February 2019, Volume 142, Issue 1
- 283-303 The Legacy of the Great Recession in Italy: A Wider Geographical, Gender, and Generational Gap in Working Life Expectancy
by Angelo Lorenti & Christian Dudel & Mikko Myrskylä - 305-309 Is Freedom Just About the Absence of Inhibitions, or Also About the Availability of Options?
by Jan Ott & Fred MacMahon - 311-341 Modelling Corruption Perceptions: Evidence from Eastern Europe and Central Asian Countries
by Giorgio d’Agostino & Luca Pieroni - 343-362 How Can we Achieve a Sustainable Redistributive Policy? Rethinking the Relationship Between Civic Engagement, Neighborhood Relationship and Labor Market Status
by JaeYoul Shin - 363-385 Linking Food Security with Household’s Adaptive Capacity and Drought Risk: Implications for Sustainable Rural Development
by Anu Susan Sam & Azhar Abbas & Subash Surendran Padmaja & Harald Kaechele & Ranjit Kumar & Klaus Müller - 387-409 Family Policy Index: A Tool for Policy Makers to Increase the Effectiveness of Family Policies
by Begoña Elizalde-San Miguel & Vicente Díaz Gandasegui & Maria T. Sanz García - 411-430 Social Capital and Health in China: Evidence from the Chinese General Social Survey 2010
by Yiwen Zhang & Junfeng Jiang - 431-450 Similarities and Differences in Competitiveness Among European NUTS2 Regions: An Empirical Analysis Based on 2010–2013 Data
by Massimo Aria & Giuseppe Lucio Gaeta & Ugo Marani
February 2019, Volume 141, Issue 3
- 931-957 Social Indicators to Explain Response in Longitudinal Studies
by Annamaria Bianchi & Silvia Biffignandi - 959-984 Human Assets Index: Insights from a Retrospective Series Analysis
by Sosso Feindouno & Michael Goujon - 985-1005 Urban Sustainability Indicators from a Regional Perspective: Lessons from the Montreal Metropolitan Area
by Juste Rajaonson & Georges A. Tanguay - 1007-1035 Using Weighted Goal Programming Model for Planning Regional Sustainable Development to Optimal Workforce Allocation: An Application for Provinces of Iran
by Hashem Omrani & Mahsa Valipour & Ali Emrouznejad - 1037-1054 Municipal Environmental Management Indicators: A Bottom-Up Approach Applied to the Colombian Context
by Ruby Criollo & Tadeu Malheiros & Jose Francisco Alfaro - 1055-1079 Social Inequality in Adolescent Life Satisfaction: Comparison of Measure Approaches and Correlation with Macro-level Indices in 41 Countries
by Apolinaras Zaborskis & Monika Grincaite & Michela Lenzi & Riki Tesler & Concepción Moreno-Maldonado & Joanna Mazur - 1081-1105 Why is it So Hard to Reach the EU’s Poverty Target?
by Zsolt Darvas - 1107-1136 Beyond Monetary Poverty Analysis: The Dynamics of Multidimensional Child Poverty in Developing Countries
by Hoolda Kim - 1137-1164 Global Advances in Quality of Life and Well-Being: Past, Present, and Future
by Richard J. Estes & M. Joseph Sirgy - 1165-1188 Innovation, Development and National Indices
by Kjell Hausken & John F. Moxnes - 1189-1206 Unequal Times: Social Structure, Temporal Perspective, and Time Allocation in Poland
by Ewa Jarosz - 1207-1231 Social and Institutional Trust in Times of Crisis: Greece, 2002–2011
by Heikki Ervasti & Antti Kouvo & Takis Venetoklis - 1233-1243 The Role of Remittances in the Development of Higher Education: Evidence from Top Remittance Receiving Countries
by Imtiaz Arif & Syed Ali Raza & Anita Friemann & Muhammad Tahir Suleman - 1245-1264 Economic and Social Well-Being of Asian Labour Migrants: A Literature Review
by Md. Mohsin Reza & Thirunaukarasu Subramaniam & M. Rezaul Islam - 1265-1283 Educational Expansion and Schooling Inequality: Testing Educational Kuznets Curve for India
by Vachaspati Shukla & Udaya S. Mishra - 1285-1305 Pathways to Adulthood: Sequences in the School-to-Work Transition in Finland, Norway and Sweden
by Thomas Lorentzen & Olof Bäckman & Ilari Ilmakunnas & Timo Kauppinen - 1307-1339 A Delphi Approach to Develop Sustainable Food System Metrics
by Thomas Allen & Paolo Prosperi & Bruce Cogill & Martine Padilla & Iuri Peri - 1341-1367 Social Causation Versus Health Selection in the Life Course: Does Their Relative Importance Differ by Dimension of SES?
by Rasmus Hoffmann & Hannes Kröger & Siegfried Geyer - 1369-1385 Evaluation of Domain Satisfaction Measure in Cross-National Perspective: Evidence from Austria and Four Countries of the Former Yugoslavia
by Veljko Jovanović
January 2019, Volume 141, Issue 2
- 503-538 Wage Inequality and Structural Change
by Joanna Tyrowicz & Magdalena Smyk - 539-549 Poverty Impact of Variations in Within-group and Between-group Inequality in Nigeria: New Estimates Using Two Household Survey Data
by Jude Okechukwu Chukwu - 551-579 Multidimensional Analysis of Deprivation and Fragility Patterns of Migrants in Lombardy, Using Partially Ordered Sets and Self-Organizing Maps
by Alberto Arcagni & Elisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso & Marco Fattore & Stefania M. L. Rimoldi - 581-609 Comparing the Performance of National Educational Systems: Inequality Versus Achievement?
by Víctor Giménez & Claudio Thieme & Diego Prior & Emili Tortosa-Ausina - 611-630 Economic Growth, Inequality and Poverty in the EU
by Anton Michálek & Ján Výbošťok - 631-655 Identifying the Components of Social Capital by Categorical Principal Component Analysis (CATPCA)
by Nasir Saukani & Noor Azina Ismail - 657-667 Social Wellbeing Among Iranian Caregivers
by Mahshid Taheri & Elham Ghasemi & Reza Negarandeh & Leila Janani & Fatemeh Mirbazegh - 669-684 Role of Social Relationship in Predicting Health in China
by Yi Xu - 685-701 Perceived Corruption and Individuals’ Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Institutional Trust
by Marco Ciziceno & Giovanni A. Travaglino - 703-729 The Global Integration and Transmission of Social Values: A Case of Family Ties
by Muhammad Tariq Majeed & Shamsa Kanwal - 731-763 Population Structure and the Human Development Index
by Carmen Herrero & Ricardo Martínez & Antonio Villar - 765-789 Quality of Life in the European Union: A Multidimensional Analysis
by Nicky Rogge & Ilse Nijverseel - 791-808 What Drives Citizen Participation in Political Gatherings in Modern South Africa? A Quantitative Analysis of Self-Reported Behaviour
by Steven Gordon & Jarè Struwig & Benjamin Roberts & Ngqapheli Mchunu & Samela Mtyingizane & Thobeka Radebe - 809-840 Against the Grain? Assessing Graduate Labour Market Trends in Germany Through a Task-Based Indicator of Graduate Jobs
by Golo Henseke - 841-860 Social Aspects of Sustainable Competitiveness in the Selected European Countries in the Period 2012–2015
by Danijela Despotovic & Slobodan Cvetanovic & Vladimir Nedic & Milan Despotovic - 861-871 Electronic Health Record Breaches as Social Indicators
by Waldemar W. Koczkodaj & Mirosław Mazurek & Dominik Strzałka & Alicja Wolny-Dominiak & Marc Woodbury-Smith - 873-893 Exploring the Complex Associations Among Social Determinants of Health in Andalusia After the 2008 Financial Crisis
by Javier Álvarez-Gálvez & María Luisa Rodero-Cosano & José A. Salinas-Pérez & Diego Gómez-Baya - 895-917 Television, Sustainability and Subjective Wellbeing in Peru
by Monica Guillen-Royo - 919-929 Letter to the editor: Are indicators telling us the real story about progress?
by Richard Eckersley
January 2019, Volume 141, Issue 1
- 1-30 A Conceptual Framework for Visualizing Composite Indicators
by Yael Albo & Joel Lanir & Sheizaf Rafaeli - 31-60 Measurement Assessment in Cross-Country Comparative Analysis: Rasch Modelling on a Measure of Institutional Quality
by Paola Annoni & Nicholas Charron - 61-94 On the Methodological Framework of Composite Indices: A Review of the Issues of Weighting, Aggregation, and Robustness
by Salvatore Greco & Alessio Ishizaka & Menelaos Tasiou & Gianpiero Torrisi - 95-110 A Proposal for a Model-Based Composite Indicator: Experience on Perceived Discrimination in Europe
by Stefania Capecchi & Rosaria Simone - 111-130 Evaluating the Efficiency of Governmental Excellence for Social Progress: Focusing on Low- and Lower-Middle-Income Countries
by Hyeri Choi & Min Jae Park - 131-156 Financial Development, Institutional Quality and Poverty Reduction: Worldwide Evidence
by Nasreddine Kaidi & Sami Mensi & Mehdi Ben Amor - 157-190 Development and Governance in the Ex-Soviet Union: An Empirical Inquiry
by Marta Santagata & Enrico Ivaldi & Riccardo Soliani - 191-215 The Global Challenge of Jihadist Terrorism: A Quality-of-Life Model
by M. Joseph Sirgy & Mohsen Joshanloo & Richard J. Estes - 217-243 Wellbeing and Society: Towards Quantification of the Co-benefits of Wellbeing
by Anna Maccagnan & Sam Wren-Lewis & Helen Brown & Tim Taylor - 245-273 The Role of Neighborhood in the Analysis of Spatial Economic Inequality
by Miguel A. Márquez & Elena Lasarte & Marcelo Lufin - 275-297 A New Dataset on Horizontal Structural Ethnic Inequalities in Thailand in Order to Address Sustainable Development Goal 10
by John Draper & Joel Sawat Selway - 299-330 Methodological Choices and Data Quality Issues for Official Poverty Measures: Evidences from Italy
by Achille Lemmi & Donatella Grassi & Alessandra Masi & Nicoletta Pannuzi & Andrea Regoli - 331-363 Deprivation Index for Small Areas Based on Census Data in Argentina
by Rodrigo Javier Durán & Miguel Ángel Condorí - 365-390 Quality of Life, Multimodality, and the Demise of the Autocentric Metropolis: A Multivariate Analysis of 148 Mid-Size U.S. Cities
by Craig A. Talmage & Chad Frederick - 391-411 Health Component of Inequalities Associated with Income Mobility Over the Life Cycle
by Noël Bonneuil - 413-441 Intergenerational Mobility in Relative Educational Attainment and Health-Related Behaviours
by Alexi Gugushvili & Martin McKee & Michael Murphy & Aytalina Azarova & Darja Irdam & Katarzyna Doniec & Lawrence King - 443-462 Linking Wealth and Productivity of Natural Capital for 140 Countries Between 1990 and 2014
by Robi Kurniawan & Shunsuke Managi - 463-475 Job-Related Well-Being of Immigrants
by Félix Neto & Daniela C. Wilks & Ana Cristina Menezes Fonseca - 477-502 How Disadvantages Shape Life Satisfaction: An Alternative Methodological Approach
by Adolfo Morrone & Alfonso Piscitelli & Antonio D’Ambrosio
December 2018, Volume 140, Issue 3
- 875-905 Decomposing the Europe 2020 Index
by Barnabé Walheer - 907-927 Examining Measurement Isomorphism of Multilevel Constructs: The Case of Political Trust
by Anna Ruelens & Bart Meuleman & Ides Nicaise - 929-952 Developing an Index to Measure Sub-municipal Level Urban Sprawl
by David Gálvez Ruiz & Pilar Diaz Cuevas & Olta Braçe & Marco Garrido-Cumbrera - 953-974 Are Major Events Capable of Affecting Country Rankings? Validating Composite Indexes of Human Progress and Environmental Performance
by Adrian Oţoiu & Emilia Ţiţan - 975-998 Predicting Public Corruption with Neural Networks: An Analysis of Spanish Provinces
by Félix J. López-Iturriaga & Iván Pastor Sanz - 999-1016 Media Use and Satisfaction with Democracy: Testing the Role of Political Interest
by Wen-Chun Chang - 1017-1034 Assessing the Effectiveness of Social Indices to Measure the Prevalence of Social Isolation in Neighbourhoods: A Qualitative Sense Check of an Index in a Northern English City
by Andrea Wigfield & Sarah Alden - 1035-1076 Multidimensional Poverty in Paraguay: Trends from 2000 to 2015
by Paul A. Ervin & Lyliana Gayoso de Ervin & Jose R. Molinas Vega & Flavia G. Sacco - 1077-1108 Poverty as Functioning Deprivation: Global Estimates
by Rafi Amir-ud-Din & Faisal Abbas & Sajid Amin Javed - 1109-1129 Rising In-work Poverty in Times of Activation: Changes in the Distributive Performance of Institutions over Three Decades, Germany 1984–2013
by Jean-Yves Gerlitz - 1131-1157 Spatial Variation in Seasonal Water Poverty Index for Laos: An Application of Geographically Weighted Principal Component Analysis
by Marko Kallio & Joseph H. A. Guillaume & Matti Kummu & Kirsi Virrantaus - 1159-1172 The Study on the Satisfaction of the Elderly People Living with Their Children
by Qian Jin & Philip Pearce & Hui Hu - 1173-1194 Accumulation of Disadvantages: Prevalence and Categories of Old-Age Social Exclusion in Belgium
by Sofie Van Regenmortel & Liesbeth De Donder & An-Sofie Smetcoren & Deborah Lambotte & Nico De Witte & Dominique Verté - 1195-1209 What is Happening with Quality of Life Among the Oldest People in Southern European Countries? An Empirical Approach Based on the SHARE Data
by David Cantarero-Prieto & Marta Pascual-Sáez & Carla Blázquez-Fernández - 1211-1224 Education Enrollment Level and Income Inequality: A Case of SAARC Economies
by Noman Arshed & Awais Anwar & Nabeela Kousar & Samra Bukhari - 1225-1257 An Empirical Assessment of Households Livelihood Vulnerability: The Case of Rural Ghana
by Gideon Baffoe & Hirotaka Matsuda - 1259-1277 American Househusbands: New Time Use Evidence of Gender Display, 2003–2016
by Kamila Kolpashnikova - 1279-1300 The Balanced Worth: A Procedure to Evaluate Performance in Terms of Ordered Attributes
by Carmen Herrero & Antonio Villar - 1301-1319 Relationship Level and Customer Response to Service Recovery
by Fan-Yun Pai & Tsu-Ming Yeh & Liang-Yu Lin
November 2018, Volume 140, Issue 2
- 453-484 Twenty Years of Research on the Relationship Between Economic and Social Performance: A Meta-analysis Approach
by Francisco J. López-Arceiz & Ana J. Bellostas & Pilar Rivera - 485-510 Measurement Invariance in Multilingual Survey Research: The Role of the Language of the Questionnaire
by Diana Zavala-Rojas & Willem E. Saris - 511-547 The Development and Validation of Stakeholder-Based Scale for Measuring University Social Responsibility (USR)
by Khawaja Fawad Latif - 549-570 Social Class and Conversion Capacity: Deprivation Trends in the Great Recession in Ireland
by Dorothy Watson & Christopher T. Whelan & Bertrand Maître & Helen Russell - 571-596 Community-Based Determinants of Community Engagement: A Meta-Analysis Research
by Cosimo Talò - 597-618 The Correlates of Self-Assessed Community Belonging in Canada: Social Capital, Neighbourhood Characteristics, and Rootedness
by Grant Schellenberg & Chaohui Lu & Christoph Schimmele & Feng Hou - 619-636 A Feasibility Study of Implementing the Policies on Increasing Birth Rate with an Emphasis on Socio-economic Status: A Case Study of Kermanshah Metropolis, Western Iran
by Sohyla Reshadat & Alireza Zangeneh & Shahram Saeidi & Neda Izadi & S. Ramin Ghasemi & Nader Rajabi-Gilan - 637-651 The Impact of Sense of Community in the School, Social Skills, and Exposure to Aggression and Victimization on Students’ Well-Being
by Gabriele Prati & Elvira Cicognani & Cinzia Albanesi - 653-674 Legal Corruption and Dissatisfaction with Democracy in the European Union
by Gustavo Gouvêa Maciel & Luís de Sousa - 675-693 Corruption and the ‘Paradox of Redistribution’
by Angélica Sánchez & Thomas Goda - 695-714 A Dignified Standard of Living in Mexico: Results of a Pilot Study of the Minimum Income Standard Approach
by Laura Valadez-Martínez & Matt Padley & María Fernanda Torres Penagos - 715-754 Does It Matter How We Assess Standard of Living? Evidence from Indian Slums Comparing Monetary and Multidimensional Approaches
by Sugata Bag & Suman Seth - 755-775 Women’s Empowerment in Pakistan: Its Dimensions and Determinants
by Naeem Akram - 777-793 Refining the Conceptualization and Measurement of Women’s Empowerment in Sub-Saharan Africa Using Data from the 2013 Nigerian Demographic and Health Survey
by Pierre Pratley & John Floyd Sandberg - 795-810 Education and the Non-financial Employment Commitment in Times of Economic Recession Among the Youth
by Simona Demel & Petr Mariel & Luis Miller - 811-836 A Ecological Model of Well-Being in Child Welfare Referred Children
by Lara Ayala-Nunes & Lucía Jiménez & Saul Jesus & Cristina Nunes & Victoria Hidalgo - 837-866 A Theory of Life Satisfaction Dynamics: Stability, Change and Volatility in 25-Year Life Trajectories in Germany
by Bruce Headey & Ruud Muffels - 867-871 Correction to: Causality Between Per Capita Real GDP and Income Inequality in the U.S.: Evidence from a Wavelet Analysis
by Shinhye Chang & Rangan Gupta & Stephen M. Miller - 873-874 Correction to: The Standard of Living of the Workers in a Spanish Industrial Town: Wages, Nutrition, Life Expentancy and Heigth in Alcoy (1870–1930)
by José Joaquín García-Gómez & Antonio Escudero Gutierrez
November 2018, Volume 140, Issue 1
- 1-34 Development and Poverty Assessment Using an Alternate Non-compensatory Composite Index of Rajasthan State in India
by Nitika Mundetia & Devesh Sharma & Swatantra Kumar Dubey & Madhu Priya - 35-56 Relative Deprivation, Satisfying Rationality, and Support for Redistribution
by JaeYoul Shin - 57-77 Spatial Analysis of the Relationship Between a Life Quality Index, HDI and Poverty in the Province of Buenos Aires and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
by Juan Pablo Celemín & Guillermo Ángel Velázquez - 79-100 Improving Well-Being in Bhutan: A Pursuit of Happiness or Poverty Reduction?
by Jigme Nidup & Simon Feeny & Ashton Silva - 101-124 Data for the Sustainable Development Goals: Metrics for Evaluating Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems Data Relevance and Production Capacity, Illustrations with Nigeria
by Nnamdi Ifeanyi Maduekwe & Olufunmilayo O. Banjo & Mike O. Sangodapo - 125-155 Capability Approach and Multidimensional Well-Being: The Italian Case of BES
by Dalila De Rosa - 157-173 Capabilities, Subjective Wellbeing and Public Policy: A Response to Austin (2016)
by Robert A. Cummins & Kenneth C. Land - 175-190 Empirical Comparison Between Capability and Two Health-Related Quality of Life Measures
by Gang Chen & Julie Ratcliffe & Billingsley Kaambwa & Nikki McCaffrey & Jeff Richardson - 191-208 Social and Economic Indicators of Household Income in Turkey: Does Ethnicity Matter?
by Emre Toros & Seyit Cilasun & Aykut Toros - 209-242 A Measure of Trust: The Italian Regional Divide in a Latent Class Approach
by Gioacchino Fazio & Francesca Giambona & Erasmo Vassallo & Elli Vassiliadis - 243-265 Explaining Unequal Levels of Social Capital in Tehran
by Yahya Shadi & Mohammad Hassan Lotfi & Saharnaz Nedjat & Mostafa Amini Rarani & Esmaeil Khedmati Morasae - 267-286 Ethnic Diversity, Social Exclusion and Economic Determinants of Crimes: A Case Study of Pakistan
by Saqib Amin & Nawaz Ahmad - 287-307 Identifying Critical Factors of Sustainable Healthcare Institutions’ Indicators Under Taiwan’s National Health Insurance System
by Dong-Shang Chang & Wen-Sheng Wang & Rouwen Wang - 309-332 Convergence or Divergence? Life Expectancy Patterns in Post-communist Countries, 1959–2010
by Christopher J. Gerry & Yulia Raskina & Daria Tsyplakova - 333-346 A Changing Nexus Between Unemployment and Suicide in Taiwan: Before and After Labor Welfare Improvement in the Late 1990s
by Yun-Shan Chan & Tsai-Ching Liu & Chin-Shyan Chen & Yu-I Peng - 347-367 The Standard of Living of the Workers in a Spanish Industrial Town: Wages, Nutrition, Life Expentancy and Heigth in Alcoy (1870–1930)
by José Joaquín García-Gómez & Antonio Escudero Gutierrez - 369-391 Labor Mismatches: Effects on Wages and on Job Satisfaction in 17 OECD Countries
by Lucía Mateos-Romero & María del Mar Salinas-Jiménez - 393-433 The Taste for Corporate Responsibility: Heterogeneity and Consensus Around CR Indicators
by Leonardo Becchetti & Lorenzo Semplici & Michele Tridente - 435-452 Analysing the Effect of Legal System on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at the Country Level, from a Multivariate Perspective
by Víctor Amor-Esteban & Isabel-María García-Sánchez & Mª-Purificación Galindo-Villardón
October 2018, Volume 139, Issue 3
- 847-869 OECD: One or Many? Ranking Countries with a Composite Well-Being Indicator
by Jesús Peiró-Palomino & Andrés J. Picazo-Tadeo - 871-885 Using Ranked Weights and Acceptability Analysis to Construct Composite Indicators: A Case Study of Regional Sustainable Society Index
by Yang Ding & Yelin Fu & Kin Keung Lai & W. K. John Leung - 887-907 Measuring Aspects of Mobility, Polarization and Convergence in the Absence of Cardinality: Indices Based Upon Transitional Typology
by Gordon Anderson - 909-921 Measuring Child Poverty in Hong Kong: Sensitivity to the Choice of Equivalence Scale
by Kelvin Chi-Kin Cheung & Kee-Lee Chou - 923-962 Human Empowerment and Trust in Strangers: The Multilevel Evidence
by Anna Almakaeva & Christian Welzel & Eduard Ponarin - 963-988 Indicators of Social Isolation: A Comparison Based on Survey Data from Germany
by Jan Eckhard - 989-1014 Assessing Changes Over Time in Inequality of Opportunity: The Case of Spain
by Ana Suárez Álvarez & Ana Jesús López Menéndez - 1015-1036 Superimpose Material Deprivation Study on Poverty Old Age People in Hong Kong Study
by Kee-Lee Chou & Siu-Yau Lee - 1037-1064 The Social Norm to Work and the Well-Being of the Short- and Long-Term Unemployed
by Karlijn L. A. Roex & Jesper J. Rözer - 1065-1084 Women’s Job Quality Across Family Life Stages: An Analysis of Female Employees Across 27 European Countries
by Agnieszka Piasna & Anke Plagnol - 1085-1108 Wage Losses Due to Overqualification: The Role of Formal Degrees and Occupational Skills
by Nancy Kracke & Malte Reichelt & Basha Vicari - 1109-1129 Household Chores, Time Allocation and Job Performance: An Empirical Study from Chinese Manufacturing Workers
by Xiang Wei & Hailin Qu & Emily Ma - 1131-1145 The Value of Job Security: Does Having It Matter?
by Eitan Hourie & Miki Malul & Raphael Bar-El - 1147-1167 Economic Well-Being in U.S. Metropolitan Statistical Areas
by Simon Medcalfe - 1169-1185 Household Financial Access and Use of Alternative Financial Services in the U.S.: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
by Julie Birkenmaier & Qiang Fu - 1187-1218 A Multidimensional Dynamic Measure of Child Disadvantage: A Methodological Tool for Policymakers
by Ankita Mishra & Ranjan Ray & Leonora Risse - 1219-1235 Identity, Belonging and Intentions to Leave of First and 1.5 Generation FSU Immigrants in Israel
by Karin Amit - 1237-1255 Does Intergenerational Educational Mobility Shape the Well-Being of Young Europeans? Evidence from the European Social Survey
by Bettina Schuck & Nadia Steiber - 1257-1279 The Effect of Cultural Capital on High School Dropout: An Investigation in the Italian Provinces
by Enrico Ripamonti & Stefano Barberis
September 2018, Volume 139, Issue 2
- 415-431 On the Output Orientation of the Benefit-of-the-Doubt-Model
by Tom Puyenbroeck - 433-452 Translating Idea into Reality? A Q-Methodological Investigation of Chinese Local Officials’ Response to the Initiative of a Happiness Index
by Jiayuan Li - 453-471 Political Efficacy, Social Network and Involvement in Public Deliberation in Rural China
by Zhijun Pei & Yingchun Pan & Martin Skitmore - 473-490 Using Quali-Quantitative Indicators for Assessing the Quality of Citizen Participation: A Study on Three Citizen Juries
by Terri Mannarini & Angela Fedi - 491-516 The Contextual Effects of Political Trust on Happiness: Evidence from China
by Xiwen Fu - 517-540 Work–Family Conflict, Job Insecurity, and Health Outcomes Among US Workers
by Krista Lynn Minnotte & Deniz Yucel - 541-558 Striving to Work
by Debra L. Brucker & Nicholas G. Rollins & Andrew J. Houtenville - 559-588 Determinants of Joblessness During the Economic Crisis: Impact of Criminality in the Italian Labour Market
by Silvia Fedeli & Vitantonio Mariella & Marco Onofri - 589-610 Different Approaches to Identify the Poor: Do They converge?
by Rishi Kumar - 611-630 Relative Economic Position and Subjective Well-Being in a Poor Society: Does Relative Position Indicator Matter?
by Muna Shifa & Murray Leibbrandt - 631-652 Focussing on the Extremes of Good and Bad: Media Reporting of Countries Ranked Via Index-Based League Tables
by Stephen Morse - 653-678 The Paradox of Rising Ethnic Prejudice in Times of Educational Expansion and Secularization in the Netherlands, 1985–2011
by Paula Thijs & Manfred Grotenhuis & Peer Scheepers - 679-693 Conditions for Maintaining the Sustainable Development Level of EU Member States
by Anna Bluszcz - 695-721 Evaluating the Model of Causal Relations Between Sense of Place and Residential Satisfaction in Iranian Public Housing (The Case of Mehr Housing in Pardis, Tehran)
by Mitra Ghafourian & Elham Hesari - 723-743 Investigating Social Welfare Change in Urban Village Transformation: A Rural Migrant Perspective
by Haijun Bao & Yan Fang & Qunying Ye & Yi Peng - 745-785 Measuring Change Over Time in Socio-economic Deprivation and Health in an Urban Context: The Case Study of Genoa
by Stefano Landi & Enrico Ivaldi & Angela Testi - 787-802 Which Life Domains Impact Most on Self-Rated Health? A Cross-Cultural Study of Switzerland and its Neighbors
by Nadine Häusler & Oliver Hämmig & Matthias Bopp - 803-824 The Changes of Cost of Children for Turkey by Using Income-Dependent Equivalence Scales
by Raziye Selim & Gizem Kaya - 825-845 A Cross-National Examination of the Effect of the Schwartz Cultural Dimensions on PISA Performance Assessments
by Pascale Benoliel & Izhak Berkovich
August 2018, Volume 139, Issue 1
- 1-23 What Determines Health Status of Population in Pakistan?
by Faisal Abbas & Haroon Sarwar Awan - 25-45 Measuring and Analysing Community Action for Health: An Indicator-Based Typology and Its Application to the Case of Barcelona
by Nicolás Barbieri & Raquel Gallego & Ernesto Morales & Maica Rodríguez-Sanz & Laia Palència & M. Isabel Pasarín - 47-76 Conditional Solidarity: Social Class, Experiences of the Economic Crisis, and Welfare Attitudes in Europe
by Patrick Sachweh - 77-97 Exploring Community Cohesion in Rural Canada Post-Extreme Weather: Planning Ahead for Unknown Stresses
by Katherine E. Laycock & Wayne Caldwell - 99-117 Institutions and Poverty: A Critical Comment Based on Evolving Currents and Debates
by Simplice A. Asongu & Oasis Kodila-Tedika - 119-146 Socioeconomic Classification of the Working-Age Brazilian Population: A Joint Latent Class Analysis Using Social Class and Asset-Based Perspectives
by André Junqueira Caetano & José G. Dias - 147-161 Hard Times! How do Households Cope with Financial Difficulties? Evidence from the Swiss Household Panel
by Piotr Białowolski - 163-183 The Socioeconomic Consequences of Privatization: An Empirical Analysis for Europe
by Beatriz Cuadrado-Ballesteros & Noemí Peña-Miguel - 185-204 Towards the Use of Crowdsourced GIS Data to Georeference Child Well-Being Globally
by Keren Dalyot & Sagi Dalyot - 205-236 Job Satisfaction in the “Big Four” of Europe: Reasoning Between Feeling and Uncertainty Through CUB Models
by Gennaro Punzo & Rosalia Castellano & Mirko Buonocore - 237-257 Cognitive Cultural Intelligence and Life Satisfaction of Migrant Workers: The Roles of Career Engagement and Social Injustice
by Huong Le & Zhou Jiang & Ingrid Nielsen - 259-275 Put My Skills to Use? Understanding the Joint Effect of Job Security and Skill Utilization on Job Satisfaction Between Skilled Migrants and Australian Born Workers in Australia
by Amy Wei Tian & Ying Wang & Terence Chia - 277-292 Abusive Supervision and Well-Being of Filipino Migrant Workers in Macau: Consequences for Self-Esteem and Heritage Culture Detachment
by Allan B. I. Bernardo & Mary Angeline A. Daganzo & Anna Carmella G. Ocampo - 293-307 Supervisor–Subordinate Guanxi and Job Satisfaction Among Migrant Workers in China
by Jie Li & Wangshuai Wang & Gong Sun & Zhou Jiang & Zhiming Cheng - 309-325 Vocational Status, Hukou and Housing Migrants in the New Century: Evidence from a Multi-city Study of Housing Inequality
by Junhua Chen & Ying Wu & Huijia Li - 327-346 Social Capital Associated with Quality of Life Mediated by Employment Experiences: Evidence from a Random Sample of Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China
by Xinguang Chen & Bin Yu & Jie Gong & Peigang Wang & Amy L. Elliott - 347-379 For Money or for a Life: A Mixed-Method Study on Migration and Time Use in China
by Zheng Mu & Wei-Jun Jean Yeung - 381-401 Job Satisfaction Among Immigrant Workers: A Review of Determinants
by Zhongmin Wang & Xinlin Jing - 403-414 Vocational Experiences and Quality of Life of Migrants: Overview and Future Research
by Zhou Jiang & Ying Wang & Fei Guo & Paul J. Gollan
August 2018, Volume 138, Issue 3
- 829-852 Spatial Inequalities in Indonesia, 1996–2010: A Hierarchical Decomposition Analysis
by Takahiro Akita & Sachiko Miyata - 853-872 The Evolution of Educational Inequalities in Spain: Dynamic Evidence from Repeated Cross-Sections
by Álvaro Choi & María Gil & Mauro Mediavilla & Javier Valbuena - 873-900 Model-Assisted Estimation of Small Area Poverty Measures: An Application within the Valencia Region in Spain
by Domingo Morales & María del Mar Rueda & Dolores Esteban - 901-924 On the Estimation of Lower and Upper Bounds of Poverty Line: An Illustration with Indian Data
by Sandip Sarkar & Manoranjan Pal - 925-951 Vulnerability to Poverty: Tajikistan During and After the Global Financial Crisis
by Ira N. Gang & Kseniia Gatskova & John Landon-Lane & Myeong-Su Yun - 953-990 Measurement of Poverty in Multiple Dimensions: The Case of Vietnam
by Anh Thu Quang Pham & Pundarik Mukhopadhaya - 991-1022 Trade-Offs in a Multidimensional Human Development Index
by Jaya Krishnakumar - 1023-1048 Taking the Sector Seriously: Data, Developments, and Drivers of Intrasectoral Earnings Inequality
by Stefan Thewissen & Olaf Vliet & Chen Wang - 1049-1074 Socioeconomic Status Mobility in the Modern World System: Growth and Allocation Effects
by Shawn F. Dorius - 1075-1087 Perceived Social Position of Asian Americans: Neighborhood Context and Social Comparison
by Bongki Woo & Kaipeng Wang & David T. Takeuchi - 1089-1118 Do You Enjoy Having More Than Others or More Than Another? Exploring the Relationship Between Relative Concerns and the Size of the Reference Group
by Jérémy Celse - 1119-1143 The Strenght of the Relationship Between Shadow Economy and Corruption: Evidence from a Worldwide Country-Sample
by Larissa Batrancea & Anca Nichita & Ioan Batrancea & Lucian Gaban - 1145-1169 Spending for the Environment: General Government Expenditure Trends in Europe
by Salvatore Ercolano & Oriana Romano - 1171-1185 Family Structure and Child Food Insecurity: Evidence from the Current Population Survey
by Kelly Stamper Balistreri - 1187-1203 Time Use Habits of Italian Generation Y: Dimensions of Leisure Preferences
by Michela Gnaldi & Simone Del Sarto - 1205-1227 A Global Pilot Study of Age-Friendly City Indicators
by Megumi Kano & Paul E. Rosenberg & Sean D. Dalton - 1229-1257 The Effects of Unemployment and Insecure Jobs on Well-Being and Health: The Moderating Role of Labor Market Policies
by Jonas Voßemer & Michael Gebel & Kadri Täht & Marge Unt & Björn Högberg & Mattias Strandh - 1259-1278 Comprehensive Evaluation Research on Healthcare Development in China from 2002 to 2014
by Yuewen Sun & Xing Liu & Junfeng Jiang & Peigang Wang - 1279-1295 Objective and Subjective Health: An Analysis of Inequality for the European Union
by Enrico Ivaldi & Guido Bonatti & Riccardo Soliani