March 2025, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-4 Principles over practices: introduction to the special issue maverick organization design in practice
by Jeroen Bree & Martin Gonzalez - 5-13 Reversing the productivity slump: the role of management innovation
by Gary Hamel - 15-22 Déjà vu all over again: what the past can teach us about the future
by William Mateer & Paul Tolchinsky & Peter Turgoose - 23-34 Scaling or growing agile? Proposing a manifesto for agile organization development
by Constantin Bremer & Anna Rylander Eklund & Maria Elmquist - 35-41 Technology-enabled organization designs for tackling the grand challenges: the case of Giga
by Katherine Tatarinov & Tina C. Ambos - 43-50 Maturing the maverick organization: lessons from W.L. Gore
by Mary Tilley & Amy Kates - 51-60 Where do maverick organization design ideas come from? Approaches to studying the development of organizational design knowledge
by Stefan Heusinkveld & Armand Smits
December 2024, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 125-145 The liberated company theoretical concept: current issues and the intimidating complexity of organizational design
by Isaac Getz & Gilles Arnaud - 147-162 Positive, challenging, or impossible self-managing organizations? Exploring radical decentralization at an addiction rehabilitation center
by Tobias Berggren Jensen & Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen - 163-196 Design Thinking and teamwork—measuring impact: a systematic literature review
by Cornelia Kerstin Schlott - 197-212 The insights of allied health professionals transitioning from a matrix structure to a centralized profession-based structure within a public hospital setting
by Gemma Turato & John Whiteoak & Florin Oprescu - 213-216 All DAOs are not the same: distinguishing DAOs across various layers
by Ying-Ying Hsieh
September 2024, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 77-93 Digital twins of organization: implications for organization design
by Kalle Lyytinen & Barbara Weber & Markus C. Becker & Brian T. Pentland - 95-99 Towards a digital twin of a holacratic organization: a point of view on Lyytinen et al. (2023)
by Johannes Winkler & Waldemar Kremser - 101-112 How the map becomes the territory: prediction, performativity and the process of taking digital twins for granted
by Paul M. Leonardi & Virginia Leavell - 113-121 When the God Ka acts for us: digital management as twinning our selves
by François-Xavier Vaujany - 123-123 Correction: Towards a digital twin of a holacratic organization: a point of view on Lyytinen et al. (2023)
by Johannes Winkler & Waldemar Kremser
June 2024, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 33-44 The effect of social network structure on group anchoring bias
by Giulia Palombi & Fabio Nonino & Stephen P. Borgatti - 45-64 The impact of governance practices on firm outcomes: a machine-learning exploration
by Andrew Shipilov & Yeonsin Ahn & Henrich Greve & Tim Rowley - 65-75 Moving beyond human-centric organizational designs
by David Mortimore
March 2024, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-11 What do you mean by organizational structure? Acknowledging and harmonizing differences and commonalities in three prominent perspectives
by Daniel Albert - 13-22 Expanding the organizational design space: the emergence of AI robot bosses
by Richard M. Burton & Børge Obel & Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson - 23-31 NFT-enabled organization design: prospects, promises and hurdles
by Patrick Nicolas Tinguely & Yash Raj Shrestha
December 2023, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 165-176 Organizing for good—using organization design to take on grand challenges
by Oliver Baumann & Gerald F. Davis & Sven Kunisch & Jiao Luo & Brian Wu - 177-193 Designing inclusive organizational identities
by Ashlyee Freeman & Özgecan Koçak - 195-215 Purpose-driven transformation: a holistic organization design framework for integrating societal goals into companies
by Rebecca Elliott Carballo - 217-237 Designing a deep-tech venture builder to address grand challenges and overcome the valley of death
by A. Georges L. Romme & John Bell & Guus Frericks - 239-244 Incorporating the choice of centralized vs. decentralized resource allocation into sustainability frameworks
by Runar J. Solberg - 245-253 Harnessing self-management to tackle grand challenges: the points-based participation architecture of São Paulo’s housing movement
by Nuno A. Gil & Maria C. Sousa & Felipe G. Massa - 255-262 Fit for solving the grand challenges? From organization design choices to ecosystem solutions
by Tina C. Ambos & Katherine Tatarinov - 263-269 Designing human resource management systems in the age of AI
by Patrick Nicolas Tinguely & Junghyun Lee & Vivianna Fang He - 271-283 Klima DAO: a crypto answer to carbon markets
by Michal Jirásek - 285-287 Klima DAO: an intermediary in a nascent market
by Magdalena Dobrajska - 289-291 Unveiling the familiar in the unconventional: the case of Klima DAO
by Nicolai J. Foss & Tianjiao Xu - 293-295 Some challenges for the “new DAOism”: a comment on Klima DAO
by Vivianna Fang He & Phanish Puranam
September 2023, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 59-82 (De)centralization in the governance of blockchain systems: cryptocurrency cases
by Kyungmoo Heo & Sangyoon Yi - 83-98 Changes in formal structure towards self-managing organization and their effects on the intra-organizational communication network
by Marcel Maurer & Norbert Bach & Simon Oertel - 99-120 Hyperloop transportation technologies: practices for open organizing across VUCA contexts
by Terri L. Griffith & Ann Majchrzak & Luca Giustiniano - 121-140 Business group affiliation in resource-scarce locations
by Vivien Lefebvre - 141-156 Transaction cost economics and mutual legal uncertainty to build commitment
by Joseph McManus - 157-163 Mendelian explorations
by Luigi Marengo & Simona Settepanella & Marco Valente
June 2023, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-5 Managerial hierarchy in AI-driven organizations
by Oliver Baumann & Brian Wu - 7-18 Why managers still matter as applied organization (design) theory
by Nicolai J. Foss & Peter G. Klein - 19-25 Managers matter less than we think: how can organizations function without any middle management?
by Frank Martela - 27-30 A comment on why managers matter: the perils of the bossless company
by Jackson Nickerson - 31-36 Why managers matter: the paradox of organizing
by Ambra Mazzelli - 37-40 Who’s the boss? The persistence of entrepreneurial hierarchy in flat organizations
by Matthew McCaffrey - 41-45 Hierarchy and managers matter more than ever in the digital age: unexamined psychological transaction costs in bossless companies
by Libby Weber - 47-49 On fads, fashions, and follies of flat organizing and why managers still matter
by Maciej Workiewicz - 51-57 Why Managers Matter matters: replies and reflections
by Nicolai J. Foss & Peter G. Klein
December 2022, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 115-128 Designing chief innovation officer positions: a strategic contingency framework
by Joseph L. C. Cheng & E. Geoffrey Love - 129-144 Organizational decision-making and the returns to experimentation
by Todd A. Hall & Sharique Hasan - 145-168 Advice in Crisis: Principles of Organizational and Entrepreneurial Resilience
by Sheen S. Levine & Michael J. Prietula & Ann Majchrzak - 169-187 Health crisis and the EU’s HERA: amplifying partial organizing with resourcing for stability, agility, and evolvability
by Liisa Välikangas & Marijane Luistro-Jonsson & Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa
September 2022, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 87-90 Self-reflections on evolutionary processes and organizational adaptation: a Mendelian perspective on strategic management
by Daniel A. Levinthal - 91-94 Of fruit flies, toads, and other hopeful monsters: thoughts on Levinthal’s Evolutionary Processes and Organizational Adaptation
by Aseem Kaul - 95-105 A Mendelian perspective on strategic management: path-dependence and artificial selection in a search for sustainable energy
by Gwendolyn Lee & Janarthanan Nythruva - 107-109 The wisdom of the ignorant: lessons from evolution
by Phanish Puranam - 111-114 A new perspective on: evolutionary processes and organizational adaptation
by Thorbjørn Knudsen
June 2022, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 37-45 On the strategic value of equifinal choice
by Jose P. Arrieta & Yash R. Shrestha - 47-64 Performance-based incentives and innovative activity in small firms: evidence from German manufacturing
by Karl Aschenbrücker & Tobias Kretschmer - 65-76 Designing a sustainable organization: the four I’s framework
by Børge Obel & Pernille Kallehave - 77-85 Studying modular design: an interview with Carliss Y. Baldwin
by Navya Pandit & Constantin Prox & Carliss Y. Baldwin
March 2022, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-3 The many dimensions of research on designing flat firms
by Oliver Baumann & Brian Wu - 5-10 How to get better at flatter designs: considerations for shaping and leading organizations with less hierarchy
by Markus Reitzig - 11-14 Flat firms, complementary choices, employee effort, and the pyramid principle
by Olav Sorenson - 15-17 Deflating the rhetoric around “flat firms”
by Phanish Puranam - 19-22 Boundary conditions for effective delegation in flat structures
by Constantinos Markides - 23-25 Leveling the “Flatter” playing field
by Ethan S. Bernstein - 27-29 The role of autonomy and selection at the gate in flat organizations
by Linus Dahlander - 31-36 How flat can it get? From better at flatter to the promise of the decentralized, boundaryless organization
by Oliver Alexy
December 2021, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 93-97 Unjani Clinics: meeting the need for scale through social franchising
by Anna Szerb & Ilze Kivleniece & Vikas Aggarwal - 99-102 Scaling considerations for the social franchising model
by Alicia DeSantola - 103-108 Putting the horse back before the cart: designing strategic social enterprises
by Aseem Kaul - 109-113 Unjani Clinic Network: an innovative and scalable hybrid enterprise model that achieves social impact through entrepreneurship
by Ramji Raghavan - 115-117 The promise and limits of social franchises as hybrid organizations
by Metin Sengul - 119-121 Franchising for the social sector
by Olav Sorenson - 123-125 Commentary for Unjani clinics: meeting the need for scale through social franchising
by Anica Zeyen - 127-137 Measuring organizational resilience as a performance outcome
by Ekin Ilseven & Phanish Puranam - 139-139 Correction to: Organizational life cycle models: a design perspective
by Luigi Mosca & Martina Gianecchini & Diego Campagnolo - 141-142 Correction to: Ant colonies: building complex organizations with minuscule brains and no leaders
by Mark W. Moffett & Simon Garnier & Kathleen M. Eisenhardt & Nathan R. Furr & Massimo Warglien & Costanza Sartoris & William Ocasio & Thorbjørn Knudsen & Lars A. Bach & Joachim Offenberg
June 2021, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 75-80 Human–AI collaborative decision-making as an organization design problem
by Phanish Puranam - 81-81 Correction to: Human–AI collaborative decision-making as an organization design problem
by Phanish Puranam - 83-84 A note on calculating the average span of control
by Felipe A. Csaszar - 85-91 In luck we trust: Capturing the diversity bonus through random selection
by Chengwei Liu
March 2021, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial Vol. 10
by Oliver Baumann & John Joseph & Metin Sengul & Brian Wu - 3-18 Organizational life cycle models: a design perspective
by Luigi Mosca & Martina Gianecchini & Diego Campagnolo - 19-34 Organizational structure and CEO dominance
by Christian Schumacher - 35-54 Designing organised clusters as social actors: a meta-organisational approach
by Evgeniya Lupova-Henry & Sam Blili & Cinzia Dal Zotto - 55-74 Ant colonies: building complex organizations with minuscule brains and no leaders
by Mark W. Moffett & Simon Garnier & Kathleen M. Eisenhardt & Nathan R. Furr & Massimo Warglien & Costanza Sartoris & William Ocasio & Thorbjørn Knudsen & Lars A. Bach & Joachim Offenberg
December 2020, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-2 New trends in organization design
by Richard Burton & Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson & Erik Reimer Larsen & Børge Obel - 1-3 Editorial Vol. 9
by John Joseph & Metin Sengul - 1-6 The design of emergence in organizations
by M. Eisenman & S. Paruchuri & P. Puranam - 1-7 Reflections on the design of corporate headquarters
by Andrew Campbell - 1-7 Fit, misfit, and design: JOD studies that touch reality
by Richard M. Burton - 1-9 Why crowdsourcing fails
by Linus Dahlander & Henning Piezunka - 1-10 Gaps in the structuring of organizations in the graduate employment context in Uganda
by Peter Dithan Ntale & Jude Ssempebwa & Badiru Musisi & Genza Gyaviira Musoke & Kimoga Joseph & C. B. Mugimu & Ngoma Muhammed & Joseph Ntayi - 1-10 Digital ecosystems and their implications for competitive strategy
by Mohan Subramaniam - 1-11 The tyranny of the head office? Revisiting corporate headquarters’ (CHQs) role in MNE subsidiary initiatives
by Alain Verbeke & Wenlong Yuan - 1-11 On innovating: an interview with Gautam Ahuja
by Arzi Adbi & Andrea Contigiani & Gabriel Szulanski & Gautam Ahuja - 1-16 Latent organizing for responding to emergencies: foundations for research
by Paul C. Fenema & A. Georges L. Romme - 1-16 Headquarter resource allocation strategies and subsidiary competitive or cooperative behavior: achieving a fit for value creation
by Henrik Dellestrand & Philip Kappen & Olof Lindahl - 1-17 Transforming corporate headquarters: a case study of a collaborative journey
by Stephanie Chasserio & Sophie Botte - 1-17 GitLab: work where you want, when you want
by Prithwiraj Choudhury & Kevin Crowston & Linus Dahlander & Marco S. Minervini & Sumita Raghuram - 1-18 The population ecology of undesigned systems: an analysis of the Arizona charter school system
by Matthew M. Mars & Judith L. Bronstein - 1-19 Using an algorithmic approach for grouping roles and sub-units
by Nicolay Worren & Tore Christiansen & Kim Verner Soldal - 1-19 Designing social networks: joint tasks and the formation and endurance of network ties
by Sharique Hasan & Rembrand Koning - 1-20 On the “missing link” between formal organization and informal social structure
by Starling David Hunter & Henrik Bentzen & Jan Taug - 1-22 Connectivity knowledge and the degree of structural formalization: a contribution to a contingency theory of organizational capability
by Rogerio S. Victer - 1-26 Networks in the balance: an agent-based model of optimal exploitation
by Fernando Anjos & Ray Reagans - 1-27 When three’s a crowd: how relational structure and social history shape organizational codes in triads
by Özgecan Koçak & Massimo Warglien - 1-28 Performance of trust-based governance
by Bart S. Vanneste & Onesun Steve Yoo - 1-30 Disaggregating the headquarters: implications for overseas R&D subsidiaries’ reporting and the subsidiaries’ knowledge-sharing patterns
by Kazuhiro Asakawa - 1-32 Corporate headquarters in the twenty-first century: an organization design perspective
by Sven Kunisch & Markus Menz & David Collis - 1-34 Design as an interactive boundary object
by Thinley Tharchen & Raghu Garud & Rebecca L. Henn
December 2019, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-1 Correction to: Bitcoin and the rise of decentralized autonomous organizations
by Ying-Ying Hsieh & Jean-Philippe Vergne & Philip Anderson & Karim Lakhani & Markus Reitzig - 1-3 Editorial Vol. 8
by John Joseph & Metin Sengul - 1-3 Headquarters as hardware and software
by Kevin Sharer - 1-6 Fading hierarchies and the emergence of new forms of organization
by Stephan Billinger & Maciej Workiewicz - 1-7 Additive manufacturing (“3D printing”) and the future of organizational design: some early notes from the field
by John M. Jordan - 1-7 Use hierarchy for “liberating servant leadership” instead of controlling employees
by Bill Nobles - 1-9 The corporate headquarters in organization design theory: an organizational economics perspective
by Nicolai J. Foss - 1-9 Organization design as a competitive choice: an application to the study of innovation
by Metin Sengul - 1-9 The organizational implications of Brexit
by Caterina Moschieri & Daniel J. Blake - 1-10 How corporate headquarters add value in the digital age
by Jan Schmitt & Benoit Decreton & Phillip C. Nell - 1-11 The Platform Review Alliance Board: designing an organizational model to bring together producers and consumers in the review and commissioning of platform software
by Justin Larner & Åke Walldius - 1-14 Climbing up and down the hierarchy of accountability: implications for organization design
by A. Georges L. Romme - 1-14 Primer on artificial intelligence and robotics
by Manav Raj & Robert Seamans - 1-15 Dynamic attention-based view of corporate headquarters in MNCs
by Tomi Laamanen - 1-16 Setting the stage for corporate headquarters: a technological explanation for the rise of modern industrial corporations
by Carliss Y. Baldwin - 1-17 Curating creative communities of practice: the role of ambiguity
by Michael Kaethler - 1-18 Designing the microstructure of routines
by Tom Steinberger & Ju Yeon Jung - 1-18 Organization design challenges: results from a practitioner survey
by Nicolay Worren & Jeroen Bree & William Zybach - 1-23 What makes self-managing organizations novel? Comparing how Weberian bureaucracy, Mintzberg’s adhocracy, and self-organizing solve six fundamental problems of organizing
by Frank Martela - 1-24 Dealing with headquarters in the multinational corporation: a subsidiary perspective on organizing costs
by Randi Lunnan & Sverre Tomassen & Ulf Andersson & Gabriel R. G. Benito - 1-27 Navigating in a Hierarchy: How Middle Managers Adapt Macro Design
by Marianne Livijn - 1-27 Exploring reasons for the weekend effect in a hospital emergency department: an information processing perspective
by Iben Duvald - 1-35 Extending the role of headquarters beyond the firm boundary: entrepreneurial alliance innovation
by Jaeho Kim & Andy Wu
December 2018, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial Vol. 7
by Børge Obel & Charles Snow & John Joseph & Metin Sengul - 1-5 Evolution of the Journal and the Field of Organization Design
by John Joseph - 1-6 A note on how NK landscapes work
by Felipe A. Csaszar - 1-7 When firms learn from prior acquisition experience
by Kalin D. Kolev & Jerayr (John) Haleblian - 1-10 Research in Journal Of Organization Design, 2012–2018
by Charles C. Snow - 1-13 The science of organizational design: fit between structure and coordination
by Richard M. Burton & Børge Obel - 1-14 Transitioning from a hierarchical product organization to an open platform organization: a Chinese case study
by Jiao Luo & Andrew H. Van de Ven & Runtian Jing & Yuan Jiang - 1-15 Rocket Internet: organizing a startup factory
by Oliver Baumann & Carsten Bergenholtz & Lars Frederiksen & Robert M. Grant & Rebecca Köhler & David L. Preston & Scott Shane - 1-16 Ecosystems: broadening the locus of value creation
by Rahul Kapoor - 1-16 Bitcoin and the rise of decentralized autonomous organizations
by Ying-Ying Hsieh & Jean-Philippe Vergne & Philip Anderson & Karim Lakhani & Markus Reitzig - 1-16 Analyzing competing demands in organizations: a systematic comparison
by Medhanie Gaim & Nils Wåhlin & Miguel Pina e Cunha & Stewart Clegg - 1-16 Implementing design thinking in organizations: an exploratory study
by David Dunne - 1-20 Post-merger integration
by Julia Bodner & Laurence Capron - 1-21 Collaborative organizational forms: on communities, crowds, and new hybrids
by Vegard Kolbjørnsrud - 1-26 Field study of complements to supervisory leadership in more and less flexible work settings
by Terri L. Griffith & Emma S. Nordbäck & John E. Sawyer & Ronald E. Rice - 1-46 Constructing M&A valuation: how do merger evaluation methods differ as uncertainty and controversy vary?
by Hyoung-Goo Kang & Wonseok Woo & Richard M. Burton & Will Mitchell
December 2017, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-5 Platforms, ecosystems, and the internationalization of highly digitized organizations
by Moshe Yonatany - 1-6 Nudge management: applying behavioural science to increase knowledge worker productivity
by Philip Ebert & Wolfgang Freibichler - 1-12 How to avoid destroying your employees and organisations due to burnouts, braindrain and fading performance? Stop double bind-communication in your organisation!
by Angelika Kutz - 1-12 Design, Perception and Behavior in the Innovation Era: Revisiting the Concept of Interdependence
by Abdelghani Es-Sajjade & Terry Wilkins - 1-12 Challenges to large-scale digital organization: the case of Uber
by John M. Jordan - 1-13 Designing the digital organization
by Charles C. Snow & Øystein Devik Fjeldstad & Arthur M. Langer - 1-14 Business models, value capture, and the digital enterprise
by David J. Teece & Greg Linden - 1-14 The matrix as a transitory form: the evolution of FMC technologies 2001–2016
by Nicolay Worren - 1-16 Evolutionary psychology: theoretical foundations for the study of organizations
by Mark Van Vugt - 1-19 GitHub: exploring the space between boss-less and hierarchical forms of organizing
by Richard M. Burton & Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson & Jackson Nickerson & Phanish Puranam & Maciej Workiewicz & Todd Zenger - 1-19 On organizing: an interview with James G. March
by Jiyang Dong & James G. March & Maciej Workiewicz - 1-20 Conflict resolution in meta-organizations: the peculiar role of arbitration
by Klaus Heine & Maximilian Kerk - 1-21 Transitioning from an economic cluster to a collaborative community: mining projects in Greenland
by Maja Due Kadenic - 1-30 Seeing through the network: Competitive advantage in the digital economy
by Thorsten Koch & Josef Windsperger
December 2016, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Børge Obel & Charles Snow - 1-5 Is there a dark side of Big Data – point, counterpoint
by Tore Håkonsson & Tim Carroll - 1-8 Changes in the structures of U.S. companies: action implications for executives and researchers
by George P. Huber - 1-8 Developing a governance model for PPP infrastructure service delivery based on lessons from Eastern Australia
by Raymond E. Levitt & Kent Eriksson - 1-10 Sustaining extended enterprise performance: a value co-creation perspective
by Maria Bobbink & Andreas Hartmann & Geert Dewulf - 1-13 Complementarities and organizational (Mis)fit: a retrospective analysis of the Toyota recall crisis
by Arnaldo Camuffo & Miriam Wilhelm - 1-16 Divestitures
by Emilie R. Feldman & Patia J. McGrath - 1-16 Playfulness, ideology and the technology of foolishness in the creation of a novel market niche for distributed control: The case of iPLON
by Annachiara Casalini & Guido Fioretti & Andreas Pyka