February 2019, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 129-154 Portfolio choice under cumulative prospect theory: sensitivity analysis and an empirical study
by Giorgio Consigli & Asmerilda Hitaj & Elisa Mastrogiacomo - 155-185 Identifying systemically important financial institutions: a network approach
by Pablo Rovira Kaltwasser & Alessandro Spelta - 187-215 Tempered stable process, first passage time, and path-dependent option pricing
by Young Shin Kim - 217-248 Pricing and hedging GMWB in the Heston and in the Black–Scholes with stochastic interest rate models
by Ludovic Goudenege & Andrea Molent & Antonino Zanette - 249-274 European option pricing under cumulative prospect theory with constant relative sensitivity probability weighting functions
by Martina Nardon & Paolo Pianca - 275-295 Calibration of one-factor and two-factor Hull–White models using swaptions
by Vincenzo Russo & Gabriele Torri - 297-327 Simulation and evaluation of the distribution of interest rate risk
by Johan Hagenbjörk & Jörgen Blomvall - 329-343 Big data analytics: an aid to detection of non-technical losses in power utilities
by Giovanni Micheli & Emiliano Soda & Maria Teresa Vespucci & Marco Gobbi & Alessandro Bertani - 345-369 On the construction of hourly price forward curves for electricity prices
by Rüdiger Kiesel & Florentina Paraschiv & Audun Sætherø
October 2018, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 319-323 The stochastic programming heritage of Maarten van der Vlerk
by David P. Morton & Ward Romeijnders & Rüdiger Schultz & Leen Stougie - 325-349 Higher-order total variation bounds for expectations of periodic functions and simple integer recourse approximations
by Niels Laan & Ward Romeijnders & Maarten H. Vlerk - 351-367 Distributionally robust simple integer recourse
by Weijun Xie & Shabbir Ahmed - 369-395 Decision-dependent probabilities in stochastic programs with recourse
by Lars Hellemo & Paul I. Barton & Asgeir Tomasgard - 397-410 Stochastic programs with binary distributions: structural properties of scenario trees and algorithms
by Vit Prochazka & Stein W. Wallace - 411-429 Strong convexity in risk-averse stochastic programs with complete recourse
by Matthias Claus & Rüdiger Schultz & Kai Spürkel - 431-454 Distributionally robust SDDP
by A. B. Philpott & V. L. Matos & L. Kapelevich - 455-477 New solution approaches for the maximum-reliability stochastic network interdiction problem
by Eli Towle & James Luedtke - 479-500 On capacity expansion planning under strategic and operational uncertainties based on stochastic dominance risk averse management
by Laureano F. Escudero & Juan F. Monge - 501-540 A Progressive Hedging based branch-and-bound algorithm for mixed-integer stochastic programs
by Semih Atakan & Suvrajeet Sen - 541-561 A systematic approach for examining the impact of calibration uncertainty in disease modeling
by Jing Voon Chen & Julia L. Higle & Michael Hintlian - 563-582 An adaptive model with joint chance constraints for a hybrid wind-conventional generator system
by Bismark Singh & David P. Morton & Surya Santoso - 583-597 A fractional stochastic integer programming problem for reliability-to-stability ratio in forest harvesting
by Miguel A. Lejeune & Janne Kettunen - 599-632 Optimal insurance portfolios risk-adjusted performance through dynamic stochastic programming
by Giorgio Consigli & Vittorio Moriggia & Sebastiano Vitali & Lorenzo Mercuri
June 2018, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 135-137 Twenty-five years of applied mathematical programming and modelling
by Christina Erlwein-Sayer & Ronald Hochreiter - 139-159 Portfolio selection under supply chain predictability
by Thomas Trier Bjerring & Kourosh Marjani Rasmussen & Alex Weissensteiner - 161-186 Approximation for portfolio optimization in a financial market with shot-noise jumps
by Oleksandra Putyatina & Jörn Sass - 187-211 ALM models based on second order stochastic dominance
by Maram Alwohaibi & Diana Roman - 213-237 Computation of the Delta of European options under stochastic volatility models
by Yeliz Yolcu-Okur & Tilman Sayer & Bilgi Yilmaz & B. Alper Inkaya - 239-258 Modeling and implementation of local volatility surfaces in Bayesian framework
by Abdulwahab Animoku & Ömür Uğur & Yeliz Yolcu-Okur - 259-296 Putting a price tag on temperature
by Heng Xiong & Rogemar Mamon - 297-317 Determination and estimation of risk aversion coefficients
by Taras Bodnar & Yarema Okhrin & Valdemar Vitlinskyy & Taras Zabolotskyy
January 2018, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-32 Asset allocation strategies based on penalized quantile regression
by Giovanni Bonaccolto & Massimiliano Caporin & Sandra Paterlini - 33-53 The organization of the interbank network and how ECB unconventional measures affected the e-MID overnight market
by Paolo Barucca & Fabrizio Lillo - 55-86 A successive linear programming algorithm with non-linear time series for the reservoir management problem
by Charles Gauvin & Erick Delage & Michel Gendreau - 87-110 Stochastic dynamic programming approach to managing power system uncertainty with distributed storage
by Luckny Zéphyr & C. Lindsay Anderson - 111-134 A data-driven distributionally robust bound on the expected optimal value of uncertain mixed 0-1 linear programming
by Guanglin Xu & Samuel Burer
October 2017, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 461-463 Special issue on the 13th international conference on computational management science
by A. Alonso-Ayuso & F. Maggioni - 465-491 Chebyshev reduced basis function applied to option valuation
by Javier Frutos & Víctor Gatón - 493-518 Using tropical optimization to solve constrained minimax single-facility location problems with rectilinear distance
by Nikolai Krivulin - 519-533 A discrete optimality system for an optimal harvesting problem
by Hacer Öz Bakan & Fikriye Yılmaz & Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber - 535-557 On the impact of conditional expectation estimators in portfolio theory
by Sergio Ortobelli & Noureddine Kouaissah & Tomáš Tichý - 559-583 Implied volatility and state price density estimation: arbitrage analysis
by Miloš Kopa & Sebastiano Vitali & Tomáš Tichý & Radek Hendrych - 585-610 Centered solutions for uncertain linear equations
by Jianzhe Zhen & Dick Hertog
July 2017, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 297-312 Pricing catastrophe bonds with multistage stochastic programming
by Nick Georgiopoulos - 313-331 Fast binomial procedures for pricing Parisian/ParAsian options
by Marcellino Gaudenzi & Antonino Zanette - 333-365 Quality evaluation of scenario-tree generation methods for solving stochastic programming problems
by Julien Keutchayan & Michel Gendreau & Antoine Saucier - 367-391 Regularised gradient boosting for financial time-series modelling
by Alexandros Agapitos & Anthony Brabazon & Michael O’Neill - 393-421 Regularized decomposition of large scale block-structured robust optimization problems
by Wim Ackooij & Nicolas Lebbe & Jérôme Malick - 423-441 Optimal trial duration times for multiple change points products lifetime distributions
by Rachele Foschi - 443-460 A joint model of probabilistic/robust constraints for gas transport management in stationary networks
by T. González Grandón & H. Heitsch & R. Henrion
April 2017, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 179-196 Volatility forecasting via SVR–GARCH with mixture of Gaussian kernels
by Pedro Correia S. Bezerra & Pedro Henrique M. Albuquerque - 197-213 A comparison between the robust risk-aware and risk-seeking managers in R&D portfolio management
by Shuyi Wang & Aurélie Thiele - 215-227 Numerical solutions to dynamic portfolio problems with upper bounds
by Mark Broadie & Weiwei Shen - 229-256 Log-robust portfolio management with parameter ambiguity
by Ban Kawas & Aurelie Thiele - 257-280 Novel approaches for portfolio construction using second order stochastic dominance
by Cristiano Arbex Valle & Diana Roman & Gautam Mitra - 281-291 A developed slope order index (SOI) for bottlenecks in projects and production lines
by Mehdi Rajabi Asadabadi - 293-296 Erratum to: Polyhedral approximation of ellipsoidal uncertainty sets via extended formulations: a computational case study
by Andreas Bärmann & Andreas Heidt & Alexander Martin & Sebastian Pokutta & Christoph Thurner
January 2017, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-4 Special issue on the 12th international conference on computational management science
by Miloš Kopa & Wolfram Wiesemann - 5-44 A scenario-based framework for supply planning under uncertainty: stochastic programming versus robust optimization approaches
by Francesca Maggioni & Florian A. Potra & Marida Bertocchi - 45-66 Robust optimization of uncertain multistage inventory systems with inexact data in decision rules
by Frans J. C. T. Ruiter & Aharon Ben-Tal & Ruud C. M. Brekelmans & Dick Hertog - 67-80 SDDP for multistage stochastic programs: preprocessing via scenario reduction
by Jitka Dupačová & Václav Kozmík - 81-89 Goldbach’s conjecture in max-algebra
by Peter Szabó - 91-113 Direct solution to constrained tropical optimization problems with application to project scheduling
by Nikolai Krivulin - 115-134 Robust shift generation in workforce planning
by Dori Hulst & Dick Hertog & Wim Nuijten - 135-160 Optimal pension fund composition for an Italian private pension plan sponsor
by Sebastiano Vitali & Vittorio Moriggia & Miloš Kopa - 161-177 Flow-based formulations for operational fixed interval scheduling problems with random delays
by Martin Branda & Štěpán Hájek
October 2016, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 501-520 A moment matching approach to log-normal portfolio optimization
by Elçin Çetinkaya & Aurélie Thiele - 521-539 On the customer lifetime value: a mathematical perspective
by R. Ferrentino & M. T. Cuomo & C. Boniello - 541-570 Bootstrap estimation of the efficient frontier
by Begoña Font - 571-596 On the minimum-cost $$\lambda $$ λ -edge-connected k-subgraph problem
by Elham Sadeghi & Neng Fan - 597-626 Advance selling to strategic consumers
by Michelle M. H. Şeref & Onur Şeref & Aydın Alptekinoğlu & S. Selçuk Erengüç
July 2016, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 317-348 An improved Lagrangian relaxation and dual ascent approach to facility location problems
by Kurt Jörnsten & Andreas Klose - 349-369 Economics of collective monitoring: a study of environmentally constrained electricity generators
by J. Contreras & J. B. Krawczyk & J. Zuccollo - 371-391 Accelerating viability kernel computation with CUDA architecture: application to bycatch fishery management
by Antoine Brias & Jean-Denis Mathias & Guillaume Deffuant - 423-457 Monotonic bounds in multistage mixed-integer stochastic programming
by Francesca Maggioni & Elisabetta Allevi & Marida Bertocchi - 459-482 Protecting the data-driven newsvendor against rare events: a correction-term approach
by Gokhan Metan & Aurélie Thiele - 483-500 Investment in electric energy storage under uncertainty: a real options approach
by Ida Bakke & Stein-Erik Fleten & Lars Ivar Hagfors & Verena Hagspiel & Beate Norheim & Sonja Wogrin
April 2016, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 151-193 Polyhedral approximation of ellipsoidal uncertainty sets via extended formulations: a computational case study
by Andreas Bärmann & Andreas Heidt & Alexander Martin & Sebastian Pokutta & Christoph Thurner - 219-239 Decomposition for adjustable robust linear optimization subject to uncertainty polytope
by Josette Ayoub & Michael Poss - 293-315 On the average performance of the adjustable RO and its use as an offline tool for multi-period production planning under uncertainty
by Michal Melamed & Aharon Ben-Tal & Boaz Golany
January 2016, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-3 Computational Management Science Special Issue on “Optimisation methods and applications in the energy sector”
by Stein-Erik Fleten & Daniel Kuhn & Afzal Siddiqui - 1-3 Computational Management Science Special Issue on “Optimisation methods and applications in the energy sector”
by Stein-Erik Fleten & Daniel Kuhn & Afzal Siddiqui - 5-27 The impact of wind uncertainty on the strategic valuation of distributed electricity storage
by Pedro Crespo Del Granado & Stein Wallace & Zhan Pang - 29-62 Solution sensitivity-based scenario reduction for stochastic unit commitment
by Yonghan Feng & Sarah Ryan - 63-86 The natural hedge of a gas-fired power plant
by Xiaojia Guo & Alexandros Beskos & Afzal Siddiqui - 87-118 A leader-followers model of power transmission capacity expansion in a market driven environment
by Paolo Pisciella & Marida Bertocchi & Maria Vespucci - 119-146 A dynamic programming model of energy storage and transformer deployments to relieve distribution constraints
by Xiaomin Xi & Ramteen Sioshansi
October 2015, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 489-490 Editorial, Volume 12, Issue 4, 2015
by Rüdiger Schultz - 491-518 A scalable solution framework for stochastic transmission and generation planning problems
by Francisco Munoz & Jean-Paul Watson - 519-537 Boomer-Consumer: a model for load consumption and reserve offers in reserve constrained electricity markets
by Nigel Cleland & Golbon Zakeri & Geoff Pritchard & Brent Young - 539-557 Controlled approximation of the value function in stochastic dynamic programming for multi-reservoir systems
by Luckny Zéphyr & Pascal Lang & Bernard Lamond - 559-575 Detection of local tourism systems by threshold accepting
by Joseph Andria & Giacomo Tollo & Raffaele Pesenti - 577-594 On composite vector variational-like inequalities and vector optimization problems
by Anurag Jayswal & Shipra Singh & Sarita Choudhury
July 2015, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 345-370 Linear vs. quadratic portfolio selection models with hard real-world constraints
by Francesco Cesarone & Andrea Scozzari & Fabio Tardella - 371-395 Optimization and sustainable development
by Leo Liberti - 397-415 A heuristic algorithm to solve the single-facility location routing problem on Riemannian surfaces
by Emre Tokgöz & Samir Alwazzi & Theodore Trafalis - 417-434 Constructing optimal sparse portfolios using regularization methods
by B. Fastrich & S. Paterlini & P. Winker - 435-459 Probabilistic constraints via SQP solver: application to a renewable energy management problem
by I. Bremer & R. Henrion & A. Möller - 461-488 Optimal annuity portfolio under inflation risk
by Agnieszka Konicz & David Pisinger & Alex Weissensteiner
April 2015, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 219-220 Computations in stochastic programming
by Rudiger Schultz - 221-242 On variance reduction of mean-CVaR Monte Carlo estimators
by Václav Kozmík - 243-266 Decision-making from a risk assessment perspective for Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions
by Jinwook Lee & András Prékopa - 267-295 Multi-period forecasting and scenario generation with limited data
by Ignacio Rios & Roger Wets & David Woodruff - 297-318 A column generation mathematical programming approach for a class-faculty assignment problem with preferences
by Salem Al-Yakoob & Hanif Sherali - 319-340 Cutting plane algorithms for mean-CVaR portfolio optimization with nonconvex transaction costs
by Yuichi Takano & Keisuke Nanjo & Noriyoshi Sukegawa & Shinji Mizuno - 341-343 Erratum to: A copula-based heuristic for scenario generation
by Michal Kaut
January 2015, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-3 Special issue on computational techniques and applications
by Georges Zaccour - 5-33 Game Theory Explorer: software for the applied game theorist
by Rahul Savani & Bernhard Stengel - 35-43 The evolution of cooperation with different fitness functions using probabilistic cellular automata
by P. Schimit & B. Santos & C. Soares - 45-79 Risk and reward of home equity borrowing for investment in Canada, a stochastic analysis
by Almas Naseem & R. Reesor - 81-97 A comparison of Bayesian, Hazard, and Mixed Logit model of bankruptcy prediction
by Samir Trabelsi & Roc He & Lawrence He & Martin Kusy - 99-109 The impact of customer behavior models on revenue management systems
by Shadi Azadeh & M. Hosseinalifam & G. Savard - 111-127 Stochastic model for energy commercialisation of small hydro plants in the Brazilian energy market
by Vitor Matos & Mauro Sierra & Erlon Finardi & Brigida Decker & André Milanezi - 129-152 Imperfect production process with learning and forgetting effects
by M. Jaber & Z. Givi - 153-169 An integrated approach based on DEA and AHP
by Mohammad Pakkar - 171-195 Multi-stage stochastic optimization: the distance between stochastic scenario processes
by Anna Timonina - 197-218 The maximum ratio clique problem
by Samyukta Sethuraman & Sergiy Butenko
October 2014, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 317-318 Preface: Special issue on learning and robustness
by Panos Pardalos - 319-340 Numerical study of learning algorithms on Stiefel manifold
by Takafumi Kanamori & Akiko Takeda - 341-364 Calibrating probability distributions with convex-concave-convex functions: application to CDO pricing
by Alexander Veremyev & Peter Tsyurmasto & Stan Uryasev & R. Rockafellar - 365-402 Interaction between financial risk measures and machine learning methods
by Jun-ya Gotoh & Akiko Takeda & Rei Yamamoto - 403-418 Machine-learning classifiers for imbalanced tornado data
by Theodore Trafalis & Indra Adrianto & Michael Richman & S. Lakshmivarahan - 419-444 Incremental accelerated gradient methods for SVM classification: study of the constrained approach
by Nicolas Couellan & Sophie Jan - 445-458 Discovering the dynamics of smart business networks
by L.-F. Pau - 459-473 An orienteering model for the search and rescue problem
by Adel Guitouni & Hatem Masri - 475-502 A Cournot–Nash–Bertrand game theory model of a service-oriented Internet with price and quality competition among network transport providers
by Anna Nagurney & Tilman Wolf - 503-516 A copula-based heuristic for scenario generation
by Michal Kaut - 517-530 Edge detection by spherical separation
by A. Astorino & M. Gaudioso & W. Khalaf - 531-562 Stochastic optimization on social networks with application to service pricing
by Denis Becker & Alexei Gaivoronski
July 2014, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 195-196 Special issue in honor of Berç Rustem
by Hans Amman & Panos Pardalos - 197-220 On distributionally robust multiperiod stochastic optimization
by Bita Analui & Georg Pflug - 221-235 Comparison of policy functions from the optimal learning and adaptive control frameworks
by Hans Amman & David Kendrick - 237-266 Design optimization of an internal combustion engine powered CHP system for residential scale application
by Nikolaos Diangelakis & Christos Panos & Efstratios Pistikopoulos - 267-283 Analysis of relationship between forward and spot markets in oligopolies under demand and cost uncertainties
by N. Gülpınar & F. Oliveira - 285-315 Equilibria and dynamics of supply chain network competition with information asymmetry in quality and minimum quality standards
by Anna Nagurney & Dong Li
January 2014, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editorial to computational techniques in management science
by Panos Parpas & Wolfram Wiesemann - 5-23 Can home-owners benefit from stochastic programming models? A study of mortgage choice in Denmark
by Kourosh Rasmussen & Claus Madsen & Rolf Poulsen - 25-44 Energy efficiency and risk management in public buildings: strategic model for robust planning
by Emilio Cano & Javier Moguerza & Tatiana Ermolieva & Yuri Ermoliev - 45-55 Network approach for the Russian stock market
by A. Vizgunov & B. Goldengorin & V. Kalyagin & A. Koldanov & P. Koldanov & P. Pardalos - 57-86 Capacity expansion and forward contracting in a duopolistic power sector
by Dorea Chin & Afzal Siddiqui - 87-110 Smart charging profiles for electric vehicles
by Fernando Banez-Chicharro & Jesus Latorre & Andres Ramos - 111-137 Computational framework for longevity risk management
by Valeria D’Amato & Steven Haberman & Gabriella Piscopo & Maria Russolillo - 139-155 Computational learning of the conditional phase-type (C-Ph) distribution
by Adele Marshall & Barry Shaw - 157-178 Optimization of a linear function over the set of stochastic efficient solutions
by Chaabane Djamal & Mebrek Fatma - 179-193 Multi-horizon stochastic programming
by Michal Kaut & Kjetil Midthun & Adrian Werner & Asgeir Tomasgard & Lars Hellemo & Marte Fodstad
December 2013, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 277-279 Preface
by Michèle Breton & Georges Zaccour - 281-298 Dynamic decentralization of harvesting constraints in the management of tychastic evolution of renewable resources
by Jean-Pierre Aubin & Luxi Chen & Marie-Hélène Durand - 299-329 A robust meta-game for climate negotiations
by Frédéric Babonneau & Alain Haurie & Marc Vielle - 331-351 Spatial control of invasive species in conservation landscapes
by Christopher Baker & Michael Bode - 353-364 Ecological-economic modelling for the sustainable management of biodiversity
by L. Doyen & A. Cissé & S. Gourguet & L. Mouysset & P.-Y. Hardy & C. Béné & F. Blanchard & F. Jiguet & J.-C. Pereau & O. Thébaud - 365-396 Computation of viability kernels: a case study of by-catch fisheries
by Jacek Krawczyk & Alastair Pharo & Oana Serea & Stewart Sinclair - 397-422 Supply chain network sustainability under competition and frequencies of activities from production to distribution
by Anna Nagurney & Min Yu & Jonas Floden - 423-450 Shallow lake economics run deep: nonlinear aspects of an economic-ecological interest conflict
by Florian Wagener
June 2013, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 77-80 Financial networks
by Anna Nagurney - 81-103 Computational study of the US stock market evolution: a rank correlation-based network model
by Oleg Shirokikh & Grigory Pastukhov & Vladimir Boginski & Sergiy Butenko - 105-124 Simple measure of similarity for the market graph construction
by Grigory Bautin & Valery Kalyagin & Alexander Koldanov & Petr Koldanov & Panos Pardalos - 125-155 Financial contagion: extending the exposures network of the Mexican financial system
by Juan Solorzano-Margain & Serafin Martinez-Jaramillo & Fabrizio Lopez-Gallo - 157-186 Assessing interbank contagion using simulated networks
by Grzegorz Hałaj & Christoffer Kok - 187-211 Network analysis of the e-MID overnight money market: the informational value of different aggregation levels for intrinsic dynamic processes
by Karl Finger & Daniel Fricke & Thomas Lux - 213-230 Rollover risk and endogenous network dynamics
by Jose Fique & Frank Page - 231-252 Financial networks with socially responsible investing
by Qiang Qiang & Ke Ke & Yihong Hu - 253-275 The co-evolution of integrated corporate financial networks and supply chain networks with insolvency risk
by Zugang Liu
February 2013, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-20 An inventory-transportation system with stochastic demand
by Luca Bertazzi & Simona Cherubini - 21-49 Simultaneous pursuit of out-of-sample performance and sparsity in index tracking portfolios
by Akiko Takeda & Mahesan Niranjan & Jun-ya Gotoh & Yoshinobu Kawahara - 51-76 Integer programs for margining option portfolios by option spreads with more than four legs
by D. Matsypura & V.G. Timkovsky
November 2012, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 417-440 Mixed convexity and optimization results for an (S − 1, S) inventory model under a time limit on backorders
by Emre Tokgöz & Hillel Kumin - 441-458 Iterative estimation maximization for stochastic linear programs with conditional value-at-risk constraints
by Pu Huang & Dharmashankar Subramanian - 459-481 Dynamic fleet scheduling with uncertain demand and customer flexibility
by Jonathan Turner & Soonhui Lee & Mark Daskin & Tito Homem-de-Mello & Karen Smilowitz - 483-514 The coastal seaspace patrol sector design and allocation problem
by Brian Lunday & Hanif Sherali & Kevin Lunday - 515-530 Credit spreads, endogenous bankruptcy and liquidity risk
by Jianping Fu & Xingchun Wang & Yongjin Wang - 531-542 Network design for time-constrained delivery using subgraphs
by Hui Chen & Ann Campbell & Barrett Thomas
August 2012, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 301-302 Editorial
by Panos Parpas & Wolfram Wiesemann - 303-321 Multistage stochastic programming in strategic telecommunication network planning
by Andreas Eisenblätter & Jonas Schweiger - 323-338 An exact model for cell formation in group technology
by Dmitry Krushinsky & Boris Goldengorin - 339-362 An approximate dynamic programming framework for modeling global climate policy under decision-dependent uncertainty
by Mort Webster & Nidhi Santen & Panos Parpas - 363-379 Stochastic nuclear outages semidefinite relaxations
by Agnès Gorge & Abdel Lisser & Riadh Zorgati - 381-399 Optimal electricity generation portfolios
by Daniel Ziegler & Katrin Schmitz & Christoph Weber - 401-415 Simple and efficient classification scheme based on specific vocabulary
by Jacques Savoy & Olena Zubaryeva
May 2012, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 161-162 Preface
by Georg Pflug - 163-182 Solving generation expansion planning problems with environmental constraints by a bundle method
by Claudia Sagastizábal & Mikhail Solodov - 183-203 Theoretical and algorithmic advances in multi-parametric programming and control
by Efstratios Pistikopoulos & Luis Dominguez & Christos Panos & Konstantinos Kouramas & Altannar Chinchuluun - 205-231 Supply chain network operations management of a blood banking system with cost and risk minimization
by Anna Nagurney & Amir Masoumi & Min Yu - 233-254 Optimal versus satisfactory decision making: a case study of sales with a target
by Jacek Krawczyk & Christopher Sissons & Daniel Vincent - 255-272 Algorithms for the quickest path problem and the reliable quickest path problem
by Herminia Calvete & Lourdes del-Pozo & José Iranzo - 273-286 DCA for solving the scheduling of lifting vehicle in an automated port container terminal
by Hoai Le & Adnan Yassine & Riadh Moussi - 287-299 IPM based sparse LP solver on a heterogeneous processor
by Mujahed Eleyat & Lasse Natvig
February 2012, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-2 Optimal decision making under uncertainty
by Ronald Hochreiter & Daniel Kuhn - 3-29 Monte Carlo methods for mean-risk optimization and portfolio selection
by Huifu Xu & Dali Zhang - 31-62 Robust international portfolio management
by Raquel Fonseca & Wolfram Wiesemann & Berç Rustem - 63-88 Robust portfolio optimization with a hybrid heuristic algorithm
by Björn Fastrich & Peter Winker - 89-107 Regime-switching recurrent reinforcement learning for investment decision making
by Dietmar Maringer & Tikesh Ramtohul - 109-138 Real options analysis of investment in carbon capture and sequestration technology
by Somayeh Heydari & Nick Ovenden & Afzal Siddiqui - 139-160 Single source single-commodity stochastic network design
by Biju Thapalia & Stein Wallace & Michal Kaut & Teodor Crainic
November 2011, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 323-353 On the role of norm constraints in portfolio selection
by Jun-ya Gotoh & Akiko Takeda - 355-370 Progressive hedging innovations for a class of stochastic mixed-integer resource allocation problems
by Jean-Paul Watson & David Woodruff - 371-385 Path loss prediction in urban environment using learning machines and dimensionality reduction techniques
by M. Piacentini & F. Rinaldi - 387-414 Estimation of risk-neutral density surfaces
by A. Monteiro & R. Tütüncü & L. Vicente - 415-428 Kernel logistic regression using truncated Newton method
by Maher Maalouf & Theodore Trafalis & Indra Adrianto