October 2019, Volume 145, Issue 3
- 1125-1160 The Importance of Variables in Composite Indices: A Contribution to the Methodology and Application to Development Indices
by Martin Schlossarek & Miroslav Syrovátka & Ondřej Vencálek
September 2019, Volume 145, Issue 2
- 459-478 Measurement and Determinants of Multidimensional Poverty: Evidence from Taiwan
by Ke-Mei Chen & Chao-Hsien Leu & Te-Mu Wang - 479-501 A New Extension of Bourguignon and Chakravarty Index to Measure Educational Poverty and Its Application to the OECD Countries
by Juan-Francisco Sánchez-García & María-del-Carmen Sánchez-Antón & Rosa Badillo-Amador & María-del-Carmen Marco-Gil & Juan-Vicente LLinares-Ciscar & Susana Álvarez-Díez - 503-521 On the Interaction Between Focus and Distributional Properties in Multidimensional Poverty Measurement
by Suman Seth & Maria Emma Santos - 523-550 Subjective Perceptions of Poverty and Objective Economic Conditions: Czechia and Slovakia a Quarter Century After the Dissolution of Czechoslovakia
by Martina Mysíková & Tomáš Želinský & Thesia I. Garner & Jiří Večerník - 551-579 Community Trust: A Social Indicator Related to Community Engagement
by Immacolata Di Napoli & Pasquale Dolce & Caterina Arcidiacono - 581-613 One Size Does Not Fit All: Alternative Values-Based ‘Recipes’ for Life Satisfaction
by Bruce Headey & Gert G. Wagner - 615-627 How Schools Enhance the Development of Young People’s Resilience
by Michael Ungar & Gerry Connelly & Linda Liebenberg & Linda Theron - 629-640 Parents and Children’s Coping: Building Resilience and Wellbeing in the Early Years
by Erica Frydenberg & Jan Deans & Rachel Liang - 641-661 “It’s for Our Education”: Perception of Parental Migration and Resilience Among Left-behind Children in Rural China
by Shu Hu - 663-701 Ethnic Minority Educational Success: Understanding Accomplishments in Challenging Settings
by Quang Trieu & Rukmalie Jayakody - 703-717 Academic Resilience in Rural Chinese Children: Individual and Contextual Influences
by Haibin Li & Wei-jun Jean Yeung - 719-739 Academic Resilience Among Children from Disadvantaged Social Groups in India
by Dhiman Das - 741-753 “Lose at the Starting Line, Win at the Finishing Line”: The Narratives Behind Beating Academic Adversity
by Wai-chi Chee - 755-776 Local Decentralization and the Quality of Public Services in Europe
by Andreas P. Kyriacou & Oriol Roca-Sagalés - 777-804 A Hierarchical Measurement Model of Perceived Resilience of Urban Tourism Destination
by Shanshan Dai & Honggang Xu & Fangfang Chen
August 2019, Volume 145, Issue 1
- 1-15 Is the Validity of Cost Utility Analysis Improved When Utility is Measured by an Instrument with ‘Home-Country’ Weights? Evidence from Six Western Countries
by Munir A. Khan & Jeff Richardson - 17-38 Conceptualizing and Measuring Financial Resilience: A Multidimensional Framework
by Fanny Salignac & Axelle Marjolin & Rebecca Reeve & Kristy Muir - 39-66 Material Deprivation and Working Poor in Hong Kong
by Kelvin Chi-Kin Cheung & Wai-Sum Chan & Kee-Lee Chou - 67-93 When It Rains, It Pours? Analyzing the Rainfall Shocks-Poverty Nexus in the Philippines
by Connie Bayudan-Dacuycuy & Lora Kryz Baje - 95-115 Spatial Change in the Concentration of Multidimensional Poverty in Gauteng, South Africa: Evidence from Quality of Life Survey Data
by Samy Katumba & Koech Cheruiyot & Darlington Mushongera - 117-156 Inequality Versus Inclusion in US Cities
by Christina Stacy & Brady Meixell & Tanaya Srini - 157-183 Multidimensional Wellbeing Inequality in a Developing Country: A Case Study of Vietnam
by Phuc Phan & Martin O’Brien - 185-200 Work in Transition: Labour Market Life Expectancy and Years Spent in Precarious Employment in Spain 1986–2016
by Mariona Lozano & Elisenda Rentería - 201-231 Employment and Earnings Expectations of Jobless Young Skilled: Evidence from Italy
by Chiara Binelli - 233-255 Developing a Cross-National Comparative Framework for Studying Labour Market Segmentation: Measurement Equivalence with Latent Class Analysis
by Martin Lukac & Nadja Doerflinger & Valeria Pulignano - 257-278 Adult Children’s Education and Later-Life Health of Parents in China: The Intergenerational Effects of Human Capital Investment
by Nan Jiang - 279-301 Measuring Overeducation: Incidence, Correlation and Overlaps Across Indicators and Countries
by Queralt Capsada-Munsech - 303-327 Cross-National Comparison on Family Satisfaction: Super-Specialization Versus Super-Equality
by Verónica Miguel-Luken - 329-348 How to Enhance Social Participation and Well-Being in (Formerly) Homeless Clients: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach
by Miranda Rutenfrans-Stupar & Tine Regenmortel & René Schalk - 349-365 Dimensions of Social Stratification and Their Relation to Mortality: A Comparison Across Gender and Life Course Periods in Finland
by Rasmus Hoffmann & Hannes Kröger & Lasse Tarkiainen & Pekka Martikainen - 367-387 Valuation of Air Quality in Chile: The Life Satisfaction Approach
by Yenniel Mendoza & Roger Loyola & Alonso Aguilar & Roberto Escalante - 389-413 Inequality of Opportunity in Indian Women
by Akanksha Choudhary & Gowtham T. Muthukkumaran & Ashish Singh - 415-435 A New Measure of Transport Disadvantage for the Developing World Using Free Smartphone Data
by Francisco Benita - 437-457 Transforming Economic Growth into Inclusive Development: An International Analysis
by Albino Prada & Patricio Sánchez-Fernández
August 2019, Volume 144, Issue 3
- 999-1019 Height, Literacy and Survival: A Composite Index of Wellbeing Based on Data from Military Recruitment (1880–1980)
by Antonio M. Linares-Luján & Francisco M. Parejo-Moruno - 1021-1053 A Hybrid Multiple-Attribute Decision-Making Model with Modified PROMETHEE for Identifying Optimal Performance-Improvement Strategies for Sustainable Development of a Better Life
by Shu-Kung Hu & Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng - 1055-1074 Testing the Expert Based Weights Used in the UK’s Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) Against Three Preference-Based Methods
by Verity Watson & Chris Dibben & Matt Cox & Iain Atherton & Matt Sutton & Mandy Ryan - 1075-1098 Is a Municipal Boundary a Good Stratification Variable?
by Aviad Tur-Sinai - 1099-1134 Multidimensional Poverty in Rural China: Indicators, Spatiotemporal Patterns and Applications
by Guie Li & Zhongliang Cai & Ji Liu & Xiaojian Liu & Shiliang Su & Xinran Huang & Bozhao Li - 1135-1150 Graduation from Poverty and Deprivation: Reflections from an Intervention in the Graduation Model
by E. P. Abdul Azeez & P. Subramania Siva - 1151-1177 Collective Efficacy in Australian and German Neighborhoods: Testing Cross-Cultural Measurement Equivalence and Structural Correlates in a Multi-level SEM Framework
by Dominik Gerstner & Rebecca Wickes & Dietrich Oberwittler - 1179-1193 Crime and Social Connectedness in Malaysian Gated Communities
by Intan Hashimah Mohd Hashim & Norzarina Mohd-Zaharim & Premalatha Karupiah & Nor Hafizah Selamat & Noraida Endut & Azwan Azmawati Azman - 1195-1208 Changes in Reported Nation-Level Pro-social Behavior Frequencies Over 6 Years: A Test of Alternative Predictors
by Peter B. Smith - 1209-1232 Measuring Personal Economic Hardship and Its Impact on Political Trust During the Great Recession
by Raül Tormos - 1233-1256 Spatial Variability Analysis of Quality of Life and Its Determinants: A Case Study of Medellín, Colombia
by Fabio Humberto Sepúlveda Murillo & Jorge Chica Olmo & Norely Margarita Soto Builes - 1257-1272 Social Mobility and Life Satisfaction across European Countries: A Compositional Perspective on Dissociative Consequences of Social Mobility
by Jasper Dhoore & Stijn Daenekindt & Henk Roose - 1273-1301 Factors Associated with Overeducation Among Recent Graduates During Labour Market Integration: The Case of Catalonia (Spain)
by Joaquin Turmo-Garuz & M.-Teresa Bartual-Figueras & Francisco-Javier Sierra-Martinez - 1303-1321 Improving Stylised Working Time Estimates with Time Diary Data: A Multi Study Assessment for the UK
by Pierre Walthery & Jonathan Gershuny - 1323-1348 Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation Towards the Sustainable Development of Regions in Taiwan: A Minimum Distance-Based Measure with Undesirable Outputs in Additive DEA
by Shih-Heng Yu - 1349-1365 Temporal Changes in the Association Between Food Insecurity and Socioeconomic Status in Two Population-Based Surveys in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
by P. A. Palmeira & J. Bem-Lignani & V. A. Maresi & R. A. Mattos & G. S. Interlenghi & R. Salles-Costa - 1367-1390 Preschool Child Care and Child Well-Being in Germany: Does the Migrant Experience Differ?
by Micha Kaiser & Jan M. Bauer - 1391-1413 An Investigation into the Reported Closing of the Nicaraguan Gender Gap
by Alan Piper - 1415-1452 Migration, Gender, Wages and Wellbeing: Who Gains and in Which Ways?
by Kate Preston & Arthur Grimes
July 2019, Volume 144, Issue 2
- 497-537 A Hybrid Enhanced Scatter Search—Composite I-Distance Indicator (eSS-CIDI) Optimization Approach for Determining Weights Within Composite Indicators
by Milica Maricic & Jose A. Egea & Veljko Jeremic - 539-574 The Social Progress of Nations Revisited
by Richard J. Estes - 575-600 Wellbeing as Emergent from the Leveraging of Polarities: Harnessing Component Interdependencies
by Lance Newey & Rui Torres Oliveira - 601-624 Deep-Rooted Culture and Economic Development: Taking the Seven Deadly Sins to Build a Well-Being Composite Indicator
by Luis César Herrero-Prieto & Iván Boal-San Miguel & Mafalda Gómez-Vega - 625-646 The Variable Selection Problem in the Three Worlds of Welfare Literature
by Erdem Yörük & İbrahim Öker & Kerem Yıldırım & Burcu Yakut-Çakar - 647-667 Territorial Determinants of the Brexit Vote
by Leonardo S. Alaimo & Luigi M. Solivetti - 669-706 Composite Indicator of Social Responsiveness of Local Governments: An Empirical Mapping of the Networked Community Governance Paradigm
by Aleksandra Maksimovska & Aleksandar Stojkov - 707-728 The Rise of Merit-based Inequality Acceptance After Exposure to Competition: Experimental Evidence among Chinese University Students
by Jacqueline Chen Chen & Tony Tam & Yen-sheng Chiang - 729-744 Inequalities in Longevity by Education Level in Spain: A Life Satisfaction Approach
by Aïda Solé-Auró & Mariona Lozano - 745-765 Mapping Public Concerns About Class Immobility in China
by Shuanglong Li & Yunsong Chen & Guangye He - 767-784 Disability and Social Exclusion in Italian Households
by Giuliana Parodi & Dario Sciulli - 785-806 Life Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction among University Faculty: The Impact of Working Conditions, Academic Performance and Relative Income
by Pervin Ahu Cerci & Devrim Dumludag - 807-826 Enhancing the Measurement of Composite Indicators of Corporate Social Performance
by Juan Aparicio & Magdalena Kapelko - 827-868 Explaining Differences Within and Between Countries in the Risk of Income Poverty and Severe Material Deprivation: Comparing Single and Multilevel Analyses
by Pim Verbunt & Anne-Catherine Guio - 869-898 The Effect of Benefit Underreporting on Estimates of Poverty in the United States
by Zachary Parolin - 899-920 Household Income Diversification and Food Insecurity in the Upper West Region of Ghana
by Kilian Nasung Atuoye & Roger Antabe & Yujiro Sano & Isaac Luginaah & Jason Bayne - 921-954 The Long-Term Effects of Parental Separation on Childhood Multidimensional Deprivation: A Lifecourse Approach
by Marion Leturcq & Lidia Panico - 955-980 Developing a New Index of Rurality for Exploring Variations in Health Outcomes in Auckland and Northland
by Jinfeng Zhao & Shanthi Ameratunga & Arier Lee & Michael Browne & Daniel J. Exeter - 981-997 The Geographical Size Index for Ranking and Typology of Cities
by Nikolay A. Sluka & Vladimir S. Tikunov & Olga Yu. Chereshnia
July 2019, Volume 144, Issue 1
- 1-29 F-FOD: Fuzzy First Order Dominance Analysis and Populations Ranking Over Ordinal Multi-Indicator Systems
by Marco Fattore & Alberto Arcagni - 31-72 Multidimensional Well-Being and Inequality Across the European Regions with Alternative Interactions Between the Well-Being Dimensions
by Mehmet Pinar - 73-95 Does Inequality Cause a Difference in Altruism Between the Rich and the Poor? Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment
by Yen-Sheng Chiang & Jacqueline Chen Chen - 97-112 Developmental Trajectories and Predictors of Social Exclusion Among Older Koreans: Exploring the Multidimensional Nature of Social Exclusion
by Soondool Chung & Haesang Jeon & Ahyoung Song & Ju-Hyun Kim - 113-131 Sensitivity of Livelihood Strategy to Livelihood Capital: An Empirical Investigation Using Nationally Representative Survey Data from Rural China
by Dingde Xu & Xin Deng & Shili Guo & Shaoquan Liu - 133-166 National Income, Political Freedom, and Investments in R&D and Education: A Comparative Analysis of the Second Digital Divide Among 15-Year-Old Students
by Josef Kuo-Hsun Ma & Todd E. Vachon & Simon Cheng - 167-189 In Social Capital We Trust?
by Joonmo Son & Qiushi Feng - 191-217 Childhood-Related Policies and Adult Poverty: Evidence from Some European Countries
by Marisa Hidalgo-Hidalgo - 219-250 Determinants of Poverty and Their Variation Across the Poverty Spectrum: Evidence from Hong Kong, a High-Income Society with a High Poverty Level
by Chenhong Peng & Lue Fang & Julia Shu-Huah Wang & Yik Wa Law & Yi Zhang & Paul S. F. Yip - 251-273 Estimation of Disaggregate-Level Poverty Incidence in Odisha Under Area-Level Hierarchical Bayes Small Area Model
by Priyanka Anjoy & Hukum Chandra & Pradip Basak - 275-298 Individual-Level Evidence on the Causal Relationship Between Social Trust and Institutional Trust
by Irene Daskalopoulou - 299-313 Social and Political Factors Affect the Index of Public Management Efficiency: A Cross-Country Panel Data Study
by María del Rocío Moreno-Enguix & Laura Vanesa Lorente-Bayona & Ester Gras-Gil - 315-335 Assessing Well-Being Factors in a Growing Community: A Multi-Attribute Vignette Approach
by Kreg Lindberg & Christopher Wolsko - 337-378 The Impact of Job Quality on Wellbeing: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan
by Damir Esenaliev & Neil T. N. Ferguson - 379-401 The Effects of Unemployment on Non-monetary Job Quality in Europe: The Moderating Role of Economic Situation and Labor Market Policies
by Jonas Voßemer - 403-424 Ethno-Linguistic Affiliation and Income Poverty in Native Households with Children: Finland 1987–2011
by Camilla Härtull & Jan Saarela - 425-449 Economic Resourcefulness: Definition and Modeling
by Marek Kośny & Maria Piotrowska - 451-473 How to Create a Friendly Environment for Innovation? A Case for Europe
by Aylin Ege & A. Yavuz Ege - 475-495 Victimization and Life Satisfaction: Evidence from a High Crime Country
by Nekeisha Spencer & Zhonghui Liu
June 2019, Volume 143, Issue 3
- 901-915 An Experimental Laboratory Test of the Effects of Alternative Indicators of Progress
by Tim Kasser & Doug Maynard & Andrew Perry - 917-954 Stochastic Dominance Approach to OECD’s Better Life Index
by Tahsin Mehdi - 955-972 What is Important for Well-Being?
by Haya Al-Ajlani & Luc Van Ootegem & Elsy Verhofstadt - 973-994 An Analysis of Well-Being Determinants at the City Level in China Using Big Data
by Yukun Zhao & Feng Yu & Bo Jing & Xiaomeng Hu & Ang Luo & Kaiping Peng - 995-1015 The Construction of an Integrated and Transparent Index of Wellbeing
by Aleksandar Stanojević & Jože Benčina - 1017-1044 A Multidimensional Analysis of the EU Regional Inequalities
by Francesca Parente - 1045-1074 Channels of Inequality of Opportunity: The Role of Education and Occupation in Europe
by Juan C. Palomino & Gustavo A. Marrero & Juan G. Rodríguez - 1075-1108 Better for Everyone? Egalitarian Culture and Social Wellbeing in Europe
by Leonie C. Steckermeier & Jan Delhey - 1109-1128 The Role of Social Capital and Remote Chinese Villagers’ Well-Being
by Vanessa Sha Fan & Renuka Mahadevan - 1129-1146 Going with the Flow? The Effect of Economic Fluctuation on People’s Solidarity with Unemployed People
by Wilfred Uunk & Wim Oorschot - 1147-1159 Well-Being and the Democratic State: How the Public Sector Promotes Human Happiness
by Alexander Pacek & Benjamin Radcliff & Mark Brockway - 1161-1184 Do Tolerant Societies Demand Better Institutions?
by Eva Mª Buitrago & Mª Ángeles Caraballo & José L. Roldán - 1185-1217 Household Debt in OECD Countries: The Role of Supply-Side and Demand-Side Factors
by Massimo Coletta & Riccardo De Bonis & Stefano Piermattei - 1219-1243 An Ordinal Measure of Population Health
by Héctor Pifarré i Arolas & Christian Dudel - 1245-1270 Housing Determinants of Health in Urban China: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis
by Siliang Wang & Conghui Cheng & Shukui Tan - 1271-1297 The Comparative Economics of ICT, Environmental Degradation and Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Simplice A. Asongu & Jacinta C. Nwachukwu & Chris Pyke - 1299-1317 Identification of “Hot Spots” of Inner Areas in Italy: Scan Statistic for Urban Planning Policies
by Paola Perchinunno & Francesco D. d’Ovidio & Francesco Rotondo - 1319-1347 The Best and Worst Times of Life for South Africans: Evidence of Universal Reference Standards in Evaluations of Personal Well-Being Using Bernheim’s ACSA
by Valerie Møller & Benjamin J. Roberts - 1349-1376 Organising Concepts of ‘Women’s Empowerment’ for Measurement: A Typology
by Lu Gram & Joanna Morrison & Jolene Skordis-Worrall
June 2019, Volume 143, Issue 2
- 433-449 A Structural Equation Model Estimation of the Role of Social Vulnerability as a Predictor of People’s Feelings of Unsafety
by Riccardo Valente & Sergi Valera Pertegas & Joan Guàrdia Olmos - 451-477 Is the ADB’s Conjecture on Upward Trend in Poverty for China Right? An Analysis of Income and Multidimensional Poverty in China
by Jing Yang & Pundarik Mukhopadhaya - 479-504 International Competition Intensified: Job Satisfaction Sacrificed?
by Barbara Dluhosch & Daniel Horgos - 505-524 More Flexible Yet Less Developed? Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Labor Flexibilization and Gross Domestic Product in Crisis-Hit European Union Regions
by George Grekousis & Stelios Gialis - 525-560 A Multivariate Proposal for a National Corporate Social Responsibility Practices Index (NCSRPI) for International Settings
by Víctor Amor-Esteban & Mª-Purificación Galindo-Villardón & Isabel-María García-Sánchez - 561-577 How a Learning-Oriented Organizational Climate is Linked to Different Proactive Behaviors: The Role of Employee Resilience
by Marjolein C. J. Caniëls & Simone M. J. Baaten - 579-608 Wage Frontiers in Pre and Post-crisis Spain: Implications for Welfare and Inequality
by Joanna María Bashford-Fernández & Ana Rodríguez-Álvarez - 609-636 Voluntary Pensions Development and the Adequacy of the Mandatory Pension System: Is There a Trade-Off?
by Edyta Marcinkiewicz - 637-655 How Community Participation Promotes the Relocation Adjustment of Older Women: A Moderated Mediation Analysis
by Jinfeng Zhang - 657-691 Societal Gender Inequality as Moderator of the Relationship Between Work–Life Fit and Subjective Well-Being: A Multilevel Analysis Across European Countries
by Egidio Riva & Mario Lucchini & Marcello Russo - 693-726 The Measurement of Targeting Design in Complex Welfare States: A Proposal and Empirical Applications
by Sarah Marchal & Wim Van Lancker - 727-740 The Right to Life: Global Evidence on the Role of Security Officers and the Police in Modulating the Effect of Insecurity on Homicide
by Simplice A. Asongu & Jacinta C. Nwachukwu & Chris Pyke - 741-763 Wellbeing Matters in Kuwait: The Alnowair’s Bareec Education Initiative
by L. Lambert & H.-A. Passmore & N. Scull & I. Al Sabah & R. Hussain - 765-794 Objective and Subjective Socioeconomic Status, Their Discrepancy, and Health: Evidence from East Asia
by Emma Zang & Anthony R. Bardo - 795-810 The Sustainable Development Goal on Water and Sanitation: Learning from the Millennium Development Goals
by Johanna Weststrate & Geske Dijkstra & Jasper Eshuis & Alberto Gianoli & Maria Rusca - 811-838 An Attitude Model of Environmental Action: Evidence from Developing and Developed Countries
by Cristina Davino & Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi & Estefania Santacreu-Vasut & Radu Vranceanu - 839-858 Perceived Environmental Response Mechanism in Tehran Public Spaces
by Mojtaba Valibeigi & Fateme Ghorbani & Roxana Jahanmehmani - 859-879 A Multi-dimensional Measure of Environmental Behavior: Exploring the Predictive Power of Connectedness to Nature, Ecological Worldview and Environmental Concern
by Anastasia Gkargkavouzi & George Halkos & Steriani Matsiori - 881-899 The Social Construction of Official Statistics: The Case of the UK ‘Measuring National Well-being’ Programme
by Matt Jenkins
May 2019, Volume 143, Issue 1
- 1-24 Adequacy Indicators Based on Pre-established Goals: An Implementation in a Colombian University
by Sandra E. Parada & Olga Blasco-Blasco & Vicente Liern - 25-45 Disentangling Heterogeneity Gaps and Pure Performance Differences in Composite Indexes Over Time: The Case of the Europe 2020 Strategy
by Barnabé Walheer - 47-80 The Inclusive Sustainable Transformation Index
by Justin Yifu Lin & Célestin Monga & Samuel Standaert - 81-93 Importance of Health and Relative Importance of Satisfaction with One’s Own Health: A Case of Frail Immigrant Older Adults
by Chang-ming Hsieh - 95-114 Economic Uncertainty: A Geometric Indicator of Discrepancy Among Experts’ Expectations
by Oscar Claveria & Enric Monte & Salvador Torra - 115-132 Coexisting Social, Economic, and Health-Related Disadvantages in More than 2.4 Million Swedes: Combining Variable-Centred and Person-Centred Approaches
by Stefan Fors & Ylva B. Almquist & Lars Brännström - 133-156 Intergenerational Earnings Mobility and Returns to Education in Hong Kong: A Developed Society with High Economic Inequality
by Chenhong Peng & Paul Siu Fai Yip & Yik Wa Law - 157-172 Horizontal Inequality and Data Challenges
by Carla Canelas & Rachel M. Gisselquist - 173-200 Ranking Karnataka Districts by the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) and by Applying Simple Elements of Partial Order Theory
by Tugce Beycan & B. P. Vani & Rainer Bruggemann & Christian Suter - 201-232 Inequality and Welfare in Quality of Life Among OECD Countries: Non-parametric Treatment of Ordinal Data
by Martyna Kobus & Olga Półchłopek & Gaston Yalonetzky - 233-249 The Underemployment-Job Satisfaction Nexus: A Study of Part-Time Employment in Australia
by T. Kifle & P. Kler & S. Shankar - 251-276 Labour Income, Social Transfers and Child Poverty
by Bruce Bradbury & Markus Jäntti & Lena Lindahl - 277-318 Employment for Sustainable Development: Sectoral Efficiencies in EU Countries
by Magdalena Cyrek & Barbara Fura - 319-324 Commentary on: How Schools Enhance the Development of Young People’s Resilience, by Ungar, Connelly, Liebenberg, and Theron, 2017
by Gizem Arat & Paul W. C. Wong - 325-353 Financial Literacy in Developing Countries
by Kamer Karakurum-Ozdemir & Melike Kokkizil & Gokce Uysal - 355-369 Assessing Satisfaction with Public Transport Service by Ordered Multiple Correspondence Analysis
by Rosaria Lombardo & Ida Camminatiello & Eric J. Beh - 371-389 An Estimation of the Efficiency and Productivity of Healthcare Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: Health-Centred Millennium Development Goal-Based Evidence
by Mustapha D. Ibrahim & Sahand Daneshvar & Mevhibe B. Hocaoğlu & Olasehinde-Williams G. Oluseye - 391-410 Food Insecurity Individual Experience: A Comparison of Economic and Social Characteristics of the Most Vulnerable Groups in the World
by Elena Grimaccia & Alessia Naccarato - 411-432 A Multicriteria Approach for Well-Being Assessment in Rural Areas
by Leonardo Casini & Fabio Boncinelli & Caterina Contini & Francesca Gerini & Gabriele Scozzafava
April 2019, Volume 142, Issue 3
- 887-910 Reliability, Population Classification and Weighting in Multidimensional Poverty Measurement: A Monte Carlo Study
by Héctor E. Nájera Catalán - 911-946 Utilization of Mixed Distributions in the Calculation of Polarization: The Case of Spain
by Ana Karina Alfaro Moreno & José Javier Núñez Velázquez - 947-970 Identifying the Geographic Indicators of Poverty Using Geographically Weighted Regression: A Case Study from Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou, China
by Zhixi Xu & Zhongliang Cai & Shufan Wu & Xinran Huang & Ji Liu & Junying Sun & Shiliang Su & Min Weng - 971-995 Urbanization, Economic Structure, Political Regime, and Income Inequality
by Samuel Adams & Edem Kwame Mensah Klobodu - 997-1014 Extreme Energy Poverty Incidence and Determinants in Nigeria: A Multidimensional Approach
by Uche M. Ozughalu & Fidelis O. Ogwumike - 1015-1029 Revisiting Declines in Social Capital: Evidence from a New Measure
by Inbar Weiss & Pamela Paxton & Kristopher Velasco & Robert W. Ressler - 1031-1053 Analyzing the Dimensionality of Place Attachment and Its Relationship with Residential Satisfaction in New Cities: The Case of Sadra, Iran
by Elham Hesari & Mina Peysokhan & Abbas Havashemi & Dariush Gheibi & Mitra Ghafourian & Fatemeh Bayat - 1055-1073 The Impact of Cultural Events on Community Reputation and Pride in Maribor, The European Capital of Culture 2012
by Suzana Žilič Fišer & Ines Kožuh - 1075-1102 Application of Big Data and Analytic Network Process for the Adaptive Reuse Strategies of School Land
by Jhong-You Huang & Wann-Ming Wey - 1103-1128 Community Resilience to Change: Development of an Index
by Alexandra Bec & Char-lee J. Moyle & Brent D. Moyle - 1129-1152 From One Recession to Another: Longitudinal Impacts on the Quality of Life of Vulnerable Groups
by Jehane Simona-Moussa & Laura Ravazzini - 1153-1173 How Does Evidence Matter? Understanding ‘What Works’ for Wellbeing
by Ian Bache - 1175-1192 Redistribution and the Individualism–Collectivism Dimension of Culture
by Carola Conces Binder - 1193-1210 Associations Between Systemic Quality of Life and Burnout Among French Canadian Workers
by Maxime Vachon & Marie Papineau & Gilles Dupuis & Pasquale Roberge - 1211-1229 Testing Hysteresis in Unemployment in G7 Countries Using Quantile Unit Root Test with both Sharp Shifts and Smooth Breaks
by Yushi Jiang & Yifei Cai & Yi-Ting Peng & Tsangyao Chang - 1231-1253 Illicit Financial Flows: Another Road Block to Human Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
by Bienvenido Ortega & Jesús Sanjuán & Antonio Casquero - 1255-1283 Which Aspects of Elderly Living Conditions are Important to Predict Mortality? The Complex Role of Family Ties at Home and in Institutions
by Cristina Giudici & Silvia Polettini & Alessandra Rose & Nicolas Brouard - 1285-1303 Measurement and Determinants of Quality of Life of Older Adults in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
by Nam Xuan Vo & Trung Quang Vo & Somtip Watanapongvanich & Nopphol Witvorapong - 1305-1331 On the Use of Student Evaluation of Teaching: A Longitudinal Analysis Combining Measurement Issues and Implications of the Exercise
by Isabella Sulis & Mariano Porcu & Vincenza Capursi
April 2019, Volume 142, Issue 2
- 451-476 Use and Misuse of PCA for Measuring Well-Being
by Matteo Mazziotta & Adriano Pareto - 477-506 Analysis of the Better Life Index Trough a Cluster Algorithm
by Raquel Lourenço Carvalhal Monteiro & Valdecy Pereira & Helder Gomes Costa - 507-522 Life Expectancy Index: Age Structure of Population and Environment Evolution
by C. Cosculluela-Martínez & R. Ibar-Alonso & G. J. D. Hewings - 523-542 Child Poverty Measurement in the UK: Assessing Support for the Downgrading of Income-Based Poverty Measures
by Kitty Stewart & Nick Roberts - 543-580 Do the Poor Really Feel Poor? Comparing Objective Poverty with Subjective Poverty in Pakistan
by Tahir Mahmood & Xiaohua Yu & Stephan Klasen - 581-595 Probing Institutional Quality Through Ethnic Diversity, Income Inequality and Public Spending
by Ghulam Rasool Madni - 597-616 From Dependent to Independent Variable: A Critical Assessment of Operationalisations of ‘Welfare Stateness’ as Macro-Level Indicators in Multilevel Analyses
by Katharina Kunißen - 617-643 Dutch Liberation Festivals: A Vehicle to More Politically Active Young Citizens, or Merely the Same Selective Audience?
by Manja Coopmans - 645-665 Assessing Euro 2020 Strategy Using Multi-criteria Decision Making Methods: VIKOR and TOPSIS
by Hasan Ture & Seyyide Dogan & Deniz Kocak - 667-688 How Far is Campania from the Best-Performing Region in Italy? A Territorial-Divide Analysis of Separate Waste Collection
by Antonio Garofalo & Rosalia Castellano & Massimiliano Agovino & Gennaro Punzo & Gaetano Musella - 689-712 Evaluation and Management of Urban Liveability: A Goal Programming Based Composite Indicator
by Beatriz Valcárcel-Aguiar & Pilar Murias - 713-732 Happiness and Longevity: Unhappy People Die Young, Otherwise Happiness Probably Makes No Difference
by Bruce Headey & Jongsay Yong - 733-751 Does It Matter How You Retire? Old-Age Retirement Routes and Subjective Economic Well-Being
by Liisa-Maria Palomäki - 753-772 Does Demographic Transition with Human Capital Dynamics Matter for Economic Growth? A Dynamic Panel Data Approach to GMM
by Munir Ahmad & Rana Ejaz Ali Khan - 773-798 Human Development Over Time: An Empirical Comparison of a Dynamic Index and the Standard HDI
by Nikolaos Zirogiannis & Kerry Krutilla & Yorghos Tripodis & Kathryn Fledderman - 799-825 The Women’s Empowerment in Livestock Index
by A. Galiè & N. Teufel & L. Korir & I. Baltenweck & A. Webb Girard & P. Dominguez-Salas & K. M. Yount - 827-843 Kuznets Curve for the US: A Reconsideration Using Cosummability
by Adnen Ben Nasr & Mehmet Balcilar & Seyi Saint Akadiri & Rangan Gupta - 845-854 Study Engagement in Italian University Students: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale—Student Version
by Yura Loscalzo & Marco Giannini - 855-885 It Deepens Like a Coastal Shelf: Educational Mobility and Social Capital in Germany
by Fabian Stephany
February 2019, Volume 142, Issue 1
- 1-24 International Comparison of Human Development Index Corrected by Greenness and Fairness Indicators and Policy Implications for China
by Man Liang & Shuwen Niu & Zhen Li & Wenli Qiang - 25-64 Dynamics of Multidimensional Poverty and Uni-dimensional Income Poverty: An Evidence of Stability Analysis from China
by Sabina Alkire & Yingfeng Fang - 65-82 Partisan Conflict and Income Inequality in the United States: A Nonparametric Causality-in-Quantiles Approach
by Mehmet Balcilar & Seyi Saint Akadiri & Rangan Gupta & Stephen M. Miller - 83-105 Income Inequality, Distributive Justice Beliefs, and Happiness in China: Evidence from a Nationwide Survey
by Jiawen Huang - 107-129 Wage Inequality and Wage Mobility in Turkey
by Aysit Tansel & Başak Dalgıç & Aytekin Güven - 131-147 The Truly Vulnerable: Integrating Wealth into the Measurement of Poverty and Social Policy Effectiveness
by Sarah Kuypers & Ive Marx - 149-177 A Well-Being Indicator for the Italian Provinces
by Giorgio Calcagnini & Francesco Perugini - 179-200 Quality of Life in the European Union: An Econometric Analysis from a Gender Perspective
by Noelia Somarriba Arechavala & Pilar Zarzosa Espina - 201-227 A Multidimensional Analysis of Quality of Life: Pakistan’s Context
by Nadeen Ihsan & Babar Aziz - 229-260 Online Social Networks and Trust
by Fabio Sabatini & Francesco Sarracino - 261-282 A Cross-National Study on the Antecedents of Work–Life Balance from the Fit and Balance Perspective
by Jarrod M. Haar & Albert Sune & Marcello Russo & Ariane Ollier-Malaterre