approach for the Measurement of the Socio-Economic Development of Countries
by Georg P. Mueller - 1269-1285 How Can the Empowerment of Employees with Intellectual Disabilities Be Supported?
by Frauke Fuhrmann & Margit Scholl & Rainer Bruggemann
April 2018, Volume 136, Issue 2
- 417-438 A Multicriteria Approach to the Human Development Index Classification
by Raquel Lourenço Carvalhal Monteiro & Valdecy Pereira & Helder Gomes Costa - 439-452 A Health ‘Kuznets’ Curve’? Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Evidence on Concentration Indices’
by Joan Costa-Font & Cristina Hernandez-Quevedo & Azusa Sato - 453-475 Incorporating Public Insecurity Indicators: A New Approach to Measuring Social Welfare in Mexico
by Oscar A. Martinez-Martinez & Ana-Maria Vazquez-Rodriguez & Margaret Lombe & Pablo Gaitan-Rossi - 477-496 Geographical Distribution of the European Knowledge Base Through the Lens of a Synthetic Index
by Blanca L. Delgado-Márquez & Marcos García-Velasco - 497-515 Re-Assessing “trickle-down” Using a Multidimensional Criteria: The Case of India
by Shabana Mitra - 517-538 Measuring the Socioeconomic Position of Adolescents: A Proposal for a Composite Index
by Concepción Moreno-Maldonado & Francisco Rivera & Pilar Ramos & Carmen Moreno - 539-555 Yet Another Case of Nordic Exceptionalism? Extending Existing Evidence for a Causal Relationship Between Institutional and Social Trust to the Netherlands and Switzerland
by Nico Seifert - 557-573 Where Race Matters Most: Measuring the Strength of Association Between Race and Unemployment Across the 50 United States
by Amon Emeka - 575-593 Climate Change, Natural Disasters and Socioeconomic Livelihood Vulnerabilities: Migration Decision Among the Char Land People in Bangladesh
by M. Rezaul Islam - 595-619 Linear and Non-linear Relationships Between Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in a Panel of Latin America and the Caribbean Countries: A New Evidence of Pro-poor Growth
by Khalid Zaman & Sadaf Shamsuddin - 621-643 An Odd Ladder to Climb: Socioeconomic Differences Across Levels of Subjective Social Status
by Matthew A. Andersson - 645-662 What’s Left of the Left–Right Dimension? Why the Economic Policy Positions of Europeans Do Not Fit the Left–Right Dimension
by Simon Otjes - 663-692 Measuring Attitudes Toward Distributive Justice: The Basic Social Justice Orientations Scale
by Sebastian Hülle & Stefan Liebig & Meike Janina May - 693-717 Analyzing the Impacts of Spatial Factors on Livability of Peri-Urban Villages
by Mohammadamin Khorasani & Moslem Zarghamfard - 719-749 Ethnic Diversity, Inter-group Attitudes and Countervailing Pathways of Positive and Negative Inter-group Contact: An Analysis Across Workplaces and Neighbourhoods
by James Laurence & Katharina Schmid & Miles Hewstone - 751-773 Personal and Neighbourhood Indicators of Quality of Urban Life: A Case Study of Hong Kong
by Chien-Tat Low & Robert Stimson & Si Chen & Ester Cerin & Paulina Pui-Yun Wong & Poh-Chin Lai - 775-805 Preferences for Well-Being and Life Satisfaction
by Leonardo Becchetti & Pierluigi Conzo - 807-831 Is Women’s Work a Pathway to their Agency in Rural Minya, Egypt?
by Rania Salem & Yuk Fai Cheong & Kathryn M. Yount - 833-833 Erratum to: Measuring and Monitoring Poverty and Well-Being: A New Approach for the Synthesis of Multidimensionality
by Vincenzo Mauro & Mario Biggeri & Filomena Maggino
February 2018, Volume 136, Issue 1
- 1-19 A Social Ecological Measure of Resilience for Adults: The RRC-ARM
by Linda Liebenberg & Jeff Christopher Moore - 21-40 Is Inequality a Latent Construct? An Assessment of Economic Inequality Indicators and Their Relation with Social Cohesion in Europe
by Silke Goubin - 41-49 Estimation of the Percentage of Aid Received from the Food Bank Using a Stratified Sampling
by Angiola Pollastri & Walter Maffenini - 51-72 One Size Fits All? The Validity of a Composite Poverty Index Across Urban and Rural Households in South Africa
by Janina Isabel Steinert & Lucie Dale Cluver & G. J. Melendez-Torres & Sebastian Vollmer - 73-116 The Ex-Ante Evaluation of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
by Lorenza Campagnolo & Carlo Carraro & Fabio Eboli & Luca Farnia & Ramiro Parrado & Roberta Pierfederici - 117-137 Estimation of Joint Income-Wealth Poverty: A Sensitivity Analysis
by Sarah Kuypers & Ive Marx - 139-162 The Impact of Country Risk on Income Inequality: A Multilevel Analysis
by Chi-Chuan Lee & Chien-Chiang Lee - 163-202 The Degree of Poverty Persistence and the Role of Regional Disparities in Italy in Comparison with France, Spain and the UK
by Elena Giarda & Gloria Moroni - 203-224 Measuring Welfare Entitlement Generosity in Transitional Welfare States: The Case of Post-communist Countries in Central and Eastern Europe
by Kati Kuitto - 225-245 Childhood Adversity and Trajectories of Disadvantage Through Adulthood: Findings from the Stockholm Birth Cohort Study
by Ylva B. Almquist & Lars Brännström - 247-268 The Influence of Social Models on Retirement Savings: Evidence for European Countries
by Lucía Rey-Ares & Sara Fernández-López & Milagros Vivel-Búa - 269-281 Shares of Housework Between Mothers, Fathers and Young People: Routine and Non-routine Housework, Doing Housework for Oneself and Others
by Lyn Craig & Abigail Powell - 283-304 Multidimensional Almost Dominance: Child Wellbeing in Egypt
by T. El Sayed & A. R. Zahran - 305-318 Socioeconomic Inequality and Life Satisfaction in Late Childhood and Adolescence: A Moderated Mediation Model
by Rong Zou & Gengfeng Niu & Wu Chen & Cuiying Fan & Yuan Tian & Xiaojun Sun & Zongkui Zhou - 319-333 Migrating from Migratory Waters to Migration of Livelihoods
by Chukwuedozie K. Ajaero & Arinze T. Mozie & Issah N. Abu - 335-358 Water Poverty in Africa: A Review and Synthesis of Issues, Potentials, and Policy Implications
by Hatem Jemmali - 359-378 Experiential Wellbeing Data from the American Time Use Survey: Comparisons with Other Methods and Analytic Illustrations with Age and Income
by Arthur A. Stone & Stefan Schneider & Alan Krueger & Joseph E. Schwartz & Angus Deaton - 379-396 How Use of Location-Based Social Network (LBSN) Services Contributes to Accumulation of Social Capital
by Kyung-Gook Park & Sehee Han - 397-415 Determinants of Infant Mortality in Older ASEAN Economies
by Thirunaukarasu Subramaniam & Nanthakumar Loganathan & Erez Yerushalmi & Evelyn Shyamala Devadason & Mazlan Majid
February 2018, Volume 135, Issue 3
- 835-868 Fifty Years After the Social Indicators Movement: Has the Promise Been Fulfilled?
by Kenneth C. Land & Alex C. Michalos - 869-878 Big Data and Social Indicators: Actual Trends and New Perspectives
by Enrico di Bella & Lucia Leporatti & Filomena Maggino - 879-891 Subjective Wellbeing as a Social Indicator
by Robert A. Cummins - 893-925 Measuring Progress and Well-Being: A Comparative Review of Indicators
by Christopher Barrington-Leigh & Alice Escande - 927-939 Testing the Comparability of Different Types of Social Indicators Across Groups
by Willem E. Saris & André Pirralha & Diana Zavala-Rojas - 941-950 Indicators of People’s Well-being
by Mariano Rojas - 951-964 Social Monitoring and Reporting: A Success Story in Applied Research on Social Indicators and Quality of Life
by Heinz-Herbert Noll - 965-968 What’s Special About Happiness as a Social Indicator?
by John F. Helliwell - 969-973 Comments on: Fifty Years After the Social Indicators Movement
by Ferran Casas - 975-990 The Social Indicators Movement: Progress, Paradigms, Puzzles, Promise and Potential Research Directions
by Daniel T. L. Shek & Florence K. Y. Wu - 991-999 Social Indicators Movement and Human Agency: Comment on Land and Michalos
by Ming-Chang Tsai - 1001-1007 Co-development of Happiness Research: Addition to “Fifty Years After the Social Indicator Movement”
by Ruut Veenhoven - 1009-1019 Whatever Happened to Social Indicators in Africa? Whatever Happened Indeed! A Developing World Perspective on the Kenneth C. Land and Alex C. Michalos Report on ‘Fifty Years After the Social Indicators Movement’
by Valerie Møller - 1021-1025 Quality of Life and Personality Development: A Reply to Land and Michalos
by E. Scott Huebner - 1027-1033 The Social Indicators Movement at 50: Onwards in Unity or Divided?
by Jeroen Boelhouwer - 1035-1038 Societal Transformations and Their Implications for Social Indicators Research: Comments on “Fifty Years After the Social Indicators Movement: Has the Promise Been Fulfilled?” of K. Land and A. Michalos
by Christian Suter - 1039-1042 The Network of Social Indicators Research: Five Decades Ahead
by W. Glatzer - 1043-1055 Quality of Life in Italian Official Surveys
by Linda Laura Sabbadini & Filomena Maggino - 1057-1078 Replies to Our Commentators
by Alex C. Michalos & Kenneth C. Land
January 2018, Volume 135, Issue 2
- 421-455 Model Based Composite Indicators: New Developments in Partial Least Squares-Path Modeling for the Building of Different Types of Composite Indicators
by Natale Carlo Lauro & Maria Gabriella Grassia & Rosanna Cataldo - 457-478 Setting the Weights: The Women’s Capabilities Index for Malawi
by Giulia Greco - 479-498 Measuring Economic Freedom: Better Without Size of Government
by Jan Ott - 499-514 Crisis in the Horn of Africa: Measurement of Progress Towards Millennium Development Goals
by José Antonio Rodriguez Martin & Juan Dios Jiménez Aguilera & José María Martín Martín & José Antonio Salinas Fernández - 515-532 Rethinking National Competitiveness: A Critical Assessment of Governmental Capacity Measures
by Tobin Im & Youngmi Choi - 533-548 Electricity Supply, and Access to Water and Improved Sanitation as Determinants of Gender-Based Inequality in Educational Attainment in Africa
by Ambe J. Njoh & Erick O. Ananga & Ijang B. Ngyah-Etchutambe & Lucy E. Deba & Fotoh Jacob Asah & Elizabeth N. M. Ayuk-Etang & Fenda A. Akiwumi - 549-562 Expected or Completed? Comparing Two Measures of Education and Their Relationship with Social Inequalities in Health Among Young Adults
by Thierry Gagné & Adrian E. Ghenadenik & Martine Shareck & Katherine L. Frohlich - 563-584 Social Inclusion in the EU Since the Enlargement: Progress or Regress?
by Nicky Rogge & Emilia Konttinen - 585-597 Do you Trust Strangers, Close Acquaintances, and Members of Your Ingroup? Differences in Trust Based on Social Class in Spain
by Ginés Navarro-Carrillo & Inmaculada Valor-Segura & Miguel Moya - 599-627 Poverty in Mexico: Its relationship to social and cultural indicators
by Igor Barahona - 629-659 The Matthew Effect in the Italian Digital Context: The Progressive Marginalisation of the “Poor”
by Isabella Mingo & Roberta Bracciale - 661-682 Social Context of Welfare in Manitoba, Canada
by Elizabeth Wall-Wieler & Leslie L. Roos & Dan Chateau & Noralou P. Roos - 683-698 Neighborhood Social Determinants of Public Health: Analysis of Three Prevalent Non-communicable Chronic Diseases in Shenzhen, China
by Jianhua Pi & Yifan Sun & Mengya Xu & Shiliang Su & Min Weng - 699-728 A Space–Time Study for Mapping Quality of Life in Andalusia During the Crisis
by Ángeles Sánchez & Jorge Chica-Olmo & Juan de Dios Jiménez-Aguilera - 729-750 Well-Being and Relational Goods: A Model-Based Approach to Detect Significant Relationships
by Stefania Capecchi & Maria Iannario & Rosaria Simone - 751-767 Research on Fertility Policy in China: The Relative Necessity for Reform Among the Different Provinces
by Pengkun Wu & Yuanyuan Wu & Chong Wu - 769-795 Economic Growth and Child Malnutrition in Egypt: New Evidence from National Demographic and Health Survey
by Ahmed Shoukry Rashad & Mesbah Fathy Sharaf - 797-812 Changing Scenario of Household Consumption Pattern in Kerala: An Emerging Consumer State of India
by P. Padma & E. V. Ramasamy & T. V. Muralivallabhan & A. P. Thomas - 813-833 Investigating the Persistence of Suicide in the United States: Evidence from the Quantile Unit Root Test
by Wen-Yi Chen & Tsangyao Chang & Yu-Hui Lin
January 2018, Volume 135, Issue 1
- 1-14 A Data-Driven Approach to Construct Survey-Based Indicators by Means of Evolutionary Algorithms
by Oscar Claveria & Enric Monte & Salvador Torra - 15-51 The Italian Regional Well-Being in a Multi-expert Non-additive Perspective
by Giovanni Bertin & Ludovico Carrino & Silvio Giove - 53-73 Time in the Development of Indicators on Sustainable Wellbeing: A Local Experiment in Developing Alternative Indicators
by Fiona Ottaviani - 75-89 Measuring and Monitoring Poverty and Well-Being: A New Approach for the Synthesis of Multidimensionality
by Vincenzo Mauro & Mario Biggeri & Filomena Maggino - 91-115 Missing the Unhealthy? Examining Empirical Validity of Material Deprivation Indices (MDIs) Using a Partial Criterion Variable
by Selcuk Beduk - 117-142 Daily Temporal Pathways: A Latent Class Approach to Time Diary Data
by Sarah M. Flood & Rachelle Hill & Katie R. Genadek