December 1998, Volume 35, Issue 12
- 2389-2392 Books Received
by N/A
November 1998, Volume 35, Issue 11
- 1919-1934 Modelling Sustainable Home-ownership: Demographics or Economics?
by Geoffrey Meen - 1935-1969 What is a Central City in the United States? Applying a Statistical Technique for Developing Taxonomies
by Edward W. Hill & John F. Brennan & Harold L. Wolman - 1971-1993 Mortgage Lending and Residential Integration in a Hypersegregated MSA: The Case of St Louis
by Heather I. MacDonald - 1995-2019 Poverty and Urban Public Expenditures
by Janet Rothenberg Pack - 2021-2061 Competition and Area Selection in Scotland's New Urban Policy
by Ivan Turok & Nick Hopkins - 2063-2083 Ten Years of the Urban Programme 1981-91: The Impact and Implications of its Assistance to Small Businesses
by Robert Owen Baldock - 2085-2099 Urbanisation and Regional Productivity in Korean Manufacturing
by Yung Joon Lee & Hyoungsoo Zang - 2101-2110 The Effect of Foreign Investment on the Real Estate Industry in China
by Dianchun Jiang & Jean Jinghan Chen & David Isaac - 2111-2129 Affordability, Housing Demand and Housing Policy in Urban India
by Piyush Tiwari & Jyoti Parikh - 2131-2146 Housing and Highway Planning in Israel: An Environmental Debate
by Deborah F. Shmueli - 2147-2164 Book Reviews
by Kenneth Button & David Gibbs & Arthur Morris & Alison Ravetz & Frank Barnes & Rosemary D.F. Bromley & Alan Hallsworth & Joe T. Darden & Walter Buhr & Barrie Needham - 2165-2166 Book Notes
by N/A - 2167-2169 Books Received
by N/A
October 1998, Volume 35, Issue 10
- 1631-1656 Ethnic Segregation in Cities: New Forms and Explanations in a Dynamic World
by Ronald van Kempen & A. şule Özüekren - 1657-1680 South Asian and Caribbean Ethnic Minority Housing Choice in Britain
by Ceri Peach - 1681-1702 Black Minority Ethnic Concentration, Segregation and Dispersal in Britain
by Deborah Phillips - 1703-1724 Black Africans in Great Britain: Spatial Concentration and Segregation
by Patricia O. Daley - 1725-1744 The Settlement Patterns of Developed World Migrants in London
by Paul White - 1745-1763 Ethnic Segregation in Cologne, Germany, 1984-94
by Jürgen Friedrichs - 1765-1789 Restructuring of Housing and Ethnic Segregation: Recent Developments in Berlin
by Franz-Josef Kemper - 1791-1812 Segregation in Vienna: Impacts of Market Barriers and Rent Regulations
by Rudolf Giffinger - 1813-1833 Ethnic Residential Patterns in Dutch Cities: Backgrounds, Shifts and Consequences
by Ronald van Kempen & Jan van Weesep - 1835-1853 Housing Turks and Moroccans in Brussels and Amsterdam: The Difference between Private and Public Markets
by Christian Kesteloot & Cees Cortie - 1855-1868 In the Margin of the Welfare State: Labour Market Position and Housing Conditions of Undocumented Immigrants in Rotterdam
by Jack Burgers - 1869-1888 Immigration, Spatial Segregation and Housing Segmentation of Immigrants in Metropolitan Stockholm, 1960-95
by Robert A. Murdie & Lars-Erik Borgegard - 1889-1911 Polarisation, Public Housing and Racial Minorities in US Cities
by William H. Carter & Michael H. Schill & Susan M. Wachter
August 1998, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 1423-1438 Are Canadian Inner Cities Becoming More Dissimilar? An Analysis of Urban Deprivation Indicators
by Michael J. Broadway & Gillian Jesty - 1439-1455 Urbanisation, Agriculture and Industrialisation in China, 1952-91
by Denise Young & Honghai Deng - 1457-1480 Explaining Size Differentiation of Business Service Centres
by Robert J. Bennett & Daniel J. Graham - 1481-1500 A Meta-analytical Evaluation of Sustainable City Initiatives
by Peter Nijkamp & Gerard Pepping - 1501-1517 Institutions in British Property Research: A Review
by Michael Ball - 1519-1540 Developing Indicators to Assess the Potential for Urban Regeneration: Improvements Using the 1991 Census of Population Samples of Anonymised Records
by Chris Gardiner - 1541-1558 Land Conversion at the Urban Fringe: A Comparative Study of Japan, Britain and the Netherlands
by Hiroshi Mori - 1559-1575 Multi-locational Manufacturing Organisations and Plant Closures in Urban Areas
by J.D. Kirkham & H.D. Watts - 1577-1595 Transaction Costs of Allocating Increased Land Value Under Public Leasehold Systems: Hong Kong
by Yu-Hung Hong - 1597-1614 Book Reviews
by Andrew E.G. Jonas & David W. Smith & Karl Martin Born & M. Blacksell & Antoine S. Bailly & Andrew H. Dawson & Paul Villeneuve & Wei Li & Lily Kong & Chris Pickvance & James D. White - 1615-1616 Book Notes
by N/A - 1617-1618 Books Received
by N/A
July 1998, Volume 35, Issue 8
- 1215-1230 Territorial Competition and Property Market Process: An Exploratory Analysis
by Eamonn D'Arcy & Geoffrey Keogh - 1231-1259 Predicting the Growth and Filtering of At-risk Housing: Structure Ageing, Poverty and Redlining
by Harry L. Margulis - 1261-1289 Reasons for the Development of 'Islands of Innovation': Evidence from Hertfordshire
by James Simmie - 1291-1309 The Position and Role of Former Public Sector Homes in the Owner-occupied Sector: New Evidence from the Scottish Housing Market
by Hal Pawson & Craig Watkins - 1311-1333 Market-place Trading and the Transformation of Retail Space in the Expanding Latin American City
by Rosemary D. F. Bromley - 1335-1343 Changing a Decision Taken under Uncertainty: The Case of the Criminal's Location Choice
by Joseph Deutsch & Gil S. Epstein - 1345-1358 An Application of the Frontier Price Concept in Spatial Equilibrium Analysis
by Toshiharu Ishikawa & Masao Toda - 1359-1375 Was There a Social Transformation of Urban Neighbourhoods in the 1980s? A Decade of Worsening Social Conditions in Cleveland, Ohio, USA
by Julian Chow & Claudia Coulton - 1377-1392 Housing Price, Land Supply and Revenue from Land Sales
by Raymond Y. C. Tse - 1393-1408 Book Reviews
by Barbara M.D. Smith & Richard Stren & Philip Kivell & Ghazi Falah & Peter White & Nicola Morrison & Peter Dicken & John Silk & Rene Verhoeff & Gary Pivo - 1409-1410 Book Notes
by N/A - 1411-1412 Books Received
by N/A
June 1998, Volume 35, Issue 7
- 1015-1018 Transport and Land Use: Editor's Introduction
by Alex Anas - 1019-1035 Patterns of Metropolitan Development: What Have We Learned?
by Gregory K. Ingram - 1037-1057 Metropolitan and Non-metropolitan Employment Trends in the US: Recent Evidence and Implications
by Peter Gordon & Harry W. Richardson & Gang Yu - 1059-1076 Sub-centring and Commuting: Evidence from the San Francisco Bay Area, 1980-90
by Robert Cervero & Kang-Li Wu - 1077-1095 Information Technology, Work Patterns and Intra-metropolitan Location: A Case Study
by Genevieve Giuliano - 1097-1118 Spatial Variation in Office Rents within the Atlanta Region
by Christopher R. Bollinger & Keith R. Ihlanfeldt & David R. Bowes - 1119-1130 Population Density in Suburban Chicago: A Bid-rent Approach
by Daniel P. McMillen & John F. McDonald - 1131-1153 Integration of an Activity-based Model System and a Residential Location Model
by Moshe Ben-Akiva & John L. Bowman - 1155-1169 Can Land-use Policy Really Affect Travel Behaviour? A Study of the Link between Non-work Travel and Land-use Characteristics
by Marlon G. Boarnet & Sharon Sarmiento - 1171-1185 Economic Theory and the Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis
by Richard Arnott - 1187-1205 Where Youth Live: Economic Effects of Urban Space on Employment Prospects
by Katherine M. O'Regan & John M. Quigley
May 1998, Volume 35, Issue 5-6
- 815-823 Urban Consumption: An Historiographical Note
by Steven Miles & Ronan Paddison - 825-839 Urban Lifestyles: Diversity and Standardisation in Spaces of Consumption
by Sharon Zukin - 841-864 Consumption and the Postmodern City
by Derek Wynne & Justin O'Connor & Dianne Phillips - 865-888 Public and Private Consumption and the City
by David B. Clarke & Michael G. Bradford - 889-907 Cityscapes : Consumption, Masculinities and the Mapping of London since 1950
by Frank Mort - 909-925 The Flâneur, the City and Virtual Public Life
by Mike Featherstone - 927-951 Consumption, Consumerism and Urban Form: Historical Perspectives
by Paul Glennie - 953-979 Controlling New Retail Spaces: The Impress of Planning Policies in Western Europe
by Clifford M. Guy - 981-1000 World Cities, Globalisation and the Spread of Consumerism: A View from Singapore
by Beng-Huat Chua - 1001-1008 The Consuming Paradox: A New Research Agenda for Urban Consumption
by Steven Miles
April 1998, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 615-626 The Role of Development Agencies in Regional Policy: An Academic and Practitioner Approach
by James T. Hughes - 627-647 Upper-middle-class Influence on Developmental Policy Outcomes: The Case of Transit Infrastructure
by Herman L. Boschken - 649-662 Technology and Industrial Policy for a Metropolis at the Threshold of the Global Economy: The Case of Haifa, Israel
by Baruch A. Kipnis - 663-685 Territorial Competition and Globalisation: Scylla and Charybdis of European Cities
by Leslie Budd - 687-713 First-time Home-ownership in the Family Life Course: A West German-Dutch Comparison
by Clara H. Mulder & Michael Wagner - 715-727 Using Contingent Valuation to Estimate a Neighbourhood's Willingness to Pay to Preserve Undeveloped Urban Land
by William S. Breffle & Edward R. Morey & Tymon S. Lodder - 729-750 Urban Planning amidst Ethnic Conflict: Jerusalem and Johannesburg
by Scott A. Bollens - 751-768 Revolution, Evolution and Local Government Structure: An Empirical Analysis of London
by George A. Boyne & Michael Cole - 769-773 Supply Chains, Material Linkage and Regional Development: A Comment
by Steven Brand - 775-778 Supply Chains, Material Linkage and Regional Development: A Reply
by J. Twomey & Judith M. Tomkins - 779-793 Book Reviews
by Peter J. Taylor & John Shearer & Ronan Paddison & Kenneth Gibb & Dorothy Gillies & Adam Read & David E. Dowall & Ira Sharkansky & Gareth Shaw & Jamie Peck - 795-796 Book Notes
by N/A - 797-798 Books Received
by N/A - 799-805 Acknowledgement of Referees, 1997
by N/A
March 1998, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 367-370 International Migration and Ethnic Segregation: Impacts on Urban Areas-Introduction
by Joos Droogleever Fortuijn & Sako Musterd & Wim Ostendorf - 371-382 Mass Migration and Local Outcomes: Is International Migration to the United States Creating a New Urban Underclass?
by William A. V. Clark - 385-396 Ethnic Clusters in Amsterdam, 1994-96: A Micro-area Analysis
by Marinus C. Deurloo & Sako Musterd - 397-428 Socio-spatial Dynamics: Ethnic Divisions of Mobility and Housing in post-Palme Sweden
by Roger Andersson - 429-447 Globalisation, Social Change and Minorities in Metropolitan Paris: The Emergence of New Class Patterns
by Catherine Rhein - 449-466 Urban Decline and the New Social and Ethnic Divisions in the Core Cities of the Italian Industrial Triangle
by Petros Petsimeris - 467-477 Residential Desegregation in Two South African Cities: A Comparative Study of Bloemfontein and Pietersburg
by N.J. Kotze & S.E. Donaldson - 479-501 Anatomy of a New Ethnic Settlement: The Chinese Ethnoburb in Los Angeles
by Wei Li - 503-527 Rethinking Ethnic Concentration: The Case of Cabramatta, Sydney
by Kevin M. Dunn - 529-545 Geographical Barriers to Employment for American-born and Immigrant Workers
by Valerie Preston & S. McLafferty & X.F. Liu - 547-564 School Segregation: The Case of Amsterdam
by Peter Gramberg - 565-581 Growing Up in Amsterdam: Differentiation and Segregation in Children's Daily Lives
by Lia Karsten - 583-602 Negotiating Public Space: Strategies and Styles of Migrant Female Domestic Workers in Singapore
by Brenda S. A. Yeoh & Shirlena Huang
February 1998, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 175-191 The Enabling Local State and Urban Development: Resources, Rhetoric and Planning in East London
by Yvonne Rydin - 193-214 Why People Move to the 'Sun-belt': A Case Study of Long-distance Migration to the Gold Coast, Australia
by Robert J. Stimson & John Minnery - 215-241 A Synthetic Approach to Estimating the Impacts of Telecommuting on Travel
by Patricia L. Mokhtarian - 243-258 Noise versus Access: The Impact of an Airport in an Urban Property Market
by J. Tomkins & N. Topham & J. Twomey & R. Ward - 259-283 The New Structure of Building Provision and the Transformation of the Urban Landscape in Metropolitan Guangzhou, China
by Fulong Wu - 285-299 The Price of Land for Housing in Trinidad: The Role of Regulatory Constraints and Implications for Affordability
by Ayse Pamuk & David E. Dowall - 301-319 The Private Provision of Urban Infrastructure: Financial Intermediation through Long-term Contracts
by Gordon L. Clark & John Evans - 321-340 Policies to Control Urban Sprawl: Planning Regulations or Changes in the 'Rules of the Game'?
by Eran Razin - 341-356 Book Reviews
by Rob Imrie & Dennis R. Judd & Gordon L. Clark & M.G. Lloyd & Richard H. Williams & Douglas Webster & David Macleod & Mark Hepworth & Linda M. McDowell - 357-358 Book Notes
by N/A - 359-360 Books Received
by N/A
January 1998, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 7-23 Job Proximity and the Urban Employment Problem: Do Suitable Nearby Jobs Improve Neighbourhood Employment Rates?
by Daniel Immergluck - 25-44 The Effects of Land Policy: Quantity as well as Quality is Important
by Barrie Needham & Roelof Verhage - 45-51 Preference for Product Variety and City Size
by Hikaru Ogawa - 53-75 Public Choice, Pigouvian and Coasian Planning Theory
by Christopher J. Webster - 77-93 Job Access, Commute and Travel Burden among Welfare Recipients
by Paul Ong & Evelyn Blumenberg - 95-112 Measuring Optimal Population Distribution by Agglomeration Economies and Diseconomies: A Case Study of Tokyo
by Xiao-Ping Zheng - 113-129 The Scope for Poverty Alleviation among Elderly Home-owners in the United States through Reverse Mortgages
by Nandinee K. Kutty - 131-148 Local Economic Development Strategies in an Emerging Democracy: The Case of Durban in South Africa
by Brij Maharaj & Kem Ramballi - 149-163 Book Reviews
by Robin G. Milne & Jan Van Weesep & Peter W. Newton & Michael Harloe & Ivan J. Townshead & Molly Warrington & Brian Edwards & A. Findlay & Vaughan Robinson - 164-165 Book Notes
by N/A - 166-168 Books Received
by N/A
December 1997, Volume 34, Issue 12
- 1935-1954 Infrastructure Provision, the Negotiating Process and the Planner's Role
by Frank Ennis - 1955-1970 Negotiating for Public Benefits: The Bargaining Calculus of Public-Private Development
by Lynne B. Sagalyn - 1971-1986 Public-Private Joint Ventures for High Volume Retailers: Who Benefits?
by Allan Kotin & Richard Peiser - 1987-2002 Negotiating Development Charges in Ontario: Average Cost versus Marginal Cost Pricing of Services
by Ray Tomalty & Andrejs Skaburskis - 2003-2022 Negotiating Planning Gains through the British Development Control System
by Jim Claydon & Bryan Smith - 2023-2036 Infrastructure Provision, Development Processes and the Co-production of Environmental Value
by Simon Marvin & Simon Guy - 2037-2052 Local Planning and National Environmental Assessment Procedures: The Developer's Mitigated Role in Disjointed Negotiation Processes
by Paulo Pinho - 2053-2068 Negotiating about the Residential Environment: It is Not Only Money that Matters
by Roelof Verhage & Barrie Needham
November 1997, Volume 34, Issue 11
- 1759-1769 Do Municipal Residency Laws Affect Labour Market Outcomes?
by Kevin M. O'Brien - 1771-1787 Moving and Improving: Strategies for Attaining Housing Equilibrium
by Amanda Littlewood & Moira Munro - 1789-1818 Monitoring Russia's Experience with Housing Allowances
by Raymond J. Struyk & Alexander S. Puzanov & Lisa A. Lee - 1819-1829 Government Policies and Private Housing Prices in Singapore
by Sock-Yong Phang & Wing-Keung Wong - 1831-1850 A Stealth Urban Policy in the US? Federal Spending in Five Large Metropolitan Regions, 1984-93
by R. Andrew Parker - 1851-1879 Changing Spatial Distribution and Determinants of Land Development in Chinese Cities in the Transition from a Centrally Planned Economy to a Socialist Market Economy: A Case Study of Guangzhou
by Fulong Wu & Anthony Gar-On Yeh - 1881-1902 Sydney, Australia: A Global City? Testing the Social Polarisation Thesis
by Scott Baum - 1903-1910 Structure and Mayoral Roles: A Research Note
by Edward Thompson III & David M. Brodsky - 1911-1924 Book Review: Town Planning in Britain since 1900 (Institute of Contemporary British History: Making Contemporary Britain Series) GORDON E. CHERRY, 1996 Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd 260 pp., £40.00 hardback; £12.99 paperback ISBN 0-631-19994-2 paperback; 0-631-19993-4 hardback
by Alison Ravetz & Leigh Sparks & Gary Bridge & David Clark Batten & Robert A. Beauregard & P.W. Daniels & Geoff Rose & Allen C. Goodman & Kenneth G. Willis - 1925-1926 Book Notes
by N/A - 1927-1928 Books Received
by N/A
October 1997, Volume 34, Issue 10
- 1541-1546 Habitat II: Editor's Introduction
by Cedric Pugh - 1547-1595 Poverty and Progress? Reflections on Housing and Urban Policies in Developing Countries, 1976-96
by Cedric Pugh - 1597-1620 Housing Finance and Urban Infrastructure Finance
by Kyung-Hwan Kim - 1621-1633 Land Tenure Issues in Economic Development
by Peter Dale - 1635-1665 Urban and Housing Indicators
by Joe Flood - 1667-1691 Sustainable Cities or Cities that Contribute to Sustainable Development?
by David Satterthwaite - 1693-1703 Cities in a Global Economy: Structural Change and Policy Reactions
by Nigel Harris - 1705-1727 The Making of the Urban Management Programme: Memoirs of a Mendicant Bureaucrat
by Patrick McAuslan - 1729-1738 Avoiding Conflict and Bold Inquiry-A Recapitulation of Habitat II
by W. Paul Strassmann - 1739-1746 Book Reviews
by Nigel Harris & William F. Lever & Gavin Shatkin - 1749-1750 Book Notes
by N/A - 1751-1752 Books Received
by N/A
August 1997, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 1343-1380 Operational Strategy, R&D and Intra-metropolitan Clustering in a Polycentric Structure: The Advanced Electronics Industries of the Los Angeles Basin
by Luis Suarez-Villa & Wallace Walrod - 1381-1400 House and Land Prices in Sydney from 1931 to 1989
by Peter Abelson - 1401-1418 Law, Legal Struggles and Urban Regeneration: Rethinking the Relationships
by Rob Imrie & Huw Thomas - 1419-1437 Speculation in the Housing Market?
by Eric J. Levin & Robert E. Wright - 1439-1458 Obsolescence and the Process of Creative Reconstruction
by John R. Bryson - 1459-1473 Joint Choice of Tenure and Dwelling Type: A Multinomial Logit Analysis for the City of Chongju
by Cheol-Joo Cho - 1475-1494 The Spatial Dimensions of the Investment Performance of UK Commercial Property
by Martin Hoesli & Colin Lizieri & Bryan MacGregor - 1495-1512 The Contribution of Environmental Amenities to Low-income Housing: A Comparative Study of Bangkok and Jakarta
by Randall Crane & Amrita Daniere & Stacy Harwood - 1513-1530 Book Reviews
by George Galster & Mark Tewdwr-Jones & Colin Porteous & Kenneth Button & Valerie Preston & Peter Roberts & A.H. Dawson & Peter J. Taylor & Sally Macintyre & James Curran & Stephen Graham - 1531-1532 Book Notes
by N/A - 1533-1533 Books Received
by N/A
July 1997, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 1159-1177 The Household, Women's Employment and Social Exclusion
by Yvonne Smith - 1179-1199 Local Exchange Trading Systems as a Response to the Globalisation of Capitalism
by Michael Pacione - 1201-1213 Male Sub-metropolitan Black-White Wage Gaps: New Evidence for the 1980s
by William M. Rodgers III - 1215-1235 The Jobs-Housing Balance and Urban Commuting
by Zhong-Ren Peng - 1237-1257 The Effect of Environmental Assessment on UK Local Planning Authority Decisions
by Christopher Wood & Carys E. Jones - 1259-1274 Scrutiny and Direction: Implications of Government Intervention in the Development Plan Process in England
by Suet Ying Ho - 1275-1295 The Effect of Social Cohesion on Levels of Recorded Crime in Disadvantaged Areas
by A. Hirschfield & K.J. Bowers - 1297-1307 Structural Adjustment Programmes and the City in Tropical Africa
by Barry Riddell - 1309-1325 Book Reviews
by Roger W. Caves & Hugo Priemus & Derek Kerr & Wray Vamplew & Paul Kantor & Neil Mckeganey & Mike Danson & Sue Brownill & Cathy A. Rakowski & Hugh Clout - 1327-1328 Book Notes
by N/A - 1329-1330 Books Received
by N/A
June 1997, Volume 34, Issue 7
- 967-988 Fragmentation and Centralisation in the Governance of London: Influencing the Urban Policy and Planning Agenda
by Peter Newman & Andy Thornley - 989-998 The Choice of Functional Form and Variables in the Hedonic Price Model in Seoul
by Serim Huh & Seung-Jun Kwak - 999-1026 Population Migration, Regional Economic Growth and Income Determination: A Comparative Study of Dongguan and Meizhou, China
by Si-Ming Li - 1027-1046 Land Conversion and Urban Development in the Northern Region of West Java, Indonesia
by Tommy Firman - 1047-1070 Employment and Poverty during Economic Restructuring: The Case of Bogotá, Colombia
by Alan Gilbert - 1071-1084 An Ordo-liberal Perspective on Land Problems in Korea
by Jin S. Lee - 1085-1107 From 'Soviet' to 'European' Yaroslavl: Changing Neighbourhood Structure in Post-Soviet Russian Cities
by Susan Goodrich Lehmann & Blair A. Ruble - 1109-1127 Selecting Suburbia: Residential Relocation to Outer Sydney
by I.H. Burnley & P.A. Murphy & A. Jenner - 1129-1144 Book Reviews
by Terry G. Mcgee & Gerald Sussman & Anthony Lemon & John Punter & Phil Sarre & Keith Kintrea & Colin Jones & Vincent Goodstadt & Douglas Mccallum & Richard Gibb - 1145-1146 Book Notes
by N/A - 1147-1149 Books Received
by N/A
May 1997, Volume 34, Issue 5-6
- 5-5 Editors' Introduction
by Ronan Paddison & Bill Lever - 745-760 Building Social Capital: A Learning Agenda for the Twenty-first Century
by Patricia A. Wilson - 761-774 The Social Construction of Housing Management Research
by David Clapham - 775-795 American Planning in the 1990s: Part II, The Dilemma of the Cities
by Michael B. Teitz - 797-823 Third World Cities: Sustainable Urban Development III-Basic Needs and Human Rights
by David Drakakis-Smith - 825-843 Urban Policy: The Victory of Form over Substance?
by John Edwards - 845-871 Environmental Policy: Ecological Modernisation or the Risk Society?
by Andrew Blowers - 873-890 Regeneration Policies for Peripheral Housing Estates: Inward- and Outward-looking Approaches
by Peter Hall - 891-906 South African Cities: Perspectives from the Ivory Tower of Urban Studies
by Susan Parnell - 907-925 Towards the Participation of Children and Young People in Urban Planning and Design
by Brian Simpson - 927-944 Meta-analysis of Environmental Issues in Regional, Urban and Transport Economics
by Jeroen C. J. M. van den Bergh & Kenneth J. Button - 945-960 British Land-use Planning: A Failure to Cope with Change?
by J.B. Cullingworth